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1: (the


Marsha: (with emotions, begging)

Why do you come back, sister? Oh, I'm so sorry! Would
you just give me some pitty, and dont bother me
again? Oh, please!!!.... please stay awayyyy.
: /
Director: (pissed off)
Cut!! Marsha, that was totally lame. You know, this is a
sequel. The audience is expecting to feel more.
Marsha: More than this??
: ok
Director: (aloud. To the shooting crew) Ok. Lets continue.
Marsha: (a bit annoyed) Ay, too close. Move a bit, eh?
: ! !
Director: (aloud, to himself) Excellent! Theres my Golden
2: ...

Scene 2 : Make Up room


2 2

Marsha: (mumbling to herself, annoyed) What a stupid

name, Twin 2? Doesnt Twins means 2, already? And
they were all god damned dead already in the first
one. What the heck are they gonna do about it this
: 2
Tom :
(interviewing pSha) pSha, how do u feel about
coming back to appear in "Twin2"?

Marsha: (immediately switch her pose and facial

expression, pleasantly giving the interview with smile
and clear excitement)

Well, I am so glad that the role Im taking has come

back again in this sequel. I was already impressed with
the character since I first read the script. It is such a
great challenge to me taking the part.
: /

Tom :
ok P'Sha, thank you svery much. And what about
you, N'kade? How do you feel about being a part of
this movie?
Kade :
I'm feeling so glad (interrupted with a cough)
Tom :
Whats wrong? NKade, are you alright?
3: 1...

Scene 3 : Ghost scene 1


Chang: When I say "action", you creep out from the dark,
: //
Director: Hair down on the ghosts face, please. A bit more,
: ?
Chang: (mombling to himself) And whats the make-up
for then!?
Director : ok
Berm : NKade, You look so pale. Are you ok?
Kade :
(struggling) Im . Im fine.
: the show much go on
Chang : (eagerly) Excellent Kade ... The show must go on!

Scene 4 : Camera zooms into the dark, pans across

the shooting crew, the ghost does not appear.

Director: (pissed off) Cut!!! Whats taking so long? Where

is the ghost?
! (???)
Berm : Somebody, turn on the light!
Lights on.
: !
Chang : Shit! What's wrong with nKade?
Tom :
Shes unconscious.
Chang : Hurry!! Take her to hospital.
: ! /
Berm : Ok ! And hurry back. Kade is too bad now, shes
not gonna make it to the end of the shooting.
Chang : So, what are we going to do with the ending?
Director: We have to change the ending, then.
Berm : Lets make it super melodramatic.
Director: Good. Lets do it.
5: 2

Scene 5 Production team 2

Marsha: (blasting emotion.) This is it! From now on,
everytime I look in the mirror, I wont see you any
longer. (crying out loud)
: !
NKade appears.
Director: Good, Kade is back. We stick to same ending,

Scene 6

Berm :

You said nKade is too bad, eh?

Thats what Tom said.

Kade :
Can you take me to toilet, please?
Berm : Chang, take Kade to toilet, will ya?
Chang : Heres your walky-talky, man.

Scene 7 : Hospital

Doctor : Are you the patients relative?

Tom :
I'm her friend, doctor.
: !
Doctor : I'm so sorry, your friend just passed away.
Tom :
(talk on the phone, panic.) Hello Chang, N'Kade is
: ! /
Chang : (suddenly got cold feet) What?!?!
(to pSha) P'Sha, can you take care of N' Kade for me?
(and run off)

Scene 8 : Production Team



Tom :
n Kade is dead!!!

Berm : And where's N'Kade right now?

Chang : She's with P'Sha.
: ! !
Director: Really? What are we gonna do?
: !
Chang : lets get the hell out of here, man.

Berm : No! We have to finish the shooting.

: ?
Tom :
What for?

Berm : Have you not seen a ghost movie? The ghost

comes back because its still got something to worry
about. So if we dont finish the film, it will keep coming
Kade :
Shall we continue?
: !
Tom :
Ok. Lets do it.

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