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Global prevalence of vitamin A deficiency in populations at risk 19952005

WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency

Global prevalence of vitamin A deficiency in populations at risk 19952005

WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency

WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Global prevalence of vitamin A deficiency in populations at risk 19952005: WHO global database on vitamin A deficiency. 1.Vitamin A deficiency epidemiology. 2.Vitamin A deficiency etiology. 3.Vitamin A deficiency complications. 4.Child. 5.Eye manifestations. 6.Databases as topic. I.World Health Organization. ISBN 978 92 4 159801 9 (NLM classification: WD 110)

Suggested citation: WHO. Global prevalence of vitamin A deficiency in populations at risk 19952005. WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2009.

World Health Organization 2009 All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization can be obtained from WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel.: +41 22 791 3264; fax: +41 22 791 4857; e-mail: Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications whether for sale or for noncommercial distribution should be addressed to WHO Press, at the above address (fax: +41 22 791 4806; e-mail: The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use. Cover photographs by WHO/P. Virot, L. Rogers, and T. Stanley Designed by minimum graphics Printed in France


Preface Acknowledgements Abbreviations 1. Introduction 1.1 Vitamin A deficiency: a public health problem 1.1.1 Etiology 1.1.2 Health consequences 1.1.3 Assessing vitamin A status and deficiency 1.2 Control of vitamin A deficiency 2. Methods 2.1 Data sources The WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency 2.2 Selection of survey data 2.2.1 Administrative level 2.2.2 Population groups 2.3 Defining vitamin A deficiency 2.3.1 Serum or plasma retinol threshold 2.3.2 Estimated prevalence of night blindness and biochemical vitamin A deficiency for countries with no survey data 2.3.3 Uncertainty of estimates 2.3.4 Combining national estimates 2.3.5 Global prevalence of vitamin A deficiency in populations at risk 2.3.6 Classification of vitamin A deficiency as a problem of public health significance 2.4 Population covered by survey data, proportion of population, and the number of individuals with vitamin A deficiency in populations at risk 2.4.1 Population covered 2.4.2 Proportion of population and the number of individuals affected in countries at risk for vitamin A deficiency 3. Results and Discussion 3.1 Results 3.1.1 Population covered 3.1.2 Proportion of population and number of individuals with vitamin A deficiency in populations at risk 3.1.3 Public health significance of vitamin A deficiency 3.2 Discussion 3.2.1 Population covered 3.2.2 Strengths of estimates 3.2.3 Proportion of population and the number of individuals with vitamin A deficiency in populations at risk 3.2.4 Classification of countries by degree of public health significance of vitamin A deficiency 3.2.5 Comparison to previous estimates 3.2.6 Limitations of estimates 3.3 Conclusions

vii ix x 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 11 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 18



References Annexes Annex 1 WHO Member States grouped by WHO region and UN region as of 2007 Table A1.1 WHO Member States grouped by WHO region Table A1.2 WHO Member States grouped by UN region and subregion Results by UN region Table A2.1 Percentage of population at risk of vitamin A deficiency covered by night blindness and serum retinol prevalence surveys (national or subnational) conducted between 1995 and 2005, by UN region Table A2.2 Prevalence of night blindness and numbers of affected preschool-age children and pregnant women in countries at risk of vitamin A deficiency in each UN region Table A2.3 Prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l and numbers of affected preschool-age children and pregnant women in countries at risk of vitamin A deficiency in each UN region National estimates of vitamin A deficiency Table A3.1 Country estimates of the prevalence of night blindness in preschool-age children 19952005 Table A3.2 Country estimates of the prevalence of night blindness in pregnant women 19952005 Table A3.3 Country estimates of the prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l in preschool-age children 19952005 Table A3.4 Country estimates of the prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l in pregnant women 19952005 Country references Classification of xerophthalmia Prediction equations used to generate biochemical vitamin A deficiency estimates for countries without survey data in populations at risk of vitamin A deficiency Prediction equations used to generate night blindness estimates for countries without survey data in populations at risk of vitamin A deficiency Prevalence criteria for defining night blindness of public health significance Prevalence cut-offs to define vitamin A deficiency in a population and its level of public health significance Population residing in countries with a 2005 GDP US$ 15 000 and excluded from estimations, expressed in number and percentage of the total population Number of countries and percentages of population covered by night blindness and serum retinol prevalence surveys (national or subnational) conducted between 1995 and 2005, by WHO region in countries at risk of vitamin A deficiency Global prevalence of night blindness and number of individuals affected in populations of countries at risk of vitamin A deficiency 19952005 Global prevalence of serum retinol concentrations <0.70 mol/l and number of individuals affected in populations of countries at risk of vitamin A deficiency 19952005 Prevalence of night blindness and number of individuals affected among preschool-age children and pregnant women in populations of countries at risk of vitamin A deficiency 19952005, globally and by WHO region Prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l and number of individuals affected in preschool-age children and pregnant women in populations of countries at risk of vitamin A deficiency 19952005, globally and by WHO region Number of countries categorized by public health significance of night blindness 19952005 Number of countries categorized by public health significance of vitamin A deficiency defined by the prevalence of serum retinol concentrations <0.70 mol/l 19952005 Comparison of the most recent global estimates of vitamin A deficiency

19 21 21 22 24

Annex 2

24 24

Annex 3

25 26 26 32 37 43 49 2 7 7 8 8 9

Annex 4 Tables Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7

9 10 10

Table 8 Table 9 Table 10


Table 11

Table 12 Table 13 Table 14

11 11 11 17


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Figures Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4

Night blindness as a public health problem by country 19952005: Preschool-age children Biochemical vitamin A deficiency (retinol) as a public health problem by country 19952005: Preschool-age children Night blindness as a public health problem by country 19952005: Pregnant women Biochemical vitamin A deficiency (retinol) as a public health problem by country 19952005: Pregnant women

12 13 14 15



Part of the World Health Organizations mandate is to provide information on the health status of the population at the global level. In this respect, since 1991, the Department of Nutrition for Health and Development (NHD) has been maintaining the Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS), which includes three databases related to three micronutrient disorders of public health significance globally: iodine deficiency, iron deficiency and anaemia, and vitamin A deficiency. The objectives of VMNIS are to assess the status of the population at the global level in order to increase the awareness of the public health community and policy makers, evaluate the impact of interventions and measure progress towards the goals endorsed by the international community, to compare data between countries, track changes over time, and increase the capacity of countries to manage health data related to micronutrients. WHO estimates of the global prevalence of vitamin A deficiency were first published through its Micronutrient Deficiency Information System in 1995. Since then, large programmes on vitamin A deficiency control have been implemented in several countries where vitamin A deficiency was a public health problem many of these programmes involved vitamin A supplementation and were strengthened by being combined with polio eradication campaigns. Additionally, vitamin A status indicators, especially symptomatic reporting of night blindness and serum retinol concentrations, have been assessed in many more national surveys than reported for previous estimates. As a result, most data collected in the present report are based on reported histories of night blindness and serum retinol concentrations. Vitamin A deficiency is one of the most important causes of preventable childhood blindness and is a major contributor to morbidity and mortality from infections, especially in children and pregnant women, affecting the poorest segments of populations, particularly those in low and middle income countries. The primary cause of vitamin A deficiency is lack of an adequate intake of vitamin A, and may be exacerbated by high rates of infection, especially diarrhoea and measles. Its consequence is most apparent during stag-

es of life of high nutritional demand (e.g. early childhood, pregnancy and lactation). A variety of interventions are being used to improve the vitamin A status of populations: dietary diversification, vitamin A supplementation and fortification. In 1987, WHO estimated that vitamin A deficiency was endemic in 39 countries based on the ocular manifestations of xerophthalmia or deficient serum (plasma) retinol concentrations (<0.35 mol/l). In 1995, WHO updated these estimates and reported that vitamin A deficiency was of public health significance in 60 countries, and was likely to be a problem in an additional 13 countries. The current estimates reflect the time period between 1995 and 2005, and indicate that 45 and 122 countries have vitamin A deficiency of public health significance based on the prevalence of night blindness and biochemical vitamin A deficiency (serum retinol concentration <0.70 mol/l), respectively, in preschool-age children. In this present edition, estimates of vitamin A deficiency are provided for preschool-age children as in the previous edition, and also for pregnant women. They are based on an increasingly assessed history of night blindness and a now more widely adopted serum (plasma) retinol concentration, using a cut-off of <0.70 mol/l (<20 g/dl) to define deficiency. Despite a marked increase in submitted data, there are still numerous countries lacking national prevalence data. There is a need to inform and motivate governments and agencies to collect, and report to WHO, national and subnational data on the prevalence of deficiency and, whenever possible, vitamin A programme coverage conditions prevailing at the time that population assessment data were collected. At the same time, there is also a need for the development of new field methods with which to assess vitamin A status that are cost effective and that can take into consideration the potential influences of infection. In this report, the prevalence of vitamin A deficiency is presented by country and by WHO regions. Because these prevalence data may be used to identify programme needs by other United Nations agencies, we have also presented the estimates classified by United Nations regions in the annexes.



This document is divided into three chapters. The first provides an overview of vitamin A deficiency, the second describes the criteria used to identify, revise, select, and interpret the findings of the surveys, and the methodology developed to generate national, regional, and global estimates, while the third discusses the results. This report is written for public health officials, nutritionists, and researchers. We hope that readers find it useful and feel free to share any comments with us ( We also hope that this information will contribute to our common goal to eliminate vitamin A deficiency as a public health problem.


GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005


This report utilized data from the WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency, which is part of the WHO Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS), developed by the Reduction of Micronutrient Malnutrition Unit in the Department of Nutrition for Health and Development. This report is the result of the hard work and collaboration of several individuals. We would especially like to thank Lisa M. Rogers, who took the lead on the development of this report, Daniel Wojdyla of the Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina for performing the statistical analyses, Keith P. West Jr of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health for his extremely valuable scientific input on vitamin A, and Bruno de Benoist for his technical expertise in this area. Grace Rob and Ann-Beth Moller also provid-

ed valuable assistance in data management. Additionally, WHO wishes to thank the numerous individuals, institutions, governments, nongovernmental, and international organizations for providing data for the database. Without continual international collaboration in keeping the database up-to-date, this compilation on the global situation and trends in the prevalence of vitamin A deficiency would not have been possible. Special thanks are due to ministries of health of the WHO Member States, WHO regional offices, and WHO country offices. This report was made possible by the financial support of the Micronutrient Initiative, the Government of Luxembourg, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Sight and Life.





Gross domestic product Human Development Index: a composite indicator of wealth, life expectancy and education developed by the United Nations Development Programme. Micronutrient Deficiency Information System Preschool-age children Pregnant women Standard deviation United Nations Vitamin A deficiency Vitamin A deficiency disorders Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System World Health Organization Night blindness

GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

1. Introduction

1.1 Vitamin A deficiency: a public health problem

Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is a major nutritional concern in poor societies, especially in lower income countries. Its presence as a public health problem is assessed by measuring the prevalence of deficiency in a population, represented by specific biochemical and clinical indicators of status. The main underlying cause of VAD as a public health problem is a diet that is chronically insufficient in vitamin A that can lead to lower body stores and fail to meet physiologic needs (e.g. support tissue growth, normal metabolism, resistance to infection). Deficiency of sufficient duration or severity can lead to disorders that are common in vitamin A deficient populations such as xerophthalmia (xeros = dryness; -ophthalmia = pertaining to the eye), the leading cause of preventable childhood blindness, anaemia, and weakened host resistance to infection, which can increase the severity of infectious diseases and risk of death. A poor diet and infection frequently coexist and interact in populations where VAD is widespread. In such settings, VAD can increase the severity of infection which, in turn, can reduce intake and accelerate body losses of vitamin A to exacerbate deficiency. The prevalence and severity of xerophthalmia, anaemia and the (less-measurable) vicious cycle between VAD and infection in vulnerable groups (notably young children and pregnant or lactating mothers) represent the most compelling consequences of VAD and underlie its significance as a public health problem around the world.

1.1.1 Etiology
Vitamin A is an essential nutrient needed in small amounts for the normal functioning of the visual system, and maintenance of cell function for growth, epithelial integrity, red blood cell production, immunity and reproduction. Essential nutrients cannot be synthesized by the body and therefore must be provided through diet. When dietary intake is chronically low, there will be insufficient vitamin A to support vision and cellular processes, leading to impaired tissue function. Low vitamin A intake during nutritionally demanding periods in life, such as infancy, childhood, pregnancy and lactation, greatly raises the risk of health

consequences, or vitamin A deficiency disorders (VADD). Dietary deficiency can begin early in life, with colostrum being discarded or breastfeeding being inadequate, thereby denying infants of their first, critical source of vitamin A (1). Thereafter, into adulthood, a diet deficient in vitamin A lacks foods containing either preformed vitamin A esters, such as liver, milk, cheese, eggs or food products fortified with vitamin A or lacking its carotenoid precursors (mainly beta-carotene), such as green leaves, carrots, ripe mangos, eggs, and other orange-yellow vegetables and fruits. Where animal source or fortified foods are minimally consumed, dietary adequacy must rely heavily on foods providing beta-carotene. However, while nutritious in many ways, a diet with modest amounts of vegetables and fruits as the sole source of vitamin A may not deliver adequate amounts, based on an intestinal carotenoid-to-retinol conversion ratio of 12:1 (2). This ratio reflects a conversion efficiency that is about half that previously thought, leading to greater appreciation for why VAD may coexist in cultures that heavily depend on vegetables and fruits as their sole or main dietary source of vitamin A. Usually, VAD develops in an environment of ecological, social and economical deprivation, in which a chronically deficient dietary intake of vitamin A coexists with severe infections, such as measles, and frequent infections causing diarrhoea and respiratory diseases that can lower intake through depressed appetite and absorption, and deplete body stores of vitamin A through excessive metabolism and excretion (3, 4). The consequent synergism can result in the bodys liver stores becoming depleted and peripheral tissue and serum retinol concentrations decreasing to deficient levels, raising the risks of xerophthalmia, further infection, other VADD and mortality.

1.1.2 Health consequences

Vitamin A deficiency impairs numerous functions and, as a result, can lead to many health consequences, to which infants, young children and pregnant women appear to be at greatest risk. Xerophthalmia is the most specific VADD, and is the leading preventable cause of blindness in children throughout the world (5). Night blindness often appears

1. intrODuCtiOn

during pregnancy, a likely consequence of preexisting, marginal maternal vitamin A status superimposed by nutritional demands of pregnancy and intercurrent infections (6 ). Anaemia can result from VAD in children and women, likely due to multiple apparent roles of vitamin A in supporting iron mobilization and transport, and hematopoiesis (7). Preexisting VAD appears to worsen infection (8) and vitamin A supplementation has been shown to reduce the risk of death in 659 month old children by about 2330% (911). Three trials from southern Asia have reported that neonatal vitamin A supplementation reduced mortality by 21% in the first six months of life (12) while two other studies conducted in Africa showed no impact of this intervention (13, 14). One study has reported an approximate 40% reduction in maternal mortality following routine dietary supplementation with vitamin A during pregnancy (15).

1.1.3 Assessing vitamin A status and deficiency

The main objective of assessing vitamin A status is to determine the magnitude, severity and distribution of VAD in a population. Most surveys assess its prevalence in young children and, with increasing frequency, in pregnant or lactating women, as reported here. Although VAD is likely to be widespread following the preschool years, few data exist to reveal the extent of VAD in school-age and young adolescent children (16 ). Estimating the national prevalence is to be encouraged as such data aids in targeting regions for interventions, and provides baseline values for monitoring population trends and intervention programme impact over time. Two sets of indicators of VAD are commonly used for population surveys: clinically assessed eye signs and biochemically determined concentrations of retinol in plasma or serum. The term xerophthalmia encompasses the clinical spectrum of ocular manifestations of VAD, from milder stages of night blindness and Bitots spots, to potentially blinding stages of corneal xerosis, ulceration and necrosis (keratomalacia) (17), as listed in Table 1. The stages of xerophthalmia are regarded both as disorders and clinical indicators of VAD, and thus can be used to estimate an important aspect of morbidity and blinding disability as well as the prevalence of deficiency. As corneal disease is rare, Table 1
Xn X1A X1b X2 X3A X3b Xs Xf

the most commonly assessed stages are night blindness, obtainable by history, and Bitots spots, observable by handlight examination of the conjunctival surface. Standard procedures exist for assessing xerophthalmia (17). Although night blindness and Bitots spots are considered mild stages of eye disease, both represent moderate-to-severe systemic VAD, as evidenced by low serum retinol concentrations (19), and increased severity of infectious morbidity (i.e. diarrhoea and respiratory infections) and mortality in children (5) and pregnant women (6, 20). Measuring serum retinol concentrations in a population constitutes the second major approach to assessing vitamin A status in a population, with values below a cut-off of 0.70 mol/l representing VAD (21), and below 0.35 mol/l representing severe VAD. Although there is not yet international consensus, a serum retinol concentration below a cutoff of 1.05 mol/l has been proposed to reflect low vitamin A status among pregnant and lactating women (22). While the distribution of serum retinol concentrations below appropriate cut-offs are considered to reflect inadequate states of vitamin A nutriture, a low biochemical concentration of retinol in circulation is not considered a VADD. Also, while an inadequate dietary intake of vitamin A or beta-carotene likely reveals an important and preventable cause of VAD in a population, it is not an indicator of vitamin A status.

1.2 Control of vitamin A deficiency

Three types of community interventions can reduce VAD in affected populations. Improving the availability and intake of vitamin A through dietary diversification should be viewed as an activity for all communities in order to enhance the overall nutritional status of the population. This requires nutrition education to change dietary habits, as well as providing better access to vitamin A or provitamin A-rich foods, such as mangoes, papaya, or dark green leafy vegetables. Encouraging home gardening or local cooperatives to grow such foods may be necessary in regions where they are not locally available or are too expensive. A second approach to increasing the dietary intake of vitamin A is through fortification of a staple food or condiment with vitamin A. This has been the primary strategy for reducing VAD in Central and South America, where sugar began to be fortified with vitamin A three decades ago (23). Although many food items such as fats, oils, margarine and cereal products have long been fortified with vitamin A in high income countries, few other vitamin A fortification programmes with national reach currently exist in lower income countries. It can be expected that this approach will gain momentum as increasing numbers of potentially fortifiable foods become centrally produced or processed under controlled conditions and penetrate markets of the poor in many countries (24). Thirdly, the most widely practiced approach to control-

Classification of xerophthalmia
night blindness Conjunctival xerosis bitots spot Corneal xerosis Corneal ulceration/keratomalacia (< 1/3 corneal surface) Corneal ulceration/keratomalacia ( 1/3 corneal surface) Corneal scar Xerophthalmic fundus

source: reference (18)

GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

ling VAD in most high risk countries is the periodic delivery of high-potency supplements, containing 200 000 IU of vitamin A, to preschool-age children (<5 years), with half this dose given to infants 611 months of age (25). In the past decade, vitamin A supplementation gained momentum as it was added to the annual Expanded Programme for Immunization (EPI) visits, especially within the poliomyelitis eradication campaign, that has since continued as national child health week campaigns during which high-potency vitamin A is distributed twice yearly in many countries (26 ). While periodic vitamin A delivery in the community has been shown to reduce the risks of xerophthalmia (by ~90%) and mortality (by ~2330%) in young children, the reasons for the modest and transient effect in raising population serum retinol concentrations (5), remain unclear.

Many high-risk countries have also adopted the WHO policy of supplementing mothers with a 200 000 IU oral dose of vitamin A within six weeks after delivery (25) to enrich their breast milk content of vitamin A, although in practice coverage remains quite low. These three broad approaches are largely viewed as complementary and should be combined, where it merits to do so, to achieve the greatest reductions in the prevalence and consequences of VAD. In addition, other public health and nutrition strategies that promote breastfeeding, use of oral rehydration therapy to treat diarrhoea, higher vaccine coverage (especially against measles), and adoption of family planning (to space the birth of children) can all be important in contributing to the control of VAD and its disorders.

1. intrODuCtiOn

2. Methods

2.1 Data sources The WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency

The current estimates are based on data available in the WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency (27); a part of the Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS), maintained at WHO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. This database compiles information on the prevalence of night blindness, other ocular signs of VAD, and blood retinol concentrations, regularly collected from the scientific literature and through collaborators, including WHO regional and country offices, United Nations organizations, ministries of health, research and academic institutions, and nongovernmental organizations. MEDLINE and WHO regional databases (African Index Medicus, Index Medicus for the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region, Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information, Index Medicus for SouthEast Asia Region) were systematically searched. These resources were augmented by manual searching of articles published in non-indexed medical and professional journals. Data were extracted from reports written in any language. For inclusion in the database, a complete and original survey report providing details of the sampling method used is necessary. Serum or plasma retinol levels measured in capillary, venous, or umbilical cord blood using quantitative methods are reported, usually together with the prevalence of VAD. Measures of clinical VAD may have included the prevalence of current night blindness (XN), history of maternal night blindness during a previous pregnancy (pXN), conjunctival xerosis (X1A), Bitots spot (X1B), corneal xerosis (X2), corneal ulceration/keratomalacia affecting <1/3 of the corneal surface (X3A) or 1/3 of the corneal surface (X3B), or corneal scarring (XS). Data are included in the database if they are representative of any administrative level within a country, including nationally representative data and surveys representative of a region within a country. Surveys conducted at the first or second administrative level boundary, or local surveys are also included. As of December 31, 2006, a total of 683 surveys were available in the database. Of these, 405 surveys were

conducted between 1995 and 2006. Most surveys assessed nutritional status in women or preschool-age children.

2.2 Selection of survey data

The time frame for the current estimates is 19952005 and survey data for WHOs Member States were extracted from the database. Available data on both biochemical (serum/ plasma retinol) and clinical (current or history of night blindness) VAD were selected for each country based on the administrative level for which the survey was representative and on the population group surveyed. All countries with a 2005 gross domestic product (GDP) US$ 15 000 were assumed to be free from VAD of a public health significance and were therefore excluded. None of these 37 countries had retinol or night blindness data reported for either preschool-age children or pregnant women.

2.2.1 Administrative level

Surveys were first selected according to the administrative level they represented. Surveys were considered as national when they were based on a nationally representative sample of the population surveyed. Subnational surveys were selected only if a nationally representative survey was not available for the years 19952005. Subnational surveys are classified based on the population they represent: regional (multiple states), state (representative of the first administrative level boundary), district (representative of the second administrative level boundary), or local surveys. Seven surveys were included as national even though some areas within the country had been left out for security or other concerns. In one of these surveys, data available from an originally missing area was pooled with the national data and weighted by the areas general population estimate to provide a national estimate for that country. This proportion was determined by using the most recent census data. Three additional surveys were accepted as national even though they were only representative of either the rural (Bangladesh, Cambodia) or urban (Cuba) populations. For the majority of countries with subnational data,

GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

surveys were representative of at least the first (state) level boundary. Exceptions to this were second (district) level boundary surveys used for Sao Tome and Principe, and Ghana. Most countries that used subnational surveys were represented by at least two states (first level boundaries). Exceptions to this principle were the surveys for Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, for which only one state was covered by the survey. When two or more surveys at the subnational level were available for the population group and country concerned within the acceptable time frame, the results were pooled into a single summary measure and weighted by the total population that the survey represented. The most recent population census data available between 1995 and 2005 was used for this. No local level surveys and most district level surveys were used in these estimates to reduce potential bias in the estimates. In general, surveys with prevalence data based on a sample size of less than 100 subjects were excluded. This sample size, along with a confidence level of 95%, would result in an error 10% if the prevalence estimate was 50% and the design effect was 1.0. If the sample size was less than 100, a larger error would result. However, a few exceptions were made. National surveys with a sample size of less than 100, but greater than 50, were considered as nationally representative only when the results were being applied to a total population of less than 500 000 people (n=1 in preschool-age children), or to pregnant women (n=3) since the numbers in this group are frequently small, especially in populations with a lower rate of reproduction. One national survey (Mexico) of pregnant women was excluded because the sample size was less than 50. One survey for retinol in pregnant women (Zimbabwe) and three surveys for night blindness in preschool-age children (Gambia, India, Sri Lanka) did not report a sample size. In these cases, a sample size of 100 was used only to approximate variances and derive confidence intervals.

the estimates of night blindness in preschool-age children. For pregnant women, all ages and trimesters were included. However, for the data on night blindness, the majority of surveys were conducted by Measure Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and reported womens history of night blindness during their most recent pregnancy in the previous 35 years that ended in a live birth. All prevalence figures for pregnant women that were unadjusted for daytime visual problems were used. All surveys in pregnant women that provided only an adjusted value or a figure for current night blindness rather than a history of night blindness were excluded. The purpose for using unadjusted values only is that otherwise the data would imply that (a) women with daytime visual problems (presumably mostly representing myopia) would not be night blind; b) recall of daytime vision problems is 100% accurate, and (c) a positive history of night blindness among women with daytime vision problems is 100% inaccurate, for which there is no clear evidence that these assumptions hold true in the present data.

2.3 Defining vitamin A deficiency

2.3.1 Serum or plasma retinol threshold
The WHO serum retinol threshold of <0.70 mol/l was used to classify those at risk for biochemical VAD (28). For the studies that classified individuals by using the serum retinol threshold of <0.70 mol/l, as recommended by WHO, the reported actual prevalence data were used without any additional calculations. When the prevalence was either not reported, or was reported for a non-WHO cut-off, the prevalence was estimated by one of the following methods in order of preference: 1. When the mean and standard deviation (SD) of the retinol concentration were available (n=1 for children, n=2 for pregnant women), the prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l was calculated using these variables and assuming that the serum retinol concentration is normally distributed. To validate this approach, the correlation between the estimated prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l and the predicted prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l was assessed in situations where a mean, a SD and a prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l was provided. For the available data, which included multiple points for some surveys because data were disaggregated, the relationship between actual and predicted prevalence was plotted (n=71 for children; n=20 for pregnant women). For the majority of studies, the two prevalence figures were extremely close (children: R 2=0.97, P <0.001; pregnant women: R 2=0.91, P <0.001). On average, the predicted prevalence underestimated the actual prevalence by 0.03 percentage points for children and 0.2 percentage points for pregnant women; this may be

2.2.2 Population groups

Two population groups were evaluated: preschool-age children (<5 years) and pregnant women (no age range defined). Where possible, children 5 years were excluded from the estimate for preschool-age children. However, there were 27 surveys with serum retinol data that used an alternative upper age limit ranging from 5 to 6 years, and one country (China) provided no disaggregated data and an upper age limit of 12 years had to be used. For night blindness, there were 17 surveys that used an alternative upper age limit ranging between 5 and 6 years, and one country (Mali) provided no disaggregated data and an upper age limit of 9 years had to be used. Where possible, children less than 6 months of age were excluded for the estimates of biochemical VAD in preschool-age children and children <2 years were excluded for

2. metHODs

taken as slightly conservative. For only two of the 71 values in children, the predicted prevalence overestimated the observed prevalence of retinol <0.70 mol/l by 10% or more. There were no cases of overestimation or underestimation of more than 10% using the predicted equation in pregnant women. 2. When the SD was not provided, but the prevalence for a non-WHO cut-off and the mean serum retinol concentration were provided, these two figures were used to calculate the SD of the serum retinol concentration by assuming a normal distribution within the population and using the Z score. Using the proportion of values below a provided cut-off, the Z score was derived. The mean was subtracted from the provided cut-off and the resulting absolute value divided by the absolute value of the Z score. This provided an estimate of the SD in the population. Following this calculation, the mean and SD were used as above to derive the prevalence for the non-WHO cut-off. This method was used for two surveys in preschool-age children (Antigua and Barbuda, and Bhutan). 3. For three surveys in preschool-age children and two surveys in pregnant women, a mean, SD or the prevalence at the recommended threshold was not reported. However, these surveys did report a threshold (<0.87 mol/l, or ~25 g/dl) that was very close to the WHO recommended cut-off (<0.70 mol/l) for serum retinol. In these five cases, a SD of 0.35 mol/l was assumed based on the literature and the prevalence of retinol <0.70 mol/l was estimated using the reported prevalence of retinol <0.87 mol/l and a SD of 0.35 mol/l using the above methodology. When data were provided for separate groups, such as data for children disaggregated by age, prevalence estimates were combined and weighted by sample size. If sample size information was missing from all data pooled, equal weight was given to each survey.

Human Development Index (HDI), 2002 (29) Individual components of HDI Life expectancy at birth; adult literacy rate; the combined primary, secondary, and tertiary gross enrollment ratio (education); and GDP per capita (30) Under 5 mortality rate, 2003 (31) Adult female mortality rate, 2003 (31) Measles immunization coverage rates, 2003 (32) Stunting, 20041 Wasting, 20041 Population growth rates (33) Regional indicator variable Any interaction term between the regional indicator variable and the remaining variables Fifteen countries (Afghanistan, Cook Islands, Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, Iraq, Kiribati, Liberia, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Serbia, Montenegro, Somalia, Tuvalu) did not have an HDI; therefore, HDI was estimated with a regression model using two of the same components and one proxy indicator for education (average years of schooling in adults instead of adult literacy and gross enrollment in school) fitted to the group of countries with HDI estimates. This was used to derive and estimate HDI score for these 15 countries. For the estimates of the prevalence of deficiency, four separate prediction equations were derived: one each for biochemical VAD in preschool-age children and pregnant women and one each for night blindness in preschool-age children and pregnant women. The prevalence of biochemical VAD and night blindness was estimated by using the prediction equations (Tables 2 and 3) in countries where no information was available and only explanatory variables were known. In all cases, the prevalence was transformed to a logit scale to ensure nonnegative predicted values.

2.3.3 Uncertainty of estimates

For estimates based on survey data, each estimate was considered to be representative of the entire country whether from a national or subnational sample, and the variance of the estimate was calculated using the logit transformation. Since most surveys utilized a cluster sampling design, variance estimates were adjusted using a design effect of 2. From the point estimate of the prevalence and its variance, a 95% confidence interval was generated in logit scale and then transformed to the original scale (35, 36 ). For regression-based estimates, a point estimate and

2.3.2 Estimated prevalence of night blindness and biochemical vitamin A deficiency for countries with no survey data
Some countries did not have any survey data that met the criteria for the estimates. Therefore, a regression model was developed using data from countries with a reported prevalence of VAD and indicators of population health status so that the prevalence of VAD could be predicted for the countries without data. The indicators of population health status considered in the regression model include the following:

Based on analysis of 388 nationally representative studies for 139 countries from the WHO Global Database on Child Growth and Malnutrition ( These were used to estimate prevalence of child stunting and wasting for each country in the world according to the new WHO Child Growth Standards (34).

GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

Table 2
Population groupa

Prediction equations used to generate biochemical vitamin A deficiency estimates for countries without survey data in populations at risk of vitamin A deficiency
Number of countries Equationb R2 p-value for model

preschool-age children pregnant women

a b

64 16

= -1.41497 0.00012074 GDp + 0.01128 under 5 mortality 0.25813 population growth rate = -3.6887 0.01450 stunting + 2.6583 Africa indicator + 2.68685 Asia indicator

0.334 0.461

< 0.0001 0.0150

population subgroups: preschool-age children (<5 years), pregnant women (no age range defined). see section 2.3.2 for an explanation of the variables.

Table 3
Population groupa

Prediction equations used to generate night blindness estimates for countries without survey data in populations at risk of vitamin A deficiency
Number of countries Equationb R2 p-value for model

preschool-age children pregnant women

a b

29 42

= -7.57332 + 2.54214 education component of HDi + 0.01146 under 5 mortality = -1.08925 1.14404 education component of HDi 0.01389 immunization coverage for measles + 0.12159 population growth rate

0.132 0.290

0.0607 0.0011

population subgroups: preschool-age children (<5 years), pregnant women (no age range defined). see section 2.3.2 for an explanation of the variables.

95% prediction interval were computed by using the logit transformations in the regression models and then backtransforming them to the original scale (37, 38).

Equation 1:

pcomb =

wi pi wi wi2 var(pi) wi2

2.3.4 Combining national estimates

Country estimates for the 156 Member States with a 2005 GDP <US$ 15 000 were combined to provide estimates at the global level, as well as by WHO and UN regions, for preschool-age children and pregnant women, using Equation 1, where pcomb symbolizes the estimated prevalence for the region, pi is estimated prevalence for the ith country in the region and wi is a weight which is proportional to the number of persons in the population subgroup in the ith country. Point estimates were obtained by weighting the country estimates by the population that each estimate represented. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals around the point estimates were constructed from the estimated variance of the weighted average. The variance of pcomb was estimated using Equation 2, where wi are the same weights defined previously and var(pi) represent the variance of the country level estimates. The variance of country level estimates comes from two difference sources. In countries where data is available, the variance is estimated using the usual estimate for the variance of a proportion (39) and that variance is inflated by a design effect (DEFF) factor of two. In countries where a model-based estimate was computed, this variance is obtained using the linear regression model, specifically the variance used to derive prediction intervals (37).

Equation 2: var (pcomb) =

2.3.5 Global prevalence of vitamin A deficiency in populations at risk

The global prevalence of night blindness was calculated for preschool-age children and pregnant women by combining the individual country estimates for 156 Member States having a 2005 GDP <US$ 15 000. The remaining 37 Member States with a 2005 GDP US$ 15 000 were excluded from the analysis and were assumed to be free of VAD of public health significance. The global prevalence of biochemical VAD was similarly calculated for preschoolage children and pregnant women by combining the individual country estimates of the prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l for the 156 Member States having a 2005 GDP <US$ 15 000.

2.3.6 Classification of vitamin A deficiency as a problem of public health significance

The prevalence of night blindness below various population-specific thresholds was used to classify countries by the level of the public health problem of night blindness (Table 4) (21, 28). Similarly, the prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l was used to classify countries by the level of the public health problem of biochemical VAD (Table 5) (28).

2. metHODs

Table 4

Prevalence criteria for defining night blindness of public health significance

Night blindness (XN) Childrena (2471 mo of age) Pregnant womenb

Public health importance (degree of severity)

2.4 Population covered by survey data, proportion of population, and the number of individuals with vitamin A deficiency in populations at risk
2.4.1 Population covered
The population covered by survey data at the regional and global level was calculated by summing the number of individuals in the population group in countries with survey data divided by the total number of individuals in the population group in the countries identified at risk of VAD in the entire region or globally for each population group.

mild moderate severe

a b

>0%<1% 1%<5% 5% 5%

source: reference (28) based on history of night blindness during a womans most recent pregnancy in the previous 35 years that ended in a live birth. source: reference (21)

Table 5

Prevalence cut-offs to define vitamin A deficiency in a population and its level of public health significance
Biochemical Serum or plasma retinol <0.70 mol/l in preschool-age children or pregnant womena

2.4.2 Proportion of population and the number of individuals affected in countries at risk for vitamin A deficiency
The number of individuals with VAD was estimated in both population groups for both indicators (night blindness and retinol) for each country considered to be at risk of VAD, each WHO and UN region, and globally based on each countrys proportion of the population with VAD. The proportion of the population group with VAD was multiplied by the national population of those considered to be at risk of VAD to provide the number of subjects with VAD at the country level, and the 95% confidence interval was used as a measure of uncertainty. The population figures are for the 2006 projection from the 2006 revision of the United Nations population estimates (40). Population figures for pregnant women were derived from the annual total number of births (time period 20052010). For 14 countries with a small total population (0.01% of all women), birth data were not provided in tabulations of the UN population division, and the number of pregnant women was estimated by applying a WHO regional average of births per reproductive-age woman (15 to 49 years) to the total number of reproductive-age women.

Public health importance (degree of severity)

mild moderate severe


2%<10% 10%<20%b 20%

source: reference (28); Children 671 months of age. As there is no WHO recommended cut-off for serum retinol in pregnant women, the cut-off for children was used (<0.70 mol/l). the moderate range includes, as its mid-point, the minimum prevalence of 15% currently recommended by the micronutrient forum/international Vitamin A Consultative Group (iVACG) as the cut-off at or above which vitamin A deficiency should be considered a problem of public health significance among preschool children (21). the distribution of prevalence cut-offs for pregnant women is provisional.

GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

3. Results and Discussion

3.1 Results
3.1.1 Population covered
Only the 156 Member States which have a 2005 GDP <US$ 15 000 were considered to have populations at risk of VAD (Table 6). The 37 countries with a GDP US$ 15 000 represent 9% and 8% of the total global preschool-age population and pregnant women population, respectively, were assumed to be free of VAD of public health significance and were excluded from further analysis. Table 7 shows the population covered by surveys and their indicator prevalence estimates, globally and by WHO region. Globally, the Table 6
WHO region

proportion of preschool-age children and pregnant women covered by night blindness survey data was 54% and 55%, respectively, and by serum retinol survey data, 76% and 19%, respectively. By WHO region, the coverage varied drastically depending on the population group assessed and the indicator used. For night blindness in preschoolage children, data coverage was highest in South-East Asia (82.4%) and the Western Pacific (87.3%) and very low in Europe (1%) and nil in the Americas (0%). Survey coverage for night blindness in pregnant women was the highest in South-East Asia (96.8%) and the lowest in Europe

Population residing in countries with a 2005 GDP US$ 15 000 and excluded from estimations, expressed in number and percentage of the total population
Preschool-age childrena Population (thousands) % of total population Pregnant women Population (thousands) % of total population

Africa (0) Americas (3) south-east Asia (0) europe (24) eastern mediterranean (4) Western pacific (6)

0 22 520 0 21 796 679 9 790 54 786

0 29 0 42 1 8 9

0 4 645 0 4 353 150 1 871 11 019

0 29 0 41 1 8 8

Global (37)
a b

population subgroups: preschool-age children (<5 years); pregnant women (no age range defined). total number of countries with a 2005 GDp us$ 15 000.

Table 7

Number of countries and percentage of population covered by night blindness and serum retinol prevalence surveys (national or subnational) conducted between 1995 and 2005, by WHO region in countries at risk of vitamin A deficiencya
Preschool-age childrenb Night blindness Retinol Night blindness Pregnant women Retinol

WHO region

Africa (46) Americas (32) south-east Asia (11) europe (29) eastern mediterranean (17) Western pacific (21)

14 (30.3) 0 (0.0) 5 (82.4) 2 (1.0) 4 (33.8) 7 (87.3)

24 (78.8) 16 (49.8) 6 (82.4) 5 (17.8) 6 (58.4) 10 (99.8) 67 (75.7)

24 (69.8) 6 (14.9) 8 (96.8) 2 (1.3) 2 (34.4) 3 (12.4) 45 (55.0)

8 (30.9) 4 (0.6) 3 (14.7) 0 (0.0) 2 (39.8) 2 (10.3) 19 (18.9)

Global (156)
a b c d

32 (54.0)

excludes countries with a 2005 GDp us$ 15 000. population subgroups: preschool-age children (<5 years); pregnant women (no age range defined). number of countries in each grouping. percentage of population

3. results AnD DisCussiOn

(1.3%). Survey coverage for serum retinol was the highest in the Western Pacific (99.8%) and the lowest in Europe (17.8%) for preschool-age children; however, for pregnant women, coverage was the highest in the Eastern Mediterranean (39.8%) and virtually nil for both Europe (0%) and the Americas (0.6%).

3.1.2 Proportion of population and number of individuals with vitamin A deficiency in populations at risk
Globally, night blindness affects 5.2 million preschoolage children (95% CI: 2.08.4 million) and 9.8 million Table 8

pregnant women (95% CI: 8.710.8 million), which corresponds to 0.9% and 7.8% of the population at risk of VAD, respectively (Table 8). Low serum retinol concentration (<0.70 mol/l) affects an estimated 190 million preschoolage children (95% CI: 178202 million) and 19.1 million pregnant women (95% CI: 9.3029.0 million) globally. This corresponds to 33.3% of the preschool-age population and 15.3% of pregnant women in populations at risk of VAD, globally (Table 9). WHO regional estimates indicate that the highest proportion of preschool-age children affected by night blindness, 2.0%, is in Africa, a value that is four times higher

Global prevalence of night blindness and number of individuals affected in populations of countries at risk of vitamin A deficiency 19952005
Prevalence of night blindness Percent

Population groupa

Population affected Number (million) 95% CI

95% CI

preschool-age children pregnant women

a b

0.9 7.8

0.31.5 7.08.7

5.17 9.75

1.998.38 8.7010.8

population subgroups: preschool-age children (<5 years); pregnant women (no age range defined). numerator and denominator exclude countries with a 2005 GDp us$ 15 000.

Table 9

Global prevalence of serum retinol concentrations <0.70 mol/l and number of individuals affected in populations of countries at risk of vitamin A deficiency 19952005
Prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l Percentb 95% CI Population affected Number (million) 95% CI

Population groupa

preschool-age children pregnant women

a b

33.3 15.3

31.135.4 7.423.2

190 19.1

178202 9.3029.0

population subgroups: preschool-age children (<5 years); pregnant women (no age range defined). numerator and denominator exclude countries with a 2005 GDp us$ 15 000.

Table 10
WHO region

Prevalence of night blindness and number of individuals affected among preschool-age children and pregnant women in populations of countries at risk of vitamin A deficiency 19952005, globally and by WHO region
Preschool-age childrena Prevalence (%)

Pregnant women Prevalence (%) # affected (millions)

# affected (millions)

Africa Americas south-east Asia europe eastern mediterranean Western pacific Global
a b c

2.0 (0.83.2)c 0.6 (0.01.3) 0.5 (0.02.0) 0.8 (0.11.5) 1.2 (0.61.7) 0.2 (0.00.4) 0.9 (0.31.5)

2.55 (0.994.11) 0.36 (0.000.75) 1.01 (0.003.75) 0.24 (0.040.44) 0.77 (0.411.12) 0.26 (0.020.50) 5.17 (1.978.38)

9.8 (8.411.1) 4.4 (2.76.2) 9.9 (9.510.3) 3.5 (1.85.3) 7.2 (5.29.2) 4.8 (0.98.6) 7.8 (7.08.7)

3.02 (2.593.44) 0.50 (0.300.70) 3.84 (3.694.00) 0.22 (0.110.33) 1.09 (0.781.39) 1.09 (0.201.97) 9.75 (8.7010.8)

population subgroups: preschool-age children (<5 years); pregnant women (no age range defined). numerator and denominator excludes countries with a 2005 GDp us$ 15 000. 95% Confidence intervals.


GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

Table 11
WHO region

Prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l and number of individuals affected among preschool-age children and pregnant women in populations of countries at risk of vitamin A deficiency 19952005, globally and by WHO region
Preschool-age childrena Prevalenceb (%) # affected (millions) Prevalence (%) Pregnant women # affected (millions)

Africa Americas south-east Asia europe eastern mediterranean Western pacific Global
a b c

44.4 (41.347.5)c 15.6 (6.624.5) 49.9 (45.154.8) 19.7 (9.729.6) 20.4 (13.227.6) 12.9 (12.313.5) 33.3 (31.135.4)

56.4 (52.460.3) 8.68 (3.7013.7) 91.5 (82.6100) 5.81 (2.878.75) 13.2 (8.5417.9) 14.3 (13.614.9) 190 (178202)

13.5 (8.918.2) 2.0 (0.43.6) 17.3 (0.036.2) 11.6 (2.620.6) 16.1 (9.223.1) 21.5 (0.049.2) 15.3 (7.423.2)

4.18 (2.735.63) 0.23 (0.040.41) 6.69 (0.0014.0) 0.72 (0.161.29) 2.42 (1.383.47) 4.90 (0.0011.2) 19.1 (9.3029.0)

population subgroups: preschool-age children (<5 years); pregnant women (no age range defined). numerator and denominator excludes countries with a 2005 GDp us$ 15 000. 95% Confidence intervals.

than estimated in South-East Asia (0.5%). This also means that Africa has the greatest number of preschool-age children affected with night blindness (2.55 million), and corresponds to almost half of the children affected globally (Table 10). A comparable and high proportion of pregnant women affected by night blindness are in Africa (9.8%) and South-East Asia (9.9%), each of which is estimated to have over 3 million pregnant women affected, or one third of the pregnant women affected globally. The estimates show that the Africa and South-East Asia regions also contain the highest proportions of preschoolage children with biochemical VAD, as indicated by a serum retinol concentration <0.70 mol/l, with South-East Asia having the greatest number of children and pregnant women affected (Table 11). Table 12 Number of countries categorized by public health significance of night blindness 19952005a
Preschool-age childrenc Number of countries Pregnant women Number of countries

3.1.3 Public health significance of vitamin A deficiency

The prevalence of night blindness is of moderate to severe public health significance in 45 countries for preschool-age children and 66 countries for pregnant women (Table 12). According to current estimates, 122 countries are classified as having a moderate to severe public health problem based on biochemical VAD in preschool-age children; while 88 countries are classified as having a problem of moderate to severe public health significance with respect to biochemical VAD in pregnant women (Table 13). The level of the public health problem of both night blindness and biochemical VAD across countries is illustrated by maps for preschool-age children and pregnant women in Figures 14.

Table 13

Public health problemb

Number of countries categorized by public health significance of vitamin A deficiency defined by the prevalence of serum retinol concentrations <0.70 mol/l 19952005a
Preschool-age childrenc Number of countries Pregnant women Number of countries

none mild moderate severe

a b

4 107 42 3

90 66

Public health problemb

excludes 37 countries with a 2005 GDp us$ 15 000. the prevalence of night blindness as a public health problem in preschool-age children is categorized as follows: 0%, no public health problem; >0<1%, mild public health problem; 1<5%, moderate public health problem; 5%, severe public health problem. the prevalence of night blindness as a public health problem in pregnant women is categorized as 5% (21). population groups: preschool-age children (<5 years); pregnant women (no age range defined).

none mild moderate severe

a b

2 32 49 73

20 48 57 31

excludes 37 countries with a 2005 GDp us$ 15 000. the prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l as a public health problem in both preschool-age children and pregnant women is categorized as follows: <2%, no public health problem; 2<10%, mild public health problem; 10<20%, moderate public health problem; 20%, severe public health problem. population groups: preschool-age children (<5 years); pregnant women (no age range defined).

3. results AnD DisCussiOn


Figure 1

Night blindness as a public health problem by country 19952005: Preschool-age children a) Countries and areas with survey data

Category of public health significance (prevalence of night blindness) None Mild Mild (>0% <1%) Moderate (1% <5%) Severe (>5%) No data

b) Countries and areas with survey data and regression-based estimates

Category of public health significance (prevalence of night blindness) None Mild Mild (>0% <1%) Moderate (1% <5%) Severe (>5%) GDP US$ 15 000 (countries assumed to be free of vitamin A deficiency of public health significance) No data


GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

Figure 2

Biochemical vitamin A deficiency (retinol) as a public health problem by country 19952005: Preschool-age children a) Countries and areas with survey data

Category of public health significance (prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l) None (<2%) Mild (2% <10%) Moderate (10% <20%) _ Severe ( >20%) No data

b) Countries and areas with survey data and regression-based estimates

Category of public health significance (prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l) None (<2%) Mild (2% <10%) Moderate (10% <20%) Severe (20%) GDP US$ 15 000 (countries assumed to be free of vitamin A deficiency of public health significance) No data

3. results AnD DisCussiOn


Figure 3

Night blindness as a public health problem by country 19952005: Pregnant women a) Countries and areas with survey data

Category of public health significance (prevalence of night blindness) No public health problem (<5%) Public health problem (5%) No data

b) Countries and areas with survey data and regression-based estimates

Category of public health significance (prevalence of night blindness) No public health problem (<5%) Public health problem (5%) GDP US$ 15 000 (countries assumed to be free of vitamin A deficiency of public health significance) No data


GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

Figure 4

Biochemical vitamin A deficiency (retinol) as a public health problem by country 19952005: Pregnant women a) Countries and areas with survey data

Category of public health significance (prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l) None (<2%) Mild (2% <10%) Moderate (10% <20%) _ Severe ( >20%) No data

b) Countries and areas with survey data and regression-based estimates

Category of public health significance (prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l) None (<2%) Mild (2% <10%) Moderate (10% <20%) Severe (20%) GDP US$ 15 000 (countries assumed to be free of vitamin A deficiency of public health significance) No data


3.2 Discussion
3.2.1 Population covered
Preschool-age children and pregnant women are considered to be populations most at-risk for VAD due to their increased demands for vitamin A and the potential health consequences associated with VAD during these life stages. Thus, the estimates presented here are specific to children under 5 years of age and pregnant women. This report does not address VAD as a public health problem in all other age groups due to lack of adequate data and understanding of the public health importance of VAD at other ages (a research priority). We also assume that VAD is not a public health problem for preschool-age children and pregnant women residing in the 37 countries identified as having a GDP US$ 15 000, who have been excluded from this analysis and consideration. About half of the global populations of both preschoolage children and pregnant women considered to be at risk of VAD were covered by survey data for this report. Coverage was considerably greater (76%) for serum retinol in preschool-age children than in pregnant women (19%) where, however, it remains low.

East Asia, where 91.5 million preschool-age children have serum retinol concentrations <0.70 mol/l. The prevalence of VAD in pregnant women is likely lower than in preschool-age children, though this may in part be attributable to a lingering lack of data in this life stage. Still, the problem is of immense proportion. Globally, approximately 15% of pregnant women are estimated to be vitamin A deficient (biochemically) and 8% are night blind, respectively. Again, the WHO regions of Africa and SouthEast Asia have the highest risk of deficiency and carry the majority of the burden.

3.2.4 Classification of countries by degree of public health significance of vitamin A deficiency

Vitamin A deficiency, as indicated by either night blindness or biochemical deficiency, is present in a moderate to severe degree in preschool-age children in 45 and 122 countries, respectively, out of the 193 WHO Member States. Vitamin A deficiency in pregnant women is less prevalent than in preschool-age children; however, still either night blindness or biochemical VAD is present as a moderate to severe problem in 66 and 88 countries, respectively. Targeting women to achieve a safe and nutritionally adequate intake of vitamin A during pregnancy could improve the health of both women and their infants.

3.2.2 Strengths of estimates

This report utilizes the most up-to-date data published as of December 31, 2006 for the years 19952005. These estimates are based on the greatest number of VAD surveys conducted in preschool-age children and pregnant women to date. Where probabilistic, representative surveys have not been conducted in the 10 year inclusion period, survey estimates are complemented by regression-based estimates. Use of GDP US$ 15 000 to classify a country as high income and assuming that they are not at risk of VAD of public health significance is arbitrary. Although there is little survey data available in these countries to support this assumption, the exclusion is supported by a usual tendency for VAD risk to decline with rising socioeconomic status, most clearly evident in its association with xerophthalmia (4144). A second reason for excluding higher income countries from analysis was to improve the predictability of the regression models and to help place focus on areas where VAD is likely to be of public health significance.

3.2.5 Comparison to previous estimates

Several estimates of VAD at the global level have been conducted in the past for preschool-age children. However, it is difficult to meaningfully compare these estimates as the methodology used to derive them has varied considerably. The most recent previous global estimates of VAD conducted by WHO were in 1995, based on both clinical (xerophthalmia) and biochemical (serum retinol concentrations <0.70 mol/l) evidence of VAD (44). At that time, it was estimated that 60 countries had clinical and biochemical forms of severe and moderate degrees of public health significance, and was likely to be a problem in an additional 13 countries. The current WHO global estimates of VAD presented here indicate that 45 and 122 countries have a moderate or severe public health problem of night blindness or biochemical VAD, respectively. In 1995, it was estimated that clinical VAD affected approximately 3 million and biochemical VAD affected approximately 251 million preschool-age children each year (Table 14). Since 1995, several other groups have also generated global estimates of VAD. In 1998, alternative methodology was used for data collected between 1985 and 1995 to estimate that clinical VAD (night blindness and Bitots spots) affected about 3.3 million preschool children (45). These estimates suggested that that biochemical VAD (serum retinol concentration <0.70 mol/l) affected about 75140 million preschool children each year. In 2002,

3.2.3 Proportion of population and the number of individuals with vitamin A deficiency in populations at risk
Approximately one third of the worlds preschool-age population is estimated to be vitamin A deficient, with just less than 1% being night blind at a given time. The WHO regions of Africa and South-East Asia have the highest burden of VAD, reflected by deficient concentrations of the vitamin in circulation, where 4450% of preschool-age children are affected. Most vitamin A deficient children live in South-


GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

Table 14

Comparison of the most recent global estimates of vitamin A deficiency

Number affected by xerophthalmia (millions) Reference year Preschool-age children Pregnant women Number affected by serum retinol <0.70 mol/l (millions) Preschool-age children Pregnant women

WHO 2009 West 2002 (22, 49) uniCef/mi 2004 (45) mi/uniCef/tulane 1998 (44) WHO 1995 (40)


5.2 4.4 7.0 3.3 2.8

9.8 6.2

190 127 219 75140 251

19.1 7.2

2001 2000 1995 1994

based on data collected between 1995 and 2005, and using population figures from 2006.

West estimated that 127 million preschool-age children are vitamin A deficient, defined as a serum retinol concentration <0.70 mol/l or abnormal conjunctival impression cytology, in the developing world, of whom 4.4 million have xerophthalmia (including night blindness, Bitots spots, and corneal xerophthalmia) (22). These estimates showed that nearly half of the worlds children with xerophtalmia resided in South and South-East Asia, of whom over 85% live in India. In 2004, the Micronutrient Initiative and UNICEF worked in collaboration with Tulane University to update their 1998 estimates of VAD for the year 2000 (46, 47). They estimated that clinical VAD (night blindness and Bitots spots) and biochemical VAD (serum retinol concentration <0.70 mol/l) affected 7.0 and 219 million preschool-age children, respectively. The first estimates of VAD in pregnant women were made by West (22) for the year 2000. He estimated that 19.8 million pregnant women in a given year have low vitamin A status (serum retinol or breast milk concentrations <1.05 mol/l), of whom 7.2 million were deficient in vitamin A. (<0.70 mol/l) and 6.2 million experience gestational night blindness. These estimates found that nearly two-thirds of the worlds nightblind women lived in South and South-East Asia. Although these numbers are very difficult to compare due to differences in the methodology used to produce them, considering the growth of the worlds population, there appears to be some indication that the number of preschool-age children affected by xerophthalmia may be decreasing, but that the number of preschool-age children and pregnant women with biochemical VAD, based on deficient serum concentrations of retinol, is increasing, possibly due to better methods of assessment and a wider population being assessed.

3.2.6 Limitations of estimates

Estimates of the extent and severity of VAD in this report have practical limitations imposed by the absence, untimely, partially representative, or uncertain technical quality of

data. In the current situation, only 1242% of the countries had survey data (national or subnational) that met inclusion criteria. Other countries suspected to harbour populations at risk of VAD had no population data, requiring estimates to be derived from regression models employing available covariates shown to be predictive in countries with data. Also, a number of countries in specific regions had no data or very little data for one of the indicators. In this respect, modelled estimates of the prevalence of biochemical VAD should be interpreted with caution since they are based primarily on regression-based estimates. These figures should be considered place holders until measured survey data become available and should serve to emphasize the work-in-progress nature of this report. Although the majority of the survey data was collected in nationally representative samples, the regressionbased estimates only explained 1346% of the variation in VAD prevalence among countries with survey data. Estimates of prevalence were based on a number of assumptions. All surveys were treated equally, although their methodological quality varied greatly. For example, most surveys used multi-stage cluster sampling proportionate to the population size within the country, but not all did, and in some national surveys, specific areas had to be left out due to security or accessibility issues. Furthermore for some preschool-age children, the population sampled covered only a portion of the desired age range (e.g. children 1223 months) or covered ages outside the age range. For the purpose of our analysis, these surveys were considered equal to those that covered the entire age range. However, an estimate from children equally distributed among the age ranges would be more appropriate. Additionally, it is very difficult to measure night blindness in children less than 2 years of age, but it was usually not possible to exclude this age group from the analysis. Depending on the indicator and the population group, there were 112 countries for which subnational data were used to generate prevalence estimates in preschool-age children and pregnant women, and these data may result in an over- or under-estimation of the prevalence for those countries.

3. results AnD DisCussiOn


A limitation of using serum (plasma) retinol concentration as an indicator of vitamin A status is that it is decreased by acute and underlying chronic infections (8). The majority of surveys do not utilize an indicator of infection status at the time in which retinol is assessed. Concurrent data on infection status would not alter the indicator-based (i.e. serum retinol) estimates of prevalence but could influence the interpretation of survey findings with respect to cause of apparent deficiency (48). In some cases, the prevalence of serum retinol concentrations <0.70 mol/l was calculated using the mean retinol concentration and assuming that retinol values were normally distributed, an assumption that appears to be largely supported by existing reports of population-based serum retinol distributions. Additionally, data for night blindness during a womens most recent birth within the previous five years that ended in a live birth was not adjusted for any day time visual problems. Therefore, we may be overestimating the true prevalence of night blindness if there is a high prevalence of women with day time visual problems in these populations. Some initial surveys had to be excluded from analysis because they either only reported a prevalence of night blindness that was adjusted for day time visual problems, and was therefore not comparable to the unadjusted estimates, or a figure was reported only for current night blindness, which did not account for trimester of the pregnancy. Because it is expected that the prevalence of night blindness is highest towards the end of pregnancy, these figures were not comparable to the unadjusted values of a history of night blindness during a previous pregnancy.

3.3 Conclusions
The data available for these estimates are the most representative data to date. The estimates are the most accurate reflection of the global prevalence of night blindness and biochemical VAD up until this point in time. However, some countries have conducted surveys since 2005 but were not included here due to the time frame of 19952005 that was established for these specific estimates. Countries without survey data are highly encouraged to collect data on a regular basis (every 35 years). Regression-based estimates are appropriate for the regional and global levels, but may not accurately reflect the situation in an individual country given the variation explained by the current models. The maintenance of the WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency and the periodic generation of estimates of deficiency provide a valuable tool for tracking the global progress of eliminating VAD and the effectiveness of the current strategies for its control. Hopefully, these estimates will encourage countries to plan routine surveys which assess the prevalence of VAD and the factors that may be contributing to its development, including the incidence of infectious diseases. The understanding of how the prevalence of VAD and the factors related to its development vary by population subgroup, geography, level of development, and other social and economic factors will make interventions easier to select and target to the most appropriate populations.


GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005


1. Haskell MJ, Brown KH. Maternal vitamin A nutriture and the vitamin A content of human milk. Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia, 1999, 4:243 257. 2. US Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board, Standing Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes. Dietary reference intakes for vitamin A, vitamin K, arsenic, boron, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, silicon, vanadium, and zinc. Washington DC, National Academy Press, 2000. 3. Alvarez JO et al. Urinary excretion of retinol in children with acute diarrhea. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1995, 61:12731276. 4. Mitra AK et al. Urinary retinol excretion and kidney function in children with shigellosis. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1998, 68:10951103. 5. Sommer A, West KP Jr. Vitamin A deficiency: Health, survival, and vision. New York, Oxford University Press, 1996. 6. Christian P et al. Night blindness of pregnancy in rural Nepal nutritional and health risks. International Journal of Epidemiology, 1998, 27:231237. 7. West KP Jr, Gernand A, Sommer A. Vitamin A in nutritional anemia. In: Kraemer K, Zimmermann MB, eds. Nutritional anemia. Basel, Sight and Life Press, 2007: 133153. 8. Scrimshaw NS, Taylor CE, Gordon JE. Interactions of nutrition and infection. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO Monograph Series No. 57), 1968 (http:// (part1).pdf). 9. Beaton GH et al. Effectiveness of vitamin A supplementation in the control of young child morbidity and mortality in developing countries. United Nations (UN) Administrative Committee on Coordination, Sub-committee on Nutrition State-of-the-Art Series: Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No. 13. Geneva, United Nations, 1993. 10. Glasziou PP, Mackerras DE. Vitamin A supplementation in infectious diseases: a meta-analysis. British Medical Journal, 1993, 306:366370. 11. Fawzi WW et al. Vitamin A supplementation and child mortality. A meta-analysis. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1993, 269:898903.

12. Bhutta ZA et al. What works? Interventions for maternal and child undernutrition and survival. Lancet, 2008, 371:417440. 13. Benn CS et al. Effect of 50000 IU vitamin A given with BCG vaccine on mortality in infants in GuineaBissau: randomized placebo controlled trial. British Medical Journal, 2008, 336:14161420. 14. Malaba LC et al. Effect of postpartum maternal or neonatal vitamin A supplementation on infant mortality among infants born to HIV-negative mothers in Zimbabwe. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2005, 81:454460. 15. West KP Jr et al. Double blind, cluster randomised trial of low dose supplementation with vitamin A or beta carotene on mortality related to pregnancy in Nepal. The NNIPS-2 Study Group. British Medical Journal, 1999, 318:5705. 16. Singh V, West KP Jr. Vitamin A deficiency and xerophthalmia among school-aged children in Southeastern Asia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2004, 58:13421349. 17. Sommer A. Vitamin A deficiency and its consequences: a field guide to detection and control, 3rd ed. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1995. 18. World Health Organization. Control of vitamin A deficiency and xerophthalmia. Report of a Joint WHO/ UNICEF/USAID/Helen Keller International/IVACG Meeting. Technical Report Series 672. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1982. 19. Sommer A et al. History of nightblindness: a simple tool for xerophthalmia screening. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1980, 33:887891. 20. Christian P et al. Night blindness during pregnancy and subsequent mortality among women in Nepal: Effects of vitamin A and beta-carotene supplementation. American Journal of Epidemiology, 2000, 152:542 547. 21. Sommer A, Davidson FR. Assessment and control of vitamin A deficiency: the Annecy Accords. Journal of Nutrition, 2002, 132: 2845S2850S. 22. West KP Jr. Extent of vitamin A deficiency among preschool children and women of reproductive age. Journal of Nutrition, 2002,132:2857S66S. 23. Arroyave G et al. Evaluation of sugar fortification with vitamin A at the nutritional level. Scientific Publication No. 384, Washington DC, PAHO, 1979.



24. Dary O, Mora JO, International Vitamin A Consultative Group. Food fortification to reduce vitamin A deficiency: International Vitamin A Consultative Group recommendations. Journal of Nutrition, 2002, 132:2927S2933S. 25. World Health Organization, UNICEF, IVACG Task Force. Vitamin A supplements: a guide to their use in the treatment of vitamin A deficiency and xerophthalmia, 2nd ed. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1997 (http:// pdf). 26. Report of the XXII International Vitamin A Consultative Group Meeting. Vitamin A and the common agenda for micronutrients. Lima, Peru, 1517 November, 2004, pp 4959. 27. Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System, WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency [online database]. Geneva, World Health Organization (, accessed 31 December 2007). 28. World Health Organization. Indicators for assessing vitamin A deficiency and their application in monitoring and evaluating intervention programmes. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1996 (WHO/ NUT/96.10) ( WHO_NUT_96.10.pdf). 29. UNDP. Human Development Report 2002, Deepening democracy in a fragmented world. New York, United Nations Development Programme, Oxford University Press, 2002 ( HDR_2002_EN_Complete.pdf). 30. Human Development Indicators. In: Cait Murphy BRL, ed. Human Development Report 2004. New York, United Nations Development Programme, 2004: 139250. 31. World Health Organization. The World Health Report 2005. Make every mother and child count. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2005 (http://www.who. int/whr/2005). 32. World Health Organization. World Health Statistics 2005. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2005 ( pdf). 33. United Nations Population Division. World population prospects the 2004 revision. New York, United Nations Population Division, 2005. 34. World Health Organization. WHO Child Growth Standards: Length/height-for-age, weight-for-age, weight-forlength, weight-for-height and body mass index-for-age: Methods and development. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2006. 35. Wackerly D, Mendenhall W, Scheaffer RL. Mathematical statistics with applications, 6th ed. Pacific Grove, CA, Duxbury Press, 2001.

36. Lohr SL. Sampling: Design and analysis, 1st ed. Pacific Grove, CA, Duxbury Press, 1998. 37. Neter J et al. Applied linear statistical models, 4th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 1996. 38. Allison PD. Logistic regression using the SAS system. Indianapolis, IN, Wiley-SAS, 2001. 39. Fleiss JL, Levin B, Paik MC. Statistical methods for rates and proportions, 3rd ed. New Jersey, Wiley, 2003. 40. United Nations Population Division. World population prospects the 2006 revision. New York, United Nations Population Division, 2007. 41. Cohen N et al. Landholding, wealth and risk of blinding malnutrition in rural Bangladeshi households. Social Science & Medicine, 1985, 21:12691272. 42. Mele L et al. Nutritional and household risk factors for xerophthalmia in Aceh, Indonesia: a case-control study. The Aceh Study Group. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1991, 53:14601465. 43. Khatry SK et al. Epidemiology of xerophthalmia in Nepal. A pattern of household poverty, childhood illness, and mortality. The Sarlahi Study Group. Archives of Ophthalmology, 1995, 113:425429. 44. World Health Organization. The global prevalence of vitamin A deficiency. Micronutrient Deficiency Information System (MDIS) Working Paper 2. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1995 (WHO/NUT/95.3). ( global_prevalence/en/index.html). 45. Micronutrient Initiative, UNICEF, Tulane University. Progress in controlling vitamin A deficiency. Ottawa, Micronutrient Initiative, 1998. 46. Micronutrient Initiative, United Nations Childrens Fund. Vitamin and mineral deficiency: a global progress report. Ottawa, Micronutrient Initiative and New York, UNICEF, 2004 ( pdfs/VMD.pdf). 47. Mason J et al. Recent trends in malnutrition in developing regions: vitamin A deficiency, anemia, iodine deficiency, and child underweight. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 2005, 26:59108. 48. Thurnham DI et al. Effects of subclinical infection on plasma retinol concentrations and assessment of prevalence of vitamin A deficiency: meta-analysis. Lancet, 2003, 362:20522058. 49. West KP Jr, Rice A, Sugimoto JD. Tables on the global burden of vitamin A deficiency and xerophthalmia among preschool aged children and low vitamin A status, vitamin A deficiency, and night blindness among pregnant women by WHO region ( GlobalVAD.pdf; updated August 2002).


GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

AnneX 1

WHO Member States grouped by WHO region and UN region as of 2007

Table A1.1 WHO Member States grouped by WHO region

Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Congo Cte dIvoire Democratic Republic of the Congo Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Kenya Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Rwanda Sao Tome and Principe Senegal

Seychelles Sierra Leone South Africa Swaziland Togo Uganda United Republic of Tanzania Zambia Zimbabwe

Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Bahamas Barbados Belize Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Grenada Guatemala Guyana Haiti Honduras Jamaica Mexico Nicaragua Panama Paraguay

Peru Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Suriname Trinidad and Tobago United States of America Uruguay Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

South-East Asia
Bangladesh Bhutan Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea India Indonesia Maldives Myanmar Nepal Sri Lanka Thailand Timor-Leste

Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic

Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Israel Italy Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Monaco Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Tajikistan The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Turkey Turkmenistan

AnneX 1


Ukraine United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Uzbekistan

Eastern Mediterranean
Afghanistan Bahrain Djibouti Egypt Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Jordan Kuwait

Lebanon Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Morocco Oman Pakistan Qatar Saudi Arabia Somalia Sudan Syrian Arab Republic Tunisia United Arab Emirates Yemen

Western Pacific
Australia Brunei Darussalam Cambodia China Cook Islands Fiji Japan Kiribati Lao Peoples Democratic Republic Malaysia Marshall Islands Micronesia (Federated States of)

Mongolia Nauru New Zealand Niue Palau Papua New Guinea Philippines Republic of Korea Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu Viet Nam

Table A1.2 WHO Member States grouped by UN region and subregion1

Eastern Africa
Burundi Comoros Djibouti Eritrea Ethiopia Kenya Madagascar Malawi Mauritius Mozambique Rwanda Seychelles Somalia Uganda United Republic of Tanzania Zambia Zimbabwe

Northern Africa
Algeria Egypt Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Morocco Sudan Tunisia

Central Asia
Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan

Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Timor-Leste Viet Nam

Southern Africa
Botswana Lesotho Namibia South Africa Swaziland

Eastern Asia
China Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea Japan Mongolia Republic of Korea

Western Asia
Armenia Azerbaijan Bahrain Cyprus Georgia Iraq Israel Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia Syrian Arab Republic Turkey United Arab Emirates Yemen

Western Africa
Benin Burkina Faso Cape Verde Cte dIvoire Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Liberia Mali Mauritania Niger Nigeria Senegal Sierra Leone Togo

Southern Asia
Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan India Iran (IslamicRepublic of) Maldives Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka

Middle Africa
Angola Cameroon Central African Republic Chad Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo Equatorial Guinea Gabon Sao Tome and Principe

South-eastern Asia
Brunei Darussalam Cambodia Indonesia Lao Peoples Democratic Republic methods/m49/m49regin/htm, as of 31 January 2008.


GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

Eastern Europe
Belarus Bulgaria Czech Republic Hungary Poland Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Slovakia Ukraine

Italy Malta Montenegro Portugal San Marino Serbia Slovenia Spain The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Jamaica Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Trinidad and Tobago

Northern America
Canada United States of America

AustraliaNew Zealand
Australia New Zealand

Central America
Belize Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Mexico Nicaragua Panama

Fiji Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands Vanuatu

Western Europe
Austria Belgium France Germany Luxembourg Monaco Netherlands Switzerland

Northern Europe
Denmark Estonia Finland Iceland Ireland Latvia Lithuania Norway Sweden United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Kiribati Marshall Islands Micronesia (Federated States of) Nauru Palau

South America
Argentina Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Guyana Paraguay Peru Suriname Uruguay Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Americas Latin America and the Caribbean

Antigua and Barbuda Bahamas Barbados Cuba Dominica Dominican Republic Grenada Haiti

Cook Islands Niue Samoa Tonga Tuvalu

Southern Europe
Albania Andorra Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia Greece

AnneX 1


AnneX 2

Results by UN region

Table A2.1 Percentage of populationa at risk of vitamin A deficiency covered by night blindness and serum retinol prevalence surveys (national or subnational) conducted between 1995 and 2005, by UN region
UN region Preschool-age childrenb Night blindness Retinol Night blindness Pregnant women Retinol

Africa (53)c Asia (37) europe (20) latin America and the Caribbean (32) northern America (0) Oceania (14) Global (156)
a b c d

37.8 (17)d 71.7 (12) 0.7 (1) 0 (0) 0 (0) 77.8 (2) 54.0 (32)

75.9 (26) 83.2 (21) 0.7 (1) 49.8 (16) 0 (0) 79.1 (3) 75.7 (67)

62.9 (25) 60.0 (13) 1.3 (1) 14.9 (6) 0 (0) 0 (0) 55.0 (45)

27.0 (8) 18.8 (7) 0 (0) 0.6 (4) 0 (0) 0 (0) 18.9 (19)

excludes countries with a 2005 GDp us$ 15 000. population subgroups: preschool-age children (<5 years); pregnant women (no age range defined). un regions: Africa, Asia, europe, latin America and the Caribbean, northern America, and Oceania. number in parentheses is number of countries in each grouping. number of countries with data in parentheses.

Table A2.2 Prevalence of night blindness and numbers of affected preschool-age children and pregnant women in countries at risk of vitamin A deficiency 19952005, by UN region
UN regiona Preschool-age childrenb Prevalencec (%) # affected (millions) Prevalence (%) Pregnant women # affected (millions)

Africa Asia europe latin America and the Caribbean northern America Oceania Global
a b c d

2.1 (1.03.1)d 0.5 (0.01.3) 0.7 (0.01.5) 0.6 (0.01.3) 0.0 0.5 (0.11.0) 0.9 (0.11.8)

3.07 (1.504.63) 1.64 (0.004.41) 0.11 (0.000.24) 0.36 (0.000.75) 0.00 0.01 (0.000.01) 5.18 (0.3810.0)

9.4 (8.110.7) 7.8 (6.69.0) 2.9 (1.14.6) 4.4 (2.76.2) 0.0 9.2 (0.318.2) 7.8 (6.59.1)

3.30 (2.853.76) 5.83 (4.906.76) 0.10 (0.040.15) 0.50 (0.310.70) 0.00 0.02 (0.000.04) 9.75 (8.0911.4)

un regions: Africa, Asia, europe, latin America and the Caribbean, northern America, and Oceania. population subgroups: preschool-age children (<5 years); pregnant women (no age range defined). Denominator excludes countries with a 2005 GDp us$ 15 000. 95% Confidence intervals in parentheses.


GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

Table A2.3 Prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l and numbers of affected preschool-age children and pregnant women in countries at risk of vitamin A deficiency 19952005, by UN region
UN regiona Preschool-age childrenb Prevalencec (%) # affected (millions) Prevalence (%) Pregnant women # affected (millions)

Africa Asia europe latin America and the Caribbean northern America Oceania Global
a b c d

41.6 (38.444.9)d 33.5 (30.736.3) 14.9 (0.129.7) 15.6 (6.624.5) 0.0 12.6 (6.019.2) 33.3 (29.437.1)

61.3 (56.566.0) 117 (108127) 2.38 (0.024.74) 8.68 (3.7013.7) 0.00 0.15 (0.070.22) 190 (168212)

14.3 (9.719.0) 18.4 (5.431.4) 2.2 (0.04.3) 2.0 (0.43.6) 0.0 1.4 (0.04.0) 15.3 (6.024.6)

5.06 (3.416.70) 13.8 (4.0823.5) 0.07 (0.000.14) 0.23 (0.040.41) 0.00 0.00 (0.000.01) 19.1 (7.5330.8)

un regions: Africa, Asia, europe, latin America and the Caribbean, northern America, and Oceania. population subgroups: preschool-age children (<5 years); pregnant women (no age range defined). Denominator excludes countries with a 2005 GDp us$ 15 000. 95% Confidence intervals in parentheses.

AnneX 2


Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Proportion of the population with night blindness Population with VAD (number of individuals)(000) 95% CI Public health problem

AnneX 3

National estimates of vitamin A deficiency

2001 f r r GDp us$ 15000 1999 0.005.07 920 2839 two provinces left out due to war 2.004.99 641 3302 survey covers 22% of population 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.22.7 0.08.6 0.06.4 39 2 15 11129 022 1207

Table A3.1 Country estimates of the prevalence of night blindness in preschoolage children 19952005

Member State

Population 2006a

04.99y (000)

General (000)

Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra

4823 250 3213 4

26088 3172 33351 74

Angola Antigua and barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia 1998 0.004.99 3390 3329 Weighed prevalence GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 r GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 2006 r r GDp us$ 15000 r r r r r r r GDp us$ 15000 0.5 0.9 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.3 0.7 n 1.504.99 51663 5473 0.0 0.7 0.6 1.3

3082 8 3346 164 1267

16557 84 39134 3010 20530

n r r n

1.4 0.4 0.7 2.9

0.73.0 0.06.3 0.010.0 2.23.8

44 0 24 5

2194 00 2335 46




Azerbaijan bahamas

547 28

8406 327









0.00.1 0.09.4 0.09.1

8 0 3

414 02 041

barbados belarus belgium

17 455 561

293 9742 10430

belize benin bhutan bolivia (plurinational state of) bosnia and Herzegovina botswana brazil brunei Darussalam

36 1488 61 1243 195 216 18092 40

282 8760 649 9354 3926 1858 189323 382

0.07.2 0.111.4 0.06.4 0.112.5 0.07.3 0.115.5 0.09.6

0 14 0 12 1 3 129

03 1170 04 1156 014 034 91741

GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

1996 2005 2000 r f n n 2.005.99 2.004.99 1.504.99 2613 4912 10942 5801 5748 5021 survey covers 34.7% of population national survey in rural areas; weighted prevalence 0.6 1.5 1.3 0.7

bulgaria burkina faso burundi Cambodia

341 2605 1461 1690

7693 14359 8173 14197

0.08.6 1.02.3 0.91.8 0.51.0

2 39 19 12

029 2561 1327 916

mild mild mild no public health problem assumed moderate mild mild moderate no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed moderate no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed no public health problem mild mild no public health problem assumed mild mild mild moderate mild moderate mild no public health problem assumed mild moderate moderate mild

Table A3.1 Country estimates of the prevalence of night blindness in preschoolage children 19952005
Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with night blindness Population with VAD (number of individuals)(000)

AnneX 3
r GDp us$ 15000 1996 2003p 2000 2.006.07 5914 5788 0.504.99 1789 5102 survey covers 14.1% of population n 0.505.99 1118 5630 two agricultural areas excluded 0.0 0.028.4 0 021 1.7 0.120.3 49 3580 1999 r r r r r GDp us$ 15000 r r r GDp us$ 15000 0.6 0.3 1.9 0.08.0 0.05.1 0.122.6 3 5 229 037 081 162671 0.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 0.6 0.07.4 0.07.3 0.118.2 0.07.7 0.07.9 r f r n r r f 0.506.99 5048 5631 survey reported representative of the Congolese child population as a whole 0 2 43 1 4 1.2 1.2 0.6 0.1 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.114.6 0.62.1 0.07.9 0.10.4 0.07.6 0.06.3 0.41.0 8 23 7 119 24 1 4 197 1241 097 45310 2335 08 26 00 029 3517 016 052 moderate no public health problem assumed no public health problem moderate moderate mild mild mild mild mild 1995 0.505.99 1567 103 1996, 1997 r GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 r r r r n r r r r f 0.505.99 16333 1910, 5639c pooled data from one regional and one state survey; weighted prevalence; surveys cover 86.6% of population 0.9 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.1 0.5 1.9 0.5 0.7 4.9 0.6 0.111.4 0.05.8 0.08.2 0.08.2 0.00.9 0.07.0 0.122.4 0.06.5 0.09.7 4.55.4 0.07.9 1 0 7 9 9 4 1 4 0 658 1 012 00 091 1116 178 054 018 053 06 598724 07 mild mild moderate mild mild no public health problem assumed mild mild moderate no public health problem assumed mild mild mild mild mild mild moderate mild mild moderate 1999 r r n 1.005.99 ns d 2806 0.9 0.0 0.8 0.111.2 0.0100 0.111.0 1 0 2 018 0261 026 mild no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed mild no public health problem mild

Member State

Population 2006a

04.99y (000)

General (000)

Cameroon Canada

2851 1716

18175 32577

Cape Verde



Central African republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo

668 1943 1233 84700 4438 129 587

4265 10468 16465 1328474 45558 818 3689

Cook islands Costa rica Cte divoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus

2 393 2849 205 652 49

14 4399 18914 4556 11267 846

Czech republic 466 Democratic peoples republic of korea 1606 Democratic republic of the Congo 11843 Denmark 321

10189 23708 60644 5430

Djibouti Dominica Dominican republic ecuador egypt el salvador equatorial Guinea eritrea estonia ethiopia

107 6 1110 1414 8634 775 81 808 67 13439

819 68 9615 13202 74166 6762 496 4692 1340 81021

fiji finland

90 286

833 5261




Gabon Gambia

158 261

1311 1663





Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with night blindness Population with VAD (number of individuals)(000)

Table A3.1 Country estimates of the prevalence of night blindness in preschoolage children 19952005

Member State

Population 2006a

04.99y (000)

General (000)

Germany 1997, 2002 GDp us$ 15000 r r r r r r r r GDp us$ 15000 2000 r r r GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 r GDp us$ 15000 r r r r GDp us$ 15000 0.6 1.2 1.4 0.9 0.08.5 0.116.5 0.116.6 0.111.5 4 16 84 0 061 1207 61022 01 0.5 0.07.3 1 020 0.6 0.5 0.7 n 2.004.99 ns 4534 sample size for 0.004.99 year olds =65,741 0.6 0.017.9 0.08.3 0.07.0 0.19.4 761 136 33 31 2122715 91801 2442 2399 0.6 0.5 0.8 1.4 1.1 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.07.9 0.06.3 0.110.6 0.117.2 0.114.1 0.19.4 0.07.2 0.09.0 0 9 13 5 1 9 5 3 01 1129 1164 056 010 1118 068 043 f+s 0.504.99 3881 5099, 5104b Weighted prevalence 0.4 0.20.8 13 626



GDp us$ 15000




no public health problem assumed mild




Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guineabissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary iceland

10 2066 1544 322 73 1244 943 475 21

106 13029 9181 1646 739 9446 6969 10058 298




no public health problem assumed mild mild mild moderate moderate mild mild mild no public health problem assumed mild

indonesia iran (islamic republic of) iraq ireland

21720 6270 4223 315

228864 70270 28506 4221







Jamaica Japan

277 5622

2699 127953

Jordan kazakhstan kenya kiribati kuwait

718 1253 6161 10 236

5729 15314 36553 94 2779

GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

2000 r n r r r r r r 0.504.99 4849 770 1.1 3.1 0.7 0.6 0.9 2.6 0.6 0.6

kyrgyzstan lao peoples Democratic republic latvia lebanon lesotho liberia libyan Arab Jamahiriya lithuania

504 715 102 363 272 690 676 151

5259 5759 2289 4055 1995 3579 6039 3408

0.115.2 2.53.9 0.09.4 0.08.3 0.111.6 0.229.4 0.07.8 0.09.3

6 22 1 2 3 18 4 1

077 1828 010 030 031 1203 053 014

mild mild mild no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed mild no public health problem assumed mild moderate moderate mild no public health problem assumed moderate moderate mild mild mild moderate mild mild

Table A3.1 Country estimates of the prevalence of night blindness in preschoolage children 19952005
Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with night blindness Population with VAD (number of individuals)(000)

AnneX 3
GDp us$ 15000 2000 0.504.99 586 5090 2001 1997 survey covers 51.7% of population 1995 1.005.99 281 3886 n r r n f r n r r r r 2.004.99 ns9.99 640 10559 2987 4195 GDp us$ 15000 1999 1996 0.505.99 1470 5496 see also reference 3971 0.586.07 576 5767 1.7 2.1 0.5 1.2 1.7 0.5 8.5 1.2 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.74.0 0.124.3 0.06.5 0.43.2 1.42.1 0.07.1 4.914.4 0.114.9 0.06.5 0.08.3 0.07.5 53 50 13 0 38 0 1 6 0 64 0 22126 3590 1178 01 3146 01 01 068 06 4866 01 1998 GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 n r n r r r r n 1.004.99 15307 1083 0.5 0.6 0.1 1.0 1.1 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.12.5 0.08.9 0.01.0 0.112.1 0.113.5 0.110.3 0.08.0 0.20.4 1 0 3 36 45 2 0 10 06 03 029 3444 3558 025 00 615 2000 r n r r 2.004.99 3004 3392 0.5 2.1 2.2 0.6 GDp us$ 15000 0.06.8 1.53.0 0.125.3 0.08.3 3 57 534 0 046 4080 366193 00 1998p r r r r f r r r r 0.505.99 1020 4140 survey covers 22.4% of population 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.6 GDp us$ 15000 0.05.2 0.06.6 0.07.9 0.08.2 0.11.7 0.08.4 0.09.0 0.110.0 0.09.2 1 88 0 2 4 5 19 82 11 014 61256 00 028 115 061 1254 61102 1162 no public health problem assumed moderate moderate mild moderate moderate mild severe moderate mild mild mild no public health problem assumed mild mild mild moderate moderate mild mild mild no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed mild moderate moderate mild no public health problem assumed mild mild mild mild mild mild mild mild mild no public health problem assumed

Member State

Population 2006a

04.99y (000)

General (000)




madagascar malawi malaysia maldives mali malta marshall islands mauritania mauritius mexico micronesia (federated states of) monaco

3142 2425 2758 30 2247 20 6 456 94 10445 14 2

19159 13571 26114 300 11968 405 58 3044 1252 105342 111 33

mongolia montenegro morocco mozambique myanmar namibia nauru nepal netherlands

233 38 2978 3670 4146 248 1 3626 987

2605 601 30853 20971 48379 2047 10 27641 16379

new Zealand



nicaragua niger nigeria niue norway

671 2713 24503 0 284

5532 13737 144720 2 4669

Oman pakistan palau panama papua new Guinea paraguay peru philippines poland portugal

269 19012 2 344 898 731 2815 11027 1765 557

2546 160943 20 3288 6202 6016 27589 86264 38140 10579


Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with night blindness Population with VAD (number of individuals)(000)

Table A3.1 Country estimates of the prevalence of night blindness in preschoolage children 19952005

Member State

Population 2006a

04.99y (000)

General (000)

Qatar GDp us$ 15000 r r r r r r r r GDp us$ 15000 r r r r r r GDp us$ 15000 r GDp us$ 15000 r r r GDp us$ 15000 1996 1995 f r r 05.05.99 3587 n 2.005.99 ns 2716 1443 survey excluded northern & eastern provinces survey covers 33.8% of population 0.8 8.5 0.7 1.9 GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 0.015.3 7.39.9 0.09.8 0.122.9 12 466 0 3 1227 400542 04 034 0.4 2.3 0.9 0.05.3 0.226.6 0.111.5 0 35 47 04 2400 3607 0.6 0.08.0 1 021 1.4 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.6 3.4 0.116.6 0.05.9 0.08.8 0.08.9 0.08.3 0.238.3 0 12 13 4 0 34 04 1170 1169 054 01 2382 0.7 0.6 0.7 2.6 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.09.1 0.08.3 0.09.6 0.230.0 0.111.2 0.07.8 0.06.4 0.08.9 1 6 49 42 0 0 0 0 019 088 3694 3486 01 01 01 02



GDp us$ 15000

republic of korea



republic of moldova romania russian federation rwanda saint kitts and nevis saint lucia saint Vincent and the Grenadines samoa san marino

213 1058 7195 1617 5 15 12 25 1

3833 21532 143221 9464 50 163 120 185 31

sao tome and principe saudi Arabia senegal serbia seychelles sierra leone singapore

23 2879 1913 605 6 999 207

155 24175 12072 9851 86 5743 4382

slovakia slovenia

259 89

5388 2001

solomon islands somalia south Africa spain

70 1507 5254 2268

484 8445 48282 43887

sri lanka



no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed mild mild mild moderate mild mild mild mild no public health problem assumed moderate mild mild mild mild moderate no public health problem assumed mild no public health problem assumed mild moderate mild no public health problem assumed mild

sudan suriname swaziland sweden

5483 45 147 499

37707 455 1134 9078




GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

1999 r r r n 0.004.99 1272 1609 0.4 1.9 0.6 0.9

syrian Arab republic tajikistan thailand the former yugoslav republic of macedonia

2500 858 4514 117

19408 6640 63444 2036

0.06.0 0.124.5 0.08.3 0.42.0

11 16 28 1

1149 1210 2377 02

severe mild moderate no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed mild moderate mild mild

Table A3.1 Country estimates of the prevalence of night blindness in preschoolage children 19952005
Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with night blindness Population with VAD (number of individuals)(000)

AnneX 3
r r r r r r r r r r GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 r GDp us$ 15000 1.6 0.119.1 113 81330 1.1 1.2 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.6 1.7 0.8 1.5 0.7 0.113.1 0.114.6 0.09.4 0.08.1 0.06.1 0.08.1 0.122.6 0.19.9 0.117.9 0.09.8 2 13 0 1 4 40 8 0 87 14 025 1153 01 08 051 3539 1111 00 61047 1195 2000 1997 1999 r n n 2.006.07 1.005.99 967 658 1325 2641 r r r r n 0.004.99 94469 2976 0.7 1.1 0.2 0.6 0.0 0.7 6.2 0.3 0.09.3 0.114.9 0.04.1 0.07.9 0.000 0.08.6 4.48.7 0.02.1 2 32 0 17 1 24 125 5 024 2427 01 1229 02 2312 88176 136 moderate moderate mild mild mild mild moderate mild moderate mild no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed moderate no public health problem assumed mild moderate mild mild no public health problem mild severe mild

Member State

Population 2006a

04.99y (000)

General (000)

timor-leste togo tonga trinidad and tobago tunisia turkey turkmenistan tuvalu uganda ukraine united Arab emirates

190 1045 12 93 823 6630 491 1 5840 2001 315

1114 6410 100 1328 10215 73922 4899 10 29899 46557 4248

united kingdom of Great britain and northern ireland



united republic of tanzania united states of America

6953 20776

39459 302841

uruguay uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Viet nam

254 2861 31 2880 8101

3331 26981 221 27191 86206

yemen Zambia Zimbabwe

3639 2012 1703

21732 11696 13228

population figures are based on the 2006 projection from the 2007 revision from the united nations population Division. level of survey: n=nationally representative, f=surveys at the first administrative level boundary, s=survey at the second administrative level boundary, r=regressionbased estimate. Corresponds to the numerical reference available in the WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency ( ns = not specified


Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with night bindness Population with VAD (number of individuals)(000)

Table A3.2 Country estimates of the prevalence of night blindness in pregnant women 19952005

Member State

Population 2006a

Pregnant women (000)

General (000)

r r r GDp us$ 15000

12.5 3.2 5.3

3.734.5 0.911.1 1.616.6

167 2 38

50461 06 11118

2005 GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 r GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 2004 n r r GDp us$ 15000 2001 2004 15.0049.99 7261 5095 r n r n r r r 15.0049.99 3524 3461 GDp us$ 15000 2003 2005 2004 15.0049.99 15.0049.99 5865 5303 5646 5214 GDp us$ 15000 r n r n n 15.0049.99 7428 4948 2.8 13.0 8.0 8.0 6.0 0.710.3 12.014.1 2.423.7 7.19.0 5.27.0 2 86 33 31 39 4.6 9.9 6.8 14.1 4.5 4.3 3.5 1.315.0 8.611.4 2.020.9 13.015.3 1.314.4 1.214.0 1.011.8 0 37 1 37 2 2 130 10.0049.99 5416 5206 6.5 3.2 2.6 5.67.5 0.911.1 0.79.6 258 0 2 3.3 0.911.3 5

r r r n 15.0049.99 1176 5804

10.9 3.9 3.2 3.2

3.330.4 1.112.9 0.910.9 2.05.0

89 0 22 1

27249 00 676 12


224298 00 19 01 3242 03 3440 05 17 36437 07 7993 1097 2735 3345


ns d



survey covers 14.1% of population


r r f r r r r n r r r r r 15.0049.99 3568 5733 r r r

6.7 13.3 2.7 3.4 4.2 4.1 9.4 8.0 2.8 4.4 10.3 3.0 3.0 GDp us$ 15000 2.9 5.3 10.4

Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan bahamas bahrain bangladesh barbados belarus belgium belize benin bhutan bolivia (plurinational state of) bosnia and Herzegovina botswana brazil brunei Darussalam bulgaria burkina faso burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Cook islands Costa rica Cte divoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech republic Democratic peoples republic of korea Democratic republic of the Congo 2.020.3 3.936.9 1.64.5 0.911.4 1.213.7 1.213.5 2.926.8 6.89.4 0.710.7 1.314.4 3.128.9 0.810.7 0.810.5 0.810.1 1.417.7 3.129.2 1 21 13 8 738 36 3 11 0 4 70 1 4 3 17 328 03 659 822 229 2112400 10117 18 913 00 112 21199 04 112 19 456 100294

1337 52 710 1 818 2 696 38 257 77 138 6 13 3972 3 91 109 7 369 12 263 35 47 3698 8 68 661 410 386 647 341 16 159 497 251 17459 869 28 134 0 80 688 41 116 10 93 315 3166

26088 3172 33351 74 16557 84 39134 3010 20530 8327 8406 327 739 155991 293 9742 10430 282 8760 649 9354 3926 1858 189323 382 7693 14359 8173 14197 18175 32577 519 4265 10468 16465 1328474 45558 818 3689 14 4399 18914 4556 11267 846 10189 23708 60644

yes no yes no, assumed yes no no no no, assumed no, assumed no no, assumed no, assumed yes no no no, assumed no yes yes yes no no no no, assumed no yes yes yes yes no, assumed yes yes no no no no yes yes no no yes no no no, assumed no yes yes

GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

Table A3.2 Country estimates of the prevalence of night blindness in pregnant women 19952005
Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with night bindness Population with VAD (number of individuals)(000)

AnneX 3
GDp us$ 15000 2002 15.0049.99 7866 4739 2002 2005 GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 2000 n r r GDp us$ 15000 2003 GDp us$ 15000 n 15.0049.99 2645 4943 7.7 6.49.3 54 4565 15.0049.99 2748 5100 10.5 7.9 3.7 9.012.2 2.324.2 1.013.5 4 5 2 34 115 06 15.0049.99 7308 5694 r r n r r r r n r n r 15.0049.99 4175 4639 9.1 3.6 4.5 3.7 5.0 4.3 8.3 11.6 2.6 22.1 3.8 2.826.1 1.012.4 3.95.2 1.012.2 1.416.0 1.214.0 2.425.0 10.313.0 0.79.6 20.823.5 1.112.6 2 0 10 10 92 7 2 22 0 712 1 16 00 912 334 26296 222 05 2025 01 670756 02 2005 15.0049.99 4447 5726 2000 2006 r r n r r n n r 15.0049.99 15.0049.99 4254 7774 3264 5799 n, f n r r 15.0049.99 12760 15.0049.99 32692 GDp us$ 15000 prevalence pooled from national survey and one state survey 3.2 6.8 17.8 11.3 3.5 9.4 4.8 2.7 12.1 1.7 4.0 7.0 GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 r GDp us$ 15000 r r r r GDp us$ 15000 2000 r n r r 15.0049.99 1186 770 3.3 11.9 2.6 3.7 0.911.4 9.514.8 0.79.5 1.112.4 4 19 1 3 113 1523 02 19 4.4 2.6 6.4 4.6 1.214.6 0.79.7 1.919.5 1.314.9 7 8 96 0 223 230 28291 00 4.5 1.314.6 2 18 0.911.1 2.020.4 16.319.4 3.431.2 1.011.9 8.210.7 4.25.5 0.79.8 11.612.6 1.42.0 1.113.1 2.021.6 0 31 67 10 0 25 10 3 3276 74 58 66 00 992 6274 327 01 2229 811 19 31433414 6189 16192 19201 1999, 2000 2003 2972, 3780a 4538 no, assumed yes no no no yes no yes yes no yes no no, assumed no, assumed yes yes no no, assumed yes no, assumed no yes yes yes no yes no no no, assumed yes no no yes no, assumed no, assumed no, assumed no no, assumed no no yes no no, assumed no yes no no

Member State

Population 2006a

Pregnant women (000)

General (000)

Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican republic ecuador egypt el salvador equatorial Guinea eritrea estonia ethiopia fiji finland france Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary iceland india

61 24 1 231 282 1845 158 20 193 14 3222 18 59 756 35 60 47 675 703 103 2 450 378 86 13 270 200 93 4 27077

5430 819 68 9615 13202 74166 6762 496 4692 1340 81021 833 5261 61330 1311 1663 4433 82641 23008 11123 106 13029 9181 1646 739 9446 6969 10058 298 1151751

indonesia iran (islamic republic of) iraq ireland israel italy Jamaica Japan Jordan kazakhstan kenya kiribati kuwait kyrgyzstan lao peoples Democratic republic latvia lebanon

4360 1462 931 67 137 539 54 1062 155 305 1496 2 52 117 159 21 75

228864 70270 28506 4221 6810 58779 2699 127953 5729 15314 36553 94 2779 5259 5759 2289 4055


Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with night bindness Population with VAD (number of individuals)(000)

Table A3.2 Country estimates of the prevalence of night blindness in pregnant women 19952005

Member State

Population 2006a

Pregnant women (000)

General (000)


n r r r GDp us$ 15000 15.0049.99 15.0049.99 15.0049.99 15.0049.99 1313 8291 2987 3446 3894 7271 5190 5201




4.4 13.3 4.2 2.6

3.55.6 3.837.3 1.213.7 0.79.6

3 26 6 1

23 772 220 03

2004 2004 2001 2001

n n r n n r r r r r r GDp us$ 15000

7.5 5.8 4.4 4.6 19.1 3.7 4.3 9.7 4.0 3.8 3.6

6.48.8 5.16.6 1.314.4 3.26.5 17.920.3 1.012.3 1.214.0 2.927.5 1.113.1 1.112.6 1.012.3

54 33 25 0 115 0 0 10 1 79 0

4764 2938 780 00 108123 00 00 328 02 22261 00

2004 2004 2005

15.0049.99 15.0049.99 15.0049.99

4695 7179 1598

5191 5195 5685


r r n n n r r n 15.0049.99 4745 3321

0.911.4 0.911.5 1.72.9 4.66.1 0.62.1 1.818.9 2.427.9 18.121.2

2 0 14 45 10 3 0 157

06 01 1119 3952 519 110 00 144170

2001 2000 2003

n n n r

15.0049.99 15.0049.99 15.0049.99

4848 1360 3911

3460 3392 4764

4.36.0 14.520.1 6.69.0 0.712.1

7 122 460 0

68 103143 394536 00





2004 2003

r n r r r r n n r 15.0049.99 15.0049.99 1773 4802 5357 5192

1.314.3 7.18.6 1.012.4 1.415.0 3.129.3 1.314.7 5.18.3 6.99.0 0.810.0

3 352 0 3 19 7 38 181 10

18 320387 00 111 655 222 3049 158207 336

lesotho liberia libyan Arab Jamahiriya lithuania luxembourg madagascar malawi malaysia maldives mali malta marshall islands mauritania mauritius mexico micronesia (federated states of) monaco mongolia montenegro morocco mozambique myanmar namibia nauru nepal netherlands new Zealand nicaragua niger nigeria niue norway Oman pakistan palau panama papua new Guinea paraguay peru philippines poland portugal Qatar republic of korea republic of moldova romania russian federation 2005 n r r 15.0049.99 1387 5489 3.4 3.3 2.2 5.3 1.1 6.2 8.9 survey excluded six areas due to security19.6 GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 5.1 17.1 7.7 3.0 GDp us$ 15000 4.4 7.8 3.7 4.7 10.3 4.5 6.5 7.9 2.8 GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 5.1 3.0 2.8 3.77.0 0.810.6 0.710.0 2 6 43 23 222 11152

58 192 146 31 5 726 575 553 7 604 4 1 103 19 2075 3 0 49 8 646 852 892 54 0 800 182 57 140 711 5975 0 56 58 4515 0 70 189 153 586 2292 362 112 14 449 43 210 1518

1995 3579 6039 3408 461 19159 13571 26114 300 11968 405 58 3044 1252 105342 111 33 2605 601 30853 20971 48379 2047 10 27641 16379 4140 5532 13737 144720 2 4669 2546 160943 20 3288 6202 6016 27589 86264 38140 10579 821 48050 3833 21532 143221

no yes no no no, assumed yes yes no no yes no no yes no no no no, assumed no no no yes no yes yes yes no, assumed no, assumed yes yes yes no no, assumed no yes no no yes no yes yes no no, assumed no, assumed no, assumed yes no no

GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

Table A3.2 Country estimates of the prevalence of night blindness in pregnant women 19952005
Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with night bindness Population with VAD (number of individuals)(000)

AnneX 3
2005 n r r r r GDp us$ 15000 15.0049.99 5245 5781 7.9 2.9 3.7 3.8 3.3 6.99.0 0.810.1 1.012.3 1.112.9 0.911.2 35 0 0 0 0 3140 00 00 00 01 2005 r r n r r r 15.0049.99 6927 5739 GDp us$ 15000 r GDp us$ 15000 r r r GDp us$ 15000 r r r r GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 3.5 9.6 4.8 4.1 1.011.9 2.927.4 1.415.6 1.213.6 10 118 0 1 335 36337 01 04 6.6 12.8 4.5 2.020.0 3.835.2 1.314.5 1 49 49 03 14134 14158 2.9 0.810.3 2 06 5.0 5.1 12.7 3.3 3.2 9.7 1.515.8 1.416.3 11.613.9 0.911.5 0.910.9 2.927.6 0 32 56 4 0 26 01 9101 5161 115 00 875 2003 15.0049.99 3323 5050 2001 r r r r n r r r r r r r n r 15.0049.99 4489 3207 GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 2005 r r r n 15.0049.99 5772 5221 GDp us$ 15000 3.2 3.4 11.8 0.911.0 0.911.6 3.632.8 2 21 1 06 672 02 2.7 2.23.4 43 3554 4.6 3.8 3.7 3.3 13.4 9.5 3.0 3.7 4.5 5.4 3.4 3.6 8.3 2.5 1.315.1 1.112.6 1.012.2 0.911.3 11.815.1 2.827.5 0.810.5 1.012.3 1.314.5 1.616.7 0.911.5 1.012.1 7.29.5 0.69.5 25 7 34 1 7 23 0 1 8 74 4 0 122 11 781 224 10113 03 67 767 00 02 225 22232 113 00 106140 340 yes no no no no no, assumed yes yes yes no no yes no, assumed no no, assumed yes yes no no, assumed no yes no no no, assumed no, assumed no no no no yes yes no no no yes no no yes no no, assumed no, assumed no no, assumed no no yes

Member State

Population 2006a

Pregnant women (000)

General (000)

rwanda 441 saint kitts and nevis 1 saint lucia 3 saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2 samoa 5 san marino 0 sao tome and principe 5 saudi Arabia 622 senegal 441 serbia 127 seychelles 4 sierra leone 272 singapore 36 slovakia 54 slovenia 18 solomon islands 15 somalia 379 south Africa 1086 spain 480 sri lanka 291 sudan 1232 suriname 9 swaziland 33 sweden 103 switzerland 69 syrian Arab republic 539 tajikistan 186 thailand 932 the former yugoslav republic of macedonia 22 timor-leste 49 togo 246 tonga 3 trinidad and tobago 20 tunisia 174 turkey 1388 turkmenistan 109 tuvalu 0 uganda 1467 ukraine 423 united Arab emirates 72 united kingdom of Great britain 728 and northern ireland united republic of tanzania 1601 united states of America 4298 uruguay 51 uzbekistan 623 Vanuatu 7

9464 50 163 120 185 31 155 24175 12072 9851 86 5743 4382 5388 2001 484 8445 48282 43887 19207 37707 455 1134 9078 7455 19408 6640 63444 2036 1114 6410 100 1328 10215 73922 4899 10 29899 46557 4248 60512

39459 302841 3331 26981 221


Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with night bindness Population with VAD (number of individuals)(000)

Table A3.2 Country estimates of the prevalence of night blindness in pregnant women 19952005

Member State

Population 2006a

Pregnant women (000)

General (000)

Venezuela Viet nam yemen Zambia Zimbabwe 2003 1999 15.0049.99 15.0049.99 527 5098 2770 4680, 3331

598 1650 872 473 374

27191 86206 21732 11696 13228

r r r n n

4.7 4.1 9.8 5.7 4.6

1.415.2 1.213.2 3.027.8 1.717.5 3.46.1

28 67 85 27 17

891 19218 26242 883 1323

no no yes yes no

population figures are based on the 2006 projection from the 2007 revision from the united nations population Division. level of survey: n=nationally representative, f=surveys at the first administrative level boundary, s=survey at the second administrative level boundary, r=regressionbased estimate. Corresponds to the numerical reference available in the WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency ( ns = not specified

GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

Table A3.3 Country estimates of the prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l in preschoolage children 19952005
Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with serum retinol <0.70 mol/l Population with VAD (number of individuals) (000)

AnneX 3
r r r GDp us$ 15000 1999 1997 20042005 1998 GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 r GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 1998 n r r GDp us$ 15000 0.504.99 1136 3900 national survey in rural areas 21.7 6.5 17.4 18.525.3 0.4849.9 1.87.1 4112 1 79 35064790 08 8323 32.1 4.383.7 176 23458 n n 2.005.99 0.004.99 7200 2341 5837 3329 14.3 0.6 13.215.5 0.271.2 478 1 n n 0.005.07 1.004.99 765 92 2839 3758 two provinces left out due to war predicted prevalence based on mean and prevalence <0.35 mol/l 64.3 7.4 59.468.9 2.619.4 1982 1 18302125 02 441518 02 64.5 18.6 15.7 13.295.6 2.072.1 1.766.3 3109 47 505 6394609 5180 562129 severe moderate moderate no public health problem assumed severe mild 1999 1999 r r r r GDp us$ 15000 f 1.004.99 910 2715 r f 1.005.99 1491 5797 11.7 70.7 22.0 21.8 13.2 26.1 13.3 1.25.9 67.373.9 18.426.0 2.674.7 1.462.0 2.980.5 1.462.0 4 1052 13 271 26 57 2405 021 10021099 1116 32929 3121 6174 25711222 moderate no public health problem no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed severe no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed severe mild moderate no public health problem assumed moderate severe severe Weighted prevalence; survey covers 82.7% of population survey covers 29% of population; prevalence predicted based on mean and prevalence <0.35 mol/l 2005 2000 2000 r r n n n 0.504.99 0.504.99 1.005.99 714 359 2375 5748 5761 3470 GDp us$ 15000 1996 n 0.505.99 299 5630 two agricultural areas excluded 2.0 0.656.0 1 04 18.3 54.3 27.9 22.3 38.8 1.972.6 9.793.0 23.532.8 16.829.0 36.141.6 62 1415 408 377 1106 6248 2532421 343479 284490 10281186 severe moderate severe moderate no public health problem assumed moderate severe severe severe severe no public health problem assumed mild

Member State

Population 2006a

04.99 yrs (000)

General (000)

Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra

4823 250 3213 4

26088 3172 33351 74

Angola Antigua and barbuda

3082 8

16557 84

Argentina Armenia

3346 164

39134 3010







Azerbaijan bahamas

547 28

8406 327




bangladesh barbados belarus belgium

18951 17 455 561

155991 293 9742 10430

belize benin

36 1488

282 8760




bolivia (plurinational state of) bosnia and Herzegovina botswana brazil brunei Darussalam

1243 195 216 18092 40

9354 3926 1858 189323 382

bulgaria burkina faso burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada

341 2605 1461 1690 2851 1716

7693 14359 8173 14197 18175 32577

Cape Verde




Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with serum retinol <0.70 mol/l Population with VAD (number of individuals) (000)

Table A3.3 Country estimates of the prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l in preschoolage children 19952005

Member State

Population 2006a

04.99 yrs (000)

General (000)





Central African republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Cook islands Costa rica Cte divoire 2002 2005 3.0012.99 1.004.99 13870 4409 5770 5773 1999 1996 survey conducted in the 4 main food zones national survey in urban areas GDp us$ 15000 9.2 3.6 0.7956.6 2.74.8 2000 r n 0.502.07 2371 3224 19 23 1.006.99 2.005.99 567 282 4227 1986 2116 1731

668 1943 1233 84700 4438 129 587 2 393 2849

4265 10468 16465 1328474 45558 818 3689 14 4399 18914

n r r n n r r r n f

68.2 50.1 7.9 9.3 5.9 21.5 24.6 10.4 8.8 57.3

63.772.4 8.391.7 0.7449.3 8.610.0 5.07.0 2.574.9 2.977.9 0.7564.1 6.012.7 49.065.2

455 973 97 7877 262 28 144 0 35 1633

425483 1611782 9608 73178475 221309 396 17457 01 2450 13961857

severe severe mild mild mild severe severe moderate mild severe

Croatia Cuba Cyprus

205 652 49

4556 11267 846

Czech republic 466 Democratic peoples republic of korea 1606 Democratic republic of the Congo 11843 1999 0.503.07 601 5800 survey excluded three of 11 provinces due to war GDp us$ 15000

10189 23708 60644

r r n

5.8 27.5 61.1

0.3948.9 3.380.7 55.566.4

27 441 7236

2228 531297 65707870

mild mild no public health problem assumed mild severe severe




Djibouti Dominica 1997 1.004.99 160 3758

107 6

819 68

r n

prevalence predicted based on prevalence <0.87 mol/l and sD of 0.35 mol/l

35.2 4.2

4.985.2 1.411.6

38 0

591 01

no public health problem assumed severe mild

Dominican republic ecuador egypt el salvador equatorial Guinea eritrea estonia ethiopia 1995 0.505.99 1577 103 1996, 1997 r GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 0.505.99 1087 1910, 5639c

1110 1414 8634 775 81 808 67 13439

9615 13202 74166 6762 496 4692 1340 81021

r r n r r r r f

pooled data from one regional and one state survey; weighted prevalence; surveys cover 86.4% of population

13.7 14.7 11.9 14.6 13.9 21.4 8.7 46.1 13.6

1.562.8 1.664.7 9.814.4 1.664.5 0.8375.6 2.375.6 0.6458.4 41.950.3 1.462.7

152 208 1027 113 11 173 6 6195 12

16697 23915 8481239 12500 161 19611 039 56376760 156

moderate moderate moderate moderate moderate severe mild severe

fiji finland

90 286

833 5261




Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany 1999 1997 f

158 261 237 3548

1311 1663 4433 82641

r n r



2806 GDp us$ 15000

16.9 64.0 30.9

1.869.6 57.270.3 3.485.2

27 167 73

3110 149183 8202

GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

0.504.99 1050 3004 survey covers 82.5% of population 75.8







moderate no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed moderate severe severe no public health problem assumed severe

Table A3.3 Country estimates of the prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l in preschoolage children 19952005
Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with serum retinol <0.70 mol/l Population with VAD (number of individuals) (000)

AnneX 3
GDp us$ 15000 1995 1.004.99 1576 3091 survey excluded peten 1997 2005 1996 survey excludes departments of islas de la bahia and Gracias a Dois 7.0 GDp us$ 15000 20012003 2001 r GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 1998 n 1.004.99 284 3093 29.4 22.537.4 81 62103 r n 1.251.99 8493 5379 29.8 19.6 0.5 f 1.004.99 3934 5839, 5840 survey covers 48.3% of population 62.0 59.864.1 2.272.3 0.330.76 3.881.9 78643 4261 31 1256 7589581331 48515699 2148 1613456 0.5152.5 r n n 0.504.99 1.005.99 780 1618 5353 3095 32.0 13.8 27.636.8 11.616.4 398 130 33 r n r r n 1.004.99 141 3758 prevalence predicted based on prevalence <0.87 mol/l and sD of 0.35 mol/l 343458 109154 2249 14.1 15.8 45.8 54.7 4.1 1.564.5 13.418.5 7.390.0 9.993.0 1.312.2 1 326 707 176 3 07 277383 1131390 32300 19 no public health problem assumed moderate moderate severe severe mild severe moderate mild no public health problem assumed severe moderate no public health problem severe no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed severe prevalence predicated based on mean and sD GDp us$ 15000 2002 2002 1999 n r 0.175.07 945 n f 1.004.99 0.505.07 1036 1019 4382 5675 3442 GDp us$ 15000 Weighted prevalence; survey covers 14.2% of population 15.1 27.1 84.4 21.8 12.318.4 23.431.1 80.887.4 2.674.8 108 340 5200 2 88132 293390 49815385 08 no public health problem assumed moderate severe 2000 0.004.99 419 770 1999 r n r r r n r r 0.502.99 643 1242 26.3 44.7 13.0 11.0 32.7 52.9 8.0 11.1 3.279.2 38.151.5 1.265.4 1.157.9 4.384.1 47.458.3 0.7749.4 0.9861.1 133 320 13 40 89 365 54 17 16399 273368 167 4210 12229 327402 5334 192 severe severe no public health problem assumed severe severe moderate moderate severe severe mild moderate

Member State

Population 2006a

04.99 yrs (000)

General (000)




Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-bissau Guyana

10 2066 1544 322 73

106 13029 9181 1646 739

Haiti Honduras

1244 943

9446 6969

Hungary iceland

475 21

10058 298




indonesia iran (islamic republic of)

21720 6270

228864 70270

iraq ireland

4223 315

28506 4221













Jordan kazakhstan

718 1253

5729 15314

kenya kiribati kuwait

6161 10 236

36553 94 2779

kyrgyzstan lao peoples Democratic republic latvia lebanon lesotho liberia libyan Arab Jamahiriya lithuania

504 715 102 363 272 690 676 151

5259 5759 2289 4055 1995 3579 6039 3408


Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with serum retinol <0.70 mol/l Population with VAD (number of individuals) (000)

Table A3.3 Country estimates of the prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l in preschoolage children 19952005

Member State

Population 2006a

04.99 yrs (000)

General (000)

luxembourg 2000 2001 1999 2001 0.504.99 0.503.07 nsd4.99 2.002.99 584 476 434 640 5090 5602 4394 2987



GDp us$ 15000

madagascar malawi malaysia maldives mali malta marshall islands mauritania mauritius 1995 1995 1999 2000, 2002p n f 0.004.99 2.006.99 322 728 2997 5672, 2548 26.8 54.2 20.534.2 49.159.3 3.006.99 285 395 1.005.99 919 3886 2799 8 21453568 79

3142 2425 2758 30 2247 20 6 456 94

19159 13571 26114 300 11968 405 58 3044 1252

n n n n r r n r n

42.1 59.2 3.5 9.4 58.6 4.0 60.7 47.7 9.2

36.647.8 52.865.3 1.77.0 6.713.1 11.294.1 0.2342.2 56.265.1 7.890.8 5.415.2

1323 1436 97 3 1317 1 4 217 9

11491503 12821583 48192 24 2522114 08 44 35414 514

no public health problem assumed severe severe mild mild severe mild severe severe mild severe severe

mexico micronesia (federated states of)

10445 14

105342 111

monaco 1999 1996 2002 0.505.99 0.504.99 1453 705 5496 589 0.586.07 416 5767


prevalence pooled from the islands of mauritius and rodrigues Data disaggregated by age pooled Data pooled from two state surveys and weighted; surveys cover 68.2% of population GDp us$ 15000

mongolia montenegro morocco mozambique myanmar namibia nauru nepal netherlands 1998 0.504.99 843 1083 GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 2004 2001 0.004.99 3099 4581 GDp us$ 15000 2004 2001 1999 1998p 2001 2003 1.004.99 0.505.99 ns4.99 0.504.99 0.504.99 0.504.99 152 5682 924 130 734 3544 5525 4640 3097 4140 5412a 5452 Children with Crp >10 g/dl excluded n r n r 0.504.99 479 5730a

233 38 2978 3670 4146 248 1 3626 987

2605 601 30853 20971 48379 2047 10 27641 16379

n r n n r r r n

19.8 17.2 40.4 68.8 36.7 17.5 10.0 32.3

14.925.8 1.870.0 36.944.0 63.873.4 5.186.2 2.069.1 1.055.0 28.036.9

46 7 1203 2525 1523 43 0 1171

3560 127 10981310 23412695 2133572 5171 01 10151338

new Zealand



nicaragua niger nigeria niue norway

671 2713 24503 0 284

5532 13737 144720 2 4669

3.1 67.0 29.5 15.5

1.56.2 14.696.0 27.331.8 1.076.3

21 1819 7228 0

1042 3962605 66857797 00

GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

n n r n f r n n r survey covers 22.4% of population 5.5 12.5 8.9 9.4 11.1 14.1 14.9 40.1 9.3

Oman pakistan palau panama papua new Guinea paraguay peru philippines poland

269 19012 2 344 898 731 2815 11027 1765

2546 160943 20 3288 6202 6016 27589 86264 38140

2.113.5 11.313.8 0.8453.1 7.112.4 5.421.3 1.564.5 11.618.9 37.842.4 0.8355.6

15 2377 0 32 100 103 419 4422 164

636 21552617 01 2443 49191 11472 327533 41734675 15982

no public health problem assumed moderate moderate severe severe severe moderate moderate severe no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed mild severe severe moderate no public health problem assumed mild moderate mild mild moderate moderate moderate severe mild

Table A3.3 Country estimates of the prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l in preschoolage children 19952005
Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with serum retinol <0.70 mol/l Population with VAD (number of individuals) (000)

AnneX 3
GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 1996 0.006.07 423 2558 1997 r GDp us$ 15000 1999 s r r r r r GDp us$ 15000 r GDp us$ 15000 r r r GDp us$ 15000 1996 r r r GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 r 12.1 1.260.8 302 301520 n 0.505.99 1750 2716 survey excluded northern & eastern provinces 35.3 27.8 18.0 44.6 32.338.5 3.580.2 2.070.1 6.690.3 524 1523 8 66 478571 1934396 131 10133 13.1 61.7 16.9 1.363.6 12.594.8 1.869.0 9 930 890 144 1881429 963624 8.3 0.7153.4 21 2138 1.005.99 252 5803 survey covers 62.7% of population 95.6 3.6 37.0 17.2 8.0 74.8 90.398.1 0.2338.5 5.386.1 1.870.0 0.7051.7 19.297.4 22 104 707 104 1 747 2123 61108 1011647 11423 03 192973 16.1 r r r n r r n 1.004.99 174 3758 prevalence predicted based on prevalence <0.87 mol/l and sD of 0.35 mol/l 1.867.3 4 25.6 16.3 14.1 6.4 7.1 11.3 2.1 2.880.2 1.669.5 1.465.8 3.810.6 0.5451.7 1.258.1 0.498.5 55 173 1017 103 0 2 0 6171 17735 1004731 61171 02 09 01 017 no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed severe moderate moderate mild mild moderate mild moderate no public health problem assumed severe mild severe moderate mild severe no public health problem assumed mild no public health problem assumed moderate severe moderate no public health problem assumed severe severe moderate severe no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed moderate

Member State

Population 2006a

04.99 yrs (000)

General (000)







republic of korea



republic of moldova romania russian federation rwanda saint kitts and nevis saint lucia saint Vincent and the Grenadines

213 1058 7195 1617 5 15 12

3833 21532 143221 9464 50 163 120

samoa san marino

25 1

185 31

sao tome and principe saudi Arabia senegal serbia seychelles sierra leone singapore

23 2879 1913 605 6 999 207

155 24175 12072 9851 86 5743 4382

slovakia slovenia

259 89

5388 2001

solomon islands somalia south Africa spain

70 1507 5254 2268

484 8445 48282 43887

sri lanka



sudan suriname swaziland sweden

5483 45 147 499

37707 455 1134 9078




syrian Arab republic




Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with serum retinol <0.70 mol/l Population with VAD (number of individuals) (000)

Table A3.3 Country estimates of the prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l in preschoolage children 19952005

Member State

Population 2006a

04.99 yrs (000)

General (000)

tajikistan thailand the former yugoslav republic of macedonia timor-leste togo tonga trinidad and tobago tunisia turkey turkmenistan tuvalu uganda 1999 0.504.99 939 1609 2001 r GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 1997 GDp us$ 15000 n 0.505.99 853 5738 24.2 20.428.5 1683 14161981 23.8 2.579.5 r r r r r r r r n 0.504.99 859 3207 not all districts covered due to security 476 45.8 35.0 17.0 7.2 14.6 12.4 28.0 21.8 27.9 6.990.6 4.885.3 1.869.1 0.5552.2 1.664.5 1.360.5 3.580.5 2.575.0 23.932.3 87 366 2 7 120 824 137 0 1629 13172 50892 08 149 13531 864011 17396 01 13941888 491591

858 4514 117

6640 63444 2036


f r n




survey covers 35.1% of population

26.8 15.7 29.7

21.732.6 1.766.5 25.734.0

230 708 35

186280 773002 3040

severe moderate severe severe severe moderate mild moderate moderate severe severe severe

190 1045 12 93 823 6630 491 1 5840

1114 6410 100 1328 10215 73922 4899 10 29899

ukraine united Arab emirates

2001 315

46557 4248

united kingdom of Great britain and northern ireland



united republic of tanzania united states of America

6953 20776

39459 302841





survey covered 10.9% of population

uruguay uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Viet nam yemen Zambia Zimbabwe 2001 2003 1999 0.504.99 1.005.99 659 346 5098 2641 0.005.07 1657 5813

254 2861 31 2880 8101 3639 2012 1703

3331 26981 221 27191 86206 21732 11696 13228

r f r r f r n n

survey covers 65.3% of population

11.9 53.1 16.1 9.4 12.0 27.0 54.1 35.8

1.259.5 47.658.5 1.767.3 0.9453.2 10.114.2 3.380.1 48.859.4 29.043.2

30 1519 5 271 972 984 1089 610

3151 13611675 121 271533 8201149 1202915 9801195 494736

severe no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed severe no public health problem assumed moderate severe moderate mild moderate severe severe severe

GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

population figures are based on the 2006 projection from the 2007 revision from the united nations population Division. level of survey: n=nationally representative, f=surveys at the first administrative level boundary, s=survey at the second administrative level boundary, r=regressionbased estimate. Corresponds to the numerical reference available in the WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency ( ns = not specified

Table A3.4 Country estimates of the prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l in pregnant women 19952005
Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with serum retinol <0.70 mol/l Population with VAD (number of individuals) (000)

AnneX 3
r r r GDp us$ 15000 r r r r GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 r GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 1998 n r r GDp us$ 15000 r r r r r r r GDp us$ 15000 r r r r r GDp us$ 15000 2.2 16.7 12.2 16.5 17.9 0.217.3 2.561.2 1.261.0 2.263.0 2.663.9 1 110 50 64 116 012 16405 5250 9243 17413 1.8 18.0 17.0 1.7 2.1 19.3 2.1 0.216.5 2.664.1 2.463.1 0.116.7 0.216.6 2.667.7 0.216.8 0 66 2 4 1 9 77 01 10237 08 044 06 132 8620 ns d 118 3900 national survey in rural areas 23.7 2.3 2.2 14.636.1 0.217.8 0.217.3 941 0 2 5791435 01 016 23.2 2.975.2 32 4104 15.0 2.3 2.0 23.3 2.159.1 0.318.0 0.216.6 2.975.5 122 0 14 9 17484 00 2115 128 21.2 2.573.6 151 18523 16.0 1.4 2.163.0 0.119.1 213 1 28842 010 1999 r n 15.0049.99 303 1722 21.2 16.8 2.573.8 11.723.6 3 27 011 1937 moderate no public health problem severe no public health problem assumed moderate mild mild severe no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed severe no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed severe mild mild no public health problem assumed no public health problem moderate moderate no public health problem mild moderate mild no public health problem assumed mild moderate moderate moderate moderate no public health problem assumed severe moderate

Member State

Population 2006a

Prergnant women (000)

General (000)

Afghanistan Albania

1337 52

26088 3172

Algeria Andorra

710 1

33351 74

Angola Antigua and barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia

818 2 696 38 257

16557 84 39134 3010 20530




Azerbaijan bahamas

138 6

8406 327




bangladesh barbados belarus belgium

3972 3 91 109

155991 293 9742 10430



benin bhutan bolivia (plurinational state of)

369 12 263

8760 649 9354

bosnia and Herzegovina botswana brazil brunei Darussalam

35 47 3698 8

3926 1858 189323 382

bulgaria burkina faso burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada

68 661 410 386 647 341

7693 14359 8173 14197 18175 32577

Cape Verde Central African republic

16 159

519 4265


Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with serum retinol <0.70 mol/l Population with VAD (number of individuals) (000)

Table A3.4 Country estimates of the prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l in pregnant women 19952005

Member State

Population 2006a

Prergnant women (000)

General (000)

Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Cook islands Costa rica Cte divoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus GDp us$ 15000 r r 60644 GDp us$ 15000 r 2.3 17.8 0.318.0 2.663.8 16.1 2 56 2.460.3 017 8201 510

497 251 17459 869 28 134 0 80 688 41 116 10

10468 16465 1328474 45558 818 3689 14 4399 18914 4556 11267 846

r r r r r r r r r r r

17.1 2.4 22.8 2.0 15.1 18.2 2.2 2.2 19.0 2.4 2.3

2.562.1 0.318.5 2.974.2 0.216.5 2.159.2 2.664.6 0.217.4 0.217.1 2.766.9 0.318.7 0.217.9

85 6 3981 17 4 24 0 2 131 1 3

13309 147 51412957 2143 117 486 00 014 18460 08 021

Czech republic Democratic peoples republic of korea

93 315

10189 23708 3166

moderate mild severe mild moderate moderate mild mild moderate mild mild no public health problem assumed mild moderate 751910

moderate Denmark



Djibouti Dominica 1997 r r r r r r r r r GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 15.00ns 151 3758 prevlance predicted based on mean and sD

24 1

819 68

r n

18.2 1.8 2.2 1.7 21.5 1.7 16.5 15.7 2.4 13.2 2.3

2.664.6 0.39.1 0.217.6 0.116.7 2.574.5 0.216.5 2.460.9 2.359.8 0.319.2 1.559.6 0.217.7

4 0 5 5 397 3 3 30 0 424 0

116 00 141 047 461375 026 012 4116 03 501919 03

Dominican republic ecuador

231 282

9615 13202

egypt el salvador

1845 158

74166 6762

equatorial Guinea eritrea estonia ethiopia fiji finland

20 193 14 3222 18 59

496 4692 1340 81021 833 5261




Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany 1999 ns r

35 60 47 675

1311 1663 4433 82641

r n r


2806 GDp us$ 15000

20.0 34.0 23.6

2.669.8 27.041.7 2.976.3

7 21 11

124 1625 136

GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

18.1 GDp us$ 15000 r 2.3

Ghana Greece

703 103

23008 11123








no public health problem assumed moderate no public health problem mild no public health problem severe no public health problem moderate moderate mild moderate mild no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed severe severe severe no public health problem assumed moderate no public health problem assumed mild

Table A3.4 Country estimates of the prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l in pregnant women 19952005
Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with serum retinol <0.70 mol/l Population with VAD (number of individuals) (000)

AnneX 3
r 1.1 0.024.8 5 0112 1997 r r n 15.00ns 282 3758 prevalence predicted based on prevalence <0.87 mol/l and sD of 0.35 mol/l 2.0 1.5 2.2 GDp us$ 15000 0.217.6 2 0.216.5 0.118.1 5 3 18.8 18.0 1.0 2.766.2 2.664.2 0.25.0 71 15 0 10250 255 01 no public health problem moderate moderate no public health problem 144 036 016 r r r 2001 GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 1998 n 15.00ns 3251 3093 14.4 12.816.2 8 79 r r n r ns 4368 5379 16.4 17.1 15.2 21.0 2.263.0 2.463.3 13.816.8 3.069.7 4438 748 222 196 59917046 1062758 201245 28649 mild no public health problem mild no public health problem assumed moderate moderate moderate severe no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed moderate prevalence predicted based on mean and sD GDp us$ 15000 r r r r GDp us$ 15000 24.2 23.6 17.3 1.5 2.877.9 2.976.3 2.662.5 0.118.1 38 72 259 0 4121 9233 38935 00 1999 r r r r r n r r 14.0049.99 188 1242 20.1 16.6 2.4 23.5 14.7 12.0 21.7 2.4 GDp us$ 15000 r 13.8 1.759.1 100 13429 2.967.5 2.363.0 0.319.2 2.976.0 2.059.0 6.820.3 2.575.1 0.319.2 23 26 1 18 9 23 32 1 379 4100 04 257 134 1339 4109 06 no public health problem assumed severe severe moderate no public health problem no public health problem assumed severe moderate mild severe moderate moderate severe mild no public health problem assumed moderate

Member State

Population 2006a

Prergnant women (000)

General (000)




Guinea Guinea-bissau Guyana

378 86 13

9181 1646 739

Haiti Honduras

270 200

9446 6969

Hungary iceland

93 4

10058 298

india indonesia iran (islamic republic of) iraq ireland

27077 4360 1462 931 67

1151751 228864 70270 28506 4221













Jordan kazakhstan kenya kiribati

155 305 1496 2

5729 15314 36553 94




kyrgyzstan lao peoples Democratic republic latvia lebanon lesotho liberia libyan Arab Jamahiriya lithuania luxembourg

117 159 21 75 58 192 146 31 5

5259 5759 2289 4055 1995 3579 6039 3408 461





Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with serum retinol <0.70 mol/l Population with VAD (number of individuals) (000)

Table A3.4 Country estimates of the prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l in pregnant women 19952005

Member State

Population 2006a

Prergnant women (000)

General (000)

malawi malaysia maldives mali malta marshall islands mauritania mauritius mexico r GDp us$ 15000 2002 16.0050.99 139 5768 survey covers 49.3% of population 2.2 0.217.4 0 01

575 553 7 604 4 1 103 19 2075

13571 26114 300 11968 405 58 3044 1252 105342

r r r r r r r r r

13.7 22.2 19.9 16.7 2.4 2.2 17.1 22.5 1.9

1.759.2 3.072.6 2.967.1 2.561.3 0.319.2 0.217.4 2.562.1 2.477.5 0.216.3

79 123 1 101 0 0 18 4 40

10341 16401 05 15370 01 00 364 015 4339

micronesia (federated states of) monaco

3 0

111 33





mongolia montenegro morocco mozambique myanmar namibia nauru nepal netherlands 1998 GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 r 2001 r GDp us$ 15000 r n ns 684 4581 1.7 14.7 1.7 2.2 15.0049.99 89 1083

49 8 646 852 892 54 0 800 182

2605 601 30853 20971 48379 2047 10 27641 16379

f r r n r r r n

19.3 2.2 20.9 14.3 18.0 19.2 2.2 31.5

11.630.3 0.217.3 2.672.6 6.130.1 2.664.0 2.767.5 0.217.4 19.646.4

9 0 135 122 161 10 0 252

615 01 17469 52256 24571 136 00 157371

new Zealand






0.216.6 2.059.0 0.83.8 0.217.4

2 104 102 0

023 14420 45226 00

niger nigeria

711 5975

13737 144720

niue norway

0 56

2 4669

Oman pakistan palau panama 2001 15.0049.99 100 r r r 2003 n r ns 582

58 4515 0 70

2546 160943 20 3288

r n r r


23.5 10.0 2.3 1.8 1.2 2.0 1.7 5452 GDp us$ 15000 17.5 2.2

2.976.0 4.221.9 0.318.2 0.216.4 0.022.7 0.216.4 0.216.6 13.622.3 0.217.3

14 451 0 1 2 3 10 401 8

244 191987 00 011 043 025 197 311511 163

papua new Guinea



paraguay peru

153 586

6016 27589

GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

philippines poland portugal

2292 362 112

86264 38140 10579

moderate severe moderate moderate mild mild moderate severe no public health problem mild no public health problem assumed moderate mild severe moderate moderate moderate mild severe no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed no public health problem moderate no public health problem mild no public health problem assumed severe moderate mild no public health problem no public health problem mild no public health problem moderate mild no public health problem assumed

Table A3.4 Country estimates of the prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l in pregnant women 19952005
Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with serum retinol <0.70 mol/l Population with VAD (number of individuals) (000)

AnneX 3
GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 1996 ns 161 2558 1997 r GDp us$ 15000 r r r r r r GDp us$ 15000 r GDp us$ 15000 r r r GDp us$ 15000 r r r r GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 22.7 16.1 2.1 17.7 2.974.0 2.460.3 0.216.7 2.663.5 66 198 0 6 9215 29743 01 121 1.5 18.8 18.9 0.117.8 2.766.3 2.766.6 0 71 205 03 10252 29723 2.2 0.217.3 1 09 17.9 22.5 19.4 2.2 24.2 17.6 2.664.0 3.073.4 2.667.9 0.217.3 2.182.4 2.663.1 1 140 85 3 1 48 03 18456 12300 022 03 7171 2.2 0.217.1 r r r n r r n 15.00ns 81 3758 prevalence predicted based on prevalence <0.87 mol/l and sD of 0.35 mol/l 0 2.2 2.0 2.2 6.2 2.3 2.2 0.7 0.217.3 0.216.6 0.217.3 2.614.0 0.318.0 0.217.4 0.022.1 1 4 33 27 0 0 0 07 035 4263 1162 00 01 01 01 no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed mild mild mild mild mild mild no public health problem 2003 r r n 15.0044.99 241 5848 21.8 18.0 1.7 3.071.7 2.664.0 0.46.4 118 33 16 16386 5119 460 mild no public health problem assumed moderate severe moderate mild severe moderate no public health problem assumed mild no public health problem assumed no public health problem moderate moderate no public health problem assumed severe moderate mild moderate no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed severe moderate no public health problem

Member State

Population 2006a

Prergnant women (000)

General (000)




republic of korea



republic of moldova romania russian federation rwanda saint kitts and nevis saint lucia saint Vincent and the Grenadines

43 210 1518 441 1 3 2

3833 21532 143221 9464 50 163 120

samoa san marino

5 0

185 31

sao tome and principe saudi Arabia senegal serbia seychelles sierra leone singapore

5 622 441 127 4 272 36

155 24175 12072 9851 86 5743 4382

slovakia slovenia

54 18

5388 2001

solomon islands



somalia south Africa spain

379 1086 480

8445 48282 43887

sri lanka sudan suriname swaziland sweden

291 1232 9 33 103

19207 37707 455 1134 9078




syrian Arab republic tajikistan thailand

539 186 932

19408 6640 63444


Survey Information Date of survey (years) Referencec Notes Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Level of surveyb Age range (years) Sample Size Public health problem Proportion of the population with serum retinol <0.70 mol/l Population with VAD (number of individuals) (000)

Table A3.4 Country estimates of the prevalence of serum retinol <0.70 mol/l in pregnant women 19952005

Member State

Population 2006a

Prergnant women (000)

General (000)







the former yugoslav republic of macedonia timor-leste togo tonga trinidad and tobago tunisia turkey turkmenistan tuvalu uganda ukraine united Arab emirates 2001 r r r r r r r r n r 15.0049.99 118 3207 15.4 19.9 2.3 2.3 22.5 22.8 20.7 2.2 not all districts covered due to security 23.3 2.3 GDp us$ 15000 GDp us$ 15000 r GDp us$ 15000 r r r 2.1 21.0 1.7 0.216.8 3.069.6 0.216.6 1 131 0 08 19434 01 14.8 2.059.1 237 33946 1.963.2 2.669.5 0.318.4 0.318.1 2.477.5 2.974.2 3.068.9 0.217.4 14.235.7 0.217.7 8 49 0 0 39 317 23 0 342 10 131 6171 00 04 4135 411030 375 00 209524 175

49 246 3 20 174 1388 109 0 1467 423 72

1114 6410 100 1328 10215 73922 4899 10 29899 46557 4248

united kingdom of Great britain and northern ireland



united republic of tanzania united states of America

1601 4298

39459 302841

uruguay uzbekistan Vanuatu

51 623 7

3331 26981 221

Venezuela Viet nam yemen Zambia Zimbabwe 1999 15.0049.99 ns 2641

598 1650 872 473 374

27191 86206 21732 11696 13228

r r r r n

sample size for all women = 804

2.0 17.7 15.8 14.0 20.0

0.216.5 2.663.7 2.063.0 1.859.0 11.133.3

12 292 138 66 75

199 421051 18549 9279 42125

moderate moderate mild mild severe severe severe mild severe mild no public health problem assumed no public health problem assumed moderate no public health problem assumed mild severe no public health problem mild moderate moderate moderate severe

GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

population figures are based on the 2006 projection from the 2007 revision from the united nations population Division. level of survey: n=nationally representative, f=surveys at the first administrative level boundary, s=survey at the second administrative level boundary, r=regressionbased estimate. Corresponds to the numerical reference available in the WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency ( ns = not specified

AnneX 4

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Papua New Guinea

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The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

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Republic of Moldova
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St. Vincent and the Grenadines

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United Republic of Tanzania

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Sao Tome and Prncipe

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Sri Lanka
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Viet Nam
Khan NC, Ninh NX, Nhien NV, Khoi HH, West CE, Hautvast JGAJ. Sub clinical vitamin A deficiency and anemia among Vietnamese children less than five years of age. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2007, 16(1): 152157. Ref 5813. National Institute of Nutrition General Statistical Office. 2000 Vietnam-Child and Mother Nutrition Situation. Hanoi, Medical Publishing House, 2001. Ref 2976.

Federal Ministry of Health et al. Comprehensive Nutrition Survey. Khartoum, Federal Ministry of Health, National Nutrition Department, 1997. Ref 1443.


GlObAl preVAlenCe Of VitAmin A DefiCienCy in pOpulAtiOns At risk 19952005

Luo C, Mwela CM. National survey on vitamin A deficiency in Zambia: a random cluster study for children (05 years) and mothers attending national immunization days in August 1997. Lusaka, National Food and Nutrition Commission, 1997. Ref 1325. Micronutrient Operational Strategies and Technologies (MOST) et al. Report of the national survey to evaluate the impact of vitamin A interventions in Zambia, July and November 2003. Zambia, Micronutrient Operational Strategies and Technologies, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Micronutrient Program, 2003. Ref 5098.

Ministry of Health and Child Welfare, Nutrition Unit. Zimbabwe National Micronutrient Survey: 1999. Harare, Ministry of Health and Child Welfare, 2001. Ref 2641. Central Statistical Office, Macro International Inc. Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey 1999. Calverton, MD, ORC Macro, 2000. Ref 4680. Measure DHS+. Micronutrient Update. Calverton, MD, ORC Macro, 2002. Ref 3331.


WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency For further information about the WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency, or if you would like to provide information, please contact:

ISBN 978 92 4 159801 9

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