Subliminal Message

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Subliminal messages are words, images, or sounds that might appear in television or radio commercials, TV shows or movies, print ads or recorded music. Usually when subliminal messages are seen or heard, theyre not recognized for what they are. In fact they may be ignored by the conscious brain and be beyond the level of conscious perception. Subliminal messages are used all throughout the world to convey messages to people, even when they are awake. The advertising companies have figured out how to use subliminal messages to make people buy their products. You should know that most of the subliminal messages have sexual references and they are also used to to increase viewers sense of fear. The author Wilson Bryan claimed that the word sex was embedded in product advertisements to elicit arousal which makes the products more attractive to customers. Its hard to measures the effect, if there is any, of sexual images in advertising. Subliminal messages and perception are linked to the idea of mind control, and the roots of this are placed very far back in our history. 1. We have reason to believe that subliminal messaging is effective based on findings in historical contexts. An example of auditory subliminal messaging dates back to the 1920s when the BBC began broadcasting on radio for the first time. The people of the era thought the radio was so sinister, they considered it to be the voice of the devil. The BBC wanted to change this attitude, so they placed certain phrases using backward masking in their jingles.A radio jingle sounded completely innocent, but when played backwards the words "This is not a noose, no really its not." could clearly be heard. The BBC believed the subconscious could pick up backward messages in ordinary speech. 2. The most famous story about subliminal manipulation is that of the infamous experiment held in 1957 at a movie theatre in New Jersey.The movie is called Picnic and during the show Every 5 seconds the words "Hungry? Eat popcorn. Drink Coca Cola" were projected extremely fast (for 0.003 seconds). The man named James Vicar who did this experiment claimed that sales more than doubled. Fears that brainwashing could be used on the masses, lawmakers had to pass laws banning the use of subliminal advertising. However, it soon appeared to be a fake and the experimenter James Vicary admitted that he had been tampering with the results. Now I will show you some subliminal messages. I have grouped them depending on where they can be found-logos, product packing, advertising, movies or music. Please understand that what you are going to see is not a design fail, or a coincidence, or a product of your dirty mind, but a clear intentional tendency based on psychoanalytic theories. It has been meticulously thought over by professionals and is totally intentional. Subliminal messages in logos Logos arent always what they seem. Some of these logos can hold a lot of information about the brand, all you have to do is look at the clues. 1. This logo has been around for over a decade, but many people do not know that theres a hidden symbolism in Amazons logo. The arrow from A to Z represents that the website sells everything from A to Z, and doubles as a "smile" to suggest satisfied customers.

2. Fedex This is probably one of the best known logos with a hidden meaning. If you look closely, youll see an arrow thats formed by the letters E and x. This arrow symbolizes speed and precision, two major selling points of this company. 3. Toblerone In the companys logo, you will see a bear hidden in the mountain. The bear is the symbol of the city of Berne in Switzerland where Toblerone is produced. 4. Carrefour Carrefour is also French for crossroads. The logo symbolizes this word via two opposite arrows. They also added the first letter of the name, because if you look closely youll see the letter C in the negative space between the two arrows. 5. Facebook As you can see, when the people from the Facebooks front page are connected appears the word sex. Also if you count the people from the picture, it comes down to 13.i think that everyone knows about the meaning of this number. Subliminal messages in product packing Today we tend to prefer a specific product because of its pretty packing, not its quality. The important thing is that the customer feels special and thus(=in this way) satisfied when spending her/his not-so-easy-earned money. And here are some examples for subliminal messages in product packing. Subliminal messages in advertising Studies have shown that everyday, each of us is subject to about 10,000 marketing messages, brands, logos and product offers. 10,000? Yes, thats a huge number but when you think about it, its probably close to reality. Lets see for a minute. And thats what marketing is all about. Its not because you didnt read the billboard that your brain didnt register the information. Youve been somewhat brainwashed by marketing genius to think you really like a specific product. Now let`s see some subliminal messages in advertising. Subliminal messages in movies Subliminal messages in music Most of the discovered subliminal messages are in Disney movies. Some of them are questionable, while others are more obvious.

For these messages is used Back-masking which involves reversed speech. Basically, you record your voice and then use software to reverse it before mixing it into your music. These messages could be heard when playing a song backwards. Back-masking is also what the band Judas Priest used when they were accused of causing a young man to kill himself. However, scientific research and studies have been shown that back-masking has no effect on the listener, other than the placebo affect if they know it is in the song they are listening to. FYI: Before I move forward I would like to give you additional information about subliminal messages. I found a website that sells CDs with subliminal messages. A specific sound should help you for example improve your memory, give up smoking, overcome a fear,become extroverted. When you see it And now there are some pictures that will test your perception.

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