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MICROPROCESSOR LECTURE Evolution of Microprocessor VACUUM TUBES 1 to 3 in high, it requires space, generate tremendous heat, and requires large

amount of power. TRANSISTOR act as a logical switches in digital circuits. It replaced the vacuum tubes. Invented at Bell lab in 1947. in high, little power. JACK KILBY of texas instrument used very small wires to connect transistors (first IC), that was in 1958. ROBERT NOYCE of fairchild semiconductor developed a method of evaporating aluminum in specific places on a silicon wafer to connect transistors. First practical IC was developed in 1959. ROBERT NOYCE and GORDON MOORE started INTEL. To develop integrated electronic structure and computer memories. That was in 1968. The FIRST MICROPROCESSOR was delivered by BUSICOM with the help of TED HOFF in 1971. TED HOFF developed a single general-purpose chip that could be programmed to carry out a calculators function. But BUSICOM was bankrupted and INTEL bought the right to manufacture the said chip. INTEL 8080 used in the first PC, the ALTAIR computer. Created at MITS by ED ROBERTS. No keyboard and monitor. Can only be programmed in straight binary. BILL GATES AND PAUL ALLEN started out Microsoft. The first product of Microsoft was a basic interpreter for ALTAIR. MOST-TECH produced 6502. This is an 8-bit Microprocessor/machine. Low cost. Used in COMMODORE PET and APPLE 2. That was in 1975. ZILOG introduced Z80 in 1976. This is an 8-bit chip. Used by RADIO SHACH in its TRS-80 computer in 1977. History of Microprocessor INTEL 4004 4-bit microprocessor Runs at 108Khz Contains 2300 transistors 4KB of memory first microprocessor developed primarily for games, test equipment and other simple digital systems. Used for electronic calculations. Not capable of running nor starting word processors, spreadsheets and databases. 1971 INTEL 8008 8-bit microprocessor improved version of 4004 16KB of memory can handle more complicated operations LATE 1971

INTEL 8080 Improved version of 8008 Speed of operation is ten times faster than 8008 64KB of memory simple word processors maybe used 1973 INTEL 8086/8088 Demand for greater and more powerful microprocessor and influence of competition 16-bit microprocessor 1MB of memory LATE 1970s INTEL 80X86 FAMILY Upgraded capability of 8086/8088 XT (Experimental Technology) AT (Advanced Technology) MOTOROLA Followed the steps of INTEL corporation MC6800 MC68000, 32-bit microprocessor Z80 Developed and manufactured by the original designers of INTEL 8086/8088 IBM (International Business Machine) POWERPC with their own microprocessor called RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) and CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing). Server in Network System. APPLE/MACINTOSH POWERMAC INTEL PENTIUM Basic Structure of Microprocessor BUS UNIT





BUS UNIT has the job of establishing communication with the external unit. INSTRUCTION UNIT fetches and decodes the subsequent instruction of the program being run. ADDRESS UNIT calculates the address (for memory location). ALU performs data processing operations specified during the execution phase of the instruction being interrupted.

CONTROL UNIT generates the set of timings and controls necessary for the corresponding execute phase. Bus Structure SYSTEM BUS a physical group of signal lines that has a related function within a microprocessor system. Three Buses in a microprocessor system 1. SYSTEM ADDRESS BUS The job is to enable or select the correct path for electrical communication. 2. SYSTEM DATA BUS A bi-directional that carries back and forth data to specified location with basis to the address location of the address bus. 3. SYSTEM CONTROL BUS An output bus whose function is to send signal that determines and initiates the type of electrical communication that is to take place on the system data bus. Two kinds of Buses 1. INTERNAL BUS or internally connected bus. When two or more parts that make-up an element of a computer system is connected by a set of lines. 2. EXTERNAL BUS when a set of line connects two or more elements of a computer system. Four Kinds of Control Lines 1. RST reset 2. NMI non-maskable interrupt 3. R/W read/write 4. IRQ interrupt request I/O Control Two different techniques for handling the CTRL of I/O devices 1. MEMORY MAPPED I/O which I/O devices are treated as memory. 2. ISOLATED I/O OR MAPPED I/O I/O device has a unique address, not a memory address. Processor that uses this, has a special instruction the IN and OUT. Two Basic Control Signal of Memory Mapped I/O 1. memory read 2. memory write Isolated I/O Scheme 1. memory read 2. memory write 3. I/O read 4. I/O write

MICROPROCESSOR the central processing unit of a computer, which includes an ALU, control unit, and bus unit all, integrated on a single IC. MICROCONTROLLER a single chips microcomputer consisting of a memory unit and in I/O unit. Typically used for dedicated applications such as industrial controller, telecommunications, home appliances and automotive. MICROCOMPUTER a complete computing system consisting of a microprocessor, a memory unit and an I/O unit. Three main sections of a computer 1. INPUT consists of all the circuits needed to get programs and data into the computer 2. MEMORY stores program and data before the computer run/begins. 3. CONTROL directs the operation of all other sections. It tells the other sections what to do and when to do a certain task. 4. ALU grids out answers of number and logic problems. 5. OUTPUT passes answers and other processed data to the outside world. Level of Integration 1. SMALL SCALE INTEGRATION 12 number of gates 2. MEDIUM SCALE INTEGRATION 12 to 100 number of gates 3. LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION 100plus number of gates 4. VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION 5,000 TO 50,000 number of gates Basic Technologies 1. BIPOLAR preferred for SSI and MSI because it is much faster but bulky. DTL diode transistor logic. Obsolete. TTL transistor-transistor logic. Popular family of SSI and MSI. ECL emitter-coupled logic. Fastest, used in high-speed application. 2. MOS more MOSFETD can be packed on the same chip area. PMOS p-channel MOSFETS. Oldest obsolete and slowest. NMOS n-channel MOSFETS. Dominates LSI. Used for microprocessor and memories. CMOS complementary MOSFETS. Push-pull arrangement of n- and p- channel MOSFETS used where low power consumption is needed.

Main Functions Shared by All MPUs 1. DATA TRANFERS OPERATIONS the MPU spends 95% of its time transferring data. Transferring of data is to/from the memory in the system. Data is transferred to/from the I/O and passes around the processor. 2. ARITHMETIC AND LOGIC OPERATIONS 4% is spent on simple ALU operations. Addition most performed, through addition the microprocessor can subtract using 2s complement. 3. DECISION-MAKING OPERATIONS least used. Based upon numerical test. Speed of Operation of the Microprocessor Unit Two determinants of the Speed of a Microprocessor Unit 1. The clock frequency of the microprocessor. Measured in megahertz. 2. The number of instructions it can perform or execute at a single time. Measured in Millions of Instructions per Second or MIPS.

Three Major Parts of a Microprocessor Unit 1. ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT (ALU) made up of logic circuits whose primary function is to process data. All arithmetic and logical operations are performed here in ALU. 2. CONTROL UNIT is made of the following: INSTRUCITON DECODER serves as the control logics intelligence, which also serves as the brain of the microprocessor unit. The circuit responsible in the synthesis and decoding of the instructions fed or received by the microprocessor. TIMING used to synchronize the operation of the different parts of the control unit and the computer system. Always in phase with the clock system of the microcomputer. CONTROL LOGIC the circuit responsible in the operation of the different parts of the microprocessor unit and the microcomputer system. The control signals flowing in the control bus is sent by the control logic. All operations to be performed by the microprocessor are driven by the control logic. 3. REGISTERS play a very important role in the operation of the microprocessor. All data and instruction that is sent to the microprocessor are first stored in the registers. Serves as temporary storage devices of the microprocessor. The following are the seven registers present in all MPU:\ ACCUMULATOR register that works very closely always with the ALU unit. All results of the processes performed by the ALU are stored at the accumulator. In some case an operand is also stored in this register before the ALU processes the operands. Its main purpose to accumulate data. Only data is stored in this register that is why this is considered as 8-bit register. INSTRUCTION REGISTER registers that works very closely with the instruction decoder of the control unit. It stores all instructions coming from the data bus. Before the instruction decoder synthesizes the instruction, it is first stored in this register. What is stored or placed in the instruction decoder is the Opcode or Operation Code of the instruction to be executed by the microprocessor. That is used to specify what operation is to be performed by the microprocessor. PROGRAM COUNTER register responsible in tracking the address in memory of the instructions to be executed by the microprocessor. As soon execution of the program starts, the first memory location containing the instruction is stored to the program counter. It automatically increments as soon it is finished with the memory location. Serves as the marker in memory of the instruction or data to be fetched. STATUS REGISTER register that is referred to as the Flag Register or Condition Code Register. The term flag is used as an indicator of the status, which can be set or reset. When the microprocessor is executing a program. Always, it affects the status register. This register is composed of several flags, which comprises the bits of the status register. Setting the flag means placing a logic 1 and resetting means placing a logic 0. The most flags in the microprocessor are the following: CARRY FLAG HAL-CARRY FLAG ZERO FLAG SIGN FLAG/NEGATIVE FLAG OVERFLOW FLAG INTERRUPT FLAG STACK POINTER register whose purpose is to point to the top of the stack. A stack is a temporary storage of data or instruction that is temporarily not in use. The stack uses a last-infirst-out algorithm. This register simply points to the data or instruction on the top of the stack. Placing information to the stack is also invoking a push operation while retrieving the topmost information is invoking a pop operation. GENERAL PURPOSE REGISTER used to store data and are directly connected to the data bus of the system. The use of this register varies depending on the purpose of the user or programmer.

INDEX REGISTER used as an aid in accessing data found in tables stored in the memory. It can be incremented or logic or decrements and normally do not have any other arithmetic or logical capability. PROGRAM is a set of instructions or rules to follow to perform a specific task. MNEMONICS instruction somewhat English-like language Categories of Instruction Set of Every Microprocessor DATA TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS ARITHMETIC OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS LOGICAL OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS PROGRAM FLOW CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS INPUT/OUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTIONS Allowable Data transferring REGISTER TO REGISTER REGISTER TO MEMORY LOCATION MEMORY LOCATION TO REGISTER

Addressing Modes 1. INHERENT IMPLIED ADDRESSING MODE the instruction does not require an address in memory. One byte instructions. Example: INX (add one to the index register) 2. IMMEDIATE ADDRESSING MODE the actual data is found in the next one or two locations immediately following the instruction. Example: ADC A, #$25 (add 25H to the content of accumulator A with carry flag content, sum into accumulator A) 3. DIRECT OR ABSOLUTE ADDRESSING MODE the address where the data can be found ( the target address) is in the next memory location. Two byte instruction. Example: ADC A $25 (add the content of address 25 to the content of accumulator A with carry flag content, sum into the accumulator A) 4. ACCUMULATOR ADDRESSING MODE one byte instructions that address either accumulator A or accumulator B. Example: COM A (complement the content of accumulator A) 5. EXTENDED ADDRESSING MODE similar to the direct mode except that it uses three bytes of memory instead of two, one for the instruction and the next two for the target address. Example:

ADC A, $CCFF (add the content of address CCFFH into the content of accumulator A with carry flag content, sum into the accumulator A) 6. INDEXED MODE OF ADDRESSING uses two bytes of instruction. The next instruction contains a number (often referred to as an offset) that is added to the contents of the index register to from an address. This new address, as in the extended mode, contains the data. Example: ADC A, $D2,X (add the content of address D2 plus the offset with the content of accumulator A with carry flag content, sum into the accumulator A. RELATIVE ADDRESSING MODE the next instruction to be executed by the MPU is located at some other address than the one following. This will be categorized as branch instructions. Such instructions cause the MPU to go to some other address for its next instruction in accordance with some condition within the condition code register. Two bytes long. FORWARD BRANCHING


PL = DL+2+OFFSET Example: If a branch always instruction were located at address 4050 and it was desired to branch to address 4080, what would the contents of 4051 be? BACKWARD BRANCHING

PL = DL+2-OFFSET Example: If a branch always instruction were located at address 4050 and it was desired to branch to address 4000, what would the contents of 4051 be? Note: PL stands for present location, DL stands for destination location.

INTEL FAMILY The programming model of the Intel 8086 through the Pentium II 8-bit names 32-bit names EAX EBX ECX EDX ESP EBP EDI ESI AH BH CH DH 16-bit name AX BX CX DX SP BP DI SI AL BL CL DL Accumulator Base Index Count Data Stack Pointer Base Pointer Destination Index Source Index



Instruction pointer Flags


Code Data Extra Stack

Notes: 1. The shaded area registers exist only on the 80386 through the Pentium II. 2. The FS and GS register have no special names.


referenced as 32-bit register (EAX), as a 16-bit register (AX), or as either of two 8-bit registers (AH and AL). Used for instructions such as multiplication, division, and some of the adjustment instructions. In 80386 and above, the EAX register may also hold the offset address of a location in the memory system. EBX (Base Index) addressable as EBX, BX, BH, or BL. The BX register sometimes holds the offset address of a location in the memory system in all versions of the microprocessor. In 80386 and above, EBX also can address memory data. ECX (Count) general-purpose register that also holds the count for various instructions. In 80386 and above, the ECX register also can hold the offset address of memory data. Instructions that use a count are the repeated string instructions (REP/REPE/REPNE); shift, rotate, and LOOP/LOOPD instructions. The shift and rotate instructions use CL as the count, the repeated string instructions use CX, and the LOOP/LOOPD instructions use either CX or ECX. EDX (Data) general-purpose register that holds a part of the result from a multiplication or part of the dividend before a division. IN 80386 and above, this register can also address memory data. EBP (Base Pointer) points to a memory location in all versions of the microprocessor for memory data transfers. This register is addressed as either BP or EBP. EDI (Destination Index) often addresses string destination data for the string instructions. It also functions as either a 32-bit (EDI) or 16-bit (DI) generalpurpose register. ESI (Source Index) used as either ESI or SI. The source index register often addresses source string data for the string instructions. Like EDI, ESI also functions as a general-purpose register. As a 16-bit register, it is addressed as SI; as a 32-bit register, it is addressed as ESI.


addresses the next instruction in a section of memory defined as a code segment. This register is IP (16-bits) when the microprocessor operates in the real mode and EIP (32-bits) when the 80386 and above operate in the protected mode. The instruction pointer, which points to the next instruction in a program, is used by the microprocessor to find the next sequential instruction in a program located within the code segment. It can be modified with a jump or a call instruction. ESP (Stack Pointer) addresses an area of memory called the stack. The stack memory stores data through this pointer. This register is referred to as SP if used as a 16-bit register and ESP if referred to as a 32-bit register.

EFLAGS indicate the condition of the microprocessor and control its operation. The 8086 80286 contain a FLAG register (16-bits) and the 80386 and above contain an EFLAG register (32-bit extended flag register).

THE FLAG REGISTER 11 10 9 O D I 8 7 6 4 2 0



The rightmost five flags and the overflow flag change after many arithmetic and logic instructions execute. The flags never change for any data transfer or program control operation. Some of the flags are also used to control features found in the microprocessor.

C (carry) holds the carry after addition or the borrow after subtraction. The carry flag also indicates error conditions, as dictated by some programs and procedures. P (parity) a logic 0 for odd parity and a logic 1 for even parity. A (auxiliary carry) holds the carry (half-carry) after addition or the borrow after subtraction between bits positions 3 and 4 of the result. Z (zero) shows that the result of an arithmetic or logic operation is zero. If Z=1, the result is zero; of Z=0, the result is not zero. T (trap) enables trapping through an on-chip-debugging feature. (A program is debugged to find an error or bug). If the T flag is enabled (1), the microprocessor interrupts the flow of the program on conditions as indicated by the debug registers and control registers. If the T flag is logic 0, the trapping (debugging) feature is disabled. I (interrupt) controls the operation of the INTR (interrupt request) input pin. If I=1, the INTR pin is enabled; if I=0, the INTR pin is disabled. The state of the flag bit is controlled by the STI (set I flag) and CLI (clear I flag) instructions. D (direction) selects either the increment or decrement mode for the DI and/or SI registers during string instructions. If D=1, the registers are automatically decrement; if D=0, the registers are automatically incremented. The D flag is set with the STD (set direction) and cleared with the CLD (clear direction) instructions. O (overflow) occurs when signed numbers are added or subtracted. An overflow indicates that the result has exceeded the capacity of the machine.


CS (code) a section of memory that holds the code (programs and procedures) used by the microprocessor. This register defines the starting address of the section of memory holding code. DS (data) a section of memory that contains most data used by a program. Data are accessed in the data segment by an offset address or the contents of other registers that hold the offset address. ES (extra) is an additional data segment that is used by some of the string instructions to hold destination data. SS (stack) defines the area of memory used for the stack. The stack segment and stack pointer registers determine the stack entry point. The BP register also addresses data within the stack segment.

Real Mode Memory Addressing Allows the microprocessor to address only the first 1Mbyte of memory even if its Pentium II microprocessor. The first 1Mbyte of memory is called either the real memory or conventional memory system. The DOS operating system requires the microprocessor to operate in this mode. It allows application software. Segment and Offset Through the combination of these two a memory location is accessed in the real mode. All real mode memory address must consist of a segment address plus an offset address. Segment Address Defines the beginning address of any 64k-byte memory segment. Offset Address Sometimes called displacement. Selects any location within the 64k-byte memory segment. It is the distance above the start of the segment. Note: Each segment register is internally appended with a 0H on its right end.

Example: Segment register contains 1200H. It addresses a 64k-byte memory segment, beginning at location 12000H. The segment address can begin only at a 16-byte boundary, which is called paragraph. Once the beginning address in known, an ending address is find, by adding FFFFH.

Example: 1000 H -segment address 2000 H - offset 12000H - memory location 12000H + 0FFFH = 12FFFH ending address The code segment register defines the start of the code segment and the instruction pointer to locate the next instruction within the code segment. This combination (CS:IP or CS:EIP) locates the next instruction executed by the microprocessor. Example: CS = 1400H IP/EIP = 1200H

The microprocessor fetches its next instruction from memory location 1400H + 1200H or 15200H. Stack data are referenced through the stack segment at the memory location addressed by either the stack pointer (SP/ESP) or the base pointer (BP/EBP). These combinations are referred to as SS:SP (SS:ESP) or SS:BP (SS:EBP). Example: SS = 2000H BP = 3000H

The microprocessor addresses memory location 23000H for the stack segment memory location. Protected Mode Memory Addressing Allows access to data and programs located above the first 1Mbyte of memory as well as within the first 1Mbyte of memory. Segment address is no longer present in this mode. In place of the segment address, the segment register contains a selector that selects a descriptor from a descriptor table. The descriptor describes the memory segment location, length and access rights. Most function in the real mode will function without change in the protected mode. The difference between modes is in the way that the segment register is interpreted by the microprocessor to access the memory segment. Example: In the real mode, if code segment=008H, the code segment begins at location 00080H. In the protected mode, the segment number can address any memory location in the entire system for the code segment.

There are two descriptor tables used with the segment registers: one contains global descriptors and the other contains local descriptors. Global Descriptor Contains segment definitions that apply to all programs. Other term is system descriptor. Local Descriptor Usually unique to an application. Other term is application descriptor. Each table contains 8192 descriptors. The base address portion of the descriptor indicates the starting location of the memory segment. The segment limit contains the last offset address found in a segment. Example: If a segment begins at memory location F00000H and ends at location F000FFH, the base address is F00000H and the limit is FFH. For the 80286 microprocessor, the base address is F00000H and the limit is 00FFH. For the 80386 microprocessor and above, the base address is 00F00000H and the limit is 000FFH. There is another feature found in the 80386 through the Pentium II descriptor that is not found in the 80286 descriptor: the G bit or granularity bit. If G=0, the limit specifies a segment limit of 00000H to FFFFFH. If G=1, the value of the limit is multiplied by 4kbytes (appended with XXXH). The limit is then 00000XXXH to FFFFFXXXH, if G=1. Example: 1. If the base address is 10000000H, the limit is 001FFH, and the G bit =0, show the segment start and end. Base = Start =10000000H G=0 End = Base + Limit =10000000 + 001FFH =100001FFH 2. Uses the same data as example 1, except that the G bit =1. Base = Start = 10000000H G=0 End = Base + Limit

= 10000000H + 001FFXXXH = 101FFFFFH Note: In this example, the XXXH is replaced with FFFH because that is the highest possible memory location within the segment. Addressing Modes REGISTER ADDRESSINGMODE transfers a copy of a byte or word from the source register or memory location to the destination register or memory location. Example: MOV BX,CX Instruction copies the word-sized contents of register CX into the register BX.

EAX EBX ECX 2 1 2 1 3 A 4 C 7 6 1 2 A F 3 4

1 2 3 4

IMMEDIATE ADDRESSING MODE transfers the source-immediate byte or word of data into the destination register or memory location. Example: MOV EAX, 13456H Instruction copies the immediate data 13456H into register EAX.


3 3 3 3

6 2

9 1

MOV EAX, 13456H

13456H DIRECT ADDRESSING MODE moves a byte or word between a memory location and a register. The instruction set does not support a memory-tomemory transfer, except for the MOVS instruction.

Example: MOV AL, [1234] Instruction copies word-sized contents of memory location 11234H into register AL.
11235H EAX



11234H 11233H 11232H


Note: This example uses DS = 1000h. REGISTER INDIRECT ADDRESSING MODE transfers a byte or word between a register and a memory location addressed by an index or base register. The index and base registers are BP, BX, DI, and SI. Example: MOV AX, [BX] Instruction copies the word-sized data from the data segment offset address indexed by BX into register AX.





00002002 3 4 1 2

3 4

1 2

1 0

0 0

00002001 00002000


CS *1000

00001001 00001000


0 1 0 0

BASE-PLUS-INDEX ADDRESSSING MODE transfers a byte or word between a register and the memory location addressed by a base register (BP or BX) plus an index register (DI or SI). Example: MOV DX, [BX+DI] Instruction copies the word sized contents of memory location addressed by the BX and DI to the DX register.



1 0

0 0 0 3
A B 0 3
02015H 02014H 02013H 02012H 02011H 02010H 0200FH


0 3


0 0 1 0

1010 H


DS= 100H

DS X 10H

REGISTER RELATIVE ADDRESSING MODE moves a byte or word between a register and the memory location addressed by an index or base register plus a displacement. Example: MOV AX, [BX+1000]

Loads AX from the data segment address formed by BX plus 1000.


Register Array


2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0

7 6 0 0

A 0 7 6

A 0


0 1

7 6
0100 H


1000 H

1100 H

DS = 200H DS X 10H 2000H


BASE-RELATIVE-PLUS INDEX ADDRESSING MODE transfers a byte or word between a register and the memory location addressed by a base and an index register plus a displacement. Example: MOV AX, [BX+SI+100h] These instructions load AX from a data segment memory location. It uses an address formed by adding BX, DI and 100h.

Memory Register Array EAX EBX ECX EDX

A 3
0 0

1 6 2 0

A 3 1 6

A 3 1 6

10131H 10130H




0 0 1 0

0100 H

0130 H

1000 H 1013 0H

Displacement = 100H, DS = 100H


DS X 10H

Used with the JMP and CALL instructions, consist of three distinct forms: direct, relative, and indirect. DIRECT PROGRAM MEMORY ADDRESSING The microprocessor uses this form of addressing, but not as often as relative and indirect program memory addressing is used. The instructions for direct program memory addressing store the address with the opcode. Example: JMP [10000H] If a program jumps to memory location 10000H for the next instruction, the address (10000H) is stored following the op-code in the memory. JMP instruction loads CS with 1000H and IP with 0000H to jump to memory location 10000H for the next instruction.

Segment Opcode E A

Offset(low) 0 0

Offset(high) 0 0

(low) 0 0

Segment (high) 1 0

The 5-byte machine language version of a JMP [10000H] instruction. An intersegment jump is a jump to any memory location within the entire memory system. The direct jump is often called a far jump because it can jump to any memory location for the next instruction. The only other instruction that uses direct program addressing is the intersegment or far CALL instruction. Usually, the name of a memory address, called a label, refers to the location that is called or jumped to instead of the actual numeric address. When using a label with the CALL or JMP instruction, most assemblers select the best from of program addressing. RELATIVE PROGRAM MEMORY ADDRESSING The term relative means relative to the instruction pointer (IP). Example: JMP [2] If a jump instruction skips the next two bytes of memory, the address in relation to the instruction pointer is a 2 that adds to the instruction pointer. It is a one-byte instruction.
10000 10001 10002 10003 10004 EB 02 JMP [2]

With a one-byte or a two-byte displacement that adds to the instruction pointer. A one-byte displacement is used in short jumps, and a two-byte displacement used with near jumps and calls. Both types are considered to be instrasegment jump, a jump anywhere within the current code segment. Relative JMP and CALL instructions contain either an 8-bit or a 16-bit signed displacement that allows a forward memory reference or reverse memory reference. An 8-bit displacement (short) has a jump range of between +127 and 128 bytes from the next instruction, while a 16-bit displacement (near) has a range of 32K bytes.

INDIRECT PROGRAM MEMORY ADDRESSING If a 16-bit register holds the address of a JMP instruction, the jump is near. Example: If the BX register contains a 1000H and a JMP BX instruction executes, the microprocessor jumps to offset address 1000H in the current code segment. If a relative register holds the address, the jump is also considered to be an indirect jump. Example: JMP [BX] Refers to the memory location within the data segment at the offset address contained in BX. At this offset address is a 16-bit number that is used as the offset address in the intrasegment jump. This type of jump is sometimes called an indirect-indirect or double-indirect jump. STACK MEMORY ADDRESSING MODES Two registers maintain the stack memory: the stack pointer (SP or ESP) and the stack segment register (SS). Whenever a word of data is pushed onto the stack, the higher-order 8-bits are placed in the location addressed by SP 1. The low order 8-bits are placed in the location addressed by SP 2. The SP is then decremented by 2 so that the next word of data is stored in the next available stack memory location. The SP/ESP register always points to an area of memory located within the stack segment. The SP/ESP register adds to SS x 10H to form the stack memory address. Whenever data are popped from the stack, the low-order 8-bits are removed from the location addressed by SP. The high-order 8-bits are removed from the location addressed by SP + 1. The SP register is then incremented by 2. Example: a. PUSH BX (places the contents of BX onto the stack) b. POP CX (removes data from the stack and places them into CX.

PUSH BX Memory

Register Array

1 2

3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4


SS x 10H

POP CX Register Array


1 2 1 2 3 4 3 4


DATA MOVEMENT INSTRUCTIONS 16-bit instruction mode

Opcode 1-2 bytes
MOD-REG-R/M 0-1 BYTE FIG 1 Opcode SS x 10H

Displacement 0-1 byte

Immediate 0-2 bytes






The opcode selects the operation (addition, subtraction, move, and so on) that is performed by the microprocessor. The opcode is either one or two bytes long for most machine language instructions. The first six bits of the first byte (FIG 2) are the binary opcode. The remaining two bits indicate the direction (D) or direction flag bit of the data flow, and indicate whether the data are a byte or a word (W). If the direction bit (D) =1, data flow to the REG field from the R/M field located in the second byte (FIG 3) of an instruction. If the D-bit = 0 in the opcode, data flow to the R/M field from the REG field. If the W-bit =1, the data size is a word or doubleword; if the W-bit = 0, the data size is always a byte. The W-bit appears in most instructions, while the D-bit appears mainly with the MOV ans some other instructions. The MOD filed specifies the addressing (MOD) for the selected instruction. The MOD field selects the type of addressing and whether a displacement is present with the selected type. If the MOD field contains 11, it selects the register-addressing mode. Register addressing uses the R/M field to specify a register instead of a memory location. If the MOD field contains 00, 01, or 10, the R/M field selects one of the data memory-addressing modes. When MOD selects a data memory-addressing mode, it indicates that the addressing mode contains no displacement (00), an 8-bit sign-extended displacement (01), or a 16-bit displacement (10).

00 01 10 11

No displacement 8-bit sign-extended displacement 16-bit displacement R/M is a register


FOR REG and R/M (when MOD =11)


000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111



FOR R/M (when MOD = 00, 01, or 10) R/M Code 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Examples: 1.
1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0

Addressing Mode DS:[BX + SI] DS:[BX + DI] SS:[BP + SI] SS:[BP + DI] DS:[SI] DS:[DI] SS:[BP]* DS:[BX]


0 1 0


0 1



0 1 0

SEGMENT OVERRIDE PREFIX May be added to almost any instruction in any memory addressing mode, allows the programmer to deviate from the default segment. It is an additional byte that appends the front of an instruction to select an alternate segment register. The only instructions that cannot be prefixed are the jump and call instructions that must use the code segment register for address generation. Example: MOV AX, [DI] Accesses data within the data segment by default. If required by a program, prefixing the instruction can change this. Suppose that the data are in the extra segment instead of in the data segment. This instruction addresses the extra segment if changed to: MOV AX, ES:[DI]

Assembly Language MOV AX, DS:[BP] MOV AX, ES:[BP] MOV AX, SS:[D] MOV AX, CS:LIST

Segment Accessed Data Extra Stack Code

Default Segment Stack Stack Data Data


Extra Data

Data Extra

ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES Controls the assembly process. Directives indicate how an operand or section of a program is to be processed by the assembler. Some directives generate and store information in the memory, while the others do not.

DB (define byte) DW (define word) DD (define doubleword) DQ (define quadword) DT (define ten bytes) SEGMENT indicate the start of the segment and its symbolic name ENDS indicate the end of the segment ? operand for DB, DW, or DD directive, used for memory reservation, the assembler stores a zero into locations specified by this DUP (duplicate) creates an array ALIGN ensures that the memory are stored on byte boundaries ALIGN 2 places data on word boundaries ALIGN 4 PLACES THEM ON DOUBLEWORD BOUNDARIES EQU (equate) equates a numeric THIS always appear as THIS BYTE, THIS WORD, or THIS DWORD. In certain cases, data must be referred to as both a byte and a word. The assembler can only assign either a byte or a word address to a label. To assign a byte label to a word use this directive ORG (origin) changes the starting offset address of the data in the data segment to any location. ASSUME tells the assembler what names have been chosen for the code, data, extra, and stack segments. Without this, the assembler assumes nothing and automatically uses a segment override prefix on all instructions that address memory data. PROC indicate the start of the procedure ENDP indicate the end of the procedure, requires a label to indicate the name of the procedure. Must also be followed with a NEAR or FAR. A NEAR procedure is one that resides in the same code segment as the program. A FAR procedure may reside at any location in the memory system. Often the call NEAR procedure is considered to be local, and the call FAR is considered to be global. The term global denotes a procedure that can be used by any program, while local defines a procedure that is only used by the current program. USES indicates which registers are used by the procedure, so that the assembler can automatically save them before your procedure begins and restore them before the procedure ends with the RET instruction. .MODEL followed by the size of the memory system.

TINY model requires that all software and data fit into one 64K-byte memory segment, useful for many small programs SMALL model requires that only one data segment be used with one code segment, for a total of 128K-bytes of memory. .EXIT returns to DOS, but the error code is not defined .EXIT 0 returns to DOS with an error code 0 (no error)

SAMPLE PROGRAMS DATA1 DB DB DB DB DW DW DW DD DD DD DB DB 1, 2, 3 45H A 11110000B 12, 13 LIST1 2345H 300H 2.123 3.34E+12 ? 10 DUP (?) ;define bytes ; hexadecimal ; ASCII ; binary ; define words ; symbolic ; hexadecimal ; hexadecimal ; real ; real ; reserve 1 byte ; reserve ten bytes ; set word boundaries



RET ADDEM ENDP ADDS PROC Push Push Push Add Add Add Mov Ret Pop Pop Pop Ret ADDS ENDP

; end procedure NEAR USES BX CX DX bx cx dx bx, ax cx, bx dx. Cx ax,dx dx cx bx 00000h

INSTRUCTION SETS DATA TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS MOV destination, source (move byte or word data.



loads the data stored at the memory location

PUSH source
Example: PUSH BX

addressed by [DI] into register BX. (push word onto stack)

places data from the source register BX into

POP destination
Example: Example: Example: Example: POP CX IN AL, p8 OUT p8, AX LEA BX, [DI]

the stack. (pop word off stack)

places data from the stack into register CX.

IN accumulator, port OUT port, accumulator LEA destination, source

(input byte or word from port)

8 bits are input to AL from I/O port p8.

(output byte or word to port)

16 bits are output from AX to I/O port p8.

(load effective address)

loads the offset address specified by [DI] (contents of DI) into BX register.

PUSHF (push flag onto stack) POPF (pop flags off stack) XCHG destination, source (exchange byte or word)
Example: XCHG AL, [DI] exchanges the content of the memory location

XLAT translate_table
Example: MOV AL,4

addressed by [DI] with the content of AL. (translate byte)

translate 4 into its equivalent from table.

MOV BX, OFFSET TABLE XLAT MOVE CODE7, AL LDS destination, source (load pointer using DS)
Example: LDS BX, [DI] transfers the 32bit number, addressed by DI in

LES destination, source

Example: LES BX, [DI]

data segment, into the BX and DS register. (load pointer using ES)
transfers the 32bit number, addressed by DI in


extra segment, into the BX and ES register. (load AH register from flags) (store AH register into flags)

ADD destination, source

Example: ADD AL, BL

(add byte or word)

BL contents add to the contents of AL with the sum stored in AL.

ADC destination, source

Example: ADC AL, AH

(add byte or word with carry)

the byte contents of AH add to the content of AL with carry with the sum stored in AL.

INC destination
Example: Example: INC BL SUB CL, BL

(increment byte or word by 1)

adds 1 to the content of BL.

SUB destination, source

(subtract byte or word)

subtract the contents of BL from the contents

of CL with the difference stored in CL.

SBB destination, source

Example: SBB AH, AL

(subtract byte or word with borrow)

both carry and contents of AL subtract from the

DEC destination
Example: Example: DEC BH CMP CL, BL

contents of AH with the difference stored in AH. (decrement byte or word by 1)

subtracts 1 from the byte content of BH.

CMP destination, source

(compare byte or word)

BL content subtracts from the content of CL

MUL source
Example: MUL CL

without changing the content of the destination Usually followed by JA or JB. (multiply byte or word unsigned)
AL content is multiplied by CL content; the

MUL DX IMUL source

Example: IMUL DH

unsigned product is stored in AX. AX content is multiplied by DX content, the unsigned product is stored in DX-AX. (integer multiply byte or word)
AL content is multiplied by DH content, the signed product is stored in AX.

IMUL CX DIV source

Example: DIV CL

AX content is multiplied by CX content, the signed product is stored in DX-AX. (divide byte or word unsigned)
AX content is divided by the content of CL,

DIV CX IDIV source

Example: IDIV BL

The unsigned quotient is stored in AL and the remainder is stored in AH. DX-AX content is divided by the content of CX, The unsigned quotient is stored in AX and the remainder is stored in DX. (integer divide byte or word)
AX content is divided by the content of BL, the

IDIV SI NEG destination

Example: NEG CH

Signed quotient is stored in AL and the remainder is stored in AH. DX-AX content is divided by the content of SI, The signed quotient is stored in AX and the remainder is stored in DX. (negate byte or word)
CH content is 2s complemented


(convert byte to word)

(convert word to double word)


(decimal adjust for addition) (decimal adjust for subtraction) (ASCII adjust for addition) (ASCII adjust for subtraction) (ASCII adjust for multiply) (ASCII adjust for division)


NOT destination

(NOT byte or word) (AND byte or word)

AL content is ANDed with the content of BL,

AND destination, source

Example: AND AL, BL

Result is stored in AL. OR destination, source (OR byte or word)

Example: OR AH, BL AH content is Ored with the content of BL,

Result is stored in AH. XOR destination, source (Exclusive-OR byte or word)

Example: XOR CH, DL CH content is exclusive-ORed with the,

contents of DL, result is stored in CH. TEST destination, source (test byte or word)
Example: TEST DL, DH content of DL is ANDed with the content of

DH without changing the destination.

BT register, bit_number Example: BT AX, 4 Test bit position in AX. The result of the test is Located in the carry flag bit. If bit position 4 is

A 1, carry is set; if bit position 4 is 0, carry is Cleared. BTC register, bit_number

Example: Example: Example: Example: .BTC AX, 4 BTR AX, 4 BTS AX, 4 SHL AX, 1 SAL AX, 10 Complement bit position 4 after testing it. Clears bit position 4 after the test. Sets bit position 4 after the test. AX is logically shifted left 1 place AX is arithmetically shifted left 10 places.

BTR register, bit_number BTS register, bit_number SHL/SAL destination, count (shift logical/arithmetic left byte or word) C

SHR destination, count (shift logical right byte or word)

Example: SHR BX, 12 DATA BX is logically shifted right 12 places

0 SAR destination, count (shift arithmetic right byte or word)

Example: SAR SI, 2 DATA SIGN BIT SI is arithmetically shifted right 2 places

ROL destination, count (rotate left byte or word)

Example: ROL SI, 14 SI rotates left 14 places DATA

ROR destination, count (rotate right byte or word)

Example: ROR SI, 2 SI rotate right 2 places


RCL destination, count (rotate left through carry byte or word)\

Example: RCL BL, 6 BL rotates left through carry 6 places DATA

RCR destination, count (rotate right through carry byte or word)

Example: RCR AH, CL AH rotates right through carry the number of

places specified by CL



MOVS destination-string, source-string (move string)

Example: MOVS BYTE1, BYTE2


MOVS WORD1,WORD2 ES:[DI]=DS:[SI];DI=DI 2;SI=SI 2 MOSB/MOVSW (move byte or word string)




Example: CMPS

Compare two sections of memory data, the

CMPS destination-string (compare byte or word string) contents of data segment memory location addressed by SI is compared with the contents of the extra segment memory location addressed by DI string bytes are compared string word are compared

Example: SCAS

SCAS destination-string (scan byte or word string) compares the AL register with a byte block of

Memory, the AX register with a word block of memory

SCASB subtract the content of memory location from

AL, without affecting either register or the memory location

SCASW subtract the content of memory location from

AX, without affecting either register or the memory location

LODS source-string (load byte or word string) Example: LODS BYTE AL=DS:[SI];SI=SI 1




LODSW AX=DS:[SI];SI=SI 2 STOS destination-string (store byte or word string)




MOVS (move string) and STOS (store string) make use of the REP (repeat), when preceded by REP, these string operations repeat until CX decrements to 0. SCAS (scan string) and CMPS (compare string) make use of 1. RPE (repeat while equal) and REPZ (repeat while zero) Each time SCAS or CMPS completes its operation the zero flag is tested and execution continues (repeats) as long as the zero flag is set. 2. REPNE (repeat while not equal) and REPNZ (repeat while not zero) also repeats as long as CX does not equal to 0, but require that the zero flags be cleared to continue. Repeating string as follows:

1. Repeat while CX does not equal to 0. 2. Repeat while CX does not equal to 0 and the zero flag is set. 3. Repeat while CX does not equal to 0 and the zero flag is cleared.

Unconditional JUMP JMP target (unconditional jump to target) 1. Direct jump the address is given in the instruction. 2. Indirect jump the target address might be contained in a register or a memory location. Conditional JUMP JNC JAE JNB JC JB JNAE JNZ JNE JZ JE JNS JS JNO JO JNP JP JPE JA JBNE JBE JNA

jump if no carry jump if above or equal jump if not below jump if carry jump if below jump if not above nor equal jump if not zero jump if not equal jump if zero jump if equal jump if no sign jump if sign jump if no overflow jump if overflow jump if no parity jump if parity jump if parity even jump if above jump if not below nor equal jump if not below or equal jump if not above
jump if greater or equal


jump if not less jump if less jump if greater

jump if not less or equal jump if not greater

JNGE jump if not greater nor equal JNLE JNG

jump if less or equal

LOOP short-label (loop) LOOPE/LOOPZ short-label (loop if equal/ loop if zero)

JCXZ short-label (jump if CX =0)


CALL PROCEDURE-NAME RET optional-pop-value


(call procedure) (return from procedure)

(clear carry flag)



(set carry flag) (complement carry flag) (clear direction flag) (set direction flag)
(clear interrupt enable flag) (set interrupt-enable flag)


(halt until interrupt or reset)

(wait for test pin active)


(no operation)
(lock bus during next instruction)

ESC INS (input string)

Example: INS BYTE

(escape to external processor)



ES:[DI]=[DX];DI=DI 2
ES:[DI]=[DX];DI=DI 1 ES:[DI]=[DX];DI=DI 2 [DX]=DS:[SI];SI=SI 1 [DX]=DS:[SI];SI=SI 2

OUTS (output string)


OUTSB [DX]=DS:[SI];SI=SI 1 OUTSW [DX]=DS:[SI];SI=SI 2 MOVSX (move and sign extend) and MOVZX (move and zer0-extend) Example: MOVSX CX, BL sign-extends BL into CX


zero-extends AL into DX

NOTE: when a number is zero-extended, the most significant part fills with zeros. For example, if an 8-bit 34H is zero-extended into a 16-bit number, it becomes 0034H. A number is signed-extended when its sign-bit is copied into most significant part. For example, if an 8-bit 84H into a 16-bit number, it becomes FF84H. The sign bit of an 84H is a one, which is copied into the most significant part of the sign-extended result. CMOV (conditional move) move the data only if the condition is true CMOVZ move data only if the result from some prior
Instruction is zero. CMOVB move if below


move if above or equal move if below or equal move if above move if equal or set if zero


move if not equal or set if not zero move if less than move if less than or equal move if greater than move if greater than or equal move if sign move if no sign move if carry move if no carry move if overflow move if no overflow move if parity or set if parity even move if no parity or set if parity odd

Interrupt either hardware generated CALL (externally derived from hardware signal or software generated CALL (internally derived from the execution of an instruction or by some other internal event). Sometimes an internal interrupt is called an exception. Interrupt vector is a four-byte stored in the first 1024 bytes of the memory (000000H-0003FFH) when the microprocessor operates in the real mode. In the protected mode, an interrupt descriptor table that uses eight-byte descriptors to describe each of the interrupts replaces the vector table.

INT interrupt-type (interrupt) There are 256 different software interrupt instructions. It has a numeric operand that ranges from 0-255 (00H-FFH). It is two bytes long. Th first byte contains the op-code, and the second byte contains the vector type number. Exception is INT 3. IRET (interrupt return) The interrupt return instruction. It is used only with software or hardware interrupt service procedures. It pop the stack data back into the IP, pop stack back into CS and pop stack data back into flag register. It restores the content of I and T from the stack. INTO (interrupt on overflow0 Interrupt on overflow. It is a conditional software interrupt that tests the overflow flag(O). If )=0, the INTO instruction performs no operation; if O=1 and an INTO instruction executes, an interrupt occurs via vector type number 4.

INT 3 (special software interrupt used for breakpoints) It is a one-byte instruction. This is used to interrupt or break the flow of the software. Breakpoint occurs for any software interrupts, which helps to debug faulty software. PENTIUM AND PENTIUM PRO MICROPROCESSORS Segment Register FS and GS are supplemental segment registers available in the 80386, 80486, Pentium and Pentium pro microprocessors to allow two additional memory segments for access by programs. Flags IOPL (I/O privilege level) used in protected mode operation to select the privilege level for I/O devices. I/O executes without hindrance if the privilege level is higher than the IOPL otherwise an interrupt will occur, causing the execution to suspend. Highest is 00 lowest is 11. NT (nested task) indicates that the current task is nested within another task in protected mode operation. Set when the task is nested by software. RF (resume) used with debugging to control the resumption of execution after the next instruction. VM (virtual mode) selects virtual mode operation in a protected mode system. Allows multiple DOS memory partitions that are 1M byte in length to coexists in the memory system and allows system program to execute multiple DOS programs. AC (alignment check) activates if a word or double word is addressed on a nonword or non-double-word boundary. 486 have this for its companion numeric coprocessor, while 487 for synchronization. VIF (virtual interrupt flag) a copy of the interrupt flag bit available to the Pentium-Pentium II microprocessors. VIP (virtual interrupt pending) provides information about a virtual mode interrupt for the Pentium-Pentium II microprocessors. Used in multitasking environments to provide the operating system with virtual interrupt flag and interrupt pending information. ID (identification) indicates that the Pentium-Pentium II microprocessors support the CPUID instruction. This instruction provides the system with information about Pentium microprocessors, such as its version number and manufacturer.

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