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L|ve tank c|rco|t breaker for 1z0 kv

6L s1s
lnterruter chamber with inteqral dcuble mcticn technclcqy and sell-blast system
Pressure reliel system lcr assive rctecticn cl bcth substaticn and erscnnel
Field-rcven, temerature-ccmensated density mcnitcr with twc-staqe transducer and
three-cclcur dial
Lasy access tc the SF lillinq ccnnecticn (tye ulL0)
SF ncn-return (check) valve cn each cle cclumn
Prctected ceninq srinqs inside each cle cclumn
lct-di qalvanised steel arts
Mechanism hcusinq ccmletely made cl aluminium
Peliable srinq-cerated mechanism with csiticn indicatcr clearly visible lrcm cutside
lnsta||at|on and ma|ntenance
Preset at lactcry belcre shiinq, nc adjustments necessary durinq installaticn and
Pcle units re-lilled with SF at lactcry belcre shiinq
Searate disassembly cl the interruter chamber withcut havinq tc remcve the entire
cle cclumn
L|ve tank c|rco|t breakers for ootdoor |nsta||at|on, des|gned for temperatores down to -0f and prov|ded
w|th the |atest techno|ogy of |nterropter chambers and fks spr|ng-operated mechan|sm. us|ng the |atest
doob|e mot|on techno|ogy, we effect|ve|y redoced the open|ng energy by approx|mate|y 8s+.
roven qoa||ty
0ur quality (lS0 scci:zccc), envircnmental
(lS0 icci) and cccuaticnal health and
salety (0lSAS iscci) manaqement
systems determine the develcment and
rcducticn rccedures lcr cur hiqh vcltaqe
circuit breakers. Jhese systems ensure the
hiqh quality standards cl cur rcducts and
services which are ccnlirmed by reqular
rodoct descr|pt|on
i Pcrcelain interruter chamber
z Pcrcelain cst insulatcr
s Pcle interccnnecticns
Srinq-cerated mechanism
s Sucrts

Live tank circuit breakers meet the requirements cl naticnal and internaticnal standards.
Jhis has been ccnlirmed by ccmrehensive tye tests acccrdinq tc the latest lLC and ANSl
1echn|ca| character|st|cs
Spr|ng-operated mechan|sm:
kated operat|ng seqoence: min-C0 res. C0-iss-C0
kated sopp|y vo|tage:
z u tc zsc v dc/ac
4mb|ent temperatore:
-scC u tc +cC
forther data |s ava||ab|e on reqoest.
rodoct opt|ons
Lowest temperatores down to -0f
fompos|te |nso|ators
forther phase centre d|stances on
f8Watch-z mon|tor|ng system:
Add-cn mcnitcrinq (autcmatic diaqncsis)
lcr ccnventicnal ccntrcl cl the switchqear
4|stom 6r|d Wor|dw|de fontact fentre
Jel: + (c) iss zsc cc

o 1 /J1 o 1 /J1 o 1 /J1 o 1 /J1
o 1 1/J1 o 1 1/J1 o 1 1/J1 o 1 1/J1
kBz contro||er {fs):
Pcint-cn-wave triinq and clcsinq relays
lcr all cint-cn-wave switchinq tasks
Synfks {fs):
Pcint-cn-wave clcsinq relays lcr caacitcr
bank switchinq

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