Weekly HG Guide 5 20 12

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Welcome In the past couple of years, God has really moved in the people of PBC to be more generous in giving away their time, talents, faith, and money. We are constantly hearing stories of you engaging opportunities to share Gods love with others every day. Heres a couple of important recent stats to celebrate: This school year, over 70 volunteers led 5 beach clubs (after-school, oncampus ministry programs); they engaged nearly 600 elementary aged kids, which led to more than 100 salvations. This summer we are sending 8 mission teams (thats well over 100 people from PBC) to engage short-term ministry opportunities with our ministry partners around the world. Tonight we will celebrate what God is doing, and also consider what is left to be done. Opening Prayer Thank God for being a personal God who loves us, and for choosing to involve us (use us) as stewards of all of His riches.

May 20-May 26, 2012

Family Time What are some ways that you have been challenged to GO BEYOND in recent days? Kids Time Read Colossians 3:23. If the kids are able, help them to memorize this verse. What does this verse teach? In everything we do, we should work hard and do our best. Why should we do this? Because it pleases God. It makes others happy when we work hardbut we should work hard because it makes God happy. God wants us to share His love with others. How can we work hard to share His love with others? Adult Time Truly, God has been challenging us to GO BEYOND! And the bottom line is we are all working together to fulfill the Great Commissionbut the question haunts me: could we do more? This question is really prompted by this past weeks study of the Unjust Steward (Luke 16:1-13). In the story, Jesus challenges how well His disciples leverage their resources for kingdom purposes. (HG leader: make sure you can share the parable from memory or else, you may read it as a group). Read and consider Luke 16:8 How can we apply the mentality of the shrewd manager to reaching the lost and glorifying God? What would happen if we were as eager and thoughtful in living and giving for Jesus Christ as the man in the world is in his attempt to attain money and comfort? Our church family has truly been stepping up in going BEYOND. Read and consider Luke 16:10 Jesus principle is that our faithfulness in a small thing shows that we can be trusted to handle big things for the Lordand yet when Im honest, I find myself often struggling in my faithfulness. Why can it be so difficult to keep a proper (Biblical) perspective about stewarding our resources (money, talents, time, etc)? Lead a short discussion based on these remarks: If only men would give as much attention to the things that concern Jesus as they do to the things that concern their business. Think about how much you spend on pleasure, hobbies, sports, toys; how does that compare to what you give to God? Our faith becomes real and effective when we spend as much time, effort, and money on it as we do our worldly activities. Think about how creative you can be when it comes to dealing with business negotiations, brainstorming, solving problems, saving, etc. If only we as Christians would work as diligently and with the same commitment as when we are working to make money and be successful. The key may be in our ability to accept that we are always stewards, never owners. Prayer Time Spend time in prayer asking God to help us be generous, openhanded, good managers of all that He entrusts to us.

There are several ministries of PBC that currently need volunteers...Right Now, we need help in Student & Childrens Ministries, the ReGenesis Essentials Closet, and in the Common Grounds Coffee Shops (well train you to be a barista!). Can you volunteer??

Pantego Bible Church

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