I-91 Interchange 19 Improvements I-91 Interchange 19 Improvements

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I-91 Interchange 19 Improvements

Northampton, MA
Project Advisory Committee
Meeting #10

June 5, 2012

Meeting Agenda
Review of Alternatives Discussion of Evaluation Matrix Discussion of Public Information Meeting

I-91 Interchange 19
June 5, 2012

Concept 13
Concept 13 Intersection & Ramp Improvements
Modified to add additional WB left turn lane onto SB on-ramp Modified to add additional NB through lane to Damon Road from NB off-ramp Left turn lane extended under bridge by relocating sidewalk or replacing the structures Improves on and off-ramps

I-91 Interchange 19
June 5, 2012

Concept 13
Concept 13 Intersection & Ramp Improvements
Modified to add additional WB left turn lane onto SB on-ramp Modified to add additional NB through lane to Damon Road from NB off-ramp Left turn lane extended under bridge by relocating sidewalk or replacing the structures Improves on and off-ramps

I-91 Interchange 19
June 5, 2012

Concept 13A
Concept 13A Intersection & Ramp Improvements with Roundabout
Adds additional WB left turn lane onto SB on-ramp Converts Damon Road/Route 9 intersection to a roundabout Left turn lane extended under bridge by relocating sidewalk or replacing the structures Improves on and off-ramps

I-91 Interchange 19
June 5, 2012

Concept 13B
Concept 13B Ramp Improvements with Double Roundabout
Converts Damon Road/Route 9 & Route 9/SB On-Ramp intersections to roundabouts Improves on and off-ramps

I-91 Interchange 19
June 5, 2012

Concept 13B
Concept 13B Ramp Improvements with Double Roundabout
Converts Damon Road/Route 9 & Route 9/SB On-Ramp intersections to roundabouts Improves on and off-ramps

I-91 Interchange 19
June 5, 2012

Concept 13C
Concept 13C Ramp Improvements with Roundabout at SB On-Ramp
Converts Route 9/SB On-Ramp intersections to roundabout Improves on and off-ramps Adds additional NB through lane from NB Off-Ramp to Damon Road

I-91 Interchange 19
June 5, 2012

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Alternatives C13 Rating Discussion Rating C13A Discussion Rating C13B Discussion Rating C13C Discussion
Construction Costs were estimated by quantifying the labor and material required for the major construction items for each alternative using the 2012 Weighted Average Bid Price Information available at the MassDOT website.

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Rating Discussion

Second level $0 M Costs

Third level Fourth level

Fifth level Construction

Construction Costs were estimated by quantifying the labor and material required for the major construction items for each alternative using the 2012 Weighted Average Bid Price Information available at the MassDOT website.

$3.4 M

Construction Costs were estimated by quantifying the labor and material required for the major construction items for each alternative using the 2012 Weighted Average Bid Price Information available at the MassDOT website.

$3.8 M

Construction Costs were estimated by quantifying the labor and material required for the major construction items for each alternative using the 2012 Weighted Average Bid Price Information available at the MassDOT website.

$4.0 M

Construction Costs were estimated by quantifying the labor and material required for the major construction items for each alternative using the 2012 Weighted Average Bid Price Information available at the MassDOT website.

$3.7 M

Duration (Years)

duration has been estimated based on the anticipated time required to implement a traffic management plan, relocate necessary utilities and to construct the major items required for each alternative.

Construction duration has been estimated based on the anticipated time required to implement a traffic management plan, relocate necessary utilities and to construct the major items required for each alternative.


Construction duration has been estimated based on the anticipated time required to implement a traffic management plan, relocate necessary utilities and to construct the major items required for each alternative.


Construction duration has been estimated based on the anticipated time required to implement a traffic management plan, relocate necessary utilities and to construct the major items required for each alternative.


Construction duration has been estimated based on the anticipated time required to implement a traffic management plan, relocate necessary utilities and to construct the major items required for each alternative. In addition to repaving, widening and infrastructure modifications, construction staging at the roundabout will require more elaborate staging, including temporary realignment of the intersection.

Impacts During Construction


Majority of work involves repaving, widening and modifications to existing infrastructure. Two primary stages of construction are anticipated.

In addition to repaving, widening and infrastructure modifications, construction staging at the roundabout will require more elaborate staging, including temporary realignment of the intersection.

In addition to repaving, widening and infrastructure modifications, construction staging at the roundabouts will require more elaborate staging, including temporary realignment of the intersections.





I-91 Interchange 19
June 5, 2012

Impacts Negligible Benefit or Impact

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SAFETY No Build Rating Discussion Alternatives C13 Rating Discussion Rating C13A Discussion
Reduced Delays at Route 9 intersections will likely reduce crashes. Roundabout will likely reduce severity and frequency of crashes.

C13B Rating Discussion

Reduced Delays at Route 9 intersections will likely reduce crashes. Roundabouts will likely reduce severity and frequency of crashes.

C13C Rating Discussion

Reduced Delays at Route 9 intersections will likely reduce crashes. Roundabout at SB On-Ramp will reduce severity of crashes.

Second level
Crash Rates

Third level Fourth level

No Change

Reduced Delays at Route 9 intersections will likely reduce crashes

Fifth level
Emergency Vehicle Access
No Change No Change

Roundabout is more difficult to maneuver than a signalized intersection with emergency pre-emption but substantial queue reductions facilitate emergency vehicle passage.

Roundabout is more difficult to maneuver than a signalized intersection with emergency preemption but substantial queue reductions facilitate emergency vehicle passage. Roundabout is more difficult to maneuver than a signalized intersection with emergency pre-emption.

Roundabout is more difficult to maneuver than a signalized intersection with emergency preemption.

Traffic Calming

No Change

No Change as currently developed however there is a possibility to add some traffic calming elements (street trees, median, etc.) if this alternative advances into design.

A roundabout at Damon Rd/Route 9 intersection will force vehicles to reduce speed when entering the roundabout. The roundabout will also serve as a visual signal to drivers of a change in roadway character.

A roundabout at Damon Rd./Route 9 and 2nd at Route 9/SB On-ramp will magnify the traffic calming affect discussed in 13A.

A roundabout at SB On-Ramp intersection will force vehicles to reduce speed when entering the roundabout. The roundabout will also serve as a visual signal to drivers of a change in roadway character.





I-91 Interchange 19
June 5, 2012

Impacts Negligible Benefit or Impact

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Second level
TRAFFIC No Third level Build Rating Discussion Fourth level
No Fifth Change level

Alternatives C13 Rating Discussion

Reduced delays at Route 9 intersections

C13A Rating Discussion

Reduced delays at Route 9 intersections. Considerable delay reduction at Route 9 intersection with I-91 NB off-ramp. Reduced delay improves travel time through project area. Significant reduction in average queues, slight reduction in maximum queues

C13B Rating Discussion

Reduced delays at Route 9 intersections

C13C Rating Discussion

Reduced delays at Route 9 intersections

Delays (LOS)

Travel Time

No Change

Reduced delay improves travel time through project area. Reduction in average and maximum queues

Reduced delay improves travel time through project area. Significant reduction in average queues, slight reduction in maximum queues

Reduced delay improves travel time through project area. Reduction in average and maximum queues


No Change





I-91 Interchange 19
June 5, 2012

Impacts Negligible Benefit or Impact

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Rating Discussion Property
No Change

Alternatives C13 Rating Discussion

Strip takings at 7 properties


No Build

C13A Rating Discussion

Strip takings at 9 properties

C13B Rating Discussion

Strip takings at 9 properties. More extensive impacts at southeast roundabout. No recreation impacts anticipated. Wider sidewalks will improve pedestrian access to Elwell Conservation Areas .

C13C Rating Discussion

Strip takings at 9 properties. More extensive impacts at southeast roundabout. No recreation impacts anticipated. Wider sidewalks will improve pedestrian access to Elwell Conservation Areas . Improved sidewalks and paths make roadway more pedestrian and bicycle friendly. Intersection of Route 9 with SB On-Ramp becomes unsignalized, but the roundabout encourages lower speeds throughout the project area. Minor impacts anticipated to farm along I-91 northbound off-ramp. Central island of roundabout provide area for landscaping. Opportunities for improved streetscape along Route 9. Some clearing along ramps will be required.

Second level Recreation


No Change

Third level Fourth level

Fifth level
No Change

No recreation impacts anticipated. Wider sidewalks will improve pedestrian access to Elwell Conservation Areas .

No recreation impacts anticipated. Wider sidewalks will improve pedestrian access to Elwell Conservation Areas .

Community Cohesion

Improved sidewalk network and wider shoulders make roadway more pedestrian and bicycle friendly.

Improved sidewalks and paths make roadway more pedestrian and bicycle friendly. Intersection of Route 9 with Damon Road becomes unsignalized, but the roundabout encourages lower speeds throughout the project area.

Improved sidewalks and paths make roadway more pedestrian and bicycle friendly. Route 9 intersections become unsignalized, but the roundabouts encourage lower speeds throughout the project area.


No Change

Minor impacts anticipated to farm along I-91 northbound off-ramp.

Minor impacts anticipated to farm along I-91 northbound off-ramp.

Minor impacts anticipated to farm along I-91 northbound off-ramp.


No Change

Opportunities for improved streetscape along Route 9. Some clearing along ramps will be required.

Central island of roundabout provide area for landscaping. Opportunities for improved streetscape along Route 9. Some clearing along ramps will be required.

Central island of roundabouts provide area for landscaping. Opportunities for improved streetscape along Route 9. Some clearing along ramps will be required.





I-91 Interchange 19
June 5, 2012

Impacts Negligible Benefit or Impact

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ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Alternatives C13 Rating Discussion
No Change No Wetland Impacts Placement of some fill in the floodplain along west side of Southbound I-91 On-Ramp

Second Rating Discussion level

No Change No Change

No Build

C13A Rating Discussion

No Change No Wetland Impacts Placement of some fill in the floodplain along west side of Southbound I-91 OnRamp

C13B Rating Discussion

No Change No Wetland Impacts Placement of some fill in the floodplain along west side of Southbound I-91 On-Ramp

C13C Rating Discussion

No Change No Wetland Impacts Placement of some fill in the floodplain along west side of Southbound I-91 OnRamp
No Impacts Anticipated

Third level Wetland Fourth level

Flood Plain
Rare & Endangered Species

No level Fifth Change

No Change

No Impacts Anticipated

No Impacts Anticipated

No Impacts Anticipated

Open Space Air Quality

No Change

No Impacts Anticipated Slight improvement in air quality due to reduced congestion along Route 9

No Impacts Anticipated Slight improvement in air quality due to reduced congestion along Route 9 Some increase in light impacts to residences at roundabout.

No Impacts Anticipated Slight improvement in air quality due to reduced congestion along Route 9 Some increase in light impacts to residences at roundabouts.

No Impacts Anticipated Slight improvement in air quality due to reduced congestion along Route 9 Some increase in light impacts to residences at roundabout.

No Change


No Change

No Impacts Anticipated





I-91 Interchange 19
June 5, 2012

Impacts Negligible Benefit or Impact

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MULTI-MODAL Alternatives C13 Rating Discussion Rating C13A Discussion
Reduced pedestrian delay at intersections and wider sidewalks throughout. Pedestrians required to cross only one direction of traffic at a time at roundabout but crossings are unsignalized.

Second Rating Discussion level

No Change

No Build

C13B Rating Discussion

Reduced pedestrian delay at roundabout and wider sidewalks throughout. Pedestrians required to cross only one direction of traffic at a time at roundabout but ALL crossings are unsignalized.

C13C Rating Discussion

Reduced pedestrian delay at intersections and wider sidewalks throughout. Pedestrians required to cross only one direction of traffic at a time at roundabout but crossings are unsignalized. Traffic operates at lower speeds through the roundabout. Eastbound Route 9 bicyclists may encounter more conflict points through the roundabout. Reduced intersection delay along Route 9 (east-west) will make a small improvement in overall transit travel time.

Third level Pedestrian Accommodation Fourth level

Wider sidewalks; improved pedestrian ramps, but slightly longer crossing distance

Fifth level

Bicycle Accommodation

No Change

Intersections of Route 9 with ramps can be made more parallel, reducing bike-car conflicts

Traffic operates at lower speeds through the roundabout. Eastbound Route 9 bicyclists may encounter more conflict points through the roundabout.

Traffic operates at lower speeds through the roundabout. Eastbound Route 9 bicyclists may encounter more conflict points through the northern roundabout.

Transit Access

No Change

Reduced intersection delay along Route 9 (east-west) will make a small improvement in overall transit travel time.

Reduced intersection delay along Route 9 (east-west) will make a small improvement in overall transit travel time.

Reduced intersection delay along Route 9 (eastwest) will make a small improvement in overall transit travel time.





I-91 Interchange 19
June 5, 2012

Impacts Negligible Benefit or Impact

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CONSTRUCTION No Build $0 M 0 C13 Costs $3.4 M 1 Duration (Years) Impacts During Construction SAFETY

Alternatives C13A C13B $4.0 M 2-3 C13C $3.7 M 2-3 $3.8 M 2-3

COMMUNITY IMPACTS Property Recreation Impacts/Access Community Cohesion Agricultural Aesthetics

Alternatives No Build C13 C13A C13B C13C

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Second level
ThirdNo Build C13 level Crash Rates Fourth level
Emergency Vehicle Access
Traffic Calming

Alternatives C13A C13B C13C

` Alternatives No Build C13 C13A C13B C13C


Flood Plain

Fifth level

TRAFFIC No Build Delays (LOS) Travel Time Queuing C13

Alternatives C13A C13B C13C

Rare & Endangered Species Open Space Air Quality Light Alternatives MULTI-MODAL No Build Rating Pedestrian Accommodation C13 Rating C13A Rating C13B Rating C13C Rating `





Bicycle Accommodation Transit Access

I-91 Interchange 19
June 5, 2012

Impacts Negligible Benefit or Impact

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CONSTRUCTION Costs (Millions) Duration (Years)

Alternatives No Build
$0 0

$3.4 1

$3.8 2-3

C13B C13C
$4.0 2-3 $3.7 2-3

Second level

Impacts During Construction

Crash Rates Third level SAFETY Emergency Vehicle Access Fourth level

Fifth level

Traffic Calming Delays (LOS) Travel Time Queuing


Property Aesthetics


Light LEGEND Pedestrian Accommodation Bicycle Accommodation

Benefits Impacts Negligible Benefit or Impact Some Moderate Substantial

I-91 Interchange 19
June 5, 2012

Next Steps
Modify Evaluations (if necessary) Review Modifications with PAC (if necessary) Public Informational Meeting PAC Meeting(s) to Select Alternatives Begin Design (if required)

I-91 Interchange 19
June 5, 2012

Comments & Questions

I-91 Interchange 19
June 5, 2012

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