International Federation of Sport Climbing: World Cups 2012

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International Federation of Sport Climbing

IFSC Calendar Application form for:


> This is the official application form for the IFSC world cup calendar. > One event means one date. > Please use a separate application form for different events. If the event is multi-discipline please use one form. Send to: IFSC - International Federation of Sport Climbing Corso Ferrucci 122 10141 Torino, Italy Name and address of organizing federation: Event location (city): Reminders: > This is the official application form for the IFSC world cup calendar. > One event means one date. > Please use a separate application form for different events. If the event is multi-discipline please use one form. > World Cups + International Events (Master) belong to IFSC; all continental competitions to the relevant CC (e.g. EYC to ECSC); for Africa contact the Office (see point 6).

1. Contact information Important note: The National Federation (NF) is ultimately the responsible body for the world cup organization, however the IFSC might need to obtain some technical local information, therefore the contact given by the federation should ideally be a operational person with strong links and ability to work with the local organization committee. National federation event responsible person:

Kapellenstrasse 14 3001 Bern Switzerland office: 122, Corso Ferrucci 10141 Torino Italy tel. +39 (0)11 3853995 web: www.ifsc> e>mail: office@ifsc>

International Federation of Sport Climbing

Position in the National Federation: Phone number: E-mail:

2. Condition for applying to an IFSC World Cup > Hereby accept the IFSC selection process (described below) that will be conducted by the Sport Department. > Hereby recognize that the IFSC Organizer Handbook and the IFSC Rules are compulsory regulations. (check for latest version on IFSC website). We remind you that the IFSC handbook is stating that: > The NF should be member of the IFSC at the date of the application deadline. (IFSC Organizer Handbook: point 1.2.1) > No debts from NF at time of application, subsequent debts from the federation may result in an event being removed from the calendar. (IFSC Organizer Handbook: point 2.1.5) > The proposed venue and its associated facilities may be subject to an inspection at the organizers expenses. (IFSC Organizer Handbook: point 2.1.6) Additionally: > A bond may be requested by the IFSC. This bond may be used by the IFSC in order to pay any sanctions imposed against the federation following an event.

3. Application selection process > The Sport Department will make a selection between all applications and choose a maximum of 8 events per season per discipline. > Each application will be selected according the following criteria: Applies to: Criteria... Existing/Past/New event 1. Long term contract Existing

Kapellenstrasse 14 3001 Bern Switzerland office: 122, Corso Ferrucci 10141 Torino Italy tel. +39 (0)11 3853995 web: www.ifsc> e>mail: office@ifsc>

International Federation of Sport Climbing

2. Evaluation of the last event organized by the NF This evaluation will be based on the different reports that have been produced on the event. Cancellation history will be considered as well. 3. Quality of the application technical file The quality of the technical file (see below) will be evaluated based on the 2012 Event objective this document can be found in appendix 1. 4. Result of the evaluation visit (optional) In order to complete the evaluation, a visit, at the organizer' s expenses, can be organized by the IFSC. 5. Continental repartition of the world cups If too much event would be organized in the same part of the world the Sport Department might set a continental limit. All New All Existing / past

4. Event application general information > Date: > Alternative date 1: > Alternative date 2: Please note that providing the alternative dates is compulsory, any absence of these mentions will be considered in the evaluation. Please consider also that the calendar period: > Calendar is open from Mid March until Mid December. > Timing for disciplines: - Bouldering: start of the calendar period until end of July. - Lead: start of July until the end of the calendar period. - Speed: at any time during the calendar period. - Multi disciplines events (Lead + Bouldering): June, July, August, September. > For Information: Other Event - World Championships (Adults and Youth): July, August, September. - Continental Championships and Event): to be decided by the relevant Continental Council. Important notes Schedule consequence: 1. Please refer to the IFSC Working Schedule for Calendar 2012 Applications document (Available on IFSC Web site) to choose the best date for your event. 2. Consider Athletes rest schedule during season by trying to achieve: - Maximum 3 events (of same discipline) in a row. - 7 days of rest (travel included) before and after any trans-continental travel. - 10 days of rest (travel included) before any championship and 7 days after. 3. Consider other important events likely to happen at the same period, in order to: - Still be able to propose convenient accommodation at the rate of 100 Euro max per double room. - Make sure media interest on the climbing event is does not suffer of the event proximity.
Kapellenstrasse 14 3001 Bern Switzerland office: 122, Corso Ferrucci 10141 Torino Italy tel. +39 (0)11 3853995 web: www.ifsc> e>mail: office@ifsc>

International Federation of Sport Climbing

> Discipline: > Venue address: > Is the event linked to another: (Yes / No) > Experience on event organization: Please give a list of last major events organized by the NF in the 2 last years OR provide 2 years of references for the external provider (i.e. other NF) or supplier (i.e. Company) that will be in charge of the organization: Name of the external provider / supplier: Event name: Date: Discipline: City: > Event name:

5. Technical file Describe what you will be organizing in order to achieve in the best way possible the elements listed in the 2012 event objective. Please provide as much concrete elements and description as possible, e.g.: > People name, and organization charts, > Media plan, > Schedule(s), > Equipment list, > Maps, > Name of companies that will provide a service, > Accommodation services, Please also note that the absence of description will be considered in the evaluation.

5.1 Athletes perspective Hint: For this perspective give a map of the venue and what will be provided to them at each steps of
Kapellenstrasse 14 3001 Bern Switzerland office: 122, Corso Ferrucci 10141 Torino Italy tel. +39 (0)11 3853995 web: www.ifsc> e>mail: office@ifsc>

International Federation of Sport Climbing

the competition. List also the volunteers groups that will be dedicated to the Athletes. Make your description here:

5.2 Officials perspective Hint: For this perspective give a list of equipment that will be used as well as information on the organizing team. Make your description here:

5.3 Audience perspective Hint: For this perspective give a map of the venue and what will be provided in order to ensure a large pre-event promotion to the public and a good experience during the event. Make your description here:

5.4 Media perspective Hint: For this perspective list what youll be organizing to maximize communication on the events in the media. Make your description here:

6. Application notes Deadline for application: 30th of April 2011 6.1 Send it to Please send the application to ALL following people: > IFSC Vice President, Helmut Knabl: > IFSC Sport Manager, Jrme Meyer: > IFSC Office:

6.2 Calendar setting schedule

Kapellenstrasse 14 3001 Bern Switzerland office: 122, Corso Ferrucci 10141 Torino Italy tel. +39 (0)11 3853995 web: www.ifsc> e>mail: office@ifsc>

International Federation of Sport Climbing

> Provisional Calendar decision will be announced on the 1st of June 2011. > Definitive calendar will be published maximum on the 1st of September 2011.

6.3 Application will require a deposit > 500 per event. > The deposit payment must be on the account of IFSC on 5th of May 2011. Account information: IFSC Bank: Unicredit Banca 08010 Torino Tesoriera Francia 204 10145 Torino IBAN BIC IT44E0200801110000100695351 UNCRITB1ABO

Contact the Office for details on payment of deposit

With the signature and the stamp, the National Federation agrees with all and applies for the mentioned event in 2012.


Signature / Function in the National Federation


Kapellenstrasse 14 3001 Bern Switzerland office: 122, Corso Ferrucci 10141 Torino Italy tel. +39 (0)11 3853995 web: www.ifsc> e>mail: office@ifsc>

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