Finding Her

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Chapter Nine As soon as Eric somehow managed to calm himself down, he went to his master and his little

kitten. He had to stop himself from scowling. His little kitten was sitting in a booth with his master and was chattering away nonstop. Godric was listening intently, smiling, answering softly and laughing a little every now and then. He watched silently. He didn't know how to react and what to say. His master was being entertained so he couldn't exactly find a fault with the situation. Godric watched with a slight smile, his childe seemed to sulk silently in a corner pretending to work around. Arya asked him with a wide smile, "May I get you a True Blood, Godric?" Godric blinked once. She asked that question with no hesitancy whatsoever, as if he wasn't a blood-drinking beast who was going to drink a poor substitute of blood in front of her. She acted in the most extraordinary ways, and it fascinated him to no end. He could feel his childe tensing up in the corner. Godric agreed with Eric's reaction, after all which child asked a vampire if they would like to drink something, it sounded like an offer. He watched Arya's soft and expectant smile and replied solemnly, "An A negative, please." He watched amazed how she nodded cheerfully and turned around and practically hopped away to get his drink. Godric looked at Eric with a carefully put blank face, Eric fiddled with the file he was going through and mumbled, "She doesn't work anywhere near the bar. This is the first and hopefully last time she is fetching someone a drink in my bar." Godric gave a small nod of understanding and soon enough the little girl was back with a warm True Blood for him and a glass of juice for herself. She smiled, "I asked my Auntie to get me that. I am not allowed to touch any of the synthetic blood or the alcohol, you see. I told my Auntie about you just now, she is so happy I have made a new friend." Godric smiled at the enchanting child. But the same thought went on in both maker and childe's minds, what kind of an aunt encouraged her fourteen year old niece to be friends with a vampire? What was wrong with her? While Godric kept him mouth diplomatically and politely shut, Eric didn't bother with it and asked incredulously, "Did you tell Ginger that your new, as you say, friend, is a vampire?" She blinked once and replied back monotonously, but Eric could easily detect her very well hidden sarcasm, "No, really? What else am I going to find in a vampire bar, Mr. Northman? Elves? Faeries?" She huffed, "Of course I told her Godric is a vampire and I also told her Godric is very kind, funny and friendly. Also that he hasn't been weird with me. She knows I am smart, Mr. Northman and she trusts my judgment implicitly." Eric glared at her and then turned back to his work. He couldn't really correct her, if he did it would be contradicting his little kitten's statements and that would be insulting to Godric. After all she did just compliment Godric so much.

The humming in his head continued to soothe his irritation and her scent of the ocean and cherry-blossoms mingling with Godric's own scent of forests and cinnamon worked like aroma therapy for him. It calmed him. So he continued to discreetly watch his maker and his little kitten. He was making observations to prove, or rather dispel the wild claim that Pam made. He watched as they laughed together. The usual signs of attraction were absolutely absent from Arya's behalf. She wasn't staring into Godric's eyes, her cheeks were not blushing, her pulse was steady, her hands were not touching Godric in anyway and neither was she leaning in towards him in anyway. Therefore it was obviously clear that Arya did not have a crush on Godric, she merely thought of him as a friend. A platonic friend. Besides, Godric thought of her as a little sister. His ears perked up as he heard her ask, "You have beautiful tattoos, Godric." He watched Godric look a little surprised and then quickly smile brightly at her compliments. He thanked her sweetly, "Thank you for saying so, Arya." She had a slight smile on her lips as she stated almost thoughtfully, Eric was beginning to realize that that particular look was Arya's spouting facts and observations without filtering them as they came out of her mouth, "Your tattoos look quite old, older than at least a five hundred years. Especially the one I can see peaking out of the collar of your shirt. It was made to look like a necklace and has a tribal design to it and was rather crudely drawn on your skin. Moreover the lack of color and the black ink of it say a lot. Nothing like modern technology. It is quite large too, and something that adolescents would never pick to put on their skins for the rest of their lives. It must have been very painful and if I am to assume it is older than five hundred years then the question arises, which kind of civilization or society would allow a sixteen year old boy to get a tattoo like that? Also you were obviously younger than sixteen when you got that tattoo. Therefore it has to be much older than that and that means you are older than that." Godric listened to her with a blank face. Not blank because he wanted to hide his feelings, but because her simple and unknowingly innocent words were digging up his past. But none of it was astonishingly enough hurting him. Like his memories always did, in fact Eric knew well enough to always avoid talking about his human past. He was in too much awe of the little girl's ability to observe and deduct. He was a puzzle to her and she was solving it, Godric in a way was thankful to her for voicing her thoughts instead of keeping them shut in her brain. He would rather have her be blunt and truthful to him, than think things about him in her mind, things which could be horrible and he wouldn't be able to defend himself to his new friend if she didn't voice her mysterious thoughts. Also now he could see the utter fascination both Eric and Pam felt for her and most importantly for her brain. She really was a genius. A jewel amongst the rather mundane humans. Her mind was brilliant to no comparison and he felt utter pride in her and knowing how Eric was very fortunate to have such a gem like her all to himself. He listened to her and watched her with gentle eyes. A humorous part of him that this precocious child had awakened pointed out exactly how easily she could keep Eric in line with that mind of her's alone, also she would give him all sorts of troubles and she would be Eric's equal in her own way. Eric might be a warrior in strength and personality, but this girl was a different kind of warrior in her own right. She could defeat the mightiest of opponents by her wit alone, without even lifting a finger in certain cases. His humorous side sniggered like a little boy at the future prospective situations Eric would have to face via this little girl. Eric on the other hand had panicked the very first second she started talking about Godric's tattoos. The familiarly painful buzzing started, he felt an emotion akin to fear,

there was that fight or flight urge in his body again. His mind was telling him to expect danger from the vampire in the room and his body tensed in anticipation, he had to somehow escape with his Arya. To keep Arya safe and then come back to calm Godric down. His mind suddenly showed him a flash of his past, he had once touched the red brand like scar on his master's back; Godric had snapped and broke his wrist accidently. Later Eric learnt to never ask about his master's body art. But as time went on Eric deduced much about his young looking master and his mysterious but infinitely sad and painful past, he knew and understood. He didn't ask Godric about it and continued to love his master as always. Years later Godric told Eric almost everything about his past and Eric had loved, respected, admired and worshipped his master more from that night onwards. Of course Eric didn't need to be told that despite Godric telling him of his past, Eric was still never to talk about it. His stupid tactless kitten was sitting there calmly spouting out all of his master's past without even blinking. There was a large part of Eric that was in awe of her accurate deductions, but mostly was in fear of his master's reaction. He was already mourning a little for his kitten. She would be lucky if she got out with just being a little harmed. His heart was hurting for his master's pain and Godric would be absolutely justified if he ripped Arya apart, but Eric would plead him to spare her, for she was a little girl, a child and his favorite. In fact, Eric would promise Godric that he would punish Arya accordingly later on; after all she was his human. Eric had claimed Arya privately. His head was almost tearing itself apart in pain at the image of Arya's blood being spilled and her soft and fragile body being broken and mangled. His fangs ached to slide out, but Eric kept them in. His fangs coming out as a threat would be a huge mistake, after all it would be a sign of attacking and that would anger Godric more. In situations such as these, Godric needed submissive and an outlet for his anger, not a fight. He took a quick look at his master to decide the best move to grab Arya and run away with her. It was then he noticed that Godric did not look mad at all. Eric felt like someone had pulled the rug from underneath his feet. What the fuck? Godric was watching her with gentle eyes, almost affectionate looking. He was just as in awe of her as was Eric and Pam. Eric just to be sure tapped into the bond he shared with his maker, trying to slightly read his emotions and reactions. He was even more stunned to find that Godric was actually not angry or hurt at all. He was listening intently and in complete awe of Arya. There was also a healthy dose of amusement. Fuck, she had done the same thing to Godric as she did with Pam. Eric smiled with relief, it was a huge smile that no one noticed. The ache in his fangs and head eased off, the painful buzzing muted down to the peaceful humming and the tension in his body melted away. Arya it would seem was absolutely safe and completely under Godric's protection. Godric would keep his word about keeping her safe and she had somehow managed to really befriend him. Wiping off his smile, Eric went back to listening and enjoying the marvelous mind of one Arya Hollis. Arya was completely unaware of the emotional and mental turbulence she had created in the two vampires before her. She in fact was oblivious to her whole surrounding and was solely concentrating on her thoughts, the facts and her deductions. She paused for a second, breathed in deeply, breathed out with another tiny smile, licked her lower lip and continued, "The tattoo has to be a significant, a symbol, a rite of passage perhaps. So, we know, you are a boy of sixteen with tribal tattoos placed on you as a rite of passage or as a symbol of your people, which makes you either someone from nomadic tribes or someone of the very first and old civilizations. Now your physical and facial features do not make you a member of a nomadic tribe. Especially not someone from the nomadic forest or desert tribes. You are not nearly tall, built or tan enough for it. You also extremely obviously cannot be a Scandinavian like Mr. Northman. So the nomadic tribe

idea can be stricken out. Now, that means if not from a tribe then you are from the olden civilizations, the early civilizations. That places you and your tattoos at approximately over two thousand years more or less. Also I get a certain Celtic feel from your tattoo, but since I know not much about that, I should disregard that tidbit." If it was possible for vampires to have goose bumps as easily as humans did, Godric would have them then. How eerily accurate was this girl? One after the other, all her thoughts were falling in the correct places, and her thoughts were leading her to the very right conclusion. Godric felt an overwhelming surge of pride in the little girl, almost alike to the feeling he got when he witnessed his own progeny achieving something monumental. Like the time he saw Eric fly for the first time. Eric felt similar. His chest felt like puffing up because that was his kitten. His little treasure of a human who had a mind so brilliant. There was a miniscule part of him that was a little ticked off at how she was so easily and so fucking quickly figuring out his master and it took him decades to figure even a little of Godric out. But in the end she was his and Godric was his master. He had his time to figure Godric out and have something worth the entire world with him. She was his human and her mind was his too, Godric was his master, his mighty master. They were both his and that pleased and sated him. So he continued to listen in awe and the humming in his head continued to offer soothing background music. Arya took a small sip of her juice as she looked at Godric with slightly assessing eyes, but her face remained emotionless. She commented softly and later concluded, "You have very pleasant but very common features. Normal dark brown hair and blue, nearly light gray eyes, slightly tan but still pale skin, thin but lean build with muscles and a small stature. A normal looking sixteen year old boy. Now, where can we place pale skin, brown hair and blue-gray eyes nearly two thousand years ago? Europe, perhaps, well whatever was Europe back in the first century. You cannot possibly be Roman, perhaps Roman by some blood relative, but not fully Roman. Now your nose and your jaw line and there just is something about you that reminds me of a certain statue as well as how it matches that time period. It's called The Dying Gaul and Gaul back then can be said was Europe itself. The Gauls were nomadic tribes and that does explain the Celtic feel of your tattoo. That's it Godric, your heritage is of Gaul. If I had to guess going by the pattern, placement and design of your neck tattoo, absolutely guess, and I hate guessing without knowing the absolute facts, you might have been an important member of your tribe, like a tribe king's son or council elder's son. Not a warrior though, your body type is all wrong for you to be a very important warrior for the tribe." Godric and Eric both watched her with wide eyes. She looked absolutely beautiful, with her eyes gleaming a magnificent molten gold, her cheeks glowing faintly with the palest of pinks, her lips pulled into her most dazzling smile and excitement and sheer happiness rolling off of her in tidal waves. Godric wondered what he could say to her at that point. So he simply said, "You, my dearest friend, are a gem." Eric smiled a little at his maker's true compliment. His little kitten on the other hand looked a little confused. She blinked twice and then replied, "Usually I am called a freak, sociopath, sick, deranged, unfeeling bitch, psycho and many other such things after I deduce certain facts about people like that. It leads to confrontations and unnecessary attention on me, so I usually avoid talking to people and letting them know of my deductions. It has been a long time since I last shared my thoughts with someone so openly. Miss Pam, Mr. Northman and you, Godric let me be myself and let me talk and think like myself without calling me awful names or feeling threatened by me. It feels

good to be here with all of you and I have never been called a gem before. I thank you for calling me that." Godric never knew he was capable of this sudden surge of overwhelming emotion that seemed to seize his heart as he heard all those seemingly monotonous words spill out of this little girl's mouth. She bore the scars of those harsh words deep in her heart and had quietly accepted those horrible accusations as true facts. No one could hear the sorrow and absolute acceptance in her words, but Godric could feel it. He also knew Eric felt it a hundred times more. How his passionate and impulsive Viking of a childe was keeping his temper in check and not ripping the throats of all those humans who hurt his little kitten was astonishing to Godric! To Godric it felt like his heart ached for her, ached so much to wipe away this wealth of hurt that was caused to her by these ignorant humans and their vicious words and brutal actions. Godric never ever wanted this little girl to feel this sorrow or accept the harsh words of other people ever again. He wanted to protect and cherish her. She was worth so much. Godric didn't even consider the urge to reach out to his childe through their special blood bond that only a maker and his progeny would share to feel what Eric was feeling at that moment. For Godric feared that if he did, then he would lose control of himself feeling Eric's anguish and that would only encourage Eric's rage and make him lose control as well and together they would rip apart all of Shreveport simply because Arya was hurt. Pam would be entirely too chipper to help them. Godric watched in amazement at little Arya who was staring intently at Eric with soft mellow golden eyes. Eric, who looked tensed and almost ready to pounce on someone and rip out their hearts, did not even notice her gaze on him. Godric watched with nervousness and a slight happiness as Arya got up and slowly made her way towards Eric. She stood beside his seat and slowly, with her small hand touched his much larger clenched fist. There was a voice in Godric's head that curiously enough sounded a little like Pam that said to him how that little girl was either very courageous or downright crazy to approach an enraged vampire like that. But Godric didn't move a muscle; he simply watched and prepared himself to step in if necessary. He knew Eric would never harm Arya and Arya was the one who could properly calm him down right now. Eric had a film of red rage covering his eyes and was suddenly jerked back by the fluttering touch of something small and warm and something entirely too magical singing through his body. It felt like he was alive again, and it eerily reminded him of the cold winters of his land back when he was still a boy and his mother covering him up with warm and soft furs. He snapped his head towards the presence beside him to find the most surprising of sight. His little kitten, looking as little as ever, standing there looking at him with comforting warm topaz eyes. Her small tiny fingers were curled around his huge clenched fist. Her hand couldn't even cover his fist, but that hand looked perfect holding onto his. Her touch was soft and smooth; he smiled at her lightly golden glittered fingernails. Ginger must have painted them to match her outfit. How could a girl so small and innocent have to bear the pains of such a high degree? Why should she need to? His body felt the soft melodic humming and the tension eased away, leaving him relaxed and languid almost. His kitten said in her soft childlike voice, "I know you told me you would protect me, Mr. Northman, but in this case you need not feel enraged to hurt those who threaten me. You need not fret yourself over something as trivial as this."

Eric felt like taking her by her shoulders and shaking her to make her see reason. How audacious of her to even think that she could tell him who he would harm or not, he was the one who told her he would protect her and he would do so. He replied darkly, "Do not presume to tell me how I shall protect those who are in my territory, little kitten. You, little girl, clearly are in over your head when you let those weak humans hurt you like this." She looked back at him with slightly painful eyes but it held a strange sort of determination as she replied firmly, "I do not presume anything, Mr. Northman. I am merely asking you to let me prove myself. What does not kill me only makes me stronger. Each experience I go through, painful and suffering or not only makes me into a stronger person. Their words do not hurt me because they mean nothing to me. They are neither family nor friends. Their words are empty and only used to cover their own insecurities and I know I do more damage to them with my words. I always retaliate when I feel the need and when they take actions, I return them tenfold, in secret but I do nonetheless. What I ask from you is to let me deal with them on my own; it is after all a part of growing up. Besides, you offered me protection and I am forever grateful for that safety and I will ask you for help without any hesitation when I think I am in trouble. But let me be of some worth. Let me be strong enough to be here and stand here proudly. To be that special one you offer your protection over simply because I am nothing like those pitiful and weak humans. I will be better and stronger simply because I must be for my family and friends. You might not want it, Mr. Northman, but you are included in those very few people I respect and care for. Your opinion matters to me." Eric suddenly felt his heart clenching and expanding. His body felt like hot air itself, because of the overwhelming pride and joy overflowing in his body. He took her small hand in his large palm and squeezed it once. This little girl was strong and would have made a fine woman back in his day. Strong, resilient, smart, courageous and loyal, she was all of that. No one would know yet, but she was already his. She cared for him and offered him her loyalty and wanted to prove herself worthy of him. He knew she was doing so only because she never had any adult male relationship in her small lifetime. No father, brother, uncle or mentor. She was probably finding all of that in him and he didn't mind it one bit. She was not a whinny weak bratty child, and if Eric in his human life ever had raised a child or was the guardian to one, he would try his best to raise it to be like her. This was the kind of child who would grow up and become an excellent adult, one whom he could be proud of. He would never admit it but a part of him felt great affection for her when she said that the words from those disgusting vermin did not hurt her and made her stronger and that affection for her only rooted even more firmly in his undead heart when she continued on to say how she retaliated and her cunning words and actions were more harmful to them. She had the spirit of a Viking. He watched her tiny body so small and fragile, he decided to let her deal with her problems, she did need to experience it all and grow stronger. But when he felt like he needed to step in, whether she asked or not, he would protect her in whichever manner he pleased. He would never tell her though, and she wanted to be strong, he would teach her of ways to be strong. To use that clever mind of her's to beat any and every opponent. She would be perfect to be at his side as a minion. As a minion she needed to be able to handle trouble, her's or his. She did not know it, but Eric did not plan on her leaving him. She would have to grow up and start working for him and that was that. Her determined declaration just seconds before made it resolutely that she was Eric's little kitten, permanently. He drawled out, still holding onto her hand, "That is all nice and sweet, little kitten and it makes me feel disgustingly human hearing such emotional words. Try to keep your emotions checked in. As for your masochist request of wanting to experience taunts from

those vermins, go ahead and deal with them on your own but I expect a thorough report if things get even the slightest bit rough." He was pleased to see her smile that bright and beautiful smile at him. That was his smile, one that she only gave to him. She nodded her head eagerly and her bouncy curls happily going to and fro with her movements, "Yes, Mr. Northman. I will not disappoint you." Eric replied back dryly, but secretly pleased, "You will not disappoint me because you do not want to find out what happens when I am disappointed, little kitten." She pouted and replied, "Now that makes me curious, but I am not suicidal enough to sate that particular curiosity of mine." Eric frowned, did she even know how sometimes her simple statements could so obviously be interpreted as crude innuendos. Eric did not want her to know what other meaning the phrase 'sating curiosity' had, let alone ever mean it by saying it to someone. She clearly was too young for things of that sort. Suddenly Arya did something odd. She started almost vibrating with excitement as jumped up and down a little still holding onto his hand. Her yellow eyes were twinkling as she said eagerly, "Oh oh I need to ask you something, Mr. Northman." Eric felt a little disturbed by her eager look. He was extremely curious but still felt a little too aware. He got that feeling of something that was coming and he wasn't too sure if he wanted what was coming. He nodded once and kept his wary eyes on her. She asked entirely too happily, "Why didn't the vampire drink from the clown?" He watched her with horrified eyes. She wouldn't. She couldn't. Oh gods, she would and she did. Arya replied immediately with a huge smile, "Because they taste funny." Eric felt like he blanched. The sudden silence was destroyed by her twinkling and unstoppable giggles and the warm chuckles coming from behind her where Godric was bent over the booth watching them. Eric groaned and suffered from his little kitten's horrible humor again. But his blue eyes were twinkling as he heard the laughter of his kitten and master fill the room. He supposed he could only tolerate such torturous humor if and only if, Arya and Godric were the ones excluding said torturous humor. Chapter Ten Eric watched and waited impatiently for the sniggering of the two teenagers in his bars to cease. Every time there was even the slightest chance of them stopping, the two would exchange a look, or the other would say the word 'clown' or merely snort, and the laughter spilled all over again. When he couldn't take anymore, he rolled his eyes and left the room entirely, to see to the arrangements for the night. On the way to his office he met Pam briefly who sent a smirk his way that was entirely too sassy. He huffed, but a very small smile rested on his lips.

After ten or twenty minutes later, he went back to his master and kitten. He decided that they were much, much more entertaining than some silly paperwork for the bar. Besides how many times did Godric ever visit him? He found the two whispering and talking softly as if they were very old friends. There was a smile plastered permanently on Godric's lips and Eric knew that that smile was one hundred percent genuine and to his delight Godric's blue-gray eyes glowed with warmth. His master approved of his little kitten. Also his kitten looked so very animated. Moving her hands to explain things and blinking in that odd way of hers, smiling, smirking, sniggering; she was quiet happy with her new friend. Eric watched them and found that merely watching them was a pleasure in itself. His favorite person and his favorite pet together interacting in a mild platonic moment, how nice a scene that was. A part of him once again sneered at Pam internally; there was no way in hell that his little kitten was infatuated with Godric. It was so evident that things were platonic between them. Suddenly, Arya nodded at Godric and smiled brilliantly and got up to go about and gather her things. Eric realized with slight disappointment that it was time for her to go home. He knew Benjamin Fisher was waiting for her outside. To his surprise, his master flitted to right in front of him and looked at him with content eyes. Eric returned his smile with a huge smile. He did not even anticipate the huge shocking surprise that Godric was just about to deal him with. Godric looked at him with a warm smile and stated, "I will be leaving with Arya, Eric. She has invited me to dinner at her home." Pam missed taking a picture of Eric's epic moment of flabbergas-m. His mouth literally dropped open and he did a little double take and imitated a goldfish and then asked in a voice that had a little stutter in it, "Youwherewhat? With her? Why?" Godric smiled wider and his eyes twinkled mischievously and he replied happily, "Yes, my childe. I would like to spend more time with my new friend. I had never imagined that such a day would come where I would be friends with such a delightful child like her." Eric nodded confusedly and said, "Yes, Godric. But why would she invite you over for dinner?" Godric shrugged nonchalantly, although the twinkling eyes suggested otherwise as he replied, "She also wants to talk more and as the latest lingo goes, she and I will hang, I think. Such strange language. Why would humans refer to spending time together as to hanging, I cannot comprehend." Eric couldn't even laugh at that, he was still too stunned. Why in hell's name would his kitten invite his master to her house? She did not even invite him yet. Also, was she stark raving mad to invite a vampire over for dinner, it was like serving herself on a golden platter! Why wasn't Ginger stopping her? In fact, Eric himself was not entirely too sure if he would or could stop his maker from going to her house. Godric would not harm her, but Eric still felt uneasy about her being around another vampire. Eric tried once more, in a polite tone, "I had thought that you would be spending the night here, in Fangtasia with Pam and me."

Godric gave him an encouraging smile and replied, "Do not fret, Eric. I will be back to spend the late hours with Pam and yourself. I wish to spend time with her as I wish to spend time with you, but as she is a human child and needs to sleep at night, I must accommodate my time to her needs." Eric nodded, but his eyes were still a bit bewildered at the strange situation that presented itself before him. Before he could do anything else, Arya came in with her bag and a bright smile. All set to leave with her new best friend. Godric returned her smile with his own brilliant smile, Eric just watched a bit uneasily. His kitten skipped to his side and said brightly, "Well, Mr. Northman, I'll take my leave for tonight and I will be back early tomorrow, at noon. School's out tomorrow. Also, I will be sure to send Godric back here safe and sound and way before sunrise." Eric nodded sharply but felt a little irritated on the inside. He asked with a raised eyebrow and a neutral voice, "What are your plans for tonight then, little kitten?" Arya giggled and explained with so much excitement that Eric couldn't help but smile at her, "Well, we will talk more of course and then I can show Godric my home and my books. Also maybe we will watch a movie after we make dinner together. Godric tells me he does not know much about cooking at all. So tonight he can be my assistant. Godric here, will watch and help me make lasagna." Eric narrowed his eyes at the eagerness of both the teenagers before him. His little kitten even had her arm looped with Godric's and they were smiling like little pranksters preparing to raise havoc on an unsuspecting sleepy town. Eric sneered to himself, the mighty Godric wished to spend his night talking with a little girl and cooking something called lasagna, instead of spending the night enjoying the delights of his fine club. Still, a small part of Eric was sulking at the fact that his Arya cared for him and thought the world of him, but still did not ask him to spend time and as she said hang out with him at her home. She should have asked Eric to cook with her, after all he did ask about her favorite food once. Eric was willing to bet that he knew more about human food than Godric. Eric drawled out, looking and sounding deceptively bored, "Oh, how fun! Do whatever is that you little people do, kitten, just make sure that my guest is always entertained. I wish to hear no complaints. Now off you go." Arya huffed, but still nodded. She briefly let go of Godric's arm, before looking at Eric attentively. Then she spoke, "I am sorry, Mr. Northman." Again, like always, she wrapped her thin arms around Eric's waist in a quick hug, filling him with utter contentment and warmth. While her fragile arms were giving his waist a slight squeeze, he was busy inhaling her unique and utterly soothing scent; taking in lungs-full of her scent to keep his mood calm and sated throughout the night. Quickly she let go and grabbed onto Godric's arm and almost dragged him away. Eric blinked once, somewhat like his little kitten always did. He pouted, the hug was entirely too short, but the fact that she hugged only him would have to sooth his mood. He looked at her dragging a two thousand year old vampire and calling out cheerily, "Good night, Mr. Northman." Eric watched them go with solemn eyes. Although the odd twinkle in Godric's eyes and that smirk on his lips before he left did make Eric feel a little out of sorts. At least Mr. Fisher would be with them and he would keep him reported. There was no harm in

having someone extra stay and serve his master and his little kitten. There was nothing wrong with extra protection. Godric smiled and nodded once towards his progeny as he let the small girl drag him by the arm. He wondered idly, how perfectly these two meshed with each other. He looked forward to how Arya would affect his childe's life. Even though he wouldn't say it but he had seen the look that spread over the face of the formidable Viking's face when the little girl surprised him with a hug. The look could only be best described as elated contentment, Godric couldn't even blame him; being on the receiving end of such affection from the little girl would affect even the coldest of people. Godric considered Eric very fortunate to be receiving her affections. He hoped someday this little girl would bless him with her love as well; of course, not the same kind of love that Eric would receive or Pam for that matter. But he too wanted to be one of her loved ones. Godric was eager to go home with Arya, to know more about this delightful creature. Also he was excited to see her cook; she told him she would teach him to cook as well. Godric in all his vampire years and even when he was a human never had anything to do with cooking. This would be a new experience for him. There just was something about her, this unexplainable affection and joy that she only shared with only a few and Godric was lucky to be one of those few. Her good mood seemed to rub off on him. Godric, even when he was a human, never had a little sister. Yes his mother did give birth to a baby girl once, but it was a still birth. When he looked at Arya, he felt this urge to raise her like he would if she was his little sister. Godric adored her. The little girl might be one of the most observant humans he had met, and in some ways even more observant than most vampires he knew, but Godric too was observant. He had found out more about her life in spending an hour with her than anyone else would. She was an orphan, but she was not needy nor was she weak. She was independent; she could raise her own family on her own if she had a family. She pushed everyone out; she did not like keeping people close. But there were exceptions, she kept her aunt close and loved her fiercely because her aunt was her family, her only family. The thing about her wanting Godric as a friend, well, he might be her first friend, but Godric would bet his entire fortune on the sole fact that before Arya met him, Arya never wanted a friend. That was why she had no friend and why Godric was her first friend. Arya did not trust anybody. She only trusted facts. Facts she confirmed and observed. She found out everything she could about Pam and vampires, everything she learned by observing and then she decided to let Pam in. Mostly because she learned that Pam liked her more than she liked other humans. Now Eric, Godric knew that Arya felt something indescribable for him. She should feel so strongly for Eric considering the bond those two shared. But she did not know that yet. She just knew that she felt something she couldn't exactly explain, but she was trusting her instincts when it came to that feeling and Eric. Also, she was probably keeping all sorts of facts in her head about Eric and backing her instincts up with them. She also believed that Eric cared for her and would protect her. To her Eric was safety and in some ways home. Now Godric also knew that Arya actually wanted to learn everything she could from her new friend. She wanted to learn, trust, talk and laugh. She wanted a confidant. Godric was honored that she would choose him to be that. Also, Godric could once again bet every penny he had on the fact that she knew already that he was Eric's maker. She must have deduced that fact out already being the clever little human that she was. She chose a powerful friend. Devious little thing she was. Godric had to smile at that, he felt proud of her.

Then again there was little fact that little Arya didn't yet know, just like the fact that she did not know about Eric and herself. Arya would always feel strongly for Godric and Pam with or without cause simply because Eric felt tremendously for his maker and childe. But that was a mystery for another time that Godric would take the utmost pleasure to unfold one day. For now he wanted to enjoy this little girl's childhood. She wasn't much of a child intellectually, but Godric wanted to give her a childhood. At least a friend for now. He immensely enjoyed her company as it was. Godric walked out the back door of Fangtasia walking right beside Arya; for someone who acted so much like a grown up, when it came to him and Eric, she sometimes let out her inner child in the littlest of ways. She was skipping a little beside him, smiling at him every now and then. Suddenly she stopped and exclaimed, "Godric, I shall go and fetch Benny. He is the daytime security personnel for Mr. Northman. Mr. Northman asked me to always leave with him and make him stay at my home until Auntie Jeannie comes home." Godric barely hid his amused smirk. His childe was already overly protective and possessive about his little kitten as he should be, but tonight Arya would not need the extra protection. She had a two thousand year old vampire at her disposal. He looked back at Arya and suggested, "Let me handle that, Arya. We had wanted to take a walk till your home after all." With that, Godric flittered to where he found a man waiting patiently beside a black car. With one look he could figure out that this was the human his childe chose to keep an eye on his little kitten. Eric chose well. He spoke briefly with this Benny, nice man, and then at his fastest speed returned to Arya and together they walked slowly home. Godric enjoyed the stroll with his new friend; she would point here and there every now and then, tell him things, show him things, make a few more of those funny jokes and walked along his side with a bright smile on her face. Godric observed that to every other human who looked at them, they looked like that happiest pair of siblings or two teenagers in a courting process even. Godric liked this brief image of normalcy he shared with her. Eric on the other hand returned to his paperwork after he told Pam in his most nononsense tone that Godric would not be with them that evening and all the plans that they had to present him to the vermins of at the club as the other vampire to seat at the throne and be worshipped, to be cancelled. Pam nodded back and dealt with things accordingly. She suppressed her excited smirk though, it only meant that the beautiful and buxom blonde that they had hired to perform on the pole right in front of Godric's seat especially was free and that meant Pam could just sneak away a little moment with her right then. Little blossom always did things to please her readily, but sometimes she also did things to please her Miss Pam without even trying. That girl was slowly becoming more and more her favorite. Especially the way she was unknowingly giving her so many materials to tease Eric with. Harmless teasing of course. Eric was busy with his paperwork in his office, trying his best not to grumble about a certain little curly-haired brat who had disappeared with his master when a tall brownhaired man knocked on his door and replied in a monotonous manner, "Sir, Mr. Godric has left with Mary and has instructed me to inform you that the extra security for Mary would not be needed tonight as he will be providing it for her himself." With simply that Benjamin Fisher stood there, still glamored and waiting for Eric's next instruction. Eric on the other hand, felt like punching something hard, he would punch Mr. Fisher for his incompetence, but really what chance did her have with his maker. Also, he needed Mr. Fisher in the future, so he left him be. Next Eric did what he only

could do in this situation, he brooded. He brooded over what his little kitten and his master must be doing and with him having no way of knowing. Suddenly his phone rang. A new message received. Mr. Northman, Godric has asked Benny to leave so that we could walk home alone. I was just informing you to check if you had anything to add to that. I can come back this very minute if it suited you.-AH Well, that took care of the irritation he felt at his little kitten for abandoning her security and going against his word. She might not have had the opportunity to ask for his permission or tell Godric differently but she did send him word immediately. She was smart; he had to give her that. She was smart enough to not argue with a much older vampire and despite her newly developed friendship with said vampire she took her security in mind and sent him word. He sent back a quick reply. Text me when you reach home, little kitten.-EN I will, Mr. Northman and I am sorry for not telling you personally about Benny not escorting me home tonight.-AH Eric hesitated for a bit, stewing in his irritation and slight anger again over how he had not gotten his way. But something made him stop; he reached for that slight soothing humming he now almost felt always with or without his little kitten around. It calmed him and without thinking he sent her a text. Stay safe and enjoy your walk, little kitten.-EN About half an hour later, a half an hour that Eric spent stressing and sulking over how fucking long did it take for them to walk to her home. It wasn't that far away and they just were talking too long. What the hell were they doing or was it that she forgot to text. He wanted to fly over and check for himself, but no he couldn't do that. He just couldn't. It was that half an hour later that his phone rang, a new text received. Mr. Northman, I am home, safe and sound. We had fun on the walk. I think I entertained Godric well. I showed him all sorts of things on the way home and made him laugh too. We shall be making dinner in a little while. Lasagna, yum!AH Well that was that. They were at her home, safe and sound. He was back to brooding and to everyone's displeasure that night Eric Northman was in a bad mood. It was around ten at night that he received another message. Dinner was great. The lasagna turned out really well, Godric actually is a great helper. We are watching a movie right now. Finding Nemo. Godric is enjoying it.-AH Eric frowned and grumbled. So they hadn't forgotten all about him. What was finding nemo? What was this nemo? He quickly googled it on his phone. He blinked and blinked again. No fucking way. She was watching a children's cartoon movie about fishes with his maker? Gods, her taste in movies was just as bad as her sense of humor. His disgusted expression suddenly blanched. Godric found her humor very entertaining, maybe he found this movie interesting as well. What crap could these humans think of, what on

earth made them make a movie about fishes? He briefly wondered if he should get this nemo DVD and watch it later on. Then he looked back at his phone and scowled. He wouldn't degrade himself into watching stupid movies, cartoon movies at that about fishes. Godric might humor her strange human tastes but he wouldn't. After all he wasn't her friend. His scowl deepened. Another text received. Godric is laughing so much. He likes Dory. He also says you remind him a little of Nemo. I think Godric is a lot like Marlin though.-AH Now she was making references to the stupid movie, even Godric was referring to it. Eric huffed; he was nothing like whatever this Nemo was. Who the hell was Marlin? What was Dory? He grumbled and flittered to his office and started downloading this Finding Nemo cartoon. He had no intention of watching and enjoying it. Gods, no. He just needed to know exactly what his little kitten and his master were talking about. They were talking about him and he intended to find out what they meant. He returned back to his throne, watching all those disgusting vermin beg at his feet. He was annoyed. He summoned a particularly fetching looking mocha-skinned curvaceous beauty for a snack and later dismissed her after being sated and bored with her. He gloomed for the entire night and at one point Pam came to his side and asked, "Allt gr bra ikvll?" (Everything going well tonight?) He grumbled, "Ja." (Yes.) Pam asked in her most bored voice, "Jag undrar det lilla blomma och den allsmktige Godric r upp till just nu?" (I wonder what little blossom and the almighty Godric are up to right now?) Eric drawled a little annoyed, "Min lilla kattunge gick hem med Godric senare gjorde ngra livsmedel som kallas lasagne och tittar p en film med honom." (My little kitten walked home with Godric, later made some human food called lasagna and are watching a movie with him.) Pam suddenly was smiling wide at him and asked him interestedly, "Verkligen, en film? Vilken?" (Really, a movie? Which one?) Eric scowled but answered happily knowing that at least his childe would agree with him about the movie being crap, "Ngra ohyggliga humant tecknad kallas Finding Nemo." (Some atrocious human cartoon called Finding Nemo.) Pam blinked once and murmured, "Wow. En ovntad val. Men hon har god smak, r det en bra animation film jmfrt med de flesta andra animerade filmer. Jag gillade Bruce, Gill och Dory." (Wow. An unexpected choice. But she has good taste, it is a good animation movie compared to most other animation movies. I liked Bruce, Gill and Dory.) Eric turned to look at his childe so quickly that had he been human he would have had whiplash. He asked somewhat stunned, "Du vad?" (You what?) Pam rolled her eyes and replied in a matter of fact voice, "Var inte frvnad. Jag tittar alla typer av filmer, underhller det mig, s mycket att lra och se. Finding Nemo r en bra film. Inte en stor en, men en bra en. Det var ocks den nst mest inkomstbringande film frn 2003, precis bakom Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. Det var en bra

film ocks." (Don't be all surprised. I watch all kinds of movies, it entertains me; so much to learn and see. Finding Nemo is a good movie. Not a great one, but a good one. It was also the second highest-grossing film of 2003, right behind The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. That was a good movie as well.) Eric watched her still a bit flabbergasted. Pam maintained her look of aloofness but she was a bit embarrassed and the slightest bit affronted at her master's picking on watching human movies, animation movies at that. Eric muttered, "Vem fan r Dory, Bruce och Gill?" (Who the hell are Dory, Bruce and Gill?) Pam replied instantly, "Dory r en Regal Tang med kort sikt minnesfrlust. Bruce r en stor vit haj som ocks r en av de sjlvutnmnda vegetariska hajar. Gill r en morisk idol som r mycket listig." (Dory is a Regal Tang with short-term memory loss. Bruce is a great white shark who is also one of the self-declared vegetarian sharks. Gill is a Moorish idol who is very crafty.) Eric if it was possible looked even more confused and irritated. What hell was Pam talking about? Pam commented, "Tillsammans med filmen att ha en bra historia och manus, r det ocks mycket exakt om alla typer av undervattenskablar varelser och detaljer. Det r mycket lrorikt. Det pminde mig om den tid du och jag gick till den resan i Karibiska havet." (Along with the movie having a good story and script, it also is very accurate about all sorts of undersea creatures and details. It is very educational. It reminded me of the time you and I went to that trip in the Caribbean Sea.) Eric grumbled. Now he had to watch that stupid cartoon. Everyone had seen it and liked it except him. He had to see it just to criticize it. He was once again brooding. After a while Pam's wondering voice took hold of his attention once again, "En promenad, middag och sedan en film. Om jag inte visste bttre skulle jag sga att detta lter alldeles fr mycket som en mnniska datum." (A walk, dinner and then a movie. If I didn't know any better I would say that this sounds entirely too much like a human date.) Eric snapped back instantly, "Du vet bttre och som inte r ett datum. De hnger ut. Vnner ta middag tillsammans och titta p film, speciellt skrmmande film filmer om fiskar." (You do know better and that is not a date. They are hanging out. Friends have dinner together and watch movies, especially appalling cartoon movies about fishes.) Pam nodded with a humoring smile on her beautiful red lips. Eric returned to glowering at the desperate floozy of a fang-banger at his feet. It was almost midnight, yet there was no text from his kitten. Godric hadn't arrived either. Eric wouldn't say he was worried but he was getting impatient. Almost at two at night he received a text. He was more than annoyed. Godric says he wishes to stay here for a little while longer, at least until Auntie Jeannie comes home in an hour or so. I am off to bed though. It was great fun tonight. Goodnight Mr. Northman.-AH Eric glowered at the message. It was logical for Godric to want to wait till her aunt came home. He would he probably exploring her home and learning more about her. Or probably watch the little girl sleep. He would keep her safe. But it rubbed Eric the wrong way that he hadn't yet been to his little kitten's home. His master already knew so much more about her than he did. She was his human, he needed to remedy the situation at the soonest opportunity. He would be visiting her home soon. He replied.

Good thing you do not have school tomorrow, little kitten. Little girls should not stay up, so early into the morning as it is.-EN Her reply was quick. I always stay up till my aunt comes home, Mr. Northman. I am used to staying up till odd hours. Although it is good that I do not have school in about four hours or so. I will sleep in till noon.-AH Eric smiled a little. His little kitten was almost nocturnal. He answered back with short message. Sleep well then, little kitten.-EN I will and I hope you will rest well in the daytime too. Thank for tonight, Mr. Northman.-AH Eric smiled; he had a feeling his little kitten thanked him for getting her a friend. He hadn't intended on it at all. She probably knew it too, but still thanked him for it. Well, he was content with the idea that his master seemed to approve of his kitten and when he got back Eric was sure to poke him for a few more answers. Suddenly another text received. Why was the scientist's head all wet?-AH Not another one. But he couldn't help but smile at her urge to still send him an awful joke even though she was tired and ready to sleep. He came first and she hadn't forgotten. Despite that nice little sentiment, the punch line of the joke still made him groan. She really had an awful sense of humor, but he couldn't help but smile. Because he had a brainstorm.-AH Again, another awful attempt, little kitten. Do not tax that humorless brain of yours and sleep.-EN Now all he had to do was, wait for Godric to get home. So he went home, back to the house he had bought that no one except Pam and Godric knew about. He told Pam to handle the bar and close up. Also to let Ginger go home immediately. He arrived in his luxurious home, took a bath and waited seemingly patiently for his master to arrive for a talk. It was about an hour later that his master came home. His master looked disgustingly cheerful and he was humming something. Something that sounded awfully out of tune and ran along the lines of 'Just keep swimming'. What the hell was that? Godric came to sit in front of him with a smile. He greeted happily, "Thank you for waiting for me, Eric." Eric nodded and asked politely, "So how was your night?" Godric laughed and eagerly replied, "It was one of the most memorable nights of my life, my childe. I had a lot of fun."

Eric nodded a bit hesitantly and asked curiously, "Really? Do tell." Godric smiled and started recollecting, "Arya and I walked to her home, and she observes the littlest of things about people. A very clever thing she is, I must say. Her home is a small apartment for two, very cozy and full of things that her just her. Her home very much reflects on her. Did you know her favorite color is purple? The dark shades of purple, her bedroom is in various shades of purple. She showed me many of her books and had numerous suggestions for me to read. I saw many of her photographs and she told me of her mother. We cooked later. I must admit, cooking is a very interesting activity. So much to do and there are endless kinds of human food to cook. It smells a bit awful sometimes, but still interesting. She has a very healthy appetite too. She ate with such enthusiasm. She loves sweets as well. Then we watched this great movie. It was an animation movie, Eric. So beautiful, with so many colors. Humans really come up with the most fascinating things, my childe. It was called Finding Nemo and it was such a warming story really. It was about fishes and I admit I was a bit skeptical about it in the beginning, but as I watched on, I liked it very much. Also the details were very accurate from what I could tell. I had a lot of fun tonight." All Eric could say to all of that was just a quiet and surprised, "Oh!" Godric nodded enthusiastically and replied, "Yes, Eric. She is simply a very delightful little girl." Eric sat quietly and contemplated everything and Godric patiently waited on him. Eric thought about it for a while. Godric seemed to adore her. He finally asked bluntly, "Godric, why is she so important?" Godric looked at him in his patent enigmatic look and asked, "Why do you feel she is important?" Eric leaned forward and rested his arms on his knees and replied a bit frustrated, "I do not know. But somehow she has wormed her way into Pam's affections. Pam wants to turn her when she grows up. Pam has never before shown any interest in taking a childe, but has made this huge exception quite readily when it comes to her." Godric answered noncommittally, "Arya would make a great vampire when she grows up and has lived her human life a little bit more. She would make Pam a great childe. She already admires Pam a lot and holds Pam in the highest regard from what she has told me." Eric looked at Godric with intense eyes and continued, "Then there you are. How has she gotten to you so much? How has she earned so much of your emotions? You care for her, master. You did not even react when she picked your human life apart merely by your tattoos." Godric smiled wide and replied in his mellifluous voice, "She is a unique child and I hold great affections for her. She feels as if she were a baby sister of mine. I wish to see her grow up and be a part of her life. Now tell me Eric, what do you feel for her?" Eric looked really frustrated and then he thought about it for a while and replied, "She is mine. Mine to look after and protect. I have some affection for her too. You are right, she is unique and fascinating. She is also very smart and strong and self-reliant. If she were a child in my time, I would have been proud to call her my child. She looks up to me.

She never has had a male parental figure in her life. I suppose I feel like her father or an older brother." To Eric's utter astonishment and anger, his maker started laughing. He laughed for a while making Eric grow frustrated and angrier by the second. Finally he stopped and replied gleefully, "Oh my childe, min modiga (my brave) Viking! Vilken frjd att du r, efter alla dessa r! (What a delight you are, even after all these years!) Eric, frvnar du mig alltid. (Eric, you surprise me always.) Lilla Arya r en perfekt passar dig verkar det som. (Little Arya is perfectly suited for you it seems.)" Eric whispered with much confusion, "Jag frstr fortfarande ingenting, herre. (I still do not undestand anything, master.)" Godric explained patiently, "My childe, what you feel for her is not the affection of a brother or a father. You feel like her protector, her guardian, her mentor and you might deny it, but you too wish to be her friend. You wish to see her happy and cared for now. What the future brings, it brings. For now enjoy watching your lilla kattungen (little kitten). Be happy with her. Everything else will unfold in due time." Eric nodded, still a bit confused, but more calm about it. He would do exactly as his master told him to. He also liked how his master called her his lilla kattungen. His little kitten. He was smiling and thinking about that when Godric started chuckling once more. Eric asked curiously, "What is it, Godric?" Godric laughed and replied warmly, "Something that little Arya told me." Eric nodded curiously, wanting to know more. As soon as the question popped out of Godric's mouth Eric groaned and wished he had never asked. Godric asked gleefully, "What did one fish say to the other fish?" Godric completely blocked out Eric's groan and replied cheerfully, "If you keep your mouth shut, you will not get caught." With that Godric was sniggering uncontrollably and Eric was barely restraining the urge to pull out his hair. A few hours later when the maker and childe had spent some time together and were happily retiring to rest for the day, Godric suddenly stopped Eric and said, "Eric, I need one of those high-tech phones like Arya's. She is teaching me how to text with them and she and I shall stay in contact. Also, I need a laptop and learn more about computers and internet. It has been about a year or more since I last had anything to do with a computer. I have so much to learn." Eric nodded dutifully, but wondered in slight awe and fascination. What had his little kitten done to his master? Chapter Eleven The next day after sunset when Eric awoke, he already found his master awake and flittering back and forth the house quiet excited. He was already dressed and ready to leave for the club. Eric took his time showering and dressing up. Truthfully he was just doing so to watch Godric's barely held in excitement. To his utter amazement Godric actually grumbled once about having only two more nights to spend with his new friend counting tonight as well and how Eric was being too slow.

Eric even heard Godric grumbling about hurrying up or he could just fly off to Fangtasia. Finally when they did arrive to Fangtasia, Eric zeroed in on his little kitten's scent and that special humming that his head did just for her. He walked briskly towards where she was and Godric followed right behind him. There she was sitting in Pam's office, filing happily. She was a strange little girl, his kitten. How could anyone be that happy with boring paperwork, let alone a child as young as her? She looked up immediately and gave them her brightest smile. Now that was strange considering the fact that Godric and Eric were both being their best at being stealthy. She it seemed was too aware of their presence. Although this wasn't the first time Eric had witnessed this peculiar habit of his little kitten's, he was still a little impressed. It was good that she was aware of her surroundings. Godric on the other hand was thoroughly impressed and very surprised. He whispered lowly, "Hon kunde bertta att det var oss. (She could tell it was us.)" Eric nodded and replied with a slight smile, "Vampire hastighet verkar inte fasa henne. Hon kan alltid bertta nr jag kommer till henne. (Vampire speed doesn't seem to phase her either. She can always tell when I come to her.)" Godric commented with a little pride in his voice, "Hon har utmrkta sinnen d, jmfrt med de flesta mnniskor. Hon r verkligen en liten prla, Eric. (She has excellent senses then, compared to most humans. She truly is a little gem, Eric.)" They watched her watch them. She blinked slowly, twice and then greeted, "Good Evening, Mr. Northman and a very happy Hey, Dude to you Godric!" Eric huffed almost inaudibly while Godric possibly beamed at his new friend. Godric greeted back cheerfully, "Hello to you too, liten prla (little gem)!" Arya cocked her head to the side, the curls bouncing a little on her head. Then she stated in her spouting-facts-voice, "From what I could tell, that was Swedish." Godric flitted to her side and took a seat across her and chuckled a little, "Yes, it was, Arya. You have a very good ear for languages, it seems." Arya shrugged nonchalantly and replied, "Not really, since I don't even know a bit of it. I just deduced which language it was, not what you said. I will accept that compliment only when I will be fluent in at least five languages." Eric snorted and said in a voice that dripped in sarcasm, "Yes, little kitten because you already are fluent in four languages!" Arya blinked once and chirped back, completely oblivious to Eric's slight insult and the glare that Godric was shooting at Eric, "Oh no, I only speak, read and write French and Spanish fluently, Mr. Northman. I still need to practice my German more." Eric immediately snapped his eyes at her and watched her with a slightly stunned expression while Godric looked thoroughly amused as he commented innocently, "Oh did I forget to mention that little fact, Eric? It must have slipped my mind, regardless, our liten prla here told me last night about her language skills. Other than English, she is very fluent in Spanish and French, currently she is working on her German."

Eric looked back and forth between his master and his little kitten and almost resisted the urge to snarl. His master was now teasing him. But he couldn't even get mad at his little kitten; his little kitten was being truthful and factual, she wasn't even in on the teasing. She didn't even know there was some kind of teasing going on. He demanded looking into her yellow eyes, "Why?" She pouted a little and replied thoughtfully and in fluent French, "Je suppose, je me suis ennuy. Aussi, j'aime apprendre de nouvelles choses, Monsieur Northman. (I suppose, I was bored. Also, I like learning new things, Mr. Northman.)" Eric smiled almost in awe at his little kitten, "Eh bien, mon petit chaton, n'tes-vous pas plein de surprises! (Well, my little kitten, aren't you full of surprises !)" She smiled brightly at him, "J'ai toujours essayer de vous divertir, Monsieur Northman. (I always endeavor to entertain you, Mr. Northman.)" His little kitten was proving herself to be more and more useful. He wondered if his Pam knew of the little girl's talent with languages, after all so far only Pam seemed to be keeping track of her notable skills and talents. Eric frowned to himself a little, well, Godric seemed to know about her too. He sneered internally; he simply would have to make sure he found out more about her as well. After all, this little girl was his. He was brought out of his thoughts by Godric's soft voice commenting, "I have noticed Arya that your English seems to lack an accent. You were born and brought up in Louisiana yet you do not seem to have even the slightest of an accent." Arya nodded and explained, "Yes. My momma had a Louisiana accent, but I never did get one. I don't exactly know why. Ever since I could talk, I never picked up the accent, which is strange because I should have the same accent I grew up around. I remember being very precise on my pronunciation of words. Saying them as accurately as possible, I suppose that is why I managed to avoid getting an accent. My French teacher at school said that my lack of accent is a good thing, it would help me adapt to other languages with much more ease. Also she said it makes me sound very mature and sophisticated." Eric took Pam's seat and asked curiously, "So you learned French and Spanish at your school?" Arya shook her head and replied, "Oh no. My momma could speak Spanish fluently so when I was a kid I insisted she teach me. Spanish was our thing, I suppose. French was something I picked up when I was bored at home when I was around ten. I learned a lot from books and from the library. There was a nice librarian there who helped me speak it. She was from New Orleans and she even got me this French learning CD set. She said I reminded her of her grand-daughter." Eric leaned back and watched her with appraising eyes and asked in Spanish, "Pam tiene conocimiento de tus habilidades lingsticas, mi pequea gatita? (Does Pam know about your language skills, little kitten?)" She shook her head and replied, "No, la Sra. Miss Pam no lo sabe, pero estoy segura de que ello lo sabr muy pronto. (No, Miss Pam does not know. But I am sure she will find out soon enough.)" Eric smirked. Pam would be most definitely pleased. He watched his maker and this surprising little girl curiously. Today, she was wearing a well fitted short-sleeved button

up white shirt and a nice pair of blue jeans. She looked clean and pretty. Much better than she looked when he first saw her in Fangtasia. She was wearing gold earrings. Her newly pierced ears, the thought made Eric want to growl. But it was her wish and it did not hurt and apparently it was some sort of rite of passage for girls her age. As long as she did not get tattoos, other piercings or things along those lines, he was fine. Then again, his kitten was a very smart girl; smarter tan all girls her age, she was not interested in things like that, she was just too smart to make such ill choices in her life. Or as she would say, illogical choices. A tiny, very well crafted gold rose in each ear. The size of a small stud and from what Eric could tell because of his superior vampire eye sight, those earrings were well worn. Immediately he could tell, those belonged to her mother. Her late mother, so she was speaking the truth when she said she wanted to wear her mother's jewellery. He could empathize with her, children especially those who quiet abruptly or tragically lose their parents did cling to the trinkets of the deceased parents in hopes of remembering them or keeping them close. Eric would never admit it, but he too kept his late father's sword safe and secured in a tightly locked vault at his home. While he would scoff publicly if such a notion was expressed by a vampire, in private he did understand and would put a blind eye to this one act of humanity. She was with in her right to feel for her dead mother, after all she was just a child. There was also another part of him that thought that if the child's mother was alive she would give her those earrings herself and guide her through the path of womanhood with love, affection and sound advice. The poor child had to suffer through this alone. Ginger might be there, but no matter how much she tried or sacrificed, she could not take place of the child's mother. She would not truly understand what it meant to be a mother. He watched his little kitten with unblinking and unwavering eyes and decided that he would never pity her, he was proud of her. She was strong. His master asked her softly and eagerly, "So what are the plans for tonight, liten prla (little gem)?" She blinked and demanded in return with a smile that Eric could best describe as impish, "I will tell you only if you tell me what liten prla means, Godric." Eric almost tensed for the briefest of seconds, only a very stupid person would demand something of someone as dangerous and ferocious as Godric. He remembered having witnessing Godric rip out the heart out of a nobleman once centuries ago simply because he looked at Godric for far too long. But Godric's soft chuckle dispelled that thought; he clearly was allowing the human child to be affectionately demanding of him since he adored her. Also, his kitten was smart and knew manners and had a survival instinct, she knew to never insult a vampire. Well, insult a vampire and never be caught that is. One of the subtle traits that he found endearing in his little kitten. Godric answered, "It means little gem in Swedish, little gem." Arya nodded accepting the answer and replied, "Well, I do not think I am any sort of a gem, but if you must give me a pet name like Mr. Northman and Miss Pam, then I suppose it is very much acceptable." Godric smiled, his eyes twinkling in delight. He heard her huff and then she told him matter-of-factly, "I am seeing a pattern here, maybe giving pet names is a vampire thing. Or maybe not, but I want to give you a pet name as well. Like Mr. Northman and Miss Pam, you need a name as well."

Before Godric could interject or Eric could make a comment to sate his curiosity and irritation at her wanting to give Godric a pet name, she continued, "No, simply calling you Godric will not do just as calling me Arya does not seem to work well for you. I shall call you, mon ami d'humour (my humorous friend) and many other names, but mostly mon ami d'humour. I will make up more names for you as time goes by. " Eric snorted loudly at that. Humorous friend. She had the most painful sense of humor, frighteningly dreadful and Eric could not even begin to comprehend as to why his master actually laughed at her jokes. They were sometimes pathetically funny and somehow managed to make a slight smile come to his lips, but they were most definitely not bellyaching laughter funny. That was the reaction Godric had and Eric knew it was genuine. But why and how ? Then there was a part of Eric that thrummed in buzzing energy and he wanted to scoff at her special name for his master. She did not give him a special name, sticking with Mr. Northman and Sir, where as Pam got one and now Godric got one and was even going to get many more in the future. So why was he the one being excepted from her affections, he who had done so much for her, kept her safe and adored her even? He would have to see to it immediately to get a proper special name from her as well. One that she would only use for him in private. Something that suited his and his personality and sounded just right coming from his adorable and innocent kitten's mouth. Godric on the other hand looked thoroughly amused and his blue-gray eyes twinkled as he answered softly, "I am honored to be called so by you, little gem." She nodded and then explained, "We will cook tonight like last night, watch a movie and I took out some books and albums I told you about yesterday, Godric." Godric nodded eagerly, "What shall we be cooking tonight, then?" Arya smiled, "Thai-style chicken with noodles. I got the recipe off the internet." Godric blinked, "Will it be simple?" Arya patted his hand and assured, "Don't worry, my kitchen-skills-disabled friend. I will let you do the easy stuff and guide you through. Simple cutting, stirring, measuring and watching." Godric nodded and to Eric's morbid fascination and utter surprise, he looked very much interested. What the hell could be interesting about cooking and that too when these human food smelt so so disgusting? Eric was sure that when he was human and that was a long time ago, such human foods would have tasted and smelt incredibly delicious, but now that he was a vampire, it smelt simply revolting. How could Godric bare to participate in such a revolting, pointless and boring task as cooking? Godric smiled and nodded his head a tad bit too eagerly. Then he asked, "Should I buy you something sweet to eat after your dinner, liten prla? You mentioned you like having desserts after dinner." Arya shook her head and replied sweetly, "You need not do that Godric. Your presence with me is sweet enough for me." To Eric morbid fascination and utter awe, Arya even proceeded to flutter her eyelashes wildly at him. Godric sniggered and replied with a distinct dramatic tone in his voice, "Oh

how you flatter me. It seems to me as if you are mastering the ways to charm unsuspecting males such as myself. I should warn everyone." Before Arya could respond to that, Eric snorted and sneered, "What charming? She looked as if she had something painful stuck in her eyes with all that blinking!" Arya nodded once in agreement, but Godric shot a quick glare at Eric. Eric still looked incredulous. Arya explained matter-of-factly, "Mr. Northman, Godric was jesting and he was being sarcastic. A little too subtle sarcasm, but sarcasm nonetheless. I know it can be difficult sometimes to detect sarcasm, but I could point it out for you if you miss it sometimes." Now it was Godric turn to snort, but he merely smirked and held in the snort. He was much classier than to snort like a pig and a certain Viking. Eric narrowed his eyes at his little kitten. He could tell she was trying to honestly explain things to him and not insult, even her offer to explain things to him wasn't to demean him but to help him. He replied dryly, "Thank you for the offer, my little kitten. Your help is much appreciated." She smiled brightly, completely oblivious to his dripping sarcasm and chirped, "Your most welcome, Mr. Northman." This time Godric couldn't help but added with a blank face just to goad his progeny, "Yes, do ask when you miss it, Eric." Eric gave his maker an exasperated this-is-not-funny-at-all look. But Godric merely looked cheeky with his twinkling blue-gray eyes. Eric told himself that this was payback for all those years of mischief he caused Godric during his years as a new born. In fact, it was decades, almost a century of extreme mischief, rather than a few years. Then for many more centuries, Eric continued on pestering his master, it was just the bond between them. He was the mischief-maker and Godric the calm and wise guardian. Eric watched Arya suddenly tug on Godric's sleeve and then chirp, "We must be going, mi amigo tatuado. We have much to accomplish this night. Also, I am sure Mr. Northman has much business to take care of. He is a very busy man, you know and not on a visit of recreational purposes like us." Eric felt thoroughly and childishly disgruntled. How dare they go and have fun and leave him with all the work! The other mature side of him grumbled that really Godric was on a vacation of sorts and they were participating in strange human activities which were in no way fun. At least not for him. Cooking, horrible jokes, cartoon movies about fishes, horrible jokes, discussing books and more horrible jokes. See, nothing remotely fun about any of that, if he had to be brutally honest, it was all dreadfully torturous. Eric nodded grimly. Then why the hell did he feel the extreme urge to brood and sulk? Godric agreed, "How very right you are, my friend. We must be off. Eric, I shall see you later." With that, like the gentleman he was, he picked up Arya's bag, despite her firm statement of she was very much capable of carrying her own bag, he walked away with Arya. Before she left though, she did beam brightly at Eric and tell him, "Goodnight, Mr. Northman. See you tomorrow." He grumbled to himself and was in a slightly pissy mood, from what Pam observed and it made her slightly gleeful since she guessed it was something about Godric and little

blossom. Eric stayed in his office in the beginning of the night and sulked in his lonesome. Eric did call in Ginger that night for a talk. When she asked if he wanted to drink from her, he declined and then he glamored her for the answer he was seeking. He found her answering in her annoying but very much dazed voice, "My little angel. She is so sweet, and she does so much. The other children are so horrible to her. They just can't see her and how wonderful she is, you know. She is my family and I love her so much. I loved her from the moment Katie showed me her and I took her in my arms." To Eric's slight horror and fascination, Ginger's eyes were leaking a lot of tears and it was making her make-up run down her face. He listened to her and hoped that she would just stop leaking, "Arrie loves me a lot too, you know. She wants to take care of me, but it should be me taking care of her. I do as much as I can, and she told me it's enough and perfect. She said she is happy. But I can tell that she gets so lonely. You know how very very smart she is. But those horrible people in her school, they get jealous and hate her for it. I complained to her school about it, but Arrie told me she is fine and she is handling it. She will be out in a year from that horrible school and then she will go to college with smart people like her. She said that to me. She told me everything will work out." Ginger was sniffing loudly and still continuing in a sad, shrilly voice, "Arrie isn't mean to anyone. She finds good things in everyone, you know. Even me. She doesn't hate me for drinking, or having sex with people, or letting vampires bite me or even working here. She doesn't hate vampires at all. I was so happy when I saw Mistress Pam and you being nice to her. She really is a sweet girl, you know. So sweet and her eyes are strange, I know. But they are her eyes, why should those awful people make fun of her. She will be so pretty when she grows up, you will see, Master. Then all those awful boys at her school will be so sorry they were mean to her and those girls will be so jealous. Katie was pretty too, you know." Eric listened and put every word away in his memory. He could tell that Ginger really did love the little girl. She was taking care of her in the best way she knew how. She continued babbling, "She doesn't have any friends. I worry about her, you know. I was so happy when I found out she has that vampire boy over and they are hanging out, you know. She finally has a friend and she laughs and jokes these days. She is smart and knows how to take care of herself. I trust her. She isn't silly like me, you know. But I didn't tell her you know. I worried. I know you told her you would protect her and you wouldn't let anyone harm her, even her new friend Godric. But I checked when she was sleeping last night for fang marks. She is so happy that she has a friend you know. And he looks so young, around her age. They talk and laugh. They could be good friends. She could finally be not alone, you know." After Eric had heard enough of her blabbering and the information he was seeking. He glamored her again into forgetting the conversation they had and sent her back working. He was surprised at the fleeting thought he had about glamoring her into telling Arya not to invite Godric over anymore. But he resisted that selfish urge and let them be. Godric had a friend and he seemed happy and Arya it seemed was not alone anymore. Eric told himself it wouldn't be for all that long, Godric would be leaving soon for his area anyway. Later that night after he his meal, Pam came in his office to inform him that the vermin were waiting for him. His throne was waiting. He nodded dismissively. He was in a brooding mood and to feel a little better, he thought of teasing Pam and nothing teased Pam more than to dangle something in her face that she did not have or did not even

know about. He was with in his right as her maker to be all knowing. He informed Pam blandly, "Little Arya has quite the talented and versatile tongue." Pam looked at him sharply and raised an eyebrow and asked, "You mean to say you were at the receiving end of said talented tongue? Isn't she a little too young for you, Eric?" Eric glared at her with the intensity of a thousand suns. His Pam was too cheeky for her own good sometimes. He growled, "You know very well that I did not mean it in that manner. Godric informed me and I found out this evening that Arya is fluent in French and Spanish." Pam looked very interested at that and commented, "She really is very clever, isn't she? The more I find out about her, the more I find reasons for turning her once she grows up." Eric nodded once. He agreed with her assessment of the girl's intellect, but something about Pam turning her did not sit well with him. He figured it must be the fact that Arya was a little child and he could not think of her being turned yet. But he did applaud Pam's choice. Suddenly Pam looked up at him in a very devious manner that made Eric brace himself for another cheeky comment. Pam commented innocently, "Don't you find it curious Eric, that it was Godric who discovered Arya's talented tongue?" Before he could even start admonishing her about how he did not mean it in the manner and Godric did not do anything with his little kitten and how Pam should mind her own tongue, Pam zoomed out of the office as fast as she could. Eric felt very sour and for the rest of the night he brooded. The only reason the vermin at his feet while he was on his throne were not the victims of his temper was because of the messages he received every now and then from his little kitten, informing him of what his master and she were doing and about things she thought were funny. Also a few horrible jokes. His lips did twitch a few times as he told himself firmly, the jokes were not in anyway funny. Chapter Twelve Eric waited and waited as patiently as he could for his master to arrive home. It was a few hours till sunrise and Eric felt agitated. Why shouldn't he? His two thousand year old master was at his fourteen year old human's house doing strange things till sunrise. Worse yet, his master insisted on staying and watching her hours after she fell asleep. What was going on exactly? There was no reason to be alarmed but that did not mean he would not think about it. Excessively think about it. Thinking never caused anyone any harm. Eric grumbled and paced. Pam had been enjoying herself immensely since Godric arrived, in fact she had been enjoying herself since the little kitten made her way into their undead lives. Of course Pam's enjoyment was at Eric's expense, but Pam did not see a fault in it. A little poking, prodding, teasing and manipulation never hurt anyone according to her. After something so innocently fun could never be harmful. She loved how grumpy, sulky and downright petulant her master got over the new bond developing between his kitten and his master. Pam could see exactly why Godric was so drawn to her. Little blossom seemed to draw all three vampires to herself. A worrying thought nagged at Pam that maybe little Arya was so magnetic to all vampires. Now that was something to be really worried about unlike the petty matter of

Arya hanging out with Godric more, she thought as she stared at her master sulk in his throne that night. Then she told herself, no vampire could have Arya. She wouldn't let any vampire have Arya, not while she was still standing. She would tear their hearts right out of their chests rather than stake them. Of course, Eric and Godric would both back her up on this matter. Arya was simply theirs. No ifs and buts. Vampires were just that possessive, even thought Arya was not a source of blood or sex, she was still their toy and pet. She simply entertained them differently compared to all their other pets. That only made Arya more unique and irreplaceable. That night Pam noticed how absolutely sulky Eric was. Later on in the night Eric did feed on a beautiful redheaded tourist who came in but did not take her down to the playroom or even take her while she was in the office with him. Pam was more than happy to have the voluptuous natural redhead all to herself. How she enjoyed burying her head in between those pale thighs of said beautiful redhead! She knew that her little blossom always did things that made her happy, even unintentionally. Later on, early in the morning Godric did come back to Fangtasia, content and smiling. He asked for a True Blood and sat quietly in Eric's office while Eric was barely holding onto his curiosity. Why wasn't his master saying anything? Finally after he couldn't take the smug little glint in Godric's eyes and the silence from his lips anymore he asked, "Well?" Godric looked deceptively innocent as he asked back,"Well what, my childe?" Eric rolled his eyes and grumbled, "How was hanging out with her? Did you cook any of those repulsive things that she eats?" Godric answered simply, "She does not eat repulsive things. All human eat them and find them very fulfilling and delicious. From what I observed and learned she is a talented cook. Just because her food isn't to our tastes does not mean we should disregard and insult it. I am sure our source of nourishment is just as repulsive to her as her's is to you." Eric nodded a little sulkily, Godric smirked at that. They talked some more. Finally Godric said something that caught onto Eric's interest. Godric smiled, "Our Arya was a beautiful little child. Her mother was an exceptionally beautiful woman as well. Arya does not get her coloring from her mother. She takes after her father, I am sure of that. Talking about her father upsets her, so I did not speak of him." Eric nodded gravely, "Yes, I have found that very same conclusion. Her father upsets her very much and as it should. He abandoned her and her mother." Godric added after a moment, "Arya's mother, Katie had hair that was not quite red nor was it golden. Although she too had curls very much like Arya's." Eric smirked, "They call it strawberry-blonde these days, Godric. Looking at Arya's black hair, that is quite unexpected." Godric nodded, "Arya has her smile but not her eyes. She had brown eyes. Also she was not as pale as our Arya. She will grow up to be a beautiful woman if she takes after her mother." The thought of Arya, his little kitten growing up to be beautiful and eye-catching bothered him a little. Eric would be very much satisfied if she grew up to look just

average. She was absolutely fine the way she was right now, no need for her to grow up and become attractive. No good would come out of that, although he was sure Pam would heavily disagree. Pam wanted her progeny to be impressive. No vampire wanted an ugly progeny, especially not one as vain as his Pam. He was lost in his thoughts for a moment or two but then he noticed Godric's mischievous stare at him. He grumbled, "What?" Godric shook his head and smirked, "You do not want Arya to become a beautiful woman." It was not a question, it was a statement. A statement Eric could not deny. He did not know his thoughts were that blatantly obvious. He replied nonchalantly, "Arya is a kind of human who does not need to look aesthetically pleasing, as she says. Her brain is more than enough for her." Godric snorted, "Eric Northman saying a woman does not need to be beautiful? Pigs must be flying somewhere in the East." His master knew him all too well. Eric smirked, "I did not say a woman, I said Arya. She is an exception." Godric raised an eye-brow, "Yes, also you said need to be beautiful, and I said want. You do not want her to be beautiful. Simply because that would mean she would become a target for various harms that might come out of her being attractive. One of them being, her becoming involved with a male who would fall for her beauty. What you feel is protectiveness towards her." How curious! He was feeling protective over a human, not possessive, but protective. He really did care about his little kitten. The humming in his head kept rhythm with his thoughts, as if agreeing with him. As a vampire and more over a vampire sheriff, he would never admit to anyone that he cared for a human child. A child who gained him nothing. But to his master and to his own progeny he could admit, Eric did care somewhat for the intriguing child called Mary-Jean Arya Hollis, his little kitten with strange yellow eyes, a quick mind, a strange manner of speaking and an awful sense of humor. Eric rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his broad chest and almost pouted out, "So what if I am? Protective over her, that is. She is a child and she should be treated as such." Godric had what Eric could only best describe as a cat-like grin on his youthful face, "Oh, but she will grow up one day. Then, what shall you do and how would she be treated?" Eric felt a tick in his head when he heard that, the humming in his head becoming a slight buzz. Arya growing up was just a very odd notion according to him. Eric grumbled, "We will see to that when she grows up and that is years from now." Godric kept on eying him with that annoying glint in his blue-gray eyes. After some more talking, Godric finally said, "There is something odd about her though." Eric snorted, "She is the oddest human I know. But she is very much human. Except her unusual intellect."

Godric said seriously, "I know. I find nothing special about her, but instincts tell me otherwise. I know for sure that she is not harmful or dangerous, but I also know that I need to protect her and find out more about her." Eric asked him seriously, "Do you think there might be something in her bloodline? From her father's side that is?" Godric nodded solemnly, "Might be. But we know nothing for sure. First I need to find out if she is something of supernatural nature. If there are any noticeable or very very subtle symptoms, I shall consult my library and find out about her. One thing is definite; Arya does not know or for that matter believe that she is anything different than a normal human girl. She does not want to be different or as the children in her school mock her, a freak." A quick scowl came over his face as he heard the word freak in reference to his kitten once more. He was coming to despise the word as time passed by. He shook his head mentally. No, he did not hate the word. He hated those cretins who called her freaks, simply because they were nothing special. His Arya was one of a kind and in a way he was happy that no one knew of that fact. That only meant Arya would not have any attention from anyone else and belong to him only. Eric contemplated his master's words for a while. He did not want to, but as a vampire and more than that as a vampire sheriff and the progeny of Godric he has always followed his instincts. No matter how much he would like to believe and have Arya as a normal human child, she was quite possibly more than that and he had to find out all there was to it. He finally spoke, in a manner that was all too methodical, "Arya has unusual eyes and she has a far superior intellect than most humans." Godric nodded and added, "She has instincts far superior than most humans as well. That and her keen observation skills." Eric nodded, "Her memory is exceptional as well." Godric added, "As is her talent with languages. She seems to mimic certain manners of speech and her pronunciation and accents are very much impressive. Her lack of accents with her English is odd though." Eric asked rhetorically, "Which creature then is exceptionally smart with unusual eyes and can speak several languages? I can find nothing odd about it." Godric offered, "There might be something else." Eric raised an eyebrow at that. Godric explained, "I have been observing all her photo albums this evening. She could explain each of the incident in the photographs with precise details, except she couldn't be specific about the time." Eric demanded, "Time as in?" Godric explained, "She couldn't specifically tell me how old she was or in which year her photograph was exactly taken. Also, her mother looked far too young to have a daughter such as her, but then again, maybe she had Arya at a very young age. Arya did mention her mother going missing for a year or so and later when she turned up at her Aunt's home, she came with a baby."

Eric looked a bit confused. Godric continued, "Arya told me until a year ago, Arya felt like she had no sense of time. She spent her time reading books, doing certain housework and going to the market or the library. This is strange because, Arya is a girl with an eidetic memory. She remembers everything. How can she not remember her age or the time of certain incidents? Her whole world was in her home where she spent her time with her mother and aunt. That was it. She never bothered with the outside world, so she never knew what year it was or month it was. She had birthdays and holidays, but she never gave much importance to them. Also her mother was extremely protective over her. She never let Arya out of the house if she could manage it." Eric continued the train of thought, "She was protective of her daughter which is explainable since she must have suffered through something traumatic. A rape or a messy break-up perhaps. Did she ever ask her mother about her father?" Godric shook his head, "No and she assumes what you assume about her father as well. In fact, she made it a point to never ask her mother about him. She noticed that her mother always avoided talking about her father like the plague. To Arya, her mother's emotions were far more important than the identity of her father. She chose not to hurt her mother over finding out about her conception." Eric nodded his head once and commented firmly, "Smart girl." Godric was silently mulling over everything when Eric dropped the bomb, "Why are you not counting the strange buzzing in my head when it comes to her strange symptoms as you put it?" Godric was silent for a few seconds before he explained, "Because we are finding out if she is some sort of creature or not. There is a very strong possibility that she may be just a human girl with a tragic background who is exceptionally smart. Just the average genius amongst the humans. That buzzing in your head is your problem and nothing to do with her, I can assure you of that. Therefore, it is not something of her doing. It is not her symptom, as you put it." Eric demanded, "Then what is it? The buzzing?" Godric smiled, "It is something vampires go through very rarely. Nothing to be alarmed about, of course. Perfectly natural. I will tell you of it soon." Eric was like a dog with a bone, "When? Or do you need to consult your library before you tell me?" Godric stared at him intensely and said firmly, "I know exactly what you are going through. Not from my own experience unfortunately, but from the experience of others like you. I shall tell you when I see fit and that's all there is to it." Eric nodded submissively. He had to trust his master on this and just let it go. There was a part of Eric that just told him that what was happening to him was natural and nothing that would harm him. The buzzing which was humming at that point, said that it belonged there. It was the rhythm of him and a way that kept him aware of his little kitten. It all felt natural, just like his master said. Even the part where the buzzing gave him a killer headache whenever Arya was threatened in anyway. Maybe it was a special ability or a gift of some sort, like his ability of flight.

He waited and contemplated, just as his master did. While he felt slightly confused about everything, his master seemed to be in good spirits with a small smile permanently plastered on his lips. It seemed as though hanging out with Arya was appealing to Godric's child-like side a lot. If there was anything child-like about Godric, that is. Nevertheless, as long as Godric was smiling, Eric was content. Eric asked politely, "What else did you and Arya do this evening?" Godric laughed, "She showed me some great books I should read. I shall start on them as soon as I reach Dallas." Eric seemed curious, "Really? What kind of books?" Godric chuckled, "The kind you will not be the least bit interested in reading, that I am sure of." Eric rolled his eyes. Godric continued, "We talked. I looked through her school work. She is very meticulous with her school work." Eric added with a slight sneer, "And you cooked?" Godric nodded, "Yes, we did. It is delightful watching her eat; she enjoys eating and has a very healthy appetite. She taught me how to make hot chocolate later on and popcorn as well. I liked making popcorn. You simply put in this packet filled with corn in the microwave and then wait for all of it to pop. It was entertaining to watch. She likes hearing the corn pop." Eric snorted, "Humans eat the strangest of things. Popcorn." Godric commented solemnly, "Yes, and according to humans we eat the strangest of things." Eric snorted once more and after a few moments asked, "What else did you two do?" Godric smirked, "Why do you ask? I saw Arya sending you messages on her phone. You already know what we did." Eric sniffed, "She did text me and I know what you two did, but that does not mean I was there. I am just curious." Godric smiled a little and then asked, "What do you call a fly with no wings?" Eric suddenly felt the urge to either bang his head repeatedly on his desk or just run away screaming. Godric was grinning at him, Eric blinked once and stared back. He might humor these god awful jokes and suffer through the tortures, but no way in hell would he participate. So he remained silent and waited for the painful punchline. Although, this joke did make him curious. What would you call a fly with no wings? A dead fly? A tortured fly? Who the fuck cared about stupid insects? Godric answered gleefully, "A walk." Then Eric watched his master snigger like a little boy at his very clever joke, while Eric felt a little confused. It was an insect, where did a walk come from? Godric's warm chuckles washed over his ears as he explained in between his laughter, "Get it? Flying from one point to another without wings? Walking."

This time Eric did not resist. He pinched the bridge of his nose, closed his eyes and sighed exasperatedly. He told himself firmly, if such horrible atrocities called jokes were being exchanged between Arya and Godric then there was no way in hell something sexual or romantic was happening between the two of them. The jokes alone killed all sorts of feelings, especially lust and attraction. No way there was anything going on between them. Who the hell cooked and watched cartoons about fishes when you were with someone you were attracted to in your home? Arya did not have any interest of that sort in Godric and Godric clearly had better women than a little girl like her. They were simply friends. Pam just didn't know what she was talking about. At that time, in another home, Jean had showered and was eating the dinner her niece had cooked for her. Sometimes it did get lonely eating dinner all alone, but it couldn't be helped after all, Arya needed her sleep, she had school in the mornings. It was delicious as usual. Jean or Ginger, was told to come in the afternoon the next day, ensuring she had a couple of hours of extra rest. She was happy, her employers were very generous. So she sat there in the kitchen eating her delicious dinner alone. "Auntie Jeannie, do you like it? It's a new recipe I tried?" Came the soft and adoring voice of her darling niece. Ginger gasped and mock-chided, "What are you doing up so late, girlie? You should be in bed dreaming of handsome princes and beautiful castles." Arya walked to her and wrapped her arms loosely around her aunt's neck and told her matter-of-factly, "Princes and castles are so over-rated. I'd rather solve a murder mystery in my dreams. Be a detective or a crime fighting super-hero in my dreams." Ginger munched on the noodles in her mouth, giggled and asked, "Oh sweetie! Like Superman?" Arya snuggled her face in her aunt's damp and sweet smelling blonde hair and replied, "More like Wonder-woman. I'd rather be a female version of the Flash, you know." Ginger slurped in a rather long noodle in her mouth and mumbled with the food in her mouth, "Which one is Flash? The one with the green ring thingy?" Arya gasped, "No, Auntie. That's Green Lantern, silly. Flash is the guy in red who is very fast, remember?" Ginger ruffled her black curls and replied, "Oh, there are so many of them. Angel, how can I remember?" Arya nodded. She went to the fridge and got her aunt some juice and sat with her. She watched her aunt finish off her dinner with gusto. Ginger complimented with great enthusiasm, "This is yummy, Angel." Arya smiled brightly and thanked her. Ginger asked again, swallowing another mouthful of noodles, "Why aren't you asleep, pumpkin?" Arya answered softly, "Can't sleep and I don't have school tomorrow, so I will sleep in later."

Ginger immediately let her fork drop in her plate with a clang and clumsily leaned out of her seat to give her niece a tight hug. Then she drawled in her softest voice, "Aww, honey! Did you dream of your momma?" Arya sighed and shook her head and replied, "No, but I have been thinking of her." Her aunt kissed her forehead and let go of her and sat back down. Ginger dutifully brushed her hand softly through her niece's curls and waited. Arya continued after a few moments, "I brought out the albums and talked about her with Godric. It's not that I am sad, you know. But I do miss her sometimes." Ginger sniffed loudly, her voice a little too high pitched as she herself held back tears, "It's okay to miss her or be sad, pumpkin. I get sad for Katie too, you know. You don't need to be all strong and grown-up." Arya held her aunt's hand and said, "I am not being strong or grown-up. I like remembering her. All the good things and the bad. I talk with her sometimes too, you know. Just tell her about you, me and our life." Ginger nodded tearfully and after a few moments dug back into her food. Ginger commented, "You got your cooking skills from you momma, you know." Arya chuckled and replied, "I know that I surely did not get them from you, Auntie Jeannie. You can turn a simple noodles dish into the most toxic sludge ever." Ginger mock-gasped and poked her niece in the ribs as punishment. Arya just giggled. Ginger gave herself a mental pat on the back. She had successfully distracted her niece from being sad. Ginger did not like it at all when her niece was sad. Angels like her should always smile and not be all sad. Finally Ginger teased, "So, tell me how was your date?" Arya rolled her eyes and stated vehemently, "It wasn't a date. Godric is my friend." Ginger raised her hands in a surrendering motion and replied laughingly, "Fine, fine! Godric is your friend." Arya eyed her aunt suspiciously for a moment and then nodded. Ginger then teased back again, "So, how was your play date then?" Arya almost screeched, "Auntie Jeannie!" Ginger giggled and giggled and then coaxed her niece, "Oh honey, come on! I was just pulling your leg. Don't spoil my fun!" Arya smiled a little at her aunt and then replied, "It was so much fun. We hung out and he helped me cook. He doesn't know a thing about cooking, you know." Ginger giggled, "Oh Angel! He's a vamp, what would he know about what humans eat?" Arya frowned and replied matter-of-factly, "Well, he was a human once upon a time. No need to be all prejudiced about vampires knowing nothing about humans. Besides, he wanted to learn, so that makes him a better person than most humans and doesn't want to be ignorant."

Ginger looked a little lost for a second and Arya knew that her aunt didn't mean her statement in negative way to begin with and by the time Arya was rebutting that statement, her aunt already lost focus. So, Arya let it go. Her aunt was more than a little scatter-brained and that was completely fine with Arya. She didn't love her aunt any less for being a little less smarter than her. Hell, her aunt loved her to death even though she was a freak. Arya continued on replaying some of her moments from the evening spent with Godric, "We watched some movies and even discussed some books. He is so old, Auntie. He told me so much of history and since he is quite out of touch with the present, I told him stuff about technology and books, games, movies and tons of other stuff." Ginger giggled and waved her fork at her,"Good! It's great that you have had fun. There is more to life than studying and housework, pumpkin." Arya nodded and added softly, "Yeah. I am discovering that having a friend is very much fun." Ginger gave her niece her best puppy look, "Awww, sweetie! You'll have tons more friends." Arya shook her head and replied with a bright smile, "No. I don't want tons of friends. Most people don't understand me or care much. Also, most people are so ignorant and pig-headed, I feel my IQ dropping if I breathe the air in the same room as them. Godric is smart, kind, understanding and funny. I'd rather have one friend exactly like Godric than be the most popular girl in school. Mr. Northman and Miss Pam are my friends too, you know." Ginger shook her head with enthusiasm and agreed, "Yes, they are, Angel." Chapter Thirteen The next night was quiet depressing for three creatures in Shreveport. Depressing in different degrees of course, but depressing nonetheless. They had very different methods of coping with said depression as well. There was one Eric Northman who was quite put down and depressed at the thought of parting with his beloved master who would leave a few hours after midnight for Dallas. He was upset that he did not have nearly enough time to spend with his master, but then again all the time in the world, his own thousand years as a vampire did not seem enough when it came to his master. This visit though was not a social visit like the Queen Sophie-Ann thought. Godric was not visiting just his beloved progeny. He was visiting to inquire after and check out a certain person of Eric's. But no one except said master, progeny and a grand-progeny knew of that matter. Eric spent just a few hours with his master out of the three nights he was with him. Godric spent all his time with a certain black-haired child. But Eric came to terms with it since said child was proving to be a valuable asset who needed looking into. Eric's depression was very hard to detect. In fact, it couldn't exactly be called depression either. It was more of a profound sadness. A longing more like it. His melancholic mood could not be detected of course, Eric Northman was far above such petty human emotions. He could be seen sitting bored on his throne being worshiped by his human admirers. The other creature who was depressed was a fourteen year old child named Mary-Jean Arya Hollis. Arya called by her vampire friends when not called by strange pet names.

She was depressed. She was more than depressed. She felt like crying every second and her heart felt so heavy she couldn't breathe easy. She had to say goodbye to her first friend. That was no easy task, especially to one who did not have friends and could not make friends. But Arya was a strong child. She wouldn't cry and she told herself she wouldn't lose her very good friend Godric. Godric was special and he would write to her via email and talk to her on the phone. He was after all getting all of that just to be in contact with her. Also, she did not show her depression in front of anyone. But when her Auntie Jeannie offered her a tight hug and a few kisses as well as some sweet words, she did not deny herself of that comfort. She needed that comfort. She would miss her friend so very much. She acted as normal as possible, for whatever depression she felt, it remained in her thoughts and in that remarkable head of hers. Her mind was her own palace after all. She was a strong girl, she would show that to Miss Pam, Mr. Northman and Godric. She would not cry, wail or bawl like a child just because someone was leaving her. Oh no, she would show them that she was very much an adult with a cool composure and a rational thinking frame. She was not losing Godric, he would keep contact with her. She was all work, deductions, silly jokes and plain Arya. The last creature was a vampire over two thousand years old and he was presently called Godric. He had so many names in the past. Godric, Godfrey, Thomas and so many many more. But Godric was most definitely his oldest name and despite all the names that he had to change to play along with the time, Godric was his true name. These days he had no reason for any deception or hiding, so he went by his original name. Just Godric. Now Godric was very sad. His life however long it was, had always been one that was not happy. It was not content and joyous. It was filled with violence, dominance, and things similar to that and in no way innocent. Unless you counted someone possessing innocence and him being one of the reasons for it to be ripped away. His experience in Shreveport in the last two nights would forever remain unforgettable to him. He had finally found someone who cared for him and not the vampire that he was. Hell, he got to experience what he missed out on as a human child. He was experiencing little joys and simple enjoyments, all those smiles and laughs she had coaxed out of him without even trying hard. Godric had never laughed so much at simple but very humorous things. She really had the funniest brain. He never had someone who cared so much at not pleasing him, but making him laugh. He was discovering new things and learning so much more through his time with her. He was experiencing things as a simple human child and he loved every second of it. More than anything else, he had found a true friend. A precious little girl who was decades wiser than her years and stronger than the strongest of men in spirit, yet she possessed a calm innocence and a child-like awe and delight. He felt honored almost that she would freely share all of that with him. A monster like him. He would miss her. A part of him felt guilty that he hid so much of his dark past from her, if he was her true friend he should have confessed to her and warned her off. But he did not want to lose her affection and friendship. That simple trust she had in him when she invited him in her house without so much as batting an eyelash, it warmed his cold undead heart. It was a feeling he could compare to none other. He was a selfish creature if nothing else. He did not tell her anything. But a part of him, his instincts he supposed, told him firmly that she already knew and deduced things and experiences from his past through their interactions already. She was a very smart girl. She already had much idea about him, she simply did not mind. She was having him just as he was. Godric did not want to listen to that voice and hope. But another part of him told him and he knew for sure, she would accept Eric with all his gory past, and Eric did have a gory past both as a human and as a vampire. She was very practical and matters like that did not weigh in her mind. It was not her childish ignorance or naivety, it was her mind putting everything in its logical place. Godric hated to admit it, since he wanted her as far away as possible from vampire affairs, but it was unavoidable and she did understand vampire politics better than most humans. Hell, her instincts would beat the

instincts of a century old vampire easily. Her mind was her strongest weapon and she was a master at using it. He was depressed and felt almost like kicking at the ground and sulking at the thought of missing out on hanging out, as she told him the latest word was, with her. He was adamant on keeping in contact with her though. Of course it would be a hassle to learn all about the new technologies all over again. It was all so confusing to him. But Arya insisted that it was much needed and very interesting. Also he would be learning so many other things. Like e-mail, IM-ing, games of so many different variety. He also was going to get very up-to-date with these new phones. The modern ones with the messaging programs and what not. She was his friend, but also his family. Arya herself did not know just how important she was to him, to Eric and also to Pam. They simply could not deny her. Godric appeared at Fangtasia with Eric right behind him. He walked slowly to where he could hear his little friend talking softly to her Aunt. Well, she answered softly while her Aunt chattered both excitedly and randomly. Arya had told him that her Aunt was a lovable scatter-brain, while her Aunt said her angel had a computer brain. Godric always was fascinated by the bond that was between the niece and the aunt of not blood, but of love. Eric did not care much about Ginger, other than that she was a good enough employee and she kept his new interest safe. Pam found it baffling that someone like Arya could even be related to even in the most remote sense with someone was ditzy as Ginger. That evening Godric and his friend spent laughing and talking. It was unspoken between Eric and Godric, but very well understood that Godric would spend the next five hours with his friend at her house and later on he would be back to spend time with his progeny before leaving for Dallas. Godric sat with Arya and talked for hours. Arya told him that she would miss him and Godric told her that he would miss her more. He worried for her too, mostly because she was strong. Odd reason to be worried about, but that did not stop him. He was worried because she always had to be strong and tak care of herself, these past few days he got to care for her and he wanted all the best things in the world for her. Including caring for her. He knew very well of how things were for her at school. How the children and even some teachers misbehaved with her, demeaned her, taunted her. But he could not make them stop or do anything about it. Mostly because she wanted to deal with it on her own and there was also that fact that if he or Eric helped out, she would be incredibly hurt because she would think that they thought of her as weak. In the several hours that he got to spend with his new friend, he got to know so much of her. He found himself to be blessed. Godric almost felt the slight sting of tears in his eyes when his little friend surprised him. He kept the red tears at bay though. Arya had always saved money, after all she was practical and she prided herself on that. She always had and from what she saved, she bought her first friend presents to remember her by. She bought him six books she had told him of. Three books, Lord of the Rings, it said. And another three books, the first three of a wonderful series called the Harry Potter series, she said. He held them to himself as if they were something very precious and not the simple and inexpensive books that they were, while his friend fidgeted nervously. She had said something about never having to buy someone gifts before and not knowing what to buy for him and how it wasn't much, but Godric told her firmly to be quiet and that those were very special to him. He received a beautiful smile from her. He looked through the pages with her and she explained how each one was good and which parts she liked best and not giving the plot or the story away. The best part was the messages she wrote in the books. Little

messages, some quotes, some jokes, something funny or curious, some facts, some just saying things to him, lots of messages written in purple ink in various parts of the books. Her neat and distinctly feminine handwriting filling whatever little spaces they could in purple ink. Godric knew this was her way of personalizing the gifts to him. Much like her school assignments, recipe books, photo albums and scrap books she had shown him. A perfectly Arya gift for him. That night they didn't even cook, they talked all night on the couch. Although Godric did promise her that he would watch this channel which telecast-ed shows on teaching how to cook various types of dishes. He did want to master this skill and wanted to cook a delicious meal for his friend one day. Secretly the thought made him feel like a good older sibling who took care of his younger sibling. That night Eric's worker, Benjamin Fisher brought them dinner. Him a True Blood of his preference and her a pizza and some drink called a cola. She explained what she was eating to him while she ate. When it was time for goodbye, she looked shockingly stoic. Godric sighed and waited for her to say something. She simply and very maturely gave him a few words of farewell, but Godric could detect the very, very slight tremble of her hand and the wet appearance of her unique yellow eyes. He finally asked, "My friend, I do not know the customs well, but I think friends depart with an affectionate hug and the rather popular, 'See you later, homie'?" Arya's sudden smile and then the giggles tumbling out her lips lightened his heavy heart much. She jumped into his open arms and hugged him tight. Her strength surprised him, he had no idea that such a frail looking girl had so much strength in her thin arms. She sniffed once and giggled in his chest and mumbled, "Don't ever change and never say the word 'homie' Godric! IT sounds so very strange from your mouth." Godric sighed and consented, "Fine, if you insist. But I need another phrase or something similar to say at moments like this." Arya let go of him and replied with a bright smile, "See you later, Alligator." Godric was amused by the sentence, but slightly confused as well, "I am not an Alligator, but I am a vampire, Arya. I think I understand the humorous meaning behind your statement. I shall too see you later then, my fellow alligator. Also, I shall call you on your phone tomorrow night. We will talk much." With that Godric left. His goodbye with Eric was the usual and he was used to it in the last thousand years. He did insist Eric on taking care of their new little friend. Eric was very sad to see his master go, but he knew too well of the duties his master had. Eric too had a goodbye gift for his master and said gift made his master smile. A phone, just like the one his master wanted. One that was identical to the one he had given to his new pet, his little kitten. Eric was very impressed with his kitten, she had managed to do something he had been trying to for such a long time but couldn't manage. She got Godric to become interested in the rather more recent technological advances. He preferred writing letters, talking on the traditional phones and using computers very rarely. He did not even know how to use the internet, let alone send someone an e-mail. His kitten got him interested and actually ready to learn and keep up with the world. Godric wanted to use a modern cell phone and how to text. Eric was quiet happy with that. He could now keep better contact with his master. Also his master would now see, enjoy and appreciate all the benefits of the newer technological innovations. So much better for his business.

Godric in some ways was sort of, fed up with the world. No, fed up wouldn't be the expression Eric would use. More like, Godric was so ancient that he had seem almost everything and the 21st century was the century of innovations, and it sort of made Godric reel back a little, be a bit weary and wary and just stick with the slightly olden ways. And no matter how much Eric appreciated the innovations of the 21st century, he was not stupid enough to push Godric on any matter Godric did not want to pursue. But Arya managed to do it without even trying. She peaked Godric's interest and even managed to fascinate him with many different kinds of objects and subjects. She was like Godric said so many times, a gem. So what if her sense of humor sucked? Well, to be truthful her sense of humor was literally killing, since it made you want to bash your head into the nearest durable surface. But it was nothing compared to all her other qualities. Eric's head hummed in pleasure at that thought and his chest puffed just a little with pride over his pet. Eric had heard from Godric that his kitten too had given him a few goodbye presents. From what little he could coax out of Godric, they were presents that pleased Godric a whole lot and that he would cherish them always. That sent a slight tickle of jealousy course through Eric for a second, after all someone other than him pleased his master so, but it washed away quickly and filled him with a satisfaction. He had chosen the perfect pet, it seemed. She pleased his master so very much and caused him happiness without doing anything drastic. The annoying bit was that Godric wouldn't tell him what the presents were no matter how much he asked and he did ask more than a few times. He merely told him to ask Arya herself. It was hours after Godric left did Eric wonder if his little kitten would buy him a present if he left for some place far away and if her present would make him happy like it made his master happy. He would never leave his pet behind of course and if he did it would be for drastic business and then he would never tell his pet about his business or even say goodbye. The less she knew of his business the safer she was. She was still a child there was still much time left before she could be involved in any of his business matters. He frowned to himself, so he would never get any opportunity to receive goodbye presents from his pet. He frowned for more than a few minutes at that thought, even grumbled to himself. Then a thought hit him and a familiar warm sensation filled him at the thought. His pet, if and only if she knew about him leaving for some place would buy him a goodbye present. She felt that sentiment for him and he knew that for sure because she did one thing for him always. She hugged him goodbye every time she left Fangtasia and he actually was in her close vicinity and let her hug him. The thought made everything well again in his head. Also, he made a mental note to let her hug him goodbyes more often. Her hugs were not entirely repulsive, they were actually quiet pleasant and he could handle pleasant. The next evening, Eric walked into his club and as it became a habit, he used his personal Arya-homing device in his head. He found her curiously enough in his office. Now that made him pause for the briefest of moments. Usually she was busy with some work, helping out in the various corners of the bar and it was mostly Pam who would put her in her office and make her sort through paperwork. Arya was never in his office if she was not summoned. So what was she doing in his office? He was not suspicious of her per say, but he was sure as hell curious. So he zoomed in to his office and to his utter surprise found her. She was curled up on his couch, shoes off, legs tucked in and curled into herself and reading a book. She looked calm, content but also slightly lonely. Eric had to clench his fist to stop himself from petting her head and ruffling her hair for she looked like the perfect adorable kitten sitting there. She looked up at him, sat up straight and smiled brightly, "Guten Abend, Herr Northman! (Good evening, Mr. Northman!)"

Her smiled made his head hum. He smirked back, "Ein guter Abend ist es, kleine Ktzchen. (A good evening it is, little kitten.) Now what have you been up to?" He sat with her on the couch, leaning back and making himself comfortable. She did not seem to be the least bit bothered with sharing such close space with him. She answered with a blink, "Well, I helped around and then Miss Pam asked me to not do anything this evening; just sit in your office and read quietly. So, here I am." Eric nodded and continued staring at her. After a few more quiet moments, he asked, "What did you think of my guest?" She blinked twice and replied, "Godric was awesome." Eric chuckled. Short and to the point. Eric leaned his head back and closed his eyes with a smug smile as he stated confidently, "That he most definitely is, my little kitten." He sat there with his eyes closed as he relaxed, almost basked in the calm that he felt around her. He felt calm because she felt calm. Her heart beat was soothing as opposed to the usual blood lust invoking heart beats. Her breathing was normal and the sound of her turning pages sent an image of her looking adorably absorbed in whatever she was reading behind his closed eyelids. The scent of ocean, cold winds and cherry-blossoms cloaked him. It must have been at least half an hour, when he finally opened his eyes. His kitten seemed to be finished with reading her book and was now staring at him with wide yellow eyes. He raised a questioning blonde eyebrow at her. She merely blinked and stated, "You have no extremely visible scars, despite being a Viking. Only barely visible, almost invisible tiny scars on your hands, arms and a few on your face from what I can detect. Mr. Northman, you must have been a great warrior. The very best amongst your men, isn't it?" Eric watched her with glinting blue eyes. She did it again. He never got tired of the way her brain worked. He found her fascinating. He nodded once and said softly, "Explain." She blinked once and smiled wide before explaining, "Godric has tattoos from his life as a human. Meaning deep and very prominent marks received during one's time as a human stays after they are turned. Now, logic states when being turned major damage to the body, more like recent damage to the body gets healed. Vampires are essentially undead creatures, meaning dead bodies which aren't dead to be exact. They function better than human bodies can. Vampires become physically more superior and more capable. For human bodies to become much more superior or capable, it needs to heal previous injuries, wounds, scars, etc. Therefore, newly turned vampires get their recent injuries, scars and wounds healed. You have no visible scars, despite your life as a Viking warrior and they were very accomplished warriors. You must have been a very skilled warrior to be not injured seriously. Just nicks here and there." Eric breathed sharply once. He was right, she never ceased to amaze him. Not only did she look into his life a thousand years ago and tell him how he was, she managed to uncover one of the best kept secrets of vampires without any evidence or even trying. She almost figured out that vampire blood could heal and the healing capacity of vampire blood was beyond any human's imagination. A part of Eric whispered in his mind that maybe she did figure it out and was keeping quiet about it. If she was then she was a very smart girl, smarter than he gave her credit for. As long as she did not know that

little fact, then he would not have to give her his blood to keep track of her. Also, as long as she kept quiet and no other vampire other than Godric, Pam and him knew of it, she was safe. Any other vampire would be within their right to glamor her into forgetting or kill her. He went through her words, she was clearly being factual, as well as painting vampires with compliments and flattery which were absolute facts. She knew how to weave a good web of words, for sure. It was then that Eric had decided, he would give her his blood as soon as she turned sixteen. Later when she turned eighteen, he would decide what he exactly wanted from her and as his human how she would serve him. He was actually planning on keeping her under his employment. She would be a great asset for him and his business. That way she would be near Pam as well and when she turned much, much older, Pam could turn her. Although a large part of him wanted to turn her himself. But he told himself firmly to be patient, it could all be dealt with in time, that is, when she grew up. He took hold of her tiny fragile warm hand, looked into her eyes, and told her softly, but firmly, "Listen to me, my little kitten. I allow you to speak of such deductions that you make. I allow it because I find your intelligence refreshing and of a different league than that of those other dim-witted bags of blood I see every night. I have told you that I will protect you from harm, but you must keep such deductions regarding people and other vampires to yourself. Only when you are alone with either Pam, Godric or I can you speak in this manner. Other vampires will not think twice about ripping your head off your body if they find you picking them apart by your words." He watched her blink once and hoped she understood exactly what he meant. She nodded once and then answered softly, squeezing his hand lightly, "I know, Mr. Northman. I only speak at all with Miss Pam, Godric and now you. I usually keep quiet and blend in. It keeps me safe and helps me observe everything. I know I can be quiet obnoxious sometimes, tactless as well. But I only talk to you because you let me and you don't get offended. I think you know that I don't mean to insult, I just tell you things how I see them. I tell you things because I trust you. You told me you would protect me, so I see no point in being deceptive to you in any manner. That includes with holding information." Eric struggled for an unneeded breath when he felt the warmest feeling course through from somewhere in his unbeating heart and it spread quickly and fluidly through every inch of his body and just as quickly returned back into his heart; the entire feeling was quick, sudden and well, shocking. It was a feeling that was so difficult to explain and it left him feeling dazed, but the humming continued to relax and soothe him, making him stop thinking over the strange feeling. All he could know and puff his chest out at was the fact that he had her absolute trust, it seemed. Having the trust of a human was nothing special to a vampire of his stature. But having the trust of a human immune to glamor with nothing to gain from him and with the intellect that baffled him more often than not, that was something extraordinary. Having the trust of this specific little girl meant a lot. He calmed himself and looked at her with glinting blue eyes and kept staring at her. Waiting for her to fidget, show any sign of nervousness. But she didn't, she remained just as calm and sat motionlessly, but comfortable under his examining gaze. She looked back at him with her yellow eyes soft. Those oddly beautiful eyes showed him her awe in him. She might be friends with Godric and hold affection for him, but Eric knew in that moment, she had admiration, trust and respect for him. Also in the manner she sometimes teased him, she had affection for him also. As well as blinding faith in him. She could and would put her very life in his hands, she trusted him that much with her

safety. What a silly little girl she was! Silly and smart. What a surprising girl! His little Arya. If she could give him so much of herself, he was of course to nobody's knowledge, obliged to take care of her in his own way. Moments passed between them and finally Eric said in a nonchalant manner, "You are obnoxious, little kitten. Very much so." Arya blinked at him and then giggled. Her giggle was something that always managed to make something in him feel lighter and make his lips twitch into a smile, no matter how small a smile. A part of him sneered, he did not need horrible and painful jokes to make her giggle. He could do so with his own way. Blunt honesty. Finally she stopped giggling and retorted with a brilliant smile, "Takes one to know one, Sir." He narrowed his eyes dangerously, and while any other human would have gone white with fright, somehow she knew he was joking. She giggled even more. He placed his large hand on her head and ruffled her soft curls and growled playfully, "Aren't you a sassy little kitten?" She giggled a little more and replied, "Again, I could repeat my previous statement, but something tells me you would take offense to that implication, Sir." He swept away some curls off her forehead, as he let go of her head. Those curls fell back into their previous place. He mused, her curls were just as stubborn as her. He stated, "That something would be very accurate." She smiled at him. He remembered one other thing that he had to do that evening. Something he had planned the previous evening and of course was very secretive about it. He reached into his pocket and brought out a small blue box. He noticed her watching curiously. He smirked and then handed it over to her. She looked confused and adorably so. She looked at the box and then him. He continued to smirk and then ordered softly, "Ouvrez-le, mon petit chaton. (Open it, my little kitten.)" She nodded and a moment later she gasped. He couldn't help the chuckle that came out of his mouth and he also couldn't help but gleefully take in her look of surprise. He informed her softly, "A golden star for excellent work. I am told that golden stars are given to little girls such as yourself as rewards." She looked back at him with glittering eyes and a pout on her lips. She replied equally softly, "Yes, but golden star stickers are the usual rewards. Not actual gold star pendants on gold chains." Eric inwardly was pleased at her strange way of not accepting expensive gifts, although it also bothered him that she would not accept what he freely gave her. Did she not understand that she might be as independent as she wished but she was his and he would give her whatever he wanted whenever he wanted? He rolled his eyes and grumbled, "Are you going to say something stupid like how you cannot accept expensive things from me again?" That was warning enough from him that she mustn't go down that road. She merely sniffed and replied with the pout still on her lips, "No. I was just saying that your reward is different, Mr. Northman." Eric snorted, "I am different, min lilla kattunge (my little kitten)."

She took out the necklace from the box and looked at the dainty necklace. Touching it with her small hands and admiring it, Eric smiled with pride. He always had the best taste in everything. She whispered, "It's very beautiful, Mr. Northman." Then she looked at him and gave him a smile that was simply dazzling, "Thank you so much." His head hummed in pleasure. He kept his face carefully blank, no point in becoming so soft. He stated tonelessly, "Wear it, then." She nodded her head enthusiastically and then stopped abruptly and asked in a soft voice, "May I hug you, Sir?" He wanted that hug, but that didn't mean he would let her know it or let her think her hugs were something he wanted much. He asked with a frown, "Why?" She blinked once and replied promptly, "It is a very beautiful and very much appreciated gift. I would like to show my appreciation and gratitude with a hug." This time he blinked. He told her firmly, "It is a reward, not a gift. Also, never thank men with anything that has to do with your body. Big lesson to remembered and followed through as you are a young lady." She blinked twice and asked, "Is this part of the perverts and pedophiles talk?" Eric resisted the urge to slap his head. He stared at her, she continued, "Because if it is, I have already been given the talk and I have read a lot on the subject. Also, I follow certain rules and am very cautious about that matter. I observe men or women acting strangely towards me and I take actions accordingly." Eric nodded once. He hated talking about this with her. Worse, he hated thinking about it. But it was good that she was aware of the dangers of the world. She needed to be taught about such things. She was growing up, after all. Then she told him matter-offactly, "I did not intend to give you a hug in that manner. I wanted to hug you because I am very much happy and I would like to hug you like I sometimes hug you good-bye. Also similar to the time you gave me the phone. I know very well that you do not like to be touched, Sir and that is why I asked." Eric knew how she meant to hug him. But hearing everything from her mouth always felt better. Also, he had his image to uphold. He nodded once and replied tonelessly, "I suppose, I may make an exception just this once. You may hug me." She smiled wide and threw herself into his suspiciously open arms which were quiet well prepared to catch her in them. After a tight where she giggled into his chest and he unknowingly to her smiled wide, she asked him politely, "Will you please put it on me?" Eric obliged, while she stated softly, "I will always wear it." Of course that was great for his ego and he smirked. She kept on chattering happily about how the necklace was pretty and how she would show it to her aunt and Miss Pam and tell Godric when he called. He mused to himself how much like her true age she sounded and how very rare moments like this were.

Suddenly she jumped up, which Eric would never admit, but it did catch him off guard. She smiled wide and said cheerfully, "I remembered." Eric raised an eyebrow, "Remembered what, little kitten?" He watched with amusement as her face went blank and she crossed her arms over her chest and then asked him a question. Of course what she said filled him with horror and he actually groaned out loud, "Why do elephants paint their toenails red?" Eric was stumped. He contained his urge to yell several curses in various languages. He stared at her blankly, he would not answer of even think about the stupid question and the forthcoming stupider punchline. After a few tense moments of his silence, Arya finally answered with a sly smile, "To hid in cherry trees!" Had she ever seen cherry trees? Her jokes were terribly but now they did not even make sense. Eric frowned and huffed and then almost snarled at her in frustration, "That is impossible." She asked him matter-of-factly, "Have you ever seen an elephant hide in a cherry tree?" Eric rolled his eyes and snarled out a, "No." He was just about to explain the whole point to her, but she beat him to it, "Then it must work!" Then she started giggling. Eric frowned and then looked pained. After a moment of two, he sighed. He really should have seen that one coming. Chapter Fourteen The next few nights everything was back to normal. Eric was feeding and partaking in women and little Arya was not abnormally normal. Apparently a few phone calls from Godric and tons of messages via text and e-mail, made Arya very happy and secure that she did not and would not lose her dear friend. She had told Godric about the present she received from Mr. Northman and how it was so beautiful. Godric was pleased, his progeny made the little human very happy. Godric smiled, it was not just an expensive gift, it was a thoughtful gift. One that mattered a lot to Arya; she had explained the concept of golden stars and teachers and rewards, although frankly Godric found it a bit baffling in the beginning, later he understood the need of approval and idea of a reward. He could tell that Arya would have been just as happy with a piece of sticker (how odd), as long as it was given to her by Mr. Northman for a job well done. Eric was extremely pleased to see the little golden star dangling from his kitten's neck. He always looked for it when he saw her, and he always found it. Also, he found another odd but endearing habit his kitten had developed. Whenever she was busy in thought, be it with her school work or Pam's paper work, she would fiddle with the star around her neck. She noticed him noticing and simply blinked and said, "It's another human thing, Mr. Northman." He had smirked at her. He had told Pam about the necklace and he had expected a few snide or teasing comments, even some nagging over giving human pets expensive gifts. But surprisingly, she simply nodded and said it was an apt gift for little blossom. He had also offhandedly explained the odd concept about teachers, golden stars and rewards. Pam agreed that it was an odd concept, really golden star stickers as rewards, she had

scoffed. She added that if it was candy then it would be much more appropriate and a better incentive. They both agreed that human education systems or the public schools must be very cheap. Pam had told him giving little blossom a golden star was a good idea. She too had noticed Arya's new habit and Arya had shown her the necklace the very evening she had received it. Pam had said to her then that gold suited her well. Arya bright smile placed an idle thought in Pam's mind that maybe a pair of matching gold earrings for the little girl would be a good idea for a latter event. It was a few nights later and one early evening when the strangest thing happened to Eric. He had walked in and found his kitten in Pam's office. But that wasn't the strange part, the strange parts was his kitten. She looked paler than usual. Very pale and she sat stiff in her seat, the paperwork before her. He could tell that she wasn't all that focused with her work and that was odd. She looked up at his with tired eyes, which made the buzzing in his head sharpen just a touch. She blinked once, sighed and then greeted in a simple voice, "Good evening, Mr. Northman!" Eric's felt an odd feeling in his stomach and he felt surprised. Also, annoyed. That was not how his kitten usually greeted him. It was all wrong, she was supposed to smile brightly, or even say something witty. She looked for the lack of a better word, grumpy. He took a seat near her and replied, "So it seems. Anything wrong, min lilla kattunge?" He had taken to calling her pet name in Swedish. She shook her head no and started slowly working. Eric watched, this was not how she worked. She always worked fast and efficiently. She seemed to move a little restlessly every now and then and sigh. Eric watched and tried figuring out what was wrong with her. He could always force out an answer from her, but that would be his last resort, for now he was curious. Her scent was a little off and more overpowering. Too much cherry-blossoms and very less oceans and cold winds. Her face would harden every now and then too. One of her hands was on her thighs, gripping the fabric of her jeans and every now and then she would press it to her stomach, hold it there for a few moments, sigh and then place it back on her thigh. Odd. It was when a groan finally slipped out of her mouth did Eric start to panic. His instincts took over and he started sensing red light alerts. He could smell blood on her. His kitten's blood. The blood smelt strange and old, but it was blood and she was injured and not telling him. He snapped at her, "You are bleeding, kitten. Why?" Before he could even reach out to her to hold her hand, she snapped her head to look at him. The way her yellow eyes dangerously glared at him stunned him and somewhat paralyzed him. She huffed and frowned and her face flushed. She told him in a shrilly tone he hadn't known his kitten possessed, "You can't ask me that!" With that she looked very upset and she ran out of the office. Eric sat there puzzled and slightly angry. What did she mean he couldn't ask her that? Of course he could ask her that, she was his and he needed to know to protect her better and she needed a doctor. He stalked towards the direction she left. He found her in the backroom packing up her bag. He stood in front of her and demanded, "You will tell me what I ask of you and give up this attitude of yours if you know what is best for you." His voice was one that would have made vampires centuries old rigid. It made Arya sniff loudly and turn towards him sullenly. She bit her lip and would not look at him. Eric had

no patience for such childish antics, he had bigger issues at hand. He growled out, folding his huge arms over his large chest and his blue ices as cold as ice, "Where and how did you injure yourself? Show me." Eric barely noticed her face flush as red as it was humanly possible. She gasped and replied indignantly, "I am not injured and I have nothing to show!" He snarled out leaning towards her, "Do not lie to me! I can smell the blood!" She gasped, her face contorted into an expression of utter mortification and cried out, "Oh god, that is gross! Don't tell me that." He continued to glare at her and then he told her firmly, "Stop all this nonsense and tell me. I need to get you proper medical attention and then sort out the mess that got you injured." She looked utterly troubled. She clutched onto the curls on her head and shook her head and whined, "I am not injured, I promise. It's different." Eric blinked once. He had never heard his kitten whine and he never thought he would either. He always thought she was above such idiotic actions. If she was going to act like a spoiled child then he would have to get firm with her. He continued glaring at her. After a few moments, she shrunk a little within herself and grumbled, "It's a girl problem. I can't tell you about it." What girl problem? His mind went through the absolute worst situations. Did someone threaten her, or was she ashamed of being accosted? He told her firmly, "You can tell me everything. If someone is asking you to keep quiet, you need not to. If you are ashamed of what they did to you, you do not need to be. I shall take care of it and keep you safe, as I have said to you before, but I need answers before that. You had promised me your absolute honesty, or was that a lie?" She frowned at him and said heatedly, her yellow eyes flashing dangerously, "I did not lie. I never lie to you and will not in the future either. It's just not what you think is wrong with me." He stood there stubbornly, his glare ever present. She finally sighed out and looked at her shoes and mumbled something. That left Eric more puzzled than ever. He asked her slightly confused and also a little agitated, "What do you mean your time of the month?" She looked up at him and glared back, looking utterly frustrated. She snapped out, "I mean, I am going through my menstrual cycle!" Eric gaped, not exactly comprehending her words, "You what?" She looked angry and Eric felt uncomfortable for reasons unknown, she told him harshly, "My period. Blood moon. Blood cycles. Whichever term you are used to, I am going through that. I am in pain and I feel tired and I would appreciate if you would not embarrass and humiliate me further." With that she stalked out with her bag swinging across with her every step. She left some of her books behind. Eric stood there like a statue. After a few minutes of confusion, the hammer of understanding hit him and he felt both embarrassed and shocked.

He walked slowly back to Pam's office to find her annoyed. She sneered, "Blossoms, didn't sort out these papers." Eric blinked once and asked her, "Did she smell odd to you tonight?" Pam answered, "No, why do you ask?" Eric replied, "She smelt like strange blood and I asked her about it." Pam snapped her attention to him, "Was she hurt?" Eric answered mildly, "That was what I inquired about." Pam rolled her eyes, "Yes and?" Eric told her looking into her eyes, "After much insistence on my behalf, she informed me that she was going through her menstrual cycle." Pam blinked once and asked in surprise, "Her what?" Eric repeated, "Her blood moon, she said." Pam sat down and chuckled a little dryly. Eric sat down as well. After a few moments Pam told him matter-of-factly, "From what little I can remember of my human days, those were a bitch to deal with. Men are so lucky." Eric asked her, "What do you mean?" Pam explained, "The pain I had to endure during my cycle was somewhere in between something kicking me in my stomach or something clawing me sharply on the inside." Eric blanched. His kitten was going through that? Also, he didn't remember much from his human days and fornicating with women back then or in his vampire life, he never had to deal with this particular woman issue ever. He did not have a human sister to care for back then or know about this menstrual cycle. The blood he could understand about, but the pain? He felt completely at odds about it. He finally grumbled out, "She cannot have that. She isn't old enough to have that." Pam laughed, "She is fourteen, she is plenty old to have that. Also, in the old times, by now she would have been married off, you very well know that." Eric shook his head in disapproval and disgust. Pam added wisely, "She is growing into a woman." Eric scoffed at that. He thought about it all for a while and then said softly, "She said she was in pain and tired and she would appreciate it if I did not embarrass or humiliate her further." Pam asked him incredulously, "How did you humiliate her?" Eric sighed and replied, "I don't know. She was acting very much unlike herself. She whined, snapped and was very dramatic."

Pam raised and eyebrow and replied dryly, "Oh yes and she has absolutely no reason to be a little upset when she is bleeding and in a sort of pain that you could not even begin to understand since you are a man." Eric glared at her, but Pam did not back down. She sighed after a moment and simply said, "Tell me everything." Eric rolled his eyes, crossed his arms across his chest and recalled everything about his evening sullenly. After a moment or two, Pam shrieked, "You told her you smelt her blood?" Eric snapped back, "I thought she was injured!" Pam laughed incredulously and told him point blank, "You do not say that to a young girl who is having her blood cycle and if it was me at that age and you told me that you would be ducking for whatever object I would find near me to fling at your head." Eric scoffed and sulked. After a while he asked, "What should I do?" Pam and Eric both felt a bit odd over it. None of them knew what to do about it, so they called someone who did know about it and glamored her for answers. Pam found out that Arya started her blood cycles, or period, as Ginger said, last year after she turned thirteen. That fact had Eric scowl. Pam also found out that Arya had medicines for the pain and it lessened the pain considerably. But Arya was a little grumpy and tired during her time of the month. That phrase made Eric mumble out, so that's what she meant by it. Pam had glared at him to quiet down. By another hour, after a few more questions and assuring that Ginger would remember nothing of the event, Eric had someone deliver a large amount of ice-cream and chocolates and a get-well-soon card to Arya's residence. Later that night Eric was extremely grumpy himself. He did not like being proven wrong, he regretted treating his kitten in the manner he did a little and he felt unusually uncomfortable about the strange monthly phase she was going through. He sat in his throne abnormally moody, until a message received on his phone. Thank you for the card and the comfort food. Your sentiment is well received and all is forgotten.-AH Eric sighed and then smirked. All was well and he did not even need to reply was quick. I hope you feel better. If you need anything else, anything at all, text me.-EN It is not a disease and I do not get to get well soon, as the card puts it. It is something that will continue on happening like it happens to every other female. I must endure, but I would appreciate it very, very much if you never point it out like you did this evening.-AH Eric winced. Pam was right she was mad about the smelling blood comment. He replied. I will be aware of that in the future. I was making sure you were not hurt.-EN I apologize for my snappish behavior as well. I get a little moody during my time of the month.-AH

Eric could not help it anymore. Apology accepted. Are you in very much pain? Do you need to visit a doctor?-EN Again, this is embarrassing, but I suppose this is your way of caring. The pain is as usual and I do not need a doctor. The comfort food you sent helped and is very much appreciated. Thank you, once more.-AH You are very much welcome, min lilla kattaunge.-EN After that, Eric was back in his usual form. Pam simply watched everything and then snorted loudly and scoffed, "Men!" Chapter Fifteen After the incident which Eric referred to in his head as the 'incident which shall not be named or spoken of', things went back to normal. Everything was back to how it was supposed to be. Of course, Eric was now a bit more cautious with his little kitten and after a little research which left him feeling slightly disgusted and much more aware of the female body, he was now prepared for the dramatic Arya which he would have to face once a month. He made a mental note to be a bit more caring and if possible stay as far away as possible from Arya next month when her scent was even the least bit off. Also, lots of chocolate and ice-cream to be delivered at her home. After all, it did fall under his duties as he was caring for her. She was his pet, his little kitten. Arya was back to normal and from what Pam could tell, Arya wasn't the least bit embarrassed about it anymore. Which impressed Pam immensely, Arya was being very much mature about the whole situation. From what Pam assessed, Arya was caught off guard and was embarrassed that one time, now she had time to think it over and was very much taking it in stride. Like Arya told her, it was very natural thing and it had to do with blood, she would be a moron if she thought a vampire wouldn't notice such a thing. Pam had to hide a smile when she heard her say matter-of-factly, "Mr. Northman is an adult, if he can be casual about my very normal and very natural menstrual cycle, I'd be an idiot to be all freaked out about it. Why make an issue out of it? I am okay with it now. That's why I look up to Mr. Northman and you." Pam mused, if the little girl only knew how uncomfortable her little problem had made both her and Eric. They were worried, confused and embarrassed. She at least could empathize from what little she could remember, but Eric being a man, he felt panicked and very out of place. It was one evening when Eric finally approached a subject he had being contemplating about. HE asked her, "What do you plan on doing in the future, kitten?" She blinked once and looked up from the paperwork she was doing, "How far into the future are we talking about and in what context, Mr. Northman?" He smirked, clever girl. He explained, "Your education, your career, how do you plan on utilizing your talented mind, my kitten? For what purpose?" She looked at his with her golden eyes and pouted her lips. He watched her intently, her lips quirked and she stated, "I guess world domination is out of the table since it would upset Godric. I just know he would think it would be too mean of me to subjugate those

whom I would deem lower than myself. Then Godric would always skip on the parties I would throw and let's face it, who would I really talk to then?" Eric started at her, his blue eyes wide and then he smiled and then he started chuckling. His kitten was just too precious. Too mean to subjugate? She smiled brightly as well and shook her head and said with a sigh, "Ah, the things I sacrifice for a good friend." Eric snorted and then looked at her. He then told her something that a part of him truly meant. His voice dropped, he leaned in a bit closer and he told her seriously, "I would support you if you did go with your quest for world domination." She leaned in and told him in a tone he knew was dead serious, "I know, Mr. Northman. Why else do you think I sound so confident? Also, I would have you as my adviser whom I would treasure above all else. Miss Pam would have a country all to herself. She can even have everything in that country to be pink. She likes the color pink, you know. She can have a pink palace." With the images of pink buildings, little Arya on a huge throne and himself wearing a silly hat with huge jewels and an adviser, Eric laughed out right. He laughed and truly laughed. Arya was pouting and told him, "I was being serious, you know." She even had her arms crossed and the most adorable pout-y face. He laughed even harder. She huffed and took out her phone and started typing away on it. Eric continued to laugh. There was a slight vibration on her phone after a few seconds and she huffed and then nodded firmly. She had roused Eric's curiosity. He finally calmed somewhat, but still had a smile etched on his lips. She told him in a snooty voice, "I was right. Godric does find the idea mean, so no world domination for me, Mr. Northman. Here, see for yourself." Eric snorted and reached for her phone. My friend, I am sure Eric would support you idea wholeheartedly. I wouldn't laugh as Eric is now, but I would not support it either if you went along with your plan for world domination. I find the idea rather callous. Also, I would not attend your festivities and parties and such occasions, since I would find it malicious in your nature if you did vanquish your opponents. You are far too compassionate and passionate. How about you open a restaurant? With your talents, the business would be very beneficial and it is also something you love to do.-Godric After he read the message, he was smiling wide and laughing all over again. Now he had another funny image in his head, an image of Arya with a huge chef's hat and a huge knife demanding people to bow before her. He just knew his master was chuckling and sniggering uncontrollably as well. Just when he had managed to calm down, the phone in his hand vibrated again. He checked and curiously enough it was a message from his own progeny. Screw that. I am behind you blossom. We are getting me that pink country and a pink palace. I want my the United States of Pamela Swynford De Beaufort, US of PSDB for short. We need to work on your fashion sense and your intimidation tactics. Can't have an ugly whimpy queen, now can we?-Miss Pam. He was chuckling and handed the phone over to Arya. Which was funnier? Pam's pink country? US of PSDB? Ugly whimpy queen? Intimidation tactics and his little kitten? Or

the fact that Pam signed off that message with 'Miss Pam'? Oh fuck it, the whole situation was funny. It tickled him even more when Arya sniffed and said, "Well, at least Miss Pam sees the real potential in my idea. She already is planning for it." Oh gods, Eric snorted. He never wanted his little kitten to change one bit. She was perfect just as she was. Just fourteen years old and planning for world domination and torturing the world, bribing and honoring Pam with pink countries and then chucking away the whole idea because Godric wouldn't come to her parties. He sniggered. So maybe, just maybe, rarer than sometimes, his kitten did have a funny sense of humor. After a few more moments, Eric finally calmed down. He said with narrowed eyes, "You still haven't answered my question, my kitten." Arya sighed and answered, "I honestly haven't thought about it, Mr. Northman. But what I do know is that, I want to take a year off after school and really think about it and during that time I would like to work, to earn a little extra and get some experience with people." Eric wanted to interject, hell he wanted to manipulate the whole conversation like he had been planning for the past week. But he kept quiet and kept his attention on her, she needed to talk. So he would listen. She continued, "I know I am clever enough to do whatever I would want to do. But I know what I don't want to do. Also, there is the matter of college being very expensive. I have money from my momma's insurance, but I don't want to spend it all after something I do not want or will regret. So I am taking my time thinking and sorting it all out." Eric added, not judgmentally but factually, "There is also your aunt, you do not want to leave her." Arya nodded. Eric was secretly thrilled at that. She wouldn't leave Shreveport for a college because she wanted to be near her aunt. Arya said after a moment, "I do not want to be a doctor or a lawyer. I am told by a teacher I would be excellent with both of those careers. I know I cannot be a writer or a journalist, I lack the imagination and creativity for it. I do not want to be an actress or anything of that sort. I am terribly with art." Eric was genuinely interested and fascinated with how her mind was jumping through careers. He also didn't want her to pick any of the ones she listed either, but his were more selfish reasons. The main being, she was his and she had to stay in his area with him. She sighed and said, "I would make an excellent detective and the law enforcement agencies would benefit a lot from having me and I am not being arrogant when I say it. It's a fact. I am interested in that line of work as well, but I am not sure if I would have the temperament or the patience to go with the system, keep mum even when I know what is wrong, follow orders from my superiors. I do not even know if I could be physically fit for it." Eric thought about it and agreed. She would be a brilliant detective and would be famous for her work, she would be handed out promotions as well. Despite what she said, she did not acknowledge one of her own traits beneficial for that line of work. She was manipulative and calculative, she would breeze through the politics and bureaucracy.

Also, he thought about it, it would be beneficial for him to have someone in the human law enforcement as well. But another part of him worried for her welfare. She would get hurt. The possibilities of her being hurt. The sheer probabilities, it left his mind reeling. Would she be physically able for a lifestyle of basically hunting, no she wasn't. The crimes and criminals she would have to face, that left him feeling edgy. How could he protect a girl who would be running after trouble simply because it was her duty. He did not even want to think how psychologically changed she would be after facing so many dark things. He finally decided that maybe becoming a detective wasn't her cup of tea. She spoke again, "I do not want to be a number person, so no banking career for me. I do not want to be an engineer or a physicist, marine biologist, or architect either. None of that. Although, becoming a forensic expert does intrigue me. But again, I would have to be apart from my life here, if I did pursue that line of career." He watched her in slight awe and utter intrigue, she had so much potential. She didn't even begin to say the word and he could already see her becoming that person, with that career, becoming the best and most respected in that field of career. A part of him felt something akin to guilt, very little, miniscule amount of guilt, over the fact that he would keep her away from achieving all of that at all costs. But that part of him was soon silenced by his more stronger and dominant vampire nature as well as his Viking roots which were rooting, howling and almost celebrating at the fact that, someone this talented with so much potential was his. Only his and she would stay that way. This amazing little human teacup belonged to him. He would keep her safe and happy. He watched her with no expressions on his face while on the inside he was riding wild waves and ferocious waves of awareness, thoughts and plans. She continued thoughtfully, "A small part of me wants to become an archeologist, a historian, an anthropologist or even a linguistic expert. But I haven't given much thought to it since it would again mean my departure from Shreveport, maybe even the country. But I have given some serious thought about becoming a software engineer. A computer and tech expert really." That made Eric blink and he gaped at her for a second. All those waves in his head? Yeah, they kind of crashed against a mighty, mighty wall and just stopped and disappeared, leaving his ears ringing slightly. She wanted to what? He repeated in a slightly confused voice, "A computer expert? A software engineer? Explain." She looked extremely nervous all of a sudden. She looked at her shoes and her hands fidgeted with a pen, she bit her lower lip and just shrunk into herself. Finally she looked at him with pleading eyes and a part of Eric's something melted. He couldn't tell what, but something in him melted and he wanted to comfort her. His expression softened and he looked at her with as much kindness he could muster. He could feel it, she was about to confess something. She whispered, "Mr. Northman, I have never said any of this to anybody. But I kind of want to do something, this particular line of work, well it wouldn't exactly be one which other people would be okay with." Eric's heart stopped. Oh gods, she wanted to be a stripper. She wanted to be one of those dancers who would jiggle and wiggle their bodies in the most obscene manner wearing strings for clothing and would call it exotic dancing. He stopped breathing, not that he needed to breathe. The buzzing buzzed in his head hard and fast and he felt like

hitting his head on the nearest surface. Oh gods, she couldn't become one of those women. She just couldn't. So what if he liked some of those women and hired them and hell, promoted them and encouraged them. The point was he wanted other women to become like that, not his girls. Never Pam or his kitten. That was not how his girls were to act ever. A part of him screamed to calm down but he couldn't. All he could think about were perverts and disgusting humans with repulsive thoughts and revolting desires who wanted to touch and do nefarious things to his innocent and naive and pure kitten. He had to save her. Eric did not notice that his hands were tightened into fists. But Arya noticed it and she panicked. She whispered softly and pleadingly, "Mr. Northman, please hear me out. I swear I am not going to do anything awful. Really! It won't be even harmful. I just think I could do a lot being a tech specialist. Please listen to me before you scold me." Eric heard all her words, but in a distant kind of way, but it worked. Slowly but surely, he came out of the haze of buzzing and the disgusting thoughts of his kitten as a pole dancer. He let out a long breath and then asked, softly, knowing how much she looked worried, "What do you mean by a tech specialist? What does someone like that do, what would you do?" She nodded and explained, her voice still a whisper, "Softwares, tech security, firewalls, web sites, tracking via technologies, anything and everything. Certain people need people with special skills to do certain tasks which would not and could not be done by the traditional means. I want to be that person with special skills." Eric arched an eyebrow and leaned in closer, now completely interested and focused on her. She was a devious little thing. She had a plan, an unconventional plan. He simply said, "These people would pay you for your special skills, of course. Pay you a lot since it would be a nontraditional task. But what do you specifically mean by nontraditional?" She looked at him, all worried, timid and slightly scared. Eric mused, good, she knew what she was proposing was wrong and she was afraid of his reaction. But she was asking for his approval, she was trusting in him and confiding in him. To him that was all that mattered. Besides, she did not know how much potential her idea had for him. She explained, "Basically, a hacker. I want to own the world at my fingertips, literally. Do anything and everything I want; I want to keep eyes on everyone; keep tabs; make them do what I want; trace them; track them; make messes for them; clean up messes; make people and things disappear or create all new identities, people and things. I could do so much, and no one could stop me. How could you stop something as intangible as technology and it is something everyone relies on and is unavoidable." Eric's eyes were glinting in what could be best described as greed and fascination. He realized, he had the perfect, the absolutely perfect pet. Eric had someone who took care of his security problems, and he had used a hacker once or twice, never for something serious but he had entertained the thought of permanently employing one. Especially in these new times when the regent of his state, the vampire Queen Sophie-Ann and other associates and enemies of his were using new spy technologies. He had to get ahead of them. Now as he looked up on his kitten, he was very much aware how very easily he could achieve all of that. Arya might say that she wanted everything at her fingertips, but if she achieved what she wanted to, then Eric would be the one with everything at his fingertips. After all Arya was his and what was hers was actually his. He had to use all his control not to smile wide and smugly. This was a matter where he had to progress with caution. It was also a dangerous field for her. She would be a great

tech expert as she called it, but even that line of work had its fair share of troubles. Most of the things she would be doing would be illegal. Eric told himself to make sure that he was always there to free her if something of that sort did happen. He knew though that it wouldn't, Arya was a smart girl. She wouldn't get caught. But he would still make sure. Also, he would hide away his brilliant little hacker. He knew it would be years before she became one, but he could wait and then he would have his prize. He stared at her making her fidget even more. Finally he spoke, his tone monotone, "You do realize that you plan on becoming a criminal, one that uses computers, but a criminal nonetheless." She whispered with a small smile, "I won't be a criminal if I am not caught." He remarked, "Arrogant already, little hacker?" She smirked, "No, merely confident. There is a lot at stake and I know that very well, Mr. Northman." He asked her honestly, "Do you really want all that power?" She blinked once and answered, "I do not want power for the sake of being powerful. I want to be strong. And I find this work fascinating. My mind works like a computer, so why would I not want to manipulate the world of computers?" Eric declared, "Kitten, I hear your words, your explanation and your plans. But your motives are still not clear." Arya sighed and replied, "I already have some skills with computers. I know what I can do." Eric asked, "What makes you think I would approve something like this? An illegal path approved by a Sheriff?" Arya explained, "I want to be a tech expert. My skills could be used for both good and bad. A gun in the hand of a soldier and one in the hand of a terrorist, both are the same thing but mean different things. I will have skills not that damaging, but essentially powerful. After all the whole world is going for a lack of better term, digital. Everything is technology. Why would I not want to master it? I could help track bad guys, help someone, get paid for it too." Eric listened with a blank face, but on the inside he was smiling with utter glee. She continued, passionately he noticed, "Do you know, Mr. Northman, many companies actually pay hackers to hack into their systems to improve their securities? So do banks and other organizations. Then there are the securities of small or medium sized organizations, they could and would hire me as well. Now certain people might hire me to sabotage someone or hack into someone's systems or crash their systems or bug them, I would do it of course, for a prize of my choice, without any traces left of me and not feel the least bit guilty. I don't know how to explain it to you, Mr. Northman, but I do not feel guilty about any of it and the word illegal doesn't scare me or worry me as long as I make sure I do not get caught." Eric watched her with slightly hard eyes, she matched his stare with her own. She was not scared, she was passionate about it and slightly nervous. He let her sweat for a little

bit and then finally smirked. He announced, "You knew I would approve, that was why you confessed to me." She gave him a smile which literally made his heart feel lighter and a similar smile appear on his own lips, "I guessed. But I was not sure. If you did disapprove, I would have changed my mind and went with forensic science. I find you to be an important part of my life, Mr. Northman. Someone who isn't related to me but gives a damn about me to want to protect me. I look up to you. I want to be a worthy human and well, strong in your eyes." Eric blinked once as he processed her words. He felt something in his chest tighten a little. She really was something. Her words touched him and affected him, but he couldn't show it to her. Not yet, maybe someday. He finally leaned back and said, "Let's say you did become a hacker, Godric would not approve of it." She blinked once and replied innocently, "Let's say I would become an artist and someone commissioned a portrait and paid me a substantial amount of money. Would Godric disapprove of it?" Eric smirked, "You are an awful artist. But Godric would not disapprove." Arya gave him a raised eyebrow and stated, "Then I do not see why he should disapprove of me marketing my other skills." Eric felt a huge amount of satisfaction from that answer. Godric might be her friend but it was his approval that mattered to her, not the great Godric's. She would mold herself to his wishes not Godric's. Eric felt smug and triumphant. She continued, "Godric would only know that I would be a tech expert, nothing more or less. Who my clients are shouldn't reach his eyes or ears, that is not how I would do business. Discretion is essential in being successful in my future line of business." Eric chuckled. She was precious, really. Eric asked her, "Well, when do you start on this business then, little kitten?" Arya explained, "The year I will take off, well that is the time I will learn different things from different sources. I will need a bit more protection then. That is my training period if you will call it. Then I enter the real world." Eric nodded. Great, she was not going anywhere. She would stay with him in his area. He told her, "You have your first client then, kitten. I warn you I am a very demanding client, I keep room for no mistakes." Arya looked at him as if he had two heads and replied, "Mr. Northman, I plan on working for you full time. You wouldn't be just a client and you know it very well. My skills would be very useful to you. Besides, you do not need to warn me, I know how you are and I plan on starting with the horrible excuse of website Fangtasia has." He frowned, the web site for the club was not that horrible. He was going to retort but she interrupted, "No, it is that horrible. Very gaudy and not enough attraction points. I asked Miss Pam if I could help, she told me to ask you. So I am asking." Eric nodded and replied, "Not before you graduate from school."

Eric did not want to employ her just yet. She was a child, she could remain like that for a little while more. She pouted but he did not relent. He was a little amazed at her words. She was loyal to him. He could see that. She would be an excellent employee. The rest of the evening was spent with her telling him awful jokes and texting Godric. He wondered and thought about the future. He was sure now and no point in thinking otherwise, Arya was going to become a vampire. She was a treasure. He planned on keeping her forever. Why keep a hacker and a loyal one for just a few decades when he could for centuries? Especially with the world evolving into an age of machines. When Pam would hear of this particular conversation, which she would and soon, she would be one hundred percent sure on turning her. Arya sealed her deal with her new career choice. Pam would love having the only vampire hacker in the world as her own progeny. Eric looked at his precious little kitten, with her shocking intellect, strange golden eyes, shiny curls of black hair and fragile little body. She was his kitten, and if Pam did not turn her, he would. He wanted to keep her, no matter what. What was Pam's was his, he wanted to share his kitten with Pam only because Pam was his beloved progeny. But if Pam did not want her or if Arya herself wanted him, he would not waste a second and turn her. He decided with a slight smile, Arya Hollis would make a wonderful vampire and progeny. Chapter Sixteen It was about a month later when both Eric and Pam came across something that left them shocked and downright enraged. Pam had came in early but she didn't even notice it, it was Eric who came in an hour later who found it first. He went searching for his little kitten who it seemed had hidden herself really well in the club that evening. She wasn't working or in her usual places. Eric had to rely on his senses and that buzzing in his head to locate his kitten and he found her in the corner of the back room. All silent and curled up on the floor. She had her head lowered and resting on her forearms, her forearms were on her knees which were pulled up to her chest and Eric couldn't believe how very small she looked at that moment. The buzzing in his head became unbearable and he felt something akin to horror and panic fill every pore of his body. If he were a mere human he would be panting, his body felt that much under pressure. He knew, his gut knew, every instinct in his body screamed as he stood there frozen, that there was something horribly wrong with his Arya. His senses were picking up a very faint trace of blood, very faint but it was there. It was Arya's undoubtedly, no one else smelt like a child, virgin, oceans and cherry-blossoms mixed together. A part of him said she would taste fresh, refreshing, light and sweet. So very sweet and just the right amount of spice. His vampire side was telling him that she would taste like no other and would be the most memorable taste of his life. It was also his vampire side which was raging a terrible war in his head about how someone bled his human. His pet. Someone touched what was his. Eric's fangs clicked out in his mouth, but he kept his lips closed, hiding them as he was hiding the rage brewing in him. It was moments later when he finally managed to retract his fangs did he hoarsely call out to her, "Arya. Look at me!" She did, slowly she raised her head and he felt like that one time when Godric had punched him in the stomach. Her usual pale skin, those soft cheeks of her's which sometimes blushed, her left cheek had a red-ish purple-ish bruise on it in the distinct

shape on a hand. Her soft pinks lips, which usually stretched and curved up in a smile at the sight of him remained immobile and had a small cut on her lower lip. There were scratch marks on her bruised cheek as well. Her beautiful golden eyes with those long black lashes, they looked hard and lacked the usual spark they had in them. Also, her right eyes was swollen, almost closed and was surrounded by a bruise that was quickly turning blue. Her hair was damp, her clothes fresh and she was wearing a full sleeved shirt with a closed collar. His body hardened and so did his demeanor. The vampire was roaring within him and so did his Viking side. She was beaten, assaulted and was incredibly hurt. He walked slowly, careful not to scare her off, towards her. He crouched down in front of her, noticing how steady and calm her pulse was. She wasn't scared or panicked. He was so much taller and bigger than her, she had her back firmly against the wall, making him covering her entirely. She looked at him and whispered softly, "Good evening, Mr. Northman!" He felt a deep stab somewhere within him and all that rage calmed down. He had to care for her at that moment, not destroy everything within his sight with his rage, or even scare her terribly. He breathed and then said softly, "There is nothing good about this evening as far as I can see, little kitten." She blinked once, well the one unharmed eye, that one blinked, the other remained swollen. When she didn't say anything, Eric raised one of his hands, and ran a finger slowly and softly down her purple cheek. It felt hot under his skin, he noticed with a morbid pride, she didn't even flinch at the pain. He demanded softly, "What happened?" She shook her head and replied monotonously, "It was nothing. An accident. I fell down the stairs at school, Mr. Northman." He resisted the urge to snarl. She was lying. He said firmly, "Try once more and this time, do not lie to me." She looked into his eyes, her eyes, those golden eyes suddenly looked so cold and hard. Eyes which belonged to a predator and he knew that because that was how Godric's looked when he hunted with rage streaming in his body. She answered softly, but with much ice in her tone, "Mr. Northman, I ask you to take that answer for now. I will explain everything eventually, but for now you must accept that answer. Please." Eric looked at her as a sudden realization coursed through his body. He knew those words, that tone, that intent, that malice, he knew it all suddenly. She was not behaving just like a predator, she was behaving like someone intent on vengeance. The realization both worried him and filled him with pride. That was his kitten, beaten down maybe, but never broken. He had to act quick. He took one of her small hands in his, feeling her soft and warm skin soothed him. He slowly and very carefully dragged her up to stand, placing one of his large hands around her back to support her if she felt weak. She was anything but weak. She stood proud and strong, her pulse steady. He noticed her wearing an undershirt underneath her full-sleeved shirt, he immediately knew, she was hiding more. He kept her hand in his as he took her to his office. He called for Pam on the way as well. With her in his office, he watched her more. She looked so composed, entirely too composed for someone who was assaulted mere hours ago. He first asked, very clinical, with no emotions whatsoever, "Have you had any medical attention or been to a doctor?"

She answered just as emotionless, "There was no major injury. I visited the school nurse and have had proper first aid." He made a note, it had happened in her school then. Also, she did not have proper medical attention. He asked again, "Have you eaten anything or taken any pain medication?" She replied, "Yes, I have had lunch and a snack. I do not like pain medication, so I did not take any." Liar. She wanted the pain, hence not taking the medicine. She wanted to remember everything, especially the pain. It was then that Pam barged in. It took her less than three seconds to notice and understand everything. She had her fangs out immediately with a loud click and snarled out, "Who the fuck did it?" Eric watched his progeny with pride and approval. She was on the alert and very much ticked off that someone had harmed what was theirs. Eric replied dryly, "Our little teacup here took a fall down the stairs at her school today." Pam stalked towards his desk and stood beside him, looking over Arya with barely contained fury in her eyes and again snarled out, "Bull fucking shit." Eric simply said, "Agreed." Pam suddenly had a horrifying realization as she looked at the little girl closely. She looked at Eric and he matched her look, suddenly she knew and she knew that Eric thought the same thing. She retracted her fangs and asked again, this time her voice steely but her eyes beseeching, "Tell me blossom, what happened?" Arya looked at her and said, "I fell down the stairs. For now." Pam growled out, "What the fuck do you mean, for now?" Arya remained silent. Pam did not fail to notice how absolutely calm and composed the little girl was. After a few minutes, Eric demanded promptly and in a tone that said nononsense, "Take off your shirt, Arya." Arya looked at him and her mouth fell a bit open. She stood still and did not make even the slightest of moves. Eric simply looked towards Pam, who nodded once and walked over to Arya, her heels clicking ominously across the floor. She stood in front of her and made quick work of unbuttoning her shirt. Arya remained still and had no expression on her face whatsoever. Pam neatly removed her shirts and walked back to Eric, who remained leaning against his desk. There stood Arya in display before them in her thin tank top. There was a bruise across her collar bone and one on her neck, again hand prints. One very dark bruise on her left forearm, a punch perhaps. There were scratches, nails marks, on her neck, face and arms. Pam beside him grew rigid, he even heard her hiss a little. He ordered once more, "Lift your tank, and show me your stomach." She blinked once but made no move to do it. Eric stared at her for a few moments, his eyes foreboding and shiver inducing cold. He stated, voice hard, "You will not like it if Pam gets there to do it, I assure you of that." Arya breathed softly and then slowly lifted her tank top till it showed all of her stomach. This time Pam loudly breathed in. The little girl's thin pale stomach was covered in

bruises in the sizes of fists, there were deep red scratches as well. Some were on her stomach, purple and in various sizes, and some were on her lower ribs. The scratches were deep and slightly raw and looked painful. How Arya was standing strong, Eric couldn't help but wonder about. She wasn't even flinching or breathing different. It was as if she was oblivious to the pain. The buzzing was almost deafening in Eric's head and the red film of rage was returning slowly into his mind. He growled this time, loudly and harshly, "Who did this to you?" Arya remained silent. Pam asked her this time, a part of her soft and sympathizing as she used her vampire speed to be right beside her, touching her softly on her shoulder, "Tell us, little blossom. We will take care of it and they will never harm you again." Arya repeated just as softly, gripping onto the hand on her shoulder, "For now, all I will tell you is that I fell down the stairs." Eric breathed in sharply. He knew his progeny was feeling especially connected to his pet right now. Pam would play the soft card with Arya and Eric could not blame her. Pam wanted Arya as her own progeny, meaning a part of Pam already cared for the girl. Pam was not seeing anything more than her pain right now. So he did what Arya did not expect right at that moment. He said, "Take a seat, kitten and Pam you take a seat as well, you will want to be comfortable while you hear this." Arya took a seat right in front of the huge Viking while Pam cautiously took a seat on the couch. Eric watched Arya for a few silent seconds and then asked in his most charming and well, devil-may-care attitude, "How about I show you my power of deductions, little kitten since you seem to be so fond of them?" Arya blinked once in surprise and then nodded slightly. Eric smiled a huge, again charming but utterly fake smile. Then he started his own Arya-like deductions, "Your clothes are too clean, no visible wrinkles despite you spending the entire day at school and after that unfortunate fall from the stairs that you keep telling me about. Meaning, you went home to clean up, now that makes me curious, if it was a simple fall, what makes you want to clean up? A fall from stairs give you bruises, sprains, broken bones, but they don't give you a black eye, or a hand print across your cheek, bruises on your stomach or those scratches in various parts of your bodies. Now, I know my fair share of black eyes, it comes with the territory of being a Viking and the hand print across your face suspiciously looks like a slap. Now about those curious scratches, they couldn't possibly be from a cat so don't even try to blame some poor helpless animal. I can say that with the utmost confidence because I am quite familiar with scratches, especially from female nails. Although my experience with such scratches come with a different intention, but I know those are female scratches nonetheless. You, my kitten were scratched quite ferociously by a female. All of these indicate that you either got into a fight or were cornered by some humans and were attacked. Now, I know none of it happened on the street. So it happened in school and you, my dear kitten will tell me exactly who attacked you, why they attacked you and why the fuck you are protecting them by being a dim-witted little girl?" Pam was smirking coldly. That was exactly why she was proud to be the progeny of the Eric Northman. She was waiting for the dim-witted girl's response. Arya sighed and replied firmly, "I am not protecting them. I told you I fell down from the stairs." Just when Eric was about to snarl at her, his face already formed the expressions, Arya held up a finger and continued explaining, "Let's say, hypothetically, all of your

deductions are right, Mr. Northman. That a group of bullying bitches cornered me and attacked me in the school's changing room today because I am partners with the head bitch's boyfriend for English class. That the cause of their wrath on me was because the dumb boyfriend was grateful for my help since he cannot even comprehend a proper sentence in English properly, let alone read and understand Hamlet and he said my eyes looked kind of cool sometimes. That the group of bitches thought it as their right to teach me a lesson and show me my place in the grand scheme of the world. If hypothetically, all of that happened, then it should be within my natural right to take care of them, not tattle to an adult. If they roll out their version of justice all by themselves then so can I." By the time she was finished, Eric was staring at her with unsurprised eyes. He had guessed that she was thinking of something in this manner. She wanted vengeance and she was right in wanting it so. But she was a child and she was cornered and beaten like an animal for helping someone. How petty and violent could these girls get in her school? If they were like that as children, then they would become true psychopaths when they would grow up. Pam again had her fangs out, and she was enraged. Those fucking cunts had touched what was her's. She would rip out their hearts out of their mouths. A part of her screamed and another stormed at how her innocent little blossom was hurt. They tried to break her. How fucking dare they? She agreed with her blossom. Maybe she would take her along while she tore them apart, let the little blossom watch and enjoy the show. She was fuming in her seat. Arya on the other hand was cool. She wasn't the least bit effected. She sounded utterly relaxed as she said nonchalantly, "Of course, all of that is hypothetical. The truth remains, I tumbled down the stairs." Eric asked, half-curious and half-demanding, "What could you possibly do to them when you could do nothing while they attacked you?" Arya looked at him and suddenly Eric saw in her eyes something he could relate with. A different Arya, one that did not crack lame jokes, or be charming with her various languages, or the one with the smile that made him smile back; this Arya was cold, calculative, manipulative, not the least bit remorseful and vindictive. This Arya was very much similar to Eric himself. She asked with a cold smirk, "Hypothetically?" Eric nodded, "Hypothetically." Arya explained, "I have never harmed any of them, but that does not mean I am incapable of it. They had their chance and they did their deed. I cannot and will not feel the least bit sorry or even think twice before doing what I will. While they had to get together to hurt one person, I will take care of them one by one and all according to my plans. Everything will unfold within a month. But of course, all of this is hypothetical." Eric kept on staring at her. What was she? He knew she was strong, but this was a completely different side of her's. One that he was unaware of. All that tension and his line of thought was cut short by Pam. Pam laughed and said gleefully, "Hon r jvla perfekt. Det rder ingen tvekan om det nu, kommer hon att vara mitt frsta val fr en avkomma." (She is fucking perfect. There is no question about it now, she will be my first choice for a progeny.) Eric nodded and mused, "Full av verraskningar, r hon inte?" (Full of surprises, isn't she?)

Pam nodded also, and then asked curiously, "Vad hnder nu?" (What now?) Eric answered simply, "Nu ser vi precis vad hon har planerat och vad hon r kapabel till." (Now, we see what she has planned and what she is capable of.) Pam smirked and boasted, "Hon gr mig stolt." (She will make me proud.) Eric retorted, "Av att jag tvivlar inte." (Of that I have no doubt.) Arya was watching both of them talk back and forth as if an audience in a tennis match. She finally murmured, "I so need to learn Swedish." Eric snorted at that. He watched her for a few more minutes, he waited to see her fidget nervously, but she didn't. Eric knew, she would be stubborn and stick to her decision and plan. Nothing would change her mind. That actually made him proud. The little girl was perfect, just as Pam said. But he could not help but worry about her as he looked at her injuries once more. He asked bluntly, "Why?" She looked at him and finally that cold and hard look in her eyes melted away, leaving behind the Arya with soft yellow eyes who looked up to him and adored him. His kitten. She answered earnestly, "Because I need to be strong. I do not want to be that weak little girl who couldn't do anything but let the grown ups handle her problem when I look back at this moment ten years from now." Eric nodded and then said, "Fine. You have a month and a half. I shall be watching and waiting for results. If you cannot achieve what you are implying then I shall take matters in my own hands." Eric had meant exactly what he had said. It went against his very nature to let her just go against her attackers. It was his job as a Sheriff and his word as her protector to take care of her attackers. As a Viking and a vampire, he had to take out his rage on those who had dared to harm what was his. But this one time, he had to step back just a little and watch this scene unfold. Which was why he agreed to give her time. To take her pound of flesh. She deserved it. Also, he wanted to see her limits. Again, what she did not know was that o matter how harsh her punishment for the guilty party was, after she was done with them and sometime passed, he would pay them a visit as well. they would pay dearly for what they had done to his pet. He would have fun and they would beg for mercy. Pam would of course be welcome to join in. Finally, his kitten awarded him with her bright smile. His smile. Although, the bruise on her cheek and the cut on her lips must hurt terribly when she smiled like that. She still smiled. Eric glared lightly at that and told her, "I could heal all of that." Arya shook her head and answered, "Something will be fishy if I look better tomorrow. I need to look weak and scared throughout the week." Eric raised an eyebrow and Pam snarked, "You look like an eyesore. Pun intended." Pam wanted to heal her as well. Arya agreed and explained, "Exactly. No one suspects the weak and terrified." Eric smirked, "Devious little thing, aren't you?" Arya shrugged, "Devious or not. I need my battle scars."

Pam chuckled and told her, "You still need whatever it is that you humans put on your cuts." Arya nodded, "Yes, I have some ointment and bandages I will apply as soon as I go home." Eric sighed. His kitten was really precious. He couldn't wait to see what hell she had in store for those cunts who attacked her. Suddenly she jumped a bit and exclaimed, "Oh. Could I ask of a favor though?" Eric smirked, very much amused, "Depends on what it is, my kitten." Arya replied sheepishly, "Would it be possible that Godric and my aunt be not aware of this?" Pam smirked. Eric answered with a frown, "Made aware of what? Your clumsiness? You fell down the stairs, I do not see the need to make it the breaking news of this evening's news." Everything went back to normal and the nights went by. Arya was slowly healing and her visible bruises made Eric fume and Pam make snide remarks. They were itching to shove some of their blood down her throat to heal her, but at her request and according to her plan they resisted their urges. They didn't know a thing about her mysterious plan though. Also, Arya was always arriving just before sunset, instead of her usual time of the afternoons. Eric knew she was busy with her plans. He made Benjamin Fisher follow her more closely and during day light hours. Arya of course noticed Fisher tailing her the very first day. She had asked that evening of Eric that Benjamin keep her actions a secret for now and that he could report to him about everything after she gave him her results. Eric enjoying the game she was playing and wanting to see her potential, agreed. He had to wait for exactly 23 days. One evening he found a small local newspaper clipping on his desk as soon as he arrived and Arya was sitting on his couch. The clipping was about a seventeen year old girl who was caught drunk and arrested by the police and suspended from school. Arya simply said, "Hypothetically, she could have been the girl who was keeping watch outside the girl's changing room door while a group of her friends were attacking a defenseless girl." Benjamin Fisher explained how Arya tailed her to a party and tipped off a nearby police officer just when she was driving back home. Fisher also explained how the girl's very religious mother received a package of CD that showed the activities of her daughter explicitly. The girl was being admitted to a very strict catholic girl's school. Eric and Pam were greatly amused that evening. A few days later, another seventeen year old girl from the same school was arrested along with a few other people for making a sex tape. Later various evidence against the girl was received by the authorities about the girl prostituting herself. She apparently, offered local boys oral sex for a certain price. Benjamin Fisher had a very detailed report about that. Eric was told how little Arya already had mad skills with the computer. Pam asked what did that one do, Arya answered, "She has a great right hook and she gave many people many black-eyes." Two days later, another girl was suspended and made an example out of by the school for stealing and selling many school test papers. While the girl was vehemently denying

the accusations, proof against her boyfriend and her were received by the school. He stole the papers while she sold them. It was two weeks later did Eric get to find out about the final girl. The eighteen year old girl whose boyfriend had said Arya had kind of cool eyes. From Benjamin Fisher's reports, first the girl had developed the most awful kind of rash on her face. A few days later, a nasty rumor of her spread that she had gonorrhea, resulting in her boyfriend dumping her. After much humiliation she went to the school nurse and later got that rumor cleared up. A week later, a mysterious thing happened. All the computers throughout the school started showing different kinds of videos. Some showed her shoving a finger down her throat and puking in the school toilet, some showed her giving the football team captain (who wasn't her boyfriend) a blowjob, some showed her slapping around a freshman girl in the changing room, some showed her bad mouthing the principal and smoking, some showed her snorting suspicious looking white powder off a table, and one especially showed her seducing and having sex with a much older man whom everyone recognized as the girl's brother-in-law. While Eric, Pam and Benjamin Fisher were very proud of Arya's unique skills, the school board were deeply ashamed of the batch of bad apples that came from their school, that is the group of delinquent girls. Pam especially was smirking smugly that evening. After all her future progeny had made her proud. She would have the only vampire who would be one of the best hackers in the world as a progeny in the future. She was ecstatic over that little fact. Of course she would have to wait a very long time for Arya to finish growing up, but by the time the girl was thirty, she would become a vampire, no doubt about that. Either by Eric's blood and fangs or her's. Eric's or her's, what did it matter as long as she got to keep her. Little Arya Hollis was a keeper most definitely. Pam was so proud of her little blossom, that she came up with a reward for her. After a few questions to Ginger, she found out that Arya had only a PC at home. What decent hacker didn't have a proper computer? So, Pam got a brand new and top of the line laptop, in purple, for her little blossom. Eric watched in utter amusement as Pam handed it over to Arya and the little girl shrieked in utter delight and jumped at Pam, wrapping her arms around Pam's thin waist for a quick tight hug. While Pam received the hug uncomfortably, her face contorted in an expression of utter disgust and she threatened the girl that she would break her laptop in two if she ever did that again, Eric noticed how Pam's eyes softened at the girl and how Pam hid the smile that appeared on her lips quickly. That evening Eric spent listening to his kitten chattering on and on about the many programs and features of her new laptop. She clicked here and there and smiled every now and then and showed him things which frankly he wasn't paying attention to. What he was doing was watching her and he didn't even know how long he was watching her. But it was when she was giggling over something that he realized something. Something that Godric told him. Godric was absolutely right. She was important to him. He cared for her, cherished her, would go to many lengths to protect her, she belonged to him. She was more than any other human or pet. She was more than her blood or services. He adored her and held a lot of affection for her. He had to keep her forever simply because, not having her would not do. He felt complete whenever she was nearby. Maybe she was meant to be a part of his family. Pam, Godric, Arya and him. They were meant to be together, as a family. It was when he noticed his kitten rubbing her forehead with both of her hands did he break out of his thoughts. He asked, "What is wrong, my kitten?"

She smiled at him and answered, "Nothing much, Mr. Northman. I get these headaches sometimes and they go away just as quickly." Eric snorted and replied, "Maybe because you use that big brain of yours so much." She smiled, "Maybe." He chuckled and ruffled her hair. She sighed happily and after a moment asked, "Mr. Northman, what do you call a sleepwalking nun?" Oh gods, Eric frowned. He answered, "I have never met a sleep walking nun. But she would still be called a nun." That was true. He had met many nuns and experienced many things with them, but never sleepwalking. She giggled and answered, "Roamin' Catholic." Eric groaned, "You have the most awful sense of humor." Arya giggled, "No, I don't." Eric mock-glared at her. She asked again, "What did the fish say when he swam into a wall?" Eric asked aggravatingly, "Where do you get these stupid questions?" Arya quipped, "The same place you do not look for the answers, Mr. Northman. So, what did the fish say when he swam into a wall?" Eric sniffed, "I will not dignify that with an answer." Arya waited and kept on smiling at him cheekily. She wouldn't stop staring at him. Or quit smiling in that manner. Finally he sighed, "Out with it, then." Arya replied monotonously, "Dam." Arya giggled. Eric wouldn't admit it, but the jokes were growing on him. He did not like them, they truly were awful, but her laughter was music to his ears. So he supposed he could tolerate the jokes. He snorted, only sometimes. He ran a hand through his own long blonde hair and grumbled, "With those jokes swimming around your head, I can understand how you get headaches. Your awful jokes are already giving me a headache." Arya only giggled more. Eric watched her with soft blue eyes, yes, her laughter was music and she would forever laugh for him. She just didn't know it yet. Chapter Seventeen Godric never did find out about the time Eric found Arya beaten black and blue or about the time when Arya extracted her revenge. It was a secret that was very well kept between Pam, Eric and Arya. Even Benjamin Fisher was glamored into forgetting everything about it. Everything seemed well and perfect. Eric even visited Arya's home once. After all he had to see just what was all the fuss about this 'hanging out' at Arya's place. So one evening, he asked Benjamin Fisher to

leave and told his kitten that he would be dropping her home and hang out with her. Of course that made Arya smile brightly and agree wholeheartedly. Arya was very much surprised and ecstatic when she saw the bright red sports car Eric was leading her to. Eric was filled with smug satisfaction when he watched his kitten enjoying the ride to her home. Eric noticed how the building in which Arya and Ginger lived was old and it had so many other tenants living in it too. It was in a somewhat safer neighborhood. He followed her up to her door and watched her open the locks and enter. Before he could even open his mouth to remind her to invite him in, she turned with w flourish and chirped brightly, "Please come in, Mr. Northman." Eric chuckled and retorted, "Why, thank you, Miss Hollis for the warm welcome." Just as he expected, his kitten giggled. He rather liked making her giggle, but of course not with those awful jokes Godric told her. He explored her little apartment. It was small with two bedrooms, and every corner reflected Ginger and Arya. The house smelt more like Arya than Ginger, which Eric preferred. The house was very neat and clean, which only impressed Eric. After all it reflected on his kitten's work. He took a look into his kitten's room and was pleasantly surprised. His master was right, her favorite color was purple and her bedroom was mostly done in purple and grays. She had a lot of books in her room and they were everywhere. Also there were many photographs of Arya, another woman and Ginger all over one wall. Eric stood there studying each photograph carefully. There was a baby Arya and Ginger. Ginger looked very giddy as she held a happy baby in her arms with black curls and yellow eyes. Then there were many photographs of Arya at various ages, but Ginger was always in them or that other woman was. Eric finally studied the other woman, she was beautiful with strawberry-blonde hair in curls, pale skin, delicate facial features which were almost doll like, warm brown eyes and a smile that was exactly like Arya's. So this was Katie Hollis, Arya's deceased mother. Yes, she was a very beautiful woman. Eric smirked, if Arya grew up and grew into at least half her mother's looks, she would make Pam proud. There pictures of Arya and her mother in various situations and in various stages of her growing up. Eric noticed, Ginger it seemed was very close to Katie Hollis. There were many pictures of those two as well. This wall was what Godric had called Arya's memory wall. It was a few minutes later did Arya come along with a warm bottle of True Blood for him. His kitten was very hospitable. Eric took it with a smile and told her, "Your mother was very beautiful, kitten." Arya beamed at him and agreed softly, "She was. She was also very amazing and warm. She was a brilliant singer as well, Mr. Northman." Eric asked interestedly, "Was she? Did you perhaps inherit that from her, my kitten?" Arya snorted very unladylike-ly and retorted, "No way. I sound like a dying cat when I even attempt to, sing." Eric smirked, amused, "Well, I would be very much worried if my kitten sounded like she was dying." Arya quipped, "Oh, ha ha. Please do stop, my lungs can't take it anymore." Eric snorted, "Now you know exactly how I feel about your jokes."

Arya informed him sagely, "Ah, don't be like that, Mr. Northman. It is simply that you do not get the jokes and that is why you don't find them funny. I am sure if you understand the jokes, it too will make you laugh. All you need to do is ask and I shall explain." Eric glared at her as she fluttered her eyelashes innocently, "I understand your pathetic jokes very well and they still do not make me laugh." Arya blinked once and then replied in a manner that suggested she had an enlightenment, "Oh, then you must be a very somber person. You know, one of the strong silent types." Eric snapped, "I am not a somber person, kitten. You just have the most dreadful sense of humor." Arya nodded, "Spoken like a true somber person." Eric snorted. She was lucky that she was his kitten. He didn't take sass from just anyone. He observed more pf the photographs. Her mother looked very young. In fact, in the photographs, Ginger and her mother both looked young. Arya was the only one who was changing throughout the photographs. He pointed at a photograph of Arya, Ginger and her mother at what looked like was a carnival and asked, "When was this taken?" He watched Arya carefully. She looked utterly confused. Her brows furrowed and she pouted, after a few moments she sighed and replied, "I don't know. A couple of years ago maybe. I can't remember." Godric was right. She really was having difficulties connecting certain facts from her past. He asked again, "How old were you in this picture?" She exclaimed, a little dazed, "I don't know. I mean, I look like I was seven or six, I think." Eric's gut twisted. This he knew for sure was not a good thing. He asked again, this time softly and with a certain amount of coaxing, "Where was this then?" She answered, "In New Orleans, we used to live there when my mother was alive. Auntie Jeannie and I moved here after the accident. We wanted a change in scenary." Eric concluded, "So, you can remember the place but not the year or your own age." Arya explained, "I remember New Orleans because of Mardi Gras and how I was always curious about it. But momma was a bit protective, so I always stayed at home. I was home schooled. I just can't remember the time or the date. I remember very hazy memories." Eric looked very much concerned. This did not sound good at all. He asked, "Did you have some sort of head injury or accident? Something that caused gaps in your memory? Because we know you have an eidetic memory. You remember everything." Arya sat down on her bed with a huff and said, thoroughly frustrated, "Do you not think I am aware of that? I have a lot of confidence in my eidetic memory and my intellect. This one thing, not remembering my childhood memories, it destroys everything that I am. After all what am I without my ability to remember everything?"

Eric sighed and took a seat beside her. He mused, her bed really was small, although it smelled very potently of her. Not exactly a bad thing, it was very soothing. He put his hand on her head and rubbed the soft curls on her head in an attempt to soothe her. It worked. She calmed down considerably. After a few moments, she whispered, "No, Mr. Northman. I did not have any accidents or injured myself. I sometimes think my brain just deletes unimportant memories and details and makes space for new information in my head. Then again, that's me making excuses. I don't know why I can't remember certain things. Makes me feel like an idiot." Eric said nonchalantly, "You are not an idiot. Simply because if you were, I would not be in your company right now. I detest idiots, I shall have you know." Arya giggled softly and then apologized, "I am sorry for snapping like that." Eric shrugged, "Well your brain did suffer a blow to it's ego, my kitten. So I suppose, just this once I shall excuse you." Arya sniffed, "Your ego is bigger than mine." The awful innuendos that filled Eric's mind made him feel like a huge pervert. If she were older, he would make those comments, but since she was still a child, he refrained. In a few years, he wouldn't bother thinking twice about editing his comments, that he was sure of. But that did not mean he wouldn't tease her. He told her matter-of-factly, "I am bigger than you." Arya scoffed, "Your bigger than everyone. You're a giant." Eric blinked, "No. You are just tiny." Arya glowered at him, "Oh, you just wait, Mr. Northman. I will grow taller and then you won't be able to call me tiny." Eric snorted, "Kitten, even if there was the remotest chance, which there isn't, that you would grow in height, you wouldn't be as tall as I am or anywhere near my height. Therefore, you shall always be tiny to me and I shall call you so because you will be so. Tiny, that is." Arya grumbled, "I hope you hit your head trying to get through a door." Eric smirked, "Oh no, I overcame that problem a long time ago. When I was a human boy and in my early teens. I learned how to duck. A skill you must be proficient in when you are a person of tall stature, not that you would know anything about it being a tiny human." Arya groaned, "You are so condescending, Mr. Northman, and you go on and on about my awful sense of humor." Eric stated in an obvious manner, "Well, you do have an awful sense of humor. I on the other hand, am perfect." Arya gaped at him. Then she sighed slowly and challenged him with glinting golden eyes, "Fine then. Tell me a joke, Mr. Northman."

Eric smirked wickedly and stated, "I would be glad to, my kitten, but my jokes are mostly the adult kind. Not suitable for your innocent ears." Arya blinked and replied, "I know plenty about sex, Mr. Northman. They teach you about it at school, you know." Eric resisted the urge to shudder. She shouldn't say things like that. They sounded so wrong. He replied, "Knowing about something, and experiencing it are different things." Arya looked at him sceptically, "So you are saying I have to have sex first to understand your jokes?" Eric snapped, "I am not telling you or encouraging you to have sex." Arya sniffed, "No, but you are saying that your jokes lack humor since all of them have things to do with sex. I mean, you said my jokes aren't funny, but mine are universal. Your sense of humor might be great, but I will never know and you cannot prove it so simply because your sense of humor is limited." Eric glared at her. He was funny. He was really funny and nothing abut Eric Northman was limited. Hell, if Godric could tell her jokes, so could he. Eric snapped, "Fine, you want proof? Here it is." Eric thought for a moment, going through all the jokes he knew. He searched for one that was somewhat innocent and appropriate for her ears. He decided on some smart jokes, ones her brain would appreciate, gods knew she would be scarred for life if she heard his dirty jokes. Eric asked with a slight smirk and a raised eyebrow, "Which three letters turn boys into men and girls in women?" Arya blinked once and Eric waited for her to be stumped. He had the punchline ready at the tip of his tongue, but before he could she replied instantly, "A, G and E. Age." Eric opened his mouth and then closed it. He frowned and then huffed and then asked again, this time, without the smirk, "What is the difference between a pessimist and a magnet?" Again, she answered immediately, "A magnet has a positive side." Eric was very much annoyed. This time he was going to stump her at all costs. He asked again, well demanded actually, all humor leaving him and his competitive side rearing it head, "What would you have if you had four peaches and three pears in one hand with four pears and three peaches in the other?" She blinked and replied lazily, "Incredibly large hands. Mr. Northman, are these jokes or riddles for me to solve? They aren't exactly funny, you know." Eric gritted his teeth. She was too smart for her own good. He was not going to give up. He growled, "Where can you obtain virgin wool?" Arya sighed, "Do tell me, I am in desperate need of a laugh."

He smirked then. Good, she didn't know that one. He replied smugly, "From really ugly sheep." He waited for her giggles. Like the times Godric coaxed them out of her with his jokes and she laughed till her stomach hurt. He waited for a full minute, and she was silent and staring at him with incredulous eyes. Maybe she did not understand the joke, it was a little well, mature. Before he could open his mouth to explain she almost shrieked, "That is so offending, Mr. Northman. Are you trying to say that all virgins are ugly? Do you not understand the concept of choice? Can women or men for that matter not be selfrespecting enough to wait for the right person or follow their own religious beliefs? How can anything be funny about something so shallow that virgins are repulsive to look at?" Eric gaped at her. Then he felt his eyebrow twitch as she ranted on and on. Finally, he growled, "Gods be damned, it was a joke, kitten. You were supposed to laugh and not take it seriously. No need to fight for the honor of virgins all over the world." Arya's anger deflated and she huffed, "Well, it was not funny and I am a virgin, thank you very much." Eric sighed, "You aren't an ugly sheep, then. You're an adorable kitten, there is a difference." She pouted. He went for a different approach, he wasn't going to give up without another try. He started, "A linguist came home early one afternoon and found his wife in bed with a young man. He said, "Why, Susan, I'm surprised." She bolted upright, pointed her finger and corrected him, "No. I am surprised. You are astonished."" Eric was already smirking a little. Arya blinked once and said, "She is right." Eric's smirk disappeared and he looked at her, still waiting for something, a twinkle in her eye, or a small smile, something. She asked after a few seconds of this, "Was the part about her sleeping with a young man funny because she was much, much older and ugly like your previous joke?" Eric stood up and growled, "No." Arya simply said, "Oh." Eric grumbled, "Not only do you have a horrible sense of humor, you don't even understand good jokes." Arya replied, "Well, to be fair to both of us, your jokes are limited to more mature topics and not appropriate for me. So, let's just say that until I grow up, this cannot be resolved." Eric snorted and then looked around her room. He noticed she had a huge collection of comics. She was a fan it seemed. Also, her collection of books were very diverse. After a few minutes, he asked, "What else do you and Godric do?" She jumped up and walked while he followed her, she explained, "Well, we talk and we cook. We watch movies as well." Eric frowned as he followed her into the kitchen. He sat down at the small dinner table in the kitchen while she walked around in the kitchen looking at things, it seemed. The

kitchen was neat he supposed. He looked at the fridge and to his amusement, it was covered with different things stuck by magnets. There were magnets spelling Arya and Jeannie. There were pictures and more decorative magnets. Pictures of food, clippings of recipes, postcards of exotic places and photographs. He liked looking at them. There even was a photograph of Godric wearing some sort of covering and holding a knife in his hands, looking ever so slightly confused. His covering said the oddest thing, Kiss The Cook. He walked over the fridge and stared at it, Arya noticed and giggled. Eric shot her a quick glare, oh now she laughs! She explained, "I took that, Godric was so funny, he couldn't even chop a tomato properly. I had to show him." Eric resisted the urge to sneer. He mocked her in his head, oh Godric was so funny. Godric held a fucking knife in his hand and she found him funny and what the hell was with the covering? He pointed at the white covering Godric was wearing and asked, "I suppose this odd fabric he is wearing is funny as well?" Arya giggled and explained once more, "That, Mr. Northman is called an apron. You wear it so that you don't spill things on yourself while cooking. To protect your clothes, you know." Eric frowned, how odd. He asked, "And you kiss the person who wears this apron?" Arya really giggled this time and answered, "No. Now that was funny." She giggled some more and then said, "It's just a normal apron. They are like t-shirts, they come in different designs and most of the time with humorous or witty writing on them." Eric nodded once. Then he asked, "Will you be cooking tonight?" Arya smiled, "Would you like to help me?" Eric asked, crossing his arms, "Do you need my help?" Arya answered, "No, I can make a sandwich since I will be the only one is a very quick and easy type of food. It doesn't require cooking." Sandwich, what a strange name for food. Who would eat something called sand and witch? Eric couldn't decide if he wanted to participate in this task Godric and she participated in. The food would smell revolting and he did not have the patience or the interest in preparing food that he won't even eat. He finally decided that he could postpone in participating in this task for a later date. He told her, "Make your sandwich. We shall watch a movie later on." Arya nodded and walked to and fro gathering things to make her food. Eric watched with utter attention. This was interesting, well a little bit. She had a plate, a knife, some vegetables, some jars, bread, and she was chopping and putting things on her bread and piling them on. After a few minutes, Eric was impressed, from what he could tell, she was efficient and quick. He asked, "Are you a good cook?" Arya answered, "Well, I am better than average. But certainly not a chef. I like cooking though, it's soothing."

Eric nodded. She seemed domesticated as well. In olden days, she would have made a good wife for someone. She added, "Godric told me he has been watching cooking shows on tv. He tries recipes sometimes. He learned how to make omelets and pancakes. He promised to cook with me when he visits next time." Eric frowned, omelets and pancakes? What was his master up to? What was his kitten making him do? Godric was going to be visiting in a few days. He had informed Eric about it and that he had missed his little friend. Eric was told not to tell Arya about the visit, Godric wanted to surprise her. They certainly had odd hobbies, then again those two could have been doing things much, much worse. Cooking was very much acceptable, innocent and harmless. She was putting things back in their places and then getting a glass for a drink. He smiled when he saw her pour herself a tall glass of orange juice. She asked him, "What would you like to watch, Mr. Northman?" Eric shrugged, "Whatever it is that you watch with Godric." Arya sighed, "Well, we watch some animation movies and fantasy movies. I do not think you will like them much." Eric looked bored. Arya asked, "What kind of movies do you like to watch?" Eric answered, "I do not watch many movies." Arya blinked twice and then started in a tone too familiar and one that Eric dubbed 'Kitten's deduction voice', "Horror movies would be humorous and boring to you. Animation movies would be too childish. You would detest young adult movies or romantic chick flicks. Comedy movies would be acceptable but since our sense of humor varies, it could quite possibly be a disaster. Historical films, those you would constantly criticize. We should stick to science fiction, suspense or crime." Eric smirked, "So which one is it?" Arya smiled, "I rented one a few days ago. It's called Ocean's Eleven. It has a few of my favorite actors in it." Eric stated, "It sounds strange." Arya explained, "It's a good movie, Mr. Northman. I am sure, you will like it." Eric settled down on one of the couches and watched her eat. It seemed she quiet liked eating and had a more than healthy appetite. She had made four sandwiches. Eric wondered idly, where did all that food go? How was that she was so tiny and thin? The movie was good and every now and then, Arya would tell him interesting facts or something about the actors. Eric noticed something with utter horror. Arya liked many of the actors in the movie. But there was one man and whenever he came on the screen, Arya would sort of breathe. It was difficult to explain, but Arya would get a slightly goofy smile on her lips, a very light blush and her pulse would race just a bit. She liked this man a lot. Eric frowned, why? He was so much older than her and he looked silly. This Brad Pitt person was not suitable for Arya at all.

The story was interesting. There were many different characters and the interaction was humorous sometimes. Eric especially liked the modern ways of these bunch of thieves. All those new schemes, methods, technologies and techniques. He stole a quick look at Arya, she was fascinated by everything. She was enjoying the movie, no doubt. But what Eric was thinking about was the simple fact that he would have a hacker in the future under his employment who could and would do things they were showing in the movie. He smirked dangerously. It turned out that Eric really enjoyed the movie and when his kitten told him that there would a sequel to the movie, he was very much interested in watching that as well. After the movie was over, Eric and Arya talked. She had joked about watching a movie called An Interview With A Vampire. Eric had scoffed and Arya teased him by telling him details about the movie. Eric had grumbled, what a load of bullshit. After he had heard of the author of the book from which the movie was adapted, he started laughing. Anne Rice was the human of a vampire. It was all the plot of the vampire leagues and associations all over the world who had writers all over the world writing about vampires (whole vampires were still in the closet), they were sensationalizing vampires, making it all exciting, intriguing and romantic. That was how they had planted the seeds of acceptance and the idea of vampires to be friends instead of predators in the mind of the humans. Eric explained it all to Arya and she listened in awe. Saying over and over again how much a great idea it actually was. Arya added that even though now she knew of and about vampires as well as a few vampires closely, she found the movie An Interview With A Vampire quite funny. It was inaccurate and well, real vampires were different. She only liked it because it had Brad Pitt in it. Eric mumbled to himself how he was right, that Brad Pitt really was a douche. Who the hell played a vampire with those peculiar contact lens and that awful long blonde hair? During their discussion about which writer was actually hired by vampires and which were not, some other topics came along as well. For example, which books she gave to Godric as presents. Then came the topic of presents and holidays and other occasions. Arya answered with great hesitation and much coaxing from Eric that she did not remember any of her birthdays at all. Or the birthdays of her aunt and mother. Or the holidays like Halloween, new year's or even Christmas. She only remembered celebrating last year's Christmas with her auntie. Eric felt both puzzled and worried for her. He noticed how frustrated and in pain Arya looked as she tried to recall details or even talk about it. He asked to make it easier for her if Arya had photographs of such occasions. Arya didn't have any and if she did, then she didn't remember which outing was a celebration of some birthday or holiday. She looked sad, depressed and lost. Eric hated seeing her like that and had decided that as soon as Godric arrived, he would ask help from him to solve this mystery. Until then he would keep his kitten distracted. Eric mentioned he wouldn't mind watching the fish movie Godric told him about. Godric apparently liked it. Arya told him he might not like it since it was an animation movie and meant for children. Eric still wanted to see it to know what the fuss was all about. Arya nodded and played Finding Nemo. While Eric watched the clown fishes and how Nemo was named and how his father was protective of him, Arya cleaned her dishes and went to get some ice-cream for dessert. She loved ice-cream, she told him. It was the sudden noise of a crash, that made Eric jump up and flash into the kitchen. Arya was holding onto the kitchen counter trying to balance herself while she swayed dangerously. There was a broken bowl on the floor and she had her eyes shut tight and

was grunting and slightly whimpering. Before he could even move to her, she fell on the floor. He rushed to her, calling her name over and over again. He tried to pull her into his arms and away from the floor, but she was whimpering and writhing. Her hands were pulling on her hair and she wouldn't respond to him at all. There were tears streaming down the sides of her face and from her closed eyelids. Eric tried calming her down, but nothing worked. She kept on whimpering. Eric's stomach dropped, he was concerned and he felt fear and helplessness in a long, long time. He shook her, but she wouldn't respond to him, she only moaned in pain. What the hell was wrong with her? She was panting and crying out loud, sobs which tore into Eric. He swore he would never forget those sobs. He could do nothing to help. He just sat on the floor and clumsily held onto his kitten while she writhed in his arms in pain. He took out his phone from his pocket and called Pam. Pam answered on the second ring. Before she could even say hello, he barked, "Pam, shut down the club and fetch Dr. Ludwig, immediately. Send away everyone and glamor Ginger into thinking that Arya is asleep in her bed at home." Pam could hear the painful moans, sobs and whimpers. Her answer was curt, "Yes, Master. What is wrong with her?" Eric answered, hesitant, "I don't know Pam. She is in pain but has no injury. I am flying her in ten minutes. Call Godric as well." Pam hung up after a curt yes, Master. Eric turned to his little kitten. She was in pain, and he felt paralyzed as he watched her. How could he help her? She did not have any injuries he could heal with his blood. Eric knew immediately that it had everything to do with her headaches and gaps in memory. She was pulling out her hair as she moaned and panted and growled in pain. He forced her hands away from her hair as gently as he could and held her hands down, but she writhed on his lap and was sobbing against his chest in pain. Eric tried to comfort her, not knowing how. How could he ease her pain? A dark voice in his mind whispered maliciously, it's all your fault. You pushed her. She did not want to remember. You pushed her for answers because you were curious. You broke her mind. It's all your fault. She writhes in pains because of you. Eric was breathing sharply and he held her tightly in his arms as he waited for those ten minutes to be up so that he could fly away with her to Fangtasia. Her sobs and that accusing voice were all that was he could hear and he knew that it was something he would never forget. For a vampire who was a thousand years old, he felt incredibly helpless as he held a small child in his arms, a child he deeply cared about who was writhing in pain. Gods, he never wanted to forget that moment. He never wanted to forget because he would make sure that something like this would never happen to his Arya. Never ever again. Not on his watch. Chapter Eighteen

There was a part of Eric that always thought that the first time he would take his little kitten flying would be the day she would be in utter awe of him. He would fly loops with her in his arms, safe and shrieking in joy. He would fly high, fly low, fly fast and fly slow, he would show her all the marvels of the sky, the clouds, the stars and the moon. He had imagined himself puffing his chest in pride while she showered him with curious questions and awed compliments. There were so many things he had thought that would happen when he would take his little pet for a flight for the very first time. But fate played cruel games and what he didn't even think in his darkest imaginations, happened. The first time Eric flew with his kitten in his arms, she was unconscious. She had blacked out from pain, tear tracks still there on her pale cheeks, no color on her face, lips raw from her biting on them to hold in her screams of agony, hair wild from her tearing at them, breaths shallow and pulse very slow and weak. She was dangling in his arms almost lifelessly, but he held onto her tight. He was flying as fast as he could, not taking his time showing her the beauty of the night sky like he had wanted to. He was racing to his club where Pam would be there with Dr. Ludwig. Eric never thought he would feel such panic and fear. He could feel the same from his progeny and master as well. His master was flying as fast as he could towards Shreveport as well. His friend's life was at stake after all. A miniscule comfort in this panic was that his master was thrice as fast as he was and Godric would be there soon. Eric rushed into his club where Pam was. Pam had Eric make her little blossom lie on the couch. Pam was worried, but kept her composure. This sudden incident had unnerved her, mostly because the cause was still undetermined. No one attacked their little pet, then why was she so badly hurt? Pam stated, panic evident in her usually confident voice, "Eric, her pulse is so weak." Eric gruffly replied, "I know. Where the fuck is Dr. Ludwig?" In about five more minutes, which Eric felt like were the longest five minutes of his undead life, did Dr. Ludwig arrive, barging in, all gruff and curt. She demanded, "Where the fuck is my patient, vampire?" Eric motioned towards her. Ludwig immediately checked her over. Pam and Eric watched helplessly, while the old croon of a doctor did her tests on the unconscious girl. She growled, "What the fuck happened to her?" Pam hissed, but Eric stopped her with a look and explained, "She was fine, but all of a sudden she had a terrible headache and she was on the floor screaming in pain. She was in pain for a long time before she lost consciousness." Ludwig frowned, "What else? Little girls like her do not fucking faint because of headaches and they do not have fucking vampires playing nurse maids to them either." Eric ran a hand through his hair and replied, "She has gaps in her memory as well. We have been talking about that tonight, hours before her headache. Also she has mentioned to me in the past that she gets headaches, they come and go very quick." Ludwig checked her ears and eyes and then asked, "Has she been glamored?" Eric replied promptly, "She can't be glamored, Dr. Ludwig. She is immune to it."

Ludwig did a double take at that. She stayed quiet for a few more moments and replied, "She is weak and will walk up sooner or later. No major harm done. But I have many suspicions, I need more information." Eric nodded. After a moment Pam, who was frustratedly staring at the little girl asked, "Can't we just give her some blood and heal her?" Ludwig snorted, "She isn't injured so you can't heal her. She needs a cure, not healing. Whatever has happened to her is a part of her system. There is a strong possibility that vampire blood will only make that problem stronger instead of curing it. Stupid vampires, always thinking their precious blood heals everything." Suddenly, Ludwig jumped up and checked her eyes again and then asked, "What color are her eyes?" Eric answered in a confused manner, "They are yellow." She was immediately going through her bag. Finally, she got out a long black string with a tiny blue crystal on the end of it. Eric and Pam watched in fascination as the old doctor lifted Arya's shirt up and placed the crystal on her stomach, a few inches above her belly button, it was exactly three seconds later did the blue crystal started giving out light. Just like a light bulb. Pam hissed, "What the fuck is that?" Eric was too stunned to say anything. Dr. Ludwig merely whispered in awe, "Well, I'll be damned!" The doctor immediately took the crystal off her stomach, and it stopped giving out light, she put it back in her bag and sat down. She asked, "Where is her family, vampire?" Eric answered, "She is an orphan. But what was that?" Ludwig answered gruffly, "That was something that told me what she is. No wonder she couldn't be glamored, her kind can't be glamored. Now I can come up with a diagnosis as to what is wrong with her." Eric stopped breathing for a few seconds and then demanded, "What is she?" Ludwig demanded right back, "What is she to you, vampire?" Eric replied, "She is under my protection." Ludwig smirked, "Just that?" Eric snarled out, "I do not take advantage of children, Doctor and you will do well to remember that." Ludwig replied coldly, "I did not mean it in that manner and you shall do well to remember your tone with me, vampire." It was then that a strong breeze entered the club with a whoosh. Godric stood crouched over his unconscious friend. He demanded, "What is your diagnosis, Doctor?" Ludwig answered, "I put a blue amaris stone on her belly. It lit up like a fucking light bulb."

Godric breathed in sharp and did a double take at the girl. He murmured, "We need to inform the authorities." Eric growled, "Not before you two tell me what the hell is going on. I want to know what the fuck is wrong with my kitten." This time Ludwig gasped and did a double take at Eric. Then she asked Godric with wide eyes, "She is his?" She didn't complete her question but did a slight motion with her head. Godric smiled a small smile and nodded once. Ludwig laughed a short bark like laugh and sneered at the tall vampire, "Well, didn't you score the jackpot!" Eric growled. Godric ordered, "Sit down, Eric. You as well, Pamela. Many things have unfolded this evening and I shall tell you all about it." They obeyed the older vampire, Ludwig snorted and sat near the unconscious girl, keeping an eye on her. Godric started solemnly, "Eric first of all, you need to know something very important." Eric nodded. Godric explained, "Every vampire has someone who was made for them, a companion to spend eternity with them. Not a progeny, of course. This companion is very precious and the bond between the vampire and his or her special companion is the most sacred bond in all of vampire history." Eric murmured, "I do not understand, Master." Ludwig snorted, "He means a soul mate, you blonde lug of a vampire." Pam gasped, "A fucking what?" Eric gaped. Godric sighed, "All of us vampires, we go on living for centuries, millenniums, but we never find them. Only a rare few ever do find their soul's mate. It is so rare and all of us other long for it. The most fortunate ever come across their mates. You did, Eric." Godric was silent for a few moments, letting what he said sink in. Godric watched with serious blue-gray eyes as his progeny seemed frozen with shock. Suddenly, Eric shivered and said merely two words, "The buzzing?" Godric smiled warmly and answered, "Yes. The buzzing, there are many physical indications when you come across your mate. Some get lost in the scent, some feel magnetic pulls, some develop early emphatic bonds and then there are some like you who have a very light telepathic bond. Yours in particular comes in the form of buzzing, not thoughts." Eric demanded, his voice shaking with fury and shock, "When did you know? Why didn't you tell me?" Godric asked simply, "Tell you that a fourteen year old child is your soul's mate?" Pam muttered, "Oh yes, that would have worked out marvelously."

Eric glared as Godric replied, "Quite right, dear Pamela. I have given you time and opportunities with her, Eric. Think back. Think of everything that I have said to you about her." Eric did just that. Godric's voice consumed him. "I have been waiting for this phone call for the last two days, Eric. I have all the time in the world to talk to you about this new turn in your life. Now, tell me about your new friend." "Thank the Gods, it's a her. Knowing your preference of women it would have made things a bit different for you if it was a him. Not that you could have helped yourself if it was a him, you would still be drawn to him. The fates are smiling upon you, my childe. Not only have you found yours." "Of course, I felt you. She had that strong an impact on you. I have felt her through you since the very first moment you laid your eyes on her. The buzzing, the humming, the warmth and the contentment that you feel, I felt it all. Of course I felt it in moderation, but I felt it nonetheless, simply because you felt it." "Nothing is wrong with you. But what is happening to you is something vampires yearn for with all their being, but rarely ever get to experience. You are experiencing it simply because you have found her. Now, you must protect her with all your power and cherish her." "Your...She is fourteen? That young? Oh my, this certainly complicates things for you." "She is someone of great importance because she has the potential to become someone of great importance and I am telling it is set in stone that she will become invaluable to Pam, you and even I. Mostly to you, so keep her safe. Let yourself care for her, without bounds. You will notice Pam already does in her own way and even though I have not met her yet I already care for her. Simply because you care for her. Keep her happy and with you, Eric and when I will visit you I will explain things further to you." "You are experiencing something all the ancient vampires long and yearn for, but rarely if ever experience. Do not worry or fret, just let it progress. Also, always remember she is yours and Pam and I will be there to make sure she is always with you. It is the way it must be." "I know. But you must wait patiently and grow with this experience as your little girl is growing up." Eric whispered hoarsely, "She cannot be. She is just a child and I have never heard of such a thing." Godric whispered mournfully, "Do you think us vampires who yearn but cannot find the mates of our souls find it easy to speak of such things? Worse yet, teach our progenies to look for this lost treasure and dream of it? Feel the same painful yearning? Search till high heavens but can't find what they seek? We grow mad without our mates because the yearning gets to us eventually. Of course you have not heard of it Eric, I myself, know only a handful of vampires who have found their mates." Eric swallowed hard and stared at his kitten who still was lost to the world and to the chaos that was around her. A part of him whispered, would he lose her now that he

finally found her? It was not fair that he had to watch her in pain, she was so young and he didn't even have enough time with her yet. Godric cleared his throat and explained, "Pamela and I shall always feel a strong bond for your soul's mate, Eric. She is of great importance to Pamela and I simply because she is of great importance to you. Pamela noticed her first because she was drawn to her Master's mate. Pamela cares for her. The same was for me, as well. Of course, later on, Pamela and I both learned to love her for her own special self. She is unique and we love her, just as we love you, Eric." Godric stated seriously, "Pamela wants Arya as her progeny because she cannot think of anyone better to share her blood with. She has to keep Arya forever. She feels it deep in her blood and bone, she knows already that Arya is your mate." Eric inhaled sharply and turned to his Pam, who was staring at Arya with sadness and longing in her blue eyes. Pam turned to her master and nodded once. Eric looked at the child who he knew was suffering because of him. Because he pushed her limits. He broke her mind. He sneered, disgusted with himself, "So what? I take a child bride or do I groom her to be my lover once she grows sufficiently?" Ludwig snorted lightly once while Godric snarled, "Do not disrespect this gift, Eric!" Eric immediately looked chastened. He looked mournfully at his master. Godric replied tightly, "You were to let her grow. Live her life while you protected her and supported her. When her time came, when she would have grown up, she would have come to choose you no matter what. She feels the same pull for you as you do for her. She admires you, respects you, let's you protect her and trusts you blindly. In her own way, she cannot possibly live without you." Eric grumbled, "I know. But now she is hurt and I do not know what to do, Master." Godric sighed tiredly and answered, "Here comes the strange part. Eric, not only are you lucky to find your mate. Your mate is not even a human. She is one of the rarest of creatures." Pam whispered as Eric was too stunned, he had one too many surprises this evening, "What is she?" Godric answered softly, "I have met only a few of her kind and they were beyond powerful. They are allies with vampires, thankfully." Godric looked Eric straight in the eyes and simply said, "She is of magic, Eric. She is a mage." It was Pam who so eloquently put Eric's thoughts into words, "What the fuck is a mage?" Before they could even begin to get an answer, the little girl on the couch groaned. She was moving about and suddenly had the attention of three overly-concerned vampires and one very grumpy doctor on her. She tried sitting up, but her strength was failing her. She opened her eyes and moaned painfully. It was the old doctor who was fussing with her while she was lightly pushing her hands away. Arya opened her eyes in little slits and asked hoarsely, "Why the fuck does my body hurt and what am I doing here?"

Pam muttered in slight shock, "Wow, she actually dropped a f-bomb." Godric looked exasperated while Eric was right beside her, kneeling on the ground holding onto her small cold hand. Eric asked her softly, "How are you feeling now, kitten?" Arya swallowed loudly and replied timidly, "Why are you all here and what am I doing here? Why does my body hurt?" It was the old lady in scrubs who answered her. Her voice was very gruff and her attitude lacked a lot, decided Arya, "Well, little girl you had a headache that was almost seizure inducing and you passed out and these vampires called me in to get you all better." Arya looked at her for a few seconds, tried to sit up and then scowled, "I did not have a headache, let alone a seizure." Godric blinked and slowly made his way towards his friend. Eric was already panicking again. The only thing keeping Eric from overreacting was the fact that his kitten was holding onto him tight and leaning on him. Godric told her softly, but firmly, "You did have an attack of some sort, Arya. That is why we all are here." Arya denied and retorted, "I did not. I remember being home with Mr. Northman. We watched Ocean's Eleven and we were watching Finding Nemo next. I must have fallen asleep during the movie. What are you doing here anyway, Godric? I texted you ten minutes ago." Eric was holding onto his Arya tight. There was something very wrong with her. Pam came to the other side and was brushing Arya's hair lightly with her fingers, which made Arya wince. Eric remembered getting Arya to stop from pulling all her hair out in pain. The remembrance made him flinch. Ludwig merely observed and let out a small, "Interesting." Godric nodded and explained, "Yes, you did text me and told me all about the movies. Also the joke about the fish and the dam. But my darling girl, that was over two hours ago. You have been in pain and then unconscious for over two hours." Arya frowned and shook her head vehemently, causing her head to ache slightly again. She held onto Eric's hand tighter. Eric rubbed his other hand on her back slowly and let her lean into his arms further. Godric sighed and said, "If you do not believe me, then ask Eric. He was the one who saw you collapse in pain and brought you here." Arya sniffed once and then looked at her Mr. Northman. Eric couldn't say anything when he looked into those fearful yellow eyes. She was so scared, so he merely nodded and held her in his arms. Giving her what little comfort he could. She was his and he couldn't even protect her. Her voice was soft, but filled the three vampires with dread, and Eric into a new frenzy of worry and panic as he detected the slight hysteria, "I can't remember any of what you are saying. I remember everything, but why not any of this. I don't remember the pain or anything. What is wrong with me?" She was breathing fast. She was on the verge of crying, Godric felt proud of her. She would be very much justified if she cried and Pam or Eric would not mind a bit. She was a young child, she could cry. But the fact that she was trying her best to stay strong and

not cry in front of everyone, well that impressed Godric. He felt a whole new surge of affection towards her. A quick look at Eric and Godric smirked a little, Arya and he really were well matched. It was Ludwig who broke his line of thought and what she said made him wish he could shut her up forcibly. Ludwig's harsh voice cut in, "You are deteriorating quick, girl. We need your kind to fix you up." Eric glared at her. Not believing a word the harsh doctor was saying. Pam hissed, Godric frowned thoughtfully at the floor. Arya snapped, "By my kind if you mean the hospital then yes, I do need to go there, since you seem to be an incompetent excuse of a doctor." Godric wanted to admonish Arya for being disrespectful to Dr. Ludwig. She was a very respected doctor of the supernatural kind and was very much in demand by supes all over. In fact, the crabby doctor even had contacts in places that could get the little girl a lot of trouble. To Godric and Eric's utter surprise, the grumpy doctor chuckled lightly, she was amused by the little girl. Ludwig sneered at Eric, "Lord, the girl is just as obstinate as you, Vampire. She will be a handful." Ludwig immediately turned to Arya and explained, "Not a hospital, little girl. You are not human. Get it through your thick skull. I know exactly what you are and what is wrong with you. I have come across quite a number of you in my time and all the hope in the world cannot save you now. Only your own kind can." Arya leaned in close to the doctor, her hand still clutching Eric's, she growled, "What am I and what do you mean by my kind?" Ludwig just smirked. It was Godric who answered softly, trying his best to calm down the little girl, "Arya, calm yourself. I know a few friends who can help. I shall call them immediately and we will fix this." Arya asked exasperatedly, "Fix what, Godric?" Eric pulled her to him and hugged her close. Fitting her head right under his jaw and rubbed her back. He breathed in her calming scent and whispered to her, "Calm down, my kitten. I promise, nothing shall happen to you. We will cure this sickness of yours." He felt her sigh and nod in his chest. She whispered back, "I am dying. How can you fix that?" Eric admonished, "You are not dying, kitten. You are just sick, and we will fix that. Godric has friends who will help you." Arya nodded weakly and asked, pleading, "What am I?" Eric stated simply, "You are mine and that is all that matters, Arya." Ludwig snorted, "Yeah, keep telling her that." Ludwig was packing up her things when she told the girl once more, "I shall keep tabs on you. But for now all you can do is wait for your kind to come soon, if they don't, you die.

Also, stick really close to that big blonde lug of a vampire. He is the only one who can look after you and keep you in less pain in what little time you do have. You are his, he is right about that, but he is just as much yours, remember that." Arya buried her face into Eric's shirt. Eric felt what he could only best describe as peace, when she brushed her nose against him and breathed him in. He felt utter contentment as he realized that it was him who was keeping her strong right now. She hugged him tight and snarked back, "If you can't help me, doctor then it's best you keep quiet. Better yet, leave quick." Eric couldn't help it. This was his ferocious kitten. He started chuckling and along with him Pam smirked. Godric just shook his head in disappointment. His children had no manners whatsoever. Pam sorted out Dr. Ludwig and she did leave. It was Godric who made decisions, "Arya, you will temporarily move in Eric's home. I shall fetch your things. Your aunt will be sorted out." Arya asked, "When will I get my answers?" Eric asked affectionately, "You trust us, so could you trust us some more to wait a little?" Arya nodded and after a few seconds she yawned. She asked Eric softly, rubbing her eyes, "Mr. Northman, can I take a small nap on the couch? I feel really tired." Eric nodded. She never looked more like a child like she did then. He watched her with awe, this was his soul's companion. He wouldn't dare use the word mate. Yet. Her very life was in his hands and he could not and would not bear it if something were to happen to it. He would protect her. Eric couldn't say it yet, he was too old and set in his vampire ways, but a small part of him said that Godric was right, he did love this little girl. He watched her curl up and sleep on the couch. He brushed her hair with gentle hands and then pressed a soft kiss on her forehead, he whispered, "Drm stt, min Arya." (Dream sweet, my Arya.) Godric called for him and he went to Pam's office. His master looked very much worried. Eric sat with him and waited. Godric explained, "I made calls. It was very difficult, but I have left a message for an old friend of mine. He is the one who can help our little Arya." Eric did not trust this friend, not because of any specific reason, but because this was something too precious to just trust someone with it. Eric grumbled, "Who is this friend?" Godric sighed, "You do not know him, but he is a dear friend. His name is Mihael and he is a vampire who is much older than I am." Eric gaped, a vampire older than Godric? Eric swallowed, "How much older and who is he? I have never heard of a Mihael from the AVL, or the sheriffs or regents." Godric explained with a small smile, "Mihael is a vampire who is about five hundred or more years older than I am. I have always been friends with him. He is very trustworthy and very honorable. Also he holds great love for humans." Eric growled, "What would he know about mages when you can't help my Arya?" Godric smiled mischievously, "He is the one who taught me so much about mages and their world. Mihael does not work for any vampire league or any vampire regent. He can

help our Arya because he is the mate of a very powerful mage and lives in the mage world currently." Eric looked dubious, "Mage world?" Godric nodded, "Yes, it is very much like the different dimension fae had for themselves, only the mage world is much more prosperous and beautiful." Eric asked hesitantly, "What are mages, Godric?" Godric answered patiently, "Mages are being born with unbelievable amounts of magic in them. They are capable of amazing feats of magic." Eric asked aghast, "So they are like the fae and witches?" Godric admonished, "Bite your tongue, Eric. Never say that in front of a mage. They take that as the highest insult. Witches are their natural enemies." Eric looked abashed and confused, Godric explained, "Witches do not have magic in them to perform spells and such. Their bodies are merely tools with which they suck out magic from whatever is nearby and then cast spells. Now mages, they have their own source of magic. Magic runs in them like blood, unlimited blood. Their spells, incantations, runes and other magical actions are so much stronger. Witches, if they find a mage nearby, try their best to capture it and then drain it of magic. Mages hate witches, they call them magic thieves and mage killers." Eric nodded. He asked, "So vampires are friends with mages?" Godric nodded, "Yes, we are very good friends with mages. They do not harm us and we do not harm them. The AVL and the other vampire leagues hold mages with the highest respect. Mages have helped us through out time. We have a few dozen vampires in the mage world as well, an ambassador too. Mihael is married to a powerful and influential mage himself. His master recently moved to the mage world as well as the new ambassador, he found his mate there as well." Before Eric could ask Godric replied, "Yes, Mihael and his master are the few rare ones who have found their soul's mates. They were very fortunate, more so because their mates were mages. Mages can live as long as they want by their magic, you know." Eric looked less confused and worried, but the tension did not leave him, "Why do we not come across these mages if they are so good friends of vampires?" Godric shrugged and explained, "Time flows differently in the mage world as it does in the human world. Decades pass there and here only a year or two pass. Also, the last five human years have been difficult for the mage world. Last I talked to Mihael, he told me there was a civil war of sorts, between the mage kingdom and the dark mages." Eric looked aghast, "There are dark mages?" Godric answered, "Mages who lose their purpose, their magic turns black as does their sense of judgement. They perform evil deeds and magic. Most of them are insane as well from what Mihael explained." Eric nodded. He asked, "So my Arya, she is a mage?"

Godric smiled proudly and nodded, "Yes, she is." Eric asked curiously, "Why does she not do magic then?" Godric answered, "I do not know. But this answers a huge question of ours." Eric asked, "Which one?" Godric replied, "Arya's absent father was quite possibly a mage." Eric breathed in. How should he tell Arya that? His kitten would be heart broken. Godric's phone rang and then he left quickly to talk. Eric was left in his thoughts. After a few moments, he decided to spend his time beside his kitten. He went back to his office to find Pam already sitting at the sleeping girl's side. Eric sat beside Pam. Both master and progeny were solemn and sad. Pam was staring at the little girl intently, she said, "I don't fucking care what we have to do, I want her as my fucking childe. She is not going to die." Eric chuckled, "If she is what Godric says she is, shouldn't she be my progeny and not yours?" Pam hissed, "No, I saw her first. Also, if she is to keep you in line and be your mate, she can't be your childe. You'd command her left and right." Eric glared at her, "No, I wouldn't. But you are right, she would make you a magnificent childe." Pam smirked, "I know. I would have a hacker as a childe, can you imagine the damage I could do to people?" Eric chuckled and shook his head at his unique childe. Pam sighed, "I heard the conversation between you and Godric. We need to fix her quick." Eric nodded and tried to distract himself from thinking about Dr. Ludwig's comment of her deteriorating, "You shall have both a hacker and a mage as a childe. Aren't you a lucky one?" Pam snorted, "I could at this point say things like, your future mate has a crush on your younger looking maker or that you are a cradle-robber, Eric." Eric glared at her heatedly. Pam smirked, "They say De Nile is not just a river in Egypt." Eric reminded her, "Remember your days as an uncontrollable and disobedient pain in the ass newborn and the trouble you caused me?" Pam chuckled out loud in remembrance. Then replied smugly, "Oh yeah." Eric smirked dangerously, eyes glinting, "My Arya is a mage, with magic and a hacker, I shall be right there to teach her of all the ways to cause trouble. Can you imagine the kind of pain in the ass she will be for you?"

Pam's smirk dropped immediately as she scowled. She hissed, "Fine. But remember, she likes Godric more than you. He is the younger looking one after all. You are merely aesthetically pleasing, Godric is the hottie." Eric grunted and scowled right back. They stared at their girl sleeping contently. Godric entered the room to find the two blondes staring intently at Arya. Pam looked up and said merely, "She is exhausted." Eric shrugged and said, "She is mine." Godric snorted, "She also made you watch Finding Nemo." Eric crossed his arms across his chest and scowled, "It was a children's movie." Pam goaded, "Would you like her to watch an adult movie then?" Eric glared at Pam, "Shut up." Godric rolled his eyes, "Children!" Finally when he had both of their attention he spoke, "Mihael is coming here tomorrow, he is bringing a mage with him to see to our Arya." Eric asked, "Does he know what might be wrong with her?" Godric nodded, "Yes, our Arya could be two things. One, her father was a mage, if that is the case then she has a lot of magic that is sealed within her. A child born to a mage and a human, she might be a strong hybrid mage. Two, she might be born to humans, but has much magic in her for her to become a mage. Either way, her magic needs to be let out properly. Mages have pathways for magic in their bodies. Like humans have veins to run blood through out their bodies. Her's isn't working properly and no one taught her to use it, that or she has seals on her left by her father. Her magic is deteriorating her body and mind. It is a good thing we did not give her vampire blood. It would quicken the damage the magic is doing to her body. Vampire blood after all is a kind of magic too. Mihael and his mage friend will fix it tomorrow." Eric asked skeptically, "Is this mage any good?" Godric snorted, "Mihael is bringing Casper Jinx, one of the most powerful mages in mage world. Casper also happens to be the mate of Mihael's maker, Lucas. Lucas is a four thousand year old vampire. Casper is more than capable of fixing our Arya. Although he is somewhat odd." Eric was still reeling over the fact there was a four thousand year old vampire and said vampire's mate was visiting his area the next night. Pam repeated, "Odd?" Godric nodded, "Eccentric." Eric asked, slightly annoyed, "Eccentric as in bat-shit crazy and unbearable?" Godric considered a moment and then replied, "I believe Arya taught me a few modern terms that are applicable when describing Casper Jinx. Casper Jinx is a huge pain in the ass. Sarcastic as well."

Eric didn't know which was more weird, hearing Godric use those words or having a pain in the ass mage named Casper Jinx. He muttered, "Great. Just fucking great." The man was called Jinx, how could that be a good thing? Chapter Nineteen Arya woke up extremely tired and groggy the next day, well late afternoon to be precise, in an unknown house. Despite the many, many hours she slept, which was unusual for her since just about six hours sleep per twenty-four hours did well for her, she was exhausted. Every inch of her body hurt and her scalp felt sore. Her head throbbed a little with every breath she took. After a little concentration and gathering of energy was she able to get up from the soft bed she was sleeping on. She checked the time on the clock that was placed on the bedside table, there she also found her cellphone. The room she was in was very clean and very, very slightly feminine. It was done in dark blues and light greys. The windows she noticed where light proof. Daylight couldn't enter the room then. She knew instantly, she was in Mr. Northman's house. Slowly she stood up, her legs felt slightly weak, more like she ran a marathon and her legs were hurting because of it. The things she felt were preposterous since she couldn't remember much from what happened the previous night. Everyone claimed she had some sort of attack, and it was true, every little clue indicated towards that, not to mention the eye witnesses, but the fact that she didn't remember any of it made her feel incredibly upset. She was supposed to remember everything, that was what having an eidetic memory meant. Trying to, well forcing to remember even the slightest details caused sharp needle like pins poking into her brain. So she took a deep calming breath and stopped. She found a bag, her travel bag to be precise, on a couch in the room. She looked through it and found clothes, her toiletries and her laptop. She found a bathroom attached to her room. She freshened up, with a lot of difficulties. She wanted a bath, but her strength was betraying her, so she settled for brushing her teeth and freshening up via the basin. She washed her face and looked in the mirror. It shocked her what she saw. Her face was pale and pallid, sickly looking. Her lips were chapped and it looked like she bit in a few places really hard. Her eyes were bloodshot and there were creepy black circles around her eyes. Her hair as usual was a mess of curls. She decided finally with a nod, she was definitely sick. Damn that old crabby doctor who wouldn't give her answers. She remembered Mr. Northman's words very well and decided to follow them through. She would wait for him and trust him to take care of her. By the time she was out of the bathroom, she had to sit down a bit to rest a little and gain back some more energy. After about ten minutes, she got up once more and out of the room. It was a big and very clean house with very modern styling. She felt lost there. Her stomach was growling for food. She managed to make it till what looked like the living room, and leaned against a wall for some support. She felt so weak and drained. She wanted to call for help but her throat and mouth was betraying her. Before she knew it she was slipping down against the wall and to the floor. She decided she could sit there and rest for a bit again. As soon as her strength returned she would find someone, or something to eat. Her stomach was growling and she was so very hungry. Her mind felt foggy and her vision hazy. Why couldn't she think? She was frustrated, but couldn't even frown. Frowning hurt her head. She didn't even know when, but her dazed musing and throbbing head vanished into a drowning darkness and she was lost. A few hours later, a few minutes before sunset, the

unconscious girl on the floor, started writhing and moaning. Pain engulfed her and she knew nothing more of the conscious world. Eric and Godric both awoke from their dead rest that evening hearing an agonized shriek. They swore and breathed her name before rushing to her, searching for her through out the empty house. But the search was made so much easier, they followed her scent and the screams. Eric scooped up the writhing girl in his arms immediately, while Godric looked her over frantically. Eric and Godric both knew, it was another attack. They also knew they had to wait it out like the previous night. They could not do anything about it. The small girl, looked even smaller in Eric's larger arms. Godric watched with utter misery etched across his face as Arya struggled in pain in Eric's arms. There was something of awe, Godric noticed, that it was the little girl in pain, but it was his progeny whose eyes reflected the pain. He had never seen pain in Eric's eyes. Many things, but never pain. Pain to a vampire meant something was threatening them, which meant their bodies went into attack mode like the beasts that they were, fangs out, growling, ready to rip someone apart or bite the hell out of them. What Godric saw in Eric was empathy. He felt for the little girl in his arms deeply. She might be physically feeling pain but it was Eric who was receiving the emotional marks and scars which would stick. Eric did not waste even a second as he took his Arya to bed. He told himself with a fierce determination that he had to, they had to wait this time out. Wait for his, her pain to stop. It would stop and later they would administer a cure to her so that she would, they would never have to feel such a pain ever again. He held her tightly in his arms as he sat back on the bed, with her laying in his arms. She was so small, a little girl, going through unimaginable pain. His resolve hardened if his little Arya could be strong enough to go through such pain, then he had to be strong enough to be there for her and watch all of this. Godric was there with him, watching, supporting, wishing. She moaned, groaned, panted, mewled, screamed and thrashed about in ache. While Eric managed to let her not pull her hair out in pain, he could not stop her from kicking out, hitting him with her hands as she thrashed and biting her lips raw and bloody. Her voice was hoarse from screaming and her face wet with constant rivers of tears. Eric felt shaken with worry, this was worse than last night and it was more intense and going on for a longer period of time. When one of her small hands hit Eric's face with surprising force, he didn't even blink, he merely took her hand gently in his and pressed a small kiss to her fingers. She didn't even know, she was busy crying out in pain. He kept a hold of her hand. Eric wasn't sure who was offering whom strength. Was he offering her strength and support to survive this agony or was it her who was giving him some of her immeasurable strength to bear watching her go through this? Eric realized with a sorrowful sigh, he hated feeling helpless. Godric held onto Arya's kicking legs gently, but his thumbs rubbed the skin of her ankles affectionately, offering whatever comfort he could. He hated watching her like this. But it could not be helped. Mihael and his mage friend Casper Jinx would be arriving in another two hours. Until then they had to survive through this. After a few more minutes, Godric murmured, "You should have slept with her in the same bed, Eric."

Eric buried his nose in his Arya's black curls and replied sharply, "I will not sleep in a child's bed. I might be many things, Godric but I am not that depraved." Godric admonished softly, "I did not mean it in that manner. Not now and not last night. I said so last night so that you could have been there and comforted her if she had an attack. You offer her comfort." Eric replied bitterly, "From where I am, I see no comfort that I offer her, Godric." Godric sighed, "She is your soul's mate, of course you offer her comfort. In your own way, you are helping her a lot." Eric stubbornly ignored his master's words. Godric's attempt to soothe him with encouraging words did not help anything. She was still in pain and he was still helpless. Eric growled, "When will that fucking mage come?" Godric retorted sharply, "He will come in due time, until then we wait. Also, mind your manners around them. They will be helping us, no need to offend them and lose what little chance we have of curing our Arya." Eric snorted angrily and buried his nose in the scent of cherry-blossoms and oceans. After another ten minutes, Godric and Eric were sure that maybe the pain was receding since Arya's thrashing calmed down a bit. That or she was too exhausted to writhe some more. Eric exchanged a quick look with Godric and slowly loosened his arms around her as Godric let her legs go. Eric kept a hold of her hand though, he needed that. Everything seemed calm for just a minute or so and then everything went to hell. Godric heard it first, a very slight gurgle from Arya. Then Arya started coughing violently and choking. Eric and Godric swiftly flipped her over the edge of the bed, leaving her head hanging. Eric watched in utter horror, his Arya was coughing out huge amounts of blood and something else, something sticky and dark. Looked like mucus but in the color of old blood. The scent of the blood was very potent in a delicious way and it should have repulsed him, whatever Arya was coughing out smelt a little, spicy. He was worried and not repulsed. Godric gasped and muttered urgently, "Eric, she is coughing out some of her magic." Eric blurted, "She is coughing what?" Godric seethed, "Magic, Eric. Her magic. Her magic pathways must be very damaged for it to come out of her mouth, with blood. Things are deteriorating fast in her body." She was coughing even louder, her chest heaving and Eric just held onto her tight, she didn't have enough strength to hold herself up. She wasn't even lucid. Godric kept on brushing back her curls off her forehead. Godric murmured, "She has a high temperature as well." Eric gripped her tighter as she almost slipped out of his arms when she coughed out a particularly large glob of mucus-y looking dark red magic. Godric was on the phone, urging someone to hurry up. Instantly, Godric was back at their side, with a washcloth wiping her mouth and chin of all that blood and slimy substance. He murmured, "They will be here in an hour."

Eric couldn't even comprehend the words Godric spoke, he was too busy battling his fear and panic. This time Eric noticed it first, small trickle of blood was flowing down the side of Arya's thin neck. He gasped and Godric informed him grimly, "She is bleeding from her ears and nose, Eric." Eric pleaded from gritting teeth, "Do something, Godric." Godric murmured sorrowfully, "We can't. We have to wait. This is all a part of her attack, Mihael said so. It will pass soon." The washcloth clutched tightly in his fist was blood red. Godric's ears hurt when he heard the child before him breathing haggardly, in between coughs. Whenever she heaved Godric had to reign in the urge to wince, she was still coughing. There was a fear of her choking on the blood and magic she was coughing out, but Eric had positioned her correctly and all of the blood and magic was coming out of her mouth, preventing her from choking on it. Eric was so focused on the little girl in his arms, he did not notice the sound of the door, or someone pressing the security codes to enter or the sharp clicks of heels coming towards the room. He certainly didn't notice the strong smell of a pizza wafting through the air, which was surprising considering how much Eric complained about human food smelling utterly repulsive. Godric knew Pam was there. Pam had heard the hacking sounds, at first she was too focused on pinching her nose closed at the strong smell of the human food she was carrying for her little blossom. The things she did for her pet, especially when she was sick. But as soon as the sounds entered her ear, she was suddenly reminded of a human being choked. She stiffened, it was Arya. She swished into the room and to her utter horror, Eric and Godric were crouched around a small Arya who was almost hanging off the bed. The floor was covered in blood and something else. She watched as the little girl coughed and wheezed loudly, more spurts of blood and something else came out of her mouth. She was even bleeding from her nose and ears. She swished to the bedside and right beside Arya and demanded, "What's wrong? Why is she bleeding?" Eric couldn't even answer, but he did flinch slightly. Godric swiftly explained that she was deteriorating and help was on the way. Pam took some tissues from the table and started wiping off the blood from Arya's neck as gently as she could, but it was nearly impossible with how much Arya was shaking with each cough. Pam then smelt it and asked horrified, "What the hell is she coughing out and why does it smell so delicious?" Every nerve of Pam's body was revolted, but it still smelt delicious. She stared at the dark red goop on the floor with horror. Godric muttered, "Her magic." Pam made a face that was a cross between gagging and hissing. Pam whispered halfsoothingly and half-threateningly, "Blossom, you stop all this coughing this instant. I did not go to that tacky human food place and get your disgusting smelling food for you to do all this nonsense. You stop this and eat what I got you right this minute."

Eric breathed in sharply and grumbled, "She is not lucid right now." Eric and Godric both were a little relieved to see Pam and at her attempt of coaxing Arya. No matter how much Eric and Godric cared about Arya, Arya and Pam shared a different sort of bond. That was Pam's way of reaching out to her blossom. Pam glared at her master, "She has five times the brain than a average teacup human, of course she understands what I am saying. She just can't respond yet. She will in a few minutes when she stops coughing so damned much." The last part was muttered at Arya. Godric watched the two blondes; he always loved seeing them slip and show their affection and care for little Arya, but this wasn't how he wanted to see any of them. He did not want Eric and Pam to show their desperate care for the little girl because she was being destroyed from the inside. This went on for another half an hour or so, Arya slowly stopped coughing. Her breathing was irregular though and she was completely weak. Pam wanted to help clean her up a bit, so did Godric, But Eric wouldn't let go of her. Godric was on the verge of commanding him when he noticed, Arya was actually snuggling into Eric's arms. So, Godric left them be. It was of unexplainable relief when their sharp hearing caught the soft mutterings of Arya's hoarse voice. She was snuggling further into Eric's arms and muttering about how the cold felt better. Godric mused out loud that her high temperature would lower down if she was bathed or say cooled down somehow. Eric didn't even seem to listen, but instantly started brushing her hair and forehead, pressing his cold hand on her hot forehead. It was when Eric heard and saw for himself, Arya wakening up that he let go of her. Pam told her in her no nonsense voice that she would be taking Arya away for a bath. Arya blinked, she was still just a little lucid, but managed a shaky nod. That was all there was to it, Pam whisked Arya away in her arms, complaining about how Arya was far too light considering all that crap she ate all the time. Eric and Godric waited. There was blood on both of them. Eric's black tank top, though barely visible because of the dark fabric, had a lot of blood on it. Eric had a lot of blood smeared on his pale skin as well. Godric had lots of sprayed blood that Arya coughed all over his white shirt. The gray bed sheet also was bloody, the floor was bloody, there were bloody tissues and washcloths on the floor. There was blood and dark red goop all over the place. It all smelt like cherry-blossom, cold winds, oceans and something else though. The whole room smelt like Arya. Eric grumbled that he should go and change, Godric agreed. For some reason the thought of cleaning up Arya's blood disturbed them both. They decided to place Arya in a different room. They changed quick and were nearby while they eavesdropped on Pam and Arya in the bathroom. Pam had put Arya in the tub with cold water first, and after the blood was washed away and she cooled down considerably, Pam drained the tub and put her in lukewarm water this time. She complained the whole time though. Arya just smiled weakly and thanked her once, her voice was horribly hoarse. Eric and Godric could tell that complaining was Pam's way of coping. She wouldn't have taken it up on herself to bathe the little girl, if she didn't care. Pam came out of the bathroom for some fresh clothes for Arya. Eric's mood went darker when he heard Pam mutter, "She is still too weak. Too weak to even stand." Pam dressed Arya up. When Arya did come out of the bathroom, she was still damp from her bath, smelling fresh and nothing like blood, dressed in a yellow shirt and a pair of

white shorts and in the arms of Pam. Pam briskly walked away with Arya in her arms, she placed her on the bed in a new room. Arya leaned back against the pillows tiredly. Godric and Eric followed into the room. Godric watched curiously as Arya waved at them weakly, her hands looking more thin and fragile than they had ever looked. Then she did a motion with a closed fist to her mouth as if she was about to cough, that suddenly put Eric in motion and he zipped to her side, Godric's inside clenched in concern that she may cough again. She didn't. She shook her head and made the coughing motion again with her hands, then touched her throat, then made a swift severing motion with her hand. Godric was just trying to piece it together when Pam snapped, "Oh, quit your fucking charades. You suck at it. What she is trying to unsuccessfully act out is that, her throat is raw and she can't fucking talk without it hurting." Arya smiled tiredly and nodded. Eric frowned and sat closer to her. Godric was wiling to bet anything on the fact that Arya did not notice that she reached for Eric's hand and was holding onto it. Yup, the bond worked both ways. The comic relief, which sent Godric chuckling uncontrollably, Pam snorting, and Eric's mouth fall open in awe and then chuckle as well was the fact that all of a sudden, little Arya's stomach growled, loudly. She pouted her red and injured lips lightly and looked a little embarrassed. Eric finally sighed and his voice was light, "Looks like my kitten is a lioness, huh?" Godric watched the pride and affection in Eric's light blue eyes and he knew that Eric meant it both ways. As a joke and as well as the fact that Arya was a strong being to go through the last few hours. Godric added after a thoughtful look, "No, I'd rather go with a tigress." Pam who was nearby, who just noticed the blood on her own clothes was sneering. She snorted and retorted, "A cheetah or a leopard, look at how thin her legs are! People will soon think we starve little children." Godric laughed lightly, "Yes, she is rather thin. We must feed her then." To Eric's utter amusement, said thin cheetah nodded her head. She then laid her head back and watched them with tired yellow eyes. Eric stayed with Arya, holding her hand and stroking her hair occasionally. Godric and Pam left to find some food. Godric told Pam, "Pamela, call in that employee, Benjamin Fisher and keep him here for the night. We will need him to get us food for Arya and later for our guest, the other mage. We will have to glamor him tomorrow." Pam nodded, "Yes, we will have to glamor him, this is one of Eric's safe houses after all." Godric simply said, "I shall take care of it." Pam sneered down at her clothes, "It's a good thing I keep spare clothing in all of Eric's safe houses." Godric gave her a proud smile, "The way you took care of little Arya was wonderful, Pamela." Pam smirked and replied, "I wasn't going to just leave her like that. She is my pet too and by that extension, she cannot look like an eyesore, ever."

Godric chuckled. Pam added mischievously, "Besides, I am sure Eric would vehemently be opposed to you bathing his Arya." Godric shared a wicked look with his progeny's progeny and agreed, "That he would." Pam quickly changed her clothes and was back for Arya and asked her, "Will I bring you that stinking piece of thing you call food?" Arya looked at her questioningly. Pam sighed and disappeared to come back with the pizza box. Pam, although looked disgusted, but as soon as she saw Arya's tired yellow eyes light up at the sight of the box, Pam smiled as well. Eric gave her a nod. Pam placed the box on the nightstand, Godric fetched a plate and got her a slice of pizza. To Godric's absolute sadness and slight horror, Arya wasn't strong enough to lift the plate or even chew. When she did manage to chew a very small piece and swallow, she winced and held her throat painfully, almost starting another cough attack. Pam panicked and got her a glass of water. Eric was busy growling and holding her. Godric thought hard and finally asked Arya, "What do we do, Arya?" Eric sent an annoyed glare at his master. They were supposed to take care of Arya, not ask her how to take care of her. They could manage. Arya sighed and looked at her cellphone. Godric sat beside her and handed it to her. She slowly started typing into it and finally showed it to Godric. Godric smiled wide, their little mage was so very clever. I could have some soup. My throat is too hurt to have anything else. Eric read it too and said softly, "Wait a little, my Arya. We shall get you plenty of this soup." Godric nodded towards Pam, who had whipped out her cellphone and was busy instructing one Benjamin Fisher to pick up soup and bring it to the address she told him of. Godric watched his progeny and he reached out to him through their special maker-childe bond. Eric was in utter chaos. He was in pain, panic, worry, anguish, tension, relief, affection, guilt, and so many other emotions. A turmoil that rocked Eric to the core and all that was keeping him in somewhat control was holding onto the little girl. The only reason Eric was so motionless. Quiet and still beside the little girl was because he was so damned unsure. Eric did not know what to do. He was hanging onto every little haggard breath his Arya took. Pam came sat near Arya. It seemed that it was only Pam who knew what to do in such a stressful situation. Eric felt proud of his progeny, she was keeping everything as normal as she could for his Arya. She bathed her, was going to feed her and was successfully distracting Arya. Pam narrowed her blue eyes at Arya and snapped, "You have ruined a pair of my Jimmy Choos, you know. Absolutely destroyed the, What do you have to say for yourself, blossom?" Arya frowned a little and reached for her phone again.

Pam found her response. What are Jimmy Choos? Pam looked at her in disbelief and answered slightly shrilly, "Jimmy Choos? How can you not know what Jimmy Choos are? What kind of a girl are you, blossoms? You disappoint me so much." Godric was just as lost. Who was Jimmy Choo? Eric sighed and let out a tinny disbelieving chuckle and stated firmly, "They are shoes. Expensive shoes that women go insane over." Godric and Arya both nodded and gave an united and understanding, "Oh!" Although, Arya's 'Oh!' was silent. Godric remembered seeing blood and the red goop cover Pam's shoes. Maybe this was another way of Pam's of distracting Arya. Arya reached for the phone again. Pam received another reply. I am sorry for your shoes, Miss Pam. Pam read it and answered dryly, "That's all nice and dandy. But I expect you to get me dozens of pairs of Jimmy Choos in return when you start using your hacker mojo. I am difficult to please, you know." Godric repeated, "Hacker mojo?" Eric blanched and then exchanged a look with Arya. Arya looked deceptively innocent for someone sick and tired. Eric murmured, "Don't ask, Godric." Pam received another reply from Arya. Yes, Miss Pam. I shall do just that and as you know, I always aim to please you. Pam nodded and said, "That's my good girl." Eric snorted. They were waiting on Benjamin Fisher and on Godric's friends and it was Eric who was brushing his fingers through his Arya's hair. Suddenly, Godric decided that it was a good time as any, who knew how she would react and when else he would get another chance. It was true that she deserved her answers more than anything. Godric moved closer to his friend and took her other hand in his lap, holding it gently. He had her absolute attention. Godric asked softly, "Would you like your answers now, min lilla prla?" (my little gem) Eric breathed in sharply and looked at his master with a stoic face but pleading eyes. He wanted to delay this conversation as long as he could. He wanted to wait till his Arya was healed and well rested before they would turn her world upside down. Pam was confident that her blossom was a strong girl and what she was going to discover was a great thing. Arya was a rational girl, she would take this news in stride. Not panic over it and lose it like some melodramatic little twit. She was all in for telling Arya everything. Well, everything except the soul mate part. That would be a little too

creepy for her to handle right then. Pam murmured, "Bttre hra sanningen frn oss, senare frn absoluta frmlingar som vill sticka och produkter p henne." (Better hear the truth from us now, then later from absolute strangers who want to poke and prod at her.) Godric nodded. Eric sighed. Arya looked at Godric with tired eyes that glowed in such a way that left Godric wanting to catch a breath. She was wise eyes, this little girl. Godric's decision was made stronger, he was damned sure his friend would survive all of it. This illness, the pain, the truth, everything. She was just as strong as her beloved Mr. Northman. Arya nodded and then asked, her voice was a small whisper and very hoarse, "Am I dying, Godric?" Eric growled out, "No and get that thought out of your stupid little head, kitten. You are not dying." But she didn't even look at Eric. She kept her gaze firmly on Godric. Godric smiled sadly, "No, my dear friend. You are not dying." Arya smirked darkly, "Yet, you mean." Eric swore vehemently in Japanese. Pam smirked, she was a smart girl, even if she was being a bit too dark and depressing right then. Godric shook his head and answered firmly, "You are not dying and I did not imply anything of that sort. I do not imply, if it was so, I would have said so." Arya closed her eyes tight and sighed a long sigh. She was relieved, it seemed. That one sigh sort of broke Eric. His Arya thought she was dying. Something in him stung harshly at that thought. Godric continued after Arya opened her eyes, "You are something special, Arya. We have recently discovered many things about you that were unknown to even you." Arya nodded and asked, "You mean, I am really a freak?" Godric held her chin between his fingers and looked into her yellow eyes and asked in the voice that made Eric cringe, it was his master vampire voice, "Do you think I am a freak, Arya?" Arya answered softly, not even bothered by the voice, which amazed both Pam and Eric, "No, but I am not a vampire, now am I?" Godric smirked and replied, "No, you are not a vampire. But we have discovered that you are something much more special." Arya swallowed and asked, her voice no where near pleasing to hear, it was terribly raspy, "So, Mr. Northman was right from the beginning. I am something different and not human." Godric nodded and said wisely, "You are of a species of people who are simply magnificent. You, my darling girl are a being of magic." Arya made a disbelieving sound with her nose, "You mean like Harry Potter?"

Eric demanded, "Who the fuck is Harry Potter? Another mage?" Godric sighed tiredly and gave Eric a narrowed look and said, "Don't ask, Eric." Pam snorted and replied, "Harry Potter r ett tecken frn en barnbok. Han r en trollkarl." (Harry Potter is a character from a children's book. He is a wizard.) Arya looked sharply at Godric, "So I am a mage?" Godric nodded, "Yes, you are a mage." Everything was quiet for sometime. Eric was sulking a little, still holding onto his Arya. Pam was amused. Godric was waiting patiently on his friend. He was giving her time to process that fact. Finally, Pam broke the ice, "Things with you around never get boring, blossom." That earned her glares from the other two vampires, but Arya merely hoarse-d out, "Like I said before, I aim to please you, Miss Pam." Godric sighed and asked, "Would you like me to explain to you about mages?" Arya nodded and leaned her head back into Eric's shoulder, her attention peaked and mind focused on her friends words and what seemed like her destiny, "Oh most definitely. Tell me everything."

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