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JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.0/8.


Standalone Client Using Oracle

Universal Installer (OUI) and Oracle
Enterprise Edition (OEE) Database

Installation Guide

May 2011
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Ta ble of Contents

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................1

CHAPTER 2. PREREQUISITES ...............................................................................................................................3

MINIMUM TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................................3
ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER 3. INSTALLATION METHODS ...........................................................................................................6
COPYING THE INSTALLATION DVD ............................................................................................................................7
DOWNLOADING FROM THE ORACLE E-DELIVERY WEBSITE .......................................................................................8
CHAPTER 4. INSTALLING THE STANDALONE CLIENT ..............................................................................12
UNDERSTANDING DESTINATION PATHS ....................................................................................................................13
INSTALLING THE LOCAL DATABASE .........................................................................................................................14
INSTALLING THE ENTERPRISEONE CLIENT ...............................................................................................................22
TROUBLESHOOTING THE INSTALLATION ...................................................................................................................32
CHAPTER 5. POST INSTALLATION TASKS .....................................................................................................33
UPDATING THE TNSNAMES.ORA FILE.........................................................................................................................33
CHAPTER 6. STARTING THE STANDALONE CLIENT ..................................................................................35
TROUBLESHOOTING STANDALONE CLIENT STARTUP ERRORS ..................................................................................37
General ................................................................................................................................................................37
Cannot Connect to the Security Server ................................................................................................................39
Still Cannot Connect to the Security Server .........................................................................................................40
CHAPTER 7. STARTING THE STANDALONE WEB CLIENT ........................................................................41
TROUBLESHOOTING STANDALONE WEB CLIENT STARTUP ERRORS .........................................................................41
General ................................................................................................................................................................42
Cannot Connect to the Security Server ................................................................................................................44

CHAPTER 9. DEINSTALLING THE STANDALONE CLIENT ........................................................................59

DEINSTALLING THE STANDALONE CLIENT................................................................................................................59
DEINSTALLING THE OEE DATABASE (OPTIONAL) .....................................................................................................60

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 i

Cha pter 1. Introduction

This document explains how to install and run the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.0/8.98
Standalone Client using the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI), hereafter referred to as
Standalone Client. This version of the Standalone Client using OUI supports only the
Oracle Enterprise Edition (OEE) as the local database. This version that uses OUI does
not support Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (SSE).

The major steps in installing the Standalone Client include:

 Prepare target system

Make sure your system meets the Minimum Technical Requirements.

 Prepare the installation

Use one of the installation methods:

1. Directly from the installation DVD.
2. Copy the DVD to a hard drive.
3. Download an image of the installation DVD from the Oracle E-Delivery
web site.
 Install the components

Install the local database if it is not already installed and the Standalone

This installation can include non-English languages.

 Troubleshoot the installation

Analyze and correct any problems that arise during the installation.

 Perform post-installation tasks

Copy a tnsnames.ora file.

Other tasks covered by this document include:

 Start the Standalone Client

Run the client and troubleshoot any startup errors.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved GA.Rev2 1

Chapter 1. Introduction

 Start the Web Client

Run the web client as part of the Standalone Client and troubleshoot any
startup errors.

 Replace the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools component

Replace the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release component (also

known as “system” code) when a new JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Release becomes available.

 Deinstall (Uninstall) the Standalone Client

Remove the client and the local database, if desired.

Refer to the Glossary in this document for definitions of terms and acronyms.

Note: Microsoft Windows Slash Characters. Microsoft Windows syntax allows

either a slash or backslash to separate directory names. If you are specifying
directory names from this document, you may use either slash character.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 2

Chapter 2. Prerequisites

Cha pter 2. Prerequisites

Minimum Technica l Requirements

Customers must conform to the supported platforms for the release as detailed in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Minimum Technical Requirements, as described in this
document on My Oracle Support:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.9x Minimum Technical Requirements

for Clients (Doc ID 705409.1)

The MTRs are contained in an attachment within document 705409.1 that is entitled JDE E1
Tools 8.9x Client.

The computer on which you are installing the Standalone Client needs to meet the MTRs of
all types of clients described in this section. Therefore you should review and ascertain that
your machine meets the requirements listed in these topics of the client MTR document:

Information Common for all Clients

Web Client
Windows Client
Development Client

In addition, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne may integrate, interface, or work in conjunction

with other Oracle products. Refer to these links:
Oracle Contracts Home Page
Oracle has a consistent contract model for all programs and services globally. The
standard contracts often refer to other sites or policies that may be relevant to a
specific order or provide more information on policy. Links to the specified
policies are available here.

Oracle License and Service Agreement (OLSA)

The Oracle License and Services Agreement (OLSA) is the standard agreement
that is used to license Oracle programs and acquire related services.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 3

Chapter 2. Prerequisites

Oracle Program Documentation

Access current and previously released Oracle program documentation.

PeopleSoft / JD Edwards Program Table

From the above OLSA page, refer to the below verbiage which contains links to
available PDFs as applicable.
Your license for the program(s) may include additional license rights, which
varies according to your order date. Review the applicable tables.

Notes: EnterpriseOne Releases. The release of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Applications for this Standalone Client is 9.0. The release of the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Tools for this Standalone Client is 8.98. The MTRs refer to
the Tools release level.

Third-party software. Read the section entitled: Additional Considerations

before installing any additional third-party software.

OUI uses the term “deinstall” to mean removal of

Deinstall versus uninstall.
an Oracle product. This document will do the same.

Additiona l Considera tions

1. Be sure the MTRs are met before starting the Standalone Client installation.

2. JDK 1.5 is supplied with the installation. Do not replace this with another version
of the JDK because JDK 1.6 and higher have not been validated with
EnterpriseOne Tools Release 8.98. Also, do not replace this JDK with a 64-bit
version because EnterpriseOne is a 32-bit program which requires a 32-bit version
of the JDK even when running on a 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows.

3. Microsoft Visual Studio is not required unless you are building business
functions. The installation of the Standalone Client installs the Microsoft libraries
that are necessary to run EnterpriseOne, but if you plan to build business
functions, you will need the compiler and additional libraries that Visual Studio

4. Verify that all previous releases of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne (Standalone

Clients and normal clients) have been completely deinstalled or saved via
Snapshot before installing the Standalone Client. For instructions on how to

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 4

Chapter 2. Prerequisites

deinstall the Standalone Client, refer to the section of this guide entitled:
Deinstalling the Standalone Client.

5. Standalone Client does not require Software Protection Codes (SPCs) to run so
you will not need to perform the steps for applying SPCs that previous
EnterpriseOne releases required.

6. This version of the Standalone Client using OUI supports only the Oracle
Enterprise Edition (OEE) as the local database.

This version of Standalone Client using OUI does not support Microsoft SQL
Server 2005 Express Edition (SSE).

7. This release of the Standalone Client contains Oracle Enterprise Edition (OEE)
11gR2. If you previously had installed OEE 11gR2 as the local database and you
are reinstalling the Standalone Client, you do not have to deinstall the database
first. However, if you previously had installed OEE 10g or you need to reinstall
the 11gR2 database for some reason, follow the instructions in the section of this
guide entitled: Deinstalling the OEE Database (optional).

8. If you need to install the OEE database and the Microsoft Windows environment
variable ORACLE_HOME exists, the Standalone Client installer will delete it
during the installation.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 5

Cha pter 3. Insta lla tion Methods

Depending on several factors, you can install the Standalone Client using one of these

Method Method Requirements

Directly from a DVD You have a DVD
Use the procedures described in the section in this
chapter entitled: Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone
From a copy of a DVD You have a DVD
Use the procedures described in the section in this
chapter entitled: Copying the Installation DVD.
From an E-Delivery You have access to the Oracle E-Delivery website
Use the procedures described in the section in this
chapter entitled: Downloading from the Oracle E-
Delivery Website.

Copyright © 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved GA.Rev2 6

Chapter 3. Installation Methods

Copying the Installa tion DVD

Perform these steps if you are copying the installation DVD to a hard drive, either locally
or to a network location. You may want to do this so additional users can install from a
single location.

► To copy the installation DVD

1. On the hard drive onto which you want to copy the installation DVD, create a
temporary installation directory. The recommended name is:

2. Copy the contents of the installation DVD to the temporary installation directory
you created in Step 1 above.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 7

Chapter 3. Installation Methods

Downloa ding from the Ora cle E-Delivery Website

Complete these instructions if you are downloading the Standalone Client software from
the Oracle E-Delivery web site:

If you are installing the Standalone Client from DVD or a network share location,
and therefore have performed the steps in the preceding section of this chapter,
you can skip this section and proceed to Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone

► To download the Standalone Client from the Oracle E-Delivery website

1. On your client machine, create a temporary installation directory. The

recommended name is:

2. Open the E-Delivery web site, continue through the screens, and select these
values on the Media Pack Search screen:
Select a Product Pack: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Platform: Microsoft Windows (32 bit)
Note: Even if you are installed on a 64-bit version of the Windows 7
operating system, (that is, Windows 7 x64), for the above selection
you must choose Microsoft Windows (32 bit) as the platform.
3. Click the Go button to display the results.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 8

Chapter 3. Installation Methods

4. In the results grid, click the radio button next to the proper description.
For English, select this:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.0 Applications/8.98 Tools Media Pack

for Microsoft Windows (32-bit)

For languages other than English, select this:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.0 Applications and 9.0 Update

Applications/8.98 Tools and Technology Foundation with
Translations Media Pack for Microsoft Windows (32-bit)

5. Click Continue.

6. Locate the item with the description:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.0 Update 2 and 8.98.4 Standalone with

English and Language Translation

Note: Language. If the description of the download item does not contain the
word Language, the language of the Standalone Client is English.

If the description of the download item contains the word Language, the
language of the Standalone Client includes both English and other supported

7. Click the Download button next to the item that you wish to download.

Note: Multiple Part Downloads. Due to the maximum file size restrictions for
downloads on E-Delivery, you will need to download multiple parts for a
selected part number.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 9

Chapter 3. Installation Methods

8. Save the .zip file to the temporary installation directory you created in Step 1.
If you followed the recommendation, the directory is named


9. After you finish downloading the first item, labeled (Part 1 of 2), select the
corresponding row for the second item labeled (Part 2 of 2) and click the
Download button.

10. Again, save the .zip file to the same directory where you saved the previous
.zip file.

11. After you finish downloading all parts of your item, use your favorite unzip
program to extract the contents of the downloaded files to the temporary
installation directory that you created in Step 1. If you followed the
recommendation, the directory is named:


Note: Extract Option. When extracting, be sure to click in the checkbox to enable
this option:

Use folder names

12. In the same manner, extract the remaining .zip file(s).

Note: JDBC Drivers. All files necessary to perform the installation, including
JDBC drivers, now reside in the temporary installation directory. If you
followed the recommendation, the directory is named:


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Chapter 3. Installation Methods

This example screen illustrates the directory structure when the .zip files are
extracted into the recommended temporary installation directory

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 11

Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone Client

Cha pter 4. Insta lling the Sta nda lone Client

Before You Begin

Verify that your system meets the Minimum Technical Requirements.

You can install the Standalone Client directly from a DVD or from a copy of the DVD or
a download from E-Delivery. Refer to Chapter 3. Installation Methods for additional

Notes: Assumptions. The instructions in this chapter assume that you are installing
directly from the DVD. In this case, the installation program will be located
in the root directory of the DVD.

If you are installing from a copy of the DVD or a download from E-Delivery,
the installation program will be in the directory into which you copied the
DVD or into which you expanded the downloaded files. If you followed the
recommendation, this directory is:


As is the case with all installations on Microsoft Windows machines

(including Microsoft Windows XP and Vista), in order to run the installer for
the Standalone Client, you must be logged onto Microsoft Windows as a user
with Administrator rights.

Installing the Standalone Client involves first installing a local database and then
installing the actual E1 Standalone Client. Follow the instructions in the next two
sections to install the database and client.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 12

Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone Client

Understa nding Destina tion Pa ths

Each Oracle product that is installed on a machine has what is termed an

Oracle Home directory or path. This is a directory that contains all the files
associated with the product. This path has a name as well. You can specify a
name that is intuitive so you do not have to remember the path.

When you install the OEE database engine, two Oracle Homes will be created:

1) Top-level Oracle Home, and

2) Oracle Home of the database.

For these instructions, the top-level Oracle Home is referred to as the

Parent Oracle Home. For example, you may specify C:\JDEdwards as the
Oracle Home with the name JDE_Local_DB_Home when installing the
database. This is the Parent Oracle Home and will contain the subdirectory
C:\JDEdwards\E1Local. This subdirectory is the Oracle Home of the
database instance called E1Local. The name of this Oracle Home is always

When you install the E1 Standalone Client, you specify an Oracle Home and
name for that installation as well. For example, you may enter
C:\JDEdwards\E900 as the Oracle Home path and
JDE_Standalone_Home as the Oracle Home name.

Following the above examples, you would now have three Oracle Homes:

Oracle Home Path Oracle Home Name Comment

C:\JDEdwards JDE_Local_DB_Home This is the Parent Oracle

Home of the database.

C:\JDEdwards\E1Local E1Local This is the Oracle Home of the


C:\JDEdwards\E900 JDE_Standalone_Home This is the Oracle Home of

the Standalone Client.

Tip: It is recommended that you use the above names when installing OEE
and the E1 Standalone Client.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 13

Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone Client

Insta lling the Local Da ta ba se

This release of the Standalone Client contains Oracle Enterprise Edition (OEE) 11gR2. If
you previously had installed OEE 11gR2 as the local database and you are reinstalling the
Standalone Client, you do not have to deinstall the database first. However, if you
previously had installed OEE 10g or you need to reinstall the 11gR2 database for some
reason, follow the instructions in the section of this guide entitled: Deinstalling the OEE
Database (optional).

► To run the local database installer

1. Launch InstallManager.exe from the root folder of the installation DVD.

Note: Vista and Greater on Microsoft Windows. When running the installation program
on Vista and higher versions of Microsoft Windows, you must right click on the
executable and select Run as Administrator.

2. On JD Edwards Install Manager, click this link:

EnterpriseOne E90 Standalone – OUI 11g

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 14

Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone Client

3. On Welcome, click Next.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 15

Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone Client

4. On Oracle License Agreement, if you accept the license click the appropriate
button. You cannot continue with the installation unless you accept the license

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 16

Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone Client

5. On Select a Product to Install, ensure that the radio button for

Database Engine is turned on.

6. Click the Next button.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 17

Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone Client

7. On Specify Home Details, you must specify an Oracle Home path and a name
for that path.

For more information about Oracle Homes and recommendations for naming
the Oracle Homes for the E1 Standalone Client, see the section in this guide
entitled: Understanding Destination Paths.

On Specify Home Details, enter a path and name for the Parent Oracle Home
path under which the local OEE database will be installed.

During installation, the database will be copied to a subdirectory under the

Parent Oracle Home path. This subdirectory is E1Local and is the Oracle
Home for the database. The name of this Oracle Home is E1Local as well.

In summary, you will have two Oracle Homes for the database:

The Parent Oracle Home is the path that you specify on this screen.
Likewise its name will be the name that you enter on this screen. For

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 18

Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone Client

o Path: C:\JDEdwards

o Name: JDE_Local_DB_Home

An Oracle Home where the cloned database resides. The subdirectory is

E1Local and its name is E1Local. For example:

o Path: C:\JDEdwards\E1Local

o Name: E1Local

8. Click the Next button.

9. On Summary, verify that what is to be installed is correct.

10. Click the Install button.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 19

Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone Client

11. When the installation of the database finishes, you will see the End of
Installation screen.

Warning: Examine the Installer Logs. Even though the screen says that
the installation was successful, you should perform a quick determination
that all the database installation steps were successful before clicking Exit.
Follow these steps:
a. From Windows’ Control Panel, run Administrative Tools / Services.

b. In the list of Services, look for the services named

OracleE1LocalTNSListener and OracleServiceE1LOCAL.

c. If either one of these is missing, there was a problem in completing all the
installation and configuration steps. Examine the logs specified in the
table OEE Installer Logs. You will probably need to deinstall the database

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 20

Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone Client

engine using the steps in the section Deinstalling the OEE Database,
reboot, and then reinstall the OEE database.

12. On End of Installation, click the Exit button.

13. You must reboot your machine before continuing with the installation of the
E1 client as described in the next task in this guide.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 21

Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone Client

Insta lling the EnterpriseOne Client

► To run the EnterpriseOne client installer

1. Launch InstallManager.exe from the root folder of the installation DVD.

Note: Vista and Greater on Microsoft Windows. When running the installation program
on Vista and higher versions of Microsoft Windows, you must right click on the
executable and select Run as Administrator.

2. On JD Edwards Install Manager, click this link:

EnterpriseOne E90 Standalone – OUI 11g

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Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone Client

3. On Welcome, click the Next button.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 23

Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone Client

4. On Oracle License Agreement, if you accept the license click the appropriate
button. You cannot continue with the installation unless you accept the license

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 24

Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone Client

5. On Select a Product to Install, ensure that the radio button for

EnterpriseOne Client is turned on.

6. Click the Next button.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 25

Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone Client

7. On Select Installation Type, enable the appropriate radio button for these
installation types:


Both production and development E1 objects, including E1 business function

source, object, and binary (for example, DLLs) files and specs. Select this if
you need to modify or build E1 objects.


Only production E1 objects, including E1 business function binary (DLLs)

files and specs.


After several screens, you will be presented a list of components (shown in the
next table) that you will select to install or reinstall.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 26

Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone Client

The Oracle Universal Installer provides the segmentation of the E1 Standalone

Client into components. Those components are shown in the following table as
well as two columns indicating which components will be installed for the various
installation types.

Component Description Included in Included in

Name Development Production
Installation? Installation?

EnterpriseOne This is a parent to all the other components. Yes Yes


Foundation E1 Foundation; also known as System Code or Yes Yes

Tools Release

Production E1 objects in a pathcode that are required to run Yes Yes

Objects E1. Also includes E1 system data that will be
stored in the local database.

Development E1 objects in a pathcode that are required to Yes No

Objects perform development tasks.

E1 Local Data E1 non-system data that will be stored in the Yes Yes
local database. This includes
Training data
Control data
Data Dictionary
Object Librarian
Features Features defined for the E1 package. Yes Yes

E1 Client BPM BPM Broker Yes Yes


E1 Client Workflow Modeler Yes Yes


E1 Client Web The web-enabled E1 client. Yes Yes


8. After you have selected an installation type, click the Next button.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 27

Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone Client

9. On Specify Home Details, you must specify an Oracle Home path and a
name for that path.

Each Oracle product that is installed on a machine has what is termed an

Oracle Home path. This path contains all the files for each Oracle product.
This path has a user-specified name as well.

The path you enter here is for the Oracle Home path where the E1 Standalone
Client will be installed.

Warning: Do not specify the same Oracle Home name or path into which you installed
the local database; however, you can specify a path that is a subdirectory of the
database’s Parent Oracle Home.

10. Click the Next button.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 28

Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone Client

11. On Package Selection, only one package is shown for the Standalone Client.
That package is called DEMO and is highlighted by default.

12. Click the Next button.

Notes: The E1 Standalone Client and E1 Web Development (Fat) Clients will both
use this OUI installer. The following checks were added to the installer to
handle the general cases whereby local databases in addition to OEE and
multiple E1 packages will be available for the Development Client installer
to install.

Available disk space. After you click Next, the installer compares the
selected package size with the amount of free disk space of the destination
path. If not enough free disk space exists, the installer displays a warning.
The size of the selected package applies to a new installation of all
components of the package. If you are sure that enough disk space really
exists (for example, you are reinstalling one or more components), you can
ignore the warning and continue with the installation; otherwise, free up the

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 29

Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone Client

necessary disk space or use the Back button to back up to the Specify
Home Details screen to select a different drive onto which the Standalone
Client will be installed. You can then continue with the installation.

Available database. In addition, until you select the package to install, the
installer has not had enough information to determine which database engine
is required. If you have not installed the OEE database engine prior to
attempting to install the Standalone Client and you select a package that
requires OEE, you will receive an error message at this time. If that occurs,
use the Back buttons to back up to Select a Product to Install and select
the option to install the Database Engine. When that installation completes,
you will need to reboot your machine and then rerun the Standalone Client

13. On Summary, verify that what is to be installed is correct and click Install.

14. Click the Install button.

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Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone Client

15. When the installation of the E1 client finishes, you will see the
End of Installation screen.

Warning: Examine the Installer Logs. Regardless of whether you get the above message
indicating the Standalone Client installer succeeded, you should always check
the logs before you attempt to run the Standalone Client. Examine the logs
specified in the table Standalone Client Installer Logs.

16. Click the Exit button.

17. Perform the tasks in the section of this guide entitled: Chapter 5. Post Installation

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 31

Chapter 4. Installing the Standalone Client

Troubleshooting the Insta lla tion

If you receive any errors during the installation or encounter errors when attempting to
run the Standalone Client, examine the installation logs for errors. These logs are created
during the installation of the Standalone Client:
Standalone Client Installer Logs
OEE Installer Logs
Standalone Client Installer Logs
Path/File Description
C:\JDEdwards\E900\cfgtoollogs\oui Path that contains OUI logs for the installation of the E1
C:\JDEdwards\E900 is the Oracle Home path that you
specified during the installation.
C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\Logs Master path that contains logs for all runs of OUI installing to
any Oracle Home on the machine. Upon completion of OUI,
the logs for the current run of OUI are copied to the path
C:\DeCompressStatus.log Records results of decompressing CAB files.

OEE Installer Logs

Path/File Description
C:\OEEInstall.log Log for OEESetup program that runs the Oracle database
C:\JDEdwards\E1Local\cfgtoollogs\oui Path that contains OUI logs for the installation and cloning of
the E1Local database.
C:\JDEdwards\E1Local is the Oracle Home path for the OEE
C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\Logs Master path that contains logs for all runs of OUI installing to
any Oracle Home on the machine. Upon completion of OUI,
the logs for the current run of OUI are copied to the path
<temp_folder>\Netca.log Log for the Oracle Netca program that configures the cloned
Oracle database E1Local.
<temp_folder> is the path pointed to by the Microsoft
Windows TEMP environment variable, typically either:
C:\Documents and Settings\
<Windows_user_name>\Local Settings\Temp

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 32

Cha pter 5. Post Insta lla tion Ta sks

After installing the Standalone Client, you must perform the following post installation
Updating the tnsnames.ora file

Upda ting the tnsna mes.ora file

Note: Dependencies. This process is applicable only if this machine is used to

connect to other Oracle databases, that is, Oracle databases that were not
installed as part of the Standalone Client installation.

The name of the OEE database that is installed with the Standalone Client is E1Local. It
has its own tnsnames.ora file, which is used to define how a connection to the
database is made. For example, this tnsnames.ora defines the port number and SID
for E1Local.
If you have other Oracle databases installed on this machine, or if you access remote
Oracle databases, you will have other tnsnames.ora files to define those connection
By design, the tnsnames.ora for the last installed Oracle database is used by any
software running on your local machine to access all the Oracle databases. Because the
E1Local database is normally installed during the installation of the Standalone Client, it
is likely that will be the last database installed. Therefore, in order to regain connectivity
to other Oracle databases, you must update the tnsnames.ora file used by E1Local
with the database connection information that is stored in the other tnsnames.ora
files on your machine.

Copyright © 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved GA.Rev2 33

Chapter 5. Post Installation Tasks

► To update the tnsnames.ora file

1. Edit the new tnsnames.ora file located in this path:


Note: OEE Install Location. OEE for the Standalone Client is always installed in
a subdirectory called E1Local under the path that you specified when
installing OEE.

2. Edit the tnsnames.ora files on your machine for any other Oracle databases
that you may access (whether remote or local databases). These tnsnames.ora
files will be located in the NETWORK\ADMIN path under the installation paths of
the Oracle database clients. For example:


3. Copy the contents of these other tnsnames.ora files and append them to the
version of the file that is being used by the E1Local database (for example,

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 34

Cha pter 6. Sta rting the Sta nda lone Client

► To start the Standalone Client

1. Launch the Standalone Client by double clicking the shortcut EnterpriseOne

Solution Explorer either on your desktop or under this navigation:

Start > All Programs > Oracle - JDE_Standalone_Home

where JDE_Standalone_Home is the name of the Oracle Home that you

designated when installing the E1 client.

Note: Vista and Greater on Microsoft Windows. When running the installation program
on Vista and higher versions of Microsoft Windows, you must right click on the
shortcut or executable and select Run as Administrator.

Optionally, you can double click the program activConsole.exe from this

Copyright © 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved GA.Rev2 35

Chapter 6. Starting the Standalone Client

2. On JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Login, enter the default user ID, which is

DEMO and the default password, which is also DEMO. If the environment and
role fields are shown, you can accept the defaults, which are environment
DEMO900 and role *ALL.

3. If you have installed any Oracle Business Accelerators (OBA), click the Options
button to display the environment and role fields. In this case, you should enter
the role: DEMOROLE and take the default environment: DEMO900.

4. Click the OK button to login into the Standalone Client.

Note: Startup Time. You should allow sufficient startup time for the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne background process jdenet_n.exe,
which acts as the security server on the Standalone Client. Ensure
this program has completed its initialization steps before you click
OK on the logon screen.

Depending on machine resources, you may have to wait up to 30

seconds before signing in. If you get an error indicating failure to
connect to the Security Server, exit from EnterpriseOne and then retry
running activConsole.exe giving a bit more time before
clicking OK on the logon screen.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 36

Chapter 6. Starting the Standalone Client

Troubleshooting Sta nda lone Client Sta rtup Errors

This section describes these troubleshooting tasks:

Cannot Connect to the Security Server
Still Cannot Connect to the Security Server

Genera l

If you have any trouble running the Standalone Client, turn on additional logging and
rerun the Standalone Client.

1. Run the Microsoft Windows Task Manager.

2. Click the Processes tab.

3. If the column titled PID is not displayed, use this procedure to turn it on:

a. In the menu, go to View > Select Columns…

b. Turn on the checkbox next to PID (Process Identifier).

c. Click OK.

4. Kill these processes if they are running:


5. Edit this file:


6. In the [DEBUG] section, change the value of the Output key to FILE, as shown

7. Note the names of the log files specified for the JobFile and DebugFile keys in the
Debug section so you can locate them when needed.

8. Run activConsole.exe from this directory:


Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 37

Chapter 6. Starting the Standalone Client

9. Attempt to sign into the Standalone Client.

Logs are generated in the directory specified by the JobFile and DebugFile
keys in the [DEBUG] section of the jde.ini. However, the names of the files
will be of the forms jde_pid_mmddyy.log and
jdedebug_pid_mmddyy.log where:
pid is the ID of the process generating the log.
mmddyy is the month, day, and year in which the log was generated.

You can determine which process ID belongs to each EnterpriseOne process by

noting the process IDs and names shown in the Microsoft Windows Task
Explorer and by examining the first few lines of the generated logs.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 38

Chapter 6. Starting the Standalone Client

Ca nnot Connect to the Security Server


You get an error (either in a pop-up window or in the logs) indicating that the Standalone
Client could not connect to the security server.


Try the following:

1. Try again to sign on. The security server (process jdenet_n.exe) may have
simply been slow in starting causing the activConsole.exe to time out.

2. By default, the Standalone Client attempts to start the web client at the same time
that activConsole.exe starts. This could cause the security server (process
jdenet_n.exe) to take too long to start causing the activConsole.exe to
time out.
You can specify that the web client should start only when you attempt to bring
up the Web menu (described in the next section entitled: Still Cannot Connect to
the Security Server). To do so, follow these steps:
a. Run the Microsoft Windows Task Manager.

b. Kill these processes if they are running:


c. Edit the c:\windows\jde.ini file.

d. Change the value of the StartAppServer key in the [LOCALWEB]

section to ONDEMAND. For example:

e. Rerun activConsole.exe.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 39

Chapter 6. Starting the Standalone Client

Still Ca nnot Connect to the Security Server


After doing the above, you again get an error (either in a pop-up window or in the logs)
indicating that the Standalone Client could not connect to the security server.


Verify that the local database service(s) is running using this procedure:

1. Go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

2. Verify that the statuses of these services are Started:


If not, for each stopped service click Action > Start in the menu.

3. Try to sign in again by following these steps:

a. Run the Microsoft Windows Task Manager.

b. Kill these processes if they are running:


c. Rerun activConsole.exe .

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 40

Cha pter 7. Sta rting the Sta nda lone Web Client

► To start Standalone Client Web Applications

1. Follow the steps in the section Starting the Standalone Client.

2. Select Tools > EnterpriseOne Menu.

The Standalone Client should automatically sign you into the Standalone Web

Troubleshooting Sta nda lone Web Client Sta rtup Errors

This section discusses these troubleshooting topics:

Cannot Connect to the Security Server

Copyright © 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved GA.Rev2 41

Chapter 7. Starting the Standalone Web Client

Genera l

If you have any trouble running the Web Client, look at the Web Client logs.

1. In Microsoft Windows Explorer, drill down to the location of the Web Client
logs. By default, the logs are located in this directory:


2. Examine any logs that were recently created, especially logs that are prefixed with


3. If you do not find any logs with the above prefixes, the logs may be in another
folder. Use this procedure to determine the location of those logs:
a. In Microsoft Windows Explorer, drill down to this directory:

b. Edit the file jdelog.properties.

Note: The information at the top of the jdelog.properties file

explains the uses and possible values of all the keys in the file.

Search through the file and note the value of the FILE key. In each of the
sections that describe a log file there are section headers that are enclosed in
square brackets ([ and ]). If a section header or the FILE key is commented
out with a pound sign (#), you can ignore that section. For example:
# File=log\jderoot.log

The value of the FILE key in each section is the name and path of a log file
associated with that section. For example:


Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 42

Chapter 7. Starting the Standalone Web Client

The actual file name will be the value of the FILE key with an underscore and
the current date appended. For example:

If a log file name and path starts with a drive letter followed by a colon and
slash, the path is absolute. This means that the log file will be located on the
specified drive in the specified directory. For example:


If a log file name and path starts with a slash, the path is also absolute. This
means that the log file will be located on the drive on which the E1
Standalone Client is installed and in the specified directory. For example:


If a log file name and path start with neither a drive letter nor a backslash, the
path is relative to this folder:

For example, if the value for the FILE key is log\jas.log and the
Standalone Client is installed in C:\JDEdwards\E900, the log file is
written to:


Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 43

Chapter 7. Starting the Standalone Web Client

Ca nnot Connect to the Security Server


After starting the Standalone Web Client from the Standalone Client, you get an error on
the screen indicating that the Web Client could not connect to the security server.


Verify that the local database services are running using this procedure:

1. Go to Start > Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services.

2. Verify that the statuses of these services are Started:


If not, for each stopped service click Action > Start in the menu.

3. Try to sign in again by following these steps:

a. Exit from the Standalone Web Client and Standalone Client.

b. Run the Microsoft Windows Task Manager.

c. Wait for these processes to die:


Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 44

Chapter 7. Starting the Standalone Web Client

Note: The java.exe program is used by a variety of programs

written in the Java programming language. One of these
programs is the Standalone Web Client; however, it could be
running for any number of other Java programs. It is difficult to
tell in Microsoft Windows Task Manager if the java.exe is
associated with the Standalone Web Client or with some other
program. If you wait for a minute or more and a java.exe
remains running, you can assume that it is associated with a Java
program other than the Standalone Web Client. In that case,
continue to the next step.

d. Rerun activConsole.exe to restart the Standalone Client, sign in,

and start the Standalone Web Client (select Tools > EnterpriseOne Menu
from the Standalone Client).

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 45

Cha pter 8. Repla cing the JD Edwa rds EnterpriseOne Tools
Relea se Component

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.0/8.98 Standalone Client is shipped with a specific

release of the Tools component, for example, 8.98.4. (The Tools component of the
Standalone Client is also known as "system.") You can determine this particular release
by examining the contents of this file:
If Global Customer Support instructs you to update the Tools component to a newer
release, follow the instructions in this chapter.

Notes: Because you are replacing files that the Standalone Client installer uses, you
will need to either copy the installer from a DVD to a hard drive or
download the installer from E-Delivery. Follow the instructions in the
section Copying the Installation DVD or Downloading from the Oracle E-
Delivery Website.

For the following instructions, it is assumed that the folder where the
Standalone Client installer resides is:


Copyright © 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved GA.Rev2 46

Chapter 8. Replacing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release Component

► To Replace the Tools component

1. If EnterpriseOne is running, stop it.

2. Use Task Manager to verify these processes are stopped:


If either or both of these processes are running, either wait for them to finish or
kill them via Task Manager.

3. Because the entire system directory is to be replaced, you should backup your
existing system directory in your installed Standalone Client. To do so, rename
the directory. For example:

ren C:\JDEdwards\E900\system C:\JDEdwards\E900\system_old

Note: Unable to Rename. If Microsoft Windows does not allow you to

rename the directory, one or more running java.exe processes may
have the directory locked. In this case, either reboot your machine or
use Microsoft Windows Task Manager to kill the java.exe

4. Download the appropriate Tools Release WINCLIENT from the Update Center.

The download is transferred to your machine as a .par file. This file may be
opened with the standard WinZip program.

Warning: Improper Unzipping. You should not open the .par file by
double clicking on it. It is a self-extracting file that is normally
installed on a deployment server. If you double-click on it, it
will assume that your workstation is a deployment server and
attempt to install it in an incompatible manner.

5. Open the .par file with WinZip.

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Chapter 8. Replacing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release Component

6. Inside the .par file are multiple .CAB files in the Disk1\System folder. The
files are called SystemX.CAB where X is either nonexistent or a whole number.
Extract these .CAB files into the “system” folder where you placed the temporary
installation directory (for example, \Standalone_9.00).

7. Launch InstallManager.exe from the root folder of the copy of the DVD
(for example, \Standalone_9.00\InstallManager.exe).

Note: Vista and Greater on Microsoft Windows. When running the installation program
on Vista and higher versions of Microsoft Windows, you must right click on the
executable and select Run as Administrator.

8. On JD Edwards Install Manager, click this link:

EnterpriseOne E90 Standalone – OUI 11g

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Chapter 8. Replacing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release Component

9. On Welcome, click the Next button.

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Chapter 8. Replacing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release Component

10. On Oracle License Agreement, if you accept the license click the appropriate
button. You cannot continue with the installation unless you accept the license

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 50

Chapter 8. Replacing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release Component

11. On Select a Product to Install, ensure that the radio button for
EnterpriseOne Client is turned on.

12. Click the Next button.

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Chapter 8. Replacing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release Component

13. On Select Installation Type, select the Custom radio button.

14. Click the Next button.

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Chapter 8. Replacing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release Component

15. On Specify Home Details, from the drop-down lists next to either the Name
or Path fields, select the Oracle Home directory where you installed the
E1 client.

16. Click the Next button.

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Chapter 8. Replacing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release Component

17. On Available Product Components, turn off all checkboxes except those
next to Foundation.

18. Click the Next button.

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Chapter 8. Replacing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release Component

19. On Package Selection, only one package is shown for the Standalone Client.
That package is called DEMO and is highlighted by default.

20. Click the Next button.

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Chapter 8. Replacing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release Component

21. On Summary, verify that what is to be installed is correct.

22. Click the Install button.

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Chapter 8. Replacing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release Component

23. When the installation of the E1 client finishes, you will see the
End of Installation screen.

24. Click the Exit button.

25. Clear the cache in your browser using these browser-dependent procedures:

Microsoft Internet Explorer

a. Go to Tools > Internet Options.

b. On the General tab, click the Delete Files... button.

c. Click the OK button.

d. Click the OK button.

e. Exit Internet Explorer.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 57

Chapter 8. Replacing the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release Component

Mozilla Firefox
a. Go to Tools > Options.

b. On the Network tab and in the Cache section, click the Clear Now button.

c. Click the OK button.

d. Exit Mozilla Firefox.

26. Launch EnterpriseOne by following the instructions in the section of this guide
entitled: Starting the Standalone Client.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 58

Cha pter 9. Deinsta lling the Sta nda lone Client

Deinstalling the Standalone Client consists of these tasks:

Deinstalling the Standalone Client
Deinstalling the OEE Database (optional)

Deinsta lling the Sta nda lone Client

► To deinstall the Standalone Client

1. If EnterpriseOne is running, stop it.

2. Use Task Manager to verify these processes are stopped:


If either or both of these processes are running, either wait for them to finish or
kill them via Task Manager.

3. Go to Start > All Programs > Oracle – JDE_Standalone_Home > Oracle

Installation Products > Universal Installer.

4. Click this link entitled:

Deinstall Products…

5. Put a check mark next to the item with the Oracle Home name that you gave to
your E1 client.

6. Alternatively, you can drill down to select individual components to remove.

7. Click Remove and follow the prompts.

8. When the deinstall is complete, exit from the Oracle Universal Installer.

Copyright © 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved GA.Rev2 59

Chapter 9. Deinstalling the Standalone Client

Deinsta lling the OEE Da ta ba se (optiona l)

Note: Ensure Standalone Client is Deinstalled. If the Standalone Client is

installed, you must deinstall it before deinstalling the database. Refer to the
section in this guide entitled: Deinstalling the Standalone Client.

This section contains these tasks:

To deinstall the OEE 11gR2 database
To deinstall the OEE 10g database
To complete the database deinstallation

► To deinstall the OEE 11gR2 database

Follow these steps to deinstall an OEE 11gR2 database.

1. Open a command prompt window.

If running on Windows Vista or later, be sure to run this by right-clicking on the

Command Prompt icon (an example navigation is: Start > All Programs >
Accessories > Command Prompt) and selecting Run as administrator.

2. Run this command:

<E1Local_Oracle_Home >\deinstall\deinstall.bat

where <E1Local_Oracle_Home> is the directory where the database is

installed. If you followed the earlier recommendations in this guide, the directory


Note: Do not navigate to the <E1Local_Oracle_Home>\deinstall

directory (using the cd command) and run the batch file from there.
If you do so, the deinstaller will not be able to delete the
<E1Local_Oracle_Home> directory.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 60

Chapter 9. Deinstalling the Standalone Client

Note: The OEE installation program should have created some artifact files
for us by the deinstaller. These files provide answers to prompts that
the database deinstaller would normally prompt a user. If for some
reason, those files were not created during OEE installation, or
otherwise cannot be located by the deinstaller, you are prompted for
information when you perform the deinstall. In most cases, you can
take the default values. These are the prompts:

a) Specify all Single Instance listeners that are to be de-configured

Take the default.

b) Specify the list of database names that are configured in this

Oracle home [E1LOCAL]:
Take the default.

c) Specify the type of this database (1.Single Instance

Database|2.Oracle Restart Enabled Database) [1]:
Take the default.

d) Specify the diagnostic destination location of the database

Take the default.

e) Specify the storage type used by the Database ASM|FS []:

Enter FS.

f) Specify the list of directories if any database files exist on a

shared file system. If 'E1LOCAL' subdirectory is found, then it
will be deleted. Otherwise, the specified directory will be deleted.
Alternatively, you can specify list of database files with full path
Take the default.

g) Specify the flash recovery area location, if it is configured on the

file system. If 'E1LOCAL' subdirectory is found, then it will be
deleted. []:
Take the default.

h) Specify the database spfile location [ ]:

Take the default.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 61

Chapter 9. Deinstalling the Standalone Client

i) Do you want to continue (y - yes, n - no)? [n]:

Enter y.

Upon completion of steps a-i, you may get some errors indicating that not all of
the directories could be deleted. This will be addressed as a later step in the
section entitled: To complete the database deinstallation. At this point you can
continue in sequence with the current section.

3. The above steps are used to remove the OEE 11gR2 database engine. To remove
the Parent Oracle Home, continue with the next. For more information regarding
the Parent Oracle Home, refer to Understanding Destination Paths.

4. Go to Start > All Programs > Oracle – Parent_Oracle_Home_Name > Oracle

Installation Products > Universal Installer. In this case,
Parent_Oracle_Home_Name is the name that you specified for the Parent Oracle
Home when you installed the database. If you used the recommended names, this
would be “JDE_Local_DB_Home.”

5. Click the link entitled:

Deinstall Products…

6. Put a check mark next to the Oracle Home for:


7. Click the Remove button and follow the prompts.

8. When the deinstall is complete, exit from the Oracle Universal Installer.

9. Perform the steps in the section below entitled: To complete the database

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 62

Chapter 9. Deinstalling the Standalone Client

► To deinstall the OEE 10g database

Follow these steps to deinstall an OEE 10g database.

1. Go to Start > All Programs > Oracle – E1Local > Oracle Installation Products >
Universal Installer.

2. Click this link entitled:

Deinstall Products…

3. Put a check mark next to the Oracle Homes for these items:


This is the Oracle Home Name that you provided when installing OEE. If you
are not sure which name you used, expand the tree for each listed Oracle
Home by clicking on the plus sign next to each Oracle Home Name. The one
that you need to deinstall is titled Database Engine followed by a version
number. Place a check mark next to the parent of the line containing the
Database Engine.


This is the Oracle Home Name of the cloned copy of the database.

4. Click the Remove button and follow the prompts.

5. When the deinstall is complete, exit from the Oracle Universal Installer.

6. Use this procedure to verify that the proper keys were removed from the registry:
a. Go to Start > Run….

b. In the Open field, enter this command to start the Registry Editor:


c. Make a backup of the registry:

i. Click on My Computer in the left-hand pane.

ii. Click File > Export …

iii. Choose a location and provide a filename for the registry backup.

iv. Click Save.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 63

Chapter 9. Deinstalling the Standalone Client

d. Click on and expand this key:


e. If the sub-key KEY_E1Local exists, delete it.

f. Click on and expand this key:


g. If the keys OracleE1LocalTNSListener or OracleServiceE1LOCAL

exist, delete them.

h. Exit the regedit program.

i. Reboot the computer.

j. Delete this folder:


Note: No Files Can Exist In This Folder. It is very important that no files
exist in this folder when you next attempt to install the OEE database.
If any files do exist, the OEE installation will probably fail.

k. If you cannot delete the folder because a file in that folder is locked, follow
these steps:
i. Determine which file is locked and which process has the lock on the file.
A freeware program called Process Explorer can be helpful in
determining this information. You can obtain a free copy of Process
Explorer from this web site:

ii. Either kill the locking process with Process Explorer or Microsoft
Windows Task Manager or, if the process was started as a Microsoft
Windows service, change the Startup Type to Manual and reboot the
computer again.
iii. Try again to delete the folder.

7. Perform the steps in the section below entitled: To complete the database

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 64

Chapter 9. Deinstalling the Standalone Client

► To complete the database deinstallation

Use this procedure to verify that the proper keys were removed from the registry:
1. Go to Start > Run….

2. In the Open field, enter this command to start the Registry Editor:


3. Make a backup of the registry:

a. Click on My Computer in the left-hand pane.

b. Click File > Export …

c. Choose a location and provide a filename for the registry backup.

d. Click Save.

4. Depending on your Microsoft Windows operating system, click on and

expand this key:

32-bit version of Windows:


64-bit version of Windows:


5. If the sub-key KEY_E1Local exists, delete it.

6. Click on and expand this key:


7. If the keys OracleE1LocalTNSListener or OracleServiceE1LOCAL

exist, delete them.

8. Exit the regedit program.

9. Reboot the computer.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 65

Chapter 9. Deinstalling the Standalone Client

10. Delete this folder:


Note: No Files Can Exist In This Folder. It is very important that no files
exist in this folder when you next attempt to install the OEE database.
If any files do exist, the OEE installation will probably fail.

11. If you cannot delete the folder because a file in that folder is locked, follow
these steps:
a. Determine which file is locked and which process has the lock on the file.
A freeware program called Process Explorer can be helpful in
determining this information. You can obtain a free copy of Process
Explorer from this web site:

b. Either kill the locking process with Process Explorer or Microsoft
Windows Task Manager or, if the process was started as a Microsoft
Windows service, change the Startup Type to Manual and reboot the
computer again.
c. Try again to delete the folder.

12. Perform the steps in the section below entitled: To complete the database

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 66

Glossa ry

This glossary provides descriptions of terms and acronyms used in this document.

Da ta ba se driver
A set of code used to connect to a database.

An Oracle web site from which applications can be downloaded.

H4A (HTML for Applica tions)

The Standalone Web Client.

Insta ll Ma na ger
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne program that starts the Standalone Client installer. The
actual program name is:

Ja va Development Kit (JDK)

A set of tools and Java code used to develop Java applications.

Ja va Runtime Environment (JRE)

A set of tools used when running Java applications.

JDBC driver
A database driver that is used by Java programs to connect to a database.

Loca l da ta ba se
A database that resides on the client workstation on which the Standalone Client is

Copyright © 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved GA.Rev2 67


Minimum Technica l Requirements (MTRs)

The minimum software and hardware requirements needed to install and run the
Standalone Client.

My Ora cle Support

The Oracle web site at which support and documentation for Oracle products may be
obtained. As of this writing the URL is:

Ora cle Enterprise Edition (OEE)

A version of the Oracle database product. The particular version of OEE that is used and
installed by the Standalone Client is a stripped down version intended only for JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne client and deployment server installations.

Ora cle Universa l Insta ller (OUI)

A program that is used to install Oracle products. This version of the Standalone Client
is installed using OUI. OEE is also installed by OUI.

Root folder
The base-level folder of a computer drive whether that drive is a hard drive or a DVD. It
is designated by the drive letter, a colon, and a backslash or, if the drive letter can be
assumed, simply by a single backslash.

Sna pshot
A JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tool used to save and restore installations of JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne products such as standalone clients, development clients, and deployment

Softwa re Protection Codes (SPCs)

Encrypted alphanumeric strings used to designate the number and expiration date of
licenses used to run previous versions of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, including
standalone clients, development clients, and deployment servers. The 9.0 release of the
Standalone Client does not require SPCs.

Spec da ta ba se

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 68


A database that contains information (“specifications” or descriptions) about JD Edwards

EnterpriseOne objects such as database tables, applications, and components of
applications (forms, event rules, etc.).

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (SSE or SSEE)

The version of the Microsoft SQL Server database product intended to run on individual
client Microsoft Windows workstations.

Sta nda lone Client

A JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.0/8.98 client that does not require any of these associated
EnterpriseOne servers:
Deployment Server
Enterprise Server (also known as host or logic server)
HTML Web Server
Database Server

Sta nda lone Web Client

The web browser based component of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Standalone Client.

Tools component
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne component of the Standalone Client that provides mid-
level functionality to the EnterpriseOne applications. Also known as JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Tools Release or “system” code.

Copyright © 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved Rev2 69

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