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Simulink Blocks

Simulink/Math Operations/Sum: Add or subtract inputs. Specify one of the following: a) string containing + or - for each input port, | for spacer between ports (e.g. ++|-|++). b) scalar, >= 1, specifies the number of input ports to be summed.

When there is only one input port, add or subtract elements over all dimensions or one specified dimension. Shape: 1. Round (Default) Designate the block shape as rectangular. 2. Rectangular -- Designate the block shape as round.

The Gain block multiplies the input by a constant value (gain). The input and the gain can each be a scalar, vector, or matrix. You specify the value of the gain in the Gain parameter. The Multiplication parameter lets you specify element-wise or matrix multiplication. For matrix multiplication, this parameter also lets you indicate the order of the multiplicands. The gain is converted from doubles to the data specified in the block mask offline using round-to-nearest and saturation. The input and gain are then multiplied, and the results is converted to the output data type using the specified rounding and overflow modes. Settings: Default --- 1 Minimum: Value of minimum parameter. Maximum: Value of maximum parameter. The gain may be a scalar, vector, or matrix.

Simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Constant: Output the constant specified by the 'Constant value' parameter. If 'Constant value' is a vector and 'Interpret vector parameters as 1-D' is on, treat the constant value as a 1-D array. Otherwise, output a matrix with the same dimensions as the constant value. The block generates scalar (one-element array), vector (1-D array), or matrix (2-D array) output, depending on the dimensionality of the Constant value parameter and the setting of the Interpret vector parameters as 1-D parameter. Also, the block can generate either a sample-based or frame-based signal, depending on the setting of the Sampling mode parameter. The output of the block has the same dimensions and elements as the Constant value parameter. If you specify a vector for this parameter, and you want the block to interpret it as a vector (i.e., a 1-D array), select the Interpret vector parameters as 1-D parameter; otherwise, the block treats the Constant value parameter as a matrix (i.e., a 2-D array). Settings: Default: 1 Minimum: value from the Output minimum parameter Maximum: value from the Output maximum parameter

You can enter any expression that MATLAB evaluates as a matrix, including the Boolean keywords true and false.

This parameter is converted from its data type to the specified output data type offline using round toward nearest and saturation.

Simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/In1: Provide an input port for a subsystem or model. For Triggered Subsystems, 'Latch input by delaying outside signal' produces the value of the subsystem input at the previous time step.

Simulink software assigns Inport block port numbers according to these rules:

It automatically numbers the Inport blocks within a top-level system or subsystem sequentially, starting with 1.

If you add an Inport block, it is assigned the next available number. If you delete an Inport block, other port numbers are automatically renumbered to ensure that the Inport blocks are in sequence and that no numbers are omitted.

If you copy an Inport block into a system, its port number is not renumbered unless its current number conflicts with an Inport block already in the system. If the copied Inport block port number is not in sequence, you must renumber the block or you will get an error message when you run the simulation or update the block diagram. You can specify the dimensions of the input to the Inport block using the Port dimensions parameter, or let Simulink software determine it automatically by providing a value of -1. Settings Default: Port number Signal name Display the name of the signal connected to this port (or signals if the input is a bus). Port number Display port number of this port. Port number and signal name Display both the port number and the names of the signals connected to this port.

Simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Out1: Provide an output port for a subsystem or model. The 'Output when disabled' and 'Initial output' parameters only apply to conditionally executed subsystems. When a conditionally executed subsystem is disabled, the output is either held at its last value or set to the 'Initial output'. Simulink software assigns Outport block port numbers according to these rules:

It automatically numbers the Outport blocks within a top-level system or subsystem sequentially, starting with 1.

If you add an Outport block, it is assigned the next available number. If you delete an Outport block, other port numbers are automatically renumbered to ensure that the Outport blocks are in sequence and that no numbers are omitted. Settings Default: Port number Signal name Display the name of the signal connected to this port (or signals if the input is a bus). Port number Display port number of this port. Port number and signal name Display both the port number and the names of the signals connected to this port.

Simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Demux: Split vector signals into scalars or smaller vectors. Check 'Bus Selection Mode' to split bus signals. The Number of outputs parameter allows you to specify the number and, optionally, the dimensionality of each output port. If you do not specify the dimensionality of the outputs, the block determines the dimensionality of the outputs for you.

The Demux block operates in either vector mode or bus selection mode, depending on whether you selected the Bus selection mode parameter. The two modes differ in the types of signals they accept. Vector mode accepts only a vector-like signal, that is, either a scalar (one-element array), vector (1-D array), or a column or row vector (one row or one column 2-D array). Bus selection mode accepts only a bus signal. The Demux block's Number of outputs parameter determines the number and dimensionality of the block's outputs, depending on the mode in which the block operates.

Simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Subsystem: A subsystem block template containing an inport and outport block. You can create a subsystem in these ways:

Copy the Subsystem (or Atomic Subsystem) block from the Ports & Subsystems library into your model. You can then add blocks to the subsystem by opening the Subsystem block and copying blocks into its window.

Select the blocks and lines that are to make up the subsystem using a bounding box, then choose Create Subsystem from the Edit menu. Simulink software replaces the blocks with a Subsystem block. When you open the block, the window displays the blocks you selected, adding Inport and Outport blocks to reflect signals entering and leaving the subsystem. The number of input ports drawn on the Subsystem block's icon corresponds to the number of Inport blocks in the subsystem. Similarly, the number of output ports drawn on the block corresponds to the number of Outport blocks in the subsystem. Settings Default: FromPortIcon none Does not display port labels on the subsystem block. FromPortIcon

If the corresponding port icon displays a signal name, display the signal name on the subsystem block. Otherwise, display the port block's name. FromPortBlockName Display the name of the corresponding port block on the subsystem block. SignalName If a name exists, display the name of the signal connected to the port on the subsystem block; otherwise, the name of the corresponding port block.

Simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Scope: The Scope block can have multiple axes (one per port) and all axes have a common time range with independent y-axes. The Scope block allows you to adjust the amount of time and the range of input values displayed. You can move and resize the Scope window and you can modify the Scope's parameter values during the simulation. When you start a simulation the Scope windows are not opened, but data is written to connected Scopes. As a result, if you open a Scope after a simulation, the Scope's input signal or signals will be displayed.

Simulink/Sources/Step: Output a step. If the simulation time is less than the Step time parameter value, the block's output is the Initial value parameter value. For simulation time greater than or equal to the Step time, the output is the Final value parameter value. The block's numeric parameters must be of the same dimensions after scalar expansion. If the Interpret vector parameters as 1-D option is off, the block outputs a signal of the same

dimensions and dimensionality as the parameters. If the Interpret vector parameters as 1-D option is on and the numeric parameters are row or column vectors (i.e., single row or column 2-D arrays), the block outputs a vector (1-D array) signal; otherwise, the block outputs a signal of the same dimensionality and dimensions as the parameters. Step time: The time, in seconds, when the output jumps from the Initial value parameter to the Final value parameter. The default is 1 second. Initial value: The block output until the simulation time reaches the Step time parameter. The default is 0. Final value: The block output when the simulation time reaches and exceeds the Step time parameter. The default is 1. Sample time: Sample rate of step. See How to Specify the Sample Time in the online documentation for more information. Interpret vector parameters as 1-D: If selected, column or row matrix values for the Step block's numeric parameters result in a vector output signal; otherwise, the block outputs a signal of the same dimensionality as the parameters. If this option is not selected, the block always outputs a signal of the same dimensionality as the block's numeric parameters. See Determining the Output Dimensions of Source Blocks. Enable zero-crossing detection: Select to enable zero-crossing detection to detect step times. For more information, see How Blocks Work with Zero-Crossing Detection.

Simulink/Signal Routing/From: Receive signals from the Goto block with the specified tag. If the tag is defined as 'scoped' in the Goto block, then a Goto Tag Visibility block must be used to define the visibility of the tag. After 'Update Diagram', the block icon displays the

selected tag name (local tags are enclosed in brackets, [], and scoped tag names are enclosed in braces, {}). The data type of the output is the same as that of the input from the Goto block. From and Goto blocks allow you to pass a signal from one block to another without actually connecting them. To associate a Goto block with a From block, enter the Goto block's tag in the Goto Tag parameter. A From block can receive its signal from only one Goto block, although a Goto block can pass its signal to more than one From block.

Simulink/Signal Routing/Goto: Send signals to From blocks that have the specified tag. If tag visibility is 'scoped', then a Goto Tag Visibility block must be used to define the visibility of the tag. The block icon displays the selected tag name (local tags are enclosed in brackets, [], and scoped tag names are enclosed in braces, {}). The input can be a real- or complex-valued signal or vector of any data type. From and Goto blocks allow you to pass a signal from one block to another without actually connecting them. A Goto block can pass its input signal to more than one From block, although a From block can receive a signal from only one Goto block. The input to that Goto block is passed to the From blocks associated with it as though the blocks were physically connected. Goto blocks and From blocks are matched by the use of Goto tags, defined in the Tag parameter.

Simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Mux: Multiplex scalar or vector signals. All inputs must be of the same data type and numeric type. The elements of the vector output signal take their order from the top to bottom, or left to right, input port signals. See How to Rotate a Block for a description of the port order for various block orientations. To avoid adding clutter to a model, Simulink software hides the name of a Demux block when you copy it from the Simulink library to a model. See Mux Signals for information about creating and decomposing vectors. The Mux block allows you to connect signals of differing data and numeric types and matrix signals to its inputs. In this case, the Mux block acts like a Bus Creator block and outputs a bus signal rather than a vector. The MathWorks discourages using mux blocks to create bus signals.

SimPowerSystems/powergui: Set simulation type, simulation parameters, and preferences The Powergui block is necessary for simulation of any Simulink model containing SimPowerSystems blocks. It is used to store the equivalent Simulink circuit that represents the state-space equations of the model. You must follow these rules when using this block in a model:

Place the Powergui block at the top level of diagram for optimal performance. However, you can place it anywhere inside subsystems for your convenience; its functionality will not be affected.

You can have a maximum of one Powergui block per model You must name the block powergui Simulation type:

Select Continuous to perform a continuous solution of the model.

Select Discrete to perform a discretization of the model. The sample time is specified by the Sample time parameter.

Select Phasor to perform phasor simulation of the model, at the frequency specified by the Phasor frequency parameter.

SimPowerSystems/Power Electronics/IGBT/Diode: Implements an ideal IGBT, Gto, or Mosfet and antiparallel diode. The IGBT/Diode block is a simplified mode of an IGBT (or GTO or MOSFET)/Diode pair where the forward voltages of the forced-commutated device and diode are ignored.

Simulink/Math Operations/Trigonometric Function: Trigonometric and hyperbolic functions. When the function has more than one argument, the first argument corresponds to the top (or left) input port. You can select one of these functions from the Function list: sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, atan2, sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh, and sincos. The name of the function appears on the block. Each block output is the result of the function operating on one or more inputs. If you select the atan2 function, the block displays two inputs. The first input is the y-axis or complex part of the function argument. The second input is the x-axis or real part of the function argument. (See How to Rotate a Block in the Simulink User's Guide for a description of the port order for various block orientations.) If you select the sincos function, the block displays two outputs. The first output is the sine of the function argument, and the second output is the cosine of the function argument. If you use a compiler that does not support the asinh, acosh, and atanh functions, the RealTime Workshop software issues a warning for the Trigonometric Function block and the

generated code fails to link. For more information, see Simulink Block Support in the RealTime Workshop Reference documentation.

Signal Processing Blockset/Filtering/Filter Designs/Analog Filter Design: Design one of several standard analog filters, implemented in state-space form. The Analog Filter Design block designs and implements a Butterworth, Chebyshev type I, Chebyshev type II, or elliptic filter in a highpass, lowpass, bandpass, or bandstop configuration. The input must be a sample-based, continuous-time, real-valued, scalar signal. The design and band configuration of the filter are selected from the Design method and Filter type pop-up menus in the dialog box. For each combination of design method and band configuration, an appropriate set of secondary parameters is displayed.

SimPowerSystems/Measurements/Current Measurement: Ideal current measurement. Output signal Specifies the format of the output signal when the block is used in a phasor simulation. The Output signal parameter is disabled when the block is not used in a phasor simulation. The phasor simulation is activated by a Powergui block placed in the model. Set to Complex to output the measured current as a complex value. The output is a complex signal.

Set to Real-Imag to output the real and imaginary parts of the measured current. The output is a vector of two elements. Set to Magnitude-Angle to output the magnitude and angle of the measured current. The output is a vector of two elements. Set to Magnitude to output the magnitude of the measured current. The output is a scalar value.

SimPowerSystems/Measurements/Voltage Measurement: Ideal voltage measurement. Output signal Specifies the format of the output signal when the block is used in a phasor simulation. The Output signal parameter is disabled when the block is not used in a phasor simulation. The phasor simulation is activated by a Powergui block placed in the model. Set to Complex to output the measured current as a complex value. The output is a complex signal. Set to Real-Imag to output the real and imaginary parts of the measured current. The output is a vector of two elements. Set to Magnitude-Angle to output the magnitude and angle of the measured current. The output is a vector of two elements. Set to Magnitude to output the magnitude of the measured current. The output is a scalar value.

Simulink/Continuous/Integrator: Continuous-time integration of the input signal. The Integrator block outputs the integral of its input at the current time step. The following equation represents the output of the block y as a function of its input u and an initial condition y0, where y and u are vector functions of the current simulation time t. Simulink software can use a number of different numerical integration methods to compute the Integrator block's output, each with advantages in particular applications. Use the Solver pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box (see Solver Pane) to select the technique best suited to your application. Simulink software treats the Integrator block as a dynamic system with one state, its output. The Integrator block's input is the state's time derivative. The selected solver computes the output of the Integrator block at the current time step, using the current input value and the value of the state at the previous time step. To support this computational model, the Integrator block saves its output at the current time step for use by the solver to compute its output at the next time step. The block also provides the solver with an initial condition for use in computing the block's initial state at the beginning of a simulation run. The default value of the initial condition is 0. The block's parameter dialog box allows you to specify another value for the initial condition or create an initial value input port on the block.

Simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Logical Operator: Logical operators. For a single input, operators are applied across the input vector. For multiple inputs, operators are applied across the inputs. The Logical Operator block performs the specified logical operation on its inputs. An input value is TRUE (1) if it is nonzero and FALSE (0) if it is zero. You select the Boolean operation connecting the inputs with the Operator parameter list. If you select rectangular as the Icon shape property, the block updates to display the name of the selected operator. The supported operations are given below. The number of input ports is specified with the Number of input ports parameter. The output type is specified with the Output data type parameter. An output value is 1 if TRUE and 0 if FALSE.

Simulink/Continuous/Transfer Fcn: The numerator coefficient can be a vector or matrix expression. The denominator coefficient must be a vector. The output width equals the number of rows in the numerator coefficient. You should specify the coefficients in descending order of powers of s. To model a single-output system, enter a vector containing the system transfer function's numeric coefficients in the Numerator coefficient field in the block's parameter dialog box. Enter a vector containing the transfer function's denominator coefficients in the Denominator coefficient field. In this case, the input and output of the block are scalar timedomain signals. To model a multiple-output system, enter a matrix in the Numerator coefficient field where each row of the matrix contains the numerator coefficients of a transfer function that determines one of the block's outputs. Enter a vector containing the denominator coefficients

common to the system's transfer functions in the Denominator coefficient field. In this case, the block's input is a scalar and the block's output is a vector each of whose elements is an output of the system modeled by the block. Initial conditions are preset to zero. If you need to specify initial conditions, convert to statespace form using tf2ss and use the State-Space block. The tf2ss utility provides the A, B, C, and D matrices for the system. For more information, type help tf2ss or consult the Control System Toolbox documentation.

Simulink/Sources/Repeating Sequence: Output a repeating sequence of numbers specified in a table of time-value pairs. Values of time should be monotonically increasing. The Repeating Sequence block outputs a periodic scalar signal having a waveform that you specify. You can specify any waveform, using the block dialog's Time values and Output values parameters. The Times value parameter specifies a vector of sample times. The Output values parameter specifies a vector of signal amplitudes at the corresponding sample times. Together, the two parameters specify a sampling of the output waveform at points measured from the beginning of the interval over which the waveform repeats (i.e., the signal's period). For example, by default, the Time values and Output values parameters are both set to [0 2]. This default setting specifies a sawtooth waveform that repeats every 2 seconds from the start of the simulation and has a maximum amplitude of 2. The Repeating Sequence block uses linear interpolation to compute the value of the waveform between the specified sample points.

Simulink/Sinks/Display: Numeric display of input values. The Display block shows the value of its input on its icon.

You control the display format using the Format parameter:

short displays a 5-digit scaled value with fixed decimal point long displays a 15-digit scaled value with fixed decimal point short_e displays a 5-digit value with a floating decimal point long_e displays a 16-digit value with a floating decimal point bank displays a value in fixed dollars and cents format (but with no $ or commas) hex (Stored Integer) displays the stored integer value of a fixed-point input in

hexadecimal format
binary (Stored Integer)

displays the stored integer value of a fixed-point input in displays the stored integer value of a fixed-point input in

binary format
decimal (Stored Integer)

decimal format
octal (Stored Integer)

displays the stored integer value of a fixed-point input in octal

format If the signal input to a Display block has an enumerated data type (see Using Enumerated Data):

The block displays enumerated values, not the values' underlying integers. Setting the Format to any of the Stored Integer settings causes an error.

The amount of data displayed and the time steps at which the data is displayed are determ

Simulink/Sinks/Terminator: Used to "terminate" output signals. (Prevents warnings about unconnected output ports.) The Terminator block can be used to cap blocks whose output ports are not connected to other blocks. If you run a simulation with blocks having unconnected output ports, Simulink software issues warning messages. Using Terminator blocks to cap those blocks avoids warning messages.

Data Type Support

The Terminator block accepts real or complex signals of any data type supported by Simulink software, including fixed-point and enumerated data types.

Simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Switch: Pass through input 1 when input 2 satisfies the selected criterion; otherwise, pass through input 3. The inputs are numbered top to bottom (or left to right). The input 1 pass-through criteria are input 2 greater than or equal, greater than, or not equal to the threshold. The first and third input ports are data ports, and the second input port is the control port. Settings Default: u2 >= Threshold
u2 >= Threshold

Check whether the control input is greater than or equal to the threshold value.
u2 > Threshold

Check whether the control input is greater than the threshold value.
u2 ~=0

Check whether the control input is nonzero. Note The u2 ~=0 mode is not supported for enumerated data types.

SimPowerSystems/Machines/Synchronous Machine pu Fundamental: Implements a 3-phase synchronous machine modelled in the dq rotor reference frame.

Stator windings are connected in wye to an internal neutral point. The electrical part of the machine is represented by a sixth-order state-space model and the mechanical part is the same as in the Simplified Synchronous Machine block. The model takes into account the dynamics of the stator, field, and damper windings. The equivalent circuit of the model is represented in the rotor reference frame (qd frame). All rotor parameters and electrical quantities are viewed from the stator. They are identified by primed variables. The subscripts used are defined as follows:

d,q: d and q axis quantity R,s: Rotor and stator quantity l,m: Leakage and magnetizing inductance f,k: Field and damper winding quantity

SimPowerSystems/Elements/Three-Phase Breaker: Connect this block in series with the threephase you from check will appear. The Three-Phase Breaker block uses three Breaker blocks connected between the inputs and the outputs of the block. You can use this block in series with the three-phase element you want to switch. See the Breaker block reference pages for details on the modeling of the single-phase breakers. If the Three-Phase Breaker block is set in external control mode, a control input appears in the block icon. The control signal connected to this input must be either 0 or 1, 0 to open the breakers, 1 to close them. If the Three-Phase Breaker block is set in internal control mode, the switching times are specified in the dialog box of the block. The three individual breakers are controlled with the same signal. Series Rs-Cs snubber circuit are included in the model. They can be optionally connected to the three individual breakers. If the Three-Phase Breaker block happens to be in series with an inductive circuit, an open circuit or a current source, you must use the snubbers. want the the to dialog switch. box You or can apply define an box, the breaker logical external timing signal. control If element directly you input

external the



SimPowerSystems/Elements/Three-Phase Series RLC Load: Implements a three-phase series RLC load. Configuration The connection of the three phases. Select one of the following four connections:
Y(grounded) Y(floating) Y(neutral) Delta

Neutral is grounded. Neutral is not accessible. Neutral is made accessible through a fourth connector. Three phases connected in delta

The block icon is updated according to the load connection.

Simscape/SimDriveline/Vehicle Components/Diesel Engine: Simple diesel fuel engine model with speed governor. The throttle input signal lies between zero and one and specifies the torque demanded from the engine as a fraction of the maximum possible torque. This signal also indirectly controls the engine speed. The engine model does not include air-fuel combustion dynamics.

If the throttle signal rises above one or falls below zero, the engine limits the signal to one or zero, respectively. If the engine speed rises above the maximum speed, the engine torque drops to zero. The engine runs at a variable speed that you can control with a Simulink throttle signal. The throttle signal directly controls the output torque that the engine generates and indirectly controls the speed at which the engine runs. If the engine speed exceeds the maximum speed that you specify, the engine torque drops to zero. The model does not include the air-fuel dynamics of combustion. The block accepts the throttle signal through a Simulink inport. This signal specifies the engine torque as a fraction of the maximum torque possible in a steady state at a fixed engine speed and should lie between 0 and 1. A throttle signal below zero is interpreted as zero; above one, as one. To prevent engine power and torque from becoming negative, the block imposes an upper limit on the maximum engine speed itself. If the maximum speed you specify exceeds this limit, the block issues an error that indicates what the upper limit is.

Bus selector Simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Bus Selector: This block accepts a bus as input which can be created from a Bus Creator, Bus Selector or a block that defines its output using a bus object. The left listbox shows the signals in the input bus. Use the Select button to select the output signals. The right listbox shows the selections. Use the Up, Down, or Remove button to reorder the selections. Check 'Output as bus' to output a single bus signal. Settings To refresh the display to reflect modifications to the bus connected to the block, click Refresh. Tips

Use Select>> to select signals to output. To find the source of any signal entering the block, select the signal in the list and click Find. The Simulink software opens the subsystem containing the signal source, and highlights the source's icon.

Simulink/Commonly Used Blocks/Ground: Used to "ground" input signals. (Prevents warnings about unconnected input ports.) Outputs zero. The Ground block outputs a signal of the same numeric data type as the port to which it is connected In this example, the output of the Constant block determines the data type (int8) of the port to which the Ground block is connected. That port in turn determines the type of the signal output by the Ground block. The Ground block supports all data types supported by Simulink software, including fixed-point data types.

SimPowerSystems/Extra Library/Discrete Measurements/Discrete RMS value: The Discrete RMS Value block computes the true RMS value (including fundamental, harmonic, and DC components) of input signal. The RMS value is calculated over a running window of one cycle of the specified frequency. For the first cycle of simulation, the output is held constant to the value specified by the Initial Magnitue of Input parameter. To measure the RMS value of the fundamental component, use instead the Discrete Fourier block

SimPowerSystems/Machines/Excitation System: Implements an IEEE type 1 synchronous machine to voltage an regulator combined exciter.

The output of the block is the field voltage vfd, in pu, to be applied to the Vf Simulink input of a Synchronous Machine block.

Connect the Vd and Vq measurements signals of the Synchronous Machine block (signals 9 and 10) to the Vd and Vq Low-pass filter time constant The time constant Tr, in seconds (s), of the first-order system that represents the stator terminal voltage transducer. Regulator gain and time constant

The gain Ka and time constant Ta, in seconds (s), of the first-order system representing the main regulator. Exciter The gain Ke and time constant Te, in seconds (s), of the first-order system representing the exciter. Transient gain reduction The time constants Tb, in seconds (s), and Tc, in seconds (s), of the first-order system representing a lead-lag compensator. Damping filter gain and time constant The gain Kf and time constant Tf, in seconds (s), of the first-order system representing a derivative feedback. Regulator output limits and gain Limits Efmin and Efmax are imposed on the output of the voltage regulator. The upper limit can be constant and equal to Efmax, or variable and equal to the rectified stator terminal voltage Vtf times a proportional gain Kp. If Kp is set to 0, the former applies. If Kp is set to a positive value, the latter applies. Initial values of terminal voltage and field voltage The initial values of terminal voltage Vt0 (pu) and field voltage Vf0 (pu). When set correctly, they allow you to start the simulation in steady state. Initial terminal voltage should normally be set to 1 pu. Both Vt0 and Vf0 values are automatically updated by the load flow utility of the Powergui block.

SimPowerSystems/Application Library/Transformers






SimPowerSystems/Measurements/Three-Phase V-I Measurement: This block is used to measure three-phase voltages and currents in a circuit. When connected in series with a three-phase element, it return the three phase-to-ground voltages and line currents.

The block can output the voltages and currents in per unit values or in volts and amperes. Check the appropriate boxes if you want to output the voltages and currents in pu The block can output the voltages and currents in per unit (pu) values or in volts and amperes. If you choose to measure the voltages and currents in pu, the Three-Phase V-I Measurement block does the following conversions: where VbaseLL is the base line-to-line voltage in volts RMS and Pbase is the three-phase base power in volts-amperes. The two base values VbaseLL and Pbase are specified in the Three-Phase Measurement block menu. The steady-state voltage and current phasors measured by the Three-Phase V-I Measurement block can be obtained from the Powergui block by selecting Steady-State Voltages and Currents. The phasor magnitudes displayed in the Powergui stay in peak or RMS values even if the output signals are converted to pu.

Inputs and Outputs


The three measured phase-to-ground or phase-to-phase voltages. The Vabc output disappears when the Use a label parameter is selected or when the Voltage measurement menu is set to no.

The three measured line currents. The Iabc output disappears when the Use a label parameter is selected or when the Current measurement menu is set to no.

SimPowerSystems/Power Electronics/Universal Bridge: This block implement a bridge of selected power electronics devices. Series RC snubber circuits are connected in parallel with each switch device. Press Help for suggested snubber values when the model is discretized. For most applications the internal inductance Lon of diodes and thyristors should be set to zero. The Universal Bridge block allows simulation of converters using both naturally commutated (or line-commutated) power electronic devices (diodes or thyristors) and forced-commutated devices (GTO, IGBT, MOSFET). The Universal Bridge block is the basic block for building two-level voltage-sourced converters (VSC). The device numbering is different if the power electronic devices are naturally commutated or forced-commutated. For a naturally commutated three-phase converter (diode and thyristor),

SimPowerSystems/Extra Library/Discrete Control Blocks/Discrete PWM Generator: This discrete block generates pulses for carrier-based PWM (Pulse Width Modulation), self-commutated IGBTs,GTOs or FETs bridges. Depending on the number of bridge arms selected in the "Generator Mode" parameter, the block can be used either for single-phase or three-phase PWM control. The output pulses are a vector (with values=0 or 1). Depending on the selected "Generator Mode", the output vector contains: For a 1-arm bridge: Two pulses. Pulse 1 is for the upper switch and pulse 2 is for the lower switch. For a 2-arm bridge: Four pulses. Pulses 1 and 3 are respectively for the upper switches of the first and second arm. Pulses 2 and 4 are for the lower switches. For a 3-arm bridge: Six pulses. Pulses 1,3 and 5 are respectively for the upper switches of the first,second and third arm. Pulses 2,4 and 6 are for the lower switches. For double 3-arm bridges: Twelve pulses.The

first six pulses (pulses 1 to 6) must be sent to the first 3-arm bridge and the last six (pulses 7 to 12) to the second 3-arm bridge. By selecting "Internal generation" you can can control the modulation index m, frequency and phase of the output voltage from the internal parameters (m, Freq and Phase). Otherwise, external signals are used for pulse generation. The width of the input vector must be 1 for single phase bridges ( 1-arm or 2-arm) and 3 for 3-phase bridges (single or double bridge).

SimPowerSystems/Electrical Sources/Controlled Voltage Source: Converts the Simulink input signal into an equivalent voltage source. The generated voltage is driven by the input signal of the block. You can initialize your circuit with a specific AC or DC voltage. If you want to start the simulation in steady-state, the block input must be connected to a signal starting as a sinusoidal or DC waveform corresponding to the initial values. You can initialize the Controlled Voltage Source block with a specific AC or DC voltage. If you want to start the simulation in steady state, the Simulink input must be connected to a signal starting as a sinusoidal or DC waveform corresponding to the initial values. The Simulink input signal needs to be a complex value (phasor) when you are using the Controlled Voltage Source block in a phasor simulation, because in this case, SimPowerSystems software does not automatically convert the input signal from time-domain into complex (phasor) signal.

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