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We must become the change we want to see in the world. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948);
This touching tale is one of pure invention: there is no Teddy Stoddart (or Stallart) whose life was so changed by one special teacher who reached out to him, no Mrs. Thompson of rhinestone bracelet-wearing fame This work of fiction was penned by Elizabeth Silance Ballard in 1974 and printed that year in HomeLife magazine, a Baptist family publication. The authors intent was far from unclear as the piece was clearly marked as fiction and was presented as such, not as an account of a personal experience. Although Ballard based some of the details on elements of own her life. Her teachers compassionate response coupled with her friends story formed the basis for the work of fiction we now know as Three Letters from Teddy. Teddys last name came from this origin: The surname of the grandmother who urged young Elizabeth to bring pecans to her teacher (Stanley) was combined with the authors then surname (Ballard) to form Stallard. Can one special teacher make a lasting different in the life of a child? Yes, absolutely. Our history books are filled with instances of precisely that. But those looking for a real-life example of the importance of teachers will have to look elsewhere than this story. When children receive more effective instruction, they will tend to develop at their optimal path but when instruction is less effective, then childrens learning potential is not optimized and genetic differences are left unrealized. The learning or success of a child in understanding the lesson is a big teachers factor. Standing in front of our students is a motivation or discouragement to them knowing how are we as a teacher. They will be happy and eager to learn more if they know that you are capable of giving the knowledge that they should get.


This is not the first time that Ive read this great story. The first time I read this made me feel so inspired and motivated that someday I can make a difference on at least someones life. Being a teacher doesnt give us a wealthy life, a prosperous career nor a pressureless work load but being a teacher can make a difference to someones life just like what Mrs. Thompson did to Teddy. There is a big challenge to all of us teachers. Theres a big difference that we can make that a lawyer, a doctor, an architect, an engineer or even a magician cannot do even if they spend their entire life doing their job. If we teachers do our profession or our vocation associated with what the best teacher did (Jesus Christ) there will be no more drop outs, there will be no more non-readers, and there will be no more illiterate person. Yes, we are under paid, we are most of the time not appreciated and sometimes misunderstood by most people but they did not realized how important we are in this community because without teacher there will be no other profession in this world. Let us do our job, lets make a difference. Dont let others influence us in doing the wrong system in our education today. Lets start changing the GNCP Method (Get your Notebook and Copy This Method) of teaching of our former teachers. Let us be good examples not only to our pupils but most importantly let us be example to our fellow teachers. We can never tell what type of impact you may make on anothers life by your actions or lack of action. Let us consider this fact in our venture through life

I can make a difference!




National Road, Comon, Infanta, Quezon


A Reflection Paper

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Foundations of Education

Submitted to Dr. Carlos Crisostomo

Submitted by Marife Omna Ramirez Peamante MAED Student

Summer 2012 .

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