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Letter Writing

Letter is a collection of related sentences that clarifies the writers purpose. Letters are different from each other because the purposes of the letters are different. What makes these letters different are mentioned below. o The person you are writing to o What you are writing about o Why you are writing --------------- the recipient --------------- the subject --------------the purpose

How to write an Effective Letter: Write short, clear sentences Use an active and positive tone Vary the start and the wording of your sentences Conclude with a suggestion for further contact Focus on the company instead of on yourself Include a short anecdote, if appropriate, to set you apart Spell check and double check your grammar Points to keep in Mind Avoid telling your life story Avoid writing long paragraphs Dont write about what you hope to learn in the position Dont tell them what they already know Realize they already think their company is interesting

There are two types of letters. Letter

Social Letters

Business Letters

Social Letters/Personal Letters: These are the kind of letters, which are used, in different social situations. Personal letters are concerned with family matter, friendship, social engagement and other arrangement of a purely personal sort. Following are the types of social letters. o Letter of congratulation o Letter of condolence o Letter of apology o Letter to sick friend/ relatives/ o Letter of social invitation o Thank-you-note o Etc Rules of Writing Social Letters:
The writers address: It should be written on the right-hand corner of the sheet. Salutation or Greeting Body of the letter Closing of the letter The writers signature.

Form & Arrangement 1. The heading Address of the writer (name or number of house, the road or street and the village, town or country) The date (when it is written) The date may be written in any of the following ways; 1. 08 Nov 2010 3. Nov 08, 2010 5. 08.11.2010 2. 08th Nov 2010 4. 08-11-2010 6. 08/11/2010

2. The salutation (Greeting) Beginning the letter with dear.

3. The body of the letter (communication): It should be divided into three parts.

A. Introduction: Here we refer to the letter being answered or gives the reason for the letter we are writing. Here we have some examples; I have just received your letter Thank you for answering my letter so promptly It was nice to hear from you after such a long time You will be glad/sorry to learn B. Message: The main part of the letter where we answer or supply information C. Conclusion. The personal letter usually ends with a wish; Please give my best wishes/love or regards I hope to see you soon or hear from you soon Everyone here joins me in sending you love/wishes.

4. The complimentary close: Here we end the letter politely; sincerely yours etc 5. The signature.

Underneath the subscription you put Your signature and your name.

6. Post Script (p.s) When we forget something important To write in the message, then it can be Written at the end.

Samples: Joe Haft 2nd Street Jalalabad 20/12/2010 Dear Ahmad, What a pleasant surprise to know that the coming Monday happens to be your birthday. It will be a great pleasure for me to attend your birthday party. Please accept my best wishes on this happy occasion. I wish this birthday to be followed by many more such happy occasion in your life. It is really kind of you to have invited me on your birth day party. But I am sorry I wont be able to join it, as I will be out of the town on that day. Very shortly you will receive a small gift as a token of my love and affections.

Once again accept my congratulations on this happy day. Wishing you all the best in life. With love, Samir Laghmani

Friendly Letter Sample 311 East Duke Street Stanley, N.C. 28164 August 15, 2004

Dear Faheem, How has your summer been? Not too hot I hope. Did you get to visit your grandparents? Did you go on your trip to Toronto as you had hoped? They say Toronto is a beautiful city. This is my second season at Camp Bellaire. I just passed my swimming test. Now I can swim out to the raft and also use the boats. To pass I had to jump into the water with my clothes on (as if I had just fallen out of a boat). Then I had to take them off down to my trunks, even my shoes and socks, and finally swim back to shore. It was tough, but I did it! Im looking forward to seeing you soon. There is lots of news to catch up on! Your friend,


Friendly Letter 508 Bluebird Street Clarksville, Ohio January 5, 2004 Dear Sanaullah, I hope you will be able to come and visit next month. We are planning a special visit to the museum. My mom will call your mom later this week to make all arrangements. Be sure to bring your swimsuit when you come! Were planning an afternoon trip to the lake. Your friend, Ali Jan

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