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RCHC BOD Minutes for April 29, 2012

Attendees: Morgan Crawford, J. Aaron Scott, Ted John, Carolyn Taylor, Alex Skalla, Kevin Owens, Dan Rathjen, Robin Berman, Avi Michael, Aaron Mueller, Sarah Marcum, Jennifer Emily Scott, Susan Hainlin, Angela Gadzik, and Martin Pomije 1) Our President Susan had no report. 2) Our Vice President Angela did not have a report. 3) Our Treasurer Kevin reminded everyone that rent is due 5 May and that Ted will be our Treasurer on 1 May. Sabrina Susen may be up to date on her rent. He needs to talk to her about it. If she is she can sign a lease. He will send out an updated rent report and leases that he has signed. 4) Education and Cultures trashy/classy dinner was a success. The next meeting will be tomorrow at Summit. Please talk to them before the end of May and set up a time for your skillshare if you attended NASCO. Dan and Robin did their skillshare at Summit and will be presenting it at Bloom and Anomy soon. 5) Finance and Development . 6) Nobody is head of Maintenance and nobody has been attending Maintenance meetings. Dan has been coordinating Maintenance projects. He has been contacting contractors to fix the floor at Bloom. He received a bid back from Home Repair Team for $3,392. For another project Matt Klein has bid $5,320 to fix the Bloom gutters. Matt will need to rent a cherry picker to do this work and they can only be rented for a week at a time. This means that there is potentially a lot of work that could be done around the houses with it. Dan will send him a list of potential additional work to be done and ask Matt to return another bid. Sabrielles door at Anomy has been replaced with a historic door that is up to code. Dan will get bids for having the historic molding that is around the other doors at Anomy reproduced around her door. 7) Mediation has been busy. Shay will host a workshop on transformative justice. 8) When the process works, the bulk food order should be placed on the first Tuesday after the fifth of each month. Pick up of that order should occur on the first Thursday after the fifth of each month. The Gardening and Food committee will meet on that day at 8:00 PM. 9) Isis Damsky had a substantial amount of money taken from her room at Anomy today. 10) Kevin is leaving at the end of May. Ted shadowed him as he was doing his job as Treasurer. Ted will be the new Treasurer effective 1 May. 11) Dan asked to be named Resource Coordinator effective 1 May with a $1,000 salary and his room rent comped. Kevin said that the accountant thinks that it would look much better for Dan to continue to officially pay rent. Therefore, the BOD accepted Dan as Resource Coordinator with a pay rate of $1,319 per month. 12) There was a discussion about the Anomy mediation issue. Due to our grievance policy, there will be no record of this discussion in the minutes. The BOD terminated Sabrielle Stuttss lease immediately. She must be out of her room by the end of this month. Her contract is invalidated. The BOD decided to refund her April rent. This was approved by a consensus vote of the BOD. 13) The April 15 BOD minutes were approved.

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