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About Dominos Pizza:

Domino's Pizza, Inc. Is an international pizza delivery corporation headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States. Founded in 1960, Domino's is the second-largest pizza chain in the United States and has nearly 9,000 corporate and franchised stores in 60 international markets and all 50 U.S. states. Domino's Pizza was sold to Bain Capital in 1998 and went public in 2004. The menu features pizza, pasta, oven-baked sandwiches, wings, boneless chicken, salads, breadsticks, cheesesticks, and a variety of dessert items.

History :
In 1960, Tom Monaghan and his brother, James, purchased Dominicks a small pizza store in Ypsilanti, Michigan. The deal was secured by aUS$75 down payment and the brothers borrowed $500 to pay for the store. Eight months later, James traded his half of the business to Tom for a used Volkswagen Beetle. As sole owner of the company, Tom Monaghan renamed the business Domino's Pizza, Inc. in 1965. In 1967, the first Domino's Pizza franchise store opened in Ypsilanti. The company logo was originally planned to add a new dot with the addition of every new store, but this idea quickly faded as Domino's experienced rapid growth.By 1978, the franchise opened its 200th store. In 1975, Domino's faced a lawsuit by Amstar Corporation, maker of Domino Sugar, alleging trademark infringement and unfair competition. On May 2, 1980, a federal appeals court found in favor of Domino's Pizza.

SWOT Analysis of Dominos Pizza :

Strengths :

Dominos Pizza Inc. currently operates in more than 60 countries across the globe. It owns a well-knitted network of both company owned as well as franchise stores worldwide. It is one of the leading and most popular pizza delivery companies in the USA. The 8773 global outlets are spread across all the USAs states and the 60 countries of the world. Currently about 10,500 people are employed at the Dominos Pizza Inc. The Dominos Pizza Inc. reported an increase of 0.6 % in its operating profits during the fiscal year 2008 a compared to the previous year. The operating profit has been $195 million during 2008. An increase of 42.5% in net profit has been reported during the year 2008 over the previous year. The net profits during the fiscal year 2008 were worth $54 million. Dominos Pizza Inc. strong brand equity gives it a competitive advantage over other industry players. The intelligent marketing strategy of heavy advertising is a key strength to make its brand image retained and differentiated in the minds of its customers. Dominos Pizza Inc. efficient and effective supply chain management enables it maintain its goodwill and promises. Its extensive distribution channels add to its plus points. In the global era of e-commerce and online shopping it has enabled to keep pace with the technology by offering online menus, click order placement services etc. it has been reported that in UK, 21.8% of the dominos pizzas have been delivered through online orders paced on the web.

Weaknesses :

The company is faced with crucial issues of weakening bottom lines due to slow growth and decline in the sales. The company experienced decline in its operating and net profits during the year 2007 as compared to the previous years reports. 9.5% drop down in operating profits and about 64.3% decrease in net profits was recorded.

Opportunities :

There are favorable market expansion opportunities for Dominos Pizza Inc in India and China where currently it have very few franchises moreover new product development by introducing new products in the current menu are a step that can be taken. Especially introduction of new flavor additives and pizza toppings that are region specific can be a good stride for Dominos. The distribution network should be further strengthened so as to ensure market penetration in the existing markets at maximum optimum levels.

Threats :

The major threat to Dominos Pizza Inc., like all other fast food restaurants, is the increasing consumer awareness about the he harmful health implications associated with high calorie fast food items. The researches in the health sector about the fast food products being saturated with fats, oil, sugars and sodium etc pose a threat to Dominos. In addition to this there are other researches showing the potential harmful effects associated with the artificial additives, flavors and preservatives added to these fast foods. Intensive competition and franchise management which vary withcurrency fluctuations pose a threat to the company. Apart from that Dominos operations in countries like India, where there is unruly traffic system, are greatly affected to reach its claim.

Brand Tracking Studies:

Brand tracking studies are an important tool in the day-to-day decisions brand managers make. They allow marketers to monitor a brands health and adjust marketing programs. WHAT SHOULD BE TRACKED? Each brand faces different issues, which often required customized tracking surveys. Nonetheless, at Relevant Insights we always recommend our clients to include measurements of awareness, usage, brand attitudes, perceptions, and purchase intent in brand tracking studies. Awareness: This is often tracked through measures of brand recall &recognition. A brand that it is easily recalled in certain situations is more likely to be considered for purchase than one that is only recognized when it is prompted to the consumer. Brand awareness means the extent to which a brand associated with a particular product is documented by potential and existing customers either positively or negatively. Creation of brand awareness is the primary goal of advertising at the beginning of any product's life cycle in target markets. In fact, brand awareness has influence on buying behaviour of a buyer. All of these calculations are, at best, approximations. According to the survey done maximum number of people are aware of Dominos and when it comes to recalling Indian fast food joints Dominos is the one which always strikes peoples. Usage : This can be measured through recency, frequency of usage, and total spending in the brand, and product category. These brand tracking measures, tell us about consumer shopping behavior and preferences. They are also indicators of market share and share of wallet. Brand Attitudes and Perceptions: this is usually captured through questions related to brand image and associations that consumers develop based on their experience with the brand and exposure to its message through PR, advertising and promotional programs. Brand associations include beliefs about product- and non-product related attributes and benefits, as well as perceptions related to price and value. Some brand associations are stronger than others, are more easily recalled and are appealing enough that they become a driver in a consumers decision to buy a brand. Many times, attitudes towards a brand go beyond the product to include attitudes toward the company.

Purchase intent: Measures of likelihood to buy a brand or switch to a competitor are also indicators of brand health and should be part of brand tracking studies. These questions should be put in context regarding specific product or brand, reason for the purchase, time, channel, price and other relevant factors to the purchase decision, so they can be predictive of actual purchase behavior.

BRAND PERFORMANCE Product itself is at the heart of the brand equity, because it is the primary influence on what consumers experience with a brand, what they hear about a brand from others andwhat the firm can tell customers about the brand in their communications: Designing & delivering a product that fully satisfies consumer needs and wants is a prerequisite for successful marketing. There are mainly 5 important types of attributes and benefits that often underlie brand performance: 1. Primary ingredients & supplementary features 2. Product reliability, durability & service 3. Service effectiveness, efficiency & empathy 4. Style & design 5. Price

BRAND IMAGERY Brand imagery is how people think about a brand abstractly, rather than what they think brand actually does. Imagery associations can be formed: 1. Directly: from consumers own experiences & contact with product, brand, target market or usage situations 2. Indirectly: depiction of these same considerations as communicated in brand advertising or by some other source of information.

BRAND FEELING Emotions evoked by a brand can become so strongly associated that htey are acessable during product consumption and use, this is how a brands feeling can by checked. There are mainly 6 types of brand building feelings: 1. Warmth 2. Fun

3. Excitement 4. Security 5. Social approval 6. Self respect

BRAND RESONANCE Resonance is characterised in terms of intensity, or depth of the Psychological bond that the customers have with the brand, as well as the level of activity engendered by its loyalty.

WHEN AND WHO TO TRACK? Brand tracking studies usually involve collecting quantitative data from consumers on a regular basis. One way to do it is to continuously collect information, which provide a more representative picture of how the brand stands and allow us to control for unusual marketing activities during the analysis. However, this type of brand tracking may not be feasible due to budget and resources constraints. Fortunately, tracking at specific time intervals (monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.) can be equally effective.

Frequency of product purchase: long purchase cycles can be tracked less frequently. Marketing activity in the product category: product categories with a lot of marketing activity should be monitored more often. Level of competition in product category: highly competitive product categories, where new products and competitors are constantly trying to break in, should be tracked regularly. Stability of brand associations: brands with an established image that dont change much over time, can be tracked less often.

Brand tracking studies are usually conducted with current customers, but monitoring non-users of the brand can prove to be invaluable to the development of acquisition and market penetration strategies.

HOW TO INTERPRET BRAND TRACKING MEASURES? Although for comparison purposes brand tracking measures tend to stay the same over time, they should be revised from time to time to assess their reliability and sensibility, so they dont become unable to capture important shifts in the market due to changes in sociodemographic trends, competitive landscape and economic macrotrends. Another issue with brand tracking measures is defining what constitutes the desirable level of specific metrics. Is a 70% level awareness good enough? It depends on the product category and the competitive environment. In low-involvement product categories and those with many competitors, it may be difficult to get very high levels of awareness and strong brand associations, so good levels for any metric differ across industries and product categories. Finally, each brand tracking study should be customized to capture the brand associations that contribute the most to brand equity and the marketing activities supporting the brand . The goal is to identify key drivers that make a difference on consumers brand choice and purchase behavior and develop marketing tactics that lead to brand growth.

Brand Tracking Survey DOMINOS

Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Age: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sex : M / F

Profession: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Do you like having fast food? Yes No


Which of the following you consider going to maximum number of times? Dominos Pizza hut KFC Mc Donalds How would you rate the following fast food joints? ( Give ranking 1= least, 5= maximum ) Dominos Pizza Hut KFC Mc Donalds Which factors affect you while choosing it to dine in a food joint? ( give ranking 1= least important, 5 = maximum important ) Ambience Interiors Service Food quality Price Variety




How often do you visit Dominos? Twice in a week Once in a week Twice in a month Once in a month Occasionally Do you think Dominos offers variety in its food items? Yes No May be Do you think Dominos delivers the best pizza in the town? Yes No Do you think Dominos is consistent in delivering its food quality? Yes No How good value is Dominos? ( give ranking 1 = less value, 5= high value )





10. What do you like the most about Dominos? ( give ranking 1 = least, 5 = most )
Price Quality Ambience Service Variety

11. Are you satisfied with the 30 minutes home delivery of Dominos and the food is served as good
as when you dine in? Yes No

12. To what extent does Dominos offer advantages to other brands?

High Medium Low

13. Please rate the following, according to your personal choice for Caf Coffee Day?
(1= Bad and 5= Excellent)



Pizza Other Drinks Pastas Desserts

o o o o

o o o o

o o o o

o o o o

o o o o


Pizza Other Drinks Desserts Pastas

o o o o

o o o o

o o o o

o o o o

o o o o

3.) DELIVERY OF PRODUCTS *(1=very slow & 5= quick)..**(1=inconvenient & 5= very


Order Time* Delivery Time* Order Process** Delivery Process**

o o o o

o o o o

o o o o

o o o o

o o o o


Behavior Manners Helpfulness Service

o o o o

o o o o

o o o o

o o o o

o o o o


Furniture & Dcor Colors & Lightning Comfort & Feel Other Entertainment

o o o o

o o o o

o o o o

o o o o

o o o o

14. Would you like to recommend Dominos to others ?

Highly recommendable Recommendable Less recommendable Not worth

15. Dominos is :
Innovative Trustworthy Likeable Concerned about their customers Concerned about the society as a whole Admirable Hygienic

16. If

you switch to another food joint other than Dominos, the reason would be ..

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