May 11

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Surprise Inspection

Caught in the act (against the Act)

Govt. agencies, corporations, media organisations, and six individuals slapped with more than Nu 40,000 fines
Two government organisations, an office canteen, a media organisation and six people were penalised yesterday for violating the tobacco rules and regulations. lected Nu 13,000 in cash on the spot, while the others have to pay up within 24 hours, failing which BNCA officials said the matter would be forwarded to court. The agency is due to collect Nu 29,000 still. Divided in two groups, this is the first joint inspection carried out in government, corporate and private organisations. The team also visited two hotels in town. The daylong inspection began, with the first group visiting the National Council, and the second group the Kuensel office. The teams carried out a random inspection.

In touch with higher power:


The gynecologist promise...

to have one in every district hospital may be broken
The Druk Phunsum Tshogpa is not likely to fulfill its promise of having three doctors, a general physician and two specialists including a gynecologist, in every district hospital by the end of their term, which is less than a year away. But even having a gynecologist in each of the 20 district hospitals is not feasible nor it is necessary going by maternal caseloads, health officials say. There are today 10 gynecologists in the country, including three non-Bhutanese. The Thimphu referral hospital has four including a non-Bhutanese and there is one each in Mongar, Gelephu, Trashigang, Dewathang in Samdrupjongkhar, Punakha and Phuentsholing hospitals. Health ministry officials said the mandate might not be achievable given the difficulty the ministry is facing in recruiting specialists from abroad. We are exploring possibilities to recruit doctors on contract from Cuba, Israel and Myanmar, the ministrys human resource officials said. Meanwhile the contract for the existing three doctors from Myanmar ends in February next year and cannot be extended.


This was following a surprise joint inspection the Bhutan narcotic control agency (BNCA) led, along with police, customs, trade, Thimphu thromde and road safety and transport authority officials. The royal civil service commission, royal university of Bhutan, and the office canteen of Thimphu thromde were fined Nu 10,000 each for not sticking no smoking signs within their premises. Although The Journalist, a private newspaper had a signboard, it was penalised Nu 10,000 after two of its staff were found smoking inside the office. Apart from the two staff at The Journalist, two others from Kuensel and Bhutan Broadcasting Service, and two taxi drivers, were also fined Nu 500 each for smoking in prohibited areas. The inspection team col-

The inspection was a part of implementation process and it will continue

Sonam Tshering BNCA legal officer

WHATS INSIDE PG. 9: Gloomy outlook for ginger growers

The gynecologist promise...

From Pg. 1 But having a gynecologist in every district hospital would be a waste of skills because there would not be the minimum numbers to use the service. Keeping a gynecologist doesnt help because you need OT nurses, anesthetist and a well equipped service, the doctor said. For example the Paro hospital, which has a fully equipped emergency obstetric center, has no gynecologist today. So we have to keep moving people and keeping a gynecologist by themselves is as good as not having one, the doctor said. Health ministrys human resource officials argue the issue is not about its practicality but about being able to provide service to protect health of mothers. If we can, there is nothing like it, they said. The objective is to give the best health service to the mother and child. Meanwhile the 11th gynecologist will reach Bhutan next month from Myanmar and be placed in Pemagatshel hospital. Work is underway and two operation theatre (OT) staff are already in Pemagatshel hospital. The OT nurse was sent from Gelephu referral hosservice is given as a kidu to Pemagasthel does not make sense, doctors said when there are other hospitals that need the service more. They said there is already one in Dewathang, Samdrupjongkhar. We dont know if people will use the service because for example, the people of lower Kheng in Zhemgang choose to travel to Gelephu hospital even when we had a gynecologist in Yebilaptsa, a doctor said. Many, however, choose to travel all the way to Thimphu instead of going to nearby hospitals. They say they have relatives in Thimphu and not in Mongar or Gelephu, the doctor said. What they dont realize is that doctors in Thimphu are overworked and quality of care can be compromised. Another doctor said that it takes about eight years to become a gynecologist and that the DPT should have sent 20 students for studies if it was to fulfill its promise. This shows that plan was not evidence based nor was the health ministry consulted, the doctor said. What doctors and health officials say is that they should try to make their earlier plan of having a comprehensive emergency obstetric service in strategic locations work.


Friday May 11, 2012 KUENSEL

Pemagatshel hospitals new OT awaits its gynecologist

pital and the OT technician from Samtse district hospital. An anesthesiologist from Dewathang military hospital in Samdrupjongkhgar will be joining soon. A cesarean machine has already been mobilised from Gelephu hospital among other equipment. Repair works to upgrade the existing OT was contracted out for about Nu 800,000. Pemagatshel hospital officials said the need for an OT with a gynecologist was felt since forwarding patients, which was on the rise, to either Mongar referral hospital or Dewathang about 70 kms away, became problematic. Of the 220 pregnant women listed in the hospital records 41 delivered at home, 63 in Pemagatshel hospital and 51 in other hospitals. The remaining 65 women were included in this years list. In 2010, Pemagatshel district hospital referred 47 gynecology related cases to either Mongar referral hospital or Dewathang military hospital of 164 referral cases. Last year, the number of gynecology referral cases increased to 59. The number of referrals may seem small but saving a life means a lot, medical officer, Dr Thukten Chhopel said. Increasing number of such referral cases demands a gynecological service. Dr Thukten Chhopel also said that during monsoon, which lasts for about six months, frequent roadblocks in the eastern highways could cause complication during referrals. Health officials and doctors in other parts of the country are questioning this decision to place a gynecologist in Pemagatshel hospital. Posting a gynecologist in Pemagatshel is a waste of resources, another doctor said. Distance wise, referring the patient to Mongar or Dewathang from there is much shorter than compared to referring a case from Bumthang to Thimphu or Mongar. That the gynecologist

Caught in the act (against the Act)

From Pg. 1 Apart from restaurants, hotels or bars, the tobacco control Act prohibits smoking in all government, corporate and private organisations. Accordingly, the Act also mandates the organisations to have no smoking signboards within their premises. While hotels, restaurants or bars can have designated smoking areas, the Act doesnt allow any offices, including private sector, dzongs, monastries, museums, health, educational, religious and training centres to have a designated smoking area. A designated smoking room at the National Council has, however, left the inspection

Restaurants, hotels or bars can have designated smoking areas

Government, corporate and private organisations, monastries, museums, health, educational, religious and training centers cannot designate a smoking area Tobacco control Act

team surprised, as it was against the regulations of the Act. Narcotic control officials said all tobacco control rules and regulations should be applied uniformly. If its allowed here, from where the Act originated, then it should be allowed in all other organisations, the agencys legal officer, Sonam

Tshering said. Several organisations enquired on whether they can have designated smoking rooms, and we told them its against the rule. BNCA officials said they would be writing to the National Council shortly with regard to the issue. The surprise inspection, narcotic control officials said, comes

after four notifications through the media since 2010, and letters to all government, corporate and media organisations. The inspection was a part of implementation process and it will continue, Sonam Tshering said. Weve sensitised enough through the media and notifications to all organisations. Next time, another inspecting official said, the surprise inspection could be in the same offices again or the ones that werent visited yesterday. One of those who was caught puffing said he felt like a criminal when a team of inspectors asked for valid documents to show legal purchase.

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Bhutan Green Aggregate and Sand Unit located in Gelephu, Bhur the newly opened crushing unit have readily available stocks for supply of 10mm, 20mm, 40mm aggregates and also the crusher sand. Interested buyers can contact Mr. Kumar in his mobile number 77878894.

Friday May 11, 2012 KUENSEL


Damphu Hospital

4 days and counting without water

Toilets stained, washbasins dirtied and unpleasant smells coming out of the ward and rooms, Damphu regional hospital is on its fourth day without water. He said, because of lack of water, it has also hampered their work, such as conducting laboratory tests, and sterilisation in the dental unit, among others. Including the 20-bedded ward and a maternity chamber, the hospital has about 25 rooms. Another health worker said the hospital ward that was required to be cleaned everyday, remained unwashed for past four days. If the water shortage persists, its highly likely for infections to arise and spread, he said. Damphus municipal engineer Dorji Khandu said he learnt about the problem through a phone call from a hospital staff yesterday. The staff also asked me the possibility of switching to municipals water source that was located at Shitakhola above Tsirang dratshang, he said, adding the source catered to more than 2,000 people living in and around Damphu town. Dorji Khandu said they would try and accommodate supplying water through the municipals source today. The hospitals water source, which was also located above the dratshang, usually dries up at this time of the year, he said. Meanwhile, the town also faces water shortage often. Dorji Khandu said it would be sufficient, if the residents used it judiciously. To wash cars and water their kitchen gardens, they could use stream water, he said. Municipal officials said the towns water problem would be solved once they connected it to the new source, which at the moment was held up because of road widening work at Rakshadangra, about eight kilometres from Damphu on Tsirang-Gelephu highway.

Its become very unhygienic, a hospital worker, who did not want to be named, said, adding they were unable to carry out basic requirements, like health workers having to wash their hands after handling of patients.

If the water shortage persists, its highly likely for infections to arise and spread
A health worker Damphu hospital

Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific, 2012

A sluggish spell for the region

Still, the Asia-Pacific remains the growth engine of a stalled global economy
Asia and the Pacific face another year of slowing growth in economy, as demand for export falls in developed nations, but the region remains the anchor of global economic stability, according to the Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific, 2012, launched in the capital yesterday, and in 33 other locations around the world. 8.6 percent dropping from 9.2 percent in 2011. Growth in India is projected at 7.5 percent in 2012, from 6.9 percent last year. The survey points out that, though many economies in South-East Asia are severely affected by the declining economy, a slight increase in growth to 5.2 percent will be seen by the strong recovery in Thailand, following the devastating floods in the country last year. The survey also shows the levels of inequality in income have grown by 15 percent in developing Asia-Pacific economies since the 1990s. More than a billion workers in the region are in vulnerable employment, with developing countries failing to generate sufficient work opportunities, notes the survey. Young people are three times more likely to be unemployed than adults, with regions youth unemployment rate at 10.2 percent this year. The survey provides policy options for governments to overcome these challenges, such as managing growth and inflation balance, coping with capital flows, addressing unemployment, addressing rising income and social inequalities, and dealing with disaster risks. The Royal Monetary Authority, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme, organised the launch.

Conducted by UNESCAP (United Nations economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific), the report highlights that recovery from the 2008-09 global financial crises in 2010 proved to be short lived, as the world economy entered a second stage of the crisis in 2011, by the uncertain economic outlook of the US economy and the Eurozone debt crisis. Nevertheless, growth in Asia and the Pacific remains better than in any region. Rising commodity prices

UNDP resident representative Clair Van der Vaeren and RMA deputy governor Eden Dema launch the report
are seen as the major challenge in the Asia-Pacific region, and high prices and variation of commodity prices are likely to become the new normal of the global economy. The report says that the growth rate of the Asia-Pacific regions developing economies is projected to slow down to 6.5 percent in 2012, from 7.0 percent last year, with a strong comparison to 8.9 percent in 2010. This slowdown will help in lowering inflation as well, from 6.1 percent in 2011, to 4.8 percent this year. Despite the slowdown, the region will remain the worlds fastest growing economy, with Chinas growthe at


Friday May 11, 2012 KUENSEL

Theyd rather not say

Ill give you the information, but dont quote me. This is what reporters often hear from newsmakers. While such reluctance to be named and identified is understandable for stories that may be controversial or sensitive, this uneasiness also emerges for a regular non-controversial news story.Even with the newly launched political parties, the spokespersons dont want to be named. This is one of the reasons why most news stories in the Bhutanese media do not have names. The other genuine reason is because reporters not only mess up quotes, but also the name and designation quite often. By international best practices, having anonymous sources, more as a norm than an exception, is not considered good journalism, because it gives room for news outlets to cook things up. It gets even more difficult for those working with TV. While not everyone is comfortable being in front of the camera, and gifted with the glib and oily art of speaking, there is a general reluctance to come on record. These were some of the examples journalists of the print and broadcast media expressed yesterday at the second day of the media dialogue, on the challenges of exercising free expression in a small society. While there is also a genuine fear of reprisal from higher authorities among those that speak out, because it has happened in the past, there is also a genuine concern about not wanting to hurt anybody. Even when all assurances are given to anonymous sources that their identity will be protected at all costs, people somehow eventually find out where the leak came from. In such an environment, sharing information, which the public has the right to know, becomes like leaking secrets. This does not mean that no information is shared at all. With papers hungry for the big story, and others with vested interests to get certain things out, information does come out. The question here is whether this is a healthy environment to nurture the media that will, like it or not, play a crucial role in Bhutans journey to democracy. This is in contradiction to what others perceive as a see through society, because it is so small, and where there are no secrets. As someone once put it, In Bhutan you dont only know whos sleeping with whom, you also know whos going to sleep with whom. But the other more important question that was raised at the dialogue is whether journalists are doing justice to their profession. They call up newsmakers anytime they want, and expect the information to be given there and then. Meanwhile, little time is spent in researching, and writing up a story much in advance. Therefore the challenge for journalists in a small society is to be even more professional; and for those in power, to create a more enabling environment, where all the players can come to terms with freedom of expression.


Adding insult to injury: That garbage will last longer than this tree Photo: Karma Kinley Dorji, Motithang


Inaccuracies in Zorig Day coverage?

This has reference to your Kuensel dated 7 May 2012. With regard to the story titled Celebration cut abruptly short on 11 Zorig Day celebration held at the Changlimithang, the department regrets to convey the following. This year, it was the 11th Zorig Day that we celebrated, as publicised via BBS and most newspapers, and not 1st Zorig Day, as it was reported in your story. The celebrations did not wind up by lunchtime, but around 4-5pm in the evening. The Zorig Day celebration was not supported by any donor agencies or individuals, but only JICA, as our development partner in strengthening capacity of TVET delivery in the country. The others were of course present for the celebration, but only as stakeholders. We believe it is important to bring this matter to your notice, since the credibility and weightage of your news depends on true information being delivered to public. We also know that the reporter showed up to the celebration ground very briefly at around 3:30PM, and did not find it important to do a detailed research on the subject in question, nor had any idea on how the celebration proceeded prior to her arrival. As a consumer of news, we think such reporting system does not reflect the professionalism or honesty that is demanded of such a vocation. We hope that you take this feedback positively and that in future you do not victimise any individual or organisation through hodgepodge reporting practice.

Sonam Rinchen Director

Editors note (The story clearly said its the first National Zorig Day and not the first Zorig Day. The reporter was at Changlimithang by 2pm and saw stall owners packing their things. Even as the reporter was interviewing one of the program directors, people were waiting to pick the last sofa they were sitting on.)

MANAGING DIRECTOR - Chencho Tshering, DEPUTY MANAGING DIRECTOR - Thinley Dorji, EDITOR - Phuntsho Wangdi, NEWS EDITOR - Samten Wangchuk, DESIGN EDITOR - Chencho Tshering, CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER - Karma Dupchu, PRINTING GM - Karma Nima, CIRCULATION MANAGER - Ugyen Norbu, REGIONAL HEAD (KANGLUNG) - Pema Tenzin

Friday May 11, 2012 KUENSEL


Two-Day Dialogue

Customer Service Centre

The irony of the anonymous informant

The Constitution may guarantee freedom of expression, but small society syndrome stands as a major challenge for media in getting credible information, as sources prefer to be unnamed. Director for Bhutan Centre for Media and Democracy (BCMD), Siok Sian Pek-Dorji, said that the need for anonymity was understandable for more sensitive issues. But its important media should encourage people to reveal their identity, to make what theyre saying honest and transparent, she said. Requests from anonymity, media personnel and representatives said, affected the credibility of the news. Answering a question, from among the participants, on whether Right to Information Act (RTI), justice Lungten Dubgyur, said it was a must. But, in parallel, there should also be Right to Secrecy Act or Official Secrecy Act that will balance out the RTI Act, he said. But, in the absence of RTI Act, journalists still have their close contacts, from whom they can get information. Justice Lungten Dubgyur said the RTI Act and freedom of expression were challenges in a small society, where even media was encouraging anonymity, to encourage greater public participation. On freedom of expression, the justice said, with it, equal duties and corresponding responsibilities came. Freedom is not free, therefore reasonable restraint or restriction should be there, he said. Engaging in the dialogue, Kavi Chongkittavorn, a journalist and a commentator from Thailand, said, media must engage citizens and empower them to ensure the functioning of democracy and good governance, and ultimately, Gross National Happiness (GNH). The international media experts also highlighted the importance of gearing up for the 2013 elections, media ownership, and a need for clear and readable code of ethics for journalists. Apart from journalists, the dialogue organised by the Bhutan Centre for Media and Democracy, had participants from the Election Commission of Bhutan, Anti-Corruption Commission, non-governmental organisations and business community among others.

Thimthroms one-stop shop

Yesterday, a smiling Tashi Dorji, 59, entered the Thimphu thromde office, and promptly filed a complaint about the water supply to his house in Changangkha, which was cut off because of a new construction nearby. The new centre has four counters for water billing, complaint, customer care and revenue. The complaint counter will look into water supply and sewerage-related complaints, and the customer care counter will look into building drawing approval, building layout checking, occupancy certificate, location clearances, renovation and maintenance, labour permit extension approval and site plans. Thrompon Kinlay Dorjee said the idea was to be customer centric, and see to it that everyone who drops in is treated as customers. We want to route everything from here, he said. We have other plans, mainly to minimise wastage of time, so that people dont have to roam around looking for thromde officials with their problems. The head of customer service division, Rinchen, said the centre is like a one-stop shop, where payment of taxes, bills and other related works could be done. We hope this will be a success, he said. The National Pension and Provident Fund funded more than Nu 1M for the project.

Journalists interacting at the two-day media dialogue, which ended yesterday in Thimphu, said the strong oral tradition, and the smallness of the society, sometimes stood as barriers to getting information. News sources often requested to be kept anonymous. Even if the media guarantees protection, sources feel that their identity will be out, Dawa, a journalist with Bhutan Broadcasting Service Corporation (BBSC), said. These are challenges we face every day. Another participant said the argument that anonymity protects sources, or gets people to come out of the shell, loses out to the need for honest and democratic free speech.

He was the first person to use the thromdes new customer service centre, inaugurated by thrompon Kinlay Dorjee yesterday. The last time I came here to complain, thromde officials sent me to the water complaint office, near the city bus garage below Lungtenzampa bridge, he said. Now we dont have to go looking for an individual for a particular problem. Previously, with the revenue and the billing counter in the thromde office, other complaints had to be made to the particular office, or 255 had to be dialed. For other building approvals or layout checking, people had to visit the individual dealing officers.



Royal Bhutan Army is pleased to invite sealed item rates from eligible registered contractors for the following works: Sl # Estimated Class of amount contractor Contract period Cost of tender Date of tender sale 14th May, 2012 14th May, 2012 14th May, 2012 Last date & time of submission to presiding Offr. 14th June, 2012 at 1000hrs 14th June, 2012 at 1000hrs 14th June, 2012 at 1000hrs Date & time of opening 14th June, 2012 at 1100hrs 14th June, 2012 at 1100hrs 14th June, 2012 at 1100hrs

Name of work Construction of 60 units toilets at MT S/Zingkha Construction of 1 block D/S family qr at Demo Coy, Haa Construction of 1 block S/S stores for all Branch at RBA L/Phu

Bid security

Class S

12 months



Class M

12 months



Class M

12 months



a) Tender documents can be purchased from the Presiding Office, Tender Committee, Royal Bhutan Army, Lungtenphu upon submission of a written application addressed to Presiding Officer, Tender Committee along with valid CDB licence. b) For any query, please call 17655238/17615343/17609156 during office hours. Presiding Officer

ICRC suspends Pakistan city work
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has suspended humanitarian activities in two of Pakistans largest cities, Peshawar and Karachi. Pakistans conflict areas. According to PHF, since 2009, at least 19 aid workers have been murdered across Pakistan. More than 20 were abducted by militants and criminals. It has warned that this trend of increased targeting of humanitarian aid organisations and personnel will further impede the ability of humanitarian agencies to provide life-saving and life-enhancing support to the most vulnerable population . The move will leave millions of displaced and suffering Pakistanis with virtually no-one to turn to, says the BBCS Shahzeb Jillani in Islamabad. Pakistan relies heavily on aid organisations - some of them, like the ICRC, have been operating in the country since 1947. Earlier this week, US hostage Warren Weinstein appeared on a video posted on Islamist websites, pleading with US President Barack Obama to meet his captors demands. Mr Weinstein, 70, an aid expert living in Pakistan, was kidnapped by armed men in the city of Lahore last August. BBC

Friday May 11, 2012 KUENSEL

Vacancy: Ministry of Health requires one messenger and one Hire: Available for long term caretaker immediately. Interested Sale: 1.87 acre land at Bumthang, hire Backhoe Loader, Excavator may apply on or before 17th May, 1.25 acre at Damdara, 36 decimal 200PC Kobelco, LPK Tipper. 12. Qualification required is at Pepal Dangra, Phuentsholing, 17609742. class X passed for messenger. For 50 decimal at Nganglam new details contact at tel. # 325343. Sale: Silver colour Tucson with town. All accessible with road, diesel engine, 11 model with water and electricity. Contact Vacancy: Kunzueng Institute excellent condition. Contact 77420621/339005. of Information & Technology, 17638481. Gelephu wishes to recruit Sale: 70 decimal of land near Tali one accounts faculty and Sale: Uva Chevrolet 11. Contact Dratshang, Gelephu or exchange one hardware networking 17381816. with flat in Thimphu. Contact professional. Contact 17150038. 17117680/17610306. Sale: 10 wheeler Tata Dumper Vacancy: Sales girl @ Technet 2518 12. Contact 17113110. Sale: 13 decimal land at Taba. cyber cafe. Class 8/10 pass. Contact 17119595. Contact 17535681. Sale: Brand new Jumbo Eicher. Loan transferable. Contact Sale: 15 decimal wetland at Vacancy: Two tailor to be 17561720. Kabesa, Thimphu @ 1.7 lakh per trained and recruited. Contact decimal. Contact 17663413. 17628810. Sale: Toyota Hilux 99, SantaFe 04, Eco taxi 11. Contact Sale: 50 decimal land at Gelephu, Wanted: Commercial 17622669. 18 decimal at Kabisa, 67 decimal accountant, tally background, 3-5 at Namseling. Contact 17269417. years experience for immediate Sale: Landcruiser 97 (full recruitment. Contact Kuenden option), Maruti car 03 and Wanted: Land having good Corona taxi 96 model. Contact view of Thimphu valley. Contact Builders, Trashiyangtse, Ph. 17639109/17660322. 17269417. 17269417. Sale: Prado 98 or exchangeable with Hilux. Contact 17349181. Sale: Hilux 97. Contact 77671663. Sale: Eicher Jumbo Tipper August 11 (loan transferable). 17611598. Sale: Eco taxi 11, Alto 08, Baleno car 06, Pulsar 180CC 11, Corona 91, Getz 07. Contact Happy Home Used Cars Dealer @ 17141551/77447498. Sale: 70 decimal land at Gelephu above airport. Contact 77449903. Sale: 2 acres of land at Wangdigatshel (Ahaley), 12 km away from Phuentsholing. Price negotiable. Contact 17350115. Wanted: Cook, helper/dish washer. Salary negotiable. Contact Seowtshog Restaurant, 77248070. Sale: Land at Olakha. Contact 77392628.

The move follows the killing of Khalil Dale, a British nurse working for the group. His beheaded body was found on 29 April, after he was abducted four months ago. Several humanitarian organisations have warned that repeated attacks on their staff could impede their efforts. Paul Castella, head of the ICRC delegation in Pakistan has said that in the coming weeks the organisation will announce a decision on its future presence in Pakistan. The organisation has already stopped its activities in the southwestern city of Quetta, where Dales body was found. A note found beside the body blamed the organisation for failing to pay a ransom. In a statement, the Pakistan Humanitarian Forum (PHF) an umbrella group of nearly 50 charities - has also warned that recent murders and kidnappings of international aid workers would further impede efforts to help the most vulnerable in

Central bank boosts Indian rupee

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has introduced fresh measures aimed at boosting the Indian rupee after recent weakness in the currency. The RBI has asked exporters to convert 50% of their foreign exchange holdings into rupees within 14 days. Exporters will also be allowed to buy foreign currency only after using up all of the foreign exchange holdings in their accounts. The rupee has dropped 21% against the US dollar since August last year. However, it strengthened slightly after the RBIs move, rising to 52.95 rupees against the US dollar, from 53.83. Analysts said the new measures were likely to result in the currency rising even further. Recently, exporters were holding on to their foreign exchange for fear that the Indian rupee will fall further, said Dariusz Kowalczyk of Credit Agricole-CIB. Now that they have to sell, we expect a significant positive impact on the rupee. He added that the ruling that exporters have to use their entire foreign exchange holdings before buying any more will reduce demand for foreign currencies and help shore up the rupee as a result. BBC

Announcement: Computer & Management Institute, Thimphu Sale: Shop at Changedaphu/ admission open for IT, accounting, Vacancy: Looking for an Kalabazaar. Price negotiable. tally and office management experienced baker. Contact Contact 17877647/17311826. course in CMI, Changzamtok 77224400. (red building). Discount for early Rent: Luxurious 3 bedroom, 2 Vacancy: Hotel Migmar requires registered students. For details bathroom with proper car parking additional staff, 1 assistance cook, contact 16924848/17141797. and caretaker with boundary wall 2 FnB and 1 housekeeping. Call & water 24 hours. 17686316. Announcement: BHUTAN 17119888. PLY, PHUENTSHOLING, we Sale: Garment shop. Contact Vacancy: Light vehicle driver manufacture plywood and flush 17374188. for new model Landcruiser (auto door at competitive price. Free Sale: Fully furnished restaurant gear). Experience 3 years. Call delivery on bulk orders. Contact & bar at main town. # 17474146. toll free 193 for details. 77394597, phone # 05-252213. Vacancy: Accountant for For sale: Fast food restaurant. Announcement: Peling business income tax filing. Call 17601930. Management is organizing a Contact 17678239. party on 12/5/12 on Saturday Sale: Well furnished and Vacancy: Accountant (male) class night at 8pm. You all are welcome equipped salon in Thimphu. XII pass with commerce and tally, to celebrate at Peling Resort, Contact 17656506. Kharbandi, Phuentsholing. having 1 - 2 years experience in Rent: Space at Changjiji, ideal for construction company. Delivery Contact 17550527/17440854. restaurant or snooker. Contact boy - class V and above. Last date Announcement: Visit Image 17633433. of application 12 May. Call 323386, Arts & Prints for number Sale: Garment shop at vegetable/ Peljorkhang Pvt. Ltd., Thimphu. plate, flex banners, sign board lower market. Contact 17606116. Vacancy: 4 helper (female and printing works. Contact between 18-40) for milk packing 328117/17605457. and cleaning. Salary four Sale: Teak timber within and thousand. Need not be educated. outside country. Interested may Immediate sale: 2 acres dryland Location Milk Booth, Hongkong contact 16933080/16933082. at Chukha near power house Market, Thimphu. Contact station. Contact 17933009. 17717112.

Vacancy: Required 10 factory workers for Yarab Pvt. Ltd. qualification not required and willing to do over time. Contact no. 17330366/Phone no. 05254758.

Training: Certificate & Diploma in practical accounting, basic IT, computer application, tally ERP 9, hardware & networking. Evening classes are also available. Classes will start from 15th May, 2012. For details, call 17115220 at Bright Life Institute of Management.

Friday May 11, 2012 KUENSEL



External given by Mother Nature and taken by Father Time

last word

I have tried so hard to do the right.


superstition robin
Perhaps the most loved of all wild birds and dire are the omens should you kill one.

Cleveland 18371908

The shelling riddle

q: What do you get with fighting peas? a: Black-eyed peas!


BF Goodrich of Akron, OH, announced the development of the tubeless tire.

IRVING Berlin 1888 Composer

The First Democrat elected after the Civil War, Grover Cleveland was the only President to leave the White House and return for a second term four years later. One of nine children of a Presbyterian minister, Cleveland was born in New Jersey in 1837. As a lawyer in Buffalo, he became notable for his single-minded concentration upon whatever task faced him. Cleveland won the Presidency with the combined support of Democrats and reform Republicans, the "Mugwumps," who disliked the record of his opponent James G. Blaine of Maine. A bachelor, Cleveland was ill at ease at first with all the comforts of the White House. In June 1886 he married 21-year-old Frances Folsom; the only President married in the White House. Elected again in 1892, Cleveland faced an acute depression. After leaving the White House, Cleveland lived in retirement in Princeton, New Jersey. He died in 1908.

How to play Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3 X 3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9.


When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. KAHLIL Gibran [1883-1930]

beau peep



(Ptyonoprogne rupestris) Fairly common throughout the kingdom

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Go Green
Steady state Maintain steady speeds while driving. Unnecessary accelerating and braking not only costs fuel but frayed nerves as well.

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Courtesy BNB


Friday May 11, 2012 KUENSEL




Quote Sl.# Posts vacant Slots Qualification Remuneration 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Job Vacancy Job Experience Should be conversant with the Laws & Policies related to Labour & Employment & Immigration. Should be dynamic and strong in leading the team forward. Should possess high integrity and honesty. Liaise effectively with the agencies of the Royal Government, NGOs & Industries in the neighborhood. Exercise effective control over the Departmental and contractors workers. Conduct scrutiny of all the workers as to their relevance to the skills.


Manager (HR/ Adm.)


Commensurate with requisite Qualification and Experience.

Having analytical skills with the work experience of 8 years & above. The incumbent should preferably be in the age bracket (33 years to 45 years). 1. Formulate sales strategies and marketing network. Set the sales target for domestic market in commensuration with the construction activities spread across the Country. 2. Provide direction & guidance to the Sales Team and take stock of daily sales activities. 3. Procure Sales Orders from Government Institutions and Private Construction Firms. 4. Co-ordinate with the Plant at Pasakha for the daily sales plan. Must be a matured person aged between 30-45 years with sales/ marketing experience of minimum 35 years and having capacity to lead the sales force. Must be good at public relations & client handling. Interested Bhutanese national candidates may apply for the above post before 15/05/2012 along with the following documents i. Academic Transcriptions. ii. Citizenship Identity card. iii. Medical Fitness certificate. iv. Security Clearance certificate & v. Experience certificates from the previous employers. Please contact @ 17165552/17647105/17570074, 261317/251640. Fax # 261210/252909 Management


Manager (Sales & Mktg.)


Commensurate with requisite Qualification and Experience.


UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of South Asia, Regional Cooperation(UMISARC), South Asia Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of three full scholarships in Pondicherry University: 1. M.Tech in Green Energy Technology : 1 2. M.A. in South Asian Studies : 2(1 female and 1 Male) Interested Candidates may apply to the Secretary, SAF-Bhutan, Lower Motithang, Near Royal University of Bhutan, Post Box No. 1479 with the relevant documents. Please find the details of the program including eligibility criteria from the website For further information call the Office Assistant at 02-322929 or 17724126/17603486.


Sealed bids are invited from the interested eligible audio-visual business houses/ consultancy firms to develop audio-visual programmes to be used as part of advocacy and sensitization training material on mainstreaming environment, climate-change and poverty (ECP) issues into local development plans and programmes. The details of the consultancy work are provided in the Terms of Reference (ToR) which can be downloaded from with tender documents including concept note on ECP mainstreaming. All interested eligible bidders are requested to contact the Department (Rinzin Norbu at 338981 or 17600673/77600673) during office hours, for registration of expression of interest and collection of sample AV materials before submission of bids. Non collection of sample AV could result in low rating during opening/ evaluation of bid. The proposal/bid must be submitted to the undersigned latest by 1:00pm of 28th May, 2012 to be opened for evaluation on the same day at 2pm. Director




Friday May 11, 2012 KUENSEL


Auction Yard, S/J

Gloomy outlook for ginger growers

The price has dropped to an extent that makes its transport itself expensive
The falling price of ginger at the auction yard has got farmers in villages in Samdrupjongkhar worried. Ginger Price (Auction yard) Now Last year Nu 10 Nu 17 Ginger Price (Village) Nu 3 to 4
*Prices are per kilogram

The price has decreased to about Nu 10 a kilogram, which is Nu 7 less than what it fetched last year, Indian agents said. Because of that, some farmers, who have grown small quantities of ginger, havent come to the auction yard. A farmer from Phuentshothang, Bhangtar, Tashi Gyeltshen, who brought 125 tonnes of ginger yesterday, said he was rethinking his interest in growing ginger in his 70 decimal land because of the decreasing price. Moreover, the growth has been affected, with plants dying after leaves turned yellow, Tashi Gyeltshen said. Farmers of Wooling, Orong gewog, said they have not yet decided whether to bring ginger to the auction yard due to the reduced prices. If sold in our village itself, a kilogram will fetch just Nu 3 or Nu 4, farmer Pema Dendup said. If we have to bring to

yard said. Indian states like Assam, Meghalaya and Manipur are growing more ginger, because of which Bhutanese ginger is less in demand. Ginger from eastern Bhutan, on reaching Calcutta, is sold at Nu 15 a kg. The highest ginger rate, recorded by agents so far, was Nu 33 a kg about two years back, and in India it fetched a price of Nu 40 a kg. In Samdrupjongkhar market, at retail price, a kilogram of ginger cost Nu 40-50. Retailers said the difference in price was because of the shrinking weight of ginger. It takes at least a week to sell five kg, during which the weight shrinks, as the ginger dries up, a retailer said. A 31-year-old vendor said customers bought ginger in minimum quantity like 250 grams. To avoid bearing loss, we sell it at a higher rate, she

Indian states are growing more ginger, because of which Bhutanese ginger is less in demand
Uttam Saha Ginger agent

the yard, transportation cost is quite expensive. It costs Nu 2,500 to hire a bolero pick-up truck and, for small quantity growers like us, its not profitable to transport it, another farmer Sangay, 48, said. The decrease in price was because of increase in production in northeast India. We increase the price here, according to demand from our agents in Calcutta, ginger agent Uttam Saha, 45, at the auction

said. In Samdrupjonkhar, Bhangtar is the largest ginger producer, followed by Wooling in Orong. Of the 15-16 truckloads exported to Calcutta, India, in a year, about 10-12 truckloads are brought from Bhangtar alone. Meanwhile, the two-day strike in Assam has piled up tonnes of ginger in Samdrupjonkhars FCB auction yard. The ginger agent has hired auction yard platform for loading and unloading ginger, at a monthly rent of Nu 3,000. The auction yard has three godowns, which are rented out at Nu 9,000 a month. Two are occupied by Tashi Commercial Corporation for storing beer.

Man sentenced to 20 years for homicide

The Trashigang court on May 7 sentenced a 45-year-old man to 20 years in prison for murdering a 40-year-old woman last year. The defendant, Taw Tshering of Thongrong village in Phongmey gewog, was found guilty of committing homicide knowingly and deliberately with premeditated malice . The 40-year-old victim Yeshi Dema, from the same village, was found dead in a nearby forest on the evening of December 31 last year. She had died of multiple head injuries, inflicted after being hit repeatedly with a stone. The court judgment stated the incident occurred on the afternoon of December 31, coinciding with the occasion of Meeting of Nine Evils, after his neighbour Rinchen Dolma offered home-brewed alcohol. On his way home, the defendant came across the deceased, who was breaking open walnut shells, while keeping watch over her ponies grazing nearby. As soon as she saw him, she told him that, whenever his animals damaged their neighbors crops, he always blamed her and her animals. The two shared a hostile relationship for the last nine years. Taw Tshering became argumentative, and a physical fight ensued between the two. In the scuffle, both fell, with the deceased landing on top of the defendant. The deceased grabbed a stone to hit him with, but he managed to grab it before she could. The defendant then clouted the deceased on her head, knocking her out at first blow, and hitting her again twice with the same stone that killed her on the spot. Taw Tshering then dragged her body to a nearby forest, where he tried to bury her. Trashigang police caught him the next day on January 1, 2012. The court asked the defendants family to pay a compensation of Nu 150,000 to the bereaved family within 30 days from the day of passing the judgment. Meanwhile, the district court also sentenced a 35-yearold construction labour from Assam, India, to three years in prison for the death of his colleague, who was in his late 30s. In the judgment passed on May 8, the court stated that, on the fateful night of February 27, the deceased, who was under the influence of alcohol, started an argument with the defendant, and picked a knife from kitchen and threatened to kill him. Out of panic and in self-defense, defendant Kandu Manda from Kumrikata, Assam, picked a bamboo stick from behind the door and hit him on the head. The victim had died on the spot.



Friday May 11, 2012 KUENSEL




Cabinet Secretariat is pleased to invite sealed bids from interested and eligible national firms, suppliers for the supply of LCD Projector & screen, colour printer, printer, paper shredder, binding machine heavy duty, printer heavy duty and paper cutter heavy duty at the Cabinet Satellite Office. Complete set of bidding document with detailed specification/terms and conditions can be purchased from the Procurement Section on cash payment of Nu. 200.00(non-refundable). The tender document is available for sale from May 11, 2012 till May 25, 2012 and will be opened on the same day at 2:00 pm. For further information, please visit Director



DHI invites applications from eligible candidates interested in taking up the following position in Koufuku International Private Limited (KIPL) Dairy Plant project: Position 1.Project Engineer Slot 1 Eligibility Criteria Diploma (Civil Engg.) with min 7 years of experience or Bachelor (Civil Engg.) with min. 4 years of experience in constructions or implementation of the infrastructure/ construction projects like buildings, drinking water supply, roads, sewerage and related projects.


Post - Customer Executive (CE) Slot -1 Requirement - General Graduate Preference will be given to the experienced candidate in related field. Submit complete documents to Drangchu Beverages Pvt. Ltd. office, Phuentsholing. Contact # 05-252261/17721032 Human Resources Officer

The Koufuku International Private Limited (KIPL) Joint Venture between Shin Nippon Biomedical Laboratories Limited (SNBL), a company incorporated in Japan; and Druk Holding and Investments (DHI). The dairy plant will be located at Chenary, Trashigang and will manufacture yoghurts and other dairy related products. For detailed Terms of Reference of the Project Engineer, please visit our website at An application pack containing the following documents (photocopies) must be completed and submitted to the Head of HRA, DHI Office at Motithang, Thimphu on or before 25th May, 2012: Application form Curriculum Vitae Degree certificates Academic transcripts Copy of Citizenship ID Card Security Clearance Certificate (online) Medical Fitness Certificate No Objection Certificate (if presently employed) For further information, please contact Kinga Lotey, ManagerHR & Admin., DHI at Telephone No. 336257/8 (Ext. 195). Head - HRA

Convocation of 6th batch of 89 students of BBA, BCA and B.Sc IT will be held at 9:30am on 26th May, 2012 at BMC Auditorium, Kalimpong. Students will report on 24th May, 2012 for registration Rehearsal will be held on 25th May 2012.

call 326191 or fax 326638; email: TO SUBSCRIBE call 327463; FOR NEWS call 324684/322483

Confirm participation before 15th May, 2012. CONTACT: BBA Students : Mr. H L Pun +91 99322 35161 BCA Students : Mr. Benoy Thakur +91 99324 80603 Administrator : +91 94344 98283 Please visit our website: E-mail address:

Friday May 11, 2012 KUENSEL


Russian plane wreckage found in Indonesia

The wreckage of a Russian passenger airliner that went missing during a demonstration flight over Indonesia has been located in a mountainous area, but rescue workers have yet to find any survivors, officials said Thursday.


Teams searching for the plane spotted debris from the Sukhoi Superjet 100 at a height of about 5,800 feet (1,800 meters) on the side of Mount Salak, a volcano south of Jakarta, said Vice Marshal Daryatmo, head of the National Search and Rescue Agency. Daryatmo, who like many Indonesians only uses one name, said the Sukhoi logo had been identified amid the wreckage of the plane, which disappeared off radar screens Wednesday. Meanwhile, the Russian Investigative Committee said it had launched a criminal probe into possible safety violations. Rescue workers have not found any survivors so far, said Gagah Prakoso, a spokesman for the rescue agency. He said

Officials: Plane hit a ridge on Mt. Salak

the authorities plan to start removing bodies from the area by helicopter Friday. Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said in a brief televised address that the Russian plane appeared to have crashed into Mount Salak. An image released by the Indonesian military showed bits of debris strewn across a patch of steep mountainside stripped bare of the thick vegetation covering the surrounding area. The cause of the crash remained unclear. The Russian Investigative Committee said 48 people were on board, including eight Russian crew members. The plane was on its second demonstration flight Wednesday when it lost contact with air controllers at Jakartas Halim Perdanakusuma Airport. The first demonstration flight in the morning went smoothly. There were no problems, said Sunaryo, an official with Sukhois Indonesian agent, Trimarga Rekatama, who also uses only one name. On the second flight, the plane began making its descent but vanished from radar screens at 6,200 feet in a mountainous area. The plane lost contact with air traffic controllers at 2:12 p.m., 21 minutes after taking off, said Daryatmo, the rescue agency chief. Two helicopters were immediately sent out to search for the plane but had

to return to their bases due to strong winds and unpredictable weather. The Sukhoi jet arrived in Jakarta as part of a demonstration tour of six Asian countries. It had been to Myanmar, Pakistan and Kazakhstan, and was due to visit Laos and Vietnam after Indonesia, said the Russian news agency RIA Novosti. Sukhoi manufactures military aircraft and is known especially for its fighter jets. Its civilian aircraft is narrow-bodied with a dual-class cabin that can transport 100 passengers over regional routes. It flew its maiden flight in 2008. In March, a Superjet 100 operated by Russias Aeroflot Airlines was forced to abandon its flight to Astrakhan, Russia, and return to Moscow because of problems with the undercarriage, according to RIA Novosti. A similar defect in another Aeroflot-operated Superjet 100 plane had to be fixed in Minsk in December. Russias state-run United Aircraft Corp. said the defect did not affect passenger safety. CNN

Driverless cars will soon be a reality on the roads of Nevada after the state approved Americas first self-driven vehicle licence.

The first to hit the highway will be a Toyota Prius modified by search firm Google, which is leading the way in driverless car technology. Its first drive included a spin down Las Vegass famous strip. Other car companies are also seeking self-driven car licences in Nevada. The car uses video cameras

mounted on the roof, radar sensors and a laser range finder to see other traffic. Engineers at Google have previously tested the car on the streets of California, including crossing San Franciscos Golden Gate bridge. For those tests, the car remained manned at all times by a trained driver ready to take control if the software failed. According to software engineer Sebastian Thrun, the car has covered 140,000 miles with no accidents, other than a bump at traffic lights from a car behind. Bruce Breslow, director of Nevadas Department of Motor

Google has been experimenting with driverless Toyota Prius cars in the US
Vehicles, says he believes driverless vehicles are the cars of the future . Nevada changed its laws to allow self-driven cars in March. The long-term plan is to license members of the public to drive such cars. Googles car has been issued with a red licence plate to

make it recognisable. The plate features an infinity sign next to the number 001. Other states, including California, are planning similar changes. The vast majority of vehicle accidents are due to human error, said California state Senator Alex Padilla, when he introduced the legislation. Through the use of computers, sensors and other systems, an autonomous vehicle is capable of analysing the driving environment more quickly and operating the vehicle more safely. BBC


Picture story


Friday May 11, 2012 KUENSEL

Still in league round : In the

ongoing matches of the Thimphu open archery tournament at Babesa, Thimphu, Karma Mindu defeated Chamsho Nga and Yangka Hiring by securing six points yesterday. Chamsho Nga scored four points while the third opponent managed only two. In another match played in the afternoon, Druk Drayang team completed three consecutive game sets to defeat Sha Phoja and Japhula. Sha Phoja managed to finish one set, while Japhula none. Dromitshu will play Sa Zhing Hiring and Sonam Automobiles and Kuenphen Norden Mining will face Doros and Shockers today. Fifty-two teams are taking part in the match, which started on April 29. Officials said since the league round is still going on, date for the finals is yet to be fixed.

2012 Olympic flame lit in ancient stadium

Thousands of years after the first athletes competed at the ancient stadium in Greece, a high priestess swathed in white lit a flame from the sun to mark the start of a new Olympiad on Thursday. route across the country before entering at the new stadium in east London. Taking center stage in the lighting ceremony was Greek actress Ino Menegaki as the traditional high priestess. Among the dignitaries present were International Olympic Committee president Jacques Rogge and London organizing committee chairman Sebastian Coe. The first relay runner to take the flame was Greeces Liverpool-born open water swimming champion Spyros Gianniotis. He then passed it to 19-yearold British boxer Alexander Loukos, who grew up in east London where the Olympic Stadium is now situated, but whose father hails from Greece. Making its way to Britain, the flame will first take in Greek ar-

The Olympics are as much about tradition and legacy as they are sporting events, with none so vivid as the lighting of the torch which will now wind its way from Olympia to the Games in London. The solemn ceremony, held in the ruins of the 2,600-year-old Temple of Hera, saw actors in ancient Greek costume use a mirror to harness the suns rays and light the Olympic torch. It marks the start of the flames week-long journey to Britain, where it will begin an 8,000-mile (12,875-kilometer)

chaeological sites including the Acropolis and Olympic Stadium in Athens, site of the first modern Games in 1896. Arriving on May 19 at Lands End in the far southwest of England, it will then wind its way through 1,019 communities, carried by 8,000 torch-bearers. The final leg will run from Hampton Court Palace, the former home of King Henry VIII, before arriving at the opening ceremony on July 27. The flame will burn until the

Games end on August 12 -- a tradition that was revived at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. CNN

Weather forecast for today:

11 May , 2012





Thimphu Bumthang/Chamkhar Kanglung/Trashigang Bhur/Sarpang

For Thimphu: Sunrise : 5:16AM

21 20 26 30

10 9 15 23

Sunset : 6:40PM
Source: Meteorology HMSD/DOE/MOEA

Gross National Happiness (GNH) begins at home

The first family bike ride by

When : 13th May 2012 (Sunday) Where : Within Thimphu Whom : For all riders regardless of their age and gender. Parents and family members are encouraged to participate Who : Organized for the first time in Bhutan by Wheels For Hills Why : To spend quality time with your family, enjoy riding for healthy living, connect with other riders and above all to HAVE FUN!! For more information visit Wheels For Hills bicycle showroom in Olakha (9am 7pm) or contact Mrs. Loday 17111349 or write to us at Printed and published by Kuensel Corporation Limited, PO Box 204, Tel: 975-2-322483/324688, Fax: 975-2-322975, ISSN 0259 1499

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