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JAnuArY 2012

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2 January 2012

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NO. 06

We should all be contributing to the welfare and education of each other, but who teaches our leaders? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Being responsible for yourself includes staying together and using the buddy system, and operating with the agreed upon SOGs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37



An attic fire at the 102 year-old mansion forces cancellation of the clubs Halloween festivities, ironically dubbed Inferno at the Castle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Presidents Message ................................................................................05 From the Editors Desk ..............................................................................07 Battalion News ..........................................................................................13 Grapevine Photographer Yvonne Grifn .......................................................................................24 Retired Guys ...........................................................................................25 Fireghters For Christ Mexican Training Mission .....................................................................26 Department in Action ................................................................................28 LAFD Sports Soccer News .........................................................................................39 Mailbox .....................................................................................................40 Memorials .................................................................................................41 Retirement Dinner Bob Turner ............................................................................................42 Retirement Dinner Announcements ...........................................................44 The Station Fridge .......................................................................................45 Cartoon Corner .........................................................................................46 Dollars and Sense How to Choose a Financial Advisor .......................................................47 COA Retirement Dinner ............................................................................46 LAFD-HS History The Manifold and Duplex Rigs of the LAFD ..........................................51 Minutes of the Board of Trustees ..............................................................54 Classieds ................................................................................................57 Tailboard ...................................................................................................61

Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association. No material may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.
Notice: Production of The Firemens Grapevine magazine is very expensive, and while your dues serve to underwrite a portion of the magazines costs, the bulk of funding comes from advertisers. Many businesses advertise in the Grapevine. This does not mean that LAFRA endorses these advertisers. Use of a Grapevine advertiser is at the risk of the member. If you are interested in any of the advertisements, we urge you to use any and all means at your disposal to investigate them.


on the cover: Attic fire (magic Castle) in Hollywood photos submitted by Gene blevins, lA daily news
January 2012 3

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FIREMENS GRAPEVINE Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association


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Below retail price.

JOHN JACOBSEN .........................................................PRESIDENT JUAN ALBARRAN .................................................VICE-PRESIDENT ANDREW KULJIS ........................................................SECRETARY

JEFF CAWDREY...................BATTALION 1 GENE BEDNARCHIK..............BATTALION 2 MIKE OVERHOLSER...............BATTALION 3 JAMES E. COBURN...............BATTALION 4 GARY MATSUBARA................BATTALION 5 CHRIS STINE......................BATTALION 6 RICK GODINEZ......................BATTALION 7 DOAK SMITH.......................BATTALION 9 FRANK HERNANDEZ............BATTALION 10 CHRIS HART.......................BATTALION 11



CRAIG WHITE.....................BATTALION 12 MARK AKAHOSHI................BATTALION 13 ROBERT STEINBACHER.........BATTALION 14 STEVEN DOMANSKI............BATTALION 15 DAVID PETERS....................BATTALION 17 STEVE TUFTS.....................BATTALION 18 DAVID ORTIZ.................HEADQUARTERS 1 KURT STABEL...............HEADQUARTERS 2 DAVID LOWE.........................PENSION 1 BARRY HEDBERG....................PENSION 2 TIM LARSON...........................PENSION 3 HERSHY Z. TEN........................CHAPLAIN RICK A. GODINEZ.....................CHAPLAIN MARK R. WOOLF......................CHAPLAIN JESUS PASOS..........................CHAPLAIN

2011 California Casualty

They protect firefighters ,, like me.

Jeff B.
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GREG W. GIBSON...............SR. CHAPLAIN DANNY LEON...........................CHAPLAIN GEORGE A. NEGRETE...............CHAPLAIN AQUIL F. BASHEER...................CHAPLAIN


4 January 2012


TELEPHONES FIRE-RELIEF ................................................................(323) 259-5200 RELIEFASSOCIATION TOLL FREE NUMBER ...........................(800) 244-3439 RELIEF MEDICAL PLAN ..........................(866) 99LAFRA- (866) 995-2372 FAX NUMBER ................................................................(323) 259-5290 LAFRA MANAGEMENT DAVID NED SMITH EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR............................(323) 259-5201 MARLENE CASILLAS DEVELOPMENT & MARKETING DIRECTOR(323) 259-5217 BECKY VALVERDE HUMAN RESOURCESADMINISTRATOR.......(323) 259-5247 TODD LAYFER CONTROLLER/TREASURER.........................(323) 259-5243 BOB DILLON OPERATIONS MANAGER................................(323) 259-5233 ANA SALAZAR MEMBER SERVICES COORDINATOR...............(323) 259-5223 HealthSCOPE Benets



WAYNE SHERMAN MEDICAL CLAIMS MANAGER...................(323) 259-5211

THE FIREMENS GRAPEVINE (USPS 191-060) is published monthly by the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association, 815 Colorado Blvd., Los Angeles, California 90041. Annual $24 Subscription included with Association membership; Non-members: $36. Single issues $3 postpaid. Back issues $6 postpaid. Periodicals postage paid at Los Angeles, CA and at additional mailing ofce. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: THE FIREMENS GRAPEVINE Magazine, P.O. BOX 41903, Los Angeles, CA 90041. Printed by Collective Color, Los Angeles CA. For Classied and Display Advertising rates please call (323) 259-5200, ext. 231, 232 or 260. All editorial matter must be received by the Editor eight weeks prior to the month of publication. The opinions expressed herein are those of the writers and do not necessarily reect the ofcial views of the Los Angeles City Fire Department or the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association.

By John Jacobsen

appy New Year! I hope 2012 finds everyone with pros perity, happiness and general well-being. This is the time of year where we continue to kid ourselves about making some sort of resolution. For those of you who had the fortitude to complete last years wish list, congratulations. As for the rest of us . . . how about a compromise? Im going to work on just trying to not repeat any of my previous mistakes. Anything beyond that is just icing on the cake. Im proud to announce the passing of our most recent Bylaw changes. We will be selecting the names to be associated with each of the designated Trustee groups, and on completion, will notify the membership. As stated previously, this change will allow us to better serve you and your families. I am confident that you were in agreement, as we had an approval rate of more than 95% from the ballots that were returned. I am encouraged to pass along the good news that your Relief Association is continuing to thrive and prosper. We have been fortunate in maintaining a strong financial picture for the organiza tion. Our efforts in the portfolio have been centered on capital preservation to ensure that we will be here for your over the long haul. A continual effort is being made towards seeking improvement of benefits to our membership, as well as protecting the ones we cur rently have. Technology has allowed us to do more with less and we will still strive toward becoming as efficient as possible. I dont want to sound as if Im giving you our mission statement, but I want to be sure that our members are fully aware of the path on which we are traveling. The Relief Association is truly a one of a kind organization and not all of us are fortunate enough to see it in action from the front row. You will find a not so interesting notification on one of the accompanying pages of this issue. However, the notice is required and in the best interest of all, and should be read and understood. The Affordable Care Act has a significant number of sections in corporated into it. The Early Retiree Reinsurance Program (ERRP) allows a plan sponsor (LAFRA) to apply for reimbursement for a portion of the cost of health claims for early retirees and their dependents. Plan Sponsors can use the savings to offset future health care cost increases or reduce member benefit cost sharing. We have received an initial reimbursement, but must re-file under the new ERRP criteria that were established. Once the filing is complete and all the dust has settled, we will notify our membership of the in-

tended use of these funds. It is not necessary for individual Medical Plan members to take any action in this regard. We keep pushing all of you to participate in the use of electronic mail and the internet. The future is only going to bring more of the same, so hold on. In that vein, I think it might be appropriate to offer some advice on how to deal with some of the many scams that have grabbed a significant part of the population. Be careful of e-mails from companies claiming that there is some issue with your account and you need to login and fix it. 1) If you dont have an account with that company, i.e. you get an e-mail from WellsFargo, yet you dont bank with them, just delete the e-mail. 2) If you get an e-mail from a company that you do have an account with, the best thing to do is to NOT click on the link in the e-mail, but instead open a browser and log into the website (or try calling the company). The link in the e-mail might say http:// but if you click on it, it could take you to a website that looks just like WellsFargo. However, if you look at the address bar of your browser, you will see a different URL in there. A URL is a Uniform Resource Identifier which serves as the name and address on the World Wide Web. With some e-mail programs (i.e. Outlook), you can hover over the link with your mouse and it will show you the real URL. I certainly dont want to continue on with the propeller head language, but in todays day and age it is necessary. The long and short of it is, be sure who you are dealing with. We have received many inquiries about Grass Valley for this year. We will be certain to post it in the upcoming issues of the Grapevine, but the dates to mark your calendar for are May 16th19th. The specifics will be forthcoming, but this should give you a place holder. Respectfully,

John e. Jacobsen 323 259-5200

January 2012 5

6 January 2012

To LAFRA Widows and Orphans Fund: Gentlemen, I hope that most of my dedication will fit into your new abbreviated format. I miss the old, fuller, informative and personal memorials that you printed in the good old days. They were actually a vital form of communication between long retired members that stirred great memories of mostly good times in the distant past. Donated in fond memory of Dave Bayless, with heartfelt condolences to Tammi and to Daves son. Our friendship spanned more than 50 years and includes great memories of working together at FS 36 and 40, as well as fun times at numerous Harbor Battalion picnics, water skiing trips and parties. Dave was level-headed, hard-working, well liked and respected by all who were privileged to know him. You would please a lot of your readers if you would publish two or three pages of dedications. If you doubt that it would be worthwhile, do a readers survey. Many Grapevine recipients are isolated and somewhat lonely. Have a heart. John McKinney, LAFD retired Prescott, AZ

hanks for your letter John. I dont doubt a word of what you wrote. Our magazine wouldnt be much to read (or look at) without letters and submissions from all of our members, both active and retired. As an active firefighter though, I really never thought much about our retired members until an incident occurred about a year after I started editing the Grapevine. A retired fire captain, one of those guys most would consider a firefighting legend, was visiting the LAFRA offices. He dropped in to pick up an extra copy of an old issue, so I took the opportunity to introduce myself as one of his former drill tower recruits. He said he didnt remember me (I was crushed) but did say that he thought I was doing a decent job with the magazine (my ego was instantly re-inflated). He went on to say that he was living out of the area now, and that reading the Grapevine was the only real connection he still had with the department. His statement really hit home with me, and since then Ive tried to find that evenhanded balance of articles in each issue for both our active and retired members. Weve also added a column just for the retired guys in the Battalion News, resurrected the Chaplains Corner (not just for the retirees) and try to include a listing of events for retirees on the Bulletin Board. Something else youd like to see in the magazine? Were listening just send me an e-mail. As for those dedications that John McKinney so dearly misses, I certainly do agree that we could print more. With the high cost of paper/printing/postage these days we couldnt possibly publish two or three pages, but we do set aside a full page each month. So why dont we usually fill that page? Were just not getting anyone to send us those old, fuller, in formative and personal memorials like we printed in the good old days. Sure, the donations for the Widows and Orphans are still coming in, but the dedications are few and far between. Maybe its the online donation process just enter your credit card number and click. Maybe folks are so used to texts and instant messages that @TEOTD its 2M2H. Maybe the price of stamps is just too high. Maybe you forgot our e-mail addresses here at LAFRA. I guess Im just as guilty as anyone else. I spend a great deal of time putting words together these days, but its been quite awhile since I actually wrote a real letter. I think my wife has a box of a few love letters

that I wrote to her many decades ago, but today all she usually rates is an abrupt text message <333. The only thing I scribble on with a pen is the fire station journal, and maybe a Post-It to remind me to run a hire when someone bangs in. So how about a group resolution to start the New Year? Lets make today the good old days. When you make a WODFF donation, send us a personal memorial so we can all honor and share the memory. If you see something in the magazine that you like, send the Grapevine staff an Atta Boy. If something going on at LAFRA irks you, drop Jake an e-mail. If Andy Kuljis, Jim Dolan or one of our dedicated employees or trustees helps you out, let us all know about it. And what do you get in return? Well fill your Grapevine with vital and entertaining news, and information, and communications that will stir great memories of the good times of the distant (and not-so-distant) past. How can you reach us with your letters? mailing address 815 Colorado Blvd 4th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90041 e-mails Grapevine Editor LAFRA President LAFRA V.P. LAFRA Secretary - username: remnsgpvn

January 2012 7

8 January 2012

Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association Medical Plan may cover this examination. Contact your plan provider to verify.

Los AngeLes Firemens reLieF AssociAtion

This noTice is required by law. no acTion is required by Medical Plan MeMbers.

he Los Angeles Firemens Relief Associations medical plans have been accepted into the Affordable Care Acts Early Retiree Reinsurance Program (ERRP), under which a plan sponsor is entitled to reimbursement for a portion of the cost of health claims for early retirees and their dependents. Plan Sponsors can use the savings to offset future health care cost increases or reduce member benefit cost sharing. LAFRA has received an initial reimbursement but, according to ERRP guidelines, must re-file under the new ERRP criteria that was established in July/August 2011. Therefore, we are not able to determine the use of these funds until we have finalized the filing. Once the filing is complete and the Board has taken action, we will notify our Membership of the intended use of these funds. The required ERRP notice is published below.


You are a plan participant, or are being offered the opportunity to enroll as a plan participant, in an employmentbased health plan that is certified for participation in the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program. The Early Retiree Reinsurance Program is a Federal program that was established under the Affordable Care Act. Under the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program, the Federal government reimburses a plan sponsor of an employment-based health plan for some of the costs of health care benefits paid on behalf of, or by, early retirees and certain family members of early retirees participating in the employment-based plan. By law, the program expires on January 1, 2014. Under the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program, your plan sponsor may choose to use any reimbursements it receives from this program to reduce or offset increases in plan participants premium contributions, co-payments, deductibles, co-insurance, or other out-of-pocket costs. If the plan sponsor chooses to use the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program reimbursements in this way, you, as a plan participant, may experience changes that may be advantageous to you, in your health plan coverage terms and conditions, for so long as the reimbursements under this program are available and this plan sponsor chooses to use the reimbursements for this purpose. A plan sponsor may also use the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program reimbursements to reduce or offset increases in its own costs for maintaining your health benefits coverage, which may increase the likelihood that it will continue to offer health benefits coverage to its retirees and employees and their families.

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A portion of fire-related jewelry profits donated to the Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund.

January 2012 9

everal months ago I shared with you a story about one of our premier LAFD officers, Captain II Bill Finn. I was attempting to capture the leadership qualities that Captain Finn shared, not only in his career, but now in retirement at the LAFDs Leadership Academy. From that article, University of the Kitchen Table, I hope many of you took to heart the pearls gathered from Finns lecture. I hope that the shops ran out of paper towels for the kitchen dispensers. I hope that you all have been using these last couple of months to share stories and plot out structure fires. I hope that you have been sitting together in your kitchens all over the city learning from the oldest to the youngest and the youngest to the oldest. As we start a new year I want to share with you a little more from the Finns lecture and tell you about what motivated him to be his best. In the lecture he referred to a bulletin he read years ago that inspired him to be the officer he

became. The bulletin was written on March 1, 1943 by a Battalion Chief from the San Francisco Fire Department, Frederick J. Bowlen. He wrote a series of bulletins for the National Board of Fire Underwriters. In his lecture, Captain Finn remarked that of all the things he adapted in his firefighting career this article was a defining moment in his develop ment. It gave him a bench mark to become a fine officer within the LAFD. So, who teaches our leaders? We all do! We should all be contributing to the welfare of each other. I was so inspired by what Captain Finn taught that I too share it now with you. Please remember that this article was written in 1943 and that I will quote it as it was written. conduct of officers To be an efficient officer you must be: first, a good disciplinarian and second, you must acquire and use those qualities that characterize natural leaders of men. You must have the respect of your men, their unhesitating obedience and if you are man enough to win it, their enthusiastic loyalty. You must always be prepared and ready to play your part in the game, to master every situation and to transform chaos into order. A bluffer, on the other hand, who deliberately tackles situations containing unknown factors, is a sorry sight pretending to lead men in the ranks who know their part better than he does. The bigger the man . . . the finer his simplicity. Remember always that pomposity or airs are like an inated toy balloon. Someday a pin punctures it and the results are pathetic. Build then, your popularity on qualities of jus-

tice and fairness to all, inexibility in demanding obedience, faithful performance of duty, constant vigilance for the welfare and interest of your men and, above all, on such forethought and preparation for the conduct of your office as will inspire respect and admiration for your ability as a leader. The proper handling of men calls for patience. Politics often raises a man to a higher ranking that he is fitted for as a leader of men. His ego becomes inated and he considers himself the great I AM. Bafed and then infuriated by unimportant happenings, he is riled and shouts commands that would put an ordinary person to shame, and he often humiliates officers of less rank through his ignorance. An officer cannot be a good officer if he is not a good leader. He may be able to fool himself and even other officers, but he cannot fool his company. Leadership is not a matter of a physical size and physical quality, but of mental size and mental quality. The best attributes in character and personality of all the great leaders include: Simplicity, Earnestness, Self Control, Common Sense, Judgment, Justice, Enthusiasm, Perseverance, Tact, Courage, Faith, Loyalty, Truthfulness and Honor. Be calm in emergencies, undisturbed, even casual in the face of danger. If you are a real leader your men will take mental attitude from what yours appear to be. In danger they will watch your movement, even your facial expressions, for reassurance. It is then that you should drop some casual remark, do any simple thing naturally, showing that you are at ease and confident in abnormal circumstances, and thus help your men regain their wavering confidence. On a personal side note, as you read this bulletin, consider examples from your own

10 January 2012

experience. I am reminded me of an intense fire fight in a fourplex on 8th Street in 11s first in back in 1985. I remember it like it was yesterday. The backside of the structure was going like a bomb and my crew on Engine 10 was given orders to back up Engine 11 on the second floor. We were all hunkered down at the top of the landing, not too anxious to move any further inside the structure because it was ugly. Captain Tony Fiori from 11s turned to us, as he was donning his facpeice, he yelled, Come on boys, lets go kick some butt. With that small encouragement we hit that second floor with a coordinated attack. Captain Fiori gave us, and me, the confidence to get the job done. So when I read Chief Bowlens remarks, that vivid memory from long ago came to mind. so lets continue: In time of unavoidable hardship you must avoid showing annoyance and impatience too, and thereby save the strain which results from grumbling and cussing out everything in general. In an emergency you must show perfect control. Remember that your conduct will determine that of you men. If you are excited, they will be more so. Emergencies always call for the most accurate, determined self-controlled work, and if your ideas become confused, nothing but disaster can result if your confusion is communicated to your men. You will gain time and success in the end if you regain your own perfect self-control before you say one word to betray your own mental agitation. Then with calm, self assured behavior give your directions as becomes a real leader. Directions so given are a comfort to the men and assure steady intelligent execution. Anger by commanding officers should be used sparingly, for its use is an acknowledgement that the occasion is too large for ones ordinary powers. Remember that a thunderbolt is not necessary to bring down a sparrow, and if you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow. The Officer who loses his temper and harshly chastises his men not only sacrifices a percentage of his self control, but incurs resentment from his men. If you rob a man of his self respect, not only does he cease to respect you, but he becomes a loss to himself and to his Department. The use of sarcasm and the practice of reprimanding a man in the presence of others are the most common and cruel offenses against a mans self respect. Punishment is often necessary and it does not rob a man permanently of his self respect if it be administered intelligently as a corrective measure, and without undue severity, for it serves to bring a man to a realization of his misconduct. When a man has paid the just penalty, his self respect returns provided he is treated as a man who has squared his reckoning and is not a confirmed offender.

If you must reprove a man, tell him courteously that his conduct is not that which is expected from his appearance and from the estimate others have placed upon him. Under no circumstances let him feel that you regard him as a hopeless case. Give your coworkers a chance to talk, and listen to them attentively, with interest and appreciation. Treat them with the respect and consideration due intelligent men. Deal with them as you would like to be dealt with under similar circumstances. Avoid the manner and the tomes of a boss. Never let a man leave an interview with a feeling of resentment against you or a feeling that the punishment meted him out to him is unjust. Always give him full opportunity to state his case fully, warning him if necessary, that untruthfulness will gain him nothing if found out except extended punishment. Discipline without the elements of human sympathy and understanding on the part of the leader misses one of its biggest objects. The making of men. The constantly heckling officer will surely lose the respect of his men, for he is never satisfied. Nothing is ever good enough for him.

him, thereby establishing in them a sympathetic understanding. In selfcontrol lies the secret of control over others. To command men, one must first learn to command oneself, for all men are quick to recognize mastery in a man who is a master of himself. Certainly the Chief that wrote this was from an era of the Greatest Generation. America was at war on several fronts and this officer gave us all a simple lesson in our conduct. Remember, you are a leader on this job. You might not have the badge that says Chief or Captain but you have a badge that says LAFD. When the citizens of our community look upon you they see a man or woman who is willing to make a difference and that is what a leader is. One who is willing to make a difference. Use these techniques in you home, or your business, on the job. Captain Bill Finn read these years ago and it seemed to work pretty well for him. I think that if you build your leadership on these traits you too can be very successful and I believe it is what the job is looking for in our leaders. Many of you have these traits already, while some are lacking. My encouragement for us all is to expound on the traits that you already have and seek out how to gain the traits that have eluded you.

...Build then, your popularity on constant vigilance for the welfare and interest of your men...
He keeps his men in a continual state of turmoil and ferment by nagging and fault finding over petty details and tries. The organization reects the personality of it leader. And if his personality is strong, energetic and cheerful, the same propensities will stamp the organization. If he performs all his duties with earnestness, diligence and enthusiasm, if he is always careful about his personal appearance, and cleanliness, fit and press of his uniform, the polish of his boots, his shave and the trim of his hair, all these same tendencies will manifest themselves in his organization. When you see a man set a fine example, express your enthusiasm not cool, official approval but personal enthusiasm. Act as if you were proud of him and glad to be in his company. An officer can be commanding, firm and just without being harsh, abrupt and pompous and without assuming undue importance. The chief factor in all leadership is the leader himself. Leadership is not a bag of tricks, it is a matter of personality and skill and intelligence in the leader. In large commands it is of course, impossible for a superior to know all his subordinates. The next best thing is to have the men know him by seeing him and hearing about

January 2012 11

12 January 2012

The views expressed by the Battalion News writers do NOT necessarily reflect those of the Firemens Relief Association County Fire in regards to something written in this column way back in August. This Camp 13 Writer says he was motivated to respond to a comment made that County does not do inside fire attack. He wanted to remind us all that on February 16, 2011, there were 13 personnel, from both City and County, trapped inside of a structure under the ceiling collapse that took the life of FF Glenn Allen. So thanks County Guy, for writing and sharing your thoughts. We all need to remember that this can be a very serious and dangerous job, no matter what agency you work for.

Okay, hes a nice guy to have around the firehouse. Hes pretty good when you need someone to speak to the news media. Some say hes a good looking guy too (not that I would notice things like that). Hes even holy! But enough is enough. There must have been 43 photos of Fire Station 2s Rick Godinez in the last Grapevine. Even the Kardashians dont get that much exposure. On another more serious note, I received a letter from one of our brothers at LA

Congratulations to Kurt and Rebecca Stabel (OCD-C) on the birth of their son, Val Robert. He popped out at 7 1/2 pounds and 20 1/2 inches long on October 5, 2011.

Greetings and Happy New Year from the sinners and the saints of the Second Battalion. The New Years Eve song Auld Lang Syne goes should old acquaintance be forgot and in that spirit theres a little bit of news from a Lincoln Heights alumnus. Congratulations go out to FF/PM Abe Tapia who has made the lovely Michelle his wedded bride before any of the children entered high school. Im told that yes, the wedding cake had succumbed to tradition, but since barriers were in place to prevent a vertical assault, the Holland Tunnel approach had to be employed. Where theres a will, theres a way. Also, congratulations and a tearful goodbye to Capt. John Kesler, who at one time led the brave at the second oldest fire station in the City. By the time this makes its way into print you should have only a few more shifts before your retirement is official. Thank you for being one of

the good guys and showing us the difference between commanding respect and demanding it. Thank you for all youve done, your complimentary subscription to American Iron magazine will now be allowed to lapse. No news has made its way to me this month, which means I have a moment to reflect on the latest emission of genius from the powers that be. Ya might wanna rethink manning the 400 fleet with members from the Bureau of Fire Prevention on high hazard days in an attempt to save a little $$. Turns out people who have been out of the field for a decade or two havent all been kept in the loop on the latest comings and goings on the fire ground. Stuff like their old face pieces not working with the new breathers, the fact that we have new breathers, the care and feeding of the ePCR . . . stuff like that. It aint their fault, I havent kept up with the changes in high rise inspections at the bureau level either. And before anyone in a position of power wrings their hands in disbelief and seeks the ever popular solution of punishing everyone within reach . . . feel free to give yourself a drill on the ePCR and throw a breather for time. Its okay to be wrong once in a while, nobody bats a thousand. The trick is not to make a habit of it. The weakest link Send your version of the truth or a reprimand to

Truck One goes to the roof to check for fire extension on a three story indoor swap meet. Sorry, with so many actors at the two story SFD fire on Solano, no one had time to get the camera. January 2012 13

On November 24, 2011, 27s got this hydrant knocked off by a trash truck in the 2700 block of Lake Hollywood Drive. Photo by Mike Meadows, EPN
14 January 2012

Unfortunately, all I have in my in-box this month are reports of the division between gold and silver growing every day. Hard working captains, firemen and rated members are looking at potential days off for losing a rescue cell phone and parking rigs in the red at lunch time. It appears that common sense has completely checked out. No judgment has been handed down yet. I will update you when the verdict comes down in two to five years. Which brings me to my next story. A new chief to the battalion called 37s front office at MIDNIGHT to inquire, How do I turn this

annoying dispatch speaker off. The crews getting up at night is really cutting into my beauty sleep. This is the same chief that complained that the A shift now charges eleven dollars a day for meals! When he made such a ruckus about it, they broke down and charged him the old ten dollar a day fee. He then refused to chip in for dessert. This is on a time and a half SOD day mind you. Seriously, you cant make this stuff up. In a story to contrast the one above, Chief John Potter, who just left the battalion for FCCSII (adios jefe), was hired to work one of those High Hazard days back at the beginning of December. He and Strike Team 1001 were assigned to spend the night at Fire Station 83. Not wanting to put 83s out anymore than necessary, I heard that Potter reached into his own pocket

and paid house dues for the entire entourage. A big Atta Boy is in order for the entire A shift. You guys did an absolutely amazing job on the Gorham fire. What very easily could have been a whole block being lost was held in check to just the few buildings under construction. The only injury was to an undercover cop car and the generator compartment door on a truck that shall remain nameless. Remember a good tillerman is the one who tillers the least. Its not personal, its just business. Minister of Misinformation Send all your stories and photos to:

A blaze in FS 37s district at a large townhome complex under construction brought nearly 160 firefighters to the scene at 12315 West Gorham Ave on November 10, 2011. Photos by Mike Meadows, EPN

January 2012 15

Now, getting back to the B&R. I know that there are some unusual diets at 83s, with a few vegans and a couple of chunky fellas, but Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches are NOT B&R. When the North Valley TFC, who is Rah Rah on tradition, delivered the Skinny Cows he stated, We wanted to reward the kind hearted

civilian that returned the hose, not the guys that were sitting in the TV chairs when the door bell rang. When 109s delivered the Skinny Cows, the package was open and two ice cream sandwiches were missing! As for 81s lost and found radio, the boot fireman responsible didnt buy any ice cream at all. I remember not so long ago when Chief Peaks bought a wheel for every station in the city. But I guess things have changed and now tradition is officially dead.

Encino is fast becoming known as the Valleys Bermuda Triangle. When things are lost out here, they often turn up at Fire Station 83s door step. Just in the last few months a radio from 81s was found in the RAT rig, and a brush bag from 109s was found laying in a busy intersection. And last but not least, a concerned citizen dropped off a hose from some truck companys Jaws of Life at the firehouse. Now I dont have much time on the job, so I may be wrong, but I remember a few crusty old timers talking about hustle, teamwork and TRADITION. As a rookie you were always buying cream first working fire, forgetting your axe, getting your first cat out of a tree, etc. Ive even heard of rookies who invested in B&R stock. Now with budget cuts and the economy being the way it is, we know times are tough. Ive even seen a few B&R stores close their doors recently. However, a quick Google search revealed more than 20 B&Rs in the area. But I digress, lets get back to the topic at hand. In the case of the lost Holmatro hose, the station commander at 83s, rather than just dropping off the hose at division, proceeded to do some detective work. Seeing how the hose was not labeled with a company I.D., it took hours of tireless calls and inquiries until he was finally able to locate the truck company that misplaced it.

A well involved carpet cleaning van on the 405 Fwy at Sherman Way was handled by Task Force 90. Photos by Jeff Zimmerman, EPN

E288 handles the hydrant at the Amherst Fire in mid-November. Photo by John Conkle

16 January 2012

Tradition in the LAFD is alive and well! At a recent structure fire, a well-know battalion commander dropped his handi-talkie radio. I dont know what it dropped out of: his hand, a radio pouch, his back pocket? Anyway, the TFC from Truck 20 has very good ears and heard the thing squawking in a pile of debris. He picked it up, determined who it belonged to and returned it with nary a word of thanks. Anyway, when the fellas heard what happened they were looking forward to the cool sensation of their favorite dessert slipping down their throats. And the chief delivered a cut gallon! Wow, like I said, tradition is not dead. Of course, six phone calls, three e-mails, five text messages, and a Facebook post reminding him about tradition helped a little. I guess thats why he slipped into the station at night like a ninja to deliver the goods.

Sounds amazing, but the new administration has figured out how to cor rect the budget deficit. No more time off without pay. No, we will help support our City with community service. The change from a punitive mindset to a corrective one has resulted in the closure of PSD and a savings of 4.8 million in salary and overtime to the Fire Department budget. This program was originally tested in the Chief Officer ranks and found to be a success. Stand by for more information . . . The holidays have come and gone, and I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. The public doesnt know what a good job you do, but Santa does! HoHoHo Thats it for now. Once again NO stories have been sent in. So grab your iPads or iPhones and let me know whats goin on out there.

On November 21, 2011, a pickup lost control on rain slickened La Tuna Canyon Rd and crossed the center divider, striking and killing the driver of the another vehicle. Engine 77, Truck 74 and an ambulance responded to the scene. Photos by Doc DeMulle, The Foothills Paper
January 2012 17


Battalion 12 companies handle a small brush fire in the Hansen Dam area. Photo by Mike Meadows, EPN

Ryan Nasser, FS 75-A, and family welcome their new addition, Pierce Ryan. Another athlete? or maybe a scholar?

Greetings from the Battalion that never sleeps! By the time this reaches your mailboxes, it should be the end of the year and the start of a whole new one. Where did this last year go? Im still trying to get last years resolution done before I have to turn around and make another one. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and was able to enjoy the holiday season with family, friends, co-workers, or whoever makes you feel warm all over. Hopefully you got more coal on your turnouts than in your stocking and everything you asked Santa for . . . be it a new camera, iPad, or maybe just some humility and common sense. Speaking of common sense, seems as if one newly assigned member at 33s might need to learn his audience prior to words exiting his mouth. Now we all know that 33s is one of the busier stations in a busy Battalion, but you may want to refrain from using the words, and I quote, Yeah, to get the two years of experience that I got at 11s youd have to spend seven years here . . . No dis-respect to 11s by any means, but once again, you may want to learn your audience before you go spouting off about both of your years of experience. Also, that might be the first time Ive ever heard that equation before . . . must be bulldog years? Apparently this same member also received a business phone call his first shift there, at dinnertime, in the kitchen, with everyone present. Only one side of the conversation was

heard so Ill let you play mad-libs on this one: FF X speaking, Yeah Capt., I just got down here. Oh thanks, yeah I appreciate the offer, but they really wanted to get me here. Yeah. Ill definitely keep you in mind when Im looking to get out. OK, talk to you later. Id say goodnight, but Ill probably be doing it on a greater alarm later, while youre sleeping! OK, OK, I added the last line, but the rest of it was real. Needless to say his new crew was quite impressed by his inability to know his audience and maybe take a phone call elsewhere besides a packed kitchen. Just sayin Now this next story is unbelievable, inconceivable, undeniable, and preposterous (It works, I used a Thesaurus). With all the training that we go through to get and maintain our job/ skills, i.e: COCEP, OCEP, FRO-(CEP?), BES days, Division Eval (oh wait we dont do that anymore), weekend drills, etc. it almost seems as if this next story is just plain made up. Apparently 14s, 21s, and 15s were dispatched to a structure fire in 14s district. RA 14 and 814 were first on-scene and proceeded to make a size-up. They had a two story SFD with heavy smoke and fire showing. So far, so good. E 14 comes rolling down the street, barrels past the hydrant 200 feet from the dwelling, confirms the size-up and goes straight into: a. Aggressive inside fire attack b. Surround and drown (defensive mode) Now apparently the engineer told the captain that he would hand-lay to the hydrant - 200 away - with heavy smoke and fire showing. And the officer says: a. OK

b. Back up to the hydrant c. Go to the next hydrant and turn around Before a decision could be made, Truck 21 arrives on scene and ordered the next in companies to lay-in, handle fire attack and B/U fire attack, ventilation, search and rescue, etc. While this was all happening, E 14 is outside of the structure and notices that the fire is not going out very quickly. The captain from E 14 ordered a few individuals assigned to exposure protection to: a. Stick the nozzle in the window and extinguish the fire b. Be patient - there are crews inside The fire was finally extinguished, the building and contents overhauled. Since there was an aggressive fire attack done, some of this familys valuables were still intact. Thank you guys for the hard work and valiant effort! Im sure that family appreciated it a little more than a Surround and Drown. The next story comes from 64s. TF 64s, E 65, and E 9 get dispatched to a reported smoke fairly close and the guys fly out of quarters abandoning all recklessness and proper shut-down procedures. (And yes, apparently E 9 isnt busy enough, so they get to be dispatched as a Command Post Company to Batt 13 structure fire runs also . . . I guess the Dept. wanted a way to put open road miles on their rigs) TF 64 gets on-scene and cancels everybody for a fire out. While the crew ensured that that the fire was out, the captains gathered info for their reports, and everybody heads back to quarters. Its getting to be around dinnertime, stomachs start growling and they couldnt wait to see what the chef had wrangled up for them. As they entered the back gate, someone spotted a loom-up

18 January 2012

that seemed to be coming from the rear of the station. Sure enough, they had a food-on-thestove of their own. Apparently, the chef wanted to cook the bacon grease a little bit longer because we all know that red-bone bacon grease is the worst! With the smoke level down to the floor throughout the whole downstairs of the station, they went in and abated the grease emergency. Now comes the time for smoke removal. Apparently they had to put two blowers in series due to the unique (aka poor) station design. Luckily that acrid, disgusting smell doesnt linger too long . . . a few days later they were still smelling it in the dorm and locker room. Nothing like lingering burnt bacon grease. Yum-

mmmm! Oh and the kicker is that the fire alarm in the brand new station never went off (low bid) On a good note, it looks like the Dept. is starting to make a turn around. Tests and promotions are in the near future, so lets get back to studying and preparation. What? Wait, no test/promotions until at least 2012? I couldve sworn that I saw a transfer AND promotion list a few weeks ago. Oh, thats right. It was a promotion from B/C to A/C. Good to see that the top is still heavy and apparently getting heavier. I just hope they slow down on the curves otherwise they could tip this whole thing right over on its side.

Well thats all Ive got. Thanks to all the participants in Stash-tober and Mo-vember! Its for a really good cause and its always fun to see some of the sweet attempts at facial adornment. Now Ive been informed that theres a Decem-beard. Good luck to all those participants. Whats next, Janu-hairy? Body hair growth for charity? Ok Ill stop. Keep taking care of one another and remember that 2+2 makes sense, play nice, stay marginal, and know your audience. Keep sending your stories to:

On December 7, 2011, Battalion 13 companies worked a greater alarm fire on Vermont and Leighton. Photos by Jeff Zimmerman, EPN

January 2012 19

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20 January 2012

The crew from 96s at Hueneme Air National Guard Base welcoming home Ray Ochoa from his Afghanistan deployment.

Well, its been a while. Its time for the Phoenix to rise in true LAFD fashion. We would first like to welcome home a few of our heroes. Firefighter Nick Darcy, FS 87, came home a little while back from overseas. We are glad to see him back at the firehouse - and not shipped out after a closure. We would also like to welcome back Firefighter Ray Ochoa from FS 96. The guys at 96s gathered to welcome him home with his wife, Vanessa. Apparently the Wolf Pack is back together, whatever that means?!? Next, we would like to first say a farewell to the legend, Engineer Ron Maga. The ladies of Chatsworth will now have to travel up the hill to 97s just to get a glimpse of this stud. We would like to welcome back, Ed Borrajo.

Glad to have you back. At least one driver will know the first-in. Now the good stuff. Rumors are flying, and not the typical what truck will get shut down next. The medics at 18s were in a tail-spin when a picture of 18 was found on a new RA at the downtown shops. Could this be true? The permanent engine paramedic would now have to rotate? Others were convinced that this was a turd and it was PhotoShopped. Apparently the chief made a trip to the stations (certainly not to run mail) to squash it and insisted that the shops mis-marked the RA and should have read 81. Sorry RA 87, maybe someday this will be a reality. On Thanksgiving, the crew at 96s decided to have Thanksgiving the day before

with the families and leave Turkey Day as a day of football and routie-tootie. That is, until an out-of-house SOD captain comes in and asks if a family member or two can stop by. Since no other families were stopping by for dinner, the crew all pitched in and planned a last minute dinner. While the captain sat in the front office and didnt lift a finger, the crew cooked up a feast and had to wait for the family to arrive before they could eat. Apparently, this captain likes to work all the holidays because he enjoys the meals that the crew cooks up instead of his familys cooking. Just one question, Are you a renter, or an owner? I think we all know the answer to that question. Send all your news to the new Battalion 15 hack at

January 2012 21

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22 January 2012

On October 28, 2011, firefighters and paramedics from Battalion 17 extricated a 17 year old after he collided with another vehicle and a light standard at Valley Circle Blvd. and Victory in 105s district. Photos Rick McClure, Captain, OCD-C

The eastbound 101 Freeway at Tampa Ave was shut down for more than an hour on November 19 when five vehicles collided, injuring eight people. More than 50 firefighters responded to the scene. Photos by Juan Guerra, EPN
January 2012 23

f you are ever at an incident on the streets of downtown LA and get the feeling that someone is looking down on you, its probably Yvonne Griffin. Perched on the 25th floor of a South Flower Street high rise, Yvonne spends her days at the prestigious Paul Hastings law firm, where shes been for the past 14 years. By night (and weekend), shes out on the mean streets with camera in hand. Although born and raised in California, Griffin did spend a year kicking back in Hawaii. Maybe thats where she gained her expertise at

shooting sunsets. But her main passion is photographing the brave men and women of the Los Angeles Fire Department. As long as I could remember, Yvonne recalls, I have always loved fire vehicles. What got me started in taking pictures of the fire depart ment was the Porsche Under Water pictures that I took in 2007. I have been a freelance photographer ever since. Her close proximity to downtown allows Yvonne to arrive on scene sometimes along with the first fire companies. In addition to the emergencies she shoots for the Grapevine, you can often find her at LAFRA events such as Hope For Firefighters, and sporting events like handball tournaments, broomball and BadgeFights. I am very diverse in my photography, says Griffin. Bottom line, I enjoy what I do when I have the camera in my hand. It has allowed me to meet new people all the time. You can find hundreds of sets of Griffins photos on her Flickr site:

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24 January 2012



Thanks to Ricky Ortiz for another successful Firemens Luncheon. Again, these luncheons are twice each year, in April and November. Look for the information in the Grapevine. For the past few years the Credit Union was generous enough to pick up the tab for everyone, but this year everyone was on their own. Lucky for me, I drove in with Bill Finn and we coincidently bumped into Dinko Klarin at the front door to the restaurant. Dinko and Bill were reliefs at 14s and that Captain II bond that was developed those many years ago was very apparent this day. In fact, it was so apparent that Dinko whipped out a wad of cash and paid for our meals. Thanks Dinko, that was very kind of you. Ken Buzzell was also present at this luncheon and gave an update on the continuin attacks on our medical subsidy. Because of the Citys financial woes, pensions for us and ac tive members are continually bein targeted. Basically, the City wants to freeze the amount paid toward the medical subsidy for ACTIVE members and REDUCE the amount they pay for us retired guys. Because theres still legal hagglin goin on behind closed doors, nothin has been set in concrete. However, accordin to Ken, things will be gettin ugly and sooner or
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later our medical subsidy will be attacked and possibly reduced. Sadly, whatever City Charter rules apply to our pensions seem to be simply ignored by the politicians lookin only to reduce costs. This past July, us retired guys received a 7% increase for our medical subsidy. Not only did our representatives find it prudent for this increase, but one of Mayor Villaraigosas appointed commissioners also voted in our favor. As you can imagine, Mayor V was less than pleased with how His commissioner voted, so this particular individual was replaced. So now Sam Diannitto and our other elected commissioners truly have an uphill battle to fight, with few friends on the other side of the table. Our pension benefits are the prover bial bowl of candy that the politicians want to get their hands on and grab what they can. Unfortunately, the Citys lack of leadership, their irresponsible financial mindset and their uncon trolled spendin habits continually put our pension benefits at risk. Fortunately for us, Sam Diannitto is a dedicated, loyal and experienced commissioner who has fought many battles in the past and who thoroughly understands what needs to be done in order to keep our benefits safe and secure. Sam, thanks for your dedicated and tireless service. cowboy huMor Sittin on the side of the road waitin to catch speedin drivers, a Massachusetts State trooper sees a car puttin along at 24 MPH. He thinks to himself, This driver is as dangerous as a speeder! So he turns on his lights and pulls the driver over. Approachin the car, he notices that there are five elderly ladies, two in the front seat

and three in the back, wide-eyed and white as ghosts. The driver, obviously confused says to the trooper, Officer, I dont understand. I was going the exact speed limit. What seems to be the problem? The trooper tryin to contain a chuckle explains to her that 24 was the route number, not the speed limit. A bit embarrassed, the woman grinned and thanked the officer for pointin out her error. But before you go Maam, I have to ask, is everyone in this car OK? These women seem awfully shaken. Oh, theyll be all right in a minute, officer. We just got off Route 108. KEEP SMILIN! ac
John sQuire seems to doin Just fine, thanks.

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not this. January 2012 25

irefighters For Christ, International, re cently took a trip to Fresnillo, Mexico, for the purpose of training and outreach. This twenty-member team was led by the LAFD chapter and consisted of representatives from L.A. County, Ventura County, Ventura City, Pasadena, and San Diego City. Our LAFD members were: John White, Pat Stilson, Greg Gibson, Cheyenne Caldwell, Jorge Perez, Danny Elizararras, Rich Fields, Louie Carlos, Matt Laurin, Chris Martinez, Roger Rubio, and me. This was our third consecutive training trip to Mexico, but this time our destination was the city of Fresnillo, centrally located in the state of Zacatecas. This location allowed better access for firefighters from throughout Mexico to attend. In all, we had about 200 firefighters who attended, representing multiple agencies, travelling as far as six hour by bus to attend. Without coastal access and no real tourist attractions, this area does not see many U.S. travelers, so our presence was known throughout the city. We were warmly received with much fanfare at a welcoming ceremony. It was complete with a live band, flag ceremonies for both countries, a traditional Mexican dance recital, and of course speeches from the mayor, fire chief, and other officials. Local media was present, radio interviews were given, and we even made the front page of the Sol del Fresnillo newspaper.

Our past practice has been to secure equipment, provide training, and donate it to the host agency for distribution upon completion of our training. This year we were able to ship four full pallets of gear, which included: two complete Holmatro Units, five sets of two-line rope gear, turnouts, brush gear, goggles, brush boots, and a personal one-inch rescue strap with carabiner for all attendees. Our training was all hands-on,

focusing on Auto Extrication, Low Angle Rope Rescue, and Wildland Operations. There were plenty of cars to cut, hillside to train on, and the Wildland guys even got to do some live burns. Our outreach extended beyond the fire service. The missionary couple who provided our logistics, Agustin and Jody, arranged a couple other visits. John, Cheyenne, and Greg were allowed inside a prison, where they were able to

26 January 2012

share a message of hope to the hopeless. Many seemingly hardened prisoners were softened with the love of God, prayed with our team and received a New Testament. John, Cheyenne, and Rich were also invited to share a message with a local college football team. Cheyenne was a star fullback for UCLA when he decided to give his life to Christ, so he shared his story with them, and many made the same decision. One of the highlights of our trip was a visit to an orphanage run by a Catholic church. The kids there were obviously loved and well cared for by dedicated Nuns, but were missing that fatherly figure in their life and instantly attached themselves to us. There werent quite enough broad shoulders to go around, so some of us had to double up on the shoulder rides. It was such a blessing to spend time with these kids and very hard to leave.

Our week of training built strong relationships in a short period of time - our Facebook page lit up. On our last day we had a graduation ceremony, passed out certificates, and John presented the gospel. Nearly all stood to pray and came forward, making a public statement of their faith in Christ. We ended training by allowing them to demonstrate what they learned, creating a scenario of a vehicle over the hillside requiring extrication, and a rope litter rescue. It was a festive community event, complete with a ten-member mariachi band playing in celebration. You have to realize, these Holmatro Tools are the only ones within hundreds of miles. Our

day ended with a traditional taco dinner served at the fire station, followed by the exchange of gifts, hugs, and farewells. Our next training trip will be all the way out to Pasadena, where we will host a one day seminar on marriage. Whether your marriage needs a little fine-tuning, or a major overhaul, this may be for you. If youre not sure, check with your spouse. Ive found women have a more accurate gage when it comes to the area of relationships. Details of this event can be found on our website:

January 2012 27

buS VS AuTo
Photos by Mike Meadows, EPN Info by LAFD PSO

28 January 2012

On November 25, 2011 companies responded to the 12600 block of Sherman in North Hollywood for a collision between a sedan and an MTA bus, which was then struck by another auto. Sixty-four reghters, including those assigned to eight LAFD ambulances, extricated and treated a total of six victims.

January 2012 29

CommerCIAl fIre
Photos by Juan Guerra, EPN Info by LAFD PSOs

At 11:34 pm, on Thursday, November 10, 2011, reghters responded to 18715 West Sherman Way, where they found a 150 x 150 singlestory, strip mall with heavy re and smoke pouring from the Padco Brake & Parts storefront. With one large attic space common to all three businesses, the re had the potential to sweep through the entire commercial strip. The 134 reghters on-scene managed to conne the re to just the one unit and the attic, but not before experiencing a partial roof collapse. The neighboring businesses did sustain some smoke and water damage. There were no reported injuries, and the blaze was fully extinguished in one hour and 24 minutes.

30 January 2012

January 2012 31

32 January 2012

Photos by Gene Blevins, LA Daily News & Mike Meadows, EPN Info by Matt Spence, PSO

Fire swept through the attic of the Magic Castle, leaving the 102 year-old mansion no choice but to postpone its planned week of Halloween festivities, which the private club had ironically dubbed Inferno at the Castle. At 12:35 pm on October 31, 2011, 120 reghters responded to the two-story, Victorian-style structure at 7001 West Franklin Ave. Because of the buildings compartmentalized construction and its complexity in design, the re was able to conceal itself within the walls and attic. For a time, the re seemed, almost, to prevent itself from being discovered and perhaps hoped to extend the theme of the magic clubs week-long promotion, on its own.

January 2012 33

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34 January 2012

STruCTure fIre
Photos by Ryan Ling, EPN
Fire damaged a hilltop home in the 4800 block of Azucena Road on November 13, 2011. Arriving reghters reported ames coming from the second oor at about 1:15 am. The re was knocked down in about an hour.

January 2012 35

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36 January 2012

he Washington Firefighter printed an excellent article in 1999 by retired Chief Dennis Compton that can be directly applied to accountability in search operations (and for that matter, other fireground operations). Following are selected portions of Chief Comptons article:

command training. We probably learned it in the first three days of basic firefighting school - in fact, maybe the first day. be resPonsible For yourselF The next concept within this fireground accountability model is that we are responsible for ourselves. Thats simple; it means that we all know what were supposed to be doing and weve been trained pretty well to do it. We know what procedures apply in our department; those typically are not kept a secret. We know the safety regulations. We know what we are to do in certain situations and we know were not supposed to be freelancing. My point is - simply do it. Operate within the agreed-upon SOGs. Remember that incident commanders are responsible for branches and sectors, and theyre responsible for knowing whos in charge of each, where they are, what they are assigned to do, what other units are in that sector, how they are doing and whether they need any help. Sector officers are responsible for the units assigned to them and for knowing this very same set of things about the crews under their supervision. If they dont, theyre simply not in charge of them. Company officers are responsible for crew members, and crew members are responsible for each other; they stay together, theyre a team. And finally, were all responsible for our own individual behavior within the system. sTaying TogeTher The next component of fireground accountability deals with crew integrity and working in teams of at least two. In order to be together, we need to be within voice, vision or touch of one another at all times. If you arent, you arent together. Keep this in mind anytime youre working as a team on the fireground. In our next article, we will look at the Two-In/Two-Out Rule.

coMPany oFFicers When I was a company officer, the most difficult part of my job at a structure fire was keeping track of my firefighters because, at times, it was like trying to keep kittens in a box. We went through the door and the firefighters would break off from each other if we werent careful. Company officers are responsible for the members assigned to them. That means the officer knows who is there, knows exactly where each firefighter is located and knows what each is doing. The officer knows how each is doing, and if they need any help. If the officer knows these things, he or she is the supervisor of that crew. Could you ever find yourself in a situation as a company officer where your crew is struggling with a task or something? Might you step in and take over what they are doing, and do it yourself? At that point, who is in charge of the crew and their overall safety and accountability? Company officers are responsible for the crew members that are assigned to them at all times - period. Be careful about focusing so much on performing a single task that, as an officer, you lose track of your crew members. The buddy sysTeM The next issue within the concept of fireground accountability is that crew members are responsible for each other. In which module of incident command training did we learn that we are supposed to stay together in teams at a structure fire? As you know, we didnt learn it in incident

January 2012 37

38 January 2012

TiTle deFended aT FF olyMPics This past summer, the City of Newport hosted the Firemens Olympics. We would like to thank the City of Newport, and a special thanks to Adam Novak and Brett Sutherland for setting up everything for us - including the U-10 fields. Love you guys! It was a great tournament full of camaraderie and family time. The first three days was pool play. Squeaking by Santa Ana, Orange County, Frisco, and a tie with Cal Fire on a last second goal by Jason Yim, put us in the medal round. We played against Orange County, with the winner advancing to the gold medal round. Solid playing by all 20 players allowed us to have the honor of playing for the gold against San Diego. Hats off to our brothers in Diego, they played an amazing

game. The game was tied up after 90 minutes (no time-outs) and went into overtime with two 15 minute halves. No golden goal!! After 120 minutes of total athleticism by both sides, LA City was victorious by a final score of 3-1. Way to go guys. Looking forward to next year, and if there is anyone interested - with some skills - wanting to experience the fun, contact us at WWW. LACITYSOCCER.COM On another note we would like to congratulate and wish a good nights sleep too Darin and Keleigh Laier on their new addition of TRIPLETS to the family. All boys - and we look forward to the formal introduction soon!

ciTy Vs counTy aT hoMe dePoT cenTer On September 8, 2011, the LAFD soccer team played LA COUNTY in a friendly match before the Galaxy game on Firefighter Night at the Home Depot Center. It was a close game with County coming away with a win. Cream! This was also a first for a lot of us with the

attendance of our Fire Chief who led us in a prayer before the game. He also stayed and supported us till the end. Thank you Chief. The night was full of camaraderie and remembrance of the sacrifice our brothers paid on that deadly day in NYC.

January 2012 39

Send your letters & comments to the editor at:

to: ers r at le dito org . nd E Se FRA lafra LA tor@ i ed

for us he got smart and joined the LAFD. Our luck, their loss. Thank you for all the great work you all do on our behalf. Sincerely, Hank and Star Huizinga Reedley, CA laFra widows and orphans Fund

dear Firemens relief association: My daughter and I wish to thank you for all the kind words and sympathy in the passing of my husband. The Fire Department is so much more than a job or career. It is truly a family and we are fortunate to have been part of the LAFD family for many years. We know that even though our fireman is gone, we are still part of your family. Thank you for all the help and advice given to us in our loss. Take this [donation] in memory of Charles Muller. Thank you, Kay Muller, Judy Naters (daughter) Lake Havasu City, AZ To whom it May concern, My fiance and I are being married this weekend November 5, 2011. Instead of offering our guests party gifts, we are letting them know we are making a donation for each of them to your charity. As firefighter for the Manhattan Beach Fire Department, my soon to be wife and I know what a great organization you are, and would like to make this donation. Thank you for all you do. Sincerely, Soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Falls Torrance, CA dear laFra, Please accept our donation to the Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund in memory of our good and lifelong friend, and my fellow firefighter, Captain Charles W. Dalley. I first met Chuck in high school in the 50s. We came on the job together in the 60s and then were assigned together to Fire Station 64 when that area was known as Fire City. He was a great firefighter and always ready to create fun and laughter at someone elses expense. Phil and Marcia McKay Las Vegas, NV

relief association Please accept this gift in loving memory of my wife Helen and my old friend Gillie Robbins. Thank you for all your help during her battle to survive. Frank Gorman Moorpark, CA dear John: I read of Tony Ennis passing and felt a true loss. Tony, in my view, was a true gentleman, fine leader and person the LAFD could look up Paid Advertisement: to. Tony and I worked together for a while at Fire Station 72 when he made captain, and in the intervening years kept our friendship. Please put this amount into the Widows and Orphans Fund in his memory. Sincerely, John Adams Camarillo, CA dear laFra, Please accept this donation to the WODFF in fond memory of Ferris Murdy, a good friend and wonderful traveling companion. My wife and I have been on cruises and R.V. trips with Pat and Ferris, and enjoyed his knowledge of places to go and stay. I met Ferris when he was an LAPD cop in the early fifties, and luckily

On behalf of my sister Carla Vaughan and I, please accept our donation. We know that our father, Stewart L Vaughan served the City of Los Angeles with dedication and, in return, the City honored its commitment to our father and mother, Ruth E. Vaughan in their retirement. Our gift is in memoriam of both of them. Sandra Carpenter Grants Pass, OR Carla Vaughan Boulder Creek, CA

40 January 2012

raymond t. campuZano, captain. Appointed June 10, 1947. Retired on a service pension January 01, 1969 from FS 87-A. Passed away November 14, 2011. gerald J. george, apparatus operator. Appointed October 27, 1947. Retired on a service pension December 24, 1967 from FS 105. Passed away November 22, 2011. leon e. eggers, engineer. Appointed November 01, 1948. Retired on a service pension March 01, 1975 from FS 112-A. Passed away November 23, 2011. david p. koBer, ff/pm. Apponted April 1, 1957 Retired on a service pension July 12, 1981 from FS 99 Passed away November 15, 2011.

theresa c. koenig, SpouSe oF riChArD J. koenig, pASSeD AwAy november 08, 2011. cleta J. nipp, SpouSe oF bernArD e. nipp, pASSeD AwAy november 13, 2011. dorothy m. matson, SpouSe oF hAroLD e. mAtSon, pASSeD AwAy november 14, 2011. norma J. leWis, Surviving SpouSe oF CheSter g. mAStin, pASSeD AwAy november 14, 2011. charlotte a. magruder, Surviving SpouSe oF JAmeS t. mAgruDer, pASSeD AwAy november 22, 2011. ellen e. denton, SpouSe oF morriS e. Denton, pASSeD AwAy AuguSt 12, 2011.

January 2012 41

t was a grand farewell to Bob Turner at the Valencia Hyatt on November 5, 2011. About 150 friends and family were in attendance for the occasion, traveling from as far as Hawaii, Montana and Wyoming. In attendance at the head table were his wife, Cheri; his mother, Pat from Colorado; sister Debbie from Hawaii; sister Barbara and her husband, Tom, and family from Colorado; and cousin Brian and his family. Bob had given 38 years of service to the LAFD. In that time he held the ranks of Firefighter, Apparatus Operator and Engineer. He attained the rank of A/O in 1976 at FS 60 and remained in Battalion 14 for the remainder of his career. He made Engineer in 1978, but only in an acting position at FS 78. He would have to wait until we fully assimilated the personnel from the San Fernando FD to be actually promoted to the position the next year. His last transfer was to Fire Station 97 in 1985 and he stayed there until his final day of service on October 31, 2011. The evening was hosted by the always capable Steve Ruda from Battalion 10-B. He gave way to former LAFD member David Lilly, who led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance. At one time David Lilly was the most despised man on the department. His reputation as being one of, if not the most, hardcore EMT instructors the department has ever had, and his utter disdain for Nazi firemen was well known and widespread. However, as time has passed, David has been able to outlive his former reputation. Most firefighters now on the job rarely know who he is or that he was ever on the job. Jack Coburn, coming from Montana, followed with the invocation. Bob was the only Engineer that Jack had when he was a Captain. They spent five years together at Fire Station 78 and both were there until 1985 when Dopes on a Rope became the hottest new firefighting tactic on the LAFD. Fire Station 78 became an Airborne Assault engine. Bob and Jack wanted no part of that and were simultaneously sent to pasture at 97s. Their relationship blossomed throughout the years and people would describe them as a married couple. Jack was eager with compliments and

would often praise Bobs efforts as the permanent cook for all those years. A special presentation was made by Don Wible and Mike Palma to Bobs mother in honor of Royce Turner. Don and Mike both were formerly assigned with Bobs dad, Royce at Fire Station 55. They presented Bobs mom with a plaque from UFLAC honoring Royces service with the city. Royce died from cancer while still active in 1987. There was an empty chair with Royces turnout coat at the head table in his memory. Jack was also fortunate enough to present Bob with his personal record book. Jack dispensed with the PRB presentation as he had some unsettled department business. He had been remiss while assigned as Bobs supervisor and thought it was appropriate to issue two F-1104 Notices to Improve, better known as an F-2208, for shenanigans and buffoonery Bob had participated in while driving him at Fire Station 78. It was over unauthorized use of the apparatus horn towards the public and their pet. Ray Nardini, traveling all the way from Wyoming, was also displaced from Fire Station 78 at the same time as Jack and Bob. He had a special presentation of what he claimed was the actual horn that committed the offense for which Jack deemed an F-2208 would be appropriate. The supposed Engine 78 horn was mounted on a nice handmade plaque handcrafted by Ray himself. Ray commented that during your career you always have that favorite assignment and for him that was his years at 78s. Craig White represented the Relief Association and presented Bob with his retirement badge, and Russell Rawls presented the UFLAC plaque. Evan Williams presented the Board of Fire Commissioners Resolution. Evan Williams was one of Bobs classmates. He told the story of how he singled out Bob as the one who was going to be his study partner. After the first quiz in the drill tower, Evan noticed that some guy named Turner had the best score by far, and from that point forward Evan would make it Bobs personal mission to assist him with his studies. Greg Pascolla had the honor of giving Bob his 35 Year pin. Greg was glowing in his candor regarding the value of such a symbol for so many

42 January 2012

years of service. Greg and his family have been long time friends with the Turner family. They have spent many family vacations together at Lake Powell, Cal City, and Ensenada. It was at fine establishments like Papas and Beer that Bob learned many useful skills from Greg a couple are eating tacos from the street vendors and how to pay local law enforcement for a ride back to the ship. Fire Station 60 was represented by Dale Shrode and Tim Togneri. FS 60 has a tradition of presenting a nicely crafted trophy a fire pole -to former members. There are still some questions as to the how and where the pole came from. As a matter of trivia, Bob was assigned as an A/O at 60s and was replaced by Tom Taylor. Many in attendance were friends from the frequent social functions Bob arranged over the years. His Christmas parties, Ensenada cruises, and country western dance parties brought many together. Bob could have attained any position in the fire department had he wanted. His true talent was shown on video to those in attendance - calling as a dance instructor. Bob was presented with a gift of a golf bag with the Coors Light emblem. Coors Light has been an ongoing theme in Bobs life.

For those not in attendance you can view the video at http://www. The final presentation was by the Turner children: his oldest daughter, Kimmie and her husband, Brian Hoover (FS 93); middle daughter, Katelyn Turner, an LAPD officer, and her fiance, Colin Boggio; youngest daughter, Kelly; and son Bobby. They had a special presentation of a Bob doll. The Bob doll is an infamous character of incredible talents. Originally a white elephant gift at the annual Christmas party, the Bob doll has spread his wings and travelled the world and accumulated quite a wardrobe. He has travelled to Florida, the Indy 500, and cruised the Panama Canal. He has become the envy of many a man. It was then time for Bob to take the stage and give his final farewell. He presented his wife, Cheri, of 35 years a bouquet of roses and asked for the first dance in his retirement. After he had made all the other men look bad, all couples were invited to the dance floor to join. The party went late into the night with Bobs favorite band playing music for dancing into the wee hours. Congratulations to Engineer Robert Turner for your 38 years of service. Your shoes are big and will be difficult to fill.

January 2012 43

ED BANDA Captain, FS 76-B THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2012 Los Angeles Police Academy 1880 North Academy Drive Los Angeles CA 90012 Social Hour: 6:00 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM MENU: Buffet, $50 includes tax, tip & gift INFO: FS 76 (213) 485-6276 or Fred Martinez FS 76-B (661) 803-9621

MARVIN WILLIAMS (MARVELOUS) Captain I, F.S. 21-B FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 2012 The Odyssey 15600 Odyssey Drive - Granada Hills, CA 91344 Social Hour: 6:00 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM Dancing: 8:00 PM - Midnight Buffet, $65.00. includes tax, tip, gift & Music (DJ) Reservations: Call F.S. 21 323-235-9192 Lodging: Americas Best Value Inn (818) 366-5901

JOHN W. MARTINEZ - Operations Control Division Battalion Chief, A Platoon THURSDAY, MARcH 1, 2012 San Antonio Winery 737 Lamar St. - Los Angeles, CA 90031 Lunch: 11:00 AM-2:00 PM Menu: Chicken picatta $45, includes tax, tip, gift & DJ RSVP by February 21, 2012, to OCD Michael Rhodes or Natalie Goshi, (213) 485-6009

cHRIS KAWAI, Battalion Chief, Battalion 5-B Platoon FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2012 Brookside Golf club 1133 Rosemont Avenue, Pasadena, CA Golf Tourney: February 17, 2011 (same day) Brookside Course #1 (same place) - Tee off @ 11:00 AM $60.00 includes cart - Contact Joe Castro, Batallion 5 C (213) 485-6275 or Cell (213) 709-1546 Social Hour 6:00 PM Dinner 7:00 PM MENU: Chicken or Beef - $55.00 includes tax, tip & gift Contact Fire Station 27 - (213) 485-6227

Paid Advertisements: NEAL JONES, PAUL STEFFEN & TOM KEPHART SUNDAY, MARcH 4, 2012 Bridgeport Valencia community center 27002 Edgewater Lane - Valencia, CA 91355 Social Hour/Dinner: 2:00 PM-6:00 PM Menu: Buffet $25, all beer, wine & sodas are provided. If you have a favorite liquor, BYOB. Call FS 87 - (818) 756-8687 or Tom Kephart - (661) 816-4476 or Neal Jones - (661) 252-3272

44 January 2012

January 2012 45

Paid Advertisements:

liVing TrusTs

46 January 2012

By Mike Mastro, President/CEO - Los Angeles Firemens Credit Union

how To choose a Financial adVisor At Los Angeles Firemens Credit Union, we are committed to providing excellent service to our firefighters and their families. We know there has been a continuing barrage of advisors and insurance reps visiting fire stations and we thought it would be wise to provide you some questions to ask them to help you decide who might be most qualified to assist you in reaching your financial goals. 1) What experience do you have in the financial planning industry? You should always ask how long theyve been in the business and in what positions they have worked in. You can check an advisors background and whether they have any disciplinary actions against them by researching it on FINRAs website at We also think that it is important to find someone who has experience working with firefighters and understanding the ins and outs of your pension plans and retirement benefits. 2) What kind of licenses do you currently hold? are you a certified financial planner (cfp)? Its very important to ask what licenses your advisor holds. It could determine whether your advisor is offering you the right solution for your needs, or just the only option they can sell. Some of the representatives that visit fire stations are licensed in one particular area, and can sell only specific products such as annuities or insurance. Insurance representatives can only offer insurance products. The reason this could be a problem is because they may only be offering you what they are licensed to sell, instead of assessing all options and selecting the best fit for your goals and risk tolerance. Preferably, you would like to find someone who has both securities and insurance licenses. You should also look to see if the individual has any other professional designations, such as the CFP. The CFP designation requires a prerequisite of holding a bachelors degree, a minimum of three years as an investment advisor, taking additional classes, continuing education, and passing a comprehensive test. As a CFP, that individual has a strict planning process to follow and is held to the highest ethical standards. Most of all, please make sure that the person you choose to manage your retirement assets is someone you can trust, has the necessary qualifications, and works for a high integrity and ethical company. 3) What are your fees? Before you hire any financial professional to manage your assets, you should always find out and make sure you understand how that person is compensated. There are many different ways that advisors can charge for their services, so its important to understand and determine whats best for you. Some financial advisors charge a percentage of the value of assets they manage. This typically is in the range of 1-2% annually. Some assess an hourly fee for the time they spend. Other advisors charge a flat fee based on your net worth that is not tied to your accounts or assets at all. Finally, many planners are compensated through the commissions on the investments they sell. In some cases, one option may be better than the other for you, it just depends on your needs. Its important for you to ask the question, so that you can get a better understanding of how your advisor is compensated. You should expect and demand a direct and honest answer to this question. 4) What products/investments do you offer? For an advisor who is securities and insurance licensed, this will be an extensive list. This is another way to confirm that your advisor has lots of options to choose from. Most advisors should be able to access Mutual Funds, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), Stocks, Bonds, Options, Annuities, Life Insurance, Long Term Care Insurance, Fee-Based Accounts and Managed Money accounts. They should also be able to open a variety of accounts such as Traditional & ROTH IRAs, Coverdell, 529 Education accounts, and Business Retirement accounts. 5) What is your approach to investing? This question can be answered in many ways so its important that you find an advisor that is aligned with your needs. This may mean asking about their approach to asset allocation or their investment philosophy in general. This normally includes the level of communication you expect from your advisor. Will they contact you annually, quarterly, etc? We hope that this information helps you in making a more informed decision when choosing a financial advisor. Please remember that your financial goals should not be taken lightly and if you choose to have someone help you, they should always be a professional holding the appropriate licenses. Firehouse Financial Jason Torrey-Payne has been a Financial Advisor since 1997. He has a degree in Business Economics from the University of California, Santa Barbara. He has worked extensively with firefighters since joining the Credit Union in 2004 and has extensive knowledge of fire department pension and deferred compensation plans throughout California. He dedicates time to ensure he understands the financial implications of a firefighter and keeps abreast of any changes that may occur as it relates to a firefighters retirement benefits. He is a fully registered investment advisor and holds both securities and insurance licenses. He also holds his Certified Financial Planner designation. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a free, no obligation financial needs analysis report, please contact FIREHOUSE Financial to schedule an appointment at 800-231-1626, ext 4913. The more business we do together as a Fire Family, the greater the financial reward will be for all members! Have a safe month!

Mike Mastro
L.P. (CFS), a registered broker-dealer (Member FINRA/SIPC) and SEC Registered Investment Non-deposit investment products and services are offered through CUSO Financial Services,

services available to Credit Union members.

Firemens Credit Union has contracted with CFS to make non-deposit investment products and

possible loss of principal. Investment Representatives are registered through CFS. Los Angeles

are not guarantees or obligations of the Credit Union, and may involve investment risk including

Advisor. Products offered through CFS: are not NCUA/NCUSIF or otherwise federally insured,

January 2012 47

he Chief Officers Association honored five recently retired chiefs at our traditional COA Retirement Dinner. Its worth mentioning that the active members finally beat the retirees in attendance! Thats huge! I dont know if its ever been done . . . maybe more than a decade ago. One of the special things the COA does for our retiring members is presenting them with a special gold retirement watch. These watches are some of the classiest available and our jeweler customizes each watch with his handmade 18 Kt. gold epilates depicting bugles and a badge. Its a gift that a retiree and family can always cherish. The COA averages about two dinners a year. Normally each dinner honors three, maybe four retirees. At this particular dinner we ended up honoring five. With the seemingly increasing number of retirements, this may be the norm for awhile. Its a lot for one night but you just have to GIT-R-DONE or youll get too far behind . . . like those political leaders in Europe handling their debt crisis (well, the US too I guess). Nevertheless, its interesting to note that whether we have three or even six honorees, the evening ends about the same hour, which is good . . . we want to assure the retirees get home to bed. The COA would like to thank all that attended in keeping this event alive and well. Denny Willahan has to be commended for not only being a regular attendee, but usually the first one there! Its nice to get a chance to chat with Denny about the old days in Battalion 13 and retirement life. Also, the COA would like to thank John Martinez for being the events photographer once again. John is on his last few days as an active member and will be honored at our next dinner around March. Shortly following this event, our beloved friend Tony Ennis passed away. The Chief Officers Association would like to convey our sympathy to Tonys family and friends. He will always be a bright spot in our memories and our hearts. COA President John Miller began the ceremonies and acknowledged the newly promoted battalion chiefs. Congrats goes to Steve Gutierrez, Robert Nelson, Elise Brodowy, Jeff Elder, Steve Hissong, James Hayden, and Albert Ward. Jimmy Hill entered the Drill Tower on July 22, 1973 and served his probationary rotation at Fire Stations 52, 35, and 27. After being assigned to Fire Stations 43, 11, and the Training Division, Jimmy promoted to Apparatus Operator on January 5, 1978 at FS 16. A year later, Jimmy promoted to Inspector and was assigned to the High Rise Unit and Building Standards. On February 25, 1981, Jimmy promoted to Captain I and was assigned to FS 56. He also worked Personnel Services Section/ Personal History Unit and FS 33. On April 23, 1989, Jimmy promoted to Battalion Chief and was as-

signed to Battalion 3, Disaster Preparedness, Battalion 1, the Public Safety Unit, and Battalion 5. After being assigned as the Division II Commander, Jimmy promoted to Deputy Chief on November 23, 1997, serving as the Departments Fire Marshall up until retiring after 38 years on the Department, 22 years as a Chief Officer. Ron Jackson, who volunteers a lot of his personal time in retirement assisting the COA as Business Manager, presented Jimmy with his helmet plaque. Ron worked quite a bit with Jimmy, especially in the FPB. Ron spoke very highly of Jimmys career accomplishments and their friendship. Ron said that the helmet plaque caught him a little strange since he has never seen Jimmy actually wear a helmet (Well it was funny when he said it!) Al Hernandez presented Jimmy his retirement watch and spoke of their assignments together and also Jimmys many accomplishments. John Duca began DT 89 on January 29, 1978 and was assigned to Fire Stations 17, 25, 16, and 2. John promoted to A/O on June 27, 1982 and was assigned to Trucks 95, 102, and 9. On May 8, 1988, John promoted to Captain and was assigned to Fire Stations 76, 33, and 15 including special duty at IST. On July 29, 1992, John promoted to Captain II and commanded Fire Stations 37 and 15, and two years at Medical Liaison Unit. John promoted to Battalion Chief on June 7, 1998 and was assigned to Battalions 9 and 1, Building Admin, Battalion 17, and lastly Battalion 12. John retired on June 29, 2011 serving 33 years on the job, including 13 years as a Chief Officer. Pat Engle approached the spotlight and presented John with his helmet plaque commending him for his many years serving the members as part of the Firemans Credit Union management team. Tim Manning got up next and presented John with his gold retirement watch describing Johns fine leadership and their times together in the drill tower. Im glad that these old stories are way out of statute! Robert Willcox entered DT 40 on January 29, 1978 and was assigned to Fire Stations 82, 35, and 27 for his probationary rotation. Rob was also assigned to Fire Stations 5 and 29, and two years at OCD. On November 9, 1986, Rob promoted to Inspector and worked the Public Safety Section, Central and Valley offices. Rob promoted to Captain I on April 22, 1990 and was assigned to Fire Stations 5 and 4, and two years at IST. On August 21, 1994, Rob promoted to Captain II and was assigned to FS 66. While serving special duty at Disaster Preparedness, Rob promoted to Battalion Chief on August 1, 1999. He was assigned to Battalions 13, 10, and the IST. Rob also worked Battalion 6 and Battalion 15 where he retired with 33 years on the job, including 12 years as a Chief Officer. Now Greg West made a presentation followed by a couple funny

Battalion chief John duca

deputy chief Jimmy hill

Battalion chief roBert Willcox

48 January 2012

stories about his friend Double L. Greg said that everyone felt Rob was bound for glory when he sported his Barney Nipp haircut even in his early years on the job. Both Greg and John Miller described Robs valuable contributions to the Department including the many fabulous seminars presented for our firefighters, his work with USAR TF-1, 911, and the ISTS Training Academy.

Battalion chief John Buck

John Buck entered the Drill Tower on November 4, 1973 and served his probationary rotation at Fire Stations 61, 68, and 58. John was also assigned to Fire Stations 57, 26, and 66 before promoting to engineer on February 25, 1979 where he was assigned to Fire Stations 66, 34, 26, and 64. On January 12, 1992, John promoted to Captain and was assigned to Fire Stations 64, 2, and 15 while also serving in the Haz-Mat Unit of the FPB. John promoted to B/C on January 21, 1996 and was assigned to Battalions 5, 13, 4, Air Ops, then on to Battalion 6. John retired on August 31, 2011 serving 38 years on the Department, including 15 years as a Chief Officer. Steve Ruda presented John his helmet plaque followed by Greg West presenting him a beautifully etched maltese crystal. John Miller proudly presented John his retirement watch. John was commended by all three presenters for his valuable contributions to the Department and also was recognized for working the three specialized assignments: Battalions 4 and 6, and Air Operations.

7 and Battalion 18, where he retired on June 29, 2011 with 34 years on the job, 16 years as a Chief Officer. Robert Defeo presented Ralph with his helmet plaque. Rick Garcia presented his retirement watch, with both praising Ralph for his contributions, not only to the Department, but his time volunteered to Los Bomberos helping our brothers across the border with fire and rescue train ing. Of course, there were a couple good stories there, but what happens in Mexico stays in Mexico! The Los Angeles Chief Officers Association would like to con gratulate all our retirees and wish them and their families the best for years to come!

Battalion chief ralph ramireZ

Ralph Ramirez started the Drill Tower on May 15, 1977 and was assigned his probationary rotation at Fire Stations 50, 1, and 12. He also was assigned to Fire Stations 11, 29, 20 and worked at the Fire Safety Education Unit. On July 8, 1984, Ralph promoted to Captain and was assigned to Fire Stations 64 and 9, then to the Public Safety Section. On August 14, 1988, Ralph promoted to Captain II and was assigned to Fire Stations 15, 58, and 11, including Training Division. Ralph promoted to Battalion Chief on August 20, 1995 and was assigned to the Fire Chiefs Office, Battalion

January 2012 49

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LAFD Historical Society

Submitted by Frank Borden Director of Operations, LAFDHS

the Manifold & duplex Rigs of the lafd

Chief Scott favored two-piece engine companies because of their greater versatility. He conceptualized super engines as pumpers capable of delivering 2000 to 3000 gallons per minute up to a hose wagon apparatus with many discharge outlets. A minimum of 10 firefighters would be required to operate each of the four systems he planned. Extra manpower would be supplied by Squad 23, which was to become known as the Green Hornets (as distinguished by their green helmet shields) for their wide-ranging firefighting and rescue skills. Squad 23 was the first LAFD company to carry self-contained breathing apparatus for all firefighters assigned to it. Coincidently with Chief Scotts thinking and ideally suited to his concept, was American LaFrances announcement of the development of a 12 cylinder V-block, 240 horsepower engine rated at 1500 gallons per minute. Scotts plan was to adapt American LaFrances greater pumping capacity breakthrough by mounting two of these pumps on each of four duplex (meaning two pumps) engines. The remainder of his super engine system would consist of four large hose carrying manifold wagons with up to 17 water discharge outlets on each apparatus. Chief Engineer Scott was one of our most innovative fire chiefs and it was his idea to establish the manifold/duplex pump operation in the high value congested areas of the city. When the long depression caused draught in the purchase of new apparatus ended, the first two engines purchased in 1937 were Chief Scotts long awaited American LaFrance Metropolitan Duplex two-stage centrifugal pumpers with fore and aft mounted V-12 engines of 250 horsepower each. The front engine served the dual purpose of powering the apparatus and pumping. The rear engine was solely used for pumping. By 1938 the department purchased four duplex pumpers that could produce 2,000 and 3,000 gallons per minute. Each pumper had four water suction inlets and eight three and one half inch discharge outlets. The department completed its Manifold/ Duplex Systems with the purchase of four hose carrying manifold wagons with one American LaFrance, two Seagraves and in 1949 one Mack.
engine 3 DupLex pump At hyDrAnt with engineer (SoFt CAp) AnD FireFighter hooking up. CompArtmentS open Showing both Front AnD reAr engineS.

n February 25, 1931 a fire occurred at the four story brick J.J. Newberry store at 445 So. Broadway. It was another downtown fire which otherwise would have been a minor footnote in LAFD history except it turned out to be a major catalyst for an idea that resulted in a new type of fire apparatus and a new approach to initial fire attack. First arriving companies, slowed by morning rush hour traffic, found the building heavily charged with smoke. Second alarm apparatus were seriously delayed by traffic as were some 40 pieces of other equipment called out later. The gridlock prevented fire companies from getting close to the building as engines hooked up to hydrants blocks away and firefighters extended hose lines for several blocks to the burning Newberry store. The store burned throughout the morning and into the afternoon as all downtown area police were called to unravel what was to be the worst traffic jam in the citys history up to that time. The Newberry nightmare and other downtown fires where traffic delayed apparatus response was a problem ideally suited to Fire Chief Ralph J. Scotts ingenuity and willingness to discard traditional methods in favor of better approaches. Chief Scott conceived a new type of super fire engine which combined first alarm fast response with quick hitting firepower through multiple hose lines and master streams. If these super engines could get there before traffic congestion delayed fire attack, many small fires could be prevented from turning into large blazes.

engine CompAny 9 mAniFoLD wAgon AnD DupLex pump with LAFD memberS in Front oF oLD Fire StAtion 9 LoCAteD At 916 So. SAntee Street. AuguSt 13, 1960.

LAFD ChieF engineer rALph J. SCott. ChieF SCott wAS Fire ChieF From 1919 untiL he retireD in 1940.

January 2012 51

While these super engine systems had relatively minor differences among them, the manifolds generally carried 1200 feet of three and one half inch hose which was loaded in the hose beds in such a way that two supply lines could simultaneously be laid from the hydrant to the fire. In what was the LAFDs first use of transverse hose beds, the manifolds also carried additional hose of smaller size behind the cab compartments accessible from both sides of the apparatus. The transverse beds carried both two and one half inch, and inch and one half hose with multiple nozzles and fittings. There were 16 two and one half inch outlets (eight on a side) and an inch and one half inch outlet on each side. The Auto Fireman would control the pressure on each outlet. At large fires, a fully manned squad like Squad 23 would augment manpower with eight to ten additional members. The four Manifold/Duplex companies were stationed in downtown houses, notably Fire Stations 3, 9 and 17 in the industrial area. The first assignments included old Fire Stations 5 and 23. Later the manifold and duplex engine companies were assigned to Fire Station 28 near 7th and Figueroa and Old Fire Station 27 in Hollywood (Now our Museum). On a response, the manifold wagon would precede the duplex pump, laying one or two supply lines from the hydrant and spotting in front of the fire. The duplex took the hydrant and supplied the manifold with up to 3,000 gpms. Firefighters would take the two and one half inch hose lines out of the transverse beds and attach a nozzle and take it into the fire. The Auto Fireman would attach the line to one of 16 discharge gates and provide the appropriate pressure even while the large wagon battery was operating with a 3 inch tip.

By positioning the manifold wagon as close as possible to the fire building and supplying it with duplex engine water in quantity and pressure equivalent to that of around three additional pumpers, Chief Scott achieved his goal of quick, hard hitting attack before traffic congestion hampered operations and perhaps enable a small fire to grow into one of greater proportions. The Manifold/Duplex system was unique to Los Angeles and continued in service until 1964, when the last of them was replaced by a 2,000 gpm Crown pump and a Crown manifold at Fire Station 17. The 1963 Crown manifold known as Wagon 17 and Big Bertha for its hydraulically operated wagon battery is now on display at our Hollywood Museum in Old Fire Station 27. This is truly a unique apparatus and as far as we know, the last of the LAFD manifolds since we have not been able to locate the old manifolds or duplex pumps anywhere in the country. November, 2011 marked the 50th anniversary of the infamous Gray Building fire which occurred on Monday afternoon, November 6, 1939. This fire in the downtown commercial district gave the LAFD its first golden opportunity to mobilize and demonstrate to the citizens of Los Angeles, and to the fire service nationally, its new heavy duty and innovative manifold wagons, duplex pumpers, water tower/ truck combination and all metal one hundred foot hydraulic aerial ladder. This heavy duty apparatus was equipped with windshields and completely enclosed crew cabs, a bucket tiller seat with windshield and tilt wheel, and the latest Mars figure-eight warning lights. All of these rigs were equipped with the powerful new American LaFrance or Seagrave V-12 engines, the duplex pumpers each having two V-12 motors and all
wAgon 17, the 1963 Crown mAinFoLD big berthA in Front oF oLD Fire StAtion 17 At 7th AnD SAntA Fe.

boasted of all wheel braking systems, including the trailer wheels on the water tower truck and the tractor drawn aerial. The manifold wagons were equipped with the largest monitors ever mounted on land apparatus. Monitor tip sizes ranged from 1 3/4 inches to 3 1/2 inches, the 3 1/2 tip being capable of 3500 gpm at 80 pounds nozzle pressure. Each manifold wagon carried 1000 feet of 3 1/2 hose in a split conventional hose bed and 1000 feet of 2 1/2 in a transverse bed, an innovation that did not reappear on LAFD equipment until the purchase of the 1948 Mack high pressure wagons. Tragically, this fire also caused the in line of duty deaths of two fire fighters: Firefighter Joseph W. Kacl of Truck 3, and Autofireman John C. Hough of Engine 3. I had the opportunity to sit down with retired Battalion Chief Larry Schneider to get some of his stories covering 55 years on the LAFD (32 of those years as a Battalion Chief). I got some great information for our history including one that is the subject of this months article. Larry was an Auto-Fireman on the Manifold Wagon at Old Fire Station 17. They had a 1938 Seagrave Manifold and a 1938 American LaFrance Duplex Pump. Larry still remembers the details of the operations of the manifold and duplex rigs working in tandem and a significant fire in a meat packing house at 6th & Alameda. Old 17s was located in the industrial area east of downtown and had many large fires to deal with - one of the reasons the manifold and duplex was assigned there. eVenTs and haPPenings Marine corps 236th birthday The LAFDHS hosted the 236th Marine Corps Birthday at the Hollywood Museum. LAFD members Bill Staples (Sgt. Major USMC Ret.) and Dave Navarro (Master Sgt. USMC Ret.) coordinated the event with the Historical Society using the dormitory area of the museum. Col. Joe Mueller USMC Ret. and an LAPD officer, was the guest speaker and told everyone about some of his memories of Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan, where he was wounded and spent a month in the Bethesda Naval Hospital recovering.

the grAy buiLDing Fire in Downtown L.A. 1939. my FAther StAn borDen wAS An engineer on the AmeriCAn LAFrAnCe DupLex pump At Fire StAtion 3 in 1951 when they hAD the i. ruDe buiLDing Fire. CoinCiDentALLy it iS the buiLDing next Door to the grAy buiLDing thAt burneD in 1939 AnD
the DupLex took the SAme hyDrAnt to SuppLy the mAniFoLD wAgon AnD other engineS.

CorpS. in the ForegrounD right iS ww ii CombAt veterAn biLL SeLtzer.

Some oF hiS pASt experienCeS in the

mArine CoLoneL Joe mueLLer


52 January 2012

World War II Marine veteran William Seltzer was there to enjoy the program. He was one of the Marines who took the first American flag up to the top of Mt. Suribachi on Iwo Jima. What a thrill for all to meet this war hero who is now in his 80s. Jones day Party at the Museum The Jones Day law firm held a holiday party at the museum that was one of the most elaborate we have ever had. Museum preparation started at 10:00 in the morning on Saturday and the clean up ended at 3 am the next morning on Sunday. Three of our volunteers went the full route, staying and helping to the very end. Our special thanks to Bill Dahlquist, Jim Finn and Ben Holder.

pFC. wiLLiAm SeLtzer, 4th From the right with hiS FeLLow mArineS thAt took the FirSt AmeriCAn FLAg to the top oF mt. SuribAChi During the bAttLe For iwo JimA. FebruAry 23, 1945.

the JoneS DAy pArty reCeption in the memoriAL pLAzA. the CAtereD Dinner For 125 peopLe wAS Set up inSiDe the muSeum.

new laFdhs Volunteers During the last few months of 2011 we were fortunate to get three new Museum

volunteers from our retired member ranks. They are Buzz Gunnarson, Jim Morrow and Rudy Santiago. We welcomed them with open arms because we really need help in running the museum. They will primarily be available at Old 27s, our Hollywood museum and for special events. We hope that many more of our retired members and active members would consider

this opportunity to help us preserve the history of the LAFD. We need volunteers at the Hollywood museum, the Harbor museum and for the rehabilitation of the Ralph J. Scott Fireboat.

calendar for october & november 2011 January 2011

February 2012

January 2012 53

cALL TO ORDER Vice President Juan Albarran called the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association to order at 9:59a.m. ROLL cALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Juan Albarran, Vice President Andrew Kuljis, Secretary Trustee Jeff Cawdrey Batt. 1 Trustee Gene Bednarchik Batt. 2 Trustee James Coburn Batt. 4 Trustee Gary Matsubara Batt. 5 Trustee Rick Godinez Batt. 7 Trustee Francisco Hernandez Batt. 10 Trustee Steven Domanski Batt. 15 Trustee David Peters Batt. 17 Trustee Barry Hedberg Pension 2 Trustee Tim Larson Pension 3 David Ned Smith - Executive Director Controller Todd Layfer MEMBERS ABSENT: TrusteeMichaelOverholser-Batt.3(Excused) Trustee Chris Stine Batt. 6 (Excused) Trustee Doak Smith Batt. 9 (Excused) Trustee Chris Hart Batt. 11 (Excused) Trustee Craig White Batt. 12 (Excused) Trustee Mark Akahoshi Batt. 13 (Excused) Trustee Bob Steinbacher Batt.14 (Excused) Trustee Steve Tufts Batt. 18 (Excused) Trustee David Ortiz HQ 1 (Excused) Trustee Kurt Stabel HQ 2 (Excused) Trustee David Lowe Pension 1 (Excused) John Jacobsen President (Excused) GUESTS: Dennis Mendenhall INVOcATION & Flag Salute Andy Kuljis led the invocation. Dennis Mendenhall led the flag salute. RATIFIcATION OF MINUTES Juan Albarran entertained a motion to ratify and dispense with the reading of the minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting held September 8, 2011. Gary Matsubara so moved. Steve Domanski seconded the motion. There was no further discussion or objections. Motion carried to ratify and dispense with the reading of the minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting held September 8, 2011. VIcE PRESIDENTS REPORT 1) Juan Albarran mentioned that several of the Trustees were going to attend Glen Smiths funeral that day. 2) Juan Albarran mentioned that Steve Tufts was attending the Pension Board meeting. He indicated that today the Pension Board was supposed to officially discuss the opinion on the 2% opt-in. The legal opinion is being provided by the attorneys that Pension hired. 3) Juan Albarran informed the Board that they will be getting the medical subsidy reimbursement from the City that was retroactively approved effective July 1, 2010. He indicated that active firemen in the Relief Medical plan will receive their subsidy by November 2nd. Those in the UFLAC medical plan received their payment on October 5. He mentioned that the controller and personnel staff could not complete the refunds for all members in one pay period. SEcRETARY REPORT Andy Kuljis informed that all the ballots for the bylaw changes have been printed for the election. He stated that he needed all of the intents to run for office for the even battalion positions by October 31. To date all the trustee elections look like they will be a white ballot as there is only one person running in each battalion. If anyone else files to run, then ballots for that battalion will printed and mailed. EXEcUTIVE DIREcTORS REPORT 1) David Smith mentioned the Open House event on November 5th and indicated that the invitations are in the process of being mailed. He asked that if any Trustee knows of someone they would like to invite, let him know so that he can send out an invite. He indicated that they have received 70 RSVPs. 2) David Smith referred to the Loughran estate gift and indicated that receipt of the gift was close to being finalized. He mentioned that Merrill Lynch has received instruction from the conservator, authorizing via court order, to start moving funds into the LAFRA Union Bank account. He also mentioned that he has sent the list of securities to Garth Flint for review to determine if we should sell or retain. 3) David Smith provided an update from the Golf Tournament and indicated that the grand total income was $136,862. He reported that the expenses totaled $48,500 which brought in a net of $88,000. He mentioned that they have a Golf Committee meeting scheduled later in the day to discuss improvements for next years event which is scheduled for September 24, 2012. ADMINISTRATIVE cOMMITTEE REPORT David Peters presented the following motions. The committee recommends and I so move to pay the usual and customary bills in the amount of $802,513.44. He mentioned that over $600K was for Kaiser and Unum pass through. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to pay the usual and customary bills in the amount of $802,513.44. The committee recommends and I so move to pay the professional fees in the amount of $14,445.86. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to pay the professional fees in the amount of $14,445.86.

54 January 2012

The committee recommends and I so move to approve up to $1,000 to the Grossman Burn Center Holiday event. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to approve up to $1,000 to the Grossman Burn Center Holiday event. The committee recommends and I so move to cancel the LAFRA Casino Night party for October 22nd. This was due to lack of participation. The Universal Sheraton has agreed to give us credit for the deposit to be used before the end of this calendar year. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to cancel the LAFRA Casino Night party for October 22nd due to lack of participation. The committee recommends and I so move to keep the black van for LAFRAs use as a utility vehicle. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to keep the black van for LAFRA use as a utility vehicle. MEDIcAL cOMMITTEE REPORT David Peters presented the following motions. The committee recommends and I so move to accept the applications to the Medical Plan. There was no discussion and no objections. Motion carried to accept all applications to the Medical Plan. RELIEF cOMMITTEE REPORT James Coburn presented the following motion. The committee recommends and I so move to pay: The Sick & Injury benefits in the amount of $31,949.66 The Estate Planning benefit in the amount of $5,300, The Life & Accident Death Benefits in the amount of $24,000 The Relief Death Benefits in the amount of $49,500 There was no discussion or objections.

Motion carried to pay the above Relief benefits. MEMORIALS James L. Shanahan Raymond W. Reischl Donald J. Ross Laurence B. Wirtz LeRoy J. Frye Steven G. Genereaux William Fisher Clarke V. Cornwell, Jr. Merle E. Delzell Bruce A. Beal Eric D. Shepherd James Coburn read the names of members who recently passed and asked for a moment of silence from the Board. ASSISTANcE cOMMITTEE James Coburn presented the following motions. The committee recommends and I so move to accept the donations in the amount of $5,326.14 to the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to accept the donations in the amount of $5,326.14 to the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund. The committee recommends and I so move to approve the financial assistance applications for surviving spouses, active and retired members. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to approve the financial assistance applications for surviving spouses, active and retired members. EMERGENcY ADVANcEMENTS James Coburn presented the following motion. No outstanding advancements for the previous month. James Coburn indicated that one members advancement in the amount of $85,000 that was considered a loan pending pension was never properly documented. He stated that they would like to convert the advancement to assistance.

The committee recommends and I so move to convert the stated advancement to assistance. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to convert the stated advancement to assistance. INVESTMENT cOMMITTEE REPORT David Smith reminded that they will hold investment manager interviews with the Investment Committee on October 11th. SETTING OF DATES 1) SIIA October 9th October 12th 2) IFEBP Annual conf. October 30th November 2nd 3) LAFRA Open House November 5th RETIREMENT DINNERS 1) Andy Zar October 9th Fire Station 49 (Hedberg) 2) Wilbert Lew October 16th Holiday Inn (Akahoshi) 3) Dan Arnolds October 16th FS 114 (Steinbacher) 4) Mike Bennett October 22nd Aqua Dulce Airport (Domanski) 5) Bob Turner November 5th & 6th Hyatt Regency Valencia (Craig White) ADJOURNMENT Juan Albarran entertained a motion to adjourn. Gary Matsubara so moved. Jeff Cawdrey seconded. There was no discussion and no objections. Motion carried to adjourn. The Board of Trustees meeting adjourned at 10:45am. Juan Albarran, Vice President

January 2012 55

Donations to Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund

September 2011

williaM w waddel IN MEMORY OF JACK H. NOWELL helen l. schulZ

dana r. laine IN MEMORY OF MAGGIE BAKOVIC beTTy V. larson


JaMes e. gilluM FROM THE BREAKFAST CLUB claudia rosa-bienenFeld IN HONOR OF 9/11 edward J Kelley IN MEMORY OF TOM MORSE 26 TRUCK 1961 bruce a. bicKly


56 January 2012

MERCHANDISE FOR SALE 1999 21 laVeycraFT boaT. Merc 496 H/O with low hours. Sony Xplode sounds, S/S Propeller, trim tabs. Very clean with tandem axle trailer. Large swim locker & closed bow. Contact Nick @ 310-872-8400. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT For renT or lease. Townhouse in Valencia. 2 BDRM & 2 BTHRM with garage and carport in gated complex with pool & spa. Located next to city park and YMCA. $1750 with all appliances. Available in Jan 2012. Call Jesse (310) 350-8481. horse ProPerTy, laKe View Terrace - Near FS24. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, newly remodeled kitchen with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. Formal living room, plus family room. 3 pipe corrals, arena, 2 barns, trail access. Motor home and horse trailer parking. Gardener included. Available October. $2800/month. Eng. Ames (818) 257-4549. loVely 110 yr. old hisToric house to share in San Pedros historic waterfront dist. Private bedroom with private full bathroom, kitchen, laundry, air conditioning, spacious back yard, sorry, no private parking, $700 month. Cindy 310 831-0926. This charMing sPacious 2 bedrooM hoMe is centrally located in the heart of Encino. Features hardwood flooring throughout with a large master suite, bath, cathedral ceilings and walk-in closets. The upstairs can be separate with its own entrance. Downstairs is a bedroom, full bath and powder room. Big backyard, garage and additional parking for RV. $2500 for the above, or rent just the master suite, $1000, downstairs for $1500 a month. Call Tracy (818) 704-9592. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 40 X 13 sTorage wiTh roll uP door. Boat or RV. Gated complex with security, RV dump, restrooms, all concrete. Located near boat ramps in Lake Havasu. (562) 301-4557. $30,000 or OBO. Steve Dickinson, 12-A.

build your dreaM hoMe on beautiful San Juan Island in Washington State. 10 acres with views of water, neighboring islands and Mt. Baker. $550,000. Retired Capt II LAFD (360) 378-2190. Ask for Wendy. cusToM log hoMe- Kings Canyon Sequoia Area. 4200 sq ft, 2 story, 3 bedroom/2.5 baths. Master bed has walk in closet w/French doors and deck. Large game room w/bar and wood burning stove. Huge gourmet kitchen w/six burner professional Garland range, Sub-Zero freezer and refrigerator. Hard rock maple counters and maple cabinets. Large loft with library and office overlooking great room with vaulted ceilings and riverrock fireplace. Pella windows and doors. Hardwood floors throughout, tile in kitchen, laundry and baths. Central vac. Deck on three sides. 15 acres fenced. Tennis court, pool, 2 car garages, 40X60 metal bldg. Septic and 40 gpm well. $650,000. Contact Ray Oster (559) 338-2220 or email for more info and photos. For sale. 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo fully furnished in Barra de Navidad, Jalisco, Mexico. Short walk to small fishing village, beach, restaurants, etc. LAFD retired. (909) 392-8941. helP! MaKe oFFer! norThern ariZona elevation 6500 ft. Cool summers 4 1/2 acres fenced. Fruit, shade, native cedar, & pine trees. Very nice home, near fishing, elk hunting & ski resorts. Price reduced - $55,000. Call (620) 234-6165 home or (620) 960-4002 cell. Pictures availabe upon request. loVely 2800 sq FT 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on Marrowstone Island near Port Townsend, Washington. Sits on 4 plus partical wooded acres with Puget Sound. 230 foot waterfront view. Has barn for RV storage. City water, oil heat in floor. Past home of LAFD get together. Call Vonnie Rogers (360) 385-7544. PriVacy & sereniTy on 30 wooded acres in Southern Oregon! New custom lodge home. 3614 sq. ft., 4 BD 2.5 BA. Spectacular views of Rogue River, great hunting and fishing at your doorstep. Vaulted greatroom, oak floors. Granite. Stainless. Garage and shop. Seller may finance. View home at www. or (541) 772-3790.

riVer Parcels. Three 20 acre Klammath River frontage parcels in beautiful Northern California- 30 miles from Oregon. Electricity and telephone available. Rarely used County-maintained road runs through. Very private. 6 miles from Happy Camp. Each parcel has more than 700 front feet of river. $195,000 - $295,000. Contact Troy Bonar, LAFD retired. PO Box 466, Happy Camp, CA 96039 or call (530) 4932453 or fax (530) 493-2589 or email: sKi The suMMiT! big bear, 4+2, 5 minutes from snow summit, downtown and the lake. Located in the desirable Fox Farm area. 2 story-upstairs 2+1, downstairs 2+1 turn key condition, ready to enjoy. Fully furnished. Investment Vacation or Retirement. $359,000 Call Therese (818) 216-4628 or theresewyman@ VacaTion or reTireMenT ProPerTy For sale. Located in the White Mountains of Arizona. These 1.5 acre lots are ready to build. Hunting, fishing and golf within hours of the City of Show Low. Check out the website at or call (928) 242-8873. Only $39,500 a lot. SERVICES aa Free consulTaTion at the Law Offices of EDWARD R. DANOFF - Located in Santa Anas original FIRE STATION NO. ONE. We provide services for SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY CLAIMS including auto, boat, motorcycle accidents, dog bites, and wrong death cases. DIVORCES, including custody, support, modifications and restraining orders. REAL ESTATE - BANKRUPTCY - CRIMINAL - DUI - TWENTY-FIVE PERCENT HOURLY DISCOUNT RATE TO FIREFIGHTERS. Thirty years experience. Former volunteer fireman. Orange and Los Angeles Counties call (714) 972-8355 - Inland Empire and Palm Springs/ Desert Area call (800) 794-5297. abaTeMenT oF weeds, Tree TriMMing - LandscapING, Grading, horse arenas/rock removal, concrete & asphalt demo, post holes drilled. Clean-Ups etc. Tractor & dumptruck at reasonable rates. Larry D. Brown (818) 489-5126. alTernaTiVe TerMiTe Treatments: ECOLA Services, Since 1983. Fumigation/ tenting is NOT your only option. Direct heat, environmentally caring, no poison gas, no need to vacate for days. Electro-Gun/ Microwave/ Tim-Bor. 2 year written

warranty on all work performed. Lifetime renewal option available. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call Susan Fries (800) 332-BUGS (2847). Firemans wife. boaT & Pwc sTorage Firemens discount. 10% off first months rent & no deposit required. Winter rates available. Located on the Colorado River, close to launch ramps. All Seasons Storage 800 North K St., Needles, CA 92363. (760) 326-2001. building Plans. Residential: patios, decks, additions/remodeling, repairs, new construction, design. Commercial: tennant improvement, ADA compliances and more. George Lavallee (805) 532-1905 office. choose your dreaM cruise - Princess Cruises, Royal Caribean, Holland American, Carnival and more... 3 to 21 day getaways to Alaska, Hawaii, The Bahamas and many other exciting destinations. Call Patricia at (661) 265-9440 or toll free at (877) 7HI-SEAS, or email wife of LAFD Mechanic, sister of LAFD Captain. craig sanFord heaTing & air - Free estimates, residential, commercial. Great rates for LAFD and LAPD. Toll free (877) 891-1414, (661) 298-3070, FAX (661) 2983069. State License No. 527114 crane serVice All kinds of lifts - A/C Units, Spas, Construction, Beams, Poles, Appliances, Man Baskets available. Insured and bonded. Leonard Campbell Owner/Operator (818) 340-8907 drywall serVice, new construction, remodel, repair, acoustic ceilings removed. All types of textures. Licensed, bonded and insured. Gregg Avery, F.S. 66 A residence (805) 494-9037. FireFighTers TaXes - Are you getting the most from your tax returns? I am a wife of a firefighter and specialize in their returns, with 60% of my clients being firefighter families. Taxes done at you convenience; my office or by phone. Available year-round. TaxPro, Barbara Ravitz, 661-257-7606. FireFighTer discounTs. At Farmers Insurance Group, I can assist you in deciding what options best meet your insurance needs. Free competitive quotes available for homeowners, auto, life, RVs, boats motorcycles and more. As a former LAFD and LAPD Commissioner, and coming from a family of firefighters (3 brothers and 1 nephew), I understand your need for

January 2012 57

an agent that can make your life a little easier. For a free quote, please call the Corina Alarcon Insurance Agency at (818) 263-1723. Flowers For all occasions. La Petite Florist offers only the finest floral arrangements, plants and gifts delivered in Orange County and nationwide through Teleflora. Family owned and operated since 1976. Browse our website for hundreds of ideas at www.lapetiteflorist. com or call (800) 682-3327. Gina Cawdrey, LAFD wife. hai Tech lasers inc. - For all your engraving needs. X-mas gifts, Retirement etc. Friend of the LAFD. Hai Tech Lasers Inc., 25026 Anza Dr., Santa Clarita CA 91355. (661) 775-0210 indoor boaT sTorage in Simi Valley. Secure facility with state-of-the-art video and alarm system. Spaces from 15ft. to 40 ft. Protect your investment and prevent weather damage. Limited spots available. FREE SERVICE WITH 6 MONTH LEASE. Sorry no RVs. iTs TaX TiMe again. Specializing in Firefighter and Paramedic Returns, Electronic Filing available, year round bookkeeping and accounting, business and partnership returns, payroll. All computerized processing with over 25 years experience. Call early for an appointment around your schedule. Robert Sanchez LAFD-OCD retired (818) 367-7017, cell (818) 216-1040. real esTaTe Financing. Interest rates are at All-Time-Lows. Refinance & Purchase Loans, Investment/Second Home Loans/ Equity Lines/2nd Trust Deeds, No Points/No Fees Loans, VA, FHA, Conventional Loans, Lending in many other states. Mortgage lending with exceptional customer service, integrity, strength and experience. For your Free Mortgage Analysis, call (714) 469-8900. Jay Trementozzi, Mortgage Banker. DRE# 01113819, NMLS# 241591. real esTaTe serVices - Start a new life in the gorgeous communities of Temecula and Murrieta. Top rated schools, world renowned wineries, numerous golf courses, lakes, shopping and a great family atmosphere. Located 78 miles from HQ between Los Angeles and San Diego. Call Mike Utley at (951) 775-8491 (LAFD Retired). rebecca MarTin landscaPe. Architectural landscape design and installation. A full service design/build landscape firm that creates unique custom exterior envi-

ronments that will increase the value of your home and bring you years of outdoor enjoyment. Rebecca Martin, LAFD wife. (818) 216-3637. Lic# 936577. rebeccamartinlandscape@ TaX alerT For FireFighTers Dont lose thousands of dollars during your professional career to the IRS! Let HEWITT FINANCIAL GROUP, the specialists in firefighter tax services, prepare your tax return and review your prior years tax returns. We specialize in tax planning and preparation for firefighters. We also offer FREE REVIEW of your last four years of tax returns. Call us today at (800) 573-4829 or visit our website at wheTsel TaX serVices - Specializing in law enforcement and firefighter tax preparation. Call or fax Mari Whetsel at (661) 360-8707 or visit at 27726 Briarcliff Place, Valencia CA 91354. windows & PaTio doors - vinyl replacement windows & Patio doors. I also carry aluminum, wood and entry door systems. Rick Brandelli, Capt. LACoFD, FS 8-C (800) 667-6676. VACATION RENTALS 4 bedrooMs, 4 baThs, Game Room, 3000 sq. ft. upscale Big Bear Lake cabin. Pool table, foosball, darts, ping-pong, gas BBQ. Private road close to lake, Village. Walk to Snow Summit, great for summer. Accommodates 13. Until November: Midweek-$250; Weekends: $295. For summer specials or holiday/ winter rates call (949) 683-3028. beach FronT sunseT beach oahu, hawaii - North Shore at Sunset Beach. Two separate homes 2+ den, 2ba, sleeps 8. $225 per day and 2br + 1ba, sleeps 6. $200 per day! Both share large tropical yard. View 7 surf breaks from backyards to pipeline. Contact Betty at (808) 372-7558 or Barker LAFD retired (805) 985-4001. beauTiFul new 3 bedrooM/2 BATH golf course home conveniently located between Laughlin/Katherines Landing and Needles/Jack Smiths. 5 minutes from Avi Casino. Fully furnished, wireless internet, cable, laundry, covered patio, in-ground spa. No smoking and no pets. $125/night, discounted rates beginning with third nights stay. $75 cleaning fee. Call Lori (951) 2834270 or

big bear cabin - All season, restful views from decks. Two story, sleeps 6, half mile to lake, two plus miles to slopes. Fireplace/Wood, cable TV/DVD/VCR. Full kitchen, completely furnished except linens. Pets ok. $95/$105 (two day minimum). $550/$600 a week, Beep or Donna Schaffer 1+(760) 723-1475. big bear laKes FinesT- Deluxe lakeside townhouse, 2 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 cable TVs, HBO, DVD, WiFi, 2 wood burning fireplaces, laundry room, tennis court, indoor pool, sauna, spa, boat dock. Fully equipped, including all linens. Sleeps 6. 310-541-8311 or email big bear VinTage cabin. 2 minute walk to village. 5 minute drive to both slopes. Lake view. 2 bed, 1 bath, sleeps 6. Contact: Owned by LAFD member. caTalina beach coTTage - 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, one block to beach, view, fully equipped housekeeping unit. Marci (818) 347-6783 or Clarence (310) 510-2721. deluXe laKeside Town hoMe. 2 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 fireplaces, washer, dryer, gas barbeque. Indoor pool, sauna, Jacuzzi, locker room with shower. Tennis court, boat dock, cable TV, HBO. Fully furnished including linens. 3 miles from Snow Summit. Sleeps 6 max. (310) 541-8311 deserT condo Rancho Mirage (near Palm Springs), 2 bedrooms, 2 bath, fully furnished condo & WiFi Internet. Also 2 bedroom and den, 2 bath, TV and VCR, pools, spas, tennis courts, gated community. From $110 per night. No pets or smoking. Barbara (626) 798-2484. ForMer l.a. FireFighTer and Family offering gorgeous Baja Mexico Property for rent. Coast-side Gated Community with pool/spa, surfing, and loads of fun. 4 Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms. Fully Equipped Kitchen. Call Kathy at 510-468-5003 for more information. Go to: for pictures, availability calendar, and information on the area. golFers-boaTers -oThers! saVe $$$ on hoTel raTes!! Luxury condo rental - Direct from Owner. One bedroom two bath luxury condo located in Mexican resort area of Nuevo Vallarta, just 15 minutes north of Puerto Vallarta Intl Airport. Unit is part of Grand Marina Villas, part of the Paradise Village

Hotel complex, and includes use of 18 hole El Tigre Golf Course. Weekly or monthly rates. For info: Web site: e-mails: or (310) 395-7804. haVasu landing - Waterfront on Lake Havasu. 3 bedroom, 3 bath. Boat mooring out front. Fully furnished. Direct TV, WiFi, BBQ, Casino, new grocery/meat market. No pets/smoking (310) 418-1577. June laKe cabin - Scenic 2br/2ba cozy, cabin with views. 5 minutes from Fishing and Skiing. Fully furnished. Wood Deck, Sleeps 8, wood burning stove, full kitchen, cable Tv/Dvd, stereo, phone. Detached garage/room for boat. Call for summer/winter rates. Cleaning fee applies. Jeff Easton 105-A, (805)217-5602 - KaPalua, Maui. Luxurious ocean view Kapalua Ridge 1 and 2 bedroom villas from $145/$250, 7th night FREE. Fully equipped with washer/dryer, Hi speed internet, Wi-Fi, cable TV, free resort shuttle, minutes from ocean. Features 3 white sand beaches including BEST BEACH in the world, Kapalua Bay Beach, 100 miles of hiking trails, 2 golf courses with great discounts, 10 tennis courts, zip lines, 2 spas, golf academy, horseback riding, snorkeling, swimming, surfing, kayaking, shops, restaurants. Contact Terry or Diane @ 800-326-MAUI (6284). ridge.asp or email laKe arrowhead Blue Jay cabin charming two-story with creek, large deck, two baths, complete kitchen, TV,VCR/DVD, fireplace, washer and dryer, walk to Blue Jay Village. Sleeps 6. $90/night. NO PETS! Bruce or Sue Froude, (805) 498-8542. laKe haVasu beauTy For renT - 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1600 sq.ft. Fully furnished with all amenities- Laundry & BBQ. 13,000 sq.ft. lot. 3 car boat-deep garage. 3 miles from launch ramp. Close to downtown shops & restaurants. View of the lake. Quiet street in good neighborhood. No pets. No smoking. Snowbird rates. Call Mike (661) 510-6246 laKe haVasu hoMe for rent. Built in 2004. 1800 square feet, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Newly/fully furnished w/all amenities of home. Large garage 20x32 with tall doors. Large area for guest parking. Located less than a mile from lake on a quiet cul-de-sac! RV hookups. Ask for FF discount. Call Ryan Penrod (310) 804-1801 or Nicole (909) 263-8177.

58 January 2012

laKe haVasu hoMe - Beautiful 3 bed, 2 bath home that sleeps 8. Lake view, RV access, boat parking, everything is new. Quiet street in great neighborhood, just minutes from London Bridge. Call John for pricing at (323) 449-4473. Snowbird rates and firemen discount available. laKe haVasu Landing California. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, wifi, DirecTV, BBQ, full laundry, slip-in marina included, just steps away. 180 degree view of lake and your boat in slip. Huge covered patio. No pets. No smoking. Larry Mc Andress ret 112A (714) 963-9344 or (714) 393-1464. laKe haVasu VacaTion hoMes for rent. Each fully furnished with all amenities of home. Every home has a lake view, pool, RV access, boat parking, ample guest parking and sleep up to 8 people. Check out our website @ or call (928) 855-5848 or (661) 212-3191. laKe Tahoe geTaway 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with all of the amenities complete kitchen, washer/ dryer, TV/ VCR. Quiet neighborhood near the lake, casinos and ski slopes. $600.00 per week. Call Cal or Linda @ (805) 584-2718. laKe Powell houseboaT. 68 Sumerset. 2 staterooms, 2 cuddy cabins, 2 baths. Will sleep 10 to 12. 2 ref. fully equipped kitchen, BBQ, TV, DVD, Twin A/C. Party top, flybridge, V8 drives, 12 KW ge., 100 gal. aux. fuel tank with pump. Dan Coyle (805) 494-8854. la quinTa - Gated community, fully furnished deluxe home, three bedrooms, three baths on the 10th fairway of the Dunes Golf Course in La Quinta Country Club. Two car garage, large patio with barbecue. No pets, no smoking. $200/night - 2 week minimum, plus refundable security deposit. Call (323) 254-3874 leona Valley. 4BR 3BA 2100 sq ft ranch style home on 3 acres. $555,000 (addl acreage available) zone AZ. Jennifer Gil (Keller WMS Realty Acton) cell (661) 733-2054 or office (661) 449-8900. MaMMoTh condo Cozy 2 bedrooms, 2 bath. Fully furnished, WIFI, 3 TVs, pool, spa, tennis, walk to shuttle, Old Mammoth area. Winter $115, Summer $90, plus maid $126. Includes linens. No pets, no smoking. Call (310) 540-4648. MaMMoTh condo - Fully furnished, 1 bdrm, loft, 1 1/2 baths, sleeps 4. On shuttle route. All

amenities: Sauna, Pool, laundry on premises. Fall/Winter prices. $100/ night. Spring/Summer $85/night. One time $70 cleaning fee. No smoking, no pets, contact: Julian Edwards (909) 573-3815 MaMMoTh - 1 bedroom Summit condo, sleeps 6. Convenient underground garage parking, jacuzzis, gym (pool, tennis in summertime), shuttle right outside! Across from chair 15. Winter $110 per night, Summer $80 per night plus $65 cleaning fee per stay. All linens included. Drew or Nancy Oliphant (661) 513-2000. MaMMoTh condo/gondola Village - Fully furnished three bedroom, two bath with linens/ maid service. Pool, jacuzzi, all amenities. Walk to the new gondola, shops, restaurants. Park at front door. Winter $225/night, Summer $150/ night, Holidays $275/night. Call Mike Whitehouse, FS 69A (805) 987-6122 or email: btkwhitey@ or Bruce Galien, FS Ret. (661) 645-7448 or email: luvbaja2@ MaMMoTh condo - MaMMoTh esTaTes, 4BR/3BA, fully furnished, linens, full kitchen, TV/ DVD, stereo, fireplace, pool , jacuzzi, sauna. 2 blocks from gondola village. 1 block to ski shuttle. Winter $315/night, Summer $200/night, plus cleaning. Includes city bed tax. No pets, no smoking, sleeps 8. Dory Jones (310) 918-0631 or Kelly Corcoran (310) 619-5355. MaMMoTh condo - Mammoth Estates. 4br/3ba. Fully furnished. All amenities: Sauna, Jacuzzi, Pool & Recroom. Walking distance to Gondola & Village. On free shuttle route. Multiple night discounts. Price includes cleaning + linens. Sleeps 10. No smoking, no pets. Mike Jacalone (805) 529-2052. MaMMoTh condo - 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 TVs, phone, garage, pool, jacuzzi, fully furnished - exept linens. Near shuttle/chair 15. Winter $125/ night. Weekends and Holidays $110 midweek. Summer $95/night. $495/ week. No smoking. No pets. Jim Johnson (818) 992-7564, FS 80C. MaMMoTh condo - Clean 1 bedroom, 2 bath. Sleeps 6. Walk to Village and Gondola. Shuttle out front. Close to Canyon Lodge. Fully furnished, spa, ski locker, underground parking and wireless. Midweek special. No pets. No smoking. $120 winter, $90 summer. $65 cleaning fee, includes linens. Jeff or Tonya Clemens (805) 499-8160.

MaMMoTh condo Mammoth Estates newly remodeled 4BR/3BA, sleeps 11, fully furnished, 1 block from new gondola village. Jacuzzi, pool & sauna, recreation room. Call Glen Mackie @ (760) 930-0544 for firefighter pricing. For more information go to mammothgondolavillage. com MaMMoTh condo - Sierra Manors Sleeps 7. 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath. Fully furnished except linens. 2 TVs/VCR/DVD, stereo/CD. Dishwasher, microwave, sauna, jacuzzi, pool. No smoking/No Pets. Shuttle at door. Winter $140/night, Summer $90/night, Plus $80 cleaning fee and City Bed Tax. Brian & Karen Salvage LAFD Retired (805) 499-7752. MaMMoTh laKes - One bedroom, extremely charming wildflower condo. Full amenities, close to shuttle. Antiques, art, satellite TV, fireplace. Sleeps 4. Winter $110, Summer $85. Call (818) 371-6722 Email: MaMMoTh renTal by owner - Studios 1, 2, 3 & 4 bedroom rentals, budget to luxury rates, fully furnished, stocked kitchens, bedding, towels, all locations, some pet friendly, complimetary WiFi. Mammoth Rental by Owner affiliated with Mammoth Lodging Association, high standard cleaning, maintenance, 24/7 emergency contact. Visit www. photos and descriptions. Contact us info@mammothrentalbyowner. com or call (818) 883-2488 or (888) 472-5777. MaMMoTh sKi & racqueT: Southwestern decor. Sleeps 4. King bed. Full Kitchen, TV, VCR, DVD. Garage parking. 5 min walk to Canyon Lodge. Winter $155/nite, $175 Fri, Sat, & Holidays; Summer $100/ nite. 2 nite min. addl nites less. Jeff & Lisa Moir. LAFD Air Ops (661) 254-5788 MaMMoTh condo Wildflower, 1 bedroom sleeps 4, king bed and queen sofa bed. Fully furnished, fireplace, dishwasher, stereo, TV/ DVD, phone, spa, sauna, pool and tennis court. Linens and cleaning fee. On shuttle route. Winter rate $100/ night, summer rate $70/night. Mike Greenup (805) 583-8239 or cell (805) 338-9955. MaMMoTh sKi & racqueT: Walk to Canyon Lodge. Studio loft sleeps 4. Queen beds, full kitchen, 2 baths, garage parking, TV, VCR, DVD. Winter Sun-Thurs $100.nite; Fri & Sat $115/nite plus cleaning fee $100. Non smoking complex. Joel Parker, LAFD retired. email: or (213) 399-6534. MaMMoTh. sKi in - sKi ouT at lift 15, 2 bedroom including master suite, 2 bath condo. TV/DVD in living room. Good sound system. Gym, spa, fireplace, very roomy, underground parking, tennis courts, pools, and outside BBQ area. (310) 476-4784. Email: barbarawinters@ or visit website: Maui beach FronT condo on naPili bay - 50 from water. Studios and 1 bdrm. Luxury furnishings + full kitchen. All the amenities! Mauis best snorkeling/beach. All island activities & Kapalua Airport within 4 minutes. 5-day minimum, from $125.00 night (regularly $310 night). Call Sandra or Bill for info/ reservations (818) 886-3000 or (800) 889-8641 toll-free or pmimaui@aol. com Please visit: Maui Kapalua Wailea condominiums. Enjoy sunny beaches, pools and great golf and tennis discounts. Luxury oceanview 1 and 2 bedroom condos. Call owner (808) 572-4895 or email: or www. Maui condo 1 and 2 bedrooms. Centrally located on beautiful Maalaea Bay. Excellent swimming and snorkeling; white sandy beach. Minutes from golf, tennis, fishing, shopping, airport and resort areas. Marsha Smith or Jeanne McJannet. Toll free (800) 367-6084. www. Maui condo - naPili bay Tired of samll hotel rooms? Fully equipped, 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, 2 car garage condo. Sleeps 8. Just 200 from secluded Napili Bay. Large lanai with bbq and seating. Great for families. Excellent snorkeling & swimming. Minutes from resorts, shopping, golf and island activities. Call owner at (714) 968-1907 or log on to Mauis MosT beauTiFul beach - Napili Bay. Beautiful furnished condo with kitchen and daily maid service. 15% discount off already lowest prices in the area. Don Sprenger (949) 548-5659 or (800) 336-2185. nicaragua surF condo - Enjoy UNREAL surf in a FRIENDLY SAFE COUNTRY. Golf a new course and hang out by the pool. Walking distance to beach. 3 bedroom 2 bath. See for yourself at: Contact Chris Hart (714) 742-3325 or email:

January 2012 59

oahu, hawaii norTh shore at Sunset Beach. Two ocean front houses on large tropical yard. 2 bedroom and den, two baths and 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Each looking at the sunset break. Completely furnished. Contact Betty Suratt regarding Barker Houses (805) 985-4001 or (808) 372-7558. oXnard ca - silVer sTrand beach - Beach house vacation rental. 3 story, fully furnished 3br/2ba main house+1br/1ba guest house, sleeps 8-12. Linens included, wireless internet, cable tv/dvd, washer/ dryer, bbq, ping-pong, bikes, boogie boards, beach chairs, large decks, and views. 1 small block to beach. (805) 241-7221 www. PalM deserT. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Fully furnished. All new. Direct TV and WiFi all bedrooms. Private patio with BBQ. Private 60 unit complex with 2 pools, 2 jaccuzzis, 2 tennis courts. Near College of the Desert. One level. (310) 418-1577. PalM deserT single-leVel. 2 master suites. Turnkey located in Ironwood a gated community near The Living Desert and just 2 miles from the El Paseo. 6 swimming pools/spas, mountain views, 4 patios, courtyard, fruit trees, 2-car garage, 2 nights Mon. stay. 25% off for LAFD. Bob (714) 504-1763. ParK ciTy condo. Fully furnished, 2 bedroom & loft; 2 bath, well appointed kitchen, sleeps 8, with 4 queen size beds. Just minutes from Canyons, Deer Valley, and Park City skiing. About 40-60 minutes to Alta, Snowbird, Brighton, etc. Common area amenities include: large, year-round heated swimming pool, jacuzzis, saunas, exercise room and a huge recreation room with full kitchen, pool table, and big screen TV. Rates vary from $90.00 to $225.00 per night depending on time frame desired. Olympic dates available at higher rates. Call for quotes: (8.00) 645-9762 or e-mail: knhack@ Pga wesT (la quinTa) TPc sTadiuM golF course condo. Luxurious 3+2 lake front condo on the 11th green of the world famous Stadium Course. Gated, community pool & spa, 4 TVs/cable/dvd, washer/dryer, BBQ, garage, no smoking or pets please. $150/night w/6 night min. + cleaning. Seasonal/extended stay discounts. Buzz - LAFD (949) 322-7979 PoiPu-Kauai 3 bedrooM 2 baTh ocean and golF

hoMe w/ sPa. Ocean and Mountain views, a few walking or biking minutes from the beaches of Poipu, Robert Trent Jones Golf and the finest dining on Kauai. New to rental market (June 05). Rates $1600-2100 weekly. 10% Discount to Firefighters, contact Rick @ (908) 327-2167 or rancho Mirage 2-2, gated complex, double garage, tennis, pools, spa, bikes, cable tv/vcr, microwave, bbq, washer/dryer, decorator furnished. Close to golf, restaurants, and shops. $90/night. Margo Idol (805) 498-1513 or Ruth (805) 4984616. red lodge, MonTana swiFTwaTer - This is a new luxury town home located at Island at Rock Creek in Red Lodge, Montana. 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bathrooms, sleeps 6-8 people with all the amenities you could want. The Master bedroom and second bedroom have a balcony overlooking rock creek with a majestic view of the Beartooth Mountains. Beverly (800) 967-1986 or email (2-3 night min.) red lodge, MonTana cowboy condo - 2 bedroom, 2 bath town home located at Red Lodge Mountain golf course as seen on the Amazing Race. Sleeps 6-8 with full kitchen, fire place, TV & hot tub. Close to Yellowstone, Skiing, Golfing, fishing, hiking and all outdoor adventures. Located in Beautiful Red Lodge, Montana. (2-3 night min.) Beverly at (800) 967-1986 or email rosariTo beach Cottage. Charming 2 br./2 ba beach cottage (not a condo) located in the Quinta Del Mar project approximately 25 miles south of San Diego. 24-hour security, lg. patio w/ocean view, bbq, fireplace, cable TV, microwave, 3 pools, jacuzzi, tennis, horses, 2 rest. (music and dancing), ride the waves, off-track betting, golf nearby. 2-day min, $95 day. Midweek/weekly rates available. Photos and info @ Lockhart (619) 429-4060. rosaritobeachcottage.htm san cleMenTe beach house - Two bedroom fully furnished private home. Sleeps 6 laundry, wireless internet, tv/dvd, movie channels. Enough off street parking for 4 SUVs, large enclosed backyard, 3 minute walk to pier. 5 minute walk to downtown, pet friendly. David Laub, LACOFD (949) 306-5532 or or

san cleMenTe beach. This stylish 1 bedroom/1bath rental is only 200 yards from the beach and a 10-minute walk to the pier or downtown. The unit is beautifully decorated and has all the comforts of home. Includes large plasma in living room and smaller TV in bedroom. See more info and photos @ VRBO. com/344173. Rates: Oct - Apr $150/ night (2 night min.) weekly $850. May - Sept $200/night (2 night min.) weekly $1150. Non refundable cleaning fee $100. Call Ron or Kathy (949) 831-7693 or email klm318@ sKi The greaTesT snow on earTh In Park City, Utah and avoid the 5 hour grueling drive to Mammoth. 2 bedroom/2 bath. Tri-level townhome. Located a short drive to three world-class ski resorts. (Deer Valley, PC Mountain Resort, The Canyons) $1100/week - $1600/ Holiday. Call Ron (310) 415-6788 souTh laKe Tahoe Romantic Chalet Family getaway. 3 bed/2 bath plus loft. Sleeps 810. Cable TV, washer/dryer, microwave, woodburning stove. 7 minutes to casinos and Heavenly. Located in Tahoe Paradise. Call Shawn or Rose Agnew at (661) 250-9907 or (661) 476-6288. VacaTion renTal - So Lake Tahoe, 3 Bd 2 Ba home with all amenities. Close to Lake, Casinos and Ski Slopes $650 wk or $130 nt $100 Cleaning. Call Cal or Linda @ 805 584-2718 or email LSchlotzhauer@ VACATION VEHICLES 2006 MoTorhoMe For renT. Very clean 31 Fleetwood Jamboree Class C. 2 slide-outs, sleeps 6, 2 TVs/ DVD/VCR, tow hitch, awning. Winter -$150/night, Summer -$200/ night. 3 night minimum. No pets. No extra fees. Dale (951) 768-3809. aMerica TraVeler rV renTals - We rent motor homes and travel trailers. Special discount for Fire and Police. Check out our sales department. (661) 273-7479. MoTor hoMes For renT: Several 2006 Class A 32 Foot Motor Homes, with Double Slide Outs, Fully Loaded, Free Housekeeping Kit, Camping Kit, Discount Prices Starting at $150.00 to $180.00 per night. Serving family & friends of LAPD , LASD, IPD, OXPD, OX Fire, LA CO., LA City, Ski Clubs ask for our 25% off weekly rental rates. Visit us at or call 661-714-7689 or 661-297-2398.

ALSO AVAILABLE BIG BEAR CABINS, 3 bedroom 2 bath with pool tables & spas. PLEASE CALL FOR MORE DETAILS.

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60 January 2012

Top row (l to r): Mike Mercado, Roger Young, Larry Miller, Joe Baker, Bill Finn bottom row (l to r): Bill Morsch, Merlyn Larson, Charlie Justis, Dewey Littlefield, Frank Borden, Bill Cone, Otto McClung, Dan Downen, Jerry Schnitker, Harold Burba

January 2012 61

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