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Course Duration: 5 days Course Overview: This course covers Linux basics, as well as system administration topics on Debian Linux. Students will learn how to attach and configure a workstation on an existing network. Prerequisites: Experience using a computer, i.e., Windows or a Mac. Programming experience would be helpful. (The specific programming language is not a big deal, as long as they understand how one thinks when writing a program. Who Should Attend: People with little or no Linux experience, but who want to begin to learn about system administration on Linux Goal/Objectives: Students will learn the Unix/Linux command line, the basics of shell programming, and the basics of Debian Linux system administration

Introduction Class Logistics Typographic conventions Installing Debian Hardware requirements Debian versions Installer options Disk partitioning Network configuration Installing Debian 3.0r2 (Woody) Lab GNU/Linux introduction Free software licenses The Cathedral and the Bazaar GNU Info Filesystem Hierarchy Summary Lab Debian packages Introduction The sources.list file apt-get Finding packages dpkg Configuring packages netselect and netselect-apt aptitude dselect Summary Lab

User Information Adding and deleting users /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow Groups Password aging PAM nsswitch.conf LDAP authentication su and the root account Troubleshooting hints Summary Lab Useful tools lsof and fuser renice rsync cron Log files and their rotation The /proc filesystem sysctl Summary Lab File and filesystem tools Special files and devices Partitions Mounting filesystems Inodes The structure of a directory Tools File attributes Adding a disk Dealing with filesystem problems Summary Lab Filesystems Journaling overview Common filesystems Software RAID Loop device Summary Lab

Performance monitoring Introduction sar free vmstat iostat netstat top Graphical tools Troubleshooting Summary Lab Booting, part 1 The hardware boot process grub Booting single user Initial ramdisks init and startup scripts Boot floppies/CDs Shutting down the system Troubleshooting Summary Lab Backups Compression Incremental backups tar dump and restore rsync Summary Lab Networking, part 1 Network configuration DNS lookups inetd xinetd NIS NIS+ ssh NFS Automounter Network monitoring and testing tools Troubleshooting Summary Lab Networking, part 2

Static network configuration mii-tool and ethtool Virtual network interfaces Network performance tuning Summary Lab

Network access control Review of networking concepts Introduction TCP wrappers xinetd IP Tables Troubleshooting Summary Lab Booting, part 2 LILO Kernel boot-time options Troubleshooting Summary Lab

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