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Sample Question Paper

1. At the concl usi on of the Earth Summi t of 1992, the fol l owi ng were
accompl i shed:
a. Agenda 21 was si gned
b. An i nternati onal agreement to reduce CO
outputs was si gned
c. The Earth Charter was devel oped
d. Al l of the above

2. In 1992, at the Earth Summi t i n Ri o de Janei ro, whi ch two countri es announced
that they woul d resume whal e hunti ng?
a. Indi a and Bangl adesh
b. Icel and and Norway
c. USA and Canada
d. Egypt and Israel

3. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was opened for signature at
the Rio Earth Summit. Name the
landmark protocol that was adopted 5 years later, which required industrialized nations to
collectively reduce their greenhouse gas emissions 5% below their 1990 levels.
a. Kyoto Protocol
b. Vi enna Conventi on
c. Basel Conventi on
d. Agenda 21

4. In recent years, the envi ronment has become a maj or i ssue al l over t he worl d
and vari ous steps have been taken for i ts protecti on. The Uni ted Nati ons hel d
i ts fi rst i nternat i onal conference on Human Envi ronment on 5 June 1972 in this city.
Since then, the World Environment Day is also celebrated on this day. Name the city.
a. Berl i n
b. Stockhol m
c. Washi ngton
d. Vi enna

5. Its pri mary obj ect i ve i s the conservati on and management of di versi t y among
pl ants, ani mal s, bi rds, etc. It al so provi des opportuni ti es for the protecti on of
i ndi genous knowl edge practi ces and i nnovati ons rel ated to the natural
envi ronment. Thi s i s known as the
a. Conventi on on Bi ol ogi cal Di versi ty
b. Montreal Protocol
c. Framework Conventi on on Cl i mate Change
d. Kyoto Protocol

6. What i s Agenda 21?
a. A l i st of 21 act i ons that peopl e can take to save the pl anet
b. A chal l enge to the government and l ocal communi ti es to prepare for the 21st
c. The 21st of 27 agendas produced at the Ri o Earth Summi t i n 1992
d. None of the above

7. Agenda 21, a Uni ted Nati ons document, does not use whi ch of the fol l owi ng as
one of i ts i mportant themes:
a. The cl ean worl dmanagi ng chemi cal s and waste
b. The shared worl dmanagi ng gl obal and regi onal resources
c. The equal i zed worl dusi ng force to take resources f rom ri ch countri es
d. The j ust worl dpromoti ng sustai nabl e l i vi ng everywhere

8. Accordi ng to the Agenda, thi s group has the foremost responsi bi l i t y for bri ngi ng
about changes i n the envi ronment.
a. Communi ti es
b. Nati onal governments
c. Local governments
d. Indi vi dual s

9. The probl ems of pol l uti on are growi ng. Maxi mum pol l uti on can be seen and fel t
i n the
a. Countrysi de
b. Mountai ns
c. Grassl ands
d. Ci ti es

10. Whi ch group of countri es has made the l argest contri but i on to envi ronmental
degradati on and pol l uti on i n the l ast
a. Devel opi ng countri es
b. Devel oped countri es
c. Thi rd Worl d countri es
d. a and c

11. Nature endows all creatures with certain abilities to help them adapt to their surroundings.
Sea mammals possess an insulating layer of fat that protects them from the cold. Name this
a. Thermofat
b. Blubber
c. Thermocol
d. Sea foam

12. This 140-MW ISCC (Integrated Solar Combined Cycle) power plant with a solar thermal
power generation technology will be Indias first and among the worlds largest. The solar
thermal component is based on the parabolic trough collector technology. The combined
cycle power plant of 105 MW capacity with supplementary firing during non-sunny hours will
be run on naphtha / natural gas. In which state is it being set up?
a. Gujarat
b. Rajasthan
c. Bengal
d. Madhya Pradesh

13. Some organisms in the ocean use this greenhouse gas for photosynthesis and shell-
formation, thereby preventing it from contributing to global warming. Name the gas.
a. Nitrous oxide
b. Sulphur dioxide
c. Carbon dioxide
d. Oxygen

14. Volcanoes emit large volumes of pollutants into the air. The largest volcano on Earth rises to
a height of 56 000 feet from its base in the sea. Among Earths most active volcanoes, its the
most recent eruption was in 1984. Name this volcano.
a. Krakatoa
b. Vesuvius
c. Azores
d. Mauna Loa

15. In the animal kingdom, a variety of relationships exist among creatures. What type of
relationship is seen between the lion and the zebra?
a. Host/parasite
b. Mutualism
c. Predator/prey
d. Parasitism

16. Indian coal generally has a high ash content and low calorific value. Therefore, most coking
coal must be imported. Major Indian coalfields are found in Bihar, West Bengal, and Madhya
Pradesh. Along with China and the United States, India ranks as the ______ largest coal
producer in the world.
a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. Fourth

17. This method of farming reduces soil erosion in hilly regions. It also creates hundreds of small
dams, slows down water flow, and increases infiltration, which reduces erosion and promotes
better water quality. What is this beneficial method known as?
a. Contour farming
b. Multiple cropping
c. Crop rotation
d. Jhum cultivation

18. The Peoples Republic of China is the worlds most populous country and the second largest
energy consumer (after the United States). It is also the worlds largest producer and
consumer of one of the following fuels. Name the fuel.
a. Petroleum
b. Natural gas
c. Biomass
d. Coal

19. India was the first country to insert an amendment into its Constitution, allowing the State to
protect and improve the environment for safeguarding public health, forests, and wildlife. In
which year, was this 42nd amendment adopted?
a. 1975
b. 1976
c. 1977
d. 1978

20. Water engineers often say, The solution to pollution is dilution. This is true to some extent in
the case of River Yamuna. By the time it flows through Delhi, it is considered highly polluted
but on the way to Allahabad, it is joined by another tributary and gets diluted, thereby bringing
down the pollution level. Name this tributary.
a. Chambal
b. Beas
c. Sutlej
d. Kopili
21. \hen wood is burnt, it releases many pollutants. 1he isible smoke` that is emitted
rom burning wood is called ______.
a. Lead
b. Ash
c. Sulphur dioxide
d. Particulate matter

22. Under this method, crops are changed year by year in a planned sequence. It is
common practice on sloping soils because o its potential or soil saing. It also reduces
ertilizer needs, because alala and other legumes replace some o the nitrogen used up
by grain crops. \hat is this method known as
a. Crop reolution
b. Crop rotation
c. 1erracing
d. Multiple cropping

23. In March 1989, the oil tanker ov 1atae was wrecked, spilling millions o gallons o
oil into the ocean. 1his spill aected tens o thousands o seabirds, ish, sea otters, and
other creatures that lied
on the shores. \here did this tragedy occur
a. Caliornia
b. Alaska
c. Long Island
d. Maryland

24. \etlands play an important role in iltering and trapping sediment rom run-o beore
it enters a stream or lake. \etlands not only puriy water in this manner but also
proide a home to many creatures and migratory birds. \hich international agreement
was signed to protect these wetlands
a. Vienna Conention
b. Ramsar Conention
c. Rio Declaration
d. Montreal Protocol

25. 1he United Nations Conerence on the luman Lnironment was held in Stockholm,
Sweden, rom 5-16 June 192. lor the irst time, the political, social, and economic
problems o the global enironment were discussed at an intergoernmental orum
with a iew to actually take correctie action. Name the only deeloping country, whose
head o goernment attended this conerence.
a. Japan
b. Indonesia
c. India
d. China

26. 1his study o a part o a tree is known as dendrochronology and is extensiely used
these days. 1hrough this study, scientists can discoer many things about the local
climate o the place during the lietime o the tree. Name the part o the tree that is
a. Mid-rib o the lea
b. Rings on the trunk
c. Stamen in the lower
d. Roots

2. 1here are three countries that orm the Golden 1riangle, notorious or exporting large
quantities o opium to the western world-Myanmar, Laos, and ______.
a. Cambodia
b. Indonesia
c. Malaysia
d. 1hailand

28. 1his is that time o the year when neither the North Pole nor the South Pole is inclined
towards the sun and the sun`s rays all perpendicularly on the earth. 1his phenomenon
occurs twice in the year. \hat is this period known as
a. Solstice
b. Lquinox
c. Doldrums
d. 1ropic

29. 1he Mauna Loa record is the longest continuous record o atmospheric carbon dioxide
anywhere in the world. 1his site is considered one o the most accurate or measuring
undisturbed air as local inluence o egetation or human actiity is minimal. \here is
this station located
a. lawaii
b. Caribbean Islands
c. New Zealand
d. Mauritius

30. lor this group o aborigines, inhabiting an island o about 60 square km in the
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, contact with the ciilized world has been negligible.
1hey are probably the world`s only suriing Paleolithic people and ery little is known
about them. Name this tribe.
a. Jarawas
b. Onge
c. Sentinelese
d. Shompens

31. All radio waes are relected rom this layer in the atmosphere. In the last couple o
decades, the height o this layer has dropped by 8 km. An analysis o records o 38
years showed that the echo o a relected radio wae takes less time to return now than
it did in 1958. Some scientists hae attributed this to global warming. Name this layer.
a. Stratosphere
b. 1roposphere
c. Mesosphere
d. Ionosphere

32. 1his insect has been o great use to humankind since thousands o years. 1he irst
mention o the insect and its extract was made in cae paintings some 8000 years ago.
Name this insect, the irst to be domesticated by man.
a. Butterly
b. lly
c. Bee
d. Grasshopper

33. In India, the Lnironment ,Protection, Act authorizes the central goernment to
protect and improe enironmental quality, control and reduce pollution rom all
sources, and prohibit or restrict the setting and operation o any industrial acility. In
which year was this Act introduced
a. 1985
b. 1986
c. 198
d. 1989

34. libres o dierent animals are used or making this. Recently, the Indian goernment
seized about 1000 kg o common mongoose hair, which came rom the killing o
approximately 50 000 mongooses, and would hae ended up as this. \hat product are
we talking about
a. \ig
b. Paper
c. Paint brush
d. Cloth

35. Otoliths ,catish bones, hae been used by scientists to study the phenomenon o Ll
Nino. 1he ratio o oxygen isotopes in each indiidual growth band helps to determine
the temperature o the water during the lietime o the ish. Using these bones,
scientists hae reconstructed the water temperature history or the last 5000 years. 1he
Ll Nino phenomenon originates o the coast o ______.
a. Argentina
b. Brazil
c. Chile
d. Peru

36. Pure water is normally a liquid made o molecules containing one atom o oxygen and
two atoms o hydrogen. It has no colour, taste, or smell. It turns to a solid at 0 C. At
what temperature does it turn into apour
a. 80 C
b. 90 C
c. 100 C
d. 110 C

3. A lagoon is a shallow lake separated rom the sea by sand banks, coral rees, etc. 1his
lagoon, in the Indian subcontinent, is not only the largest brackish water lagoon in the
country but also the largest wintering ground or migratory waterowl in the region.
Name it.
a. Pulicat
b. Rekawa
c. Kuttanad
d. Chilika

38. As much as 38 o the earth`s resh water exists as ice in the orm o glaciers and ice
caps. O the total world`s reshwater supply, oer two-thirds is ound underground.
Saltwater oceans and seas contain approximately 95.1 o the world`s water supply.
\hat percentage is ound in reshwater lakes, riers, and underground aquiers
a. 3.5
b. 5.5
c. 4
d. 4.5

39. \hen a orest has more species than a wheat ield, i t i s said to hae a
higher leel o which o the ollowi ng
a Biodiersity
b Lxtincti on rate
c Ozone layer
d Lcosystem

40. Lead in the atmosphere is a major poll utant, causi ng a large number o
health problems. \hi ch o the ollowing would release the most lead into
the air
a Lead pi pes
b Lead-based paint
c Automobile exhaust
d Batteries

41. 1he growi ng o plants wi thout soil has deeloped rom the indings o
experiments carried out to determine which substances make these plants
grow, and thei r compositi on. A pri mitie orm o such cultiation has been
carried out in Kashmi r or centuries. \hat is such growth o crop plants in
a liquid medium called
a lydrostatic
b lydroscopic
c lydrophobic
d lydroponics

42. \hich animal group has the maximum number o endangered and
threatened species
a Insects
b Mammal s
c Birds
d All are equal

43. 1he deel opment o trade routes rom the Orient contributed to the rapid
spread o thi s di sease. It erupted rom the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, and
spread along the route to Lurope. In the short span between 134 and 1350, one-
third o the populati on o western Lurope succumbed to thi s disease.
\hich killer di sease was this
a Bubonic Plague
b Malaria
c lepatiti s
d Cholera

44. Carbon i s present in arious orms in all the earth`s spheres. Most carbon resides
in one o the ollowing spheres. \hich one
a Atmosphere
b lydrosphere
c Lithosphere
d Biosphere

45. 1hi s layer o the atmosphere contains 5 o the atmosphere` s total mass,
and is the most signi icant ,meteorological l y,, as al most all o the earth` s
weather` occurs i n i t. \hich layer
a 1roposphere
b Stratosphere
c Mesosphere
d Ionosphere

46. Non-renewable sources o energy can either not be replaced or are replaced
ery slowly by natural processes. Oeruse o these resources is currently
leading to their depletion. \hich o the oll owing i s not a non-renewable
energy resource
a Natural gas
b Coal
c Oil
d \ind

4. 1he Grand Canal i s 20 times longer than the Panama Canal, and was buil t
1300 years ago. It connects the \angtze Rier wi th which other Chinese
a Pearl Rier
b Songhua Rier
c lai le Rier
d lwang lo Rier

48. 1he term GM, which stands or genetically modi ied`, i s most commonly
used to reer to crop plants created by humans using adanced molecular
biology techniques. 1hese plants hae been modiied in the laboratory to enhance
desired trai ts, such as increased resi stance to pests or improed nutri tional
content. \hat eect does eating GM oods hae on your genes
a It could cause your own genes to mutate.
b It could cause your own genes to absorb the excess genes.
c It has no eect on your genes.
d 1he eects on human genes are not known.

49. Identiy the i ncorrect match i n the ollowing mountain-conti nent pairs.
a Aconcagua: North America
b Lerest: Asia
c Llbrus: Lurope
d Vinson Massi : Antarctica

50. lollowi ng a nuclear holocaust, what season do scienti sts beliee will engul
the earth and hae een coined a term or it
a Nuclear autumn
b Nuclear spring
c Nuclear wi nter
d Nuclear summer

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