Imam Bukhari

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Introduction Abu Abdullah, Muhammad bin Ismail bin Ibrahim bin Al-Mughira bin Bardizbah Al-Ju'fi Al-Bukhari is author of the book Sahih Bukhari considered as most authentic book after Quran by the scholors.

Table of Content Biography His Teachers His Students His Works Status among Scholars References

Biography: Imam Bukhari born on 14 Shawwal 194 A.H.[Haydus Saari page 477].Imam Bukharis father Ismail was a Muhaddith When Imm Bukhari reached the age of ten and after acquiring his elementary education, he obtained admission in the Hadith class of Bukhara.At the age of Eighteen he went on hajj along with his brother and Mother,after performing hajj his brother returned with his mother but he stayed there for further education. Imam Bukhari travelled many cities for the transmission of the hadith, He stated himself, "To seek knowledge, I travelled to Egypt and Syria twice, Basra four times, spent six years at the Hijaz and left for Kufa and Baghdad on so many occasions accompanied by Muhaddith. He died on the night of `Id al-Fitr, the first night of Shawwl in the year 256 AH.[1]

His Teachers: Imam Bukhari said he has more than 1000 teachers. He knows the chain of narrators of every Hadith from every teacher. He Studied under Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Ali ibn al-Madini,Yahya ibn Ma'in,Ishaq Ibn Rahwayh. Ibn Hajar has categorized Bukharis Teachers into 5 groups: Tabi'een Contemporaries of Tabi'een but did not narrate. Heard from elderly Tabi'een. Narrates from his colleagues who were his seniors. Narrates from his juniors. 1

His Students : 90 000 people have heard the hadith directly from Imam Bukhari.Some of the famous student of Imam Bukari are Imam Muslim ibn Hajjaj ,author of Sahih Muslim,Imam Tirmidhi,Imam Abu Dawood,Imam Ibn Khuzayma and many more.

His Works: 1. Jamius Sahihul Musnad Min Hadithi Rasulillaahi Wa Sunanihi Wa Ayyamihi famous as Sahih Bukhari. 2. Adab al mufrad 3. Tarikh al Kabir 4. Asami al sahaba 5. Al Musnad al Kabeer 6. Kitab al Ilal 7. Afaalul Ibaad 8. Kitabul Ashribah 9. Kitabul Hibah 10. Kitabul Wuhdaan

Status among Scholars: His hadith work famous as Sahih Bukhari is known as most authentic book of Hadith. Ibn Taimiyah said: He was a mujtahid. Ibn Khuzaima said, There is no one under the skies more knowledgeable in hadith than Muhammad ibn Ismail. Abu Amr al-Khifaf al-Naisaboori stated, I have never seen anyone like him. He is more knowledgeable in hadith than Ahmad and Ishaq (ibn Rahawaih) and others by twenty degrees. Upon anyone who says anything about him one thousand curses. He also said, If he enters the door and I am narrating hadith, I am filled with fear of him. Imam Muslim said about Imam Bukhari: No one could be mad with you except an envious person. I bear witness that there is no one in the world similar to you.

References: 1-Haydus Saari

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