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Lesson Title: Planting the Garden

Lesson Details Year Level:3 Date: May Key learning Area (KLA): Duration: 50 mins

Syllabus Outcome/Essential Learning (What is the broad educational goal of the lesson in terms of the syllabus or curriculum?) They listen attentively to spoken texts, including factual texts, and identify the topic, retell information accurately, ask clarifying questions, volunteer information and justify opinions. Students cooperate with others in teams for agreed purposes, taking roles and following guidelines established within the task. They describe and evaluate their own contribution and the teams progress towards the achievement of agreed goals Lesson Objective (What specific part of this broad goal does is this lesson intended to develop?
A good objective must indicate Given what, Do what, How well?)

Students will learn to plant vegetable seedlings and plant out their garden patch using their plans from the previous lesson. They will be expected to complete their garden planting. Know and Do (From my lesson objective, what knowledge (content and understandings) and skills (processes) do I want students to develop within each phase of the lesson?
lesson phase after each KNOW or DO statement) Indicate

I want the learners to KNOW How to plant a seedling,, seed and take care of it post planting. How to plant carrot seeds in a row.

I want the learners to DO

Plant seedlings in according to their plan and plant a number of seeds.

Assessment (How will I know that students have achieved the above objectives?) Formative (How will I check student performance during
the lesson to ensure understanding and to improve student performance?)

Summative (How will I gather data about student performance so that I can report on student progress for this outcome?)
This may occur only at the Synthesising stage

Orientating:-Ss can feedback correct instructions upon eliciting and demonstrate the correct

Synthesising: Students were able to work as a group to plant their garden according to their plan.

technique. Enhancing:-Ss are working collaboratively, using the correct techniques and have planted their vegetables.

Prior Knowledge and Prerequisite skills (What do my students already need to know, understand and be able to do before I can do this lesson with them?) Basic knowledge of vegetables and simple spacing measurements associated with them.

Resources Required (What resources do the students and I need to undertake this lesson successfully? Garden plan, vegetable labels, garden name labels. Garden tools-hand trowels, gloves, watering cans Seedlings-to be decided depend on availability. Seeds-peas and radish

Attach worksheets and/or white board plans if used)

Lesson Phases Orientating Phase / Introduction (How will I engage and motivate the learners, check prior knowledge and
introduce the topic?)

Timing 10 min

Teaching / Learning Strategies

(What are the students and I doing and how are we doing it? What effective teaching and learning strategies will I employ?)

Essential Questions (What

important questions do I need to ask to elicit higher order thinking and check understanding?)

Classroom Management (How will students, resources and learning activities be organised? e.g.
movement in classroom, distribution of resources, formation of groups, etc

Students introduced to the tools, plants and seeds. Elicit possible methods they might use.

How do we plant these in the garden?

Students will be in the garden prepared to plant with gloves on and garden designs pegged up close to their garden. Students will gather around to watch demonstration.

Go through expectation for B y safety rules. Explain with demonstration the removal, separation and planting of a seedling. Ask a couple of students to demonstrate and ask others to observe and correct if necessary. Demonstrate planting of a seed. Ask for example and correction. Emphasise the need to work as a group and model the skills of how they could multitask to get the job done quicker.

How should I take the seedling out? How deep should I plant it?

Student discuss task allocation in their group and are then able to begin planting.

How deep should I plant it?

What happens if everyone tries to do the same thing as other people? How can we work together as a team? What activities need to be done? How are you going to divide the activities in your group?

Individual Learning Needs / Special Needs (How am I catering for the needs of individuals withgin my class?)

Enhancing Phase / Lesson Body (How will I scaffold student learning of the new material and provide them with
opportunities to practice using the new knowledge and skills, checking understanding as I go?)


Teaching / Learning Strategies (What are the

students and I doing and how are we doing it? What effective teaching and learning strategies will I employ?)

Essential Questions (What important

questions do I need to ask to elicit higher order thinking and check understanding?)

Classroom Management (How will students, resources and learning

activities be organised? e.g. movement in classroom, distribution of resources, formation of groups, etc)

Students are planting out plants and seeds as a group. Circulate to assist and redirect where necessary. Encourage and facilitate group cooperation.

What do you need to do first? How do you treat the plant? How deep should the plant/seed go? What do you do after the seed/plant is in the ground?

Students work in groups in their 1m2 ensuring that all students are able to participate in the planting.

Individual Learning Needs / Special Needs (How am I catering for the needs of individuals within my class?) Students with weaker mathematical understanding will be paired with stronger students to aid them. Students will be encouraged to answer questions within the group before seeking assistance.

Synthesising Phase / Conclusion (What opportunities will I provide for students to utilise their newfound
knowledge and skills in true-to-life, meaningful and novel ways? How will I summarise what has been learnt and link it to coming lessons as well as reflect with the class about common learning issues and class successes? How will I transition to the next lesson?)

Timing 10 mins

Teaching / Learning Strategies (What are the

students and I doing and how are we doing it? What effective teaching and learning strategies will I employ?)

Essential Questions (What important

questions do I need to ask to elicit higher order thinking and check understanding?)

Classroom Management (How will students, resources and learning

activities be organised? e.g. movement in classroom, distribution of resources, formation of groups, etc)

Revision of how they worked as a group and any reflections they might have. Revision of how they plant a seedling and a seed.

How did you make decisions in your group? What were some good things about working in the group? What were some bad things? What would you change next time you work in a group?

Students pack up equipment and go inside to complete discussion and revision of lesson activity.

Individual Learning Needs / Special Needs (How am I catering for the needs of individuals within my class?)

Lesson Reflection Describing What did I do in this lesson? Reconstructing How might I do things differently next time?

Informing Why did I teach it this way?

Confronting What does this say about my values & beliefs?

Garden Class management y sequence Explain what is going to happen in garden including sequence of events, structure of activities, how groups will workct Elicit from Ss Today special activity(raah). First ly who remembers something you focus on ht repart Some rules Walk in the garden Respect each other and the plants, Use tools safely -demonstrate how to use tools Groups established and how they will stand. Explain and discuss expectations including safety elicit from them Art smocks or other protective clothing Walk out with passage voices. Line up around garden bed plants, tools already distributed to each 1m2. How to structure activities-have all groups doing one thing at a time all at same time. Give those not participating other jobs like digging over other gdn beds, taking photos, watering, how strictly to control it have one group working at one time after a demonstration or all groups doing the same task at the same time or two groups working at a time and others doing other activity. Other activities could do while waiting for turn(would prefer working). Reading, drawing, different garden activities or measuring w/ the right tool like digging other beds, bringing water, .

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