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Mrs Dalloway Notes Part 1 This book is different from the previous 2 is that its stream of conciousness.

Stram of Consiousness - geting what the charaters think as they think it. an attempt to capture the consiousness of a character. It gives a greater sense of immediacy. Distinct lack of periods. for the most part there is a clear distinction between a narrator and a character in the previous 2. This book is technically a 3rd person narrator but at the same time its a interior description insted of exteriors. It give complicated momement of thought. Wolfe is taking the realism one step further. what are people thinking? take one important day out of a life and make that the whole novel.

in the rst double space of the novel when you are absorbed in your own toughts and suddenly the outside inserts itself it can terrify you. Mrs Killman is german. She had a teaching job but was red durring the war due to her nationality. Clarrissa seems very judgemental but a big diffence is that shes uneducated and doesnt try to x it. there is a sense of rivaly with her own daughter. the jealousy that exists between the characters... mrs killman is teaching elizabeth and turning to her hateing herself. the fear of the man in the forest hurts her physically. the soul is imaged as a forest. the brute is never identied. allpleasure bends... the image developed is that the hate she feels is like a monster digging at the roots of the plant of contentment. her content is beauty, friendhip, love, being well and making a nice home. hatered is dangerous and its reconising a emotion that isnt consistant with the things she denes a positive life with. she takes pleasure in owers and seing mrs pim after another double space they watch a skywriter. the rst recorded incidence of skywriting was in london 1923. she is in her home she 1923 2was the start of the modern period. 1914-194

modernism. the beginging of ww1 through the end of ww2 there was a focus on innovation and the process of creating art. in mrs dalloway her reections and thoughts have a gap between them and her actions. even as she loves the world and goes through her day she seems at time isolated isolation and fragmentatin are major themes of the modernist movement. it results in the questioning of traditional additudes. 0000000000000000000 part 2 This is a Urban Setting. None of the other novels were. there is a sesne of seriousness here and some sense of fear and warning. passages are connected by her aprecition of mornings but also the forboding she feels. anxiety seems to be a part of her makeup.]]\\\ there is a sense that society itsel is not as unied and coherent as it once was andneither are peoples conciousness. in the 19th centurey between this and wuthering hieghts were the ongoing progress of geology, there was investigation into the human conciousness adn showed how powerful the subconcious is. there are themes of segregation and the need to peice things back together to a sembelance of unity. modernis art expresses captures this sense of fragmantation through innovation and experimentation. Piccasso distorts our normal perspective. thee fragmantiation of society leads to isolation Virgina wolf was widely read and wrote both ction and ssays by the point she wrote this she was already well reconized. she was self made and self educated. this is a year and a half into ww2 and it wasnt going ery well. it was a dreary time for england. that may have contributed to her suicide. love death time marraige homosexuality ptsd are all themes in the novel. ptsd comes into the novel with we are all beasts of labor.

there is a strong awareness of a sense of england as a empire, which it still was in the 1920s from the rst of the novel lucricia and septum are going along paralell tracks. in the same direction but never meeting except towards the end of the book. in septimus is where we see the primary reection of ptsd, he is also consistant with the other novel themes. on 36 is important passage just after peter shows up to the house. (laying her broach) major themes in the book is how belief affects perception Lonleyness is a theme. we are all alone in owr heads. Time as a metapore for isolation. the affects of time on life in general " time affect life by forcing you to move onward. age clarissa reects on her own " youth and the elderly woman represents age. by being old she reminds us of the " process of aging Communication and privacy. religion and love are two weak to make you understand people, motives, desires, and connection, stopping lonlyness. Romantic poets nd that what they put on the page is a dim recolecction of the idea. Frankenstien is like that. the pain of artistry. the ideal can never be achived. the way its written is ironc because its written like your in all the rooms an in everybodies head but clarissa thinks thats impossible. 0----------------\\ 1517 martin luthour 1534-henry the 8th we are a culture bred to expect sequals. its important to reconize that things change. after 1750 the most dominent form of lit is the novel and those are long. people paid by the word. that encouraged them to write long books and theyd be serialized on occasion. another thing that you get in the difference between dickens and wolf is that d was large market publications and wolfe was aware that her book wouldnt nd a wide audiece and there i an additude of art being avante gaurd. it gave a lofty idealism. the choice to endit without her going to sleep is contrived and artistic but still seemed real. the end was maybe ment to shock the reader because the book is suposed to be confrontational. it says you dont have to end a novel in marraige or death.

when she isnt in the room it emphisises that knowone can know everything of a person. the positive connections do lend a sense of closure. the party description is kind of like the historical digression in beowolf. the party scene is essential because it captures the ebb and ow of life.___ _______________________________________ 179-181 clarissa contimplating suicide. its signiant because it highlights how much she thinks about and romantasises death. when she hears about things like this she feels it in her body as if she experiances it herself. She ends up making this connection and it isnt nessesarily a good thing.

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