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Scientific Research Answers

Question: What are the causes and effects of deforestation on Sri Lanka?

By Trisha Sarang

Introduction/Background: Deforestation. Perhaps the first thing that pops in your mind is trees. Normally you might cut one tree or maybe two, but that is not deforestation. Deforestation is when you have obliterated trees on a massive scale. This issue is big all over the world and especially in Sri Lanka. It is a beautiful island with a lovely ocean, which has lost most of its original, green forests due to Deforestation. Conservation International has estimated that Sri Lanka has, only around 1.5 percent of the island's original forest remains. Deforestation also damages the biomes and ecosystems. This research paper will cover the history of deforestation in Sri Lanka, its causes and effects on others.

History: Back in the ancient times, all the forests of Sri Lanka were protected by the Royal Decree. They followed the Buddhas teachings and declared that all wildlife would be sacred. For protection, animals were placed in sanctuaries and the rest were taken care of. In the colonial times deforestation began. Mostly local farmers cut down trees for plantations and money. Large areas were cut to plant tea, rubber and coffee. Not only was the environment harmed, but the animals too. Poachers/hunters killed them for spot and trade. The killing of animals led to extinction, and when trees were felled their habitats got destroyed. Once the trees started disappearing, there was just flat land left. Animals whose habitats were demolished attacked plantations, and thereby abolished its crops. Therefore, local farmers just shot them there and then. During the 1980s and 1990s through the extensive Civil War, 2.5 million Palmyrah trees were cut down by the Army and Tamil rebels and other rainforest resources to create safe haven for soldiers. When the war was happening, farmers rushed deeper inside the forests to build farms and to keep themselves safe. After 1990, there had been a substantial jump. The rate of deforestation in Sri Lanka increased by more than 25%. Through the past fifteen years, from 1990 to 2005, its rate had been one of the highest in the whole world. Between those periods, Sri Lanka lost more than 35% of its forests. On the other hand, Mongabay says that the forests have been damaged by almost 18%.

Scientific Research Answers

Causes of Deforestation (Human):

By Trisha Sarang

All this damage to forests is mostly due to certain human activities. First, specific medicines use forest plants and trees as ingredients. Second, construction materials perhaps wood are used to build roadways, electricity lines, etc. Further as per the histogram below, the increase in population by four times has decreased the forest cover by more than three times.

Next, since there has been more industrialization, the forests are cut down to make space for factories, buildings, and etc. More households use wood for fuel to cook and heat their homes. With increased industrialization, timber is used more often. Poverty is one of the major causes that is destroying the forests. This is because when poor people are in need of money, they either plant agricultural crops to earn money and or locally chop trees. Lastly, these precious forests hold useful resources that are free to everyone. In a lot of rural areas, the forests are used for making houses, and many daily uses.

Causes of Deforestation (Natural): As mentioned in the earlier paragraph, a lot of deforestation is related and done by mostly humans. However, humans are not the only poblem. There are a few environmental cases that have caused deforestation. For example, some insects can hurt the forests and create dangers for them. Other examples are natural disasters such as the terrible Tsunami which occurred killing 31,000 people in 2004. Thereby, destroying $1.5 billion in property. Therefore, that put extreme amount of stress on the forests. Also some other diasters like landslides, forest fires, etc. cause deforestaion.

Scientific Research Answers

Effects on animals and the environment:

By Trisha Sarang

During all this deforestation, many things have been affected like animals, the environment, etc. Some critical problems are loss of habitat, destroyed ecosystems, and extinction. As per a survey by, 17 of Sri Lanka's frogs have disappeared in the past decade and another 11 species face imminent extinction unless their habitat is protected. The biodiversity in the forests are decreasing. Deforestation has really affected the wildlife around it. The History section also has some interesting facts about how animals were affected and treated back in the ancient times. Even though, animals are suffering, their surroundings are affected too. Firstly, increased floods and drought has caused damage to rural and urban areas. Secondly, the soil erosion is another concern. When trees are chopped, what remains is flat land. Consequently, when rain falls, it washes away the soil making it useless and a waste of fertile land. Thirdly, the climate gets affected, releasing greenhouse gases into the air. Lastly, if the forest and vegetation is cleared, less rainfall comes causing dry and regional climate and less water.

Conclusion: In the beginning of the 20th century, Sri Lanka was covered with 75% of dense forests. Looking straight ahead to today, they say that now its only covered with less that 20% of dense forests. This is all due to deforestation. People just misused their green and picturesque forests too much. To conclude, action has taken place. Sri Lanka has done things to investigate and overcome this environmental issue. For example, CTC and RUK RAKA GANNO organizations conducted projects related to replanting of forests with government aid. Sri Lanka has also made people aware about the damage and destruction results. Further, they have built reserves to help maintain forests. Cleverly, they have used the SALT method to protect mangroves, wetlands and slopes. Lastly natural disasters like landslides, mudslides etc. have been defensed by replanted forests that can help stop them. In my opinion, I am not very happy with what the people of Sri Lanka have done. Why did they stop following the Buddhas teachings of all wildlife being sacred? Although I think its a great start as to what Sri Lanka has done to conserve. I am a little surprised about what I read. Perhaps if poverty could reduce, that can change many things. This is because it has been said that poverty is one of the major leading problems to deforestation. With a little more effort and cooperation from the people, Sri Lanka has a better chance of improving its forests by banding deforestation.

Scientific Research Answers

Citations: Book:

By Trisha Sarang

Wanasundera, Nanda P. "Environment." Sri Lanka. 2nd ed. New York: Marshall Cavendish, 2002. 53-54. Print.

Research papers: University of Gothensburg. "Tropical Deforestation in Sri Lanka." University of Gothensburg. Web. 9 May 2012. < 909-1.pdf>.

Sites: "Focali." Student Thesis . Web. 08 May 2012. < National Geographic. "Deforestation." National Geographic. Web. 14 May 2012. <>. Sri Lanka: Environmental Profile. Rainforests. Mongbay, 4 Feb. 2006. Web. 30 Apr. 2012. <>. "Sri Lanka: Environment." World Geography: Understanding a Changing World. ABC-CLIO, 2012. Web. 9 May 2012.

Slideshows: Sri Lanka Deforestation. Perf. Royal College.

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