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Nairobi | Thursday, May 17, 2012

KSh50/00 (TSh1,000/00 : USh1,500/00 : RFr500/00)

No. 17218

TERRORISM | One killed and ve injured after attackers open re at guards and lob grenades into Mombasas Bella Vista club

Bella Vista club, Mombasa, where the grenade attack took place

Suspect in bar blast talks of Saudi links

Yahya claims he worked in Jeddah and travels to Mombasa all the time to see friends
BY NATION TEAM olice are holding a man suspected to have taken part in the grenade attack on a Mombasa nightclub which killed one person and injured ve others. Mr Thabit Jamaldin Yahya, 30, is under guard at Coast General Hospital where he is being treated for injuries sustained in the attack. The person is the prime suspect since the injuries inicted on him are intense, which must have been from the blast, said Coast Provincial CID boss Ambrose Munyasia. He added: We shall question him once he recovers from the injuries to shed more light on what happened. Kenya has been hit by a series of CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

The age of the prime suspect in the grenade attack on Bella Vista night club


Number of people who have died in grenade attacks since October last year

Mr Gregory Obiero, a security guard at Bella Vista, talks to journalists yesterday.

Mr Thabit Jamaldin Yahya, 30, the man police suspect was involved in the grenade attack on Bella Vista night club in Mombasa, is handcued to his hospital bed at Coast General Hospital where he was admitted following injuries he sustained at the scene.


Chaos suspects await Tobiko verdict

BY SAMUEL SIRINGI Director of Public Prosecutions Keriako Tobiko is to rule on the fate of 1,450 post-election violence suspects after a team reviewing the cases completed the rst batch. Mr Tobiko said yesterday he would decide whether the suspects should be tried or recommend further investigations, fresh inquests or even le closures. He said the Multi-Agency Task Force on the 2007/2008 Post-Election Violence had received 3,500 les from the police who conducted the investigations. The team is expected to receive 2,000 more les. The taskforces report will determine the adequacy of CONTINUED ON PAGE 2



Man who drafted controversial money printing contracts, which are now the subject of a probe by parliamentary committee, cannot be traced. P. 28

News P. 2-11, 16, Back Opinion P. 12-13 Letters P. 14 Special Report P. 19 International P. 20-26 Business P. 28-35 County P. 36-38 Sport P. 67-71

2 | National News

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

Dockworkers union boss calls o strike

The much-publicised strike called by the port workers union has sensationally flopped. The union issued a seven-day strike notice last week to press for permanent employment of 2,500 contract workers at the Port of Mombasa and had nalised its preparations for the boycott by Monday. But on Tuesday, confusion reigned as members received conicting statements from union ocials. Dock Workers Union secretarygeneral Simon Sang suspended the strike yesterday saying the union had entered into talks with the management.

INVESTIGATION | Police to handover 2,000 more les

Probe team clears 1,450 chaos cases



Regional highlights
Nairobi: 9.00am Commonwealth women MPs conference at Laico. -9.30am Launch of international campaign against rape and gender violence at Silver Springs Hotel.

Fuel Prices

Team looking at chaos cases

5,500: The post-election case pending at police stations 17: Members of the taskforce supposed to review the cases. They are drawn from the Ministry of Justice, the State Law Oce, the police, Witness Protection Agency and the DPPs oce.

Contract workers that union wanted employed by the port
He said he took the action after the Labour ministry appointed ofcials to negotiate with his team over the dispute. Dialogue has prevailed because the ministry has appointed three ocials to the negotiating table with the management, he told a group of workers at the port. But some of the workers claimed their ocials beat a retreat at the request of a local politician. The officials have not been given a negotiation date with Labour ministry arbitrators as Mr Sang alleged. It was the MP who asked them to stop misleading workers because if they went on strike they would be sacked, said a worker who asked not to be named for fear of victimisation.

Director of Public Prosecutions Keriako Tobiko.

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 police investigations, any deciencies, and a way forward, he said. Mr Tobiko did not speculate on the ndings of the taskforce, saying only: I will release full details when I receive the interim report. He said the team headed by deputy public prosecutor Dorcas Oduor was working on tight deadlines. The DPP commended the police for helping speed up the review of the cases by promptly responding to enquiries. The taskforce started working last month and is also expected to review


any report, publication and judicial decisions on the post-poll chaos and decide if additional suspects should be investigated. It will recommend how the cases would be expeditiously disposed of. Additionally, the team will advise and supervise all investigations and prosecutions of post-election violence cases. Recently, Mr Tobiko said only 50 of the 500 cases that had been taken to court were still pending. About 250 cases resulted in convictions, while suspects in 130 others were acquitted for lack of evidence.

Cases withdrawn

The rest were withdrawn. Mr Tobiko said the investigations had been complicated by victims who abandoned their cases and chose to pursue reconciliation and forgiveness. Early this year, the International Criminal Court indicted four Kenyans over the post-election violence. They are Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, former head of Public Service Francis Muthaura, Eldoret North MP William Ruto and radio presenter Joshua Sang. Charges against two others, Tinderet MP Henry Kosgey and former police commissioner Hussein Ali, were dropped.

The ERC (Energy Regulatory Commission) has with impunity continued to review fuel prices upwards under the pretext of price capping despite the prices of crude oil falling on the international market
Central Organisation of Trade Unions secretarygeneral Francis Atwoli on recent increase in fuel prices. Page 11

In the news
Nairobi: 62 per cent of Kenyans are opposed to the reemergence of ethnic alliances ahead of the General Election, an opinion poll by Strategic Africa reveals. Page 6 Nairobi: House Speaker Kenneth Marende, his deputy and four temporary Speakers stand to earn more money if Parliament passes a new Bill seeking to revise MPs allowances. Page 8

Kericho: Six more people have died in Konoin and Bumula districts as heavy rains continue to cause mayhem. In Konoin District, three pupils died when they were swept away by oods on Tuesday. Page 6 Nakuru: The Agriculture ministry has sounded the alarm over a maize disease in the South Rift that could threaten food security. Page 16

Excellent return on investment: Sale price 12M (1,000 sq. ft.) Rental value - 130, 000PM (Net)

Nursery school children at Vumulia 51 IDP camp in Gilgil in their classroom yesterday. The children had to drain water from the classroom before starting lessons as it was ooded following heavy rains in the area.



16 24 22 18
0600 1200 1800 2300
Particulars not Warranted

Nairobi will have rains in the morning and high humidity

Temperatures will rise to 24 degrees at midday as humidity falls

Temperatures fall slightly in the evening with more cloud cover

A further drop in temperatures will be experienced at night

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

National News 3

CEREMONY | Bone of contention following claim that the banns were skipped

Bold new start as Anglican Church Archbishop weds

Wabukala marries the Rev Rhoda Luvuno in St Peters Church in Nyali, Mombasa, during a private ceremony
cause the issue is a private one, he told the Nation when contacted to react on claims that the head of the ACK church skipped crucial stages in the marriage. Bishop Salala said he would divulge to the Press the written communication that went on between him and Archbishop Wabukala. But the main bone of contention among the critics is the claim that the head of the church did not publicise the banns the public declaration of an intended marriage, usually formally announced on three successive Sundays in the parish churches of those planning to wed. A senior clergy in the Anglican Church who works closely with the prelate admitted that the banns were not published in the home churches of the bride and groom as was the requirement.


Robust debate over marriage

Canon Rosemary Mbogo, the Provincial Secretary, handles church administration.

FILE | NATION t was a bold new start for Kenyas top Anglican cleric when he exchanged wedding vows at a private ceremony at the Coast. Two weeks ago, Archbishop Eliud Wabukala wedded the Rev Rhoda Luvuno in St Peters Church in Nyali, Mombasa, at a ceremony presided over by Mombasa Diocese Bishop Julius Kalu. The Rev Luvuno previously worked in the Nairobi. Her husband is a father of ve adult children had been a widower since 2010. While the remarriage of Archbishop is supported by some of the clergy and the ock, others are critical of the union. Those who support the prelate argue that it was his right to have a wedding the way he did privately. Bishop Beneah Salala of the ACK diocese of Mumias said those raising issues should respect the top clerics private life. Bishop Salala said Archbishop Wabukala had informed all the bishops of the church about the way he wanted to conduct his marriage without anything to hide. He informed us in writing about the way he wanted the entire exercise done, and we respect his decision be-

Bishop Beneah Salala of Mumias ACK Diocese who supports marriage.


Support prelate

I do not want to discuss a personal issue, but I believe everything was done according to all the legal requirements of the land.
Canon Rosemary Mbogo
The Anglican Church marriage rules are clear that the banns must be published three times so that anybody with an objection may come up during the said period, said a senior clergy at the All Saints Cathedral in Nairobi. Most of the sta at the church interviewed by the Nation were reluctant to comment, claiming that they could face disciplinary action for questioning the actions the top cleric. Canon Rosemary Mbogo, the

Head of the Anglican Church in Kenya Eliud Wabukala during his wedding to Rhoda Luvuno at St. Peters ACK Nyali, Mombasa two weeks ago
Provincial Secretary, who handles administrative matters for the Anglican Church in the country, said she did not wish to discuss the matter because it was a personal issue. I do not want to discuss a personal issue, but I believe everything was done according to all the legal requirements of the land. She, however, declined to comment on the fact that the banns were not announced as per the churchs requirement. But a priest in Kisumu said the move by the archbishop had put them in a dilemma in as far as implementing the rules of the church regarding marriage were concerned. He said: As church leaders, we must walk in the light if we want to be taken seriously. We are living at a time when the church has lost a lot of credibility due to the action of our leaders. As the head of the church, he ought to walk the talk. How do I turn away someone who says that he wants to y out of the country and therefore cannot wait for the mandatory 21-day notice yet the head of the church did not go through the same procedure? asked the cleric who sought anonymity. He added: We have been working closely with the archbishop but this sets a bad precedent. If we are to encourage our ock to walk in the light, we must ourselves lead by example. Those seeking to wed in the church

Mombasa Diocese Bishop Julius Kalu who presided over at the ceremony. The Rev Luvuno worked in the Nairobi diocese before.


might use the incident to challenge our requirement that they must notify the public on their intention to tie the knot. But as the Scriptures say, laws were made for man, not man for laws. The Most Rev Wabukala is the fth primate of the Anglican Church in Kenya. He succeeded Archbishop Benjamin Nzimbi in 2009.

4 | National News

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

TERROR ATTACK | Police hold suspect, who was at the scene a few minutes before his bus was to leave for Nairobi
Kenya has been hit by a series of grenade and IED attacks targeting civilians and security forces since its army rolled across the Somali border in October last year to ght the Al Shabaab militia group.
October 24, 2011 One person is killed and 13 others are injured in a grenade attack at the OTC bus terminus on Racecourse Road, Nairobi. Elgiva Bwire Oliacha alias Mohamed Seif, was later arrested and jailed for life for the attack. Hours later, after the OTC attack, another grenade was hurled into Mwauras Bar, o Mfangano Street in the city centre. November 5 Two people are killed and ve seriously injured following a grenade attack on Garissas Pentecostal Church. A witness said two grenades were hurled into a house next to the churchs main entrance. One of the victims died instantly while the other died at Garissa provincial general hospital as doctors were attending to him. November 24 Three people are killed and scores wounded in twin grenade attacks in the border town of Garissa. The attacks at congested places in the town occurred at about 8pm, within hours of similar attacks targeted at security forces in Liboi and Mandera where a soldier was killed in a landmine blast. Two people were killed when a grenade was hurled at Holiday Inn where people were watching news. The third person died on a congested street known as Ngamia Road near a church. Twenty-seven people were wounded in both explosions, 12 of them seriously, police said. December 5 Another police ocer was killed by an IED at Dadaab on December 5, and on 19 and 20 other blasts occurred killing another ocer. Also, on December 12, an IED went o in Wajir injuring an intelligence ocer and several others.

Man arrested over grenade attack

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 grenade and Improvised Explosive Device attacks targeting civilians and security forces since the army rolled across border into Somalia last October to ght the Al-Shabaab terror group. About 20 people have been killed in the attacks and scores wounded. Mr Yahya, who told reporters, he lives in Nairobis Kibera estate, is handcued on his sick bed under the watch of detectives from Anti-Terrorism Police Unit. Mr Gregory Obiero, a security guard at Bella Vista nightclub, said he was at the entrance with two colleagues when three men tried to force their way in. When they were barred, they opened re at cars in the parking yard and threw three grenades into the club, Mr Obiero said at Coast General Hospital where he is also being treated. He identied his colleagues as Boniface Wambugu and Mary Chepkwony, who died as she was being taken to

On January 11, at least seven people, including three Administration Police ocers were killed when suspected Al Shabaab militants attacked a police camp in Gerile division, Wajir. The attackers also stole a cache of assorted rearms. They rst opened re and also used an explosive device. They also burned down the police post and seized two government ocials.

hospital. Police said they had found a bus ticket showing the suspect was travelling to Nairobi on Tuesday, shortly after the 9.30pm blast. He was to depart for Nairobi at 10pm, just a few minutes after the incident. We are connecting him with the incident, said a police ocer close to the investigation. In Nairobi, police commissioner Mathew Iteere said: When our officers went to the bus station they found his luggage which had a magazine loaded with eight rounds of ammunition. We also got a laptop from him, which we are analysing, he added. But Mr Yahya pleaded his innocence in an interview with the Nation, saying he did not know why he was arrested. I was walking towards Mwembe Tayari when I heard the rst blast on my left side. Then a second one in quick succession which hit me. It happened so fast, in a ash of a second, and I suddenly found myself on the ground, he said. He went on: A few metres from me, a soldier and a watchman were also injured by the grenade. He said he was put in a tuktuk taxi by good Samaritans and taken to Coast General

March 11, 2012: A series of explosions rock Machakos bus station, Nairobi, killing two people and injuring many.

Anti-terror police (left) and Mombasa residents look at blood stains on the road outside Bella Vista Club on Moi Avenue, where three grenades exploded on Tuesday night.
Hospital where police arrested him. He said: I do come to Mombasa from my home in Kibera, Nairobi, quite often to visit friends. This time I had visited a friend, Mr Kassim. In fact I come so often that the sta of the bus which I regularly use and the hotel where I usually board know me quite well and I have absolutely no problem with them. Mr Yahya said he is married with a three-year-old child and that he lived in Saudi Arabia for a number of years before returning to Kenya four years ago. I worked in Red Sea Palace Hotel, Holiday Inn Hotel and Nuovo Hotel, all in the city of Jeddah. I worked as a waiter. Three people, including Mr Yahya, were admitted to the hospital. A senior medical officer said Mr Nathaniel Murugi had been taken to the theatre for surgery. Mr Obiero said he suffered shoulder and right leg injuries. I was talking to my two colleagues, Boniface Wambugu and Mary Chepkwony, when we saw a metallic object rolling on the ground emitting smoke. In a split second, a huge explosion rocked the club followed by two more blasts, which shook the building, he said, adding that


March 31 In Mombasa, terrorists hurl explosives at a Christian prayer meeting near a bus terminus. Two people died and more than 25 others were injured in the explosion. Another explosion rocked a bar in the town on the same day.

revellers and workers scampered in dierent directions. In a related development, police yesterday said they had freed a Swiss man who had been arrested in Naivasha on suspicion that he was a German they had linked to terrorism. Mr Iteere said police had established that the man was not Ahmed Khaled Mueller, a member of Al-Shabaab. The Swiss had a valid visa to be in the country for one month. Reported By Daniel Nyassy, Bozo Jenje, Antony Kitimo, Joyce Kimani and AFP

April 29, 2012 A man attacks God House of Miracle Church in Nairobi, Ngara area where One worshipper died, 10 others seriously injured in a grenade attack.

May 15: An AP ocer is killed and four other seriously injured in Dagahaley, Lagdera Division, after the Landcruiser they were travelling in was blown up by an explosive. The IED is said to have been a buried at around 11am. The ocers were on escort duty when they were attacked. Following closely was another team from their regular counterparts who were on a dierent escort duty but their vehicle was not hit by the explosion.

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DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

National News 5
DANCE | Sudanese remember Garang

TERROR | Court imposes stringent terms for suspects release

Miraa vendor charged over city church blast

Man denies seven counts of injuring worshippers and being a member of Al-Shabaab TERRORISM

Audit reveals tribalism in key parastatal

More than 60 per cent of employees at Kenya Seed Company belong to one tribe, an audit of the State parastatal has revealed. According to the summary of the ethnic distribution report obtained by the Nation, the Kalenjins hold 60 per cent of all appointments, followed by the Luhyas at 16 per cent while the Kikuyus have six per cent. The Kitale-based company is a multi-million entity that grows seeds for local farmers. The composition of the board of directors at the company is also dominated by the Kalenjins and the Kikuyus. Its tribalism. Many appointments are a reection of these communities dominance, demoralising other workers, said a senior employee of the company who requested anonymity. When contacted on the same, the National Cohesion and Integration Commission chairman Mzalendo Kibunjia admitted that the agency was nding it dicult to correct ethnic imbalances in parastatals located in certain regions. The local community expects to get a larger share of the jobs. But we will ensure equal ethnic distribution in up coming appointments regardless of a rms location, said the chairman.

Attackers target crowds

n January: Blasts reported in a Mombasa club and at Tononoka prayer rally. n March 10: At least four people were killed in a series of blasts next to the Country Bus Station in Nairobi. 42 others were injured. n April 29: One killed at Gods House of Miracles at Ngara in Nairobi


24-year-old miraa vendor has been charged with last months city church grenade attack, which left one person dead and scores injured. Mr Ibrahim Kibe Kagwa (right), who was arrested on Wednesday at Ngara while buying miraa, was produced before Nairobi Chief Magistrate Esther Maina yesterday under tight security. Mr Kagwa faced seven counts of causing grievous harm to Shalom Mulinge, Stephen Mulinge, Ezekiel Muthini, Julia Njenga, Joseph Mbogo and Leonida Ngige at Gods House of Miracles in Ngara, Nairobi, on April 29. He was also charged with being a member of AlShabaab.

The suspect, who was not represented by a lawyer, denied seven counts of causing grievous harm and engaging in organised crime. He applied to be released on bond. Prosecuting Superintendent Bridgit Kanyai did not opposed

the suspects request asked the court to impose stringent terms. Ms Maina directed Mr Kagwa to avail three sureties of Sh500,000 each to be examined by the court before he can be released from custody. Besides the bond with sureties, the magistrate also ordered the suspect to deposit a cash bail of Sh500,000. The case will be mentioned May 31.

Sudanese women perform a dance to mark the 29th anniversary of the SPLM at Nairobis Railway Club yesterday. The event is held annually to remember party founder John Garang. STORY PAGE 9


Push claims through AG denies taking mining insurers, says Raila Bill to House
The Attorney-Generals oce yesterday denied allegations of ignoring the Constitution Implementation Commission before presenting a Bill in Parliament. The State Law Oce was reacting to claims by CIC chairman Charles Nyachae that it had bypassed the commission over the Mining Bill. Head of Public Communications Mulei Muia, in a statement, yesterday said the oce had established that no such Bill is before Parliament. Neither this oce, the concerned ministry nor the CIC has forwarded any such Bill to Parliament, the statement read. On Tuesday, CIC chairman Charles Nyachae said his team was overlooked in the drafting of the Mining Bill. He said they had asked to be given the Bill to peruse last year but did not receive it. We are surprised to see it before Parliament yet we have not made our contribution, Mr Nyachae said, adding that there was a persistent eort to sideline his commission in violation of the Constitution. Mr Nyachae said there were glaring Constitution issues in the Mining Bill that needed to be addressed before MPs debated it in Parliament. Prime Minister Raila Odinga yesterday warned that the push for compensation for disasters using public funds had been taken too far to an extent that it had become irresponsible. Mr Odinga told Parliament that the country had a comprehensive disaster management policy, and warned that issues of claims for injuries and property loss would be handled through laid down procedures. You keep saying the government should compensate you. Where is the government going to get the money? Compensation is done through insurance companies, said Mr Odinga. He made the remarks in his weekly address to the august House following a question from Mr Ntoitha MMithiaru (Igembe North) on the countrys strategy, policy and costs of managing the disasters. The raging floods, the PM said, had caught the government napping. Floods came abruptly, but the government is coping with it, said Mr Odinga. MPs, including Yusuf

Hassan (Kamukunji) and Rachel Shebesh (nominated) said the problem with disasters in Kenya had nothing to do with policies, but with the ill-equipped and slow responses. Ms Shebesh added that there were five plots for fire hydrants in Nairobi City that had been grabbed hampering the eectiveness of the re department in tackling res in the city. Mr Odinga promised to investigate the land grabbing of such crucial sites. The PM also insisted that the ban on encroaching in forests was still in place. You cannot live in a forest and not destroy it, said Mr Odinga.

You keep saying the government should pay you. Where is the government going to get money?
Prime Minister Raila Odinga

6 | National News
MORE TRAGEDY | Trail of destruction continues as school children swept away

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

Six more perish in raging oods

Heavy rains claim more lives as the weatherman warns too late to plant
BY NATION TEAM ix more people have died in Konoin and Bumula districts as heavy rains continue to cause mayhem. In Konoin District, Kericho County, three Chemogo primary school pupils died when they were swept away by oods on Tuesday as they walked home after school. Cousins Enock Kipngetich, 7, and Gilbert Kipngetich, 13, drowned in Chepkoro stream while David Kangwana was swept away in the Tendwet stream. The two are tributaries of the River Chemosit, which ows through Bureti and Konoin districts. Western Rift Regional Commissioner Bernard Leparmarai said the heavy rains in the higher areas had increased the volume of water owing to the lower areas, causing rivers to burst their banks. I would like to appeal to parents not to allow children to walk to and from school

I would like to appeal to parents not to allow children to walk to and from school alone, especially during this period
Western Rift RC Bernard Leparmarai
alone, especially during this period, he said. The bodies of Enock and Gilbert were recovered yesterday while the search for David is still going on. In Bumula District, three family members, among them a six-month-old baby, were killed after the wall of their house collapsed at Myanga. Mr Moses Wanjala, Ms Mildred Nasimiyu and their baby were asleep when the wall was brought down by oods. Residents found the mud-covered bodies in the morning. Four members of the fam-

ily who were in the house survived. Residents have been advised to move to the market centres. In Homa Bay, traders at Soko Mjinga Market yesterday suffered heavy losses after oods swept away their merchandise. Traders watched helplessly as the erce oodwaters swept their wares into Lake Victoria, 500 metres away. The rains, that started at 2.15pm and ended at 3.30pm, also left a trail of destruction in Shauri Yako slums. Central provincial director of meteorology Francis Nguatah yesterday said the rains are expected to continue up to the end of May. Mr Nguatah warned those living on hilly areas, especially in Muranga and Mukurweini in central Kenya, to be extra cautious as the soil is now saturated with water, raising a possibility of landslides. He told farmers who have yet to plant their crops that it might be too late as the cold spell that follows the rainy season may aect crops. Reported by Maurice Kaluoch, Georey Rono, Timothy Kemei, Charles Mwaniki and Raphael Wanjala

Survey reveals Kenyans opposed to tribal alliances

Majority of Kenyans are opposed to the re-emergence of ethnic alliances ahead of the General Election, a new opinion poll shows. The poll by Strategic Africa reveals that 62 per cent of Kenyans are against the revival of the Gema and Kamatusa tribal groupings. Gema brings together the Gikuyu, Embu, and Meru while Kamatusa comprises the Kalenjin, Maasai, Turkana and Samburu. Mr Caesar Handa, the pollsters chief executive, said those opposed to the tribal groupings said they would bring disunity, tension and violence in the country ahead of the elections. According to the poll, 13 per cent of those interviewed, however, supported the ethnic alliances with a 25 per cent remaining non-committal.

Kenyans in support of tribal alliances, according to the poll

A Malindi resident walks in water yesterday after heavy rains in the last three days ooded streets and shops.

KAA, rm lock horns over duty free shops

The World Duty Free Company does not hold exclusive rights to operate shops in Kenyan airports, a court was told yesterday. The Kenya Airports Authority has accused the company of misleading the court on the matter, causing it to issue an injunction halting plans to construct more duty free shops at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport. Act, KAA states in the notice. And according to KAA company secretary Joy Nyagah, the agreement the government entered with the duty free company only applied to a specic space at the JKIA. The World Duty Free Company claims the tender was in breach of lease agreements it signed with the government on April 27, 1984 and January 2003. It claims KAA can award the tender to a third party only with its permission. But according to Ms Nyagah, the present lease between the duty free company and the government expires on July 10. A notice to have it renewed has not been given, she says. Mr Justice Mabeya yesterday directed the parties to le written submissions. The hearing will be on May 28.

International tender

On March 19, the authority advertised an international tender, calling for bids for concession for the development and management of duty-free retail shops at JKIA. However, the World Duty Free Company moved to the High Court and obtained the injunction. I am satisfied that there seems to be in force an agreement and lease in favour of the plainti, ruled Justice Alfred Mabeya, as he issued the injunction. However, the KAA has led a notice of preliminary objection, claiming that the court lacks jurisdiction to hear the dispute. The dispute can only be resolved through arbitration as provided for in the Kenya Airports Authority

Those in their support say the groupings will enhance cohesion amongst various communities in the country, make politics grow, help bring about development amongst others, said Mr Handa. Nyanza Province at 74 per cent, had the highest number of those opposed to the ethnic alliances, followed by Nairobi (69 pc), Western and North Eastern (68pc), Coast (65pc), Rift Valley (58pc), Eastern (55pc) and Central (53pc). Central Province at 24 per cent and Rift Valley 17 per cent had the highest percentage of those in support of the tribal groupings. Prime Minister Raila Odinga, at 32.7 percent, is still the man to beat if elections are to be held today, with ODM maintaining its lead as the most popular party in the country at 34.9 per cent. Mr Kenyatta was second with 15.2 per cent of respondents saying they would vote for him. Others were William Ruto (7.9pc), Musalia Mudavadi (7.1pc), Kalonzo Musyoka (7pc) and Martha Karua (5.3pc). The poll was conducted between April 27 and May 2, with a sample size of 5,000 respondents across 46 counties.


Bankers summoned as arrest warrants lifted

Two bank managers have been spared arrest after a Nairobi court lifted a warrant of arrest against them. Former Ecobank Kenya chief executive Michael Monari and company secretary Wilfred Oroko were, however, told to appear before court on June 11. Mr Monari, who was transferred to Uganda and, Mr Oroko, currently in Togo, are wanted over fraudulent registration of a charge on property in Nairobi.

There seems to be in force an agreement and lease in favour of the plainti

Justice Alfred Mabeya

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

8 | National News
GRATUITY | Consultations to continue over the weekend

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

AG withdraws Bill on MPs allowances

Raila had written to Githu asking him not to table the law, which he said was unconstitutional
BY PETER LEFTIE ttorney-General Githu Muigai has withdrawn the controversial Bill that seeks to raise MPs and Speakers allowances owing to queries about its constitutionality. Prof Muigai (pictured) said this moments after temporary Deputy Speaker Gitobu Imanyara ordered that he sheds light on the questions of constitutionality raised by Prime Minister Raila Odinga and a host of MPs. The Salaries and Remuneration Commission, the AG said, had also asked that all issues touching on the remuneration of MPs and other constitutional oce holders be left out of the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill, 2012.

BUSY | Coee farmers keep smiling

Kalonzo sets up team to end land row

Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka yesterday set up a taskforce to end the land ownership dispute in Mlolongo and Syokimau and promised there would be no more demolitions. Mr Musyoka said the team would comprise ocials from the Lands ministry, Mavoko Municipal Council and investors. He said no more demolitions would take place until the taskforce presented its report. The taskforce will come up with recommendations for a lasting solution, he said. Speaking at Mlolongo trading centre, the VP warned residents to be alert for crooked brokers. Brokers who make deals at night are to blame for the problems you are facing, he said. Accompanied by MPs Charles Kilonzo (Yatta), Philip Kaloki (Kibwezi), Isaac Muoki (Kitui South) and nominated MP Aey Mohammed, Mr Musyoka said if elected President, he would ensure the sanctity of title deeds. The VP, who later opened a Wiper Democratic Movement ofce in Kajiado, said he was well placed to occupy the top seat when President Kibaki retires. Unlike most politicians, I have never stolen anything from Kenyans and this country will be in safe hands, he said. (VPPS)


Amount MPs were to receive as gratuity after end of their term

The cash Temporary Speakers would have received if law was passed

The Bill carries amendments to laws that are not as substantial to warrant a specic Bill. It is our commitment to proceed within the Constitution and the law. If theres any question, even a borderline issue, well have those issues set aside, said Prof Muigai. More consultations over the Bill will take

place at the weekend, the AG added. Mr Odinga has rejected proposals in the Bill describing them as unconstitutional. In a letter to the AG dated May 14, Mr Odinga described as unconstitutional amendments to the National Assembly (Remuneration) Act through the Finance Bill 2011 that raised the gratuity paid to each MP to Sh3.7 million from the previous Sh1.5 million. They were done in contravention of the mandate of the Salary Commission, the PM said. The Bill proposes to amend the Remuneration Act to expand categories of members who may receive allowances to include the Deputy Speaker and members of the Speakers panel. Yesterday Mr John Mbadi (Gwassi) said the Finance Act, 2012, which was passed and includes Sh3.7m gratuity, will also have to be revisited. Mr Mbadi said that though the matter had been discussed and approved by Parliament, the AG needed to make it clear that there are no constitutional issues.

Sanctity of title deeds

A worker at Othaya coee factory takes a bag of berries to the factory for milling yesterday. Farmers are a happy lot as coee is fetching good prices on the world market.


DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

National News 9

POLITICS | Githu wants period cut from seven to ve months

Relief for public workers over poll

AG proposes changes to election law to reduce period within which they are supposed to resign
BY PETER LEFTIE cores of public servants who plan to plunge into politics during the next General Election may not have to resign by August if MPs pass new amendments proposed by Attorney-General Githu Muigai. Through the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill, 2012, already before Parliament, Prof Muigai is proposing an amendment to the Elections Act, 2011, to reduce the period within which a public servant intending to contest in an election must quit from seven months to ve. The amendment, if passed, will TAKING THE PLUNGE


Man shot dead as he tries to rob pedestrian

Police shot dead a suspected robber and recovered a pistol loaded with six rounds of ammunition. Three gangsters had attacked a man who was walking along Joseph Kangethe road and robbed him of Sh1,000 before shooting him in the hand. Kilimani police boss Benard Muli said the gunshot attracted the attention of some ocers who were on night patrol and they went to investigate. The ocers opened re and shot one of them dead. Mr Muli said the identity of the dead gangster had not yet been established. He said the robbers victim was taken to Kenyatta Hospital while the recovered pistol and two spent cartridges had been taken to ballistic experts for analysis.

Prof James ole Kiyiapi: Resigned

as Education PS to contest for presidency

Philip Kisia:

Stepped down as city town clerk to vie for Nairobi governorship

Kenneth Lusaka:
Livestock PS to resign in August to seek Bungoma governors seat

Kinuthia Mbugua: AP

boss eyeing Nakuru governors post

give a temporary reprieve to scores of public servants who have been under intense pressure to resign from their positions. Former Education permanent secretary James ole Kiyiapi and former Nairobi town clerk Philip Kisia have already resigned to concentrate on their campaigns. Livestock PS Kenneth Lusaka has indicated that he will leave in August

to dedicate his eorts to clinching the Bungoma governors seat. Other public servants said to be interested in plunging into politics include Communications Commission of Kenya chairman Philip Okundi, Government spokesman Alfred Mutua, permanent secretaries Emmanuel Kisombe and John Lonyangapuo and Administration Police commandant Kinuthia Mbugua.

The High Court is yet to rule in a case in which two voters want section 43(5) of the Elections Act suspended until the election date is determined. The petitioners, Mr Charles Omanga and Mr Patrick Njuguna argue that the election date is still unknown and that it is therefore unconstitutional for public servants to leave before the date is known. The petitioners also take issue with provisions of the same law, which, they allege, spares some State ocers from the requirement to resign. Section 43(6) exempts the President, Prime Minister and MPs. Last December, former head of the Civil Service Francis Muthaura issued a circular reminding all civil servants planning to have their names on the ballot in the General Election to resign by January 14. The circular was based on the assumption that polls would be held on August 14, this year, as spelt out in the Constitution.


RUINS | Fire razes houses, leaving hundreds homeless

Schoolchildren play where some houses were destroyed by re at Mukuru-Fuata Nyayo slum in Nairobis South B. Sixty houses were ruined, leaving more than 300 people homeless. Area district ocer Jane Moraa said the Tuesday night incident was caused by a stove which exploded. No deaths were reported but property worth millions of shillings was reduced to ashes.

Kenyans assured of safety in South Sudan

South Sudan has assured Kenyans of their safety. Speaker James Igga said Juba was putting in place laws to protect foreigners. He, however, said foreigners who invest in the country should carry themselves with decorum so that locals do not view them as antagonists. Kenyans hosted our people for many years and we cannot take the hospitality they accorded us for granted, Mr Igga said. He was speaking at celebrations to mark the 29th anniversary of the Sudan Peoples Liberation Army/ Movement in Nairobi. Recently, there have been reports of Kenyans being atttacked in Sudan. In February, three Kenyans were reportedly killed by armed raiders creating fear among investors.

10 | National News
STALEMATE | Parliament cannot send names to President

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

Orders blocking police reform team extended

New appointments stopped after AG requests for time to respond to lobby groups petition
BY PAUL OGEMBA rders stopping the appointment of nominees to the National Police Service Commission have been extended. Lady Justice Cecilia Githua extended the orders to May 23 after the Attorney-General requested more time to reply to a petition led by lobby groups Men and Women and the Womens Political Alliance. Last month the court restrained Parliament from forwarding the names of the candidates to the President until a suit led by the two organisations was heard and determined. The order also barred the President from receiving from the Speaker of the National Assembly names of applicants for the position of chairperson and members of the National Police Service Commission. The lobby groups had asked the court to quash the decision of the selection panel to forward the names of six nominees to the President. In March, President Kibaki picked Ms Amina Masoud as THE PROCESS

FOOD SECURITY | Farmer works on land

MP calls for scrapping of the Trac Department

Parliament yesterday began debate on proposed amendments to the Trac Act that are expected to abolish the Trac Department. The Traffic Amendment Bill 2012 that entered the Second Reading seeks to broaden the existing law to capture present developments in the transport sector. It also introduces stier penalties.

The selection panel conducts interviews and forwards the names to the President The President, in consultation with the PM, approves and forwards names to Parliament. Parliament debates the names and sends them back to President for appointments. The President gazettes the appointments and the team starts work.
chairperson of the commission and Ms Esther Chui-Colombini, Mr Ronald Musengi, Mr James Atema, Dr Shadrack Mutia and Ms Mary Auma Owuor as members. The lobbyists, however, want the selection repeated. They argued that the manner in which the selection panel shortlisted applicants was discriminatory and violated Article 27 of the Constitution. According to the activists, the names forwarded to the President could not form the basis of consultations with the PM and the selection was discriminatory on the

1 2 3 4

How the team is appointed

grounds of sex, social origin, language, birth and disadvantaged persons. They argued that the National Police Service would suer a credibility crisis due to changes in its top leadership, which could be seen as cosmetic if the nominated people were allowed to sit in the commission. They noted that the PM had objected to the names, saying he was not consulted and it would only be fair and just if the appointments were quashed and new people chosen. Once in place, the National Police Service Commission will appoint the inspectorgeneral of police and two deputies. On Tuesday, the parliamentary Committee on National Security rejected President Kibakis nomination of Ms Masoud to head the commission. The committee, chaired by Mt Elgon MP Fred Kapondi, instead proposed three new names for the Presidents consideration. The committee said Ms Masoud was not appropriate and recommended Ms Jean Njeri Kamau, Mr Murshid Mohamed and Mr Johnston Kavuludi for the post. They also recommended the nomination of Ms ChuiColombini, Mr Musengi, Mr Atemi, Dr Mutia and Ms Owuor to serve as commissioners.

Proposed ne (in Shillings) for drunk-driving
Gem MP Jakoyo Midiwo, the mover of the motion, urged the scrapping of the Trac Department to open up the sector to other law enforcement ocers. All police ocers, GSU, Administration Police ocers and other uniformed ocers should be able to enforce this law, he said. If the amendments are adopted, drivers found either driving on sidewalks or through petrol station sideways to avoid trac jams will be ned Sh30,000 or three months imprisonment or both. An amendment to Section 45 severely punishes drink-driving. A penalty of not less than Sh500,000 or a prison term of over 10 years or both has been proposed. The Bill demands that all motorbike users wear helmets and jackets with reectors. It also demands riders hold valid licences.

A farmer weeds his maize crop in Ngarua, Nyahururu District yesterday. Farmers in the area have urged the government to come up with long-term strategies to improve maize production and reduce imports.


Explain fuel price rise, Kibaki and Raila told

President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga have been asked to explain the recent rise in fuel prices. The two principals risk being viewed as co-conspirators in oil industry cartels if they do not declare their position, Cotu secretary-general Francis Atwoli said yesterday. Kenyans are staring at hard economic times ahead and with the current low wages amid heavy taxation among the working population, life is becoming increasingly unbearable, Mr Atwoli said in a statement sent to the media. Mr Atwoli (right) also questioned the viability of the Energy Regulatory Commission, while accusing it of relentlessly increasing pump prices. He claimed that the commission had been serving the interests of oil cartels since its inception. The ERC has with impunity continued to review fuel prices upwards under the pretext of

price capping despite the prices of crude oil falling on the international market, he said. Following Mondays announcement by ERC, motorists are now paying Sh2.63 more per litre of super petrol. The price of kerosene went up by 72 cents per litre while the diesel price was reduced by 36 cents per litre. ERC director-general Kaburu Mwirichia attributed the rise to the depreciation of the shilling and increasing cost of imports. In his statement , Mr Mwirichia hinted that prices might reduce during next months review.

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

National News 11

APPOINTMENTS | Two join growing list of those who have criticised Presidents action

Activists oppose county bosses

Suit seeks to have Kibakis selection of 47 ocials nullied
BY PAUL OGEMBA ivil society activists have challenged President Kibakis appointment of county commissioners in They are seeking a court order to quash the appointments and block implementation of the Presidents decision. Mr Patrick Njuguna and Mr Charles Omanga want an order prohibiting the President and Internal Security minister George Saitoti from swearing-in the 47 commissioners to oce. If the commissioners have assumed oce, they want an order stopping them from drawing salaries or allowances. Mr Njuguna and Mr Omanga are also seeking a directive compelling Attorney-General Githu Muigai and Prof Saitoti to comply with the Constitution by advertising and subjecting the


Mans body found as family accuses police

The body of a 25-year-old supermarket worker who drowned in River Chania in unclear circumstances has been found 10 kilometres downstream. But Mr Peter Otienos family claims that he was pushed into the river by a police ocer near Ngoingwa estate in Thika town where he was playing a game of cards with his friends. Thika police boss Paul Leting said there was no evidence to support the claim.

positions of commissioners to competitive recruitment taking into consideration gender parity, regional balance and public participation. In a suit led in court through lawyer Anthony Oluoch, the activists argue that the appointments were made in total breach of the law. The purported appointments is an abuse of power by the President since he ignored constitutional provisions that demand involvement of the people in the process of policy-making, accountability, transparency, fair competition and equal representation, said Mr Oluoch. He said the appointments were in bad faith since they were done before the creation of county governments. The lawyer submitted that Section 17 of the Sixth Schedule


Under pressure
The suit joins a growing list of pressure on President Kibaki to rescind his decision to appoint the county commissioners. Prime Minister Raila Odinga has rejected the appointments saying he was not consulted while the Commission on the Implementation of the Constitution said they should be done afresh because the President did not follow the spirit of the law in making them. A section of the Cabinet and MPs has also opposed the selection, arguing that they were not fair to all tribes and women, accusing the President of giving them a raw deal.

Abuse of power

allows the national government up to ve years to align the provincial administration, and there was no justication for the rush to make the appointments prior to the enactment of a Devolved Government Bill. According to him, the legal framework for the creation of devolved government had not been passed into law since the President rejected the County Government Bill. He added that the Presidents appointments to the extent that they were done without consultation with the Prime Minister were a breach of the National Accord, which demands that the President consults the Premier before making any major decision that aected the Coalition Government. Lady Justice Cecilia Githua certified the application as urgent and set the hearing for May 24.


Sex pest handed life in jail for raping girl, 11

A man described as a sex pest was yesterday imprisoned for life after he was found guilty of deling an 11-year-old girl. Bernard Odhiambo was convicted by Ndhiwa senior resident magistrate Bernard Omwanza, who said that he deserved no mercy. You deserve a maximum sentence so as to act as a deterrent for other likeminded people, ruled the magistrate and gave the convict 14 days to appeal against the jail term.

GROUNDED | Long arm of the law catches up with bus owners

Coast trac police boss Joshua Omukata points out a violation of the law on one of the more than 10 buses impounded by ocers and taken to Central police station in Mombasa yesterday. Mr Omukata said the bus owners had broken the law by, among other things, tinting windows and not displaying Transport Licensing Board stickers.


Boy stabs sister to death in school row

A 12-year-old boy yesterday stabbed to death his 21-year-old sister following a domestic row at Mwanzo estate in Eldoret town. Deputy police boss Charles Mutua said the girl had quarrelled with the boy over his failure to attend school before the attack. Mr Mutua said that the woman died on the way to hospital. The boy has gone into hiding.

12 | Opinion

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

Those who murdered must be made to pay

he government has nally revived investigations into 5,000 possible criminal cases linked to the mayhem of the last elections. Although a lot of water has gone under the bridge and some evidence lost, it is hoped that the new eort by the Director of Public Prosecutions will lead to prosecution and punishment. So far, the only earth-shaking move has been to take a few suspects to the International Criminal Court at The Hague to answer charges of crimes against humanity. But this left out many other suspects who were instrumental in the death of 1,133 people and uprooting of more than 500,000 others from places they had always regarded as home. It is for this reason that the Waki Commission which investigated the violence recommended that special courts be set up to deal with all the suspects. Little has been done since, which has served to reinforce the view that Kenya does not have sucient investigative and judicial capacity to deal with violence suspects. Yet, despite the tragic events and many other failings, the country is not a failed state. Nothing better illustrates this than the fact that we have been able to pull ourselves out of the mayhem, and within two years, enacted a Constitution that seeks to provide long-lasting solutions to festering social, economic, political and historical problems. Mr Keriako Tobiko must ensure investigators dig out sucient evidence to prosecute the cases. With reforms at the Judiciary, there is no reason why the cases should take too long. It is only by dealing conclusively with such cases that the country can be guaranteed of stability in the future.

WHAT OTHERS SAY | Charles Onyango-Obbo

Impunity is not forever

How Kenyas Asian and white tribes can save the orphan Nairobi county A
keen-eyed government analyst recently noted that; If we are not careful, Nairobi could die. It could die, he said, from not being loved enough. The threat to Nairobi started in 2010 when Kenyans voted in a new quite progressive Constitution. Partly to deal with the problems that led to the post-election violence of 2008, the Constitution radically devolved powers to 47 new counties. Kenyans have immersed themselves with lots of ethnic energy into the counties. There are several county professional associations that have been set up to discuss how to make counties a success, and to x problems that have been neglected by governments in Nairobi for decades. There is only one county, the analyst said, that has no serious professional associations formed to champion its cause. That county is Nairobi. He said there was a danger Nairobi might become an orphan county. Because of the way it has evolved, Nairobi like many cities elsewhere has no undisputed tribal owners. That said, I think the owners of Nairobi should be those people who do not live in another (upcountry) part of Kenya in large numbers, and call that area home. In that sense, the Nairobi city natives should be Kenyas Asian and white tribes. However, these Asian and white Kenyan tribes have been marginalised in politics, except occasionally in Kisumu, partly out of their own choice, partly out of the fact that they are too few to matter when ethnic voting is what decides who gets what. The problem for the Kenya Asian tribes is that too many of their young people emigrate to places like Canada. The white tribes well, it seems they have never understood the political benet of polygamy and having many children. I am told they have marginalised themselves in Kenya politics because they simply havent produced enough! More seriously, though, I can see scenarios in which Nairobi booms in the new devolved system. The folks, who should worry are the other Eastern African capitals, especially Dar es Salaam, Kampala and Kigali. The problem for Nairobi is that because of its system in which rather ordinary councillors elect the city mayor, most of its mayors of recent years have been part street-thugs, part reckless populists, and hostage to the working class vote in the large estates and slums Often, the mayor is the chap whose councillors threw chairs furthest, and landed the most serious blows during elections. City politicians have, therefore, been largely antibusiness. The champion of Nairobis modernisation has been the Central Business District Association, and the government not its elected leaders. The Nairobi County could overturn the old order in several ways. The governor will mostly likely be a deeppocketed chap who plays golf at Muthaiga or Karen clubs, and is from the upper crust of Kenyan society; fellows like former Mumias Sugar CEO Evans Kidero, who is one of those running for the governorship. Past elections in Nairobi used to be inuenced signicantly by the tens of thousands of voters bused in from up-country by crooked politicians. Now, with governorships and senatorships at stake in the counties, the busing of voters will most likely go

ormer Liberian President Charles Taylor and former Bosnian Serb army commander Ratko Mladic appeared yesterday in separate courts at The Hague. Mr Taylor, 64, was in the dock to plead his case at the Special Tribunal for Sierra Leone, which found him guilty of war crimes last month. His landmark conviction was the rst against a former head of State by an international court since the Nuremberg trials. The warlord turned president of Liberia was found guilty on all 11 counts, including murder and rape committed by rebels in neighbouring Sierra Leone. In another courtroom, Gen Mladic stood accused of waging a brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing and Europes worst massacre since World War II. The trial at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia heard how Gen Mladic, 70, was responsible for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity for his role in the Balkan countrys brutal 1992-95 war. Mr Taylor and Gen Mladic were once among the most powerful men in their respective domains. Theirs is a powerful lesson that impunity does not pay and that justice knows no bounds.
LINUS GITAHI: Chief Executive Ocer JOSEPH ODINDO: Editorial Director MUTUMA MATHIU: Managing Editor Published at Nation Centre, Kimathi Street and printed at Mombasa Road, Nairobi by Nation Media Group Limited POB 49010, Nairobi 00100 Tel: 3288000, 0719038000. Fax 221396 Registered at the GPO as a newspaper

The problem for the Kenya Asian tribes is that too many of their young people emigrate to places like Canada

down. The incentive is to keep the voters back home so they can vote people into the plum county jobs. The eect of this will be far-reaching. The vote of Kenyas Asian and white tribes, and the so-called tribeless elite, will now matter more. These will form the new swing votes. The Nairobi governorship could be decided in Westlands, Parklands, Muthaiga and Lavington, not Kibera or Embakasi. Fisticus though, will still settle the mayorship. The Nairobi County will have some things other East African capitals dont a governor and assembly with real powers to make policy for the city economy, and to enter into lucrative business partnerships with cities and businesses abroad. The county can oer business better incentives to set up than its neighbouring capitals, and can pass laws on, for example, recycling that can, nally, grow a viable green urban economy. Unless the capitals in the region respond with radical remakes of how they are governed, Nairobi could run away with the biscuits. But for it to do that, it might need to be an orphan free from the parochial forces of upcountry politics. /twitter@cobbo3.

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012


CHARGES TOO HIGH. Could the Ministry of Health ocials or the City Council clarify whether Chandaria Health Centre is a private or public facility? asks David Cheche. There is confusion amongst clients who have been told it was taken over by the government two years ago and yet its charges are much higher than those of government hospitals and health clinics. Here we pay Sh500 to get a medical certicate for a student. In public hospitals, its Sh200. Davids contact is
TRACE THIS FILE. Since health public ocer Lydia Francisca Mahero died 12 years ago, her dependants have not been paid her terminal benets, says Nedy Mahero. According to Nedy, they have followed up the matter at Afya House and the ocial explanation has been that her le, No 87067986, cannot be traced. What use is it having a registry if les can just vanish? asks Nedy, adding that the PSs silence on the matter is worrying. Nedys contact is THIS IS INJUSTICE. A goat can never expect justice from a committee of hyenas, notes Joseph Ngigi, adding that it is the case with the disciplinary procedures against teachers. According to Joseph, a secondary school principal will accuse a teacher, go ahead and convene a board of governors meeting in which he/she is the secretary, and assume three roles: Accuser, prosecutor and judge. Can an accused teacher really expect a fair hearing? he asks. His contact is

GET IT RIGHT | Laura A. Young & Korir SingOei

he report by the Kenya National Commission on Realising Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights is a milestone. However, the manner in which the Commission has addressed two controversial issues the rights of sexual minorities and rights of men and women who engage in sex work has done a disservice to both the communities. The fact that the Commission links these two issues in its recent report, to the extent of labelling sex workers as a sexual minority group and recommending legalisation in both contexts, misrepresents the human rights framework in relation to both issues. First, the Commission confuses the issue of what constitutes a sexual minority under international human rights principles by mentioning sex workers in that chapter. Sexual minorities are minorities based on immutable characteristics of sexual orientation and gender identity. The Yogyakarta Principles is the seminal international document that addresses how human rights apply to those who are minorities based on their sexual orientation and gender identity; that document denes these terms in the following manner.

Human rights body erred by claiming sex workers are a persecuted minority T
application of the international human rights framework to sex workers. This is because sex workers are not a minority in any recognised international human rights framework. Sex workers, indeed, suer discrimination and are marginalised in society, but being a sex worker is not an immutable characteristic in the same category as gender identity, race, or ethnicity. It is a livelihood, not an identity that can never be altered. While the issues are clearly linked, given that some GLBTI individuals are forced to engage in sex work because they are discriminated against in the professional sector and are thus unable to access other employment, declaring sex workers to be a sexual minority and linking them in the way that the Commissions report and the media have done confound two completely separate issues. Sexual minorities deserve protection from discrimination in all spheres of public life. Same sex couples should be able to engage in consensual sexual behaviour and carry out fullling personal relationships without fear of state sanction for private behaviour. The international human rights framework is clear on that and we laud the Commissions recommendation that samesex relationships should be

Sex workers are not too eager to practise their business publicly
Sexual orientation is understood to refer to each persons capacity for profound emotional, aectional and sexual attraction to, and intimate and sexual relations with, individuals of a dierent gender or the same gender or more than one gender. Gender identity is understood to refer to each persons deeply felt internal and individual experience of gender, which may or may not correspond with the sex assigned at birth, including the personal sense of the body (which may involve, if freely chosen, modication of bodily appearance or function by medical, surgical or other means) and other expressions of gender, including dress, speech and mannerisms. Nowhere do the Yogyarkarta Principles discuss the

decriminalised. Sex workers also deserve protection in all spheres of public life, but not because they are sexual minorities. They deserve protection because they are human beings with rights to be free from violence and exploitation. Many sex workers are heterosexual, a group that does not constitute a persecuted minority. LGBTI individuals are persecuted regardless of their profession. Linking decriminalisation of same-sex relationships and sex work, through labelling of both as sexual minorities undermines the understanding of minority rights and gives short-shrift to the incredibly complex issue of addressing sex work. Moreover, linking the issues in the report has led to a media restorm that perpetuates stereotypes that all homosexuals are sex workers or that sexual orientation and sex work are somehow inextricably linked. The Commission needs to continue to address the important concerns of sexual identity, but it must do so in a manner that addresses each issue on its own terms and that reects the international human rights framework. Ms Young and Mr SingOei are international human rights law attorneys.

Azikiwe Road in Dar es Salaam: In pretty good shape

STORM DRAIN WISDOM. Kenya Urban Roads Authority ocials should y to Dar es Salaam one Sunday afternoon and drive around the city to learn from our neighbours how they manage to keep their roads in such good shape, Churchill Amatha proposes. They will learn how a network of storm drains keeps the roads intact. The drains serve two purposes draining water from the roads and preventing rogue motorists from overlapping on the pavements. This is what cuts maintenance costs, says Churchill. WHERE ARE OUR BOYS? Pronouncements that the Kenyan troops on the military campaign in Somalia against Al-Shabaab are now part of Amisom alongside their Ugandan and Burundian counterparts have not given Selina Mapenzi enough assurance that they are safe. Selina is particularly suspicious following the discontinuation of the regular press briengs by Col Cyrus Oguna. Where are our soldiers? Can the media for once forget politics for a while and tell us what is going on in Somalia? PWANI NI KENYA. By voting overwhelmingly Yes during the 2010 referendum, Coast Province conrmed that Pwani ni Kenya notes Joshua K. Njenga. Those claiming the region is not a part of Kenya keep citing the pre-independence agreement between the Queen of England and the Sultan of Zanzibar, but all the 22 constituencies at the Coast endorsed the new Constitution. Apart from Ganze, which had 66 per cent, the others returned more than 70 per cent Yes votes.
Have a patriotic day, wont you!

WHY THEY SNEER | Patrick Mbataru

Middle class drives development in Kenya I

n her article writer Wamuyu Gatheru castigates the middle class for sneering at the tunaomba serikali itusaidie mentality prevalent among the poor (DN, May 9). She obviously misunderstands the social, political and economic roles of this class. The World Bank denes the middle class in Africa as those who use about Sh300 daily. Recent reports say that Kenyas middle class has been rising in number. Today, about 43 per cent of Kenyans are categorised as middle class. According to the British Asset Management, 16 million Kenyans are in this class. The local research rm, Synovate, recently reported that the strongest indicator of this expansion is the supermarket culture. The duka, a retail business format for the poor, is going the way of the dodo, thanks to the growing strong consumer culture. Using the Living Standard Measure methodology, Synovate found that the poor are becoming fewer, contrary to what we have been hearing from NGOs and consultants like Ms Gatheru. It is simple domino eect economics; the supermarket spurs more opportunity for suppliers, often rural-based smallscale investors, who employ the rural poor. The latter learn by doing so through innovation. The middle class pulls the poor from deprivation through better wages. They are behind supermarkets that

Nothing scares a wimpy government more than a wellinformed middle class who can, whenever necessary collectively push it into action

many thought are foreign-owned Naivas, Tuskys, Kasmart, Mathai and Maguna Andu. Notice the trend: The young Kenyan in the neighbourhood turns his kiosk into a 10x10 supermarket. Another puts up a green house in her plot and starts supplying fresh vegetables. This is the uniqueness of our middle class they invest. In many countries, they buy cars and other adult toys. Historically, the middle class has been known as the engine of economic growth, election arbitrators and the guardians of a nations social values. Many companies have learnt the hard way that you ignore this consumer segment at your peril. So have politicians. They decide the outcome of elections as they form the bulk of voters. Pushed to the wall, they are veritable political gadies. Socially, they dene what is fashionable to say, wear and

eat, and hence its members are also the bastions of social values. They distinguish themselves from the class below them by their general willingness to rely on their own enterprise rather than that of the state. They refuse to wait for government freebies, for they know well that the easiest way to slip back into poverty is to wait for the government to do anything. Most of them are youthful, welleducated but veritable risk-takers. Condense all these denitions and conceptions, and you see why the middle class hate the tunaomba serikali culture. Why do the poor beg the government? Mzee Jomo Kenyatta famously told Kenyans: Hakuna cha bure (no free things). In a foul mood, he would growl: Serikali sio mama yenu! Yet, despite this, the political economy of dispensing jobs, land, tenders and the power that comes with them ensured the entrenchment of the tunaomba serikali mentality. This servile culture serves any thieving government well. Nothing scares a wimpy government more than a wellinformed middle class who can, whenever necessary collectively push it into action. Governments hate change and regularly must be put on their toes.

Dr Mbataru is a lecturer at Kenyatta Universitys Department of Agribusiness Management and Trade.

E-mail: or write to Watchman, POB 49010, Nairobi 00100. Fax 2213946.

14 | Letters

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

To the editor
Innovative exhibits not repetitive but modied
The just concluded National Science Technology and Innovation Week received good coverage, especially from the Nation Media Group. Twice, the Daily Nation wrote editorials on the event. NTV interviewed Prof Shaukat Abdulrazak, the CEO, National Council for Science and Technology and two innovators. The fact the week grabbed prominence in an environment of intense political activities and corruption scandals, suggest something good must be taking place in our scientic and technological arena. But Daily Nations editorial (May 14) Turn new ideas into products for market could not be further from the truth. The only point of diversion we have with the editorial is the view it took on repetitiveness of the exhibits. Though some innovations have appeared in the past exhibitions, there is always something new in them every time they are exhibited. Take Morris Mbetsas mobile phone car security system. In the past, Mbetsa was exhibiting to explain how it works. Now he exhibited to explain as well as sell the product. It should be appreciated from policy and advisory level that the Ministry of Higher Education and the National Council for Science and Technology have played their role satisfactorily in organising the week. But we thank the Nation for creating awareness on local innovation. ARGUT KIPTURGO, Public Communication, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology

The editor welcomes brief letters on topical issues. Write on e-mail to: mailbox@ You can also mail to: The Editor, Daily Nation, POB 49010, Nairobi 00100. Letters may be edited for clarity, space or legal considerations.


Let Githae know that no moneys too much to pay for democracy
ith due respect to Finance minister Njeru Githae, I am dissatised with the way he is handling the General Election budget. Kenya is still smarting from the aftermath of the 2007 elections, and if we will have credible elections in 2012 (or is it 2013?), then we must be prepared to pay for it. All the ministries concerned have, unfortunately, been harassing the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission in one way or the other. When its not uncertainty of the date for the General Election, its the slashing of their budget for the event. I cannot avoid the feeling that we are giving Issack Hassans team a raw deal. The election date itself has been controversial. To have not arrived at a decision by this time and to expect Hassan to deliver a new set of elected persons come December 2012 is in itself grave. If we do not give the elections manager enough time to give us a platform for credibly electing our representatives, then to later say that the elections were unsatisfactory would be worse than hypocrisy on our part. We hounded former ECK chairman Samuel Kivuitu out of oce in disgrace because we stage-managed the process against his advice, and I do not think we wants to repeat the same mistake. The bigger part of the blame for the botched 2007 elections was not Kivuitu. If we give Hassan a awed

Emails from correspondents


ADO ABOUT NOTHING: I share in the disappointment over President Kibakis apparent lack of respect for the Constitution he swore to defend. He has broken the law not once, not twice but many times. Every time, there is an uproar from the other coalition partner not that the PM always respects the law as witnessed recently when he appointed the 47 commissioners. What puzzles me is the speed at which diehards move to defend his glaring mistakes. Now that we know how he operates is it worth all the noise? PHILLIP O.K. OKUMBA, Rongo DUMB LEADERS: If you have not delivered as an MP, how do you expect to be voted in as governor? There are leaders who are not yet aware of the enlightenment level of Kenyans. I seek to assure them that it is actually higher than they imagine. If you visit many of our constituencies today, you will be met by a lot of complaints ranging from bad roads to lack of electricity, water and security. You will even hear the constituents say they only saw their MP during the last campaign period. Then they seek to be governors! MERCY KIMONDO, Nairobi PARTY HOPPERS: Hoppers from one political party to another should seek fresh mandate from the electorate because they have betrayed the party that took them to Parliament and have contravened the Constitution. During the previous general elections, most people did not vote for individual politicians but rather, the party they used as a vehicle. It was the famous three piece suit. However, those people have since betrayed the party and should therefore go back to the voters and get reelected through their new party. SAMWEL BORN MAINA, Kisii CORRUPT POLICE TURNED MR RIGHT: What do the police in Migori town want? It is annoying when all over sudden the police transform from their corrupt act of picking folded notes from conductors to being Mr Right, thereby paralysing transport. The police do not take into consideration the pain they cause Migori County residents who depend on matatus for livelihood. Disorderly conduct along our Kisii-Migori-Sirare route is caused by the police who rst allowed matatus to carry 25 instead of 16 people. Now a simple crack in the window is a grave oence. What disgusting hypocrisy! KASSIM ADINASI, Migori County


A woman casts her vote in 2010 during the referendum voting to approve or disapprove the proposed constitution platform for the elections, I am sure he will perform worse than his predecessor, given the increased number of elected representatives. The second spanner in the works is the slashed budget. I do not think for once that the views of Hassan were considered. I believe this is not in the best interests of the nation. If the outgoing Parliament can give itself gratuity to the levels they have (and I tend to believe that they are doing this because they know most of them, if not all, are going home for good) without any fuss, how about giving Kenyans a platform for credible elections? Do we now want to have protests in future of unpaid clerks, or compromised clerks because they were not sufficiently remunerated, or lack of security personnel because they were not recruited, or poor electoral materials because the standard ones were not procured? Do we want to complain of lack of transparency due to the general eects of a slashed budget? Or do we want to pay for an election whose results we will believe in? I wish to request that the issue of budget for the General Election be treated as a matter of priority. This is the rst time we have elections under a new constitution. We must not mess it up. BRIAN KILINDI, Gatundu South

MPs award themselves gratuity against our will

Our MPs are at it again. They have gone against the will of the majority of Kenyans and awarded themselves millions of shillings each as gratuity. One wonders how insensitive and selsh these leaders can be to pay themselves so much at a time the economy is doing poorly, with most Kenyans hardly making ends meet. Its unfortunate this is happening while the Salaries and Remuneration Commission is aloof and quiet. This is unacceptable at a time when the Treasury has slashed the budget of the IEBC, claiming that it cannot aord it. This impunity has gone on for far too long and should not be allowed to continue. Kenyans must come out strongly to resist such selshness. PHILIP MBINDYO, Sawagongo

Nation story exposed wealth worshipping in Gods Name

Im compelled to respond to Mr Killian K. Mavindus mail (Nation, May 9). It is extremely unfortunate that today the likes of Bishop Oyedepo and his followers have totally changed and distorted the essence of Christianity and belief in God for that matter. The article in DN2 pullout (Nation, May 2) accurately exposed the new pseudo religion of wealth worshippers in the name of Christianity. It is not on record anywhere in the Bible that Christ Jesus or any of his disciples amassed wealth the magnitude of Oyedepos, complete with horses (symbols of wealth and power). That Oyedepo slapped people he branded witches and appointed relatives to manage his ministry is scandalous. Wealth worshippers have convinced themselves that the richer you are the nearer you are to God. This is nonsense. Tell me why the New Testament on which the bulk of the Christian faith doctrines is based is not a big fun of wealth Mat 20: 26-28, 23: 3-29, Mark 10 :17-23, 12: 41-44, Luke 9 :1-6, 10: 3-12 and Luke 12: 13-21. I know wealth makes things move in modern day life, including sending out the missionaries, but when you place wealth at the heart of your ministry, you remove Christ from it, and we all know who comes along when Christ is replaced. I include here, the M-Pesa soliciting preachers. MARTIN BAARIU MURIUKI, Nairobi



Should party defectors seek fresh mandate from their constituents?

SAMUEL OWITI: The last time I checked the PM personally campaigned for many ODM defectors. The logical thing is for them to resign and campaign afresh on their own. After all the PM showed that it is possible to defect, resign and get reelected. Messrs Ruto, Musalia, et al should have no fear since they are or claim to be democrats. GITHUKU MUNGAI: They will ensure the cases drag on in court until the current term is over. We will hopefully mature politically in the future. At the current moment in Kenya, we will have to continue witnessing the law being broken. ROBERT AMALEMBA: Yes. They are opportunists, so they keep shifting from goal post to goal post, yet they were voted in based on party. DICKSON KASALE: For what reason? It will not add any value to Kenyans; we will pay dearly for nothing.

Are MPs justied to award themselves Sh3.7m gratuity up from Sh1.5?

Send your comments to: mailbox

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012


16 | National News

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

Budget cut threatens Tobikos devolution plans

BY NATION CORRESPONDENT A reduction in the budget of the Directorate of Public Prosecution from Sh3.3 billion to Sh1 billion threatens plans to devolve to the counties. The Sh1 billion is grossly inadequate to open oces in each county, according to Director of Public Prosecutions Keriako Tobiko. Speaking in Nyeri after touring his departments provincial oces yesterday, Mr Tobiko said plans to increase the number of prosecutors from 93 to 930 were also in jeopardy unless the budgetary allocation was increased. We have 93 prosecutors and we require 930, meaning we have only 10 per cent of the prosecutors we require. With this allocation, we may not be able to roll out to the counties, or at least not at the rate we would ideally like to, said Mr Tobiko. He noted that the department also needed funds to automate its records and systems in the next six months. He said he had alerted the parliamentary Committee on Justice and Legal Aairs about these fears and hoped the gure would be reviewed. On the fate of police prosecutors, Mr Tobiko said an audit had been carried out to determine their suitability and qualications for absorption into the department. Those who failed to qualify would be sent back to the police service, said Mr Tobiko. A number fall short of the requirements of the job and will have to go back to the police service while those who are chosen will cross over into the Directorate of Public Prosecutions where they will receive further training, he said.

AGRICULTURE | Hunger looms

Alarm raised over threat to maize yields

Food security put in jeopardy as farmers in the nations grain basket brace for poor harvests


The percentage of planted maize that has been lost to disease in the South Rift

he Agriculture ministry has sounded the alarm over a maize disease in the South Rift that could threaten food security. Most farmers in the region, the countrys grain basket, had been aected, permanent secretary Romano Kiome said yesterday. And Rift Valley provincial director of agriculture Philip Ochieng said between 30 per cent and 40 per cent of the planted maize in the South Rift had been lost to the disease. Samples of aected plants have been analysed locally and abroad and the results indicate a combination of pathogens, mainly viruses and fungi, he said. Dr Kiome said symptoms of the disease were mottling, ecking and streaking.

Aected plants have been analysed and the results indicate a combination of pathogens, mainly viruses
Provincial agriculture boss Philip Ochieng

What experts recommend

Short term: Timely planting to avoid drought stress which exposes crops to attack, use of certied seed, crop rotation, diversication. Long term: Research on identifying the causal organism, updating the early warning system and instituting a rapid response mechanism, developing disease-resistant seed.
attended the function. Dr Kiome said besides the South Rift region, other areas that had been aected by the disease were Nakuru, Naivasha, Kibwezi, Yatta, Embu and Rumuruti. He said experts who had analysed the disease had recommended short-term measures that the farmers should undertake. These include timely planting to avoid drought stress which exposes crops to attack, use of certified seed, crop rotation, diversication of farm enterprises and avoiding planting maize in elds that are prone to water logging. Long-term measures, he said, included research on identifying the causal organism, updating the early warning system and instituting a rapid response mechanism, developing disease-resistant seed and the screening of a wide range of maize germplasm to identify resistance or tolerance to the disease across dierent agroecological zones.

Fungal symptoms like chlorosis, necrosis, leaf reddening, discolouration of nodes and brownish-white mould growth on cobs, had also been noted. The permanent secretary said the situation had been worsened by moisture stress, poor soil fertility and heavy infestation of pests such as thrips, aphids, leaf hoppers and stock borers. Dr Kiome noted that the region was critical to food security as harvests from the area come into the market in July and August when the national stocks were at their lowest. He said a team comprising the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service, agro-chemical firms, Egerton University, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute and International Wheat and Maize Improvement Centre had been set up to curb further losses. Dr Kiomes announcement was made in a speech read on his behalf by the director of crop management in the ministry, Dr Johnson Irungu, at a eld day in Singorwet location of Bomet District. Assistant minister in the Oce of the Vice-President Beatrice Kones, Bomet district commissioner Elijah Kodoh, Bomet County Council chairman John Kalya, Bomet mayor Joyce Korir and senior ocials from the ministry and Rift Valley provincial headquarters

Moisture stress

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012




The Githunguri Dairy Farmers Co-operative Society Ltd. invites sealed bids from interested Bidders for the following item:

ITEM DESCRIPTION TENDER TENDER CLOSING FEE DATE & TIME GDFCS/44/2011-2012 SUPPLY,INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING KSHS. 2,000/- 06.06.2012 at 10.00am OF A MOBILE/BACK OFFICE APPLICATION SOFTWARE FOR DISTRIBUTORS Githunguri Dairy Farmers Co-operative Society Ltd. (GDFCS) has 25 products under Fresha Brand and 350 distributors located in various parts of the country. Technical details regarding the software are included in the

tender documents.

Interested and eligible candidates may obtain further information from, inspect and obtain the tender documents from the Procurement Office, Githunguri Dairy Farmers Cooperative Society Ltd.s Fresha Milk Plant located near Githunguri town during normal working hours. The non-refundable tender fee of Kshs. 2,000/- per each set of tender documents is to be paid in cash at the Cash Office or through a Bankers Cheque payable to Githunguri Dairy Farmers Co-operative Society Ltd. Completed tender documents, enclosed in plain sealed envelopes marked with Tender Name and Reference Number and bearing no indication of the tenderer, should be deposited in the Tender Box situated at the Societys Fresha Milk Plant Main Reception area or sent and delivered to:

The Chairman, Dairy Farmers Co-operative Society Ltd. Githunguri P.O. Box 3-00216, Githunguri. or before Wednesday, 6 June, 2012 at 10.00 am. Late applications will not be so as to be received on accepted. Prices quoted should be inclusive of all taxes and costs, must be in Kenya Shillings and shall remain valid for Ninety (90) days from the closing date of the tender.

Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter at the Plants car park in the presence of the candidates or their representatives who choose to attend.

Githunguri Dairy Farmers Co-operative Society Ltd. Reserves the right to accept or reject any part of tender document and is not bound to give reasons for its decisions.

18 |

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012



The Rural Electrification Authority invites tenders from interested companies/firms for the provision of the following goods/services: TENDER NO. ITEMS DESCRIPTION REA/2011-2012/NT/049 Design, Printing &Delivery of Diaries, Calendars and Christmas Cards. CLOSING DATE 11.06.2012 at 10.00 am


Tender documents may be inspected and/or purchased at the office of the Manager, Procurement & Supplies on the 6th Floor: The Chancery, Valley Road Nairobi, during normal working days between 9.00 am - 12.30 pm and 2.00 -4.30 pm upon payment of a non refundable fee of (Kshs. 5,000) or equivalent in US Dollars per set of documents, The method of payment will be Bankers Cheque in favor of REA or cash paid through the REA Bank Account: Kenya Commercial Bank, Milimani Branch, Account No. 110320 1557. Tender documents are also available for review at Completed tender documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes marked with Tender Name and Reference Number and be deposited in the Tender Box situated at the Rural Electrification Authority offices and be addressed to: The Chief Executive Officer Rural Electrification Authority 6th Floor: The Chancery, Valley Road P.O. 34585 00100 NAIROBI, KENYA So that they are received before the dates and times indicated above. Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the Candidates or their representatives who choose to attend in the REA Boardroom Rural Electrification Authority reserves the right to accept or reject all tenders either in whole or in part and is not bound to give reasons thereof. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER RURAL ELECTRIFICATION AUTHORITY

Tender documents with detailed specified conditions are obtained from procurement department, Kerugoya District Hospital upon payment of a non- Refundable fee of Kshs 2,000/= per document in cash or Bankers cheque. Bidders must attach to tender document, their registration certificates, copies of their VAT and PIN certificates

Prices quoted must be Net, inclusive of VAT, Delivery charges at the hospital and must be valid for ninety (90) days from closing date of the tenders. Completed tender documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked Tender No.. Should be deposited in the tender box situated at the entrance to the Medical Superintendents Office, Kerugoya District Hospital or posted to: MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT, KERUGOYA DISTRICT HOSPITAL, P.O. BOX 24. KERUGOYA So as to reach him on or before 11th June 2012 at 9.00am. Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who choose to attend. The Government reserves the right to accept or reject any tender and is not bound to give reasons thereafter. MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT/DMSO KIRINYAGA



Karatina District Hospital invites application for tenders for supply/delivery and prequalification of various goods and services to the Hospital for the financial year 2012-2013. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. TENDER NO KRT/MED/1/2012-2013 KRT/MED/2/2012-2013 KRT/MED/3/2012-2013 KRT/MED/4/2012-2013 KRT/MED/5/2012-2013 KRT/MED/6/2012-2013 KRT/MED/7/2012-2013 KRT/MED/8/2012-2013 KRT/MED/9/2012-2013 KRT/MED/10/2012-2013 KRT/MED/11/2012-2013 KRT/MED/12/2012-2013 KRT/MED/13/2012-2013 KRT/MED/14/2012-2013 KRT/MED/15/2012-2013 KRT/MED/16/2012-2013 KRT/MED/17/2012-2013 KRT/MED/18/2012-2013 KRT/MED/19/2012-2013 KRT/MED/20/2012-2013 KRT/MED/21/2012-2013 KRT/MED/22/2012-2013 KRT/MED/23/2012-2013 KRT/MED/24/2012-2013 KRT/MED/25/2012-2013 KRT/MED/26/2012-2013 KRT/MED/27/2012-2013 ITEM DESCRIPTION Supply and delivery of food stuffs Supply and delivery of meat, dairy products, fruits and vegetables Supply and delivery of Non Pharmaceuticals and dressing Supply and delivery of Medical drugs Supply and delivery of cleansing and sanitation items Supply and delivery of general office stationeries Supply and delivery of printing services Supply and delivery of paints and thinners Supply and delivery of electrical materials and fittings Supply and delivery of laboratory reagents Supply and delivery of hardware items Supply and delivery of timber and timber products Supply and delivery of tyres and tubes, batteries, and spare parts Supply and delivery of insecticides, pesticides and fertilizers Supply and delivery of medical and industrial gases Supply and delivery of X-ray Films & Materials Supply and delivery of dental items and accessories Supply and delivery of motor vehicle fuels-petrol,diesel,oil and lubricants Supply and delivery of charcoal, firewood and cooking gas Supply/delivery, installation and maintenance of fire-fighting equipment Provision of security services Provision of general surveys(customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction,e.t.c) Prequalification for supply and delivery of medical equipment Prequalification for supply and delivery of office furniture and equipment Prequalification of contractor for repair and service of government Vehicles & motor cycle Prequalification of contractor for building works and repairs(minor maintenance) Prequalification for supply/delivery and repair of office machines computers, printers, photocopying machines, fax machine and telephone

The Constituencies Development Fund Board Secretariat invites competent and eligible firms to submit bids for the following:

TENDER NO. CDFB/56/2011-2012 CDFB/57/2011-2012

DESCRIPTION Consultancy Services for Evaluation of ESP projects Ledger Reconciliation

Detailed Request For Proposal documents may be inspected from the Procurement office, Harambee Plaza, 5th floor, Nairobi. Interested firms may obtain the document upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kenya shillings Three Thousand (kshs.3, 000/=) per document paid in by bankers cheque payable to the Constituencies Development Fund Board. Request For Proposal documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked indicating the Tender number and Description indicated above and addressed to:The Chief Executive Officer, Constituencies Development Fund Board, Harambee plaza, CBD P.O. Box 46682-00100, NAIROBI. Tel:+254-20-2230015/9,2230027,2230032 Fax: +254-20-2230029, website: and placed in the Tender Box situated on 5th Floor, Harambee Plaza, CBD, Nairobi so as to be received on or before Thursday,7th JUNE,2012 at 10.00 a.m. The Request For Proposal documents will be opened soon after at the Constituencies Development Fund Board Room on 9th Floor in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend. Ag. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

Tender documents with detailed specifications and conditions are obtainable from procurement department, KARATINA DISTRICT HOSPITAL upon payment of a non- Refundable fee of Kshs 2,000/= per document in cash or Bankers cheque. Interested bidders should be registered with relevant professional bodies where necessary and must attach to tender documents, their registration certificates, copies of their VAT and PIN certificates and a copy of tender purchase receipt. Prices quoted must be net, inclusive of VAT and other charges and must remain valid for 90 days from closing date of tenders. Completed tender documents in plain sealed envelopes indicating Tender no. ..for supply and delivery of and bearing no indication of tenderer should be deposited in the tender box situated outside the Medical Superintendents Office, Karatina District Hospital or posted to: MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT, KARATINA DISTRICT HOSPITAL, P.O. BOX 133. KARATINA th So as to reach him on or before 7 JUNE 2012 at 10.00am. Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who choose to attend. The Government reserves the right to accept or reject any tender and is not bound to give reasons thereafter.

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

Special Report 19

HEALTH INSURANCE | Committee investigating medical scheme scandal starts compiling report today

Minister for Medical Services, Prof Anyang Nyongo with PS Mary Ngare before the House Committee probing the NHIF saga on Tuesday


MPs probe nds shocking details on NHIF scheme



Clinix Healthcare limited Chief Executive Ocer Toddy Madahana (left) and his chairman Jayesh Saini (right) before the House Committee probing the NHIF saga on Monday.


Private providers given lions share

Several Government hospitals and Mission hospitals were also accredited in the NHIF scheme. The following are among the Government hospitals accredited and amounts given to each in the rst quarter payments: Kenya National Hospital: Sh1.0 m Moi Teaching & Referral Hospital: Sh6.06m Provincial General Hospital, Kisumu: Sh1.24m Coast General Hospital, Mombasa: Sh1.34m Nyeri Provincial General Hospital: Sh3.67m Embu Provincial Hospital: Sh2.45m Provincial General Hospital, Garissa: Sh958,125 Provincial General Hospital, Kakamega: Sh1.66m Mbagathi District Hospital: Sh61,875 Private Clinix Healthcare Ltd: Sh202m Meridian Medical Group: Sh116.9m

parliamentary committee investigating the national health insurers medical scheme scandal starts compiling its report today with indications that senior government ocials will be linked to questionable dealings in the Sh4.2 billion controversy. Details of the one-month Health parliamentary committee hearings appeared to question the roles of Medical Services Minister Anyang Nyongo, and the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) board and chief executive ocer Richard Kerich. There were massive questions raised over the Clinix Healthcare Ltd, Meridian Medical Group that were allocated a combined Sh318 million compared to the two referral hospitals, Kenyatta and Moi Referral, that were allocated only Sh7 million. The investigations also revealed that the owner of Clinix Healthcare Ltd, Mr Jayesh Saini, is also the managing director of Gesto Pharmaceuticals Ltd, which has previously been accused of supplying fake drugs to the Kenya Medical Supplies Agency.

lea-type scandals, with some describing Mr Saini as another Kamlesh Pattni. The committee is likely to fault Prof Nyongo and his Public Service counterpart Dalmas Otieno in their role in the scheme, having concluded on Tuesday that they were both running away from responsibility. Why is everybody now running away from any association with a scheme which you were all very keen and excited to roll out? committee chairman Dr Robert Monda asked at the end of the session with Prof Nyongo. Prof Nyongo was on the spot over his ministrys role in jump-starting investigation into the matter, having failed to convince the committee that he instructed relevant authorities to move in and take action. The committee also questioned his links with a city businessman at the centre of the messy NHIF scheme, citing occasions where they had met and interacted before the schemes roll-out.

Agency. Before Mr Sainis appearance, the Registrar of Companies had indicated that her oce didnt have details on the owner of Pharma Investment Holdings. First to raise eyebrows in the investigations was the unearthing of non-existent facilities that had been accredited by the NHIF for public servants, a majority of them belonging to Clinix. Clinix, whose vision is to expand and have over 300 facilities countrywide, according to its proprietor, has rapidly expanded during 2012 acquiring 50 licences for new facilities from a sub-committee of the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board. Shockingly, the board is yet to sit down, scrutinise the facilities and endorse the licences, which in essence means all are operating illegally since the board may, upon inspection, cancel the licences. It also means the lives of Kenyans have been put at risk by exposing them to facilities and services whose standards are yet to be conrmed by the body charged with the responsibility. In total, 1,053 licences have been released by the board registrar to various clinics across the sector, without following due procedure. The procedure is that the facilities should have rst been inspected and endorsed before licences are issued. This has led to a key question of whether the board is more concerned about allowing business in the health sector to thrive or safeguarding quality of healthcare service provision. A key observation by the committee now winding up the crucial investigation is that most health facilities taking part in the scheme were ill-prepared for the roll-out, with regard to equipment, sta and accessibility. Of the 50 Clinix facilities that have become operational this year, 21 were licensed in April, 11 in March, 12 in February and 6 in January. Meridian acquired a licence for one facility this year. President Mwai Kibaki has since sacked the NHIF board following a boardroom drama on the fate of NHIF chief executive ocer, Mr Richard Kerich. The new board inaugurated on Monday has assured NHIF contributors that their money is safe after freezing the NHIF accounts of Clinix and Meridian hospitals. However, new CEO Adan A. Adan said the institutions will continue to provide services to civil servants until investiga-

Operating illegally

The shareholding, in per centage, that Pharma Investment Holdings has in Clinix, whose chairman is Mr Saini. Prof Nyongo was on the spot with Health committee grilling him on his association with Mr Saini
The committee observes that Mr Saini, the owner of Clinix Healthcare Ltd is said to be known to the minister and a frequent visitor at the Medical Services Ministry corridors, although the minister describes him as a businessman like other businessmen who have sought to do business with the ministry. They come asking to do business with the ministry and I have referred them to relevant departments, some to procurement and others to Kemsa, he stated at the Tuesday meeting with the committee. Apart from Clinix, Mr Saini also runs Nairobi West Hospital and Gesto Pharmaceuticals as chairman and director in charge of international business in the rst and as managing directors in the others. Prof Nyongo found himself in a tight position when he was required to explain how Mr Saini managed to land the NHIF deal despite the negative records that Gesto Pharmaceuticals holds at the Pharmacy and Poisons Board. The rm had been contracted to supply drugs by the Kenya Medical and Supplies

Details of the onemonth hearings appear to question the role of Medical Services Minister Anyang Nyongo

Prof Nyongo is on the spot with the committee having grilled him on his association with Mr Saini, the owner of Pharma Investment Holdings, the 99 per cent majority shareholder in Clinix. Pharma is registered in British Virgin Islands, a leading oshore tax haven where some of the countrys major scandals have been traced. Clinix which secured Sh202 million in the rst three months of the schemes rollout is one of the private health providers picked by NHIF and the committee believes it enjoyed undue favour owing to connections enjoyed by Mr Saini. It has been a month of interesting, yet rather shocking revelations as the Health Parliamentary Committee delved into the chronology of events that culminated in the implementation of the scheme, pointing to a possible rip-o of taxpayer money. All who have taken part in the investigation have said that in all ways, the scheme meant to provide a comprehensive medical cover to 216,789 civil servants and the disciplined forces was a noble idea and should not be scrapped. However, its roll out has turned out to be something close to a mega scandal, with committee members equating it to the Goldenberg, Anglo-Leasing and Mobite-

Majority shareholder

Why is everybody now running away from any association with a scheme you were all very keen and excited to roll out
MPs Committee on Health chairman Robert Monda

tions are completed in the next three months and pleaded with contributors for patience.

20 | World News

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

NEAR END | Former president should serve an 80-year jail sentence, judges urged to rule

EX-SERB GENERAL ARRAIGNED OVER KILLINGS Ratko Mladics trial starts at The Hague P.25


Prosecutors paid witnesses, says Taylor at Hague war crimes trial

Witnesses were paid, coerced and in many cases threatened with prosecution if they did not give statements.... I was convinced that unless peace came to Sierra Leone, Liberia could not go forward.
Charles Taylor, former Liberia president

Burundi lifts tax on imported food

The Burundian government has lifted the duty on some imported food items as part of measures to ease the East African countrys high cost of living. The move followed the signing of two laws by Burundian President Pierre Nkurunziza (above) yesterday. Burundis presidential spokesman Leonidas Hatungimana told reporters on Tuesday, Both laws lift dierent types of taxes on some imported food products from the East African Community (EAC) states and this takes eect from May 15 up to December 31, 2012. The lifting signed by the countrys nance and development planning minister covers food items that will be exempted from paying the Value Added Tax (VAT). (Xinhua)


Algeria elects 145 women to parliament

He was the root that aided, abetted and maintained alliance, without him, rebel group would have died, says prosecutor
THE HAGUE, Wednesday
onvicted Liberian warlord Charles Taylor accused UN prosecutors Wednesday of paying witnesses to testify against him as he addressed a war crimes court in The Hague. Taylor, 64, was found guilty by the UN-backed court last month for aiding and abetting war crimes. Witnesses were paid, coerced and in many cases threatened with prosecution if they did not give statements, the former Liberian president told the Special Court for Sierra Leone at a hearing ahead of his sentencing on May 30. Dressed in a light grey suit, white shirt and blue tie, Taylor addressed the court for 30 minutes from the witness box -- his last chance to state his case before judges pronounce a sentence, expected to be delivered in two weeks time. Mr Taylor insisted that he pushed hard for peace in the neighbouring country. I was convinced that unless peace came to Sierra Leone, Liberia could not go forward.


And he expressed my sadness and deepest sympathies at the crimes suered by victims and their families in Sierra Leone. Once one of the most powerful men in west Africa, Taylor was found guilty last month of arming and aiding rebels who killed and mutilated thousands of people in Sierra Leone during a decade-long civil war that killed 120,000. In return, rebels of the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) paid Taylor in so-called blood diamonds mined by slave labour. In a landmark first judgment against a former head of state since the Nazi trials at Nuremberg in 1946, Taylor was convicted on all 11 counts against him, including acts of terrorism, murder and rape committed by the RUF. The courts chief prosecutor Brenda Hollis recommended he serve an 80-year jail sentence. Mr Taylors critical role in the entire campaign of terror is deserving an adequate condemTO COMMENT ON THESE AND OTHER STORIES GO TO

nation, Ms Hollis told the court today. Mr Taylor was the root that aided, abetted and maintained the alliance: without him, the rebel movement would have died sooner, she added. In response, Taylors lawyers said the demand was excessive and that their client should not be made to carry the blame alone for what happened in Sierra Leones war, which ended in 2001. Peace would not have come to Sierra Leone but for the eorts of Charles Taylor, his lawyer Courtenay Griffiths told the hearing in leafy Leidschendam, just outside The Hague. Prosecutors said they believed their suggested sentence provide a fair and adequate response to the outrage these crimes caused in victims, their families... the Sierra Leonean people and the world at large. The trial heard that children under the age of 15 were abducted and conscripted during the conict, and had the letters RUF carved into their foreheads and backs to prevent escape. The RUF rebels were notorious for hacking o the hands and legs of civilians. (AFP)

The trial, which saw supermodel Naomi Campbell (pictured below) testify she had received dirty diamonds at a charity ball hosted by former South African president Nelson Mandela in 1997, lasted nearly four years. Mr Taylor, Liberias president from 1997 to 2003, had dismissed the charges as lies and claimed to be the victim of a plot by powerful countries. Authorities in Nigeria arrested Taylor in March 2006 as he tried to ee from exile after being forced to quit Liberia three years earlier, ending that countrys own civil war. He was transferred to The Hague in 2006 amid security fears should he go on trial in the Sierra Leones capital Freetown.

Four years in the dock

Former Liberian President Charles Taylor sits in the courtroom during his trial yesterday at the Special Court for Sierra Leone, based in Leidschendam outside The Hague, the Netherlands.

Algerias legislative election saw women take almost a third of the seats, making the national assembly the most gender-balanced in the region but activists say the battle is far from won. According to a provisional count, at least 145 of the new, enlarged national assemblys 462 seats will be occupied by women, up from a representation of only seven percent in the outgoing house. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hailed the high number of women elected while UN chief Ban Ki-moon welcomed the increased representation of women in the new parliament. (AFP)


Ivorian airline to launch rst ights

Air Cote dIvoire, the new airline that has been created by the Cote dIvoire government in partnership with Air France, will launch its rst ights by the end of July, an ocial source said yesterday. The rst ights are expected before the end of the month of July with two Airbus 352 planes that we shall hire from a group that will be recommended to us by Air France, the head of the piloting committee Abdoulaye Coulibaly said at the sidelines of the signing of an agreement. (Xinhua)

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012


22 |

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012



TENDER NOTICE (IEBC/14/2011-2012)

So as to be received on or before 10th May, 2012 at 12.00 noon (East African Time). Late bids will not be accepted. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of 2% of the total bid price from a reputable financial institution or bankers cheque payable to Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) and must be valid for 120 days after bid submission deadline. A detailed description and specification of the Mobile Voter Identification System must be attached on submission of the tender document before the closing date. Prices quoted should be inclusive of all taxes, and must remain valid for 120 days. Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of bidders or their representatives who may choose to attend at the Nairobi Safari Club Hotel on 10th May, 2012 at 12.00 noon (East African Time).

CEO/Commission Secretary

The Commission reserves the right to accept or reject any tender in part or in whole.

The Chief Executive Officer/Commission Secretary Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Anniversary Towers, University way P. O. Box 45371 00100 TEL: 2796000 Email: NAIROBI

A complete set of tender documents may be obtained by interested candidates upon payment of non-refundable fee of KES. 5,000 in cash or bankers cheque payable to Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), or at the cash office Room 501 at Anniversary Towers 5th floor. Completed tender documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes marked with the tender number and must be deposited in the Tender Box located on the 5th floor Anniversary Towers or be addressed to:

Interested eligible firms may obtain further information in respect of the tender documents at the IEBC Offices, Anniversary Towers 5th Floor Room 510 during normal working hours, Monday to Friday 8.00a.m - 1.00p.m and 2.00p.m - 5.00p.m.

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) invites tenders from local and international eligible bidders for the Supply, Installation, Configuration, Training, Testing and Commissioning of 35,000 Pieces of Mobile Electronic Voter Identification Systems.

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

Africa News 23

DISPUTE | Team meets with Zimbabwes House Speaker



South Sudanese board a bus at the airport in Khartoum, as an airlift of up to 15,000 South Sudanese began on May 14, 2012. The rst plane chartered by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in the early morning carried around 160 South Sudanese, some of whom have spent their entire lives in the north.

Expression of Interest The Kenyan Government has received financing from the Agence Francaise de Development (AFD) towards Study and Capacity Building (CKE1047) and proposes to use part of this fund for a sector diagnosis with a view to establishing a Sector-Wide Approach (SWAp) in the power sector in Kenya. Background The power sector in Kenya faces major challenges as a consequence of many years of under-investment. The sector is characterized by low connectivity rates (approx. 30% nationally), in particular in rural areas (approx. 18%); insufficient generation and transmission infrastructure to meet current and future demand growth and an insufficiently diversified generation mix with a high dependency on hydropower. This results in extensive blackouts and substantial increases in the cost of production for the country due to the need to operate expensive emergency generators. To address these issues, the Government of Kenya has embarked in an ambitious sector development plan, which is embedded in various planning and programming documents. These include the Kenya Electricity Access Investment Prospectus (August 2009), the Least Cost Power Development Plan (March 2011 update), the Rural Electrification Master Plan (August 2009) and the Kenya Electrification Investment and Policy Prospectus (August 2009). To realize these plans, substantial funds have been committed to the sector by the Government and several development partners. Additional substantial resources will be needed to achieve development targets set for the power sector to enable the Government achieve the objectives of Vision 2030. As these huge financing needs will require involvement of many actors, there is need to employ a sector-wide approach (SWAp) which entails establishing, implementing and monitoring an execution plan which engulfs all aspects of the sector and all sources of financing. Objectives The objectives of this consultancy are to: Carry out a sector diagnosis to assess the power sectors performance and readiness for a SectorWide approach; and To establish a road map detailing the steps needed and the time line for the implementation of a SWAp in consultation with the stakeholders in the sector. Invitation to Consultants The Ministry of Energy now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the Consultancy Services. Interested consultants MUST provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services. Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications. Short listing of consultant(s) will be based on the evaluation in the areas shown below: Demonstrate exceptional experience in handling and successful completion of at least three(3) similar assignments during the last ten(10) years Provide detailed background and structure of the consulting firm/ consortium including correspondences with associates and indicating the lead consulting firm. Provide list of key staff proposed to undertake the assignment, demonstrating at least fifteen years (15) for the team leader and at least ten (10) years of relevant working experience for all the other professional staff. All the professional staff must be fluent in both written and spoken English and must possess professional registration by their respective professional registration bodies. The International/National consultancy team shall include at least the following expertise: i. Power Engineering ii. Power Economy iii. ODA financing and public finance Provide Audited Financial Statements/ Annual Statements of Accounts for the consulting firm(s) for the last 5 years, clearly indicating profitability and a minimum annual Turnover of USD 1,000,000 Further information and clarification can be obtained from: Chief Engineer (Electrical), Ministry of Energy, Nyayo House Tel: +254 20 2248569 P.O. Box 30582-00100, Nairobi, KENYA Submission of Expression of Interest Interested bidders are required to submit one (1) original and three (3) copies of Expressions of Interest in English Language and in a sealed envelope, properly marked with the tender reference and description EoIDiagnosis for a Sector-Wide Approach in the Power Sector in Kenya to The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy, NYAYO HOUSE, P.O. Box 30582-00100, Nairobi, KENYA, Tel: +254-20-310112 Fax: +254-20-240910 and deposited in the Tender Box on 24th Floor, Nyayo House Building, so as to be received not later than 19th June 2012 at 10.00 am East African Time. Late responses will not be accepted. The Expressions of Interest will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the tenderers or their representatives who chose to attend at the Ministry of Energy Main Boardroom on 23rd Floor. Head, Supply Chain Management Services FOR: PERMANENT SECRETARY

Delegation leader Aketch says Sudan provocative and is issuing threats


S. Sudan seeks help over border conict


UN deadline on talks passes

A UN deadline for Sudan and South Sudan to resume talks on oil and other critical issues passed yesterday without action as South Sudan accuses Khartoum of stalling. The Souths lead negotiator, Pagun Amum, told AFP late on Tuesday that his country is ready to resume the African Unionled talks. Sudan withdrew from negotiations after South Sudanese troops occupied the norths main oil region of Heglig on April 10, in a conict that led to widespread fears of all-out war.

visiting South Sudanese delegation has asked Zimbabwe to help the new state resolve outstanding issues with Sudan. South Sudan seceded from its northern neighbour last year following a deadly civil war that killed at least two million people. Ms Bangout Amum Aketch, the leader of the three member delegation of South Sudans National Legislative Assembly said her country was committed to the full implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Accord with Sudan. We discussed the outstanding issues which are happening between South Sudan and Sudan, she said after meeting the Speaker of Zimbabwes House of Assembly Mr Lovemore Moyo on Tuesday. The delegation also met the president of Zimbabwes senate

Mrs Edna Madzongwe. As the ruling party in the South Sudan, we are committed to resolving the outstanding issues peacefully and we are ready to negotiate with Khartoum, she added. Ms Aketch said the two countries were yet to agree on the demarcation of the

over 1,000 kilometre border between the two countries, sharing oil revenue and infrastructure as well as the issue of citizenship. She accused Sudan of being provocative and threatening peace and security. We have many areas they are occupying and they continue to advance into the interior of South Sudan, Ms Aketch said. We are a young nation and rebuilding, so we need support of the people of Zimbabwe who have supported us during our struggle. She also appealed to the African Union to step in to avoid more bloodshed. Last month, former South African President Thabo Mbeki on Saturday evening held talks with Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe on the worsening conflict in Sudan. Mr Mbeki chairs the African Union High Implementation Panel that is mediating between Sudan and South Sudan. President Mugabe has over the years supported calls for South Sudanese independence and Zimbabwe hosted high profile political exiles from that country.


A west African Al-Qaeda splinter group on Wednesday threatened to kill a Spanish hostage kidnapped in western Algeria last year if their demands are not met, a spokesman said. Spain is postponing every round of negotiations to answer our demands, and this is going to put the life of hostage Enrico Gonyalons to an end, said Adnan Abu Walid Sahraoui, spokesman for the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa, or MUJAO. MUJAO rst emerged last December. (AFP)

Jihadists threaten to kill Spanish hostage

Legislators anti-HIV prescription irks women

Zimbabwean rights organisation have reacted angrily to a suggestion by a senator that women must shun bathing, have bald heads and dress shabbily to curb the spread of HIV. Senator Morgan Femai of Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirais Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) party said the pandemic was being fuelled by men who were nding it dicult to resist attractive women. I propose is that the government should come up with a law that compels women to have their heads clean shaven like what the apostolic sects do, he told a workshop recently. (Nation Correspondent)

24 | International News
ANARCHY | The collapse of the central government in Somalia left a big vacuum

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

Somalia closes counterfeit markets

Documents ranging from passports and birth certicates to land title deeds and academic certicates are forged
NATION Correspondent MOGADISHU, Wednesday

he Minister for Security and Interior Aairs, Mr Abdisamad Moalim Mohamoud has said that the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia was banning the operations of Abdalla Shideye markets that generate falsied documents. Talking to the 16 district commissioners of Mogadishu, the minister underlined that the government would not tolerate people reproducing state documents. These people forge government documents, said minister. He added that the practice was not acceptable, seeing that the TFG was now delivering all the required documents by the public.

The minister told the DCs that operators of the markets were now falsifying even most recently generated documents by top government ocials. Ever since the collapse of the central government in Somalia in January 1991 operators of Abdalla Shideye markets in many districts in Mogadishu and in upcountry regions produced all sorts of documents in the absence of government agencies. The general public sourced from the markets documents ranging from passports and birth certicates to land title deeds and academic certicates. The minister said that continuation of Abdalla Shideye market practices were posing threat to security and ordered the DCs to ensure total stoppage of the practice.

Group seeks repeal of traditional beer rules

NATION Correspondent GABORONE, Wednesday The Shebeen Association of Botswana (Shabo) will soon engage government over the imminent traditional beer regulation that comes into effect in July. The new piece of legislation, which has been met with immense opposition, will bar the sale of traditional liquor from homesteads. Traditional beer sellers and opposition politicians argue that there has been lack of proper consultation by government . Shabo has begun some countrywide tours in an eort to recruit more members and voice their concerns over the act. Shabos publicity secretary Raoboy Mpuang said: We are not at war with the government. All we want to do is to sit down with the Minister of Trade and Industry and discuss challenges that will be presented by these regulations such as the issues of relocation. Mr Mpuang said barely two months before the act comes into eect shebeen operators are still in the dark as to where they will be relocated and that remains our major concern.


A street in Mogadishu, Somalia where documents get forged at a short notice.

Bakara market , the largest trading centre in Mogadishu, hosted the biggest and most sophisticated of such markets, enabling document seekers to get readily stamped and certied papers that resembled genuine ones. Meanwhile, Singapores shipping association today welcomed the rst foreign strike against a pirate stronghold in Somalia and urged that the campaign be sustained. Whilst the EU strike against pirate logistics is long overdue, it certainly is a welcome step in the right direction, said Daniel Tan, executive director of

The year last central government collapsed
the Singapore Shipping Association, which represents ship owners. On Tuesday, a helicopter from a European Union armada blasted a stockpile of pirate skis on a beach in Somalias central Galmudug region in the dead of night, ocials said. It marked the rst time an international naval force sent to protect the approaches to the Red Sea mounted an attack on pirate assets on land.

Stima investment cooperative society is a leading investment society with various properties across the region. Currently it has embarked in development of residential units which it intends to the market and it requires a qualified person to supervise all the civil, structural and mechanical components associated with the scheme. Key Responsibilities Your key responsibilities will include the following duties: To interpret architectural, structural, electrical and mechanical drawings and use them to inspect the ongoing works. Take measurements and samples on site and ensure that they meet the specifications and quality standards Confirm all the works complies with the legal requirements. Ensure that all the health and safety guidelines are adhered to during the implementation process of the project. Keep relevant records and submit all the required reports on time. The applicants must possess the following qualifications: Minimum of ordinary diploma in construction related field. Minimum of 5 years experience with a bias in housing sector Proficiency in MS office and thorough knowledge in construction related software e.g. Autocad, Archicad Strong communication and interpersonal skills Registration with the relevant bodies will be an added advantage. Interested candidates should forward a cover letter and CV to: Email: or send it to: The general manager Stima investment cooperative society P.O Box 75629-00200 Nairobi. So as to reach on or before 21st may, 2012.

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

International News 25

SUSPECT | Locked up after years in the run

Ex-Serbian generals killings trial starts

Mladic accused of criminal goal of ethnically cleansing Bosnia in the 90s
THE HAGUE, Wednesday
ormer Bosnian Serb army commander Ratko Mladic went on trial Wednesday accused of carrying out a brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing and Europes worst massacre since World War II. Mladics trial opened at the Yugoslav war crimes court in The Hague, also watched in a live broadcast in Sarajevo by widows and other relatives of victims of the 1995 massacre at Srebrenica where almost 8,000 Muslim men and boys were allegedly murdered by Mladics forces. Ratko Mladic assumed the mantle of the criminal goal of ethnically cleansing Bosnia, prosecutor Dermot Groome told International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Now 70, Mladic has been indicted on 11 counts of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity for his role in the Balkan countrys brutal 1992-95 war that killed 100,000 people and left 2.2 million homeless. The prosecution will present evidence that will show without reasonable doubt the hand of Mr Mladic in each of these crimes, Groome said. Mladic, dressed in a dark grey suit and patterned tie, sarcastically applauded judges as they entered the courtroom, but was not asked to speak during the hearing. He had pleaded not guilty to



Narok University College is in the process of registering suppliers for the underlisted goods and services for the period 1st July 2012 to 30th June 2013. Interested eligible suppliers are invited to apply for pre-qualification, indicating the category of items they wish to supply
Category No. NUC/PQ/1/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/2/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/3/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/4/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/5/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/6/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/7/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/8/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/9/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/10/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/11/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/12/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/13/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/14/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/15/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/16/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/17/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/18/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/19/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/20/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/21/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/22/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/23/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/24/2012-2013 SUPPLY OF GOODS Category Description Supply & delivery of general office stationery Supply, delivery and installation of computer hardware & Software, photocopiers, laptops, & associated accessories Supply & delivery of hardware materials, glass and allied products Supply & delivery of timber ,poles and allied products Supply & delivery of building sand ,ballast,murram, stones, building bricks , blocks , manure and allied products Supply & delivery of Electrical items, fittings & electronics Supply & delivery of office & students furniture, beds ,furnishings and fittings Supply, delivery & fitting of office furnishings ( curtains, carpets etc ) Supply & delivery of mattresses Supply of cleaning materials ( detergents , mopheads , brooms etc ) Supply of uniforms and protective gear Supply & Delivery of petrol, diesel, oils, lubricants & cooking gas Supply & delivery of charcoal & firewood Supply & delivery of perishable foodstuff -fruits & vegetables Supply & delivery of meat and allied products Supply & delivery of poultry and allied products Supply & delivery of fresh processed milk Supply & delivery of dry foodstuff ( rice, maizeflour,wheat flour ,sugar etc Supply & delivery of cereals Supply & delivery of library books , journals, & periodicals Supply & delivery of newspapers & magazines Supply & delivery of audio visual equipment LCD Projectors, cameras, studio equipment and allied products Supply& delivery of network equipment & associated active components Supply, Installation & Commissioning of structured cabling (IP) PABX & other telephone accessories Supply & delivery of human / Pharmaceutical drugs & dressings Supply & delivery of medical lab reagents & equipments Supply & delivery of Laboratory equipment, glassware, chemicals & reagents for Teaching Departments Supply , delivery & installation of housekeeping , kitchen & laundry equipment (large & small) Supply & delivery of motor vehicle spare parts ,tyres , tubes & batteries Supply & delivery of games equipment ,sportswear & allied products Supply,Instalation & testing of water pumps, lawn mowers & allied items Supply & delivery of printed promotional materials - calendars, T-shirts , brochures, diaries & related items Supply & delivery of printed accountable documents & stationery PROVISION OF SERVICES Provision of fumigation ,pest control and sanitary services Repair & maintenance of motor vehicles ( panel beating, spray painting etc Maintenance of lawn mowers ,water pumps and general mechanical equipments Maintenance of cold room and kitchen equipments Supply, deliver, installation & maintenance of fire fighting equipments Provision of landscaping works , flowers & tree seedlings Provision of graphic design & sign works Provision of repairs & servicing of photocopiers , printers, cameras , fax machines , scanners , telephones, LCD screens & projectors Provision of internet services Provision of air ticketing & travel arrangements Provision of courier services Provision of human resource training, development services ,consultancy services & capacity building Provision of Consultancy services on Environmental Impact Assessment & Environmental Audit Provision of property valuation services Provision of land survey services Provision of minor works services ,repairs ,maintenance & landscaping (Registered contractors category G to C by Ministry of Public works) Provision of Medical Consultancy services Provision of legal services

Former Bosnian Serb army chief Ratko Mladic sits yesterday at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague before the opening of his war crimes trial.
the charges at an earlier court hearing last June. He faces life imprisonment if convicted. Outside the court, a group of 25 women belonging to the Mothers of Srebrenica organisation representing widows and victims of the Srebrenica massacre, held a demonstration. In Sarajevo, 63-year-old Fatima Mujic, all of whose male relatives were killed in Srebrenica, said: Ratko Mladic ripped out our hearts. But God sees everything and I believe in his judgement only, she added. Mujic


NUC/PQ/25/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/26/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/27/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/28/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/29/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/30/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/31/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/32/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/33/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/34/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/35/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/36/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/37/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/38/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/39/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/40/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/41/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/42/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/43/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/44/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/45/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/46/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/47/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/48/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/49/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/50/2012-2013 NUC/PQ/51/2012-2013

lost her three sons, husband, two brothers and father to Bosnian Serb military forces under Mladics command when the eastern Bosnian town, a UN protected enclave at the time, was overrun on July 11, 1995. In his opening address, the prosecutor displayed population maps showing the ethnic distribution in Bosnia before and after the war, explaining how mixed or predominantly Muslim municipalities became exclusively Serbian after a campaign of ethnic cleansing he said was one of Mladics strategic objectives. (AFP)

Sugar can make you dumb, Organisers ght for Lady US researchers warn
Eating too much sugar can eat away at your brainpower, according to US scientists who published a study yesterday showing how a steady diet of high-fructose corn syrup sapped lab rats memories. Researchers at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) fed two groups of rats a solution containing high-fructose corn syrup a common ingredient in processed foods as drinking water for six weeks. One group of rats was supplemented with brain-boosting omega-3 fatty acids in the form of axseed oil and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), while the other group was not. Before the sugar drinks began, the rats were enrolled in a ve-day training session in a complicated maze. The rats were placed back in the maze six weeks later on the sweet solution to see how they fared. The DHA-deprived animals were slower, and their brains showed a decline in synaptic activity, said Fernando Gomez-Pinilla, a professor of neurosurgery at the David Geen School of Medicine at UCLA. Their brain cells had trouble signalling each other, disrupting the rats ability to think clearly and recall the route theyd learned six weeks earlier. A closer look at the rat brains revealed that those who were not fed DHA supplements had also developed signs of resistance to insulin, a hormone that controls blood sugar and regulates brain function. (AFP)

Gaga concert
JAKARTA, Wednesday

Lady Gagas Indonesian promoters today vowed to ght to save her show, despite police denying it a permit and Islamic hardliners threatening chaos if she comes to the mostly Muslim nation. Production company Big Daddy reached out on Twitter to Lady Gaga fans, known as little monsters, saying it still hoped to nd a way to hold the June 3 event after already selling more than 50,000 tickets to a concert in Jakarta. But the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) said it would create havoc if Lady Gaga were allowed to perform in Indonesia, calling her the devils messenger who wears only bra and panties on stage. (AFP)

Pre-qualification Documents may be obtained from the procurement office upon payment of a non refundable fee of Kshs. 2,000.00. Payment shall be made in cash or bankers cheque payable to Narok University College at the cash office situated next to the library during official working hours from 9.00 am - 3.30 pm local time from Monday to Fridays except during lunch time from 1.00 pm to 2.00pm and, public holidays Completed pre-qualification Documents accompanied with the official receipt for the fee paid in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked with Category No. and Category Description as described in the Tender Notice should be addressed to: The Principal, Narok University College, P.O Box 861 20500, NAROK And, deposited in the Tender box at entrance to the Library so as to reach the College not later than 12. 00 noon on Thursday 7th June, 2012. Opening of the documents will be done thereafter in the boardroom situated in the Administration block. Tenderers or their representatives may attend.

26 | International News
CRISIS | Poor countries worst hit BUSINESS MOOD | No hug

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012


UN agency tells of major blood pressure woes

In Niger, many men suer from condition, Canada and the US have the fewest cases
GENEVA, Wednesday
ne in three adults suers from high blood pressure, a key cause of strokes and heart disease, according to World Health Organisation gures released today. Canada and the United States have the fewest patients, at less than 20 per cent of adults, but in poorer countries like Niger the estimated gure is closer to 50 per cent, the UN body said. While wealthier countries have seen their cases drop thanks to eective, low-cost treatment, in Africa many remain people undiagnosed and are not getting help, according to the WHO. Its World Health Statistics report includes gures on raised blood pressure, and also on blood glucose levels, for the rst time this year. One in 10 people are estimated to have diabetes, rising to up to one third in Pacic Island countries. This report is further evidence of the dramatic increase in the conditions that trigger heart disease and other chronic illnesses, particularly in low and middle-income countries, said WHO director general

Queen of austerity Merkel gets pay rise

Chancellor Angela Merkel will soon have an extra 930 euros ($1,182) in her pocket each month after Germanys cabinet awarded themselves their rst pay rise in 12 years. The salaries of Ms Merkel and her ministers will rise by 5.7 per cent in three stages until August 2013. The chancellors total pay will then be around 17,016 euros (Sh1.8m) per month, before tax. Manwhile, Ms Merkel yesterday dismmissed environment minister Norbert Roettgen, three days after state election defeat. (AFP)

Margaret Chan. In some African countries, as much as half the adult population has high blood pressure. In Niger 50.3 per cent of men suer from the condition, with Malawi and Mozambique not far behind at 44.5 and 46.3 per cent respectively. The report also said obesity levels doubled across the world between 1980 and 2008 and half a billion people or 12 percent of the worlds populations are now considered obese. The Americas have the highest instance, at 26 percent of adults, and south-east Asia the lowest obesity levels at three percent. The WHO said deaths in children aged under ve years dropped from almost 10 million in 2000 to 7.6 million a decade later, with the decline in deaths from measles and diarrhoea-related disease particularly striking. The World Health Assembly, the decisionmaking body of the WHO, will meet in Geneva from May 21-26 where members will discuss new targets on cutting the cases of heart and lung disease, diabetes and cancer. (AFP)


Dog, nappy and shorts found in crocodile

Rangers who shot a saltwater crocodile that was terrorising pets in northern Australia found a dog, a pair of shorts, a football and a nappy in its stomach, a report said on Wednesday. Police notied authorities recently that a crocodile had eaten at least one dog and was lunging at others along a beach near the community of Galiwinku. The Northern Territory News said rangers who went to the area Tuesday saw the 3.5 metre croc grab a dog by the leg, and they shot it. (AFP)


Pilot punished for dating China reporter

Taiwanese ghter pilot has received disciplinary punishment for dating a Chinese reporter stationed in Taiwan, the defence ministry said on Wednesday. Although the pilot was not found to have committed any improper conduct he , had violated regulations, it said, while declining to specify what sort of punishment he would receive. (AFP)

Dramatic increase in the conditions that trigger heart disease

WHO Director General Chan

A combo shows German Chancellor Angela Merkel shaking hands on on Tuesday with new French President socialist Francois Hollande (left) and embracing on May 16, 2007 his rightwing predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy at the chancellery in Berlin. Mr Hollande and Mr Sarkozys rst trip abroad as Presidents, were to visit Ms Merkel few hours after taking oce.



We are a company in pursuit of a rented or up for sale godown / Warehouse in and around Nairobi/ Ruiru/Thika/Kiambu measuring 50,000 to 70,000 Square feet (one block or multiple blocks together) with adequate open space for parking/loading/un-loading. Interested parties to contact us at with your quote, location, map and full contact details. Alternatively, you can also give us a call on 0722349992
The office of the Norwegian Refugee Council Horn of Africa wishes to invite qualified companies to submit firm offers for the following.

ITEM 1. 2.

REFERENCE KK-05-12-007001

DESCRIPTION Tender for Drilling of 2 Boreholes in Kalobeyei Kakuma

Complete tender documents may be collected by interested eligible suppliers from the office of Norwegian Refugee Council Kakuma Office & Horn of Africa offices in Nairobi located at El Molo Drive, Lavington Green. The dates for collection have now been extended to 21st May 2012. The tender documents shall be issued during the normal working hours upon payment of non refundable fee of Kshs 3,000 per tender. Completed tender documents shall be sealed and marked as stated in the particular tender document and be hand delivered to NRC Horn of Africa office in Nairobi (El Molo Drive, Lavington Green) on 23rd May 2012 between 8.30AM-2.00PM tender opening same day at 2.00PM Tenders will be opened on 23rd May 2012 at 2.00PM in NRC Horn of Africa offices in Nairobi in the presence of the tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend. Enquiries can be sent to email:

3. 4.

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012


28 |

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

PROBE | PAC says it will rely on CBK to trace the man believed to have drafted contracts

VIRGIN ATLANTIC TO PULL OUT OF KENYA Diculties in economic environment locally, globally led to decision. P.30

Shilling declines for seven days in a row

The shilling yesterday weakened against the dollar for the seventh consecutive day as foreign investors shunned the local debt market on falling interest rates. At the close of trading, commercial banks quoted the shilling at Sh84.50/70 against Tuesdays performance of 84.00/20 against the dollar. The falling yields on government securities, which have dropped from highs of over 20 per cent for the 91-day Treasury Bills early in the year to 11 per cent last week, have dampened investor appetite and inows of dollars to prop up the local unit against the dollar. Energy sector demand has also contributed to the weakening. Since it began weakening against the dollar some importers embarked on panic buying thinking it would weaken further, African Banking Corporation senior forex dealer Julius Kiriinya says. Forex analysts, however, said that with CBK support the shilling would stabilise at 83 levels in the coming days. The Sh50 billion syndicated loan that the government on Tuesday, signed with three international banks Citigroup, South Africas Standard Bank Group and London-based Standard Chartered is expected to stabilise the shilling and boost foreign currency reserves. The government has also lowered its borrowing target from the domestic market to Sh62.1 billion shillings for the nancial ending year June 30 against a previous target of Sh119.5 billion.

Central Bank of Kenya governor Prof Njuguna Ndungu (left) and director of the currency department Mr James Teko Lopoyetum when they appeared before the Public Accounts Committee over the De La Rue currency printing probe.


De La Rue witness cannot be traced

CBK governor has also contradicted some of Amos Kimunyas testimony

Energy sector

key witness in the De La Rue money printing saga cannot be traced even with the help of police, the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) said yesterday. Mr Boni Khalwale, PAC chairman, said the committee will now have to rely on Central Bank to help trace Mr James Macharia Gikonyo who is believed to have drafted the controversial contracts. We have information that this is the man who drafted the contracts that were to cost the public billions of shillings. We have to get him so that we do not blame wrong people, he said. Appearing for the second time,

CBK governor Prof Njuguna Ndungu said the bank was also unware of his whereabouts but would use the pensions department to trace him. We do not know where people go after working with the bank. Perhaps they are too tired by time they leave that they disappear after retirement, Prof Ndungu said. This disclosure happened as the CBK contradicted former Fi-

We do not know where people go after working with the bank

Prof Njuguna Ndungu

nance minister, Amos Kimunya, on several issues he had told the committee in his earlier appearance. The governor discounted reports that the cancelled contract would have led to withdrawal of all the currency as Mr Kimunya had told the committee. He added that the law allowed gradual withdrawal to protect the country from incurring higher costs. Mr Njuguna also said international bidders compete on security features during tendering of currency, while designs remain the copyright of the Central Bank. Mr Kimunya had told the committee that the contract was cancelled partly because it gave De La Rue ownership of the designs and security features, making it impossible for other

bidders to tender. Mr Kimunya has argued that it also meant features on the currency would change every time a different company won the tender to print currency. Mr Njuguna said the bank had maintained the price of printing notes at the same level over the last 10 years, adding that it would be dicult to argue that the country had lost money through interim orders meant to replace defaced notes. We made sure we did not vary the price since 2002 and the interim orders have relied on (the initial) agreed price. We have always advised whenever there was a stock out and the new Constitution has cured this by providing the way forward. We are moving to a more permanent solution, the governor said.

CCK to decide on mobile termination rates in October

The decision over whether or not to resume the interconnection rates reduction policy which was suspended last year, will be made in October. This follows a request for a three months extension by the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis to enable it deliver a report on the eect the rates cut willl have on the Kenyan economy. The report ndings will inform the direction mobile termination rates will take. If it is positive, the policy will resume but negative eects will call for a new cost study to establish new favourable rates, said CCK acting director general Francis Wangusi. In the reductions policy the rates were expected to fall to Sh1.44 this July and eventually to 88 cents in 2013. The policy began in 2010 but is currently on a one-year suspension, following a presidential directive last year which demanded that a study be conducted to establish the eect of the rate cut on the economy. The suspension expires in July but CCK has said the current rates will apply until the findings are made public in three months time.

Since it began weakening against the dollar some importers embarked on panic buying thinking it would weaken further
Mr Julius Kiriinya

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Article 47 of the Banks Articles that the Forty Third Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of National Bank of Kenya Limited will be held at the Tsavo Ball Room Kenyatta International Conference Centre, Nairobi on Friday 8 June 2012 at 10.00 a.m. to transact the following business:A. ORDINARY BUSINESS 1. To read the Notice convening the Meeting. 2. To receive and consider the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2011 together with the directors and auditors reports thereon. 3 To:a) Note payment of a dividend of Sh. 0.15 per share (3%) to Preference Shareholders and also b) Approve payment of first and final dividend of Sh. 0.40 per share to Ordinary and Participating Preference Shareholders. The dividend will be payable to shareholders on register at close of business on 12th April 2012. 4 To elect Directors:a) Mr. M E G Muhindi, who retires by rotation and, being eligible, offers himself for reelection. b) Mr. F L Atwoli, who retires by rotation and, being eligible, offers himself for reelection. c) The Managing Trustee, NSSF, who retires by rotation and, being eligible, offers himself for re-election. 5 To authorise payment of Directors fees. 6 To confirm that the auditors, Messrs. Deloitte & Touche, shall continue in office and to authorize the Directors to fix their remuneration in accordance with Section 159(2) of the Companies Act (Cap. 486). B. To transact any other business of the Annual General Meeting for which notice has been given. By Order of the Board Leonard G Kamweti Company Secretary National Bank Building Harambee Avenue, Nairobi 16 March 2012 NOTES: 1. A member entitled to attend and vote at the above meeting may appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead of him/her. A proxy need not be a member of the Company. 2. In the case of a member being a limited liability company or corporate body, the form must be completed under its Common Seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney duly authorised in writing. 3. A Proxy Form is available at:a) The Banks website or b) The Banks Head Office National Bank Building 9th Floor Harambee Avenue Nairobi or c) Any of the Banks branches and agencies countrywide. 4. Shareholders who will not be able to attend the Annual General Meeting are requested to complete and return the proxy form:a) By hand to the Registered Office of the Bank b) By mail to The Shares Registrar, National Bank of Kenya Limited, P.O. Box 72866 - 00200 Nairobi. c) By e-mailing a scanned proxy and copy of national identification card in PDF format to:

5. Proxies must be received by the company not less than 48 hours before the meeting i.e not later than 10.00 a.m. on Wednesday 6 June 2012. 6. In accordance with Article 125 of the Companys Articles of Association a copy of the entire Annual Report and Accounts may be viewed on and obtained from the Companys website or from the Registered Office of the Company. An abridged set of the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Changes in Equity and Cashflow Statement for year ended 31 December 2011 have been published in two daily newspapers with nationwide circulation. 7. Registration of Members and proxies attending the Annual General Meeting will commence at 7:00 a.m. and will close at 11:00 a.m. Production of a national identification card, a passport or other acceptable means of identification and the Members share certificate or current Central Depository Corporation statement of account for their shares in the Company will be required. INDEPENDENT AUDITORS REPORT ON THE SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS To the Members of National Bank of Kenya Limited The accompanying summary financial statements, which comprise the summary statement of financial position as at 31 December 2011, summary statement of comprehensive income, summary statement of changes in equity and condensed statement of cash flows, are derived from the audited financial statements of National Bank of Kenya Limited for the year ended 31 December 2011. We expressed an unqualified audit opinion on those financial statements in our report dated 16 March 2012. The summary financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by International Financial Reporting Standards. Reading the summary financial statements, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial statements of National Bank of Kenya Limited. Directors Responsibility for the Summary Financial Statements Directors are responsible for the preparation of a summary of the audited financial statements in accordance with Article 125 (b) of the Companys Articles of Association. Auditors Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the summary financial statements based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 810, Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements. Opinion In our opinion, the summary financial statements derived from the audited financial statements of National Bank of Kenya limited for the year ended 31 December 2011 are consistent, in all material respects, with those financial statements and in accordance with Article 125 (b) of the Companys Articles of Association.

2011 Sh000 5,081,110 2,714,029 (4,658,866) (692,423) 2,443,850 (897,737) 1,546,113 1,546,113 3.19 2010 Sh000 4,366,706 2,733,210 (4,039,440) (362,653) 2,697,823 (675,904) 2,021,919 2,021,919 4.18

Net interest income Fee,commission, FX and other income Operating expenses Impairment losses on loans and advances PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION Taxation PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Earnings Per Share - basic & diluted


2011 Sh000 ASSETS Cash and balances with Central Bank of Kenya Deposits and balances due from banking institutions Kenya Government securities Loans and advances to customers (net) Other assets and investments Investment in subsidiary companies Fixed and intangible assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Customer deposits Deposits and balances due to banking institutions Due to a subsidiary company Other liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES CAPITAL RESOURCES Share capital Revenue reserve Other reserves SHAREHOLDERS FUNDS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS FUNDS 5,564,998 3,388,191 26,678,099 28,068,218 1,791,029 19,963 3,154,018 68,664,516 2010 Sh000 4,845,862 1,408,699 29,609,060 20,844,636 848,458 19,963 2,450,016 60,026,694

56,728,163 155,613 21,976 1,302,290 58,208,042

47,804,607 780,203 21,976 1,490,297 50,097,083

7,075,000 2,501,448 880,026 10,456,474 68,664,516

7,075,000 2,006,611 848,000 9,929,611 60,026,694

Share Share Revaluation Revenue Statutory capital premium surplus reserve reserve Sh000 Sh000 Sh000 Sh000 Sh000 At 1 January 2010 6,675,000 370,585 682,641 53,563 125,903 Total comprehensive income for the year 2,021,919 Net movement in reserves during the year (39,541) (39,456) 78,997 Bonus share Issue 400,000 (370,585) (29,415) At 31 December 2010 7,075,000 643,100 2,006,611 204,900 At 1 January 2011 7,075,000 Total comprehensive income for the year Net movement in reserves during the year Dividends declared - year 2010 At 31 December 2011 7,075,000 643,100 2,006,611 1,546,113 (39,541) (32,026) (1,019,250) 603,559 2,501,448 Total Sh000 7,907,692 2,021,919 9,929,611

204,900 9,929,611 1,546,113 71,567 (1,019,250) 276,467 10,456,474

2011 Sh000 4,876,080 (1,056,880) (1,008,037) 2,811,163 3,093,804 5,904,967 2010 Sh000 (5,514,500) (620,627) (9) (6,135,136) 9,228,940 3,093,804

Deloitte & Touche Certified Public Accountants (Kenya) 16 March 2012 Nairobi

Net cash generated from/(used in) operating activities Net cash used in investing activities Net cash used in financing activities INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT 1 JANUARY CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT 31 DECEMBER

30 | Business News

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

CIC Insurance gets approval to list on the NSE

CIC Insurance received approval from the Capital Markets Authority yesterday to list on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. The rm will list by way of an introduction, meaning that it is not open to the public and investors interested in buying shares will have to wait until they are oated at the NSE. The listing, CMA chief executive Ms Stella Kilonzo said, would help to unlock the value of the companys investment and aid in price discovery. The approval follows that of Longhorn Publishers which was recently allowed to list through the same method. The Authority was satised that CIC Insurance Group made adequate disclosure of the material in accordance with requirements of CMA, capital markets (securities), public offers, listings and disclosures regulations, 2002, she said in a press release. CIC will list 2,178,195,820 ordinary shares costing a shilling each on the main investment segment of the NSE as part of its mandate to facilitate listing of additional securities in the stock exchange. The insurance company in January appointed Faida Investment Bank as transaction advisors, Kingdom Securities as sponsoring broker and Deloitte& Touche as reporting accountants and Co-operative Bank as share registrars.

AVIATION | Hard times dig into rm

Virgin airline to pull out of Kenya route


Mid Month


irgin Atlantic is pulling out its operations from Kenya, ve years after its grand entry in the country. The exit will see over 32 sta lose their jobs. The airline cited increasing costs and a challenging economic environment during the past five years in both Kenya and Europe as having contributed to the decision to withdraw the service. In a statement on Wednesday, the airline which mainly operates between Nairobi and London said its last ight will be on September 24, 2012. We have taken the difcult decision to withdraw our services between Nairobi and London. Despite the best eorts of our employees, external factors including the high price of fuel, increasing aviation taxes in the UK and insucient passenger numbers throughout the past ve years have contributed to the decision, said Julie Southern, chief commercial ocer for Virgin Atlantic in a statement attributed to him. Its exit is likely to reduce competition on the London route with carriers such as Kenya Airways and British Airways. But it will be a major blow to eorts by the ministry of Tourism to increase airline capacity on the London route,

which is a major given that it is the main gateway to Europe, Kenyas main source market. Mr Southern said the airline has started a consultation period for its sta employed in Nairobi. These are still challenging times for the airline industry and we have to deploy our aircraft to routes with the right level of demand to be nancially viable, the statement added.


Reasons for quitting

Richard Branson pictured above owns the airline. Management says high fuel prices, increasing aviation taxes in the UK, insucient passenger numbers and dicult economic environment in Kenya are some of the reason it is quitting

Dairy goat project gets fund boost

A dairy goat project operating in nine counties has received a grant of Sh63 million from Rome-based International Fund for Agricultural Development (Ifad). The Smallholder Dairy Commercialisation Programme (SDCP) has seen members benefiting from the project rise from 2,924 farmers in 2007 to nearly 4,000 last year. The programme coordinator, Mr Moses Kembe, said it has helped small-scale dairy farmers in the region increase milk production and improve animal husbandry. The counties that will benet from this grant are Kakamega, Bungoma, Kisii , Nyamira, Nakuru, Trans Nzoia, Uasin Gishu, Nandi and Bomet. Last year, farmers sold more than 79 million litres of milk which earned them Sh2.1 billion, while the number of farmers registering their animals increased to 3,276. Mr Kembe said IFAD had granted the government a loan of Sh1.3 billion to improve on the dairy sector in the counties. He added that assistance from IFAD has also helped the government review some of the polices and Acts in the sector. It has also come up with three critical Bills to streamline the sector. The Bills, which are yet to be approved by Cabinet include the National Animal Breeding Policy Bill, Fertiliser Policy Bill and Animal Feeds stu policy Bill.

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012


32 | Business News

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

DISPUTE | Former chairman speaks out for the rst time since scandal broke and distances himself from involvement

Kiereini defends himself over CMC funds saga

There is absolutely no truth in the allegations that I was a party, he says
BY PAUL WAFULA ormer CMC chairman Jeremiah Kiereini has come out to defend himself against involvement in the troubles that have threatened to bring down the car dealer. In a press statement in the dailies, Mr Kiereini who came out for the rst time in public since the scandal at CMC Holdings broke last year, distanced himself from the day-to-day operations of the company including the oshore account. Establishment of the Corival bank account was done by Mr Paul Benzimra, a son of the then CEO, Mr Jack Benzimra and a Mr Stanley Lewis, read the statement published on Tuesday and signed by him. It is not clear why he issued this statement so late after the two forensic reports

on the rm had been done and their ndings already released to the motor dealers shareholders. An audit done by Mr Webber Wentzel, the South African auditor that the Capital Markets Authority hired to look into the troubled motor company, found that it had illegal oshore accounts worth more than Sh250 million. The money was allegedly accumulated in concert with suppliers who overcharged CMC on invoices and wired it back to the duo and other senior employees in a span of 26 years. The forensic audit mentioned Mr Kiereni as one of the signatories of the secret oshore accounts, allegations he is now fending o. There is absolutely no truth in the allegation that I was party to the establishment of the Fairvalley Trust. I was informed about it by Mr Jack Benzimra

Mr Jeremiah Kiereini taking an oath of oce. He had a long career in government culminating to the head of Civil Service and secretary to Cabinet before retiring from civil service.
when he was CEO because it had already been established before I joined CMC, the statement read. The businessman and long-serving board member of the car dealer argues that the current directors, board chairman, and chief executive bear the same responsibility. He was in the company for 27 years


before resigning in March last year. He also fought reports that his leaving of major rms that he has been serving as a board member were related to CMC. It is inaccurate, malicious and a violation of my basic human rights to speculate on my suitability to serve on the board of any company, public or private, he said.

This week the Central Bank of Kenya offered 182 day Treasury Bills for a total of Kshs 2 Billion. The total number of bids received was 182 amounting to Kshs 3.34 Billion, representing a subscription of 167%. Bids accepted amounted to Ksh. 1.94 Billion. The market weighted average rate was 13.340% while the weighted average rate of accepted bids, which will be applied for non-competitive bids was 12.078% down from 13.076% recorded in the previous auction. The other auction statistics are summarised in the table below.
Due Date Amount Offered (Kshs. M) Bids Received (Kshs. M) Performance Rate (%) Number of Bids Received Number of Accepted Bids Amount Accepted (Kshs. M) Of which : Competitive bids : Non-Competitive bids Purpose / Application of Funds: Rollover / Redemptions New Borrowing Market Weighted Average Rate Weighted Average Rate of accepted bids Price per Kshs 100 at Weighted Average Rate for accepted bids 19/11/2012 2,000.00 3,342.03 167 146 143 1,943.18 1,301.57 641.61 731.03 1,212.14 13.340% 12.078% 94.320


Value Dates Weighted Average Rate of Accepted bids (%)

This Auction 21/05/2012 12.078

Last Auction 14/05/2012 13.076

Variance 0.998

Net Repayment

91 DAYS 2,000.00 24/05/2012 25/05/2012

182 DAYS 2,000.00 23/05/2012 24/05/2012

TOTAL 4,000.00 4,655.98 655.98

The actual amount to be realised from the auction will be subject to Treasurys immediate liquidity requirements for the week. Where several successful bidders quote a common rate, the Central Bank of Kenya reserves the right to allot bids on a pro-rata basis. The Central Bank reserves the right to accept/reject bids in part or in full without giving any reason. Individual bids must be of a minimum face value of Kshs 100,000.00. Only CDS holders with updated mandates are eligible. Bids must be submitted using the specified format and must reach the Central Bank (HQ, Branch or Currency Centre) by 2.00 p.m. on Wednesday 23rd May 2012 for 182 and Thursday 24th May 2012 for 91 days Treasury Bills respectively. Payments above Kshs.1 Million must be made by electronic transfer using RTGS. Payments below Kshs. 1 Million may be made by Bankers Cheque or RTGS and must reach the Central Bank not later than 2.00 p.m. on Monday 28th May 2012 for Cheques and 3.00 p.m for RTGS electronic fund transfers. Please provide the following details with each payment: Name, Reference No., the New CDS Portfolio and the customers Virtual account No.


Non-competitive bids are subject to a maximum of Kshs. 20 Million per investor and are issued at the weighted average of accepted bids. GERALD A. NYAOMA DIRECTOR, FINANCIAL MARKETS DEPARTMENT Wednesday, May 16, 2012

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

Business News 33

REAL ESTATE | Work on site to pave way for infrastructure development started yesterday

Tatu City nally kicks o as clearing begins

Ground preparation works meant to enable developers to begin working
JOSHUA MASINDE reparation for construction of Tatu City kicked off yesterday, with clearing of the site that will pave way for infrastructure development later this year. Already, a signicant portion of the rst phase of the project has been cleared to enable installation of a main electrical intake station and sub-station to serve the city in a Sh300 million contract awarded to Gibb Africa and Mehta construction companies. The two rms will undertake enabling works to be carried out in the next three to four months, before work on the road infrastructure, electricity and drainage systems are done. Construction of the Sh240 billion city, 25 kilometres from Nairobi in Kiambu County- has been delayed by court cases,

which are still ongoing. The cases were led by minority shareholders in the company, Mr Stephen Mwagiru and Rosemary Wanja, who accused the other directors of side-lining them. In 2010, the two shareholders led a winding up case against the company. Speaking during the contract signing agreement at the site, Tatu City interim chief executive ocer, Arnold Meyer, said the ground preparation works would enable developers commence work on commercial property and other developments on the site. The actual construction of the roads, commercial and residential property, recreational parks and other works will start in the fourth quarter of this year, Mr Meyer said, adding that this comes after the company has nished the three-year process of securing over 53 licences to enable construction work to begin.

Mr Narendra Hirani (left), director GIBB International, signs agreements with Arnold Meyer, Tatu City interim CEO (centre) as Jatinder S. Mehta, MD of SS Mehta and Sons Ltd looks on.
The city, which is to be built in 10 phases, is to accommodate approximately 70,000 residents and attract close to 30,000 visitors daily. It will sit over 2,000 acres of


land and is being nanced by a Russian company, the Renaissance Group, and a group of Kenyan investors to a tune of over Sh200 billion.

International Potato Center (CIP)

The International Potato Center (CIP) is seeking a Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist to work in an Agriculture-Health-Nutrition nested cohort study research based in Bungoma, Western Kenya. The Center: CIP is a not-for-profit international agricultural research-for-development organization with a focus on potato, sweetpotato, and Andean roots and tubers. Key duties will include the following: Assist in development of data collection protocols and instruments (e.g. questionnaires and interview forms) Oversee the development and maintenance of project databases. Assist in data management for all components of the project Prepare data entry programs using CSPRO and supervise data entry Clean data in preparation for analysis Conduct preliminary analysis Contribute to data collation, report writing, feedback to teams and collaborators Assist with preparation of technical reports and peer reviewed journal publications Selection Criteria: A MSc. or MPH in Nutrition, Epidemiology or other relevant combination of disciplines, such as agricultural economics with a strong nutrition minor At least one year of working experience in monitoring and evaluation Experience with collecting and managing quantitative data including survey design, building databases, data entry and data cleaning Good quantitative analysis skills; prior experience working with dietary recall data and longitudinal data preferred Ability to analyze quantitative data with software packages such as SAS, or SPSS or STATA. Excellent writing skills in the English language Knowledge of Kiswahili Terms of Appointment This is a Nationally Recruited Staff (NRS) position based on a 27 months contract. CIP offers an attractive compensation package commensurate with experience. Applications: Applicants should apply by email, sending a cover letter expressing their interest and expectations for the position, curriculum vitae and names and contact details (Telephone, Email) of three professional referees, to The Regional Operations Leader, email: with copy to Fred Grant ( The reference name of the position should be clearly marked on the subject line of the email message. Screening of applications will begin on 30 May 2012 and will continue until the post is filled Only shortlisted candidates will be acknowledged.

34 | Business
Last 12 Mths High Low Security Yesterday Prices Prev deal Shares traded

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

58.00 19.00 90.00 63.00 135.00 90.00 400.00 290.00 21.00 13.00 7.40 15.05 315.00 130.00


Eaagads Ord 1.25 Kakuzi Ord.5.00 Kapchorua Tea Co. Ord 5.00 Limuru Tea Co. Ord 20.00 Rea Vipingo Plantations Ord 5.00 Sasini Ltd Ord 1.00 Williamson Tea Kenya Ord 5.00

81.00 120.00 410.00 15.95 11.45 265.00

31.25 81.00 117.00 410.00 15.85 11.35 265.00

9,900 7,200 1,000 18,400 10,100 600

155.00 89.00 330.00 166.00 155.00 85.00 217.00 148.00 1.35 3.05 10.20 4.40 8.20 12.00

Manufacturing & Allied

110.00 334.00 106.00 214.00 1.70 5.50 12.00 11.10 110.00 333.00 101.00 218.00 1.65 3.00 5.50 11.95 2,200 7,000 100 466,300 12,100 2,291,000 8,800 Money Market Funds African Alliance Kenya Shilling Fund Old Mutual Money Market Fund British-American Money Market Fund Stanbic Money Market Fund CBA Market Fund CIC Money Market Fund Amana Money Market Fund Suntra Money Market Fund Zimele Money Market Fund ICEA Money Market Fund Madison Asset Money Market Fund African Alliance Fixed Income Fund CIC Fixed Income Fund Stanbic Fixed Income Fund B1 Stanbic Fixed Income Fund A Standard Investment Income Fund Standard Investment Equity Growth Fund African Alliance Kenya Equity Fund ICEA Equity Fund British-American Equity Fund CBA Equity Fund CIC Equity Fund Dyer and Blair Equity Fund Old Mutual Equity Fund Stanbic Equity Fund Suntra Equity Fund Madison Asset Equity Fund African Alliance Managed Fund British-American Managed Retirement Fund Amana Growth Fund ICEA Growth Fund Amana Balanced Fund British-American Balanced Fund CIC Balanced Fund Old Mutual Balanced Fund/Toboa Suntra Balanced Fund Madison Asset Balanced Fund Zimele Balanced Fund CFC Simba Fund Old Mutual East Africa Fund British American Bond Plus Fund Dyer and Blair Bond Fund ICEA Bond Fund Old Mutual Bond Fund Daily Yield Eective Annual Rate Kenya Shilling 11.36% 11.97% Kenya Shilling 13.24% 14.07% Kenya Shilling 12.70% 13.53% Kenya Shilling 10.86% 11.41% 12.89% 13.76% Kenya Shilling Kenya Shilling 17.11% 18.51% Kenya Shilling 18.31% 20.27% Kenya Shilling 13.44% 14.39% Kenya Shilling 9.0% 9.31% Kenya Shilling 11.90% 12.63% Kenya Shilling 16.11% 17.35% Kenya Shilling 10.67 10.33 Kenya Shilling 10.31 10.58 Kenya Shilling 102.32 102.32 Kenya Shilling 101.65 101.615 Kenya Shilling 88.93 89.46 Kenya Shilling 65.40 66.15 Kenya Shilling 116.89 109.77 86.70 91.26 Kenya Shilling Kenya Shilling 133.74 142.40 Kenya Shilling 110.81 116.65 Kenya Shilling 11.06 11.64 Kenya Shilling 127.43 134.14 Kenya Shilling 258.24 272.55 Kenya Shilling 106.91 112.94 Kenya Shilling 94.47 99.44 Kenya Shilling 60.15 63.31 Kenya Shilling 16.89 15.89 Kenya Shilling 112.54 115.83 Kenya Shilling 84.91 89.38 Kenya Shilling 98.19 103.35 Kenya Shilling 84.08 87.58 Kenya Shilling 148.32 157.52 Kenya Shilling 10.87 11.39 Kenya Shilling 120.31 126.64 Kenya Shilling 86.91 91.48 Kenya Shilling 71.28 74.64 Kenya Shilling 4.07 4.20 109.68 115.45 Kenya Shilling Kenya Shilling 117.18 122.70 Kenya Shilling 154.51 157.66 Kenya Shilling 114.29 116.62 91.84 92.76 Kenya Shilling Kenya Shilling 93.84 95.75

A.Baumann & Co. Ord 5.00 B.O.C Kenya Ord 5.00 BAT Kenya Ltd Ord 10.00 Carbacid Investments Ord 5.00 East African Breweries Ord 2.00 Eveready EA Ord 1.00 Kenya Orchards Ord 5.00 Mumias Sugar Co. Ord 2.00 Unga Group Ord 5.00

68.00 15.00 19.00 8.00

Automobiles & Accessories

19.50 9.25 11.40 3.55 Car & General (K) Ord 5.00 CMC Holdings Ord 0.50 Marshalls (E.A.) Ord 5.00 Sameer Africa Ord 5.00



29.00 13.50 12.50 4.45


14.90 3.50 AccessKenya Group Ord 1.00 4.75 4.75 2.70 Safaricom Ltd Ord. 0.05 3.50 3.45 4.05 NSE All Share Index(NASI)-(1 Jan 2008=100 Up 0.22 points to close at 79.41 points NSE 20 Share Index Up 17.99 points to close at 3655.07 Equity Turnover Close sh507,651,391 Previous sh481,777,214

Telecommunication & Technology

54,300 12,223,300


18.00 60.00 160.00 26.00 30.00 27.00 48.00 54.00 253.00 18.00 10.40 38.00 70.00 15.00 12.00 14.75 16.00 22.50 153.00 9.60 Barclays Bank Ord 0.50 CFC Stanbic Holdings Ord.5.00 Diamond Trust Bank Ord 4.00 Equity Bank Ord 0.50 Housing Finance Co Ord 5.00 KCB Ord 1.00 NBK Ord 5.00 NIC Bank Ord 5.00 StandardChartered Ord 5.00 Co-op Bank of Kenya Ord 1.00 13.05 43.50 100.00 20.50 16.05 24.50 20.50 36.00 170.00 14.15 13.00 43.00 100.00 20.75 15.55 24.25 20.00 33.00 168.00 14.10 2,040,600 11,800 134,000 3,860,400 23,500 5,514,900 206,400 220,800 3,100 345,000

Euro BANK ABC Barclays Co-op Equity NBK KCB CBA CFC Stanbic GulfAfrican FCB Prime buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell 108.18 108.48 106.47 107.27 109.36 109.65 107.91 108.54 106.92 107.23 107.65 108.00 106.98 107.80 107.08 107.33 106.96 107.25 107.30 107.50 107.20 107.90

$ 82.20 82.40 83.75 84.25 82.65 82.85 82.75 83.05 84.05 84.30 83.90 84.10 84.40 84.60 84.30 84.50 84.10 84.30 84.20 84.40 84.20 84.60

128.60 128.96 133.65 134.61 131.18 131.52 129.44 130.24 134.18 134.55 134.95 135.25 134.71 135.816 134.56 135.87 134.26 134.595 134.30 134.70 134.05 134.85

C$ 82.98 83.16 82.93 83.59 83.62 83.36 83.33 83.80 83.18 83.48 83.50 83.75 82.74 83.83 83.45 83.65 83.26 83.50 82.55 82.70 84.20 84.75

SF 89.48 90.00 88.62 89.34 90.63 90.86 89.07 89.69 88.98 89.29 89.60 89.85 89.41 89.77 89.18 89.37 89.04 89.32 89.30 89.60 89.30 90.00

IR 1.64 1.65 1.57 1.57 1.64 1.64 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.59 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.54 1.55 1.55 1.57

JY 99.82 100.18 104.01 104.89 99.05 99.30 99.89 99.46 104.55 104.91 105.20 105.50 104.99 105.40 104.86 105.11 104.63 104.93 104.65 104.95 104.75 105.25

ZR 10.88 10.97 10.02 10.10 10.78 11.10 10.80 10.84 10.06 10.14 10.20 10.30 10.07 10.20 10.09 10.12 10.07 10.15 10.10 10.20 10.15 10.45

9.00 44.00 190.00 68.00 46.50 69.50 16.00

Commercial & Services

3.50 12.55 130.00 35.00 21.00 42.00 6.50 Express Ord 5.00 Hutchings Biemer Ord 5.00 Kenya Airways Ord 5.00 Nation Media Group Ord. 2.50 ScanGroup Ord. 1.00 Standard Group Ord 5.00 TPS EA (Serena) Ord 1.00 Uchumi Supermarket Ord 5.00

3.80 14.85 171.00 52.00 22.75 44.25 16.90

3.70 20.25 14.75 171.00 52.00 24.00 44.00 16.35

1,100 37,500 2,200 10,300 3,200 1,200 559,200

206.00 101.00 207.00 125.00 35.25 19.00 21.50 10.00 119.00 51.00

Construction & Allied

Athi River Mining Ord 5.00 BamburiCement Ord 5.00 Crown Berger Ord 5.00 E.A.Cables Ord 0.50 E.A.Portland Cement Ord 5.00

204.00 145.00 26.00 11.10 60.00

205.00 145.00 26.00 10.90 60.00

59,400 48,100 800 62,600 6,100

1 US Dollar 1 Sterling Pound 1 Euro 1 South African Rand Ksh/Ush 1 Ksh/Tsh 1 Ksh/Rwanda Franc 1 Ksh/Burundi Franc 1 UAE Dirham 1 Canadian Dollar 1 Swiss Franc 100 Japanese Yen 1 Swedish Kroner 1 Norwegian Kroner 1 Danish Kroner 1 Indian Rupee 1 Hong Kong Dollar 1 Singapore Dollar 1 Saudi Riyal 1 Chinese Yuan 1 Australian Dollar

17.50 12.30 25.00 30.00

Energy & Petroleum

6.80 8.90 13.75 13.50 KenGen Ord 2.50 KenolKobil Ltd Ord 0.05 KP&LC Ord 2.50 Total Kenya Ord 5.00

8.65 15.25 16.55

8.0 12.50 15.25 15.80

88,200 698,400 17,100

9.00 3.80 20.00 5.50 225.00 145.00 6.80 11.70 55.00 18.00


British American Investments Co.0.10 CFC Insurance Holdings Ord.1.00 Jubilee Holdings Ord 5.00 Kenya Re Corporation Ord 2.50 Pan Africa Insurance Ord 5.00

5.50 7.90 180.00 12.45 27.25

5.30 7.70 180.00 11.95 26.75

80,600 42,900 1,600 603,200 28,800

24.25 10.95 280.00 90.00 6.00 3.05 60.00 20.00


Centum Investment Co Ord 0.50 City Trust Ord 5.00 Olympia Capital Holdings Ord 5.00 Trans-Century Ord 0.50

14.95 3.60

14.90 225.00 3.50 24.00

1,308,700 900

Mean 84.1417 134.3425 107.0125 10.0925 29.5931 18.7661 7.2261 16.4842 22.9075 83.3033 89.0900 104.6900 11.7742 14.1353 14.4150 1.5546 10.8309 66.3971 22.4366 13.3097 83.4055

Buy 84.0250 134.1433 106.8517 10.0533 29.4926 18.6806 7.0972 16.4019 22.8751 83.1633 88.9500 104.4933 11.7350 14.1071 14.3800 1.5522 10.8151 66.2919 22.4049 13.2909 83.2688

Sell 84.2583 134.5417 107.1733 10.1317 29.6935 18.8515 7.3550 16.5665 22.9399 83.4433 89.2300 104.8867 11.8133 14.1635 14.4500 1.5570 10.8466 66.5022 22.4683 13.3284 83.5421

Algerian Dinar Bahrani Dinar Djibouti Franc Egyptian Pound Jordanian Dinar Kuwait Dinar Lebanese Pound Libyan Dinar Omani Riyal Qatar Riyal Saudi Riyal Syrian Pound Tunisian Dinar UAE Dirham


73.70 0.377 175.85 6.0353 0.7075 0.27774 1501 1.2406 0.3850 3.6405 3.75 57.3 1.5069 3.6725

Currencies are quoted against the US Dollar




ONGATA RONGAI- Commercial / Residential Plots Near Nazarene University, Touching TUALA Shopping Centre, 1/8 Acres and ideal for commercial/residential use. Borehole & Electricity On site. OFFER! Deposit: Title Deeds ready, Kshs.100, 000 Only Price: KShs.649,000 *Few remaining Balance Payable in 3 Months. KITENGELA, Residential Plots (Site 1) PARK VIEW ESTATE, (Noonkopir)-The most devpd area in Kitengela. Beautifully Developed VERY PRIME FOR IMMEDIATE DEVPT. 1/8 Acres, Gated Concept & Ideal for Residential. Borehole & Electricity On site Title Deeds ready, Deposit: Ksh.250,000 Only Price: kshs. 599,000. *Few Remaining Balance Payable in 3 Months. KITENGELA Residential Plots (Site 2) ACACIA Area and Neighboring Acacia School off YUKOS petro station, highly devpd area with beautiful neighborhood. About 200 Metres from the prestigious Acacia School Entrance/Main Road. 1/8 Acres with Title Deeds, Gated Concept & Ideal for immediate devpt. Price kshs.649,000 Deposit ksh.250,000 Balance payable in 3 months KITENGELA Residential Plots (Site 3) YUKOS Area, behind Kaputiei Hotel and neighboring Kitengela International School in a highly devpd area. 1/8 Acres with ready Title Deeds Price kshs.549,000 Deposit ksh.200,000 Balance payable in 3 months SITE VIEWING: RONGAI PLOTS Call Mr. Gathambo on: 0728 818 590 KITENGELA PLOTS Call Mr. Kayaya on: 0721 672 048

STEPHEN GACHUKI KIMANI ......................................................... PLAINTIFF VERSUS GEOFFREY TUSIIME .................................................................. DEFENDANT SUBSTITUTED SERVICE BY ADVERTISEMENT UNDER ORDER 5 RULE 17 OF THE CIVIL PROCEDURE RULES, 2010, CHAPTER 21 OF THE LAWS OF KENYA TO: GEOFFREY TUSIIME P. O. BOX 73809 00200 NAIROBI TAKE NOTICE that a Plaint has been filed in the High Court of Kenya at Milimani Law Courts, Civil Suit No. 186 of 2012 in which you are named as the Defendant. Service of summons on you has been ordered by means of this advertisement.

?????? ?

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A copy of the Summons and Plaint may be obtained from the High Court of Kenya, Milimani Law Courts, Civil Registry at Nairobi. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that unless you enter an appearance within 15 days of this advertisement, the Court shall proceed to hear and determine the matter your absence notwithstanding. DATED at NAIROBI this 17th day of May 2012. MUTHAURA MUGAMBI AYUGI & NJONJO ADVOCATES FOR THE PLAINTIFF Drawn & Filed By: Muthaura Mugambi Ayugi & Njonjo Advocates 4th Floor, West Wing Capitol Hill Square Off Chyulu Road Upper Hill P. O. Box 8418 00200 NAIROBI

6th Floor, Shelter Afrique Centre, (Next to KUSSCO & TSC), Upper hill. Nrb Tel: 020-3525210 / 2472011, 0722 947 611,


DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

Business News 35

TECHNOLOGY | Partnership

China Mobile in talks over Apple iPhone

Worlds largest mobile operator wants to oer the device to its users

Second Greek election stirs up eurozone crisis

The prospect of a second Greek election in less than two months stoked the eurozone crisis Wednesday even as France and Germany pledged support and help for growth. News that about 700 million euros ($894 million) had been withdrawn from Greek banks on Monday added to the strains showing up across European markets, with investors fearful that a Greek euro exit would be chaotic for everyone. In a statement late Tuesday, President Carolos Papoulias said the central bank governor had told him that the banks situation was very dicult ... and that the banking system was currently very weak. The governor said there was nothing to panic about but that there were a lot of fears that could turn into panic, Papoulias added. Christian Schulz of Berenberg Bank said the withdrawals suggest that they are getting increasingly worried about the countrys future in the euro. On their own they do not indicate panic quite yet. However, this could change soon, so that the central bank would have to step in to save the banks, Schulz said. The centre-left daily Ethnos wrote that Greece was heading for elections in a mineeld. The result will determine the countrys future in the eurozone. (AFP)


hina Mobile, the worlds biggest mobile operator by subscribers, said Wednesday the company is in talks with Apple to oer the popular iPhone to its users in the Asian nation. The companys domestic rivals China Unicom and China Telecom already offer the iPhone to their subscribers. Both sides have been making contact with each other. And both sides are willing to boost cooperation, Lei Yu, a spokeswoman for China Mobile, told AFP in response to a question over negotiations for the iPhone. She declined to give further details. China Unicom began selling the iPhone in 2009, joined by China Telecom in March this year. If China Mobile also started oering the handset, it could help boost sales for the US technology giant in China the worlds biggest mobile phone market. The Apple brand is wildly popular in China, where products such as the iPhone and iPad are coveted by wealthy

consumers. Greater China which includes Hong Kong and Taiwan has become Californiabased Apples fastest growing region with revenues second only to the United States. China Mobile had nearly 650 million subscribers by the end of last year, according to a ling with the Hong Kong stock exchange. China as a whole had more than one billion mobile phone users at the end of February. (AFP) POINTS TO NOTE

Apples popularity

Apple brand is popular in China with iPhone and iPad coveted by wealthy consumers. Greater China is Apples fastest growing market after US. China Mobile is largest mobile rm in the world. It had 650m subscriber by end of last year.

Facebook co-founder to stay in Singapore

Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin intends to stay in Singapore but has no plans to take up citizenship after giving up his US passport, a move that could save him millions in taxes, his spokesman said. The Brazilian moved in 2009 to Singapore, a low-tax Asian technology and nance hub where he mingles with entrepreneurs and is regularly seen in exclusive clubs with a young circle of expatriate and Singaporean friends. Eduardo is a permanent resident of Singapore. I am not aware of any plans for him to take up Singapore citizenship, his New York-based press agent Tom Goodman told AFP in an email late Tuesday. He is a citizen of Brazil, his native country, Goodman added. The media-shy Saverin, 30, was born to a wealthy family in Brazil, moved to the United States in 1992 and became an American citizen in 1998. His recently disclosed decision to give up his US citizenship last year ahead of Facebooks hotly anticipated share oering this week was seen as an attempt to reduce his exposure to US capital gains tax. But Goodman said Saverin has found it more practical to become a resident of Singapore since he plans to live there for an indenite period of time. Goodman declined to state Saverins existing stake in Facebook but the website Who Owns Facebook? estimated his share at 4.0 percent worth around $3.4 billion. (AFP)

36 | County News

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

CONTROVERSY | Over Sh50m paid out

AUTHORITY SEEKS SH300M TO TAME RAMPANT FLOODS Agency in bid to rein in destruction in Narok town. Page 38

Leaders demand fresh audit of IDPs payment


ATTACKED | Lorry hit by Sudanese raiders


Mutilated farmhands body found in forest

A farmhand was yesterday found murdered in Njukiini forest in Kirinyaga East District. The body of Mr Eric Mwiti, which had a deep gash in the chest, was dumped a few metres from his employers home. The employer, a prison warder, was not at home at the time. Mr Mwiti is said to have been waylaid by gangsters on Tuesday night on his way home from a shopping centre. Area District Commissioner Stephen Makori said two people, one of them a woman, were helping police with investigations.

Obure says chiefs wrote the names of their friends, leaving out many genuine displaced persons from the list
BY JACKLINE MORAA AND SIMON SIELE Cabinet minister and a member of Parliament have called for fresh vetting of internally displaced people who benefited from the governments compensation scheme. The leaders claimed yesterday that genuine IDPs had been left out and blamed this on the provincial administration. Public Works minister Chris Obure and South Mugirango MP Manson Nyamweya were reacting to the exercise launched early this month by Special Programmes minister Esther Murugi. The two were speaking in Kisii town. Mr Nyamweya said there were 4,009 IDPs in his constituency but none had received compensation. We ask the minister to thoroughly scrutinise the list of IDPs paid in Nyamira and Kisii , said the MP. The programme was launched in Kisii Stadium and the bulk of Sh50.5 million dispatched to Nyamira and Kisii counties. Each IDP received Sh10,000 and Gucha district had the bulk of the displaced. Mr Obure blamed chiefs and their assistants who compiled the lists of IDPs for the unfairness.


The number of persons to be resettled in Transmara


What has led to funds row

Vetting: Special Programmes ministry asks administrators to collect names of integrated IDPs. Payment: IDPs get Sh10,000 each from the government. Controversy: Minister and MP call for audit.
Some chiefs wrote the name of their wives, friends and other relatives as IDPs, leaving out genuine ones, said the minister. Elsewhere, 1,400 integrated IDPs will be resettled on land given by the Ogiek community in Transmara. Under the auspices of Ntorobo Group Ranch, the community signed a joint agreement with the Kenya National Organisation of Victims of Ethnic Clashes (Knovec) to annex 7,100 acres from the communitys 150,000 acres. The organisation will then pay the Ogieks Sh4.2 million to help them clear land demarcation fees. The ranchs coordinator, Mr Christopher Langat, said their members were unable to raise the money.

Unit seeks more cash to assist oenders

More funds are needed to support income-generating activities for oenders serving non-custodial sentences. Central provincial probation ocer Benjamin Muindu said placing oenders on probation had resulted in a drop in crime. He said the department could assist oenders establish income-generating projects. The government is not building more jails and there is need to come up with an eective and well-funded programme that will equip oenders with skills, he said in Nyahururu yesterday.


Scrutinise the list

DPP wants order on Dutch trial lifted

Director of Public Prosecution Keriako Tobiko wants an order barring the prosecution of a Dutch national over allegations of obtaining Sh5.4 million by false pretence lifted. Through an adavit sworn by State Counsel Terry Kahoro, the DPP yesterday said the complaints raised by Mr Elroy Kraneveld that his rights were being violated had no legal basis. He said the petitioner had failed to prove that his rights were violated. Judge Isaac Lenaola will deliver a ruling on June 25.

Mr Jackson Ekai at Lodwar district hospital with injuries inicted on him by members of the Dongiro community from South Sudan at Napak. Mr Ekai was in a truck heading to Kibish from Lodwar when he was attacked. STORY ON PAGE 38


Agency defends deal between Kikuyus and Kalenjins

The National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) has defended a peace deal recently negotiated between Kikuyu and Kalenjin elders in Nakuru county. The peace accord would be implemented despite opposition from a section of leaders who claim that the negotiations left out other tribes in one the countrys most cosmopolitan region, NCIC chairman Mzalendo Kibunjia told the Nation by telephone. Dr Kibunjia said that the move was well-intentioned and that the Commission has established that that was the most eective way to end the persistent ethnic clashes in the county. Recently, the Commission held peace talks between elders from the two communities but other factions have since emerged to oppose the deal, saying that it did not represent the views of the majority. We will continue because this is the right way to go. We started with the Kikuyu and Kalenjin because they are the main protagonists, Dr Kibunjia said. The peace accord is expected to be signed during a grand peace rally at Afraha Stadium in the next few weeks, Dr Kibunjia said. He said Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and Eldoret North MP William Ruto had been invited alongside other politicians from the region. However, legislators from Nakuru led by Rongai MP Luka Kigen have vowed to skip the event arguing that NCIC did not involve them and neither did they consult widely with communities living in the area. Mr Kigen maintained that the position taken by the NCIC was in contempt of other communities in the region who too had a right to take part in peace talks. We have so many tribes living here and the Kikuyu and Kalenjin elders cannot speak on their behalf. What will the rest feel after being locked out? he asked. However, the NCIC chairman said they had settled on the two tribes because a survey had showed that they were the main players in the past.


Schools face closure after water supply cut

Public schools in Nakuru town face closure due to a water crisis. This comes after the Nakuru Water and Sewerage Company disconnected supply over pending bills. And yesterday, some of the aected institutions were contemplating sending learners home as the crisis escalated. Moi Primary School was among the rst casualties to be cut o by Nawasco ocials over a pending Sh700,000 bill. Most of the affected institutions are run by the council.

Other communities

The year when post election violence erupted in the country.

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

County News 37

ROW | Police receive eviction order

Families vow to stay put on disputed land

Pastoralists claim 16,000-acre land in Laikipia is theirs and have taken the matter to court
BY MUCHIRI GITONGA as it is not part of the case pending in court. We have the eviction order but we will not execute it for the time being. We must meet and consult as the security team before carrying out the eviction, Mr Lutukai told the Nation. At a meeting held at the farm on Tuesday afternoon, the chairman of the community, Mr Saituku ole Kaparo, said the residents would stay put on the farm.

State urged to crack down on religious sect

ern medical practices and people listen to them. We cannot wait for children to die so that the government can nally do The government has been urged to something about it. If the sect is regisdeal with a strange religious sect that tered it should be de-registered and then bars its members from immunising their banned, he said. children. It is natural to fall sick but members Imenti North Children Ocer Charles of this sect do not subscribe to modern Mbengi said the Kavonokia sect, whose medicine, endangering their lives and activities are not only confined to those of their innocent children, he Meru but have spread to other places, added. was endangering the lives of innocent On March 27, a couple belonging children. to the sect was arrested by the local This4@98;6< members condemn mod-'+)F&,+==#6; & *$($&' &'-*% 31 area of sects :6A9 /D76;"26C;?>29EB@6@9A administration in Gakoromone


Imenti North after neighbours observed unusual burial services being conducted by its adherents. The couples two children were admitted and treated for measles at the Meru Level Five Hospital after their parents arrest. Freedom of worship should not be used as an excuse to neglect ones health. The childs health is not being safeguarded by this assumption and urgent measures should be put in place to ensure that these sects are disbanded, said Mr Mbengi.

AND GEORGE SAYAGIE confrontation is looms between police and about 1,000 families l i v i n g o n a 1 6 , 0 0 0 - a c re land, whose ownership is in dispute in Laikipia East District. A land-buying company associated with former Nyahururu mayor John Muritu and several other individuals have laid claim to the land. But pastoralist families occupying it maintain it is their ancestral land and have led a case in court to block its sale. Mr Muritu said 700 shareholders of his company bought the land in 1980 and accused the pastoralists of preventing its transfer. We do not want any confrontation and thats why we requested the DO to call them so that we can reach an agreement amicably, Mr Muritu said. Yesterday, Laikipia East police boss Joshua Lutukai confirmed that he had received a court order to evict the families from the portion owned by Mr Muritus Machamuka Land-buying Company,

We do not want any confrontation and thats why we requested the DO to call them
Former Nyahururu mayor John Muritu
Elsewhere, communities living around Mau Forest have appealed to former President Daniel arap Moi to support them in development projects. . Residents of Marioshoni 1 urged Mr Moi to extend his support to their area, saying 5 it acted as the source of water used in his Kabarak home. .1 We want Mr Moi to support community projects because 15 of the environmental conserva.5 tion that we have sustained to ensure smooth ow of Rongai .15 river, Marioshoni councillor 0 Johnson Mayopi said.

Cash hitch hits Sh268m hawkers market project

Nyeri The completion of a multimillion shilling hawkers market in Karatina town hangs in the balance over the governments failure to release funds. Work on the Sh268 million market has stalled for the past two months, an ocial of the Uchumi International Agencies, the project contractor, said yesterday. The last time we received funds from the Treasury was in November last year, the ocial, who requested anonymity because he is not authorised to speak to the Press, said. The project is now behind schedule as it was to be completed by July this year. According to the ocial, 68 per cent of the work has been completed, but the unnecessary delay in making more funds available means that over 1,000 hawkers set to benet from the project would have to wait a little bit longer.

68 p.c.
Percentage of work that has been completed
And the hawkers are now up in arms over the delay in completing the project, saying that their businesses were suering as a result. Area MP Ephraim Maina promised to raise the matter with the relevant ministry in order to ensure that the matter is expedited.

38 | County News

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

Authority seeks Sh300m to tame oods

Narok A development agency is seeking more than Sh300 million to control ash oods that have caused massive destruction in Narok Town. The Ewaso Ngiro South Development Authority (ENSDA) managing director Charles ole Sunkuli said the funds would be used to avert future disasters by building dams and improving the water drainage system. He said the agency had written proposals to the World Bank for funding. Narok town has experienced massive ooding and other disasters over the years. This has led to destruction of property and loss of lives, he said. Mr Sunkuli attributed the losses to land degradation and building of houses on water drainage areas and on ood

PILGRIMS MARCH | Road to Uganda

Amount of money traders have lost in oods disaster

basins. He said those who bore the brunt of the oods are traders in the town who lost more than Sh350 million and motorists who are losing millions of shillings in wasted man hours daily. The oods mayhem in the last one month will continue if immediate interventions are not put in place, said the MD.

Worshippers from Nyahururu Catholic Diocese walk through Nakuru town yesterday, on their way Namugongo Shrines in Uganda. The pilgrims started their walk in Nyahururu on Monday and are expected to reach Uganda on June 1, after covering more than 700 kilometres. Every year, millions of people go to the shrines in memory of martyrs who were killed by Kabaka Mwanga of Buganda between 1885 and 1895.


SECURITY | Ethiopia to hand over guns

Militia attack on lorry leaves three injured

Bandits attacked construction workers as they headed for Kibich Army base
BY DAVID LOMURIA He decried rampant attacks by the Toposa and Nyagatom on Kenyan soil saying the government was in talks with the Ethiopian and South Sudanese governments to bring the vice to an end. We are unfortunate to have witnessed such brutality on Kenyan soil but we assure the residents that the government will deal accordingly with the bandits he said. Meanwhile, Ethiopia has

hree people were seriously injured yesterday in an attack by Toposa militiamen on a construction rm lorry that was on route to Kibich Army base in Turkana County. Two construction workers of Landmark Holding Construction Ltd sustained serious gunshot injuries and are recuperating at Lodwar District Hospital. The other was a herdsman. The rms operations manager, Mr Zablon Mazingo, said their truck was attacked by the militiamen at 2am on Tuesday. Lodwar area Manager Davesh Rama said their workers were targeted by the bandits due to their construction work along the border. The firm is constructing GSU, AP, Army houses and airstrip in Kibich. Turkana North DC Albert Mwilitsia conrmed the incident saying the government had beefed up security in the area.

Were unfortunate to have witnessed such brutality on Kenyan soil

Turkana North DC Albert Mwilitsia
nalised plans to hand over guns and uniforms recovered from bandits who raided a police camp in Turkana County and killed three policemen. The two guns and three pairs of police uniforms are to be handed over this week to Mr Mwilitsa by the chief administrator of South Omo Ditachu Maloka. Additional reporting by Barnabas Bii

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012




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Tenders are invited for the supply/provision of goods/services to Eldoret Polytechnic for the period ending 30th June 2013. CATEGORY A - TENDERS Supply and delivery of :EP/1/2012/2013 Staff uniforms and protective Clothings. EP/2/2012/2013 Cleaning materials, Detergents, Disinfectants and Sundry items. EP/3/2012/2013 Fuels, oil and lubricants. EP/4/2012/2013 Meat. EP/5/2012/2013 Fruits. EP/6/2012/2013 Bread. EP/7/2012/2013 Pre-printed P.V.C Magnetic I.D cards, Receipt, Invoices, Registration forms, Certificates, Transcripts and folders. CATEGORY B - PREQUALIFICATION OF SUPPLIERS Supply and delivery of :EP/8/2011/2012 Charcoal and Firewood. EP/9/2012/2013 General Office Stationery. EP/10/2012/2013 Laboratory Chemicals, Reagents and equipments. EP/11/2012/2013 Dry Food stuffs EP/12/2012/2013 Human Drugs, Dressing and infusions. EP/13/2012/2013 Kitchen wares. EP/14/2012/2013 Electrical items, Accessories and appliances. EP/15/2012/2013 Hardware materials, cements, Plumbing, Fitting tools and Implements, Roofing materials, Paints and Allied Products. EP/16/2012/2013 Timber, round Poles and allied products. EP/17/2012/2013 Building Sand, Ballast, Murram, natural stones, hardcore, baked bricks, concrete blocks and allied products. EP/18/2012/2013 Games Kits, Sports Uniform and Equipment. EP/19/2012/2013 Motor vehicles tyres, Tubes and Batteries. EP/20/2012/2013 Annual Servicing and Maintenance of Office Equipment . EP/21/2012/2013 Computers, Printers, Computer Accessories and Consumables. EP/22/2012/2013 Elevated water storage Tank. EP/23/2012/2013 Animal Feeds and General Farm input. EP/24/2012/2013 General Motor Vehicles Engine service and Maintenance. EP/25/2012/2013 General Office Furniture. EP/26/2012/2013 Training materials, Workshop Tools & Equipment. EP/27/2012/2013 Periodicals and Magazines, Books & other Library Materials. EP/28/2012/2013 Supply, delivery and Maintenance of Firefighting Equipment. EP/29/2012/2013 Servicing and Maintenance of Lawn Mowers. CATEGORY C - PREQUALIFICATION OF SERVICE PROVIDERS EP/30/2012/2013 Provision of Printing services-design and Printing of Calendars, Diaries, Brochures and promotional materials. EP/31/2012/2013 Provision of Insurance Brokerage Services, Motor Vehicles, Property & content, Staff & Students. EP/32/2012/2013 Provision of Fumigation and Pest Control. EP/33/2012/2013 Provision of Legal Services. EP/34/2012/2013 Provision Sanitary & Sanitation services. EP/35/2012/2013 Provision of Internet Services. EP/36/2012/2013 Conference Facilities. Tender giving detailed specifications may be obtained from the office of the Principal on request upon payment of a Non-refundable fee of Ksh. 2,000 per set of tender documents. Prices quoted must be inclusive of VAT, delivery charges and any other taxes and remain firm for NINETY DAYS from the closing date of this tender notice. Complete tender documents in plain, sealed envelope(s) clearly marked with respective tender number(s) thus EP .. should be deposited in the Tender Box situated at the entrance of the Administration Block or posted to: The Principal, Eldoret Polytechnic , P O Box 4461 30100, ELDORET so as to reach him not later than 13th June 2012 at 12.00 noon. Opening of tenders will be immediately thereafter on the same day in the Board room in the presence of tenderers or duly authorized representative. The Polytechnic reserves the right to accept or reject any tender either in part or whole and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or give reasons thereof. Chief Principal Board Secretary

Diploma in Applied Biology CCertificate in Science Laboratory Technology Artisan Course in Clothing and Textile


C (C in Maths, English & Physics) D+ D+ D- or KCPE D- or KCPE C (C- Maths & English C (C- Maths & Eng.) D+ (D+ in maths & Eng) D+ (D+ in maths & Eng) C C D+ D+

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6 Months 6 Months

REQUIREMENTS Application forms can be obtained from the office. Dully completed application forms should be returned together with copies of KCSE slip/Certificate , Leaving Certificate , National ID Card, 4 passport size photos and non-refundable application fee of Kshs. 300, To The PRINCIPAL, BUSHIANGALA TTI,P.O. BOX 222750100, KAKAMEGA Vision :To be a Centre of Excellence in Technical and Scientific Training for SocioEconomic development.


40 |
Sustainable Community Development services (SCODE) is a registered national NGO currently implementing The improved Cook Stove for households and Institutions project with financial support of the European Union and Hivos. To ensure successful implementation of this project SCODE invites tenders from eligible suppliers for the item mentioned below: Tender No. 1/29/02/2012 Tender Name Description Tender submission format Combined technical specifications and Cost Proposals Supply of new (1)NEW DOUdouble cab 4x4 p/ BLE CAB 4X4 up motor vehicle P/UP

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

A medium size manufacturing company with its Headquarters in Nairobi is advertizing for the following positions:


Duly instructed by our Principals, on behalf of the Chargees, we shall sell by public auction the under mentioned property together with all the improvements erected therein on:- MONDAY 4TH JUNE 2012, AT OUR OFFICES AT LEAKEYS STORAGE LTD, LUNGA LUNGA RD, INDUSTRIAL AREA NAIROBI STARTING AT 11.00 A.M. PRIME RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FOR AUCTION WITHIN KOMAROCK ESTATE - NAIROBI All that parcel of land known as Title No. Nairobi/ Block 133/178 - KOMAROCK ESTATE, NAIROBI. The property is located in Komarock Estate Phase II, approximately 18kms from Nairobi City Centre and is identifiable as House Number 178. The plot extends to 0.0114 of a hectare or 0.03 of an acre approximately. Tenure is leasehold interest for a term of 99 years with effect from 1st January 1994 at a revisable annual ground rent of Kshs. 800/- and is registered under Milcah Jeruto Tallam. IMPROVEMENTS: The plot is developed with a two bed-roomed terraced bungalow. Accommodation: Lounge cum dining room, Kitchen, WC, Bathroom, Two No. bedrooms. SERVICES: Mains electricity, water and sewer services are connected to the property. Estate roads are tar surfaced. CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All interested purchasers are requested to view the property and verify the details, as these are not warranted by the Auctioneer or our clients. 2. Interested bidders are required to pay a refundable deposit of Kshs. 100,000.00 to obtain a bidding number and catalogue at the auctioneers offices, before the auction date. 3. A deposit of 25% of the purchase price must be paid by bankers cheque at the fall of the hammer. The balance will thereafter be payable within thirty (30) days to the chargees advocates. 4. Sale is subject to a reserve price and necessary consent. 5. Further details and conditions of sale are available on request at our offices and viewing of the property can be done during normal working hours by prior arrangements with ourselves. ALL ARE WELCOME.

1. FACTORY MANAGER Duties responsibility will be: Overall in charge of factory operations Coordination of all administrative issues in liaison with Head Office To Prepare and submit reports to the management from time to time Qualifications & Experience Preferably a man above 30 years Bachelors Degree in Chemical Engineering or related field Must have served in a similar position for at least 5 years Must have shown merit and ability in related work performance Must demonstrate good supervision, attention to detail and reporting skills 2. INTERNAL AUDITOR (3 posts) Required qualifications CPA Part two Knowledge of financial and accounting procedures At least 1 year working experience in similar work in a busy organization. Track record in financial monitoring and control Good communication and computer skills, Knowledge of computerized accounting systems Demonstrated professional competence in auditing. Personal attributes: Integrity, Honesty and self motivation 3. SALES AND MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE Required qualifications: Diploma in sales and marketing or equivalent At least three year working experience in the relevant field Must be person of proven integrity and result oriented Excellent communication, organizational and interpersonal skills. Age prefarably above 28 years Must have certificate of good conduct a and valid clean driving license Interested candidates with the required qualifications to send their Applications together with detailed curriculum vitae by mail to: D/A NO. 1287 P.O BOX 49010 0100, Nairobi. TO be received not later than 31st, May 2012. Only experienced and qualified applicants will be considered.

Prospective bidders may download complete tender document from the SCODE website Tender documents should be submitted in plain sealed envelopes bearing the correct tender number and name clearly marked on top to the address below or placed in the tender box at our office from Monday to Friday between 9.00am to 12.30pm and 2.00 pm to 4.30pm. Executive Co-ordinator Sustainable Community Development Services (SCODE) Along Nakuru-Bahati-Nyahururu road (8Km from Nakuru Town), behind Heshima centre 400 metres from the main road, P.o Box 13177-20100 NAKURU To be received by 18th June, 2012 at 10.00am. Tenders will be opened the same day and time in the Corporations Boardroom in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend. Scode reserves the right to reject any tender (s) and does not bid itself to accept the lowest or any bidder. EXECUTIVE CO-ORDINATOR SCODE


Kilimani Karen Langata Kitengela CBD Kitengela Kisaju Kitengela Kisaju Kitengela Acacia Kitengela Kitengela Kisaju Kitengela Kisaju Kitengela Chuna Kitengela Kitengela Loitokitok

1 acre along Lenana road rectangular plot ideal for office suites. 1/2 acre ,with stone boundary wall & gate Prime 0.04 acre residential plot in an already developed gated community, Breeze Estate Nairobi Dam area 14 acre plot behind Naivas, ideal for residential apartments. 2 acres along main Kajiado/Namanga tarmac road. 1, 2acres x 3plots, separate titles 500 metres off tarmac, borehole water, Gated compound. 14 acre plots gated community opposite Peugeot Sacco scheme. 5acres near Exel Girls Sch. along Kitengela/ Rongai Bypass. 5 acres 1km off tarmac road near KAG University. 1/8 acre plots, 1km off tarmac road near KAG University. 14 acre plot. 14 acre plots near Korean Bible College. 14 acre, 800m off tarmac along Ostrich Farm road. 20 acres Kimana area


Kshs. 320M Kshs. 20M Kshs. 4.5M Offers invited Kshs. 4.5M per acre Asking Ksh.3M per acre Kshs. 1.95M Offers invited Offers Invited Kshs. 575,000 Kshs. 2.3M Kshs. 1.2M Kshs. 1.5M Kshs. 120,000 per acre inquire Kshs. 380,000 p.m. Kshs. 55,000 p.m. Kshs. 95/= per sq. ft. inclusive

Diani Coast 3 acres Near Ukunda Airstrip ideal for cottages RESIDENTIAL TO LET Runda 5BR all ensuite, plus 3BR Guest Wing, CCTV, Mimosa Generator, on 3/4 acre. Kilimani Milimani Splendour 2BR Apartment Master ensuite OFFICE SPACE TO LET Upper hill 4,073 Sq. ft. CONTACT:

Silverpool Office Suites Jabavu Lane, off Argwings Kodhek Road Cell: +254 721 874 588 or Office +254 20 2574001 Website:


You ring we bring


You ring we bring

Main Office- Sel & Barnet Hse,Moi Rd, 1st Flr. Room 1-Opp. Electricity Hse/ Telkom Kenya, Nakuru. P.O. Box 13084-20100, NAKURU, Tel:051-2215389 ,Cell Phone:0726-603116,020-3511184,, Eldoret Branch: Hughes Bld (Transnational Bank) Uganda Rd, 2rd Flr, Left Wing Room A17, PO BOX 4558-30100 Tel: 051-8000119

Under instructions received from our principals we shall sell the below described Motor Vehicle by Public Auction.


ID. NO. 23895783


ID. NO.23888173


Cellphone: 0710600364 Technical Representative (Karen-Langata Area)


Cell phone: 0710600235 Technical Representative (Muthaiga Area)

ON MONDAY 28TH DAY OF MAY 2012 AT ELDORET AUCTION CENTRE IN ELDORET TOWN, ALONG ELDORET-KAPSABET ROAD NEAR ELDORET PASTORAL CENTRE THE BANKVS- NORAH OPELI ONE MOTOR VEHICLE REG NO KBD 322D 14 SEATER PSV MATATU NISSAN CARAVAN VRGE24 in good working condition. CONDITION OF SALE Strictly CASH at the fall of the hammer. Visit our Eldoret offices for any viewing arrangements and for further details on condition of sale

This is to inform our clients and the general public that the persons whose photographs appear here ceased to be employees of Henkel Chemicals (E.A). The company shall therefore not be liable for any business or contract entered by them on our behalf. BY MANAGEMENT

We wish to notify our esteemed clients that the above mentioned persons are now in charge of the areas mentioned above. The two are available on call and can be reached through the given numbers. Management

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

Property Guide 41

Juja Town. 2 Km off the New Thika Super Highway - A beautifully designed gated community of spacious two bedroom apartments & three & four bedroom townhouses, designed for your comfort and affordability.

t un15 co is rst d % he fiers 10 r t uy fo b

INTRODUCTORY PRICES Type of Unit price Deposit (kes) 2 bedroom apartment 4.5M 450,000.00 3 bedroom townhouse 8.9M 890,000.00 4 bedroom townhouse 9.9M 990,000.00

42 | Property Guide

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012



Kshs 54 million Kshs 50 million




5 bedroom double storey house on 0.5 acres. All bedrooms ensuite with balconies. Spacious living and dining, study and staff quarters. All rooms with high quality finishes. The property has a mature garden and is well maintained. Viewing by appointment. 4 bedroom (all ensuite) townhouses in a Cape Dutch design nestled in quiet, tranquil setting in a central, accessible and mature Lavington neighbourhood. Lots of wood finishes high quality granite tiling with a rustic feel and private garden. Only two units remaining. A four bedroom spacious townhouse located in a quite serene cul de sac in a compound of only six. Sunken lounge, dining, kitchen with breakfast area, family room, all bedrooms very spacious and ensuite. Staff quarters for one and ample parking . A five bedroom doublestorey house on 0.5 acres just off the Northern bypass. Has a spacious entrance foyer, sunken lounge separate dining, open plan kitchen. Three bedrooms ensuite one with separate entrance ideal for guests. The property is well kept with a garden and staff quarters. A three bedroom maisonette master ensuite located in a compound of 24. Well maintained with parking for two and staff quarters for one. Viewing by appointment. A three bedroom maisonette well finished with staff quarters. Has spacious rooms with master ensuite, an open plan kitchen and a garden. A 3 bedroom apartment (master ensuite) in this well maintained estate. A spacious two bedroom apartment, master ensuite. Has high quality finishes and in a well secured compound with electric fencing. Viewing by appointment.


EPL - Building Affordable and Decent Houses for People

Kshs 40 million

Kshs 32 million

Kshs 24 million Kshs 9.5 million Kshs 6.5 million ono Kshs 6.0 million ono

A well lit spacious three bedroom (master ensuite) apartment 2 minutes walk from Kshs 120,000 pm Junction mall, well maintained with excellent finishes in a well kept compound. The complex has a swimming pool and fully furnished gym. A new building with modern finishes in the heart of South C shopping centre comprising shops on the ground floor and offices on three upper floors. The building is ideal for hospital satellite clinics, banks , colleges etc. Two shops from 500sq ft and offices 1,500 sq ft. A brand new commercial building well designed and finished to high quality standards close to Westlands and the Central Business District. Has ample parking with a ratio of 1: 400 sq ft, three high speed lifts, standby generators, borehole with ample water storage. Approximately 5,400sq ft office premises to let. Available as a whole or can be subdivided. Serene environment with plenty of parking.


Rent on Application

Kshs 95 psf inclusive of service charge Kshs 80 psf inclusive of service charge


Offices in a new modern office development on prime central Westlands location Kshs 100psf inclusive with a terrace and view. High quality finishes, with lift and back up generator. 3088 of service charge sq ft available. Go down to let ready for occupation, to be let on a short term license 8,000sq ft Kshs 25psf Go down to let ready for occupation Kshs 25psf Price guide Kshs 25 million Kshs 16 million

illion rtment-4 m lion droom apa il 1 Be rtment-5 m omed apa 2 Bedro

from MAY ount Offer


ST 2012



Decent Homes

THINDIGUA NEAR WINDSOR 0.75 acres of a very prime redevelopment land suitable for development of rental HOTEL flats. THOME ESTATE A level prime plot measuring 0.5 acres ready for development located in a developed neighbourhood just off the northern by pass. Viewing by appointment.


SEEFAR Apartments is located within Highrise Estate along Mbagathi Way and only 5 minutes from Nairobi Central District and is served by a 24-hour transport system.

Architecturally well-planned and oriented Secure Ample parking Stable water supply and rainwater harvest Intercom and CCTV for 24hr security surveillance and patrolling Elegant Finishes Stand-by Generator Best for Rental Investment purposes Next to CBD - 5min drive

Telephone: 0203513306, 0724-209722, 0733209709, 0735446722, 0733625848

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

Property Guide 43

44 | Property Guide

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

We are a company in pursuit of up for sale LAND in and around Nairobi/Ruiru/Thika/ Kiambu measuring between 5 to 10 Acres. Interested parties to contact us at with your quote, location, map and full contact details. Alternatively, you can also give us a call on 0722491865
Registered Estate & Managing Agent Jethalal Chambers, 6th floor,Tubman Rd P.O Box14088-00100,GPO-Nrb.Tel:020 2249137/0722638572 Email: website:


P.O.BOX 11607-00400 NAIROBI


COMMERCIAL PLOTS-KITENGELA TOWN (Ideal for Flats) Prime Commercial Plots, Behind Equity Bank in Kitengela Town Ideal for building Commerclal/ Rental Flats. 1/8 Acres with ready title deeds Borehole & Electricity on site Price Kshs.2.9M RESIDENTIAL PLOTSKITENGELA YUKOS AREA YUKOS Area, behind Kaputiei Hotel, 200M off Nairobi Namanga highway. ideal for beautiful residential homes in a gated concept. 1/8 Acres with ready title Deeds Full time Water supply & Electricity All weather access road Developed & Secure Neighborhood Price Kshs. 1.1M KAMULU PLOTS Kamulu Residential Plots near KBC station along Kangundo road, next to Up coming Estate (KBC View Estate) Title Deeds ready Fresh water bore hole on site All services available (Electricity & Water) All weather access road Price Kshs. 350,000 Few plots remaining THIKA PLOTS 1/8 Acre Prime Plots Within Thika Municipality, Along Thika Garissa Highway Behind Makongeni Shopping Centre On Munyu Road Title Deeds Ready All services on site Secure Neighbourhood Pricer Kshs. 295,000


The society is offering for sale prime plots along Kagundo road at KBC station in Malaa area. The plots are in phase 2 located in an ideal place which is developing fast along the bypass. The plots are 1/8 acre (100x50ft) TERMS Society members Kshs 280,000 Non -members Kshs 330,000 Application forms are available at the society head office in Afya Centre or in the branches. Payment can be made by bankers cheque or cash at Head Office in Afya Centre or any of the Afya Sacco Fosa branches. Allocation will be on the first come first fully paid basis. Payment by installment is allowed upto 4 monthly installments. For further enquires/details contact the Investment office, 5th Floor, Afya Centre Tel: 2223970/50/60 Email: investm website- Empowering members to own property

THIKA - NGOLIBA PLOTS 1/8 Acre Prime Plots Within Thika Municipality, Along Thika Garissa Highway touching tarmac, situated in a developed and secure neighbourhood, all services available (electricity and water)................................................Price Kshs. 295,000 LOCATION: WESTLANDS MPAKA PLAZA ALONG MPAKA RD, 3RD FLR, LEFT WING CONTACTS: 020 2026095 / 0726 225796 / 0722 426386 0723 926310 / 0724 978844 / 0723 718942 / 0722 999492 0724 836537 / 0712 561553 / 0723 019698 Website: Email:



Two Ambassadorial houses located in prime area Suitable residences for Diplomatic Staff Suitable offices for Embassy use Preference is for buildings less than 10 years old located in Gigiri, Runda, Muthaiga, Kitisuru. Please email details with photo to

HOUSES TO LET EMBAKASI HONEY SUCKLE 4 b/r Maisonette, with SQ Master en-suite, own gate, Very secure Rent: Kshs.32,000 p.m. WESTLANDS DAVID OSIELI ROAD 4 b/r bungalow, 2 S/quarters 2 b/r separate guest wing 1/2 acre mature garden, commercial use Rent: Kshs.300,000 p.m

KILELESHWA NYERI ROAD 6 b/r townhouse plus study, 3 en-suite Own gate , for office use Rent: Ksh. 200,000 p.m HOUSE FOR SALE NGONG UPPER MATASSIA 4 b/r Town house, Master ensuite,big rooms 1/4 acre, very secure Sale: Kshs.10 Million


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Wanted for Road Construction Projects
1. Site Agent - Registered Civil Engineer with minimum 5 years field experience 2. Civil Engineers (2 no.) - 5 years road construction experience 3. Surveyor - Registered with 5 years road construction experience 4. Levelers (2 no) 5. Materials Technician - with 5 years road materials experience 6. Administrator - for office work & record keeping 7. Earthwork foremen (3 no.) - 5 years experience in Road Earthworks 8. Concrete foreman - experienced in culverts,concrete, bridges,etc. 9. Mechanics, Machine Operators & Qualified Staff.
Please communicate CV to Kabuito Contractors via email ( or call 2241830/1 or post to P. O. Box 14054, Nairobi - 00800

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

Sept. 2012 /Jan 2013 intakes, Can travel in Aug./Sept. 2012
AP degree in Logistics Management AP Degree in Marketing Management AP Degree in.Multimedia Design and communication Bachelor of Architectural Technology & Construction Management Bachelor in Information Technology Engineering Bachelor in Value Chain Management Bachelor in Global Business Engineering Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering Bachelor in Civil Engineering Bachelor of Global Nutrition & Health. AP Degree Commerce management AP Degree Computer Science Folk Academy Programs.,Int.Sports Leadership, Prof.Football, Athletics Coaching etc. Conditions for the admission: Good KCSE or IGCSE/GCE Results and/or relevant post-secondary school studies Reg./ app..fee: 150 Euros, Interviews: Nrb.(Laico regency 17 25 May. Limited places. Students must be ready to deposit (prepay) for 1 year tuition fee. *Candidate must come with parent or sponsor. Service Fee Applicable. Advantages. NO BANK STATEMENT Free Medical Cover, Student Work & Residence permit for entire study period. Study in English Regional Rep.:Wmeir -Winja & Partners, Laico Regency, M19, Nairobi, Tel: 0726 372941, 0725947115 Email:


A 25 Acres of Quarry for ballast with NEMA licence is on sale in Katani. Price per Acre is Ksh 5million. Only serious buyers need to apply contact

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012


RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES TO LET US$ 4300 300,000/= 230,000/= 160,000/= 140,000/= 120,000/= 100,000/= 90,000/= to 170,000/= 80,000/= each Off Ngecha Road, Nyari Muhoya Close, Lavington Mariwa Villas, Kileleshwa Amrutha Apts, Brookside Drive Emerald Court, Kilimani School Lane, Westlands Kwarara Road, Langata Royal Apts, off Arboretum Drive Chemelil Road, Parklands Newly constructed 4 x executive double storey houses comprising spacious lounge, dining room, 4 bed (all ensuite), family room and usual outbuildings. 4 x 4 bed (all ensuite) luxurious townhouses with garage, servants quarters, CCTV and Intercom. Executive 4 bed, 3 bath townhouses in a compound of only 4 units. Furnished 3 bedroom apartments. Furnished 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment. Within walking distance of Sarit Centre, fully furnished 2 bed flat with a pool. Minimum Lease 6 months. 5 bed double storey house with family room and guest wing. Furnished 1 and 3 bedroom apartments. Newly constructed block of 8 flats, partly furnished, each comprising living/dining room, 3 bed, 2 bath with CCTV, Intercom, electric fence, water pump and 24 hr. security. 4 remaining. 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment with DSQ. 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom maisonette. Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment. 3 bedroom apartment in a compound of 32 apartments with a common gym and a common pool. 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment A 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom flat with pool 3 bedroom apartment Newly constructed 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. 1 bedroom flats



The Public Service Commission invites applications from interested eligible bidders for the supply of the under listed goods and services for the period ending 30th June, 2013. All applicants should be registered with Kenya Revenue Authority and Registrar of Companies.

Category No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Item Description Provision of Travel and Air Ticketing Services (IATA Registered) Provision of Graphic Design and Printing Services Provision of Scratch cards Provision Cleaning services, sanitary disposal, Fumigation and Pest Control Repair and Maintenance of Computer, Printers, and other ICT related Accessories. Supply and Repair of Office Furniture and Fittings. Supply of Newspapers and Magazines, Books and Periodicals Supply of cut flowers arrangements, indoor plants and decorations Provision of private guard Security Services Provision of Networking and Configuration services. Supply of General Office stationery. Supply of staff uniforms, clothing, footwear, curtains, etc Supply of computer Consumables and accessories. Provision of Software Development customization and support services Supply of Computers, servers, printers, UPS, laptops office Equipments, software and software installation services. Provision and Maintenance of minor works including, repairs, mechanical, plumbing and electrical services (Ministry of Public Works Registered Firms) Provision of outside catering services Supply of fresh milk Repair and maintenance of office equipments (photocopier, projectors, telephone, fax machines, P.A.B.X. and other office accessories. Provision of landscaping, lawn moving, gardening services and maintenance of flowers. Laundry services (curtains nets and related) Supply of mineral water Provision of video documentary and photographic services Supply of cleaning materials, detergents, soaps and disinfectants Repair, maintenance and service of motor vehicles (garages must be approved by Chief Mechanical and Transport Engineer Ministry of Public Works) Provision of Media Liaison Services Provision of research and consultancy services (customer, employee satisfaction, corruption and work environment surveys). Provision of Medical Insurance Services Supply of fuels, oils and lubricants Provision of taxi and car hire services ITEM DESCRIPTION Disposal of general stores as per the list

80,000/= 75,000/= 70,000/= 65,000/= 60,000/= 60,000/= 50,000/= 27,500/= to 32,500/= 12,500/=

Argwings Kodhek Road Siaya Road, Kileleshwa Bellway Flats, Kileleshwa Hampton Court, Chania Avenue, Kilimani Sohail City, Gitanga Road Lenana ForestView Kileleshwa Sunrise Park, off Mbs. Rd, Next to Imara Daima Ongata Rongai

Norfolk Towers Within walking distance of Norfolk Hotel and CBD, fully furnished and serviced 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments with a swimming pool. Further details on application. Sunrise Park, off Mbs. Rd, Next to Imara Daima - Shops Various sizes ranging from 27 50 sq. metres. Further particulars on application. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES FOR SALE 45 Million Mukinduri Rd, off Forest Edge Rd. On approx. 0.5 acres, fabulous double storey houses under construction in this quiet residential suburb of Nairobi. Accommodation comprises spacious lounge dining room & 4 bed (all ensuite). Further particulars on application. Newly constructed 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom townhouse with study Only 5 in the compound. A 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom flat in a compound of only 16 units. Ample parking. 10 x townhouses comprising 4 bedrooms (all ensuite). Further particulars on application. On approx. 1/8 of an acre, 3 bedroom maisonette (master ensuite)

40 Million 14 Million 10.5 Million 6.2 Million each

Muhoya Close Deluxe Apartments, off Kandara Road, Kileleshwa Kaaga, Meru Kitengela, Milimani

Sunset Paradise Apartments On the road to Serena Hotel. Newly constructed 2, 3 and 4 bedroom apartments under construction. Show house ready for viewing. Perfect holiday homes. Further particulars on application. PLOTS FOR SALE 22.5 Million 14.5 Million 13 15 Million 8 Million 2.5 Million Offers Invited 1 Million per acre Maanzoni Ngong Road Kuwinda Rd, Langata Kakamega, Milimani Area Kitengela, Behind Yukos Nakuru, Next to the proposed Airport Isinya 5 acres residential plot 0.20 acres residential plot with various lettable units. Redevelopment Potential. 4 x 12 plots On approx. 12 acre vacant plot 14 acre residential plots 10 acres vacant plot 58 acres vacant land


TENDER NO. PSCK/6/2011-12

Visit our website on

Pre-qualification/tender documents may be obtained from the Procurement Office, Room No.005, Commission House on Harambee Avenue, upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs.2,000/ - per set of documents per category/tender to the cashier on Ground Floor and payable to The Secretary, Public Service Commission of Kenya. Completed pre-qualification/tender documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked; PRE-QUALIFICATION/TENDER FOR Description .. Category No And addressed to: The Secretary Public Service Commission of Kenya P O Box 30095 00100 NAIROBI Should be deposited in the Tender Box situated on the ground floor, Commission House, so as to be received on or before 6th June, 2012 at 10.30 am. All the applications submitted will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of bidders/ representatives who wish to attend. HEAD SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR: SECRETARY PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF KENYA



1. Spacious 2 bedroom flats 2. Go down 3500 sq/ft Call: 0735 330 947 Or visit us at: Shirika Co-op. House Ngara/ Kipande Roads junction Near National Museum of Kenya Opp. Goan Gymkhana

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DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012



Applications are invited from qualied candidates for the positions shown below. Interested and qualied persons are requested to make their applications online through one of the Commissions websites and OR by completing ONE application form PSC 2 (Revised 2007). The form may be downloaded from the Commissions websites. Please Note Candidates should NOT attach any documents to the application form. ALL the details requested in the advertisement should be lled on the form. Only shortlisted and successful candidates will be contacted. Canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualication. THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION IS COMMITTED TO AVAILING EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES TO ALL KENYANS. WOMEN AND PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES ARE ESPECIALLY ENCOURAGED TO APPLY. Shortlisted candidates shall be required to produce originals of their National Identity Card, academic and professional certicates and testimonials during interviews. Serving officers shall be required to produce the original letter of appointment to their current substantive post during the interview. Completed application forms should be sent to: THE SECRETARY PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF KENYA P. O. BOX 30095 00100 NAIROBI, so as to reach the Commission on or before 30th May, 2012.

Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.77 ,527 Ksh.98,947 p.m. (Job Group Q) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Under Secretary, Job Group P in the Public Service; (ii) a Masters Degree in any Social Science from a recognized University; (iii) attended a Strategic Leadership Development Programme lasting not less than six (6) weeks in a recognized institution; and (iv) shown merit and ability as reected in work performance and results. Duties and Responsibilities An officer at this level will be deployed at the Ministry headquarters to head a special unit. Specic duties include: (i) assisting in coordination of Public Service Reforms; (ii) preparing Ministerial briefs, speeches, policy, memoranda and concept papers; (iii) overseeing implementation of government policies; (iv) follow up on Government decisions and directives specic to the Ministry; (v) assisting in coordination of administrative matters, training, development, deployment and promotion of administrative staff; (vi) coordinating performance appraisal for administrative staff in the Ministry; (vii) assisting in coordination of activities to mitigate HIV/AIDS, promotion of integrity and ethical conduct within the Ministry; and (viii) assisting in the management and security of Government assets and coordinating various meetings.

(ii) (iii)


of District Commissioner II, Job Group P in the Public Service; a Masters Degree in any social science from a recognized university; attended a Strategic Leadership Development Programme lasting not less than six (6) weeks in a recognized institution; and shown merit and ability as reected in work performance and results.

promoting integrity and ethical conduct within the ministry; coordinating activities of various committees within the ministry; (vii) writing speeches, briefs, concept papers on policy issues; (viii) managing Government resources; and (ix) Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS activities. (v) (vi)

Duties and Responsibilities An officer at this level will be deployed to head a District with complex development activities and diverse socio-economic and political background. Specic duties include: (i) efficient management and coordination of government functions in the district; (ii) general administration and coordination of development activities such as mobilization of resources for development; (iii) coordination and promotion of conict resolution and peace building; (iv) interpretation, dissemination and overseeing implementation of government policies; (v) responding to parliamentary business specic to the district; and (vi) coordination of state functions and supervision of staff under him/her.

Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.21,895 Ksh.25,304 p.m. (Job Group J) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have a Bachelors degree in Social Sciences in any of the following disciplines: Social Work, Sociology, Criminology, Guidance and Counseling or Social Psychology from a recognized university. Duties and Responsibilities This is the entry and training grade for the Probation Officers cadre. An officer at this level will work under the supervision of a more senior officer. Duties and responsibilities at this level include:(i) interviewing accused persons for bail reports; (ii) conducting and presenting social injury reports on probation and community service offenders as required by the courts; (iii) making pre-trial and post trial social enquiries reports for the courts on referred offenders; (i) conducting and submitting social enquiry reports to correctional institutions and discharge boards; and (ii) keeping updated records of offenders under supervision.


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.63,782 Ksh.81,404 p.m. (Job Group P) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Senior Assistant Secretary, Job Group N in the Public Service; (ii) a Masters degree in any social science from a recognized university; (iii) attended a Senior Management Course lasting not less than four (4) weeks in a recognized institution; and (iv) shown merit and ability as reected in work performance and results. Duties and Responsibilities An officer at this level will be deployed to handle diverse and complex administrative duties in a Ministry. Specic duties include: (i) coordinating staff welfare matters; (ii) ensuring smooth ow of work; (iii) overseeing and guiding staff; (iv) managing Ministerial resources and assets;


SECRETARY, ETHICS COMMISSION FOR COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES ONE (1) POST V/No.119/2012 Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.100,620 Ksh.127 ,980 p.m. (Job Group S) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) served in the grade of Deputy Commissioner for Cooperative Development and Marketing, Job Group R for a minimum period of three (3) years;


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.77 ,527 Ksh.98,947 p.m. (Job Group Q) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012


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installation for supply of power to public buildings, hospitals and other institutions in consultation with an Electrical Engineer. (ii) a diploma in Building/Civil Engineering or comparable qualication from a recognized institution, a construction Technician Certicate Part III; or its equivalent qualication from a recognized institution; attended a Supervisory Skills Course lasting not less than two (2) weeks in a recognized institution; wide knowledge and experience in all matters related to preparation of drawings of structure and/or drainage; knowledge of Government procedures; and shown merit and ability as reected in work performance and results. (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.35,275 Ksh.42,877 p.m. (Job Group M) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Senior Superintendent (Mechanical) Building Services, Job Group L or comparable position in the Public Service; (ii) a diploma in Mechanical Engineering or an Mechanical Technician Certicate Part III or equivalent qualication from a recognized institution; (iii) attended a Supervisory Skills Course lasting not less than two (2) weeks in a recognized institution and; (iv) shown merit and ability as reected in work performance and results. Duties and responsibilities An officer at this level may be deployed in a unit/design office at headquarters or in a Region. Specic duties and responsibilities at this level include: supervising inspections; maintaining mechanical installation in public buildings, hospitals and institutions; (iii) undertaking eld activities including surveys, installations, commissioning and acceptance of mechanical equipment; (iv) assessing equipment performance and making recommendations where necessary for replacement of unserviceable equipment; (v) supervising staff working under him/her; (vi) preparing design drawings and specications; (vii) preparing estimates for mechanical installations in consultation with a Mechanical Engineer (Building Services); and (viii) shown merit and ability as reected in work performance and results. (i) (ii)

(iii) (iv) (v) (vi)

preparing and checking nished working drawings; analysis of technical information required by project teams at each design stage; co-coordinating, organizing and scheduling work to ensure smooth ow; training and development of technical staff under him/her.


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.35,275 Ksh.42,877 p.m. (Job Group M) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Senior Superintendent (Building), Job Group L or in a comparable position in the Public Service: (ii) a diploma in Building and Civil Engineering or a Construction Technician Certicate Part III or comparable qualication from a recognized institution. (iii) attended a Supervisory Skills Course lasting not less than two (2) weeks from a recognized institution and; (iv) wide knowledge and experience in preparation of drawings and management of drawings office; (v) knowledge of Government procedures; and (vi) shown merit and ability as reected in work performance and results. Duties and Responsibilities An officer at this level will be deployed as a Clerk of Works for buildings under construction or as a head of a depot. Specic duties and responsibilities at this level include: assisting in the planning of supervision programmes for large complex building projects; (ii) monitoring and supervising works in progress; (iii) assisting in preparation of monthly physical progress reports of individual projects; (iv) ensuring specications and standards are adhered to during construction; (v) arranging for testing of materials and preparation of cost estimates and schedule of materials; (vi) allocation of duties and supervision of staff carrying out repairs and alteration of existing buildings; (vii) preparation of cost estimates and schedules of materials; and (viii) control of usage of materials on site. (i)

Duties and Responsibilities An officer at this level will be responsible for design, preparation of bills of quantities and detailing of structural and civil works drawings for various structures such as roads, sewerage, marine works, retaining walls and footbridges. Specic duties and responsibilities at this level include: (i) designing and preparing bills of quantities and detailing structural and civil works drawings for various structures such as roads, sewage, marine works, retaining walls and footbridges; training and supervising staff; checking drawings and bending schedules prepared by staff working under him/her and compiling work output, weekly output chart for structural assistants in the unit; co-ordinating digitization of drawing and management of plans, records and storage, retrieval and construction of information.

(ii) (iii)



Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.35,275 Ksh.42,877 p.m. (Job Group M) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) served for a minimum period of three (3) years in the grade of Senior Quantity Survey Assistant, Job Group L or in a comparable position in the Public Service: (ii) a diploma or a Technician Certicate Part III in any of the following elds: Quantity Survey, Building/Civil Engineering or comparable qualication from a recognized institution. (iii) attended a Supervisory Skills Course lasting not less than two (2) weeks in a recognized institution; (iv) knowledge of Government procedures; and (v) shown merit and ability as reected in work performance and results. Duties and Responsibilities Duties and responsibilities at this level include: (i) (ii) checking bills of quantities, specications and cost estimates for all projects; assisting in contract administration of all types of projects including valuation, site management, pre-contract documentation; contracts documentation and records; audit of nal accounts, preparation and checking of payment certicates; controlling, training and supervising staff working under him/her.


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.35,275 Ksh.42,877 p.m. (Job Group M) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Senior Superintendent (Electronics), Job Group L or comparable position in the Public Service; (ii) a diploma in Electronics Engineering or an Electronics Technician Certicate Part III or comparable qualication from a recognized institution; (iii) attended a Supervisory Skills Course lasting not less than two (2) weeks in a recognized institution and; (iv) shown merit and ability as reected in work performance and results. Duties and Responsibilities An officer at this level may be deployed in a unit/design office at headquarters or in a Region. Specic duties and responsibilities at this level include: (i) (ii) (iii) supervising inspections; maintaining electronics installation in public buildings and Government institutions; undertaking eld activities including surveys, report writing, installations, commissioning and acceptance of electronics equipment; assessing equipment performance and making recommendations where necessary for replacement of unserviceable equipment; supervise staff working under him/her; preparing design drawings and preparing estimates for electronic installation in consultations with an Electrical Engineer.

ASSISTANT ENGINEER II- TWO (2) POSTS V/No.132/2012 (For the Ministry of Lands)
Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.26,323 Ksh.31,996 p.m. (JG K) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) a Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering or comparable qualication from a recognized university; and (ii) been registered by the Engineers Registration Board of Kenya as a Graduate Engineer. Duties and Responsibilities Duties and responsibilities at this level include: (i) designing electrical/electronic engineering services in government buildings and construction works; and (ii) repairing and maintaining electrical/electronic installations in airports, waterworks, offices, workshops, conference complexes and other Government facilities.

(iii) (iv) (v)


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.35,275 Ksh.42,877 p.m. (Job Group M) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Senior Architectural Assistant, Job Group L or in a comparable position in the Public Service: (ii) a diploma or a Technician Certicate Part III in any of the following disciplines: Building/Civil Engineering, Architecture, or comparable qualication from a recognized institution. (iii) attended a Supervisory Skills Course lasting not less than two (2) weeks in a recognized institution and; (iv) wide knowledge and experience in preparation of drawings and management of drawings office; (v) knowledge of Government procedures; and (vi) shown merit and ability as reected in work performance and results. Duties and Responsibilities Specic duties and responsibilities at this level include: (i) supervision of the drawing office and the works on site;

Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.26,323 Ksh.31,996 p.m. (JG K) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering or comparable qualication from a recognized university; and (ii) been registered by the Engineers Registration Board of Kenya as a Graduate Engineer. Duties and Responsibilities Duties and responsibilities at this level include: (i) designing mechanical services in government buildings and construction works; and (ii) maintaining mechanical installations in airports, waterworks, offices, workshops, conference complexes and other government facilities.


(v) (vi)


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.35,275 Ksh.42,877 p.m. (Job Group M) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Senior Structural Assistant, Job Group L or in a comparable position in the Public Service;

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Duties and Responsibilities An officer at this level may be deployed to head a division at the Headquarters. Specic duties and responsibilities include: (i) (ii) overall organization of tourism programmes and activities and the efficient functioning of the Division; initiating formulation of Divisional Work Plans, nancial budgets, policy reviews and strategic plans related to tourism; liaising with relevant government departments in carrying out monitoring and evaluation exercise on tourism projects and programmes; tourism demand forecasting; developing and promoting new and emerging tourist markets; coordinating and promoting domestic and international tourism in various aspects; coordination and management of tourism marketing facilitation programmes pertaining to international organization; implementation of bilateral and multi-lateral tourism agreement/protocol; and serving as secretary to the Hotels and Restaurant Authority. (iii) disciplines:- Zoology, Entomology, Parasitology, or comparable qualications from a recognized university; a Master of Science degree in any of the following disciplines:- Zoology, Entomology, Parasitology, or comparable qualications from a recognized university; attended a Senior Management Course lasting not less than Four (4) weeks in a recognized Institution; and demonstrated a high degree of professional competence and administrative capability in Zoological policy implementation.


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.94,235 Ksh.120,270 p.m. (Job Group R) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Senior Assistant Director of Tourism, Job Group Q or in a comparable position in the wider Public Service; (ii) a Bachelors degree in any one of the following elds: Tourism, Environmental Science, Business Administration, Economics, Commerce, Sociology, Marketing, Geography or International Relations or any other equivalent qualications in a related eld from a recognized institution; and (iii) a Masters degree in any of the following elds: Tourism, Environmental Science, Business Administration, Economics, Commerce, Sociology, Marketing, Geography or International Relations; (iv) attended a Strategic Leadership Development Programme lasting not less than six (6) weeks in a recognized institution; (v) demonstrated professional competence in Tourism Management and gained managerial and administrative capability. Duties and Responsibilities Duties and responsibilities at this level include: deputizing and representing the Director in various forums; facilitating, coordinating and monitoring activities performed by all divisions for efficient functioning of the Department; (iii) undertaking special duties and programmes in the Tourism sector including; responding to critical issues and initiatives such as tourism safety concerns, crisis management and wildlife management policy implementation and reviews; (iv) coordinating tourism sustainability strategies and ensuring regular surveys on impact of tourism on economic growth; (v) coordinating preparation of tourism strategic plans; (vi) initiating tourism policy reviews and procedure, responding to parliamentary business, and preparing reports and briefs; (vii) coordinating local and foreign investment programmes in tourism; reviewing and implementation of bilateral and multi-lateral tourism agreement/protocols; (viii) maintenance of necessary linkages between the department and other tourism stakeholders such as parastatals and international organizations; (ix) being in charge of all administrative matters in the Department including staff establishment and development, training, coaching and mentoring; and (x) serving as secretary to the Hotels and Restaurant Appeals Tribunal. (i) (ii)

(iv) (v)


(iv) (v)

(vi) (vii)

Duties and Responsibilities An officer at this level may be deployed to head any of the following; a district; a eld experimentation station or a regional insect eradication programme within the country. The officer may also be deployed at the County Headquarters or a training institution or at the Ministry Headquarters. Specic duties and responsibilities include: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) designing and directing regional programmes; advocacy on human Trypanosomiasis and animal Trypanosomiasis; testing of insecticide persistence and ecological impact of pest control technologies; validation of pest control technologies; undertaking research in liaison with the other stake holders; development of work plans and budgets; and supervision, training and development of staff.


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.63,782 Ksh.81,404 p.m. (Job Group P) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the (i) grade of Principal Tourism Officer, Job Group N or in a comparable position in the Public Service; (ii) a Bachelors degree in any one of the following elds:Tourism, Environmental science, Business Administration, Economics, Commerce, Sociology, Geography or International Relations or any other equivalent qualications in a related eld from a recognized institution; (iii) a Masters degree in any of the following elds:- Tourism, Environmental Science, Business Administration, Economics, Commerce, Sociology, Geography or International Relations; (iv) attended a Senior Management course lasting not less than four (4) weeks in a recognized institution; (v) demonstrated professional competences in Tourism Management and gained managerial and administrative capability. Duties and Responsibilities Duties and responsibilities at this level include: deputizing the head of the division within the Tourism Department; (ii) liaising with Kenya Missions abroad and United Nations World Tourism Organization and other stakeholders, in matters related to tourism development and promotion; (iii) undertaking market surveys and other tourism research; preparing reports and briefs; (iv) coordinating and implementing tourism product development, diversication and sustainability of programmes; (v) coordinating and promoting activities for domestic, regional and international programs; (vi) overseeing the organization of international fairs, meetings, conferences and exhibitions; (vii) coordinating classication of hotels, restaurants and other tourist establishments and; (viii) maintaining linkage with tourism stakeholders such as parastatals and travel trade associations. (i)


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.63,782 Ksh.81,404 p.m. (Job Group P) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) served for a minimum period of, three (3) years at the grade of Principal Chemist/Analyst, Job Group N in the Public Service; (ii) a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from a recognized University. (iii) attended a Senior Management Course lasting not less than four (4) weeks in a recognized institution; (iv) excellent forensic, analytical presentation, interpersonal and communication skills; (v) skills in the use of modern computerized analytical equipment; (vi) strong leadership skills and be a results oriented team player; (vii) knowledge of the professional functions of the Government Chemist laboratories and ability to work under minimum supervision; and (viii) demonstrated a high degree of professional competence, administrative capacity and leadership qualities required for effective running of the laboratory service; Duties and Responsibilities Specic duties and responsibilities at this level include: (i) undertaking projects and research on techniques and methods used in chemical analysis; (ii) carrying out water quality and environmental pollution testing activities; (iii) preparing scientic reports; (iv) giving evidence in courts, and; (v) supervising and training staff working under him/her.


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.77,527 Ksh.98,947 p.m. (Job Group Q) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Assistant Director of Tourism, Job Group P or in a comparable position in the wider Public Service; (ii) a Bachelors degree in any one of the following elds: Tourism, Environmental Science, Business Administration, Economics, Commerce, Sociology, Marketing Geography or International Relations or any other equivalent qualications in a related eld from a recognized institution; (iii) a Masters degree in any of the following elds: Tourism, Environmental Science, Business Administration, Economics, Commerce, Sociology, Geography or International Relations; (iv) attended a Strategic Leadership Development Programme lasting not less than six (6) weeks in a recognized institution; demonstrated professional competences in Tourism (v) Management and gained managerial and administrative capability.


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.63,782 Ksh.81,404 p.m. (Job Group P) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) served for a minimum period of three (3) at the grade of Principal Zoologist, Job Group N in the Public Service; (ii) a Bachelor of Science degree in any of the following

Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.63,782 Ksh.81,404 p.m. (Job Group P) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Principal Water Research Officer, Job Group N for a minimum period of Three (3) years; (ii) a Bachelors degree in any of the following disciplines from a recognized university:

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Hydrology, Meteorology, Geology, Environmental Science, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering. OR a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics or Computer Science plus at least a post-graduate diploma in operational hydrology or hydrogeology. (iii) a Master of Science degree in any of the following disciplines: Hydrology, Meteorology, Geology, Environmental Science, Civil Engineering, Mechanical (v) Engineering, Mathematics or Computer Science from a recognized university; (iv) (v) attended a Senior Management Course lasting not less than four (4) weeks in a recognized institution; and shown merit and ability as reected in work performance and results. Duties and Responsibilities A Senior Principal Water Research Officer II will be responsible to the Senior Principal Water Research Officer l for cocoordinating and controlling professional activities relating to Water Research, Science and Technology in a particular Science eld/section existing within the Water Research Division; Specic duties and responsibilities include: (i) (ii) (iii) reviewing and updating water research, science and technology policies in the country; supervising and evaluating water research activities in his/ her eld of specialization; and co-ordinating and ensuring proper follow up strategies for water research. (v) (iv) (iii) (ii) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Senior Superintendent (Water), Job Group L or in a comparable position in the Public Service; attended a three (3) year technical course at Kenya Water Institute or in an equivalent institution and have obtained an Ordinary Diploma or Certicate in Water Technology or equivalent qualication; attended a Supervisory Skills Course lasting not less than two (2) weeks from a recognized institution; and acquired wide experience in the construction and maintenance of works; shown initiative, competence and ability in work planning, nancial control, interpretation of bills of quantities and knowledge of Government regulations, store procedures and supervision of personnel. Duties and Responsibilities Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.35,275 Ksh.42,877 p.m. (Job Group M) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Senior Superintendent (Mechanical), Job Group L or in a comparable position in the Public Service; (ii) (iii) (iv) a diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Automotive) or any other relevant qualication from a recognized institution; attended a supervisory Skills Course lasting not less than two (2) weeks in a recognized Institution; and shown professional competence and skills as reected in work performance and results. Duties and Responsibilities An officer at this level will be deployed in the central workshop and be responsible to the Principal Superintendent (Mechanical). Specic duties and responsibilities include: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) supervision of the design section; preparing tender documents, budget control and implementation of new working techniques; planning and co-ordinating technical operations in the workshop; and training, developing, and supervising staff under him/her. (ii) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Senior Superintendent (Water Engineering), Job Group L or in a comparable position in the Public Service; attended a three (3) year technical course at Kenya Water Institute or in an equivalent institution and have obtained an Ordinary Diploma or Certicate in Water Engineering or equivalent qualication; (iii) (iv) attended a Supervisory Skills Course lasting not less than two (2) weeks in a recognized institution; and Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.35,275 Ksh.42,877 p.m. (Job Group M) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Senior Water Bailiff, Job Group L in the Public Service; (ii) (iii) attended a Supervisory skills Course lasting not less than two (weeks) in a recognized Institution and; shown initiative, competence and administrative capabilities in managing legal matters related to water supplies and management; Duties and Responsibilities An officer at this level will assist the Principal Water Bailiff in the day to day running of the division. (iii) (ii) shown initiative, technical competence and administrative capabilities in work performance; Duties and Responsibilities The officer at this level will assist the Principal Superintendent (Water Engineering) on the day-to-day running of the design office and supervision of work on site; Specic duties and responsibilities include: (i) planning, designing, constructing and managing water and sewerage systems at all levels; and supervising, co-coordinating, organizing and scheduling work for all technical officers to ensure the smooth ow of materials and work at group or sectional levels; assisting in training and development of other technical staff. (i) (ii) (vi) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (i) (ii) (x) Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.35,275 Ksh.42,877 p.m. (Job Group M) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) administration of contracts, including checking on the estimate costs of new water projects; checking the adherence to specications and standards; ensuring that the work is progressing on schedule; and supervising complex water works development projects. (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (ix) The Chief Superintendent (Water) will be responsible to the Principal Superintendent (Water) for the running of water works programme and daytoday administration of the Division. Specic duties and responsibilities include: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.35,275 Ksh.42,877 p.m (Job Group M) (iv) Specic duties and responsibilities include: (i) (ii) (iii) providing legal advice to catchment boards; scrutinizing catchment boards minutes; supervising collected revenue from applicants, catchments boards and water Appointment Board and prosecuting cases under the Water act (Cap. 372); supervising, co-ordinating, organizing, and scheduling work for all officers under him; and assisting in the training and development of staff. Salary: Ksh.235,900 p.m. Terms of Service: Contract

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(Job Group T) Ksh. 80,000 Ksh. 20,000 Ksh. 24,000 Ksh. 15,600 Ksh. 60,000 Ksh. 65,000


Allowances payable House Allowance Leave allowance Commuter Allowance Domestic Servant Allowance Extraneous Allowance Entertainment Allowance

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) (ii) a Bachelors degree from a recognized university; a Professional Pilot License OR Airline Transport Pilots License OR Commercial Pilots license with Instrument and Twin Engine Rating; a minimum of one thousand (1000) hours ying experience; a certicate in aircraft accident investigation from a recognized training institution; a minimum of three (3) years experience in civil aircraft accident investigation; attended a Government Safety Inspectors (Flight Operations) Course or its equivalent; broad based knowledge of aviation to include considerable experience in an aviation related organization in a management level; and (viii) a certicate in management training from a recognized institution. OR a Bachelors degree from a recognized university; an Air Traffic Controllers License with Aerodrome, Approach, Approach Radar, Area Radar and Area Airways Control Ratings; a minimum of seven (7) years experience in Air Traffic Control; a certicate in aircraft accident investigation from a recognized training institution; a minimum of three (3) years experience in civil aircraft accident investigation; attended a Government Safety Inspectors (Flight Operations) Course or its equivalent; attended Airline Transport Pilot License Ground Course: broad based knowledge of aviation to include considerable experience in an aviation related organization in a management level: and a certicate in management training from a recognized institution. OR a degree in Aeronautical Engineering or a comparable qualication from a recognized university: a minimum of ve (5) years relevant aviation experience, which should include experience on large pressurized aircraft with maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of 5,700 kgs and above; a certicate in aircraft accident investigation from a recognized training institution; a minimum of three (3) years experience in civil aircraft accident investigation; attended a Government Safety Inspectors (Airworthiness) Course or its equivalent; broad based knowledge of aviation to include considerable experience in an aviation related organization in a management level: and a certicate in management training from a recognized institution. OR a Bachelors degree from a recognized university; an aircraft Maintenance Engineers License with ratings which include twin-engine aircraft of maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of 5,700 kgs and above and the relevant (viii) a current Private Pilots License;




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DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS ONE (1) POST (For the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) V/No. 146/2012
Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.94,235 Ksh.120,270 p.m. (Job Group R) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade of Senior Assistant Director of Public Communications, Job Group Q or in a comparable position in the Public Service; (ii) a Bachelors degree in any of the following disciplines: Mass Communication, Communication Studies, Information Science, Public Relations, International Relations, Journalism, Social Sciences or comparable qualication from a recognized university; (iii) a Masters degree in any of the following disciplines: Mass Communications, Communication Studies, Information Sciences, Public Relations, International Relations, Journalism, Social Sciences or any other approved equivalent qualications from a recognized university; (iv) attended a Strategic Leadership Development Programme lasting not less than six (6) weeks in a recognized Institution; (v) international Relations and Diplomacy skills; (vi) a clear understanding of the National Development goals, Vision 2030, Millennium Development Goals and the role of Public Communications in achieving of the same; (vii) strong leadership required at that level; (viii) oral and written communications skills in both English and Kiswahili; (ix) be of high integrity, motivated and team player; (x) advanced computer applications skills; and (xi) demonstrated a high degree of professional competence and managerial capability in public communications work. Duties and Responsibilities An officer at this level will head the Public Communications Division at the Ministry Headquarters. He/She will be responsible to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs for professional, administrative and operational matters relating to public communications in the Ministry; Specic duties and responsibilities at this level include: initiating/reviewing Public Communications Policy and designing appropriate programmes and infrastructure to facilitate its implementation; (ii) initiating research on various public communication issues and developing appropriate interventions; (iii) developing standards and regulations in the management of public communication functions; (iv) liaising with the Office of the Public Communications in identifying Government events that require packaging for dissemination to the media and the public; (v) preparing and organizing fora where Government policies, programmes and projects can be propagated and promoted; (vi) carrying out research based on both local and international press on possible causes of negative publicity on the Government and developing appropriate interventions; (vii) preparing media supplements, documentaries, press release/media features; and (viii) succession planning as well as ensuring training and development of public communications personnel. (i) (ii) additives and contaminants, microorganisms and toxins; familiarizing with food standards; familiarizing with clinical samples for diagnostic and forensic purposes, normal composition of drugs and environmental matter such as contaminants and pollutants.

type training certicates; (iii) a minimum of ve (5) years post qualication experience in the eld of aircraft maintenance, which should include experience on large pressurized aircraft; (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) a certicate in aircraft accident investigation from a recognized training institution; a minimum of three (3) years experience in civil aircraft accident attended a Government Safety Inspectors (Airworthiness) Course or its equivalent; broad based knowledge of aviation to include considerable experience in an aviation related organization in a management level: and (viii) a certicate in management training from a recognized institution. Duties and Responsibilities An officer at this level will be responsible to the Permanent Secretary for all Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigations. He/she will be the Head of the Air Accident Investigation Department in the Ministry of Transport.


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.26,323 Ksh.31,996p.m. (Job Group K) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) a Bachelor of Science degree in Zoology, Medical Parasitology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, and Epidemiology or comparable qualications from a recognized university; (ii) excellent communication and presentation skills; and (iii) prociency in computer applications. Duties and Responsibilities This is the entry grade for this cadre. Specic duties and responsibilities include: (i) collecting samples using appropriate parasitological procedures; (ii) undertaking appropriate sample processing, storage and transportation to the laboratory; (iii) carrying out appropriate laboratory diagnosis.


Terms of Service: Contract Salary: Kshs.219,700 p.m. (Job Group S) Allowances Payable Responsibility Allowance Ksh. 60,000 Commuter Allowance Ksh. 20,000 Extraneous Allowance Ksh. 35,000 Leave Allowance Ksh. 20,000 For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:a Bachelors degree in any discipline from a recognized (i) university; (ii) a professional Pilot License or its equivalent i.e. Airline Transport Pilots License or Commercial Pilots License with Instrument and Twin Engine Ratings; (iii) a minimum of ve hundred (500) hours ying experience; (iv) a certicate in aircraft accident investigation from a recognized training institution; and (v) broad based knowledge of aviation to include considerable experience in an aviation-related organization preferably in airline operations, ight operations or ight safety. N.B. A certicate in Government Safety Inspectors (Flight Operations) Course or its equivalent will be an added advantage. OR (i) a Bachelors degree in any discipline from a recognized university; (ii) an Air Traffic Controllers License with Aerodrome, Approach, Approach Radar, Area Radar and Area Airways control Ratings; (iii) a minimum of seven (7) years experience in Air Traffic Control; (iv) a certicate in aircraft accident investigation from a recognized training institution; and (v) broad based knowledge of aviation to include considerable experience in an aviation-related organization preferably in airline operations, ight operations or ight safety. N.B. A Private Pilots license and attendance of a Government Safety Inspectors (Flight Operations) Course will be an added advantage Duties and Responsibilities The Duties and responsibilities of Investigator in Chief include: (i) conducting, Accident Investigation assignments as the Investigator in Charge (IIC),compiling reports following investigations and making safety recommendations; (ii) representing Kenya as the Countrys accredited representative in accidents being conducted by other states outside Kenya; (iii) monitoring implementation of recommendations made following accident investigation by Kenya or any other State; (iv) monitoring implementation of ICAO Standards and recommended practices by Kenya Accident Investigation Department and making recommendations on review of the procedures manual as a result; (v) administration and development of Aircraft Accident Investigation and prevention programmes; (vi) developing and implementing training programmes for Accident Investigators; and (vii) advising the Director on Policy Matters affecting Aircraft Accident Services in the Country.


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.26,323 Ksh.31,996p.m. (Job Group K) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) a Bachelor of Science degree in Zoology, Medical Entomology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Laboratory Science or comparable qualication from a recognized university; (ii) excellent communication and presentation skills; and (iii) prociency in computer applications. Duties and Responsibilities This is the entry grade into this cadre. Specic duties and responsibilities include: (i) collecting of vectors using appropriate Entomological techniques; (ii) appropriate sampling, storage and transportation to the laboratory; (iii) recording of samples appropriately stored and data well entered in a database.


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.16,692 Ksh.20,289p.m. (Job Group H) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) a Kenya Certicate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade of C plain or its equivalent with at least a C plain in Biology or Biological Sciences, Chemistry or Physical Sciences, English or Kiswahili, and Mathematics or Physics; (ii) a Diploma in any of the following disciplines: Applied Biology, Medical Laboratory Technology, Analytical/Applied Chemistry, Food Science, Civil Engineering, Earth Science, or comparable qualication from a recognized institution; and (iii) excellent communication and presentation skills; Duties and Responsibilities This is the entry grade into the medical laboratory technologists cadre. Specic duties and responsibilities include simple analytical work and media maintenance of cultures of insects, bacteria, fungi or other laboratory animals.


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.26,323 Ksh.31,996p.m. (Job Group K) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Food Science and Technology, Biomedical Laboratory Technology, Laboratory Epidemiology or comparable qualication from a recognized university; (ii) excellent communication and presentation skills; and (iii) prociency in computer applications. Duties and Responsibilities This is the entry grade for this cadre. Specic duties and responsibilities include: (i) familiarizing with food standards, various analytical methods and procedures used for analysis of food such as, nutritional composition, micronutrients, chemical


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.21,304 Ksh.25,895p.m. (Job Group J) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) a Bachelors of Science degree in Chemistry or a comparable qualication from a recognized university; (ii) excellent communication and presentation skills; Duties and Responsibilities This is the entry grade into the Chemists cadre. An officer at this level will undergo on the job training under supervision of a more experienced officer. Specic duties include carrying out simple laboratory assignments and experiments.

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DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

issues in a District or in a Land Administration Division at the Headquarters. Specic duties and responsibilities include: (i) considering and recommending applications for large capital investment projects, change of user and extension of leases in consultation with the relevant authorities and stakeholders; inspecting district land offices to ensure adherence and conformity to relevant regulations and status; sanctioning acceptance of letters of allotment; supervising and preparing of titles and surrenders; and endorsing deeds of variation on rectication on titles.


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.89,748 Ksh.120,270 p.m. (SLG 6) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the (i) grade of Senior Principal Litigation Counsel, SLG 5 in the Department of Civil Litigation or in a comparable position in the Public Service; a Masters degree in Law or any other social science from a (ii) recognized university; (iii) attended a Strategic Leadership Development Programme lasting not less than six (6) weeks in a recognized institution; (iv) integrity and commitment to produce results; (v) creativity, innovativeness, technical problem solving, resource management competence and administrative and supervisory skills; (vi) demonstrated planning and organizational skills; (vii) willingness to accept responsibilities for own actions and outcomes; and (viii) demonstrated administrative professional competence at that level. Duties and Responsibilities Duties and responsibilities at this level include: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) administration of the Civil Registry; conducting cases for and on behalf of Government Ministries/Departments and State Corporations; allocation of case les; being responsible for the ling of memoranda of appearance in all suits against the Government, State Corporations or those given legal aid when summons require such appearance; and undertaking arbitrations and research.

LIBRARIAN - TWO (2) POSTS V/No.167/2012

Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.26,323 Ksh.31,996 p.m. (JG K) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: a Bachelors degree in Library Studies OR Information (i) Science or comparable qualication from a recognized university; and a Certicate in Computer Applications. (ii) Duties and Responsibilities Duties and responsibilities at this level include: indexing and abstracting journal articles; (i) operating Current Awareness Service (CAS); (ii) (iii) editing reports, newsletters and other publications; and (iv) selecting and purchasing information and other research materials in consultation with professionals and researchers.

(ii) (iii) (iv) (v)


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.26,323 Ksh.31,996 p.m. (JG K) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: a Bachelors degree in Land Surveying and Photogrammetry, (i) Geomatics, Geomatics Engineering, Technology in Geomatics, Technology in Geo-informatics, Geo-spatial Engineering, or Philosophy in Technology (Survey) from a recognized institution; and a Certicate in computer applications (ii) Duties and Responsibilities Duties and responsibilities at this level include carrying out angular distance measurements and computation for medium and high density topographical, general engineering, sub-divisional schemes, medium area cadastral and photo control surveys.


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.16,692 Ksh.20,289 p.m. (JG H) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: a Kenya Certicate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean (i) grade of C plain or an equivalent qualication with at least a C plain in either Mathematics, English or Kiswahili; a Diploma in Library Science or comparable qualication (ii) from a recognized institution; and (iii) Prociency in Computer Applications. Duties and Responsibilities Duties and responsibilities at this level include: preparing materials for binding; (i) arranging shelves; (ii) (iii) providing reference services to readers; (iv) lling catalogue cards and press cuttings; and (v) charging and discharging Library materials.

Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.16,692 Ksh.20,289 p.m. (JG H) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: a Diploma in Land Surveying from a recognized institution; (i) and a Certicate in computer applications. (ii) Duties and Responsibilities Duties and responsibilities at this level include carrying out angular and distance measurements and computation for small density topographical, site engineering, general boundary, and photo control surveys.


STATE COUNSEL II ONE (1) POST V/No.161/2012 (For Ofce of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Local Government)
Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.30,472 Ksh.40,835 p.m. (SLG 1) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: a Bachelor of Laws Degree (LLB) from a recognized (i) university; a Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies from Kenya (ii) School of Law; (iii) been admitted as an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya Duties and Responsibilities This is the entry grade for this cadre. The officer will work under a senior and more experienced officer in the performance of Legal duties pertaining to the Ministry.


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.8,819 x 438 Ksh.9,721 p.m. (Job Group D) For appointment to this grade a candidate must have: Kenya Certicate of Secondary Education mean grade of (i) D plain or its equivalent qualication from a recognized institution; a valid driving license free from any current endorsement (s) (ii) for class(es) of vehicles an officer is required to drive; attended a First Aid course lasting not less than (1) week (iii) at St. John Ambulance or Kenya Institute of Highway and Building Technology (KIHBT) or any other recognized institution; (iv) passed Suitability Test for Driver Grade III; (v) a valid Certicate of Good Conduct from the Kenya Police; and (vi) at least two (2) years driving experience. NOTE: Candidates will be required to undergo a practical test for drivers to be conducted by the Commission.


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.16,692 Ksh.20,289 p.m. (JG H) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: a Diploma in Cartography from a recognized institution; and (i) a Certicate in computer applications. (ii) Duties and Responsibilities Duties and responsibilities at this level include drawing survey and deed plans, small area boundary schedules and small area preliminary index diagrams.


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.40,835 Ksh.49,636 p.m. (JG N) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: served for a minimum period of three (3) years at the grade (i) of Chief Land Administration Officer, Job Group M in the Public Service; attended a Senior Management Course lasting not less than (ii) four (4) weeks in a recognized institution; and (iii) shown merit, administrative ability and technical competence in handling land administrative matters. Duties and Responsibilities An officer at this level will be in charge of land administration


Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.16,692 Ksh.20,289 p.m. (JG H) For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: (i) a Diploma in Archives and Records Management from a recognized institution; and (ii) a Certicate in computer applications. Duties and Responsibilities Duties and responsibilities at this level include receiving, registering and indexing geospatial data from public and private producers.

Duties and Responsibilities This is the entry grade into the drivers cadre. Duties and responsibilities at this level include; (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) driving a motor vehicle as authorized; carrying out routine checks on the vehicles cooling, oil, electrical and brake systems, tyre pressure, etc; detecting and reporting malfunctioning of vehicle systems; maintenance of work tickets for vehicles assigned; ensuring security and safety for the vehicle on and off the road; safety of the passengers and/or goods therein; and maintaining cleanliness of the vehicle.


56 |

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012


Extension of closing date for Pre-qualification and Insurance Tender for Financial year 2012-2013 CARE Kenya hereby extends the closing dates for the following tenders to Monday 21st May 2012: 1. Prequalification for goods and services for Financial year 2012-2013 2. Tender for provision of Insurance services for Financial year 20122013 Detailed tender documents can be downloaded from: Completed tender documents should be submitted in plain sealed envelopes, clearly marked with correct tender description, Tender Number and addressed to: The Tender Committee CARE Kenya P.O. BOX 43864 NAIROBI. Tender documents submitted after 11.00 am , Monday 21st May, 2012 shall not be accepted.

TAI SACCO SOCIETY LTD is a large SACCO and licensed by SASRA as a deposit taking Sacco to carry its operations in the Republic of Kenya. It seeks to recruit a dynamic and suitably qualified professional to the below listed post. INTERNAL AUDITOR (1 POST) KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Prepares the audit plans. Reviews suitability of internal controls Determine compliance with policies and procedures, by laws and other laws. Verbally communicate findings to senior management and prepare comprehensive, complete reports on the audit area. Establish risk based audit programs. Conduct value for money audits. Reports professionally to the audit committee and administratively to the C.E.O. Perform any other duties that may be assigned. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Be at least a CPA (K). Working experience of at least five years Proficiency in MS office packages and working experience in a computerized environment. Be between 35 and 40 years Experience in a Sacco Society will be an added advantage. KEY SKILLS AND COMPETENCE Strong analytical, written / verbal communication, interpersonal and relationship building skills Systems knowledge and familiarity Must be target driven and have Ability to work in team environment Manage work flow to ensure quality and efficiency (meet deadlines) Be flexible in adjusting to changing working environment. It is imperative that the incumbent must be flexible regarding hours of employment and must be able adapt to change quickly and multi task. If you meet the above qualifications please send your application with detailed CV with at least three referees and day time telephone contact to the address shown below. Your application to reach us on or before 25th May 2012. Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. For more information visit THE CHAIRMAN, TAI SACCO SOCIETY LIMITED P.O. BOX 718, GITHUNGURI





Tenders are invited for the Supply, Delivery and Provision of Framework Contracts to Government Departments and Institutions within Machakos County on, as and when required basis during 2012-2013 financial year ending 30th June 2013. Supply and delivery of Dry Foods, Fruits, Veg etables and Miscellaneous Foodstuffs Supply and delivery of Meat, Chicken, and Eggs Supply and Delivery of Farm inputs, Animal feeds and Veterinary drugs 4. MKS/COU/4/2012-2013 Supply and delivery of Fuel, Oils, Lubricants, Gas and Wood fuel. Supply and delivery Tyres and Tubes 5. MKS/COU/5/2012-2013 6. MKS/COU/6/2012-2013 Supply and delivery of Motor Vehicle Batteries 7. MKS/COU/7/2012-2013 Supply and delivery of Detergents and Cleaning materials 8. MKS/COU/8/2012-2013 Supply and delivery of Natural Building materials and Cement 9. MKS/COU/9/2012-2013 Supply and delivery of Stationery and Assorted Toner Cartridge 10. MKS/COU/10/2012-2013 Supply and delivery of Hardware materials, Tools and plastic water tanks 11. MKS/COU/11/2012-2013 Supply and delivery of pipes and Fittings. 12. MKS/COU/12/2012-2013 Supply and delivery of Electrical materials 13. MKS/COU/13/2012-2013 Supply and delivery of Timber/paint 14. MKS/COU/14/2012-2013 Supply and delivery of (1) Nile Tilapia finger lings (2) Pond liners Treated low Density polyethylene (32m by 12m UV-LDPE) with a thickness of (0.5m) 15. MKS/COU/15/2012-2013 Supply and delivery of Uniform and Materials for uniform. 16. MKS/COU/16/2012-2013 Provision of Security Services 17. MKS/COU/17/2012-2013 Provision of Transportation Services and Warehouses (Mwala and Matungulu) 18. MKS/COU/18/2012-2013 Supply and delivery of Firefighting Equipment (Kangundo and Matungulu) 19. MKS/COU/19/2012-2013 Supply and delivery of Sport Uniforms and Equipments 20. MKS/COU/20/2012-2013 Supply and delivery of Seedlings, Manure and Red soil 21. MKS/COU/21/2012-2013 Supply and delivery of Office Equipment, Computers, Printers and their Accessories (Mwala and Matungulu) 22. MKS/COU/22/2012-2013 Supply and delivery of Non Pharmaceuticals, Laboratory chemicals and reagents (Matungulu/ Mwala) 23. MKS/COU/23/2012-2013 Hire of Hotels for Provision of A. Meals and Accommodation B. Meals for suspects held in custody (Kangundo and Matungulu) 24. MKS/COU/24/2012-2013 Pre-qualification of Contractors for Repair and Service of Office Machines, Computers and Photocopiers 25. MKS/COU/25/2012-2013 Pre-qualification of Contractors for Repair and service of G.K Vehicles, Motor Cycles, Plant and Machinery. 26. MKS/COU/26/2012-2013 Pre-qualification of Contractors for Supply and Delivery of Spare parts for G.K Vehicles, Motor Cycles, Plant and Equipment 27. MKS/COU/27/2012-2013 Pre-qualification of Contractors of Building works Pre-qualification of Contractors for Water and 28. MKS/COU/28/2012-2013 Irrigation work and Drilling of Boreholes 29. MKS/COU/29/2012-2013 Supply and delivery of Hair Dressing and Beauty Therapy materials and equipment 30. MKS/COU/30/2012-2013 Provision of Works for Maintenance and Renovation of Government Houses 31. MKS/COU/31/2012-2013 Sale of Government Boarded Vehicle, Equipment and other miscellaneous stores Tender documents with detailed specifications may be obtained from the office of the respective District Procurement Offices within the county upon payment of a non refundable fee of Ksh. 2,000 (Two Thousand shillings) in cash at the respective District Treasury OR Cheque payable to the District Commissioner, of the respective District. 2. MKS/COU/2/2012-2013 3. MKS/COU/3/2012-2013 Interested bidders MUST attach Certificate Copies of VAT & PIN Certificate of Business Registration and /or Incorporation Certificate. Price quoted MUST be net inclusive of all applicable taxes and costs and must remain valid for 120 days from the closing date of tender. Bidders interested in Tender Nos. MKS/COU/27/2012-2013 MUST be registered with the Ministry of Public Works as contractors for Buildings. Those interested in tender No. MKS/COU/28/2012-2013 MUST be registered with the Ministry of Water and Irrigation. Completed tender documents put in plain sealed enveloped clearly marked, Tender No., should be deposited in the Tender Box situated at the respective District Commissioners office so as to reach him on or before 12th June 2012 at 11.00am. Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of bidders representatives who chose to attend at the respective District Commissioners Boardroom. HEAD, SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR: DISTRICT COMMISIONERS MACHAKOS COUNTY 1. MKS/COU/1/2012-2013

HEAD OFFICE Narshi Hse, 3rd flr, Moktar Daddah St Opp. Jevanjee Gardens P.O Box 7102-00100 Nrb.Tel: 2213078, 020 2068912 | Telefax: 2247674 E-mail: | Branch Office: Kajiado Main Street next to K.C.B

Duly instructed by our principals (the financiers) we shall sell by public auction the under mentioned motor vehicle on Saturday 26th May 2012 at Kyevaluki Services Limited starting from 11.00am. NO. REG.NO 1. KBP 503V MAKE/MODEL JMC BOARDING PICK UP YOM 2010 TO BE VIEWED AT KYEVALUKI SERVICES LIMITED, OLD AIRPORT ROAD, BEHIND MOMBASA MAIZE MILLERS. KYEVALUKI SERVICES LIMITED, OLD AIRPORT ROAD, BEHIND MOMBASA MAIZE MILLERS.


KBL 531B





AUCTION VENUE: KYEVALUKI SERVICES LIMITED, OLD AIRPORT ROAD, BEHIND MOMBASA MAIZE MILLERS. VIEWING CAN BE DONE AT KYEVALUKI SERVICES LIMITED DURING NORMAL WORKING HOURS CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All interested buyers are requested to view and verify the vehicles condition as the Auctioneers or our principles do not warrant these, as the units are being offered for sale on as-is where is basis. 2. A refundable deposit of Kshs.100,000/= to be paid at our office to obtain a bidding number. Please note that there will be no bidding whatsoever without a bidding number. 3. Strictly cash or bankers cheque at the fall of the hammer. 4. Other terms and conditions available on our catalogue. ALL ARE WELCOME

Tenders are invited from reliable, established and competent companies for the supply of : TWO TRUCKS 12T PAYLOAD Conditions are stated in the tender documents Tenders to be submitted by Wednesday, May 22nd 2012 Tender documents are available as download under

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012


58 | Transition

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

Classieds 59
A571 Hotels
RETAIL/Rest POS 0721705216 SACCO Software 0717712317 Website 5k .com host 1k 0724600493

A109 Lost
LOST Passport number G36551208
Zhang Tao. Call 0701188889

B085 For Sale, Private

Alfa Romeo 98 sports mn0711840442

A116 Marriage
LIFE partner sms LOVE to 4804 ASIANS/WHITE sms 0714133500 CHEATING partner ? for concrete
evidence & counselling 0722795671

A829 Domestic Appliances


ua cheating wife/ spyweb 0722542937

A-GLORY Palace Hotel Special offer

Vig-RX for men size 1,500/= Viguor & Power Plus 200/= USA Maxman Mens size 1,800/ Slimming Belts for Tummy Trimmer & Beer Belly Breast Firming & Enlarging Hip & Thigh Booster & Weight Gain Wild Growth Hair Oil USA V-Drops Dildos & Rabbits Lose 5kg in wks ORIGINAL

SPY ur spouse by phone 0729-299595

A123 Prayers / Retreat

PRAYERS to get jobs, spouse, money ,
visa, & HIV, etc Prophet 0723104113

A167 Acupuncture
Stop Smoking 3744885,0737540562,0721170217 0737540562, 0721170217

Kshs 1500 p.p with B/fast conference facilities available at 750/- p.p inclusive of 10am&4pm tea 50-100 pax 0733954682, 0708243199, 0789153345 GLORY Apartments 2 bedroom s/dining fully furnished 3000/= per day 0726427267 0733954682 Krishna NAKURU Blue Bay Hotel Exc. Rms B/B Tel. 0726302969

Exec. rms b/b Tel: 0723-218090
020 5004401 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 8 020 2194401 / 2 / 3 0734 440444 / 0721 378629

A244 Herbal Medicine
HARDROCK erection 0707988561

AFTER Delivery Firming 3749529, ALLERGIES and Asthma 3745861,

0737540562, 0721170217

A684 Car Cleaning

A265 Medical

A878 Mobile Phones

CLEARANCE sale Iphone 4S, HTC
sensation 4G Bberry 9900 0704990995

HIGHBLOOD Pressure 3745861,

0737540562, 0721170217


Related Disorders 3741179,0737540562, 0721170217

PHONE repairs call 0722-400062

A181 Beauty
0723408602@Mombasa mens delay gel 0723408602@mombasa mens maxman 0723408602 @ mombasa mens VigrX

A906 Secondhand
C HARCOAL Oven, Proover, Cooling
rack, Tray, Tin. asking 200K 0722784416

B001 Livestock A857 Furniture

FRESIAN milking and heifers 4 sale

A188 Counselling
life consultant and problems 0708-865180 other 3741179 0733-718337 0722-242243

B008 Othr
FISH Farming: Tilapia Fingerlings Pond
Construction Consultancy 0722904693 WELL drill 4hire @10k 0722890813


PROPHECIES & Prayers 0722696054 STOP Suffering in silence 0716563222

A279 Notices
(incorporated in Kenya)
Head office: P.O. Box 30059 00100 GPO Nairobi LOSS OF POLICY

A202 Entertainment
PRO PA 4 wedding MC DJ training
Iment hse rm 8B 0721-902028 Njoro

B015 Poultry


B686 Agricultural Produce
BEE Hives & Equip 0722-721-677

IMPORTED auto incubators 264,

880,1056 & 2112 eggs 0722851228

SPAGSHOW Club 0707-842505 TOYS Call 0729 248 004

A230 Health
0202245564( 0202245564 Shark caps, delay/size 0700146392mens power & size 1500/= 0715471994 men size, delay, stamina 0723408602@ Mba ladies hip booster 0723408602 Black gold caps power 2k 0723408602 Eagles caps for delay @2k 0723408602 Maxman 100% 2k 0723408602 Original Tiger size caps 0723408602 Rockhard instant@200 0723408602 Vigrx big-size @1500 0724989840mens size,power stamina

POLICY 37004750 in the name of PATRICK MUTHAMA KILONZO APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issue of duplicate of the above-numbered policy, the original having been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the Company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the contract. Dated the 15TH MAY, 2012 DAVID KOIGI OFFICER (CLAIMS)

B049 Car Hire
0704-267715 4hire cars + Rav + Voxy 0713685155 Noahs 4 hire 0715599430 new cars @ 2,500/= pd 0716355145 Car for hire at 1500pd 0721-144998 New NZE 1500/0721588378 2500 new 24hours 0721- 775327 cars wanted 35 to45K 0722169877 Cars wtd 4 50-150k pm 0722-212628 new cars 2500 0722-928124 cars wtd 4 50-160K pm AUTO Eden Rent a Car - Special offers
Landcruisers, Prados, 9 to 47 seater buses, Lemousines, Range Rover and more Call 0723719444, 0733758503, 0708243199, 2218143 Mr. Bashir

A822 Computers
WEB hosting, unlimited space, emails, free domain @ 2900/ year, 0721500500

PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT CAP 286 EXTENSION OF USER The owner of plot LR No. 7785/70 off Ruaka Road - Runda, wishes to extend User to include a guest wing (The total area of the plot is 1.3 acres). The existing house (will be based on 1/2acre and the extension will be based on 1/2acre). Individuals or Institutions with objections Should forward such objections in writing Within (14) fourteen days to the: The Town Clerk City Council of Nairobi P.O. Box 30075 Nairobi

A871 Miscellaneous
40FT container panelled fitted wired
painted call 0725-505229


auto & manuals Ex-uk 2005 KBR vvti frm 1.35M 0721210088

CONTAINERS for sale 0722712877

BENZ C180 03 v/c 1.4M 0722736597 BENZ C200 680k local 0722416796 BENZ truck 64 2634 28Ft body

ETR/ESD (KRA) & CCTV 0712-076720 ETR(KRA) Approved 0726-106253 ETR (Moi avenue Rahimtulah building
1st floor Rm16 0712097340 opp TSC

BMW 318i 2units 485k 0722709719 BMW 520i 05 auto v/c 0711840442 BMW E90 6speed 2006 Kshs
2,650,000. 0705136364

A286 Personal
INSTANT luck rings 0725092428

ETR-KRA approved 0724523434 GREAT sale IBM base units 2.8 512
40 @6000 LG 15 TFT @ 5500 HP/Belina @ 6500 call Tel 0722799690. Visit Sonalux hse grd flr

B15 & Probox needed l/term 0721261236 CAR hire 0720308752 , 0723973677 CAR HIRE 0725-788273, 0702447440 CARS for Hire Tel. 0721-954678 CARS wanted 50 to 150k 0723541853 CLEAN Toy 110 required for long
lease 0712-053735

BMW X3/X5 choice of 10 0722-420866 BMW X5 04 0722767752

A300 Psychic
BANDA star reading 0725-092428 BP treatment in 10Wks 0715383054 CD4 Boost by 100% in 8wks 0714467776 DESIRE long healthy hair? 0722101823 DESIRE to burn fats fast? 0722101823 DESIRE to gain weight fast? 0722101823 DIABETES cured 8wks 0715383054 MENS big size & confidence 0726272266 MENS instant hardrock 200/- 0726272266 MENS vigrx & maxman 0725-218027 PARKLANDS Pedi 0722763034 Pattaya Herbal Healthy 0722355757 PRO-EXTENDER machine (USA)

MERU cottages near 3 steers, hot
water, parking 0725744829

LAPTOP HP1.6duo@20K 0722283796 LAPTOPS from 15/35K 0727649965 PAYROLL Software 0717712317

FIELDER 1500/24HRS 0721749320 PAULSON Tours & Travel need well

maintained cars for lease. We pay upfront Tel 0202161668/33/43 Box 8946-00200

A557 Apartments Available

ARROW Furn apts 2726833/2728710 MONTHLY Serviced apartments

PICK-UPs 4hire Call 020-2508659 PREMIO 10DAYS 10K 0711413477 REGENCY Limousines, new cars
CCTV CAMERA SCANNERS Suppliers of: - Barcode scanners and printers - Thermal receipt printers & tax registers - Mobile receipt printers - Card printers and cash drawers - Money detectors and bill counters - Weighing scales ALSO AVAILABLE POS SOFTWARES, E.S.D (electronic signature device) and CCTV CAMERAS AT UNBELIEVABLE PRICES.

Prados, M/buses, salon cars. Call 0733521827, 0718423155,0713692779 @ 70k & Prado @ 150k p/m 4 long term lease. Westlands 0722379197, 0203521741

choice of 4, Red/Silver/Black 1.6cc/2.0cc, Auto, Leather

VICTOR Safaris & tours wants Rav4 No water / electricity outage 0722344778

BUS UD mk KAT 1.8m 0721963480 BUY a car pay 15 months installments

call 0721816574 or 0734783909

SELF service furnished apartments in

Nakuru & Nairobi 0732329249

B077 For Sale, Dealers

T/VITZ 05. 710k- 0712415222 WE Advance cash and sell your car in
14days Tel 0714970635

CALDINA blue 650k BJ 0725703105 CALDINA KBN Silver 18cc 2003

Ksh 850,000 Tel 0725732304

for size, 100% guarantee 0722-506355 Visit:

A564 Hostels
CITY Modern Hostel 0722256345


CRV KBB mnl 585k 0722212564 Daihatsu Terios4wd485k0711840442

60 | Classieds
KBA 470k

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

NISS Sylphy KBR/T 730K 0727944431 NIS Wingroad 03/4 590k 0711840442 NIS Xtrail 02/03/04 0720-831744 NIS xtrail KBN 1.3m 0722784395 N-XTRAIL BR 1.55M 0723935518 NZE KBJ Tel. 0705607474,
0732392437 600,000/=

DEMIO KBR 04 560K. 0732501330 Discovery td5 04 2.45m 0724588925 Discovery td-v6 04/06 0725104903 FAW Tipper BM 280hp 25t 0722764293 FIBREGLASS Bodies 0725799884 FIELDER KBR 04 930K. 0732501330 FORD Ranger KBP 1.75 0721628841 GOLF KBQ 1600cc 1.1m 2004
alloyrims fully loaded 0722288433 H/Fit blue 2005 1.3L 0725726606 HONDA crv auto 590k 0721417135.

PAJERO io KBA auto 0725798667 PEU 306 03 vc EFi 290K 0722111816 PEUG 504 p/up diesel 0722519155 PEUGEOT 406 British model 480K
call 0725-505229

HYUNDAI Accent K265 0722702188 ISUZU BB 4.3 PSV. 0731862344 ISUZU CXZ KBH lowbody one
owner long chase excellent condition 0722800450 ISUZU Direct v/clean 0733978032

PRADO 05lc5 black 0722701602 RANGEROVER House KBR 4.5M

ono 0713063976 RANGE Rovers Vogue/ sport 2004/ 2010 all models 3/10m 0722-420866 RANGE Vogue diesel BR 0720791992

ISUZU Dmx s/dmge KBK 0733892536 ISUZU FRR Bus Tel 0713662209 ISUZU NKR KBN 2.5M 26seater
0722114208 0722374276

RAV4 04/05 auto/ man 0722-228273 RENAULT Megane Toyota engine

UK import 350k call 0725-505229

JEEP chkee 4x4 650k 0722212564 KBB HD Mits 2007 CB Ksh. 2.2m tel:

0720818066 KLUGER KBJ 1.45 V series 02 petrol grey sports rims tinted 0722776863 L/Cruiser p/ups 94-04 0724588925 L/ROVER 110 KAK dsl 1.2M 0736469303 L /ROVER 90 diesel KAM: 950,000 & also KBQ 04 3.2m 0720791992 L /ROVER discovery TD5 KBE 2003 sunroof auto 2.5m 0722-420866 L/Rover TDi 110 s/wagon 0724588925

S/ESC KBK man 1.4m 0733886494 S/impreza KBQ 770k 0720214454 S/LEGACY salvage KBH 0722594570 SPACIO KAZ slver 470k 0721825673 SUB/Forester 00 KAZ 580K 0722588890 SUBARU Impreza WRX KBJ manual
f/loaded 899K 0722/0733-515430 SUBARU Leon (2) 4WD from Ksh 150k 0721210088 SUB Impreza saloon 380k 0727464775 SUB Legacy 04 1.1m 0720346533 SUB Leone s/w KAJ 320k 0722709719

T/Premio KAT a/t 99 440k 0724268552 T/Premio KAZ a/t 00 470k 0710746831 T/premio KBE@ 600k 0721638971 T/premio n/s KBJ 900k 0736278684 T/Probox manual 05 KBR 0721424487 T/PROBOX silver 05 KBR 0727596051 T/Probx BQ GL 655k silver 0717070411 T/Rav4 KAU yr 98 640K 0722377689 T/Rav4 KAY auto clean 0721502420 T/Spacio BA vc 520k owner 0721329314 T/Vitz KBC alloys 440k 0722980065 T/VX 2002 KBK 3.7M 0733748783 T/Wish Grey 05 1.06m 0721625635 T.D/Cab 00-09 3choices 0725104903 T.L/Cruiser h/tops 95-06 0725104903 T.NZE 05 KBR 0722568399. 990K T.Probox (2)KBR 05 659k 0714805753 T.VOXY 05 KBP 0722568399. 940K T.WISH KBR 1.08m 0722568399. T/110 KAW auto 430k 0722781954 T-110 KAZ v/c 490k 0722330950 T/FIELDER 1M KBR 0774028001 TIPPER Truck Scania d/steering gd T Kluger 04 BQ 2.1m 0734460819
working cond. 5.4M neg 0717-295952


Probox BR white yr04 auto 1.5cc 585K 0722846859 owner TOYOTA Rav4 4wd manual 2006 KBR Ex-uk 1.95M 0721210088 TOYOTA Rav4 KBB Ksh 800,000 0722301494 TOYOTA Starlet KAP blue manual v/clean 320K 0751894685 Shah TOY P/box, NZE, Premio, Fielder, IST new & used dep frm 300k blnc financed call Afri 0722494574 TOY Prado box auto/man 0727464775 TOY Prado tx 99 1.5m 0727464775 TOY Premio KAW 0722-391029 475K TOY Probox 05 KBR 650,000 dep 250,000 bal 18months 0711971952 TOY Raum BP 04 820k 0720791992 TOY Rav4 Black sunrf KBR 2005 alloy 2.0cc CD 1.95M 0723369505 TOY Rav4 KBF silver auto v/clean 1.1M 0751894685 Shah TOY Shark/QD/Probox/NZE/Premio/ Fielder/ Wish/ Harrier & many more dep 250-900k bal 12-36 months 0720-616300, , 0710-260436
07146-27051 Call now!

0700747454 mpesa & shop att rq 0700903420 Ngo rq off/ass & drivers 0701190267 NGO rq 10 cashiers 0704813200 shop att&mpesa att rq 0705609927 8long dist drivers&t/boy 0706498595 recep, mpesa& shop att 0707152938 NGO cashiers&clnrs 0708445252 New hotel rq all staffs 0716568240 a new supermarket req

Sales & Marketing Manager to sell

roasted coffee/water send c.v to


waitresses, counter ladies, barbers (ladies) needed urgently. 0725-140554 or email:

TEACHERS needed, untrained or

trained for Sec Sch at Thika.Send qualifications & salary via sms to 0739199981

8att 10cashiers 40 office asst reception 7drivers 0700472453 6DRIVERS/ Turnboys rq 0707535921

Experienced PSV Bus drivers reqiured for a reputable bus company. Attractive package available. Do you have the following qualities? Over 5 yrs experience, Patience, Honesty, Integrity, Commitment, Courtesy, Value for life. Carry the following: DL, ID, PSV, PIN original and copies


If you have, call: 0722 522400, 0729 125084, 0702 133108

TOWNACE 750k GL&DX 0722304441 TOWNace 05 BR 0722568399. 790k TOWN ace BL diesel auto 0722246949

TOY Shark 580k 4wd v/c 0721628841 TOY Shark 5L KBB 2000 0722765327 Toy Surf 05 f/l, KBR 2.52M 0724 148261 TOY Surf KAY 600 0722291932 TOY Townace petrol KBR yr 2005
780,000 dep 280k 0711971952

A Germany linked firm has 42 vacant

positions in sales cal 0725015648 Nrb 0717504170 Bngoma 0720362950 kisii 0714212461 Nyhururu 0706269818 Nyk must be Frm 4 & abv No experience needed BARLADIES pretty, slim and outgoing wanted. Please come Friday 18th at 10: 30am at Thalassa Restaurant & Lounge, new Nyali bridge, Mombasa. BISMATT supermkt att: 0706589100


GL KBQ 2005 v/c petrol 805k neg f/loaded 0722984390

LEXUS 04/05 0720-831744 LIAN MOTORS- 0735-999989

3MERC C180 silv&blue yr 05 BR 1.85m MERC E220 CDI KBRsilver yr 05 2.9m MERC C230 blue yr 05 KBR 2.2m SUB Impreza yr 05 KBR silver 840k TOY Prado diesel yr 04 BR blue 3.55m TOY Avensis 1.8cc yr 05 BR sil 1.35m M/BENZ C180 00 auto 0727464775



TOY/Platz KBC @300k 0733824015 TOY 100 KAJ 265k 0710163177 TOY 100 KAM 300k v/c 0728658666 TOY 104 KAT accident free Kshs
470,000 tel 0721717675 TOY 110 '98' 440k 0727501984 TOY 110 99 clean 0721870162

TOY Vista 2001 KBC 0727-450601 TOY/WISH KBQ Blac 1.1M


T. Passo 04 BR 650 Blue O722851597 Track Car, Stop engine by sms, No

more vehicle theft, @ 19k only! 0722379954 Tractors MF135/385/290 0722866735 T/SHAK KAR 0729835915 kisii

VOLUNTEERS (goodpay) sms ur

phone no. 0726896596

WWW.Jiokoe.Biz kazi kwa wote

M/BENZ E200 211 2.25m 0722736597 M/BENZ E240 02 2.1m 0719490444 MAZDA Dem 00 v/c 470K 0713669630 MAZDA demio 04 590k 0721417135 MERC 300se auto 500k 0720791992 MERC benz BK v/c 1.28m 0718910208 MERCBENZ E230 KAK round light
v/clean 880K local 0721212789

2003, Petrol, 03 choice of 2 Auto..2.25M from 1.65M MERC C180/C200, 04/05 from 1.8M MERC S320, 04 2M SUB LEGACY/OUTBACK,04,from 1.3M NIS NAVARA, outaw, 06 2.3M CALDINA 04 960K TOY 100 390K 540K NISSAN MARCH 04 MAZDA DEMIO 04 630K MERC E200 01/05 choice of 6, 1M CRV Honda 05 Kbs 1.98M WRX Subaru 04 choice of 2, 1.35M VW Polo 05 950K Mits Lancer 03 380K

TOY 110 KAP 96 v/c 390K 0718770302 TOY 110 KAZ 440K 0732501330 TOY 110 KBF clean 520K 0722530515 Toy 111 man alloys 450k 0721417135 TOY91 EFI KAL @285K 0720653122 TOY AE110 KAS white manual v/clean

T Shark KAT 370k 0710163177 T-SHARK KAT/R 300K



B257 Men
MALE cook wanted 0728373579

TSHARK KBN DEP 150 0725084324 T'SUCCEED 05 Br 700k


B263 Women
A Co. needs an office Asst. Flair for
sales an adv. Apply box 4337-00200 Nrb

Merc C180 kompBH 1.5m0720791992 MERCEDES BENZ ,C240 Steel

Silver year 2003 Kshs. 1.95M call 0720722960/ 0721969487 f/loaded 1.69m 0722/0733-515430

400K 0751894685 Shah TOY AE91 KAJ white manual efi v/clean 340K 0751894685 Shah TOY Allex BN 04 700k 0721876230 TOY Avensis a04/05 0722228273 TOY Avensis KAX yr2000 1800cc alloyrims 550k neg vclean 0715339589

TUKTUK KBK/M 240k 0722580798 TYOTA RAV4 newshape KBR yr05

2.5M 0720201379 owner quick sale

MERCEDES Benz E240 02/03 n/shp MERC Tipper 3235 KBN 0721329471 MIT-Canta BG 950k 0720581163 MIT Cedia KBR 0722568399. 760K MIT Fighter, FH & Canter, new & used
Dep from 500K bal financed. Call Afri 0703134437

SUZ ESC KAN 5Dr 450K 0720393836 Suz Escudo 3drs 01 680k 0719490444 SUZ Escudo 650K KAS 0733463469 SUZ escudo KAV 2dr 460K 0722301465 SUZUKI Grand vitara (local) yr 2007
fully loaded low mileage 2.2m colour -Azure grey pearl 0726-880830

TOY Caldi KBD 570k 0725561774 TOY Caldina KBC silver auto v/clean
580K 0751894685 Shah

VW Passat 2.OFSI. YR 05 0733888916 TOY Wish KBM 03 890K 0729480040 VW Toureg 04 0722767752 WISH 05 KBR 1080 0720473272 WISH KBQ 880k owner 0713662581

CUTEST Chics wanted 0722798431 DUBAI Hotel Jobs sms 0737781261 DUBAI Visit Visa 020-2479188
ELMART co. urgntly need emloyees at the Airport.0725907281/ 0700874920 EMBASSY driver 38k 0707402234 HOPELINE Salon and executive Barbers; Experts in weaves, Braids, manicure, pedicure, facial, hair relaxing, men barbering and many other services. All done in a serene environment as you enjoy soft soothing christian music. Located in Avenue Hse, Kenyatta Avenue 2nd floor call: 0715471844 come and get 10% discount

B277 Domestic
0722516342, 0721834778 trained h/g NIMU /Hgirls/Boy/Cook 4448947

B291 Men
EXPERIENCED Driver + grade II
Mechanic Comp lit, BCE, good conduct. Nairobi only 0723251749

SUZUKI Siera 4WD 0736219685 T/ AE110 KAS 97 SE Ltd alloy rims

TOY D/cab 4WD 06 KBR0721581223 TOY Dx 103 KBA 560k 0725561774 TOY EE90 KAH white sal 0722672653 TOY Fielder 05 1.2m 0720791992 TOY Fielder x KBK 04 780k 0722624504 TOY Gaia 04 BQ 860k 0720791992 TOY G-Touring KAW auto beige
vclean alloy CD 485k 0722529069

B113 Motor Vehicle Repairs

WINDSCREEN Repair 0725766799


B173 Motor Cycles
MOTOR Cycle New S/Parts for WY,
GN, CG W/Sale 0733522330


B324 Building
4 Gate/Garage Automation 0729673898

MIT lancer KAJ mnl 220k 0718770302 MITS FH KAQ C/body 0722300108 MITS FH Lorry 3choices 0722709719 MITS io 01 v/c auto/man 0724588925 MITS Madiaba KZYcream manual
v/clean 180k 0751897685 Shah

r/casset asking 350K ono 0720261760 T /AE110 Silver AX 465K G-touring auto v/clean 440K 0722849948 T/ALLION 05 1.5cc 1.18m 0722316501 T/ Allion BQ 04 Slvr 850K 0717051549 T/Caldina 06 KBR/R silver 0729009111

INSTRUCTORS 4 sch of Tailoring

& design Busia 0774938136


Harrier 2002 1.5m ono 0727268103 owner good condition

B177 Motor Cycle for Sale

YAMAH Crux & others 0721250177

JOBS @Lebanon Qatar Baharain for

B382 Schools
K INGSTONE high sch (Boys boarding)
Boarders 8,500. Delicious meals & tight security 0714-356421 Githurai day & boarding sec school in Nrb. few vacancies in form 1,2,3. Call 0723341103

MITS pick-up L200 diesel 2005 KB co

owner v-clean 1.3m 0722-420866

MITS Shogun 02 1.2m 0719490444 MITSUBISHI chariot grandis, 7 N/B15 BB 01 auto 420/= 0724268552 N/BUS KBA 07 29pas 850k 0718770302 N/Datsun d/c KAQ 1.2M 0722767740 N/March 03 BM @440 0721675020 N/Navara p/up KBP 1.8M 0722866735 N/Note 05 Black 650K 0723369505 N/Sahara KAP dsl 500k 0713840334 N/SUNNY B15 KBN 430K 0706063855 N/WING load 05 BR 680k 0722768636 N/xtrail cln 900k owner 0708919799 NAVARA 2007 5speed kshs
2,999,000. 0705136364

seater, black, fully loaded, kba, 470k 0722841654

T/CARIB KAZ 420K 0787-714975 T/CARINA BD 01 560K 0721854709 T/carina KAR 450k 0711927789 T/CRV black 05 1.9m 0725718219 T/Duet BB 360K Fielder 05 BR 1.050M

TOY Hilux 2wd p/up 07 0721 581223 TOY KAS 103 s/w 435K 0720392340 TOY Kluger BK 1.65m 0720791992 TOY Kluger Pearl 2.4cc 4wd back
camera 05 BR 2.2M 0723369505

B212 Tractors for Sale
CLAAS Balers ex-UK 450k 0731464241 FIAT 100-90 4WD 2.2M 0721479383 MESSY Fergason 165 tractor shs
1.2m Call 0713-497851

sectretary ladies drivers English tutors masons plumber carpenters hotel cleaners etc call 0716-607773 or 0723-361846

JOBS sms Kazi to 8191 KHA Certificate holder 4years South

C 15K mature 0721900544. Call 07206057,

NIS/Sylphy BM 03. gold 639k 0714805753 NIS/Wingroad v/c @325K 0720000062 NIS B15 AZ 365K 0722627263 NIS B15 KAX Auto 00 white 375k
o.n.o Alloy Rims clean 0722-274810

T/FIELDER KBR 05 990k 0716457435 T/Filder 03 BL 750k 0722315433 T/Hilux d/c KBA 1.4M 0722866735 T/HILUX D-Cab KAY 1.1M 0722644248 T/Isis black 05 1.25m 0720325680 T/IST 05 Grey 840K 0723369505 T/Ist BQ silver 1.3cc 730k 0722706444 T/IST BR TV/Dvd q/sale 725k 0738056090 T/Kluger 05 BR 2.2m 0722315433 T/MARK-X 05 KBR 1.7m 0724034892 T/MarkX 05 leather seats 0722632819 T/NZE 04 bp white v/clean 0728316855 T/NZE KBF manual 640k 0726083506 T /NZE KBQ Silver manual 850K

TOY L/Cruiser vx&gxs 0719490444 TOY LTour KBA 550K 0728067226 TOY Nadia KBB 575K 0722 527927 TOY Noah 03 KBN ptr 0721 581 223 TOY noah bl 790k 0721417135 TOY Noah KBJ 770K 0722399744 TOY NZE bk 690k 0721417135. TOY NZE BM 03 750K 0721459789 TOY NZE KBP 600K 0722633692

MBAGATHI View Academy mixed

MF35/135/290/385/350 tel: 0722767740 M Ferguson 385 KAU 2005 clean 1.1M

owner 0722370891

KISUMU Caretaker/cook 0722-155070 M/phones technician rqd 0721810777 MALE, F4 /IT Grad (30yrs from
Kirinyaga) call 0726844865

B382 Schools
READ B.Com. Dev. 12k/mon 0710904377 READ 12/month 0710904377 READ B.Sc IT 12K/Month 0710904377 READ B.Sc Tourism 12K p/m 0710904377

MAN Chef ex-expartrte exp 55-60yrs

Call 0729364881

SONALIKA 4WD 1.7M 0722866735

MARKETERS 20pple for cosmetic

12K 0721755812 Nbi 0720670674 Mbsa

TOYOTA / Spacio KAY V/Clean

455K 0720532410

B243 Domestic
5H/Girls wanted urgently 0721531412 A WELLPAID h/girls 0723641991

and phone accessories F4s & above wanted call 0789249703/ 0706911486

MATHS: Physics / chem/ Bio teacher NGO rq casuals sms 0720750440 PROF. CV writing 0725-061303 PROF CV Writing 0722773221 QATAR /Dubai: Cleaners,office

B403 Colleges
CATERING courses june /july intake
PROMASTA SCHOOL.Mwiki, 0203534985 HOTEL 0722677892.

TOYOTA Celica KBR 2005 loaded

alloys 1.29M 0722/0733-515430

TOYOTA Ex tour 750K 0713-389164 TOYOTA Harrier 03 n/shape

3/sunroof 2.2M clean call 0700060721 570K 0751894685 Shah


B250 Gnral
0700026862 drivers loaders rq 070008508 long dist driver&t/boy rq 0700130899 10airport casuals rqd 0700271544 15airport cleaners 0700351966 Trailer Turn boys rqd 0700391918 office asst&mesgers 0700472854 new ngo rq (20)drivers 0700724946 new bank rq 20 cleaners 0700747447 20waiters&cleaner

TOYOTA Ist KBF silver auto v/clean TOYOTA Noah KBR 205 model
v/clean K1.2M Tel 0722856871

NIS Navara d/cab 06 man 0725104903 NISSAN Advern KAT station wagon
v/clean 295K 0721212789

T/NZE man KBM 800k 0701649100 T/Passo 05 red 650k 0725718219 T/prado 00 az dies/man 0728316855 T/PRADO 05 6spd fwd Turbo manual
dsl owner 0720-790457

messenger & labourers. 0720606020, 0733601687 Visit us at Madonna house, Westlands road, 3rd flr suite 302. Registered by Min. of Labour MLHRD/NEB/ORG/8/553/13


NZE KBN silver auto v/clean 700k 0751894685 Shah

REQUIRED: Lecturer in Cabin crew

TOYOTA Prado KBR 05 3dr diesel

maroon 3.4m 0722/0733-515430 alloys vclean 1.25M 0725652287

NISS matatu 200k 0720714272

T/premio 05 KBR 5units 0722506355

TOYOTA Premio KBR/Y yr05 1.8cc

IATA Dip holder in Cabin crew Studio Manager/Technichian with Dip in TV production preferably KIMC 2yrs exp in TV/Radio prod. Call 0726839185

UN Jobs SMS ur E-mail to 0720627263

New Intake Secretarial Languages (French, English) Hotel & Catering Tour & Travel C &FWD (ICM) Business (BTEP KNEC ABE ICM) Supplies MGT (BTEP KNEC) Social Work/Comm Devt CPA CPS ATC IT (KASNEB KNEC) Computer paks @ 600/= KCB T Mboya/Moi/ Maragua lanes next Stanbank Hse. Tel: 020-2386068, 020-3545988, 251408, 0724360244,0722516235,0736160269 Box 48379-00100 NBI Scholarships for C Plain or better KIWAN Computer College offers all job oriented computer courses Tel: 0722-453607 Mtihani Hse.

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

meridian tiny advert 6x4 cm.pdf 5/15/12 1:12:29 PM

Classieds 61
B525 Financial

B462 Business for Sale
Supermarkets for sale in Kitengela town one fronting Namanga M road asking 2,500,000/= the other near KCB Asking 1,500,000/= Call Y Muriungi 0725684490


Bar/butchery Kasarani 0710114355


PLATFORM SCALE Features Size: 1m x 1m Capacity: 1000kgs Fabricated of pure stainless steel BWS indicator with Internal rechargeable battery (70hrs) Ideal for milk industry Features Capacity: 0-300kgs Plastic housing/ autobacklight function Ideal for meat, tea and milk industry Both are Weights and Measures approved Nairobi: Vision Plaza 1st floor RM 15. Tel: 020-2013976/0722 303505 Eldoret: KFA Bldg opp Uchumi S/MKT Tel:053-2032561/0738 829064

BUTCHERY 4 sale ksh 250,000/=


CY fully equip Kawangware Ciuguini Naiv Rd 0706-547587

RuaI 50x100 180k 0724816611, 2472045 FINELANDS Ruai 50x100 Kshs. 90,000 offer 0724816611,2472045 FORTCOM Gachie 1ac 0722876198 FORTCOM Kawangware Msalaba near ACK 1/8 acre 0722226198 FORTCOM Rimpa Rongai 1/8acre 1.5M 0722-226198 FORTCOM Syokimau 1/4acre opp Kapa Oil Refinery 0722876198 GATANGA Chomo area 6acres with river frontage Tel 0722529746 GATUANYAGA 50x100 Kshs. 350,000/= Call 0729-480447, 0727 439644, 0724-406111, 0723-043623

KATANI 1/8acr near Syokimau &

CBD good cyber 4 sale 0720398836K CYBER /Shop, T Mall (Langata Rd.).
Call 0715818775 or 0722527434 for details/viewing.

GITARU 1/8 1/4 2.6m 5.2m 0721978761 ISINYA 2.5 Acre 500mts off tarmac
2M p.a 0722872913

ISINYA Town 2 1/2acres on tarmac Jogoo rd 3/4ac Msa rd 1ac 0722144816 JOSKA 50x100 250k with t/deeds devd
0736444977, 0725939618 Global Plan

@3.5M quick sale Tel 0722754875

CYBER Umoja vprime 0731671906 FRONT

Shop for sale 315sqft 0723332302/ 0750752766 TMboya

020211120 , 0722632287, 0710142257

Cash on cars, laptops, households

0202214396 Advance selling your car

plots/ laptops. 0724268552, 0710746831


020-2245564 spot loans on Toshiba,

Macpros& HP Laptops btwn 20K-50K

Jubilands: Isinya Malili rd 50x100 55k

0714915424, 0728879191, 0736901000 0714915424, 0728879191, 0736901000

SELF Loading Concrete Mixer 1.2m

Tel 0724318305

shop town centre Nakuru Tel 0723478444 stationery busy Sheikh Karume 0722316825

Jubilands: Isinya Malili rd 50x100 75k JUBILANDS: Kitengela Isinya 50x100

s/offer 150k 0714915424,0728879191


on Moi Avenue Nbi on walk-in-walk-out 0711751222

0719568652 Loans on Laptops 0731835888 same day cash advances CASH on cars 0713389744 FINANCE we advance you cash as
we sell your car 0713266196

B581 Printing
GTO 46 print machine 1.3m 0722373029

B595 Security Services

Rent a walk through metal detector
for events 0707640242 SHARP 0720884391

SALON /Barber CBD 0722-116463 Supermarket

for sale South B shopping centre Call 0722247857

L/BK Lns on upto 100K 0706258588 LOANS against cars 0728733193 LOANS on the spot between 15-40K
with laptops as security, 0723408602

JUJA 40x80 dev 140k 0707460239 JUJA famr 2.5acres 0738-764072 JUJA Farm, Ruiru 40x80, 40x60, 200K
inst Geomark invest Ltd 0715219780

JUJA Kalimoni 50x100 250,000/= 10ac

@ 1.8M Juja farms 50x100 250,000/= Gachororo 1/4acre 1.2M Chipro 0734 730041, 0722438206, 0724406111 K/Sukari 1/4ac 6m 0734/0721-266598 KABETE Rukubi 3/4acre 0723623165 KAHAWA West 40x60 0722498556 KAHAWA West 40x80 @1.5 ono opp KU Referal Hsp, t/deed, 60M
from bypass 0723153468, 0720926158

B469 Business Offers

BOOKKEPING services 0707922435 MBA/PHD prop/Analysis 0718823883 MBA proposal/analysis 0704813283 MBA Proposal / Analysis 0728615097
PARTNER with a hotel school
0725398825/ sms 0707997445

LOGBOOK loans,Thika 0726309920 Online Cash advances within 24 Hrs.

for salaried individuals 0202695325


B671 Fertilizers, Seed & Seedlings
MIRAA Miraa! (Khat) seedlings for
sale: the hybrid seedlings that produce best quality for export. Can grow well in all types of soils. Contact 0720-989919, 0750-153272

near Utawala, r/titles Aberdeen Hol dings Ltd 0722829195, 0734572994 KATANI 1/8 near Syokimau ready titles. Dep 100K bal 4 months. Call 020 316603, 0715 339 522, 0722 452 609, 0722 210 116 KATANI 5,10,20 acres Tel:, 0722869101, 020-2610923 KATANI 50x100 dep. 100,000 bal 4mths. Ready titles. 0202-164920, 0733-626672, 0707-965632 Sideway Proper ties Ltd. Vedic Hse, 7th floor KATANI 50X100 dep. 100,000 balance 4months, Titles ready, 2610923, 0715 514989 Viewing free KENOL 1 1/2 acre 0708877585 KERUGOYA Kutus Road 2 acres 200 metres from the tarmac 0710387243 2.5m KIAMBU 2.5acre served 0733932997 KIAMBU near Village Inn, 2 (1/2acs) res, Red soil 0711875976 KIAMBU Rd- Mushroom 1/2 @9.8M owner 0712228989, 0774270434 KIAMBU Rd next to village Inn 1/2acre 12.7M. 0721484036 KIAMBU T/Plot 2M 0723405795 KIKUYU Kidfam 4.5M 0721978761 KISERIAN 4acs C/Baridi 0728615431 KISERIAN Pline Rd near Sands Inn 2acres @3.1 p.a ono Tel 0723593248 KISUMU Airport 2acres, Kiboko Island 10acres 0722486187 KISUMU Riat 1.25Acre with stalled storeyed building, elec, water, accessible ideal for palatial home, hospital or hotel 15M 0713345250 KITE Milimani 1/8ac gated cmnty, 1.4M ono r/titles / fence/ elec/ water, at AP post 1-100ac Tel 0722754875

MUIGAI Inn 30x65 800k 0722467225 MUIGAI Inn 40x80 1.2m 0722467225 MUIGA-IN 40X80 1.3M 0724890202 MUSHROOM garden Kiambu rd
1/2acre Kshs 15m 0728-150007 Tel 0720357343

MUTHIGA Gatuimbi 30/160 Ksh3.8 MWEA Mutithi 1/4 acres plots next
to Good Samaritan 0725219443

MWEA Prime plot 0700022360 MWIHOKO50x80 Tl 600k 0707460239 MWIKI 50x50 with 2br & 2double
rooms 2M neg 0721248624 Karura -A Clean title Approved Architectural Plan 0202363864 N/WEST 1ac on main rd 0721564522 NAIVASHA /Longonot rd. quick sale 3acres touching tarmac 2.4m 0722314373, 0732797050 no agent. NAIVASHA Karati 8.5acre clean title deed 15M 0705282170 owner NAKURU 1/2 acre plot 0721955828 NAKURU Kabarak 50acs 800K p.a 0721377227 NAKURU Stem 1/8 1M 0721797550 NANYUKI 4.2 and 3.5 acre Mountex 1/4 acre 0722-707929 NEW Kitsuru Estate, 1/2ac residential plot, 22m, 0720755992


NGONG 1/2 1/4acre r/soil 0722275282 NGONG 1/4ac tarmac frt 0737615711 NGONG 1/8ac, 1/4ac 0729-038205 NGONG Bondeni area 1/8plots Ksh
1.3m Call 0722540531, 0726677775

NGONG road 0.672acre, freehold

SELL to us Gold ornaments 0721111367 SPOT cash on cars 0723145428

B546 Machinery for Sale

2 new candy floss machine 0722756941

B685 Pest Control

FUMIGATION @2500 0713-091298

KAHAWA West 40x80 1.9M ono

KITENGELA1/2acres Tel 0722526175 KITENGELA 1/8acs 1.3M 0722503136 KITENGELA 10acs 5m p.a 0722440647 KITENGELA 13km from tarmac

title, income Ksh. 400,000 per month. Price Ksh. 150m ono Tel. 0703 136218, 0721222344, 0714660081 NYAMBARI 1/2 ac 1.8m0720093553 NYERI 1/2ac near Kimathi Universty 3M. 0733-564122

O /Rongai 1/2ac nxt Nazarene gd 4

hostels/residential 0737615711


opp Kenya Meat Com, 50m from bypass 0720926158 0723153468 KAMITI CNR 1/8ac dev 0733512188 KAMITI Corner, residential plots, 1/8ac, 3M, 0720755992

ICT City 50x100 100,000/- 0733582208 KITENGELA 15km from tarmac behind ICT Malili City 50x100 95,000/- Viewing Wednedays & Saturdays Time: 9.00a.m 0722312387

TO Register a company Tel: 0707922435

B733 Stalls Available

CBD Stalls No goodwil 0735708052

Size: 50ftx100ft

Kitengela 1acre @2.5m 0720653122 KITENGELA 2.5acres 5M o.n.o

Acacia area 341858. 0726276271 owner

O/Rongai 1/4ac gd 4 flats 0737615711 OLEKASASI 1/4ac 6M 0722226198 ORONGAI1/8 nkoroi 1.1m 0722871605 PARKLANDS 0.56ac 130m 0721377227 KITENGELA VALUE ADDED PLOTS
1/8th PLOTS @500k Fully serviced 24 months Instalments available With Titles OPTIVEN ENTERPRISES LTD 0704 595250, 0706 127197, 0716 605410, 020 313320,

B476 Business Opportunities

GIRLS Sch. Muranga 6acrs, labs, computer
rm, dev. farm, serene env. on lease 0771-172 077

KITENGELA 50 acres near Jamii

Bora 1.4M per acre ono 0721648349
area 341858. 0726276271 owner

B740 Land, Plots for Sale

1/2 Acre near Machakos Town 800K
river frontage call owner 0713669630

Price: 90,000/=
Few Remaining.
Distance from Kangundo rd 4kms Individual Titles per plot Viewing: Tue, Thurs, Sat Time: 9.00a.m

KITENGELA 5acres 8M o.n.o Acacia KITENGELA Acacia View Est 1/8ac

plts @500K. 0722956037 020550287 Vineyard Properties Ltd

GREENHOUSE Sh99k 0202354957 INVEST and earn 10% monthly in a

very genuine business 0708-377-242, 0712-053735

1/8AC Kitengela on tarmac clean titles

1.2m Tel.2243039, 0722467225

1/8ac opp. Mangu High 550k 0733789736 1 /8 TUALA with title 600K owner

LEARN how to make and sell African

theme cakes, african pot, modern cake making & decoration, guitar, football, teddybear, blackforest, swissroll, plastic icing, samosa, bread, meatpies, yoghurt, pizzas, cookies, tomato sauce, juices, sweets, jam e.t.c. 2,3,4 & 6wks practicals. Continuous intake. 25% sponsorship available.Call Principal NCBCT 0722237181, 0203504453 or visit 1st Flr NHC Hse Aga-khan walk Nairobi. Mombasa branch now open next to summerlink hotel, Meru rd off Digo rd.

0728-790412 1 Acre North Airport road 0722809909,0715204688,0721783638 1ACRE plot 1km from Mlolongo Ksh. 5million owner 0722568399 1 Acre Syokimau next to Habitant
0722809909, 0715204688, 0721783638

0722-312387, 0724-334234 , 0733-582208

KAMULU 1to4 ac@1m 0722357885 KAMULU 50x100 dep. 50,000 bal
4mths. Ready titles. 0202-164920, 0733-626672, 0707-965632 Sideway Proper ties Ltd. Vedic Hse 7th Floor KAMULU 50x100 dep. 50,000 balance 4months, titles ready, 2610923, 0751201267 Viewing free KAMULU Joska 50x100 250k 0723536187, 0714592213 r/titles Dolharri Enterprises ltd Viewing Free KAMULU- Joska at KBC 500m 50x100 250,000/= 0722312387 KAMULU- Joska at KBC Dev. area 50x100 titles 180,000/= 0722312387 KAMULU- Joska at KBC farm C 50x100 titles 150,000/= 0733582208 KAMULU- Joska at Sunshine 50x100 dev. titles 200,000/= tel: 0722-312387 KAMULU- Joska special offer 50x100 titles 120,000/= 0722-312387 KAREN 0.5acres 0722518457 KAREN 1/2, 2ac red/soil 0711182038 KAREN 1/2ac 17M 0720787477 KAREN 1/2ac Langata Rd on Tarmac 0711182038 KAREN 1ac several 0711182038 KAREN 3.5,4,25,4.5,7,8ac0711182038 KAREN 5acres 0722518457 KAREN 5acs @32M, Ridgeways 3 1/2acs @45M Red soil Tel 0733889811 or 0710952777


2 Acres land in Chomo fronting tarmac

river developed 4 dairy farming price neg 0726236046

Milimani 20acres touching old Rd @4m 0722309973 KITENGELA Near PCEA Church 2 eighths ideal for rentals @Kshs 2.6M each. Near Kitengela Academy 2 eighths@ Kshs 2.4M each Call 0722 330 870, 0720 430 791 KITENGELA town centre 1/8ac with title 4.5m owner 0721-595744

PLOTS 100x50 Mlolongo left on way


10Acre plots with free hold titles available in Kinamba area, above the quarry. Situated about 2kms from the highway turnoff the land is well drained with fertile soils and has a nice view of the lake. Asking price Ksh 700,000/- per acre.
For details contact: 0721535305 or 0789347327

to Mombasa 1.25m 0723411334

KITENGLA 50X100 820k prime title

Gabbie Ltd 0202610966, 0715086866 next to ICT 0711-600164 owner

EX UK Balers claas markant 65 ksh LATHE machine Tel 0723-233316

Small size, portable Welding electrode1.6 - 4MM 300 Amps Available in both single/3 phase

MINERAL water machine 0720121644

950,000 ono Mccormick B46 ksh 550,000 ono Tel 0722370903

2 Acres Mulinge Scheme 0715086866 5ac Lukenya 16.5m 0720289900 36 ACRES Kajiado 0722-116091 AT - Sweethomes Mgt Kisanju 30acs in
Kitengela close to University, clean title Call 0735-207047, 0715-200400

KONZA City 7.8acres 19m 2.5km KWAMAIKO

1km off Ruiru Githunguri rd 1HA 4.5m 0738-343848 0752-867393 Gamar Investments


B490 Computer Services

BAHATI Annex 30x100 0722178430 CIANDA 5acre 25m 0722570332 COMMERCIAL plots 40x80 Kdo rd D/HOLM phs 8 68x34 4.3M 0722731044
DAGORETI 3bd rm 5.8 0721797550

3 /4acre James Gichuru rd 90M 0720100875 2225508 MAAZONI 8acres off Mombasa Rd clean title 0736-241891

0725760607, 0721203249, 4440258, 0726773047, 4440261 Tigoni 12ac touching main rd 15m p/a Mombasa rd 100ac touching main rd 15m p/a Redhill 1/2 acre plot 7M Ruiru-Eastern bypass 1/8ac plots 550,000 Kitengela 1/8ac Ranging from 190,000 Thika rd Muigai Inn 300 metres from main rd 1/8acre plots Kyuna Old House on 3/4acre 75M Lamu 5km from Port 1/8acre 500K 21M owner 0722654632

dep. 100,000/= bal 4months, titles ready, 2610923, 0700497890

MATASIA 1/4 3rd row 0737615711 MAVOKO Kinanye mkt 1/8 ready
title 0722261318

MBOTELA 3/4 acre (ideal for flats)

KATANI 6acres, JUJA 40X80 (900K) call 0736444788

DAYSTAR 1/2acre 3.5m 0722570332 DONHOLM Ph5, Plot, 8mx19m,

sewer line, 3m, 0720755992 sewer line, 3m, 0720755992

For Discounted prices Visit Us at: Lusaka Road, Shop No. 29. Tel: 0770 333034, Industrial Area, Nairobi

DONHOLM Ph5, Plot, 8mx19m, DONHOLM Sauti 1.1M 0720763400 EASTLEIGH Sec 3 near Suncity
Cinema Tel 0710654312

MEMBLEY40x80 1.95M 0733-259307 MEMBLEY 40X80 2.3M 0724890202 MEMBLEY plot @2.5M 0720653122 MOMBASA Rd next mlolongo 1/8
with title 0722261318

PRIME 4acre on bypass near Ruai Sh ROYSAMBU: 40X80ft Commercial

Plot Next to Upcoming Thika Road Mall, 0722256569, 0724123784 0722986680, 0789767109 Nemuge Ltd

Wholesale offer on water cool and air cool diesel engines. Available in 3.5HP, 6.5HP, 10HP & 16HP For Discounted prices Visit Us at: Lusaka Road, Shop No. 29. Tel: 0770 333034 Industrial Area, Nairobi

Eld-Chepkanga 1/4-10ac 0721642649 ELDORET -Near roadblock 1/8, 1/4,

1/2 plots Ready title 0721594139

KASARANI 1ac ideal for Church or

School 14M 0722309973

MSA Rd 1/2ac prime 0721564522 MSA Rd 1/4acre behind Mastermind

0735647738, 0722809909

RUAI 50x100 100,000/= Best Offer RUAI

50x100 150,000 Tel.0722 986680, 0789767109 Nemuge Co. Ltd

EMBAKASI 40x80 @6M 0720653122 FINELANDS Isinya Kitengela 50x100

s/offer 60k 0722417074, 0724816611

KASARANI 1acres 10M 0722570332 KASARANI Clayworks 65x75 13.5m

0.0837ha 14.5m contact 0724771787, 0722971559

MSA Rd 185acs 7M p.a 0734949425 MSA Rd Machakos junction 2x10acs

500K & 1M p.a 0732346788

FINELANDS Kitengela Isinya 50x

100; 125K offer 0722417074, 2472045
140K offer 0724816611, 2472045

KASARANI Maternity 1/4ac ideal for

flats 12m 0722-950071

MUGUGA site 2)1/4 6m 0721797550 MUIGAI Inn (Chai) 50x100 with title
r/soil 1.8m Tel. 0722467225

RUAI 50x100 200,000

Tel.0722 986680, 0789767109 Nemuge Ltd 0725-939618, 2316208 Global Plan

RUAI 50x100 230k with t/deeds devd RUAI 50x100 320,000/= very prime
0722986680,0789767109 Nemuge Ltd

WEB+Hosting 6,000/= 0786129121

FINELANDS Kitengela Isinya 50x100

KATANI 1/8acre next to Syokimau,

prime 680k,0202610966, 0715086866

MUIGAI-INN 1/8acre Ksh1.9M with

title Tel 0724853613 Mac2properties

62 | Classied/Transition
B740 Land, Plots for Sale
RUAI 50x100 350k with t/deeds devd
0736444977, 0725939618 Global Plan
Godown - Unit 1: off Enterprise Rd Opp. Road A AVAILABLE UNITS: 1. UNIT 1 - 8500 SQ FT 2. UNIT 2 - 8500 SQ FT TOTAL: 17000 SQ FT RATE: @KSHS 28.00 PER SQ FT Both Units can be joined to make 1 whole unit of 17,000 sq ft if required by CLIENT

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

NEW 3Br hse Kibiku Ngong good &
serene neighb/d 0733441164

LAVI 1BR 9K OWNER 0727207594 LAVINGTON Amboseli rd 2br flats

Ksh. 14,000 and bedsitter Ksh. 8000 Call 0727948196 sq mature gdn 200,000/= 0722467225 Tel 0722831093

NGONG Zambezi 4br mnst stone

fenced tarmac comp 0737615711


B894 Tour Services
DUBAI visit visas 0202479188

RUAKA 1/8,1/4acre 0726025215 RUAKA 1/8 acre 3m 0728-762322 RUAKA 1/8acre 7m 0721697715 RUAKA
3x0.04Ha plots Gacharage high sch 200m Highway 0722-604583 near from

NYAYO Emba 3br 0722813866 NYAYO Embakasi 3bd m/ensuite

5.8M ono 0722313971 owner

LORESHO 4br bungalow on 1acre LORESHO 6broomed Ksh140,000 MLOLONGO 1br new 0723898430
MUTHAIGA 5br on 1ac 0725923311

O/Rongai 3br 1/8ac enst 0737615711 ORONGAI 3br near Thorn tree &
Osupuko on 1/8 6.5m 0722-367058

RUAKA plots 0720041251 RUIRU 1/4ac 8M ono 0787892799 RUIRU 1/8 750k 400k 0720-707519 RUIRU 40x60 250k 0722936698 RUIRU 50x100 Quick sale 750k neg
Tel.0722798852 owner, Ready title

Interested parties to call 0719 421277 H/GHAM Big G/flr Shop 0732332198 KAMUKUNJI KIRINYAGA
opp Country bus Shops / Banking hall to let (2000sqft) 0723-165900, 0788-593226

PANGANI Executive 2br apt 6M

0720100875 0720831677 22225508

MUTHAIGA North (Pipeline) 6br d/

storey+sq 110,000/= Tel.0722467225

PEARL Properties 3br bungalow on

D279 Notice

1/8acre Athi River opp KMC near Sidai Village Ksh5M Tel 0202161668/ 33/ 43

NGONG Rd fully furnished apt 3brm

0722799026 or 0202419704 Tel 0721350059

RUIRU b.pass 1/8 1.3m title 0722557356 RUIRU bypass 1.25ac on tarmac
v-prime 25m 0722699817

Rd 1st & 2nd floor 5000sq ft space Tel 0722827018

MOI Ave ground flr shop 1450sq ft

rent 3.5$ per sq ft Tel 0721867422

ROSYLN @ V.mkt hse 78M 0722127221 SCENIC-Link Kayole plot 1.8m

O /Rongai Laiser Hill 2b/rm Ksh17000 ONE Bedroom & bedsitter apartments
at Supacare Ruaka Limuru attractive rent 0712007616 Rd

RUIRU Bypass 500K 0714370476 RUIRU Darasha 45x75 with clean title
deed owner 0721730926

MSA rd bhd Libra hse 1/4 acre stone

wall power water shed 0720174149

Aimi-ma Kilungu 10acrs 4.5m 1/2acre South-C 40m Lavington hse 8brm 120m 020-217900, 0736423561 2 corner plots with Foundation apprvd 0722-729670


ORONGAI executive offices. Tel


PANGANI on Thika Super H/way. 1

UMOJA II typ C 900k 0722788500 UNFINISHED 4br mansionet Koma

Centre 4sale @3.95m 0723412854 alow, m/ensuite, 8m 0720755992

RUIRU Kwihota 1/4acre 0722312439 RUIRU Murera 650K 0725799241 RUNDA Mae 1/2a 22M 0733391836 S/KINANGOP 2ac 1.25M 0722701142 SABAKI Mlolongo, 12ac, ideal for
housing, institution 12m per acre 0720755992

SMALL Office To Let Harambee

Avenue contact 0722957251

b/r & 2 b/r flats. Rent 15,000/18,000/- p.m. Contact Masterways Tel. 0725-629904, 0722-704310, 0714-498948, 0728-975987, 0721858034. to let 0722201142

SPRING Valley 20K 0725-202413 TASSIA Big hall for Bank/Agency WESTLANDS 20K 0725-202413 WESTLAN DS Office Park Compound
of 11units Tel: 0722-446055

VALLEY View, Mlolongo, 3bd bungVILLA Franca 3br & Sq/ 1br-2 units, 2
shops flat. Call Peter 0722628274

PARKLANDS Satyan Apartment flat RIRUTA 2BR 18k 0722-704997 RONGAI

1/2br exec apts cabro parking b/hole 24hr security. DSTV (behind Kiss 50)0726-968196 DSTV power/b-up intercom b/hole cctv security bash arena 0726968196

E712 Accomodation Available

A.REGENCY Park hotel now open
special offer 2500/= p.p sharing b/fast town centre 0735-202728, 0738111630, 0721315335, 0721895935

S/Market, Hospital/Church, Hardware 95k pm. Goodwill 1m 0752-695315

SAGANA 8rms 1/8a TD 0721821919 SHIMONI Beach - Kwale 3-5acrs Tel


B789 Properties to Let


B782 Properties for Sale

3 Bedroomed maisonette with servants
quater on waiyaki way seperate title 23m ono Call 0722762325 No agents

Saachi Plaza Argwings Kodhek Rd
Partitions 2100sqft Ready for Occupation

RUAKA exc finishes 1/2b apts parking


E740 Land Plots for Sale
NYALI off Beach Rd prime 1/2 acre

Rd 0.5ac + off-plan house 100M ono 0723209742 title Tel 0724993290, 0722212290

SYOKIMAU 1/4acre prime clean SYOKIMAU 1/4 J/Bush 0722244335 SYOKIMAU 1/8ac T/D 0700322377 TASSIA (Kasim) 3 adjacent plots
66x33 @1.8m 0722-584446

RUIRU 4b/room 30K 0716040666 RUNDA 5br on 07259233110.5ac RUNDA 6brm 3mst ensuite 2brm sq
Ksh250000 Tel 0721350059

3BRMS Sq+office very good RimpaThayu Gardens 0734880074 or 0731990033 15Million. No Agents.
income price 150m 0738208849

D531 Hotels

walled 25m neg 0721-718375

A block of apartments Thika rd good


2 plots for sale next to Nyayo Esta tel: 0733901110

AKIBA Bellevue 4br maisnt (SthC)+sq

11m ono tEL.2243039, 0722467225

1&2 BR & shops pipeline stage opp.
Total Petrol stn 14-18K 0737014784

Runda View apts.newly SAFARIPARK

built.5kms from village mkt 3bd m/ensuite.0715008946,0735120462 3br bungalow a.ensuite 1/2 acre 85k 0727487013

E782 Properties for Sale

DIANI 2br ens f/f 4m 0713279767

TASSIA 33X66 1.8M 0720701678 THIKA 40x90 300K, 50x100 350K.

Tel 0731-648236 Monarch Ventures


1 4br hse+sq 17M. Baraka Estate 4br corner hse owner 0736099743

1 b/r Thika rd opp juja pre 0733259307 1B/S Upper hill 4,000/=. 0720040895 1BR ext Hurlingham 12k 0716365649 1 BR South B owner 0723-387931 2BR Mwimuto 8-10k 0722804574 3 b/r all ensuite house with s/quarter
@45k p.m 0724462734/0732329249

E789 Properties to Let

massionette 25k Amani estate nxt to VesconII Bamburi Call 0723901292

SAFARI Park View Estate 3BR

master en suite 40K 0720 230 660

THIKA Landless 1/4acre 0733173478 THIKA -Landless-Gatundu 4b/d hse

for sale on 1/2ac plot contact Citicom Agencies 0722680384

AVENU1 3bd maiso 11.5m 0720701678 AVENUE Park Ph1, 3bd house, DSQ,
car park, 12m, 0720-755992

SCENIC-Link South-C&B 3&4brm

35&40k Westlands Apt 3brm 65k 020-217900, 0736423561

3BEDROOM with master ensuite at

V.O.K tel: 0722353979

BLOCK of flats of 1br units income

240k pm price 27m 0738208849

SIGONA off Naivasha Highway 3br

bungalow on 1/4acre Ksh. 25,000. Call 0727948196 0721350059

THIKA Rd Bypas 2.2M 0722717406 THOGOTO 6.5acres 0716595606 TURBO-KIPKAREN

30 Acres parcel 0787151302, 0751887252

BURUBURU Ph5 maisonate, 3br

@7.8M ono, vacant, ideal location t/deed 0720926158, 0723153468 Classic Kshs 9M ono 0722-524270 compound @16.95m 0717023089

DONHOLM Ph5 modern 4b/r all ensuite FEDHA-2 v/c 4br hse & sq. v/neat GOLDEN Gate 4br, sq & Ext 15m
ono Tel. 0734418723, 0203504612

3 br K-South owner 0723-048782 3br Riara Road 28,000 0720020410 6BED Cosy D/storey on 1/4acre in AT SouthB new 1br studios secure BANANA 3 - 7K 0712 102 851 Ena BURU 3 25K 3b/rooms. 0722539273 BURU office 8k 0752-143463 DONHOLM new 2br apt hot shower
underground tank 16K 0716869623 Kahawa Sukari double SQand double garage 100k 0732283049

SOUTHC Bandari d/sq Ksh10000 Tel SOUTHC

Rumi Rd 2bedroom Ksh40,000 Tel 0721350059 water 14k+18k 020-3861345

U/Inecore 40x80 Tel 0722788500 UPLANDS 3/4ac 4br 5.2m0720093553 UPLANDS 4acres 0722732900 WAIYAKI Way 1/2acre with clean
Title Mai-mahiu Junction highway 0733441164 touching

TASSIA 1+2BR apt with Zuku;DSTV TASSIA 1b/rm 15k pm 0752-695315

apt master en suite, s/pool.0715008946,0735120462 For Sale:Lavington,sunninghill apts 2 & 3 br for sale. 0715008946,0735120462

water supply DSTV 24/7 security 0720451423, 0706116647

GREEN/F 4brm maiss 0733788500 GREENFIELD H/Sacco new 4b/rm

maisonate 7.4m cont 0722600523

To Let:LAVINGTON Kingara rd.2br

B747 Parking Space Available

AMPLE Parking space for renting
location along Nyerere Road in-between Zambian High Commision and St. Andrews facing the central park. Charges 200/= per day time 6am to 6pm for more information. Call 0725-607248 or email.

JAMHURI 5br hse 19m 0710431632 K/Sukari 4br +extras 0722143144 KARIOBANGI flat with title income
160k p/m asking 18m0789-851150

G/FIELD 3br 16k 0715916959 owner


KIRINYAGA Rd Bld 0.0375ha 2fl

68M ono 0720385354, 0727441775

Ksh20000 Tel 0721350059/ 0735905737

Apt 2bedroom

HSE To Let Six bedr Sq Mirema Drive, K /SUKARI

B761 Premises, Offices for Sale

BAR & Rest CBD big 0722528651 Business/Shop for sale; Adams Arcade
Shopping Center, next to Java; suitable for Boutique for enquiries call 0722375289/0724981184


Building fronting Kitengela Namanga Road Asking 100 Million. Mr. Muriungi Tel: 0725684490

security, gardener, DSTV, Internet, comp of Ten 40kTel 0724393600 bedsitters + 2br flats 8500-18000 0722856871

apt master en suite, s/pool.0715008946,0735120462 For Sale:Lavington,sunninghill apts 2 & 3 br for sale. 0715008946,0735120462 To let:Runda View apts.newly built.5kms from village mkt 3bd m/ensuite. 0715008946,0735120462

To Let:LAVINGTON Kingara rd.2br

KOMAROCK: 2&3brs 0733484677 LANGATA 3 bed bung 8.5M 0724791279 LAVINGTON Hse. 25m 0710431632 LAVINGTON T/hse 4br ensuite sq
garages, lawns, 40m 170000pm Tel.0722779208, 0202729897 174K income p/month, t/deed, fully let 0720926158, 0723153468 bedrooms each stone perimeter fenced asking 25M Tel: 0722754176

KAHAWA Sukari 3br 0752-143468 KIAMUBI 1&2br 5-8k 0724674808 KIHARA 3brm own compound 14k
Call 0713-389164

UHURU 1br 11k owner 0722885302 W/LANDS Apartment 45K 0722127221 W/LANDS Hse 70K 0722127221 WESTLANDS
3br 3sq 1/4 acre 130k pm call 0733298500 rd) 2ens 1st fl 140k Tel.0722467225 available off 0722201142

LICENCED Wines & Spirits Business

for sale in Westlands daily sales 50,000/= asking 3,500,000/= Cal 0714-862000 to let Kshs 27,000 p.m Koinange Street 0724348088

KIKUYU 2broomed Ksh 15000 Tel



MAZIWA off Kamiti Rd flat @24M MERU 10 Fully serviced apartments 2 MLOLONGO Great wall apartment MSA
Road 3br apts 6.2M 020-2627239 or 0724477906 Call

SHOP T/Mboya 1st g/flr 0722528651

Kile1 br hse to let, call: 0700934965 KILIMANI 2br apartment Afriland

valuers 0706392939

WESTLANDS 3br furnd apt (Rapta WESTLANDS

Office Space parklands road

B768 Premises, Offices to Let

0722899717 CBDfurnshd+intrnet 9k BAR/ Lodging Ngara 0718-260176 BEAUTIFUL
Offices city centre 16000-20000 0722856871

KILIMANI Off Denis Pritt Rd. 4BD

+sq Luxury maisonette 175K p/m Call: 0720953959, 0733251458

2bedroom house. Tel.0721-212299, 0722839871

B810 Wanted to Buy

ARE you in position to sell a large
quantity of knitting machine needles at wholesale price? We need needles for Jones, Passap, Brothers, Knitmasters, Orion and others. Please contact: or Miriam 0726135910 or Beatrice 0713504238 State your prices based on Thousand Needles. Reuben 0721304271

KINOO/Rungiri 2b/roomed0722701142 LANGATA 2BR 25k 0722-814692 LANGATA 6BR, 5 ensuite -owner

GODOWNS 5-10000sqft 4454285 GODOWN with modern offices


opp. Sameer Business Park Msa rd. 6793sq/ft very prime 0717500010

house for sale 3b/ room master ensuite 7.7m. Call Mac2 Properties 0724853613 with title

NGONG 3bedroom 0729-038205

LAV 2BR FLAT 30K 0720034498

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

Transition 63
It is with the humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the promotion to glory of Jane Adhiambo Ogwayo of Allans Distributors Limited on 5th May 2012. Wife of Eng. Arthur Ogwayo of M&E Consulting Engineers. Daughter of the late Henry Minyao and Patricia Minyao. Beloved mother of Alan,Tina, Julie, Audrey, Shirley and Cindy. Loving Grandmother of Jaden Davey. Sister of the late Elly and Teresa Ongalo, the late Nelly and late George Omondi. Sister-in-law of Jackton Akumu, the late Jemimah Kumba, Carey Ogada, and Ignatius Ouma. Auntie of the late Fenella Odhiambo, Churchill, Tom, Owen, Harry, Andy and Steve Ongalo; Boniface, Pauline, Bernadette, Frank, Peter, Harry, Tina and Patricia; late Carol, Dorothy, Fred, Gillian, Yonne, Jemimah, Nigel, Keith Akumu; Kate Odoyo, Ezekiel Kumba, Suzie Kumba; Franklyn, Clarence, Rose and Kevin Ogada; Emily, Julie and Claire Ouma among others. Great Auntie to many.

Moline Safaris Ltd/Jowa Technology

Death and Funeral Announcement

It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Hellen Waithira Gitau( Mama Sue) of Moline Safaris Ltd & Jowa Technology Nairobi, after a long illness bravely borne. Wife of John Gitau Karau of National Council of Science & Technology(N.C.S.T). Daughter of Mr&Mrs Joseph Wanjogu. Daughter in law of the late Mr & Mrs Laban Karau Gachohi. Mother of Susan Gitau (Upperhill Primary Sch, Bahati, Nakuru), Alex Gitau (St.Louis Academy, Kitengela) and Mark Gitau. Sister of the late David Kungu, Jane Nduta, Jack Githiomi and Mary Wambui. Sister in law of Mariam Njeri,Racheal Wanjugu and Isaiah Gachohi. Friends and relatives are meeting daily at her farm in Solai from 2.00p.m.

Promotion To Glory

Death and Funeral Announcement

The body leaves War Memorial Mortuary 07/03/1976-13/05/2012 Nakuru on Friday, 18th May 2012 at 9.00a.m for burial at her farm in Nyandarua Progressive Agencies (Solai). To live in the hearts of those you leave behind is not to die. May your soul rest in everlasting peace. Amen

Hellen Waithira Gitau (Mama Sue)

Jane Adhiambo Ogwayo

Julius Morara Omosa

it must have inevitably followed that all our planetary journeys to nowhere ultimately delivered us to our destinies, then, today and tomorrow. This means that wherever you nd yourself, if only you keep walking, you will nd your planned destiny (Omosa Julius Morara. African Americanized, 2010:34) It is with deep sorrow that we announce the sudden and untimely death of our beloved Julius Morara Omosa. Son of Peter Omosa Simba (retired Clerk, Gusii County Council) and Runa Kerubo Omosa, and Jane Kidesi. Grandson to the late Paustina and Simba Morangi, and the late Elizabeth `Nyarigoti and Onyiego Ogwora. Cherished brother to Professor Mary Omosa (late), Dr Florence, Dr Gloria-Susan, Eileen, Josephine, Oliver & Donysius Omosa; Claire, Lilian, Tom (late), George, Gloria, and Maurice Omosa. Dear uncle to Biko and Abi Orina, Darleen, among others. Brother in-law to: Dr Ken Manyonyi, Ken Masakhwe, Guerline, Kepha and others. Cousin to Thomas, Charles and John Omenge, Sarah and Moturi Ogwora, Pius Nyamora, and many others. Nephew to Nyatichi, Morere, Nyamokami, Mokeira, Omenge (late), Manoti, Boisabi, Sr Carmel, Margaret, Moige and John Ogwora (late), Omenge and Nyakundi Nyambegera, and Samuel Mairura. Julius will be moved from Christa Marianne Mortuary on Friday 18th May 2012 at 1pm to his home in Mosocho Kisii. He will be laid to rest at his home in Mosocho on 19th May 2012. The Requiem Mass will commence at 11am.

Death And Funeral Announcement

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the death of Elizabeth Katungwa Mweu. Wife of the late James Mweu Kitia. Daughter of the late Josiah Masai and the late Martha Kaluu. Mother of Late Peter & Agnes Mweu, Florence & Gregory Muttungi (USA), Late Norah Mueni, Boniface & Jane Mweu (Canada), Ninah & Richard Maina, Caroline Anderson (USA) and JB & Francisca Mweu. Sister to Ruth & John Makau, Naomi & Late Jonathan Mumu, Late Tabitha & James Kasyoka, Jesse & Janet Masai, Zakayo & Phyllis, Anne & Late George Musembi. Grandmother&Great grandmother to many.

Friends and relatives are meeting daily at their residence for prayers and funeral arrangements.There will be a funeral service at All Saints Cathedral on 17th May 2012 at 12 noon. Burial will be at her rural home at Malanga, North Gem, Siaya District on the 19th May 2012 starting 10.00 am. She has fought the good ght, nished the race and kept the faith (2Tim.4:7).Thanks be to God

We, the family of the late Benson Njenga, thank God for His faithfulness and the blessing of a loving husband and father. Our special appreciation goes out to our good neighbours, Mrs Jacinta Mimano, Mrs Agnes Atsiaya, Paul Mathiu, Wilson & Dominic Ogonda, who quickly answered a distress call and helped to rush Benson to hospital. We also wish to thank Bahati Martyrs Church and NPC Karen for the great support and embrace of the family burden in hour of sorrow. For the many relatives, staff, colleagues and friends, especially Mr & Mrs Asige, who steadfastly stood with us in prayer, visits, precious words of comfort-via phone calls and text messages-and nancial support, please accept our heartfelt gratitude.

1918 - 2012 Friends and Relatives will be meeting at All Saints Cathedral MPH on Tue, Wed & Thur, 5.30-7.30pm. The cortege will leave Lee Funeral Home on Sat 19th May 2012 at 7.30am for burial at her home in Kakuyuni, Kangundo.
Mama Rest in Gods Peace. No owers please.

Elizabeth Katungwa Mweu

Benson Njenga Ndindi

Celebrating The Life of A Hero

Death and Funeral Announcement

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing on of Eng. Festus Kamau Githaiga (F.K), formerly of East African Breweries Ltd. (EABL) and Industrial Development Bank (IDB) on 12/05/2012. Husband of Agnes W. Kamau of Ministry of Co-op Development and Marketing Audit Department, Nyayo Hse. Son of Moses Githaiga Kamau and Grace Wanjiru Githaiga of Kaharo village, Thanu location, Mukurwe-ini, Nyeri County. Father of Gerald K. Kamau of Planning Systems Services Ltd., Moses Githaiga Kamau, Grace Wanjiru Kamau-Maina of East African Breweries Ltd. and Anne Wahito Kamau. Father-in-law of Dennis Maina Muniu (NMG). Adoring grandfather of Nicole Ndunge Maina. Brother of the late Eustace Kariuki Githaiga, Jacinta Wakiuru Wamuciru of Thika, Anastasia Wanjiku Gitahi, Fidelis Wambui Githaiga, Elizabeth Muthoni Icangai, Patricia Rugiro Githaiga (USA), Apollo Thige Githaiga and Jane Wairimu Githaiga. Cousin and uncle of many. Family and friends are meeting daily at Magomano hotel on Tom Mboya Street, Nairobi and his home in Buru Buru Phase 1 (big numbers) from 6:00pm, as well as at the family home in Kaharo, Mukurwe-ini.

Your love and thoughts touched our hearts in a special way and set us on the healing path in ways you may not know. Finally, we wish to thank the funeral committee, which worked diligently to ensure that Benson received a betting farewell. May the Lords goodness and loving kindness follow you all in all the days of your lives. Benson, in Gods hands you rest, yet you will always be alive in our hearts. Amen

Jewel Plucked From Our Hearts

Eng. Festus Kamau Githaiga (F.K)
16/07/1953 - 12/05/2012

The cortege leaves Chiromo Funeral Parlour on Saturday 19th May 2012 at 8:00 am. Funeral service and burial thereafter will take place at his Kamulu farm, near Kamulu Academy from 12 noon. It is God who gave us Festus and it is He who has taken him. May the name of the Lord be gloried.

Prof Frederick Ngawo Onyango

Fi1.Kand (B.Sc. Hons), M.Sc. (Uppsala, Sweden), Ph.D (London, UK) EBS, MBS, SS, FKNAS
We the Onyango Family sadly announce the demise of Professor Frederick Ngawo Onyango, former Vice Chancellor of Maseno University and who upon his death was the founding Executive Director, Centre for Research on New and Renewable Energies at Maseno University which occurred on 11th May 2012. Beloved son of the late William Ngawo and the late Elizabeth Ngawo. Loving husband of Valeria. O. Onyango, the late E. Jasmine Onyango, and Halima. M. Onyango. A loving father of Bill, Paul (Rowenga Systems Ltd), Isaac (Discern Ltd), Brian (USA), Michael (Riley Services), Elizabeth (Fly 540 Aviation), Martha (CO-OP Bank), the late Anne. Mohamed and Yusuf (Both of Aga Khan primary schoolKisumu). Brother of the late Snr. Chief Samuel Obura Ngawo, Sospeter Ocheing, the late Elida Achiro, the late Joseph Odwar, the late Linet Awino Osumba, the late Mary Atieno Obondi, the late John Odhiambo and the late William Odwuor. A friend to many. Friends and family are meeting at the United Kenya Club Opposite St Pauls Chapel, daily from 5:30p.m. Funeral arrangements shall be announced later.

We, the family of Mr. and Mrs. Erastus Mutegi Mukunga wish to rst and foremost thank the Almighty God for the 38 years He gave us to be with our late beloved son. The love we shared together shall forever be in our hearts. We wish to express our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all our relatives, friends and colleagues who stood by us in prayers, visits, and words of comfort, phone calls, sms and material support after the unexpected demise of our late son, husband, brother and dad on 21st April 2012. Special thanks go to Dr. Munene, Dr. Njuguna, Dr. Boore, Doctors and Nurses of Nairobi Hospital, MP Shah Hospital, Nairobi West Hospital, Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi Womens Hospital and Umash Funeral Services. Management and staff of Next Technologies, Orbit Chemicals, Africa Agricultural Technology Foundation, I.I.T.A, Neighbours in Donholm Estate, Ibiriga PCEA Church congregation and Burial committees in Nairobi, Karandini, Chuka University, Ikuu Boys, St. Andrews PCEA Nairobi and Chuka Home (Kathunguthe). We shall forever remain greatful for this gesture. Since its not possible to mention everybody by name, kindly accept our appreciation for the role you played. May the Almighty God Bless and reward 10/8/1973 - 21/4/2012 you abundantly. In Gods hands you rest, in our hearts you live forever. Death may leave a heartache no one can heal but love leaves a memory no one can steal.

Tabitha Mulekye Musangi

It saddens our hearts to announce, the sudden death of Tabitha Mulekye Musangi who was a teacher at the late Dr. John Garang International School, Southern Sudan. Her demise was occasioned by being brutally murdered in Juba. Daughter of Onesmus Musangi Munyasya and Felista Musangi, Sister of Paulyn Vata (Kenya School of Law), Joyce Mukeli and Gaby Mbithe. Granddaughter of Jonathan and late Tabitha Munyasya, late William, late Vata, and Veronica Malombe. Cousin of Irene and Ian Kasyoki, Kevin and Mark Munyasya, Ivan and Joy Musyoka, Wendy Munyasya, Dale and Junior Luusa, Mark and Sam Kitonga, Titus Mwanza, Musyoka and Tabitha Keli, Kasee, Albanus Kyongoi (Kanyangi), Mutua Sumaili (yikisi), Carol and many others. Niece of Joyce Kasyoki and Col. Munywoki, Angela and Gerald Mwanza, Hannah and Patrick Munyasya, Damaris and Ben Munyasya, Evelyn and Maj Wambua, Bridgette and Tom Luusa, Janet Munyasya and Titus Kitonga, late Esther and John (Brown) Keli, Mamu and Clement Kitetu. Liz Mulekye, Alice and Richard Kasyoki (Msa), David Mulwa (Galwa Marine Services), Peter Mutemwa (Kyua), Kyembeni (Chief Kitui), Ngala, Muli, Auntie Lucy Malombe (Eld), Mark Muendo (Kingang), Mutava (Kamusina), Col (rtd) Mumo, Lt. Col (rtd) Kisangai and Charles Kingoto (KRA, MKS ) among others. Family and friends are meeting at the Nyayo stadium cafeteria (Pool side) daily from 5:30 pm for burial arrangements. Funeral service will be held on Saturday 26th May 2012 at The Musangi Farm, Wote Division, Mubau Location, Ngunu Village, (kwa Kathoka), Makueni County. When calamity comes, the wicked are brought down, but even in death the righteous have a refuge. (Proverbs 14:32)

Engineer Mugambi Mutegi Mukunga

64 | Transition

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

Transition 65

66 | Transition

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

RALLY RAID FOR SOYSAMBU Soysambu ranch to host this weekends third round of the Cross Country Rally Raid Series. P.69

Thika Sports Club man in three-shot head start on opening round of KCB pros tournament

GOLF | Professionals will be joined by a eld of more than 100 amateurs in Saturdays nal round


Its Advantage Ngige at Royal

hika Sports Clubs Simon Ngige shot a perfect round of seven under par at Royal Nairobi Golf Club yesterday to set a threeshot lead in the opening round of the KCB Advantage Corporate Banking golf tournament. Ngige, whose game has been on the downward trend since last season, set o with two quick birdies on the second and third holes and added two more birdies at the fth and seventh, with his only bogey at the front nine coming at the par three-eighth for three under 33.

Hussey defends IPL after xing claims

Kings XI Punjab acting captain David Hussey on Wednesday defended his teams integrity amid allegations of corruption in the Indian Premier League. Amit Yadav and Shalabh Srivastava, two of the ve players suspended by the Indian cricket board (BCCI) following a television sting, are contracted to the Punjab IPL team, but have not played in the ongoing tournament. Hussey, leading the team in the absence of injured fellow Australian Adam Gilchrist, said he would be disappointed if ngers were pointed at any of his players.


Federer blows past Berloq on Rome clay

Roger Federer braved dust storm conditions to blow past Argentine Carlos Berlocq 6-3, 64 and open his week with a second-round victory at the Rome Masters on Wednesday. The world number two with four titles this season - including two of the rst three Masters 1000 honours of 2012 - came good on his hope of playing in Rome the week after winning in dicult conditions on and o court.

It was at the back nine where Ngige produced the reworks, hitting two back to back eagles at the 14th and 15th following a birdie at the 13th. Despite dropping a shot at the 16th, his low 32 for the days 65 gave him a three shots advantage over Windsors Riz Charania who red four under 68 to close the day in second place on his own. The course is currently playing long, I managed to score well because i was able to hit the fairways most of the time said Ngige. Dismas Indiza, the winner of the third leg at Nyanza

Three shots advantage

Ali Kimani follows his chip from the 18th holes bunker during the opening round of the KCB Advantage Corporate Banking tournament at the Royal Nairobi Golf Club yesterday. Kimani shot three under for 69 in yesterdays round.
Golf Club three weeks ago shot three under 69 to lead a group of three which included Vet Labs Ali Kimani and Coast based Kopan Timbe. Nakurus James Lorum was on his own with level par 72 as series leader Nicholas Rokoine, Richard Ainley, home pro Anil Shah, John Kiondo and another Royal player Ken Abuto were on one over par 73.


The second round of the Sh600,000 tournament is this morning with the pros joined by a eld of more than 100 amateur players in Saturdays nal round.


Hong Kong player in British Open history

Annie Au of Hong Kong became the rst Chinese player into the quarter-nals of a major tournament when she made a tremendous comeback from two games down in the British Open yesterday. Au overcame Alison Waters, the former world number three from England by 9-11, 7-11, 11-9, 11-9, 11-7 in an hour-long tussle during which she was behind for most of the time and twice within two points of defeat.

Air Mauritius treat for Kenyan golfers as Karanja triumphs

Air Mauritius, the Mauritius Open sponsors, have lined-up a threetournament, mini golf tour open to Kenyan golfers at Mauritiuss most prestigious championship golf courses from August 27 to September 1. But in order to play in the three rounds, the Kenyan golfers will be required to buy a special package worth $2,000 (Sh160,000) which include a return ticket , airport transfer, half board accommodation for five days at one of the most prestigious hotels in Mauritius, the Laguna Beach Resort. The package also include the three rounds of golf at Anahita Golf Course, Tamarina Golf Estate and the Le Touessrok Golf Course. In the latest of the build-up tournaments at the nine-hole Kiambu last weekend, former Winston Churchill champion Steve Karanja posted a total of 38 points to claim the second leg of the Air Mauritius/Charleston Travelsponsored Club Nite Series. Playing o handicap two Karanja carded 18 points in the first nine and 20 at the back nine, to win on countback from the former Winston Churchill cup champion Karanja. Karanja, now playing o handicap seven, who posted posted two over par 38 points.

Injury-hit Japan midelder Keisuke Honda said he was denite about his return to form, reports said yesterday. The CSKA Moscow player arrived in Japan on ahead of a friendly against Azerbaijan.





Gatlin res US sprint sweep in South Korea

Former Olympic gold-medallist Justin Gatlin and world champion Carmelita Jeter ramped up their preparations for London 2012 when they led a US sprint clean sweep in South Korea yesterday. Gatlin (right) grabbed the mens 100m at 9.93sec and Jeter won the womens 100m with 11.11 as American runners snatched all ve sprint titles at the World Challenge meeting in Daegu. Gatlin, 30, has hit scintillating form as he bids to recover from a four-year doping ban by reclaiming the 100m Olympic title he won at Athens in 2004.

Aussie boxer banned for doping

Australian national womens boxing champion Bianca Elmir, a top Olympic medal prospect, has been banned from competition after testing positive for a banned substance, authorities said yesterday. A diuretic was found in her urine during the Australian titles earlier this year where she won the 51kg division, the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) said.

Tim Duncans points as San Antonio cruised past the Los Angeles Clippers 108-92 in the Western Conference semi-nals on Tuesday.

68 | Sport

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

Prisons put RRA behind bars, take on Algerians next

Hosts too good for Rwandan opponents as blackout mars the quarter-nal action at MISC gymnasium

30-minute blackout at the Moi International Sports Centre marred the third quarter-nal of the CAVB African Womens Club Championships even as defending champions Kenya Prisons qualied for the semi-nals. Mafolofolo of Botswana and Algerias Chlef had just served o, with the Algerians leading 8-6, when the 6,000-seater gymnasium was plunged into total darkness, an absolute embarrassment to the guests, who included sports secretary Wilson Langat. Prisons will now play Chlef of Algeria in todays second seminal from 6pm at Kasarani. The match will be preceded by the Kenya Pipeline vs FAP (Cameroon) match. In the Prisons quarter-nal match yesterday, the Kenyans couldnt find the opposition they expected after they tossed Rwanda Revenue Authority in straight sets and qualify for todays semis.

past performances, Prisons, the three-time champions again exhibited top form with wellplaced powerful serves, erce fast-tempo hits and precise defence. At some point, the Kenyans flirted with complacency as the tried all they could to take charge, but the champions took control with unrivaled energy and determination to lead 8-4 and 16-11 at both technical time outs. While seeing some displays of fantastic defence work from Evelyne Makuto, the champions stayed strong and nished the set 25-14. Although, the next set saw RRA come on court with a new found sense of condence and aggression and draw the rst point, the Kenyans matched them in every department and ensured parity when Agala powered home from the sides. Despite getting rare hits from Seraphi Mukantambara, the Kenyan defence seemed to pick up every ball and found gaps in the Revenues passing unit. This and a few service errors from Ernestine Akimanizanye saw Prisons lead 16-5 at the second technical timeout before sealing the set 25-9. Some good communication and teamwork from Prisons took them ahead, opening up a 16-6 lead. With that, Revenues earlier promise in the set had fallen away as the Kenyans upped the pressure and saw out the set 25-11. We started the match slowly because we werent used to the Kasarani courts, but with time, we got used to it, Prisons head coach, David Lungaho, said after the win. We are just focused on our semi-nal and advance from there.

Long exchanges

We started the match slowly because we werent used to the Kasarani courts, but with time, we got used to it. We are just focused on our seminal and advance from there.
David Lungaho, Kenya Prisons coach.

Liverpools Scottish manager Kenny Dalglish celebrates with the trophy after his team beat Cardi City in a penalty shoot out in the League Cup Final at Wembley Stadium in London, on February 26, 2012. Liverpool Dalglish was sacked as manager of the club yesterday.


King Kenny dethroned as Liverpool re Dalglish

Liverpool legend Kenny Dalglish was sacked as manager of the club yesterday in a dramatic move by the clubs owners following a disappointing Premier League campaign. The 61-year-old Scot, who had returned for a second stint as manager at Aneld in January last year, paid the price for a dismal season which saw Liverpool nish 37 points behind champions Manchester City. The Merseyside clubs American owners the Fenway Sports Group (FSG) had given Dalglish more than 100 million (159 million dollars) to spend in the transfer market since he took over from the sacked Roy Hodgson in 2011. But expensive signings such as Andy Carroll, Stewart Downing, Jordan Henderson and Charlie Adam have largely opped, with Liverpools eighth place finish their worst season-ending position for nearly two decades. Fenway Sports Group and Liverpool Football Club announce that Kenny Dalglish is to leave his post today as manager after having his contract terminated, a joint statement said. After a careful and deliberative review of the season the club came to the decision that a change was appropriate. It is not a decision that was reached lightly or hastily. The search for a new manager will begin immediately. Dalglish said in a statement he was honoured and privileged to have been given the opportunity to manage the club for a second time. I greatly appreciate the work that Steve (Clarke), Kevin (Keen), the players and all of the sta put in during my time and feel proud that we delivered the clubs rst trophy in six years, winning the (League) Cup. (AFP)

In the first quarter-final match, Forces Armee et Police (FAP) of Cameroon qualied in a straight sets victory (25-15, 25-20, 25-20) over Stet Auto of Madagascar. Playing at Kasarani for the first time since the championships got underway last Thursday, Prisons were ruthless in their 25-14, 25-9, 25-11 quarter-nal triumph against Rwanda Revenue Authority. Going by their impressive

Impressive performances

A joint statement

Jane Wacu of Kenya Prisons celebrates after scoring a point against Rwanda Revenue Authority during their Africa Womens Club Championships quarter-nal match at the Moi International Sports Centre, Kasarani, yesterday. Prisons won the match 3-0 to reach the semis.


Pipeline face Cameroons FAP

National champions Kenya Pipeline will today play FAP of Cameroon in the CAVB African Womens Club Championships rst semi-nal from 4pm at the Moi International Sports Centre, Kasarani. The Kenyans were in a stupendous form as they dismissed DC Motema Pembe in a 3-0 (25-9, 25-13 and 2511) thrashing in the last quarter-nal yesterday night. Esther Wangeci was pivotal in Kenyas raid as the introduction of Janet Wanja in place of Rhoda Lyali was met with a thunderous applause. The Kenyans dug deep and remarkably managed to pull away 8-4 and 16-7 at both technical time-outs. An Esther Wangeci spike did it for the Kenyans as they won the set 25-9 and booked a seminal spot with a 25-11 win in the third. We promised our fans a good match and Im glad my players showed real spirit, Pipeline coach Japeth Munala said.

Todays semi-nals matches at the Moi International Sports Centre: 4pm: Kenya Pipeline vs FAP (Cameroon); 6pm: Prisons vs Chlef (Algeria).

Anxious moments for Mafolfolo of Botswana players during their quarter nal-tie against Nedjemet Chlef from Algeria. The Algerians won 3-0.


DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

Sport 69

MOTORSPORTS | Simon Sharpe and JCB Ganatra teams the ones to beat in o-road competition

Soysambu hosts cross country raid

Tejas Hirani, 13, set to become the youngest competitor in oroad raid rallying this weekend as action enters round three on ranch
BY NATION CORRESPONDENT ts all systems go as teams prepare for the third round of the National Cross Country Raid series that takes place at the Soysambu Ranch this Saturday and Sunday. The usual suspects in action include the JCB/Ganatra Rally Raid team of Simon Sharpe and Shazar Anwar, while also gearing up for the weekends action in the JCB team is Akash Dodhia and his navigator Altaf Ganatra in their Wildcat machine. Another team member, Abid Ganatra, is out of the country and will not be driving his buggy this weekend. Abid found himself lost last time round and was rescued by his team mates a few hours later when his buggy broke down in the Nanyuki round. Sharpe, in his massive Platz hybrid pick-up, won the overall title in Ol Doiny Lemboro last time round with a huge 16-minute margin from Tom Cholmondeley who rode his bike to second overall place. Sharpe is again preparing his Monster pick up at the Simon Sharpe Services workshop in Karen while Shazar (DS650X) is preparing his quad at their Aztek

The Belchers, Eddie and sister Suzy, power their Land Rover along the Masinga Dam during a previous round of the National Cross Country Raid Series. The series heads to Soysambu this weekend. Inset, right: Thirteen year-old Tejas Hirani in his buggy. Tejas is set to become the youngest competitor this weekend.
Motorsports family workshop in Kilimani, Nairobi. There are no major modications to the Wildcat. We have now running on new Goodyear tyres because we hope to alleviate this problem of punctures that we suffered in Nanyuki last month, Altaf says. Simon should dominate the car class if he has a trouble free run. Shazar is an old hand and has his own pace. Meanwhile, thirteen yearold Tejas Hirani is set to become the youngest competitor in oroad raid this weekend. Tejas, who has had a go at gokarts, will be navigated by Bhavik Soni in his Magi Bug machine which is a new road legal buggy


This weekends Rift Valley Motor and Sports Club organised event will be based on the Soysambu Conservancy near Lake Elementaita. Saturday morning has signing on and scutineering, with the rst leg (100km) starting at around 1.30pm with a nice scenic drive returning to base and the spectator section before the evening rest halt. The Sunday loop (145km) will start at 9.00am and will comprise a quick spin on the spectator section then some easy cruising interspersed with hopefully an occasional mudhole, a few smallish rocky sections and incredible scenery, back to the spectator section and campsite for refreshments and prizegiving. The total competitive distance is 245km and the event should be completed by 2.00pm. The venue is 43.5km from Delamere Farm Shop, sign on the left, turn right and turn right again through the gate under the bridge. Its 4.4 kilometres from the gate to the campsite. - By Anwar Sidi

being introduced in Kenya this year. In his historic campaign, Tejas hopes to rub shoulders with defending buggy champion, the indefatigable Ian Duncan, and fast rising Samir Khan. Sponsors include Colourtunes, who will provide the car stickers, and ALS who have set aside a safety helicopter.

70 | Sport
FOOTBALL | European championships

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

Rio Ferdinands out of England Euro Cup squad

Defender out after Sir Alex doubted he could play twice in four days
eteran defender Rio Ferdinand was the highest-prole casualty yesterdayy as England manager Roy Hodgson unveiled his squad for the European Championships. After intense speculation about whether Hodgson would risk picking Ferdinand and Chelsea captain John Terry in the same squad, an announcement conrmed that it was the Manchester United centre-half who had been left out. Terry had previously been tipped to miss out with Hodgson questioning whether the centre-half could exist happily in the same squad as Ferdinand, who has accumulated 81 caps since making his debut in 1997. Terry is facing a July court case on allegations he racially abused Ferdinands younger brother Anton during

NUMBER ONE FAN | Obama meets Becks and co. in the White House

Chelseas Premier League clash with Queens Park Rangers last October, accusations he strongly denies. However Ferdinands ability to withstand the rigours of a tournament campaign were called into doubt by his Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson last week, who questioned whether the defender could play two games in four days.
England squad for Euro 2012: Goalkeepers: Joe Hart (Man City), Rob Green (West Ham), John Ruddy (Norwich); Defenders: Glen Johnson (Liverpool), Phil Jones (Man United), John Terry (Chelsea), Joleon Lescott (Man City), Gary Cahill (Chelsea), Ashley Cole (Chelsea), Leighton Baines (Everton); Midelders: Theo Walcott (Arsenal), Stewart Downing (Liverpool), Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain (Arsenal), Steven Gerrard (Liverpool), Gareth Barry (Man City), Frank Lampard (Chelsea), Scott Parker (Tottenham), Ashley Young (Man United), James Milner (Man City); Forwards: Wayne Rooney (Man United), Danny Welbeck (Man United), Andy Carroll (Liverpool), Jermain Defoe (Tottenham); Standby: Jack Butland (Birmingham), Phil Jagielka (Everton), Jordan Henderson (Liverpool), Adam Johnson (Manchester City), Daniel Sturridge (Chelsea). (AFP)

US President Barack Obama holds a jersey presented to him during an event in honour of Major League Soccer champions, the LA Galaxy, in the East Room of the White House in Washington DC on Tuesday. From left, front row are captain Landon Donovan and David Beckham.



Adelaide and Ulsan top in Asian Champions League last 16

Adelaide United and Ulsan Hyundai secured crucial home advantage for the AFC Champions League last 16 as they registered important wins yesterday to nish top of their groups. Adelaide scored twice in the second half for a 2-0 away victory over former champions Gamba Osaka, while South Koreas Ulsan edged Group Fs top-of-the-table clash 1-0 against FC Tokyo. Both teams will now play this months one-o round-of-16 games at home, a major boon in a competition where away games often involve long ights across the vast Asian region. In other results, Uzbekistans Bunyodkor beat Pohang Steelers 1-0 to follow Adelaide into the knock-outs, and A-League champions Brisbane Roar ended their disappointing campaign with a 1-1 draw against Beijing Guoan. Adelaide, beaten by Gamba in the 2008 nal, were held until the 65th minute in Osaka, when substitute Dutch forward Sergio van Dijk nudged in a cross from the right.



Man Utds Ferguson meets Dortmund star Kagawa

Japan international Shinji Kagawa revealed yesterday that he had met Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson, as rumours swirl that the Borussia Dortmund star is eyeing a move to the Premier League. The midelder said the Scot had good words to say about him during two hours of talks in Manchester this week. Kagawa still has a year to run on his contract with the German champions.

Thousands pay homage to Senegal football icon Bocande

Tens of thousands of people on Tuesday lled a Dakar stadium to pay homage to Senegalese football icon Jules-Francois Bocande who died in France on May 7. Senegalese President Macky Sall was due to speak at the ceremony, along with government ministers and sports authorities. Bocandes con stood draped with the national ag as a choir sang and people gave tearful speeches for the much-loved footballer.



Duesseldorf take Hertha Berlins Bundesliga place

Fortuna Duesseldorf secured a place in the Bundesliga and consigned Hertha Berlin to the German second tier after overcoming the side from the capital in their relegation play-o on Tuesday. Having won 2-1 in Berlin in the rst leg, Fortuna secured a 2-2 draw on home turf to return to the German elite for the rst time since 1996-97.

Half of 2014 World Cup stadiums a concern, say Fifa

Footballs world governing body FIFA believes that six of 12 Brazilian stadiums that are to host the 2014 World Cup may not be ready in time, the daily Folha de Sao Paulo reported Tuesday. The paper cited a study by a FIFA consultant on the stadium construction or renovation program pointing to various degrees of risk for some of the arenas.

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

Sport 71 BRIEFLY

KENYAN PREMIER LEAGUE | Interesting results in midweek xtures as KOgalo fail to score

Gor held, Sofapaka maul AFC

Beckham to bring ame to Britain

Football star David Beckham will bring the Olympic ame from Greece to Britain for the torch relay ahead of the London 2012 Games, organisers said yesterday. Beckham (above) will be joined by ve young Britons for Thursdays handover ceremony at the Panathenaic Stadium in Athens. The Los Angeles Galaxy midelder and former England captain will then be part of the delegation that brings the ame to Cornwall in southwest England to begin its 70-day journey around Britain and Ireland. Beckham was part of Londons winning bid team in the contest to stage the Olympics and could be included in Great Britains football squad for the Games.

I want two strikers upfront!, Gor Mahia coach Zdravko Logarusic seems to be telling his players during his teams Kenyan Premier League mid-week match against Western Stima at the City Stadium in Nairobi yesterday. Well, It didnt work as Gor were held goalless by the powermen.



England skipper in no mood to stand down

England captain Andrew Strauss has insisted he has no desire to rid himself of the pressure of leadership despite a poor run of form with the bat. The Middlesex opener is all set to skipper England in the rst of a three-Test series against the West Indies at his Lords home ground on Thursday with a record of just one hundred in his last 49 Test innings solidly behind him.

KOgalo throw dozens of chances overboard as they are forced to settle for goalless draw despite playing in front of their vocal fans at Nairobis City Stadium in midweek tie

We have played poorer and won. This was just not our day. We created the chances but were a bit unlucky. Now is to work on our mistakes.
Zdravko Logarusic, Gor Mahia coach.

or Mahia missed a dozen of chances as they failed to switch off Western Stima in a Kenyan Premier League game at Nairobis City Stadium yesterday, settling for a goalless draw. And in the top-of-the-table clast at Nyayo National Stadium, Sofapaka consolidated their lead at the top of the table with a 2-1 win over third-placed AFC Leopards (story below).

Gors chances both in the rst and second half left Gor fans and players a frustrated lot. It was not the best of days for KOgalo whose fans came in large numbers despite the game being played in mid-afternoon. Baldwin Ngwa was the rst to miss an open chance with the huge goal yawning at him after he took advantage of a fumble by a Stima defender and the keeper. He hit the ball inches wide in the 20th minute. The defender Ivan Anguyo also left with an open goal mis-

timed his tap and the ball went out from a Kevin Ochieng free kick at 38 minutes. It did not end there. Moses Odhiambo was next to see his shot go agonizingly inches over the bar from a free kick at the edge of the box. At half-time, the scores remained at par, Stima preferring to star at the back and hope for a counter which rarely came their way and Gor Mahia pushing for a goal. Gor coach, Zdravko Logarusic, looked a frustrated man on the touch line and he did not hide it when the half time whistle was sounded, as he remained seated for a few minutes before

Pushing for a goal

joining the rest of the players in the dressing room. Meanwhile Stimas coach Henry Omino remained calm. The second half was equally frustrating, two goal bound shots by Kevin Omondi and George Midenyo being saved o the line and another free kick by Victor Ali hit the upright. Gor coach was happy with the way his boys created chances but disappointed that none went in. We have played poorer and won. This was just not our day. We created the chances but were a bit unlucky. Now is to work on our mistakes, he said. Omino on the other said the game was dicult and a draw was the fairest result.


David condent of sports future

Nicol David reckons this weeks revived British Open championships will provide an outstanding example of why the sport of squash has qualities uniquely designed for a successful Olympic bid. David, who achieved a record sixth World Open title in November, hopes to aim for an Olympic medal in 2020, and believes that the famous venue for this years British Open shows why she may get that chance.

Baraza tormentor-in-chief as leaders cruise

Kenyan Premier League top scorer John Baraza increased his goal tally to 12 after plundering one in either half to lead Sofapaka to a 2-1 victory against AFC Leopards in a tight contest under oodlights at Nyayo National Stadium last night. Captain Martin Imbalambala pulled a goal back for Leopards late in the second have but it was too little too late as his side registered their second successive loss of the season. The win increased Sofapakas lead at the top of the table by four points to 32 over second placed Tusker while Leopards, now four games without a win, remained in third position with 27 points. John Baraza had signaled his predatory instincts early on controlling a long punt to shoot on his second touch but Jonas Nahimana put a foot out to remove the sting from the shot. He got the opener in the 12th minute. Inuential Uganda midelder Musa Mudda feeding him with an inch-perfect cross in the box, and in his current form, the lead KPL striker was not going to miss from that distance. The goal seemed to rouse Leopards from their slumber as they mounted wave after wave of attack in the Sofapaka area. Venomous drive Mike Barazas dipping freeheader brought out an excellent save from Duncan Ochieng in the Sofapaka goal. Mike Baraza was again denied by Ochieng this time the goalie punching out a venomous drive from the AFC lead striker. In between that, Rwanda defender Jonas Nahimana saw his free kick go agonizingly wide. Mike Baraza was shown a yellow card for punching the ball into the net and claiming the goal. The action wrapped up a frustrating half for Leopards. Leopards started the second half forcefully but struggled to nd the cutting edge. Then out of nothing Nahimana sent powerful long range eort touched on by the head of Mike Baraza that was punched out for a corner by the excellent Ochieng. Against the run of play Sofapaka doubled their score in the 60th minute, John Baraza pouncing on a loose ball in the box to slot it home. From a rehearsed free kick move Martin Imbalambala squeezed his shot past a sea of legs to beat Ochieng. The ball may have taken a slight deection but Imbalambala was taking full credit. Leopards are being managed by an interim oce.


Sri Lanka will be tough, coach warns

Pakistan coach Dav Whatmore on Wednesday warned his players they faced a battle on next months tour of Sri Lanka, saying the hosts were tough opponents in home conditions. The Australian backed the six uncapped players picked across Pakistans Test, one-day and Twenty20 squads to make an impact on the tour, which starts with a Twenty20 international in Hambantota on June 1.

The number of goals that Kenyan Premier League top scorer, Francis Baraza of Sofapaka FC, has scored this season so far. Baraza scored twice against AFC Leopards in Sofapakas 2-1 win.

Taking full credit

Third position

DAILY NATION Thursday May 17, 2012

PRISONS IN SEMI-FINALS Kenya Prisons jail Rwandans to reach the semi-nals of the Africa Womens Volleyball Club Championships. P.68


CORRUPTION WAR | Rights group says he was behind major scandals that nearly crippled AFC

Now High Court blocks Matemu



Thikas Simon Ngige in threeshot lead at KCB Advantage professional tournament at the Royal Nairobi Golf Club . P.67

Judge refers case against new anti-graft czar to Chief Justice for the appointment of Bench
BY WANJIRU MACHARIA he High Court has blocked the appointment of Mumo Matemu to head the Ethics and AntiCorruption Commission. Nakuru judge Anyara Emukule granted conservatory orders staying the decision by the Executive and Parliament to approve Mr Matemu to head the commission pending the hearing and determination of the petition. Mr Justice Emukule also ordered that the case be referred to the Chief Justice to constitute a special Bench. In light of the grave allegations against the Executive and Parliament, I nd this case proper for appointment of a special Bench, the judge said as he certied the case as urgent. The matter was led by a human rights group, Trusted Society of Human Rights Alliance, which claimed Mr Matemu had committed major nancial scandals when he served as a legal ocer at a State corporation. The Attorney-General, Justice minister and the Director of Public Prosecutions are listed as respondents. Mr Matemu is listed as an interested party.

Mr Matemu


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Arguing out the petition before Mr Justice Emukule yesterday, lawyer Gordon Ogolla, for the applicants, said the government ignored concerns over Mr Matemus integrity during the appointment process. Mr Ogolla said that during Mr Matemus tenure as the chief legal ocer at the Agricultural Finance Corporation, there was rampant plunder, mismanagement and poor lending with his knowledge and approval. As the chief legal ocer, it was with his knowledge and approval that funds were plundered, mismanaged and poorly given out as loans leading to the near-collapse of the once vibrant State corporation, said Mr Ogolla.

Agricultural Contractors Limited on the basis of a land security he (Mr Matemu) knew it had been sold four years earlier. The interested party in this case had in his custody the sale agreement between Rift Valley Agricultural Contractors Limited and Sowet Kenya Limited by the time he approved the loan, he said. Mr Ogolla said the land was sold to repay an AFC loan. He told the court that on the same date, Mr Matemu approved another Sh18 million and Sh19.2 loans to subsidiaries of Rift Valley Contractors although the money, including the Sh24 million, was never paid to the rm. Mr Ogolla said efforts by investigators to nd out in whose name the money was paid hit a snag due to frustrations by AFC and lack of a proper forensic audit. He told Mr Justice Emukule that an inquiry into the matter was opened and that nothing had been done to date. The lawyer also claimed that Mr Matemu personally approached ve MPs at a city hotel asking them to approve his appointment. We have evidence and sworn adavits to prove that he met the MPs and solicited their support he said. Mr Justice Emukule gave the applicant 14 days to serve the respondents and set the matter for mention on May 30.

As the chief legal ocer, it was with his knowledge and approval that funds were plundered, mismanaged and poorly given out as loans
Lawyer Gordon Ogolla
He said millions of shillings from AFC were given out without proper securities. The lawyer alleged that on January 12, 1993, Mr Matemu approved the release of Sh24 million to Rift Valley

Investigations hit a snag

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