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T:SES/Gifted/Gifted IEP/flowchart


A concern/awareness of gifted characteristics may initiate a problem-solving process using
general education interventions to determine educational, social and/or emotional needs of students.

K.A.R. 91-40-7(c)(1)(2
Any board may refer a child who is enrolled in public school for an evaluation if school personnel have data-based documentation
indicating general education interventions and strategies would be inadequate to address the areas of concern for the child

Multi-sourced and Multidisciplinary Examination
K.S.A. 72-962(v)

Purpose of Evaluation
K.A.R. 91-40-1(bb), K.S.A. 72-986(a)(3)

Determine if the child meets the definition of gifted.
Determine eligibility for special education services based on
the present levels of academic and related needs of the child.
*Evaluation Requirements
K.S.A. 72-986(b)(1-3), K.S.A. 72-986 (i), K.A.R. 91-40-8(d)
K.A.R. 91-40-9(a)(6)(8)(9)

Use assessment and evaluation materials tailored to assess
specific areas of educational need not merely those
designed to provide a single, general intelligence quotient (IQ)
Use assessment tools/strategies that provide relevant
information that directly assists in determining the educational
needs of the child.
Review, document and consider existing evaluation data on
the child, including evaluations and information provided by
Review, document and consider current classroom-based
assessments and observations.
Review, document and consider teacher and related services
providers observations.

Evaluation Materials/Sources
for Eligibility Determination
K.A.R. 91-40-10(d)(1)(2)

Aptitude and achievement tests
Parent input
Teacher recommendations
Physical condition
Social or cultural background
Adaptive behavior
There are two possible results:
Eligible for Special
Education Services

Team designs and
develops an
Educational Plan (IEP)
with parental consent.

Not Eligible for Special
Education Services

Interventions may be
continued as necessary.
May develop an
individualized plan of study
within the general
education curriculum.
Differentiation of Instruction, Curriculum,
Environment, Records, Interviews,
Observations and Assessment Data (GRIOT)

Subject Based
Compacting curriculum
Single-subject acceleration
Concurrent enrollment
Independent study
Distance learning
Advanced placement courses

Grade Based
Grade skipping
Multi-grade classes
Grade telescoping
Testing out and receiving credit
Early admission to college

Learning Environment
Whole class strategies
Small group strategies
Instructional delivery options
Content, process and product modifications

Input for
determined by

Student and/or
SIT Team
Data Collection

Documentation of
interventions and results
are required.

Documentation of
interventions and results
are included as part of an
initial evaluation request.

There are two possible results:

General Ed
Interventions are not

Further evaluation is
required to determine
eligibility for special
education services.
Initial evaluation
process is initiated with
parental consent.
General Ed
Interventions are

Interventions may be
continued as
May develop an
individualized plan of
study within general
education curriculum.
The Process for Making a Gifted Referral
For General Education Teachers

When considering making a gifted referral, these are the steps that you must
follow before turning over the referral to the gifted department.

Step 1: Obtain a general education intervention form. This can be obtained from
the gifted facilitator, school psychologist, or other special education personnel.
There is also one attached to this list that you can copy.

Step 2: Fill out the parts of the form that you feel comfortable completing, such as
demographic information, your observations, and parent comments if you have
them. Contact the parents and let them know that you are considering their child
for referral. Its a good idea to know ahead of time if you have a parent support
for a gifted referral.

Step 3: If your school has a SIT chairperson, tell that person you are making a
gifted referral and pass along the partially completed form. Mention that you
need to set up a SIT meting. If your school does not have a SIT chairperson, set
up the meeting yourself. Include the principal, a couple of other teachers, and
yourself. The gifted facilitator can sit in as an advisor, but he or she CANNOT
actually implement any interventions.

Step 4: Have the meeting. Write down some interventions that you are trying in
the regular classroom. You can get a list of these from your gifted facilitator if
you are struggling to think of ways to differentiate for high ability learners. You
should write down at least two or three interventions. Also write down any data
that you have, such as DIBELS, state assessments, ITBS scores, grades,
and anecdotal data.

Step 5: If the team decides to go through with the referral after the SIT meeting,
bring the gifted facilitator on board if you havent already. The gifted facilitator
will develop and print the forms for the next step, and will lead the process from
this point on.
KAR q1-qo-1
(cc) "GIILed" meuns perIormIng or demonsLruLIng LIe poLenLIuI Ior perIormIng uL sIgnIIIcunLIy
IIgIer IeveIs oI uccompIIsImenL In one or more ucudemIc IIeIds due Lo InLeIIecLuuI ubIIILy, wIen
compured Lo oLIers oI sImIIur uge, experIence und envIronmenL.

Prong 1: oes the child exhibit un exceptionulity?
or meeLIng LIIs prong oI eIIgIbIIILy LIe Leum musL consIder InIormuLIon und Iuve duLu Lo
supporL uL IeusL 1 IndIcuLor Irom eucI oI LIe LIree IoIIowIng cuLegorIes:
1. EvIdence oI perIormIng or demonsLruLIng LIe poLenLIuI Ior perIormIng uL sIgnIIIcunLIy
IIgIer IeveIs oI uccompIIsImenL In one or more ucudemIc IIeIds
Record revIews, InLervIews, undJor observuLIons IndIcuLe sLudenL demonsLruLes
superIor reusonIng und probIem soIvIng ubIIILy
SLudenL progress monILorIng IndIcuLes sLudenL`s skIII IeveI In one or more ucudemIc
ureus Is mucI ubove LIuL oI peers
GPA, cIussroom, porLIoIIo, or rubrIcs IndIcuLe u sIgnIIIcunLIy IIgI IeveI oI InLeIIecLuuI
ubIIILy und exceIIence In ucudemIcs
DIsLrIcL, sLuLe, und nuLIonuI ussessmenLs IndIcuLe u sIgnIIIcunLIy IIgI IeveI oI
InLeIIecLuuI ubIIILy und exceIIence In ucudemIcs
A runk oI noL Iess LIun LIe qLI percenLIIe on nuLIonuI norms on u sLundurdIzed, norm-
reIerenced ucIIevemenL LesL In one or more oI LIe ucudemIc IIeIds (muLIemuLIcs,
Iunguuge urLs (IncIudIng reudIng), scIence, und socIuI scIence), or evIdence LIuL sucI
LesL scores do noL udequuLeIy reIIecL LIe cIIId's exceIIence In ucudemIcs
CoIIege enLrunce exums IndIcuLe u sIgnIIIcunLIy IIgI IeveI oI InLeIIecLuuI ubIIILy und
exceIIence In ucudemIcs
Pre-LesLs consIsLenLIy IndIcuLe sLudenL Ius uIreudy musLered end oI unILJcurrIcuIur
objecLIves prIor Lo InsLrucLIon
z. EvIdence oI beIng due Lo InLeIIecLuuI ubIIILy
Record revIews, InLervIews, undJor observuLIons IndIcuLe sLudenL sIows persIsLenL
InLeIIecLuuI curIosILy und usks seurcIIng quesLIons
Record revIews, InLervIews, undJor observuLIons IndIcuLe sLudenL sIows InILIuLIve und
orIgInuIILy In InLeIIecLuuI work
Euse oI Lusk compIeLIon IndIcuLes u sIgnIIIcunLIy IIgI IeveI oI InLeIIecLuuI ubIIILy und
exceIIence In ucudemIcs
RuLe oI ucquIsILIon und reLenLIon IndIcuLe u sIgnIIIcunLIy IIgI IeveI oI InLeIIecLuuI
ubIIILy und exceIIence In
ProducLs Irom Iome or scIooI IndIcuLe u sIgnIIIcunLIy IIgI IeveI oI InLeIIecLuuI ubIIILy
und exceIIence In ucudemIcs
A composILe runk oI noL Iess LIun LIe q;LI percenLIIe on un IndIvIduuIIy udmInIsLered,
sLundurdIzed, norm reIerenced LesL oI InLeIIecLuuI ubIIILy, or evIdence LIuL LIe cIIId's
sLundurdIzed, InLeIIIgence LesL score does noL udequuLeIy reIIecL LIe cIIId's IIgI
InLeIIecLuuI poLenLIuI
. EvIdence LIuL wIen compured Lo oLIers oI sImIIur uge, experIence und envIronmenL
MuILIpIe cIurucLerIsLIcs oI gIILedness exIIbILed wIen InLervenLIons provIde
udupLuLIons, enrIcImenL, or ucceIeruLIon
PersIsLence Lo Lusk und generuIIzuLIon oI knowIedge guIned IndIcuLe u remurkubIy IIgI
IeveI oI uccompIIsImenL
Coursework unuIysIs IndIcuLes u sIgnIIIcunLIy IIgI IeveI oI InLeIIecLuuI ubIIILy und
exceIIence In ucudemIcs wIen provIded wILI InLervenLIons
PerIormunce sIgnIIIcunLIy IIgIer LIun peers on one or more ureus on bencImurk
ussessmenLs, currIcuIur objecLIves, or sLuLe ussessmenLs

Prong : oes the child need speciul edocution?
SLudenL progress monILorIng duLu IndIcuLes InLense or susLuIned resources needed In
order Ior sLudenL Lo demonsLruLe upproprIuLe progress:
EvIdence oI sLudenL`s musLery oI successIve IeveIs oI InsLrucLIonuI objecLIves or course
requIremenLs IndIcuLes LIe need Ior InLensIve udupLuLIons or ucceIeruLIon
SLudenL progress monILorIng duLu sIow LIuL LurgeLed suppIemenLuI InLervenLIons ure
InsuIIIcIenL Ior sLudenL Lo demonsLruLe upproprIuLe progress
SLudenL progress monILorIng duLu oI IncreusIngIy cusLomIzed und IndIvIduuIIy LuIIored
InsLrucLIon und InLervenLIon IndIcuLe LIuL LIe sLudenL needs specIuIIy desIgned
InsLrucLIon Lo uccess LIe generuI currIcuIum uL upproprIuLe IeveIs oI InsLrucLIon
nLensIve cIunges or modIIIcuLIons needed In InsLrucLIon, currIcuIum, groupIng,
ussIgnmenLs, eLc. Ior sLudenL Lo demonsLruLe upproprIuLe progress
EvIdence oI sLudenL's IrusLruLIon wILI enrIcIed InsLrucLIonuI envIronmenLs IndIcuLes
LIe need Ior InLensIve udupLuLIons or ucceIeruLIon
GeneruI educuLIon InLervenLIons sucI us uILernuLIve course seIecLIons or cross-uge
groupIng ure InsuIIIcIenL Lo supporL sLudenL progress

General Education nterventions Record Review nterviews Observations Testing
Teacher / Class (math) Past grades Parent(s)/Guardian(s) nterview Teacher (math) State Assessments
ntervention 1 Science
Date start / finish Current year grades class average
Results: Community Leader Teacher (ela) gifted average
Class average Behavior records student score
Gifted average Teacher (science)
Student score Attendance Grandparent Social Studies
Teacher (social studies) class average
ntervention 2 Health issues gifted average
Date start / finish Other? Elective teacher(s) student score
Class average GT Specialist Math
Gifted average class average
Student score gifted average
student score
Teacher / Class (english language arts) Reading
ntervention 1 class average
Date start / finish gifted average
Results: student score
Class average
Gifted average Writing
Student score class average
gifted average
ntervention 2 student score
Date start / finish
Class average DBELS?
Gifted average MAP?
Student score Other?
Teacher / Class (science) PLAN/EXPLORE
ntervention 1 ACT/PSAT
Date start / finish STAR/AR
Results: AMSweb
Class average
Gifted average PrePost core content
Student score Class average
gifted average
ntervention 2 student score
Date start / finish
Class average Class screening
Gifted average
Student score
Teacher / Class (social studies)
ntervention 1
Date start / finish
Class average
Gifted average
Student score
ntervention 2
Date start / finish
Class average
Gifted average
Student score
Teacher / Class (other elective(s))
ntervention 1
Date start / finish
Class average
Gifted average
Student score
ntervention 2
Date start / finish
Class average
Gifted average
Student score
Health History

Screenings: Date Results


Other Health Information:

Progress Reports

School:______________________________ Year: __________ Grade:__________
Absences:_____ Tardy:_____
Quarter 1

Social Stud

School: ______________________________ Year:__________ Grade:__________
Absences:_____ Tardy:_____
Quarter 1




Social Stud
Other: ______________



Student Interview/Interest Inventory

Date completed:

Favorite activity/subject in school and why:

Least favorite activity/subject in school and why:

Easiest subject in school and why:

Most difficult subject in school and why:

Three things (not subjects) you like about school and why:

Three things (not subjects) you dont like about school and why:

Work preference:
_____ by yourself _____ with one other person _____ in a small group _____ in a large group
_____ being a leader most of the time _____ being a follower most of the time
_____ you choose your own learning activities _____ teacher chooses your learning activities
_____ working quickly to get things done _____ working at a relaxed pace to get things done

Learning style: _____ hearing (auditory) _____ seeing (visual) _____ doing (kinesthetic)

Other things to know about you as a learner:

Areas of interest: 1 = very interested 2 = so-so 3 = not interested

_____ Art (drawing, painting, sculpture, pottery) _____ Drama (acting, stage, directing)
_____ Music (vocal, instrumental, composition)

_____ Reading (fiction, non-fiction) _____ Writing (stories, poetry, myths, reports)
_____ Foreign Language (Spanish, French, German)

_____ Math (algebra, geometry, data, computation)
_____ Problem Solving (logic puzzles/games, brain teasers, strategy games)

_____ Architecture/building _____Technology (computer programming, game making, animation)
_____ Science (life, earth, physical, labs)

_____ Psychology _____ Social Studies (history, geography, current events, government, economics, culture)
_____ Sports
_____ Other:

Three specific topics youd like to study (dolphins not animals, poetry not writing, drawing not art, etc) :

If you were an expert for a day, what would your topic be and how would you share your knowledge with others?

Favorite kinds of books:
_____ mystery _____ science fiction _____ realistic fiction _____ adventure _____ action
_____ suspense _____ horror
_____ biography _____ autobiography _____ historical fiction _____ romance
_____ non-fiction (topics: ____________________)

_____ Other: _____________________________

Favorite things to do in free time at school:

Favorite things to do in free time outside of school:

Clubs, organizations, groups, teams belong to in and out of school:

Favorite games or sports:

Hobbies and collections:

When you grow up, what do you want to do?

Choices Project Survey Form

Date completed:

Favorite project choices:

Least favorite project choices:

Multiple Intelligences Checklist

Date completed

Two strongest multiple intelligence categories:

Two weakest multiple intelligence categories:

Parent Questionnaire
Completed by: _________________________ Date: __________

On the skills and characteristics chart, the students parents marked as follows: Strongly Agree-3 Agree-2
Neutral-0 Disagree-N
_____ Developed early or advanced reading skills
_____ Possesses advanced vocabulary/language skills
_____ Exhibits good memory skills
_____ Displays intense interests
_____ Demonstrates advanced math/problem solving skills
_____ Displays a finely developed sense of humor
_____ Learns easily and grasps concepts quickly
_____ Relates well to older playmates and adults
_____ Displays unusual curiosity; asks advanced questions
_____ Shows perception and sensitivity
_____ Displays creative imagination
_____ Shows strong task commitment and self-direction
_____ Displays special talents in the arts
_____ Exhibits leadership skills
_____ Sees unusual connections/relationships



Characteristics for Assessing High Potential Completed by:
______________________________________________ Date:__________

Place the letter that symbolizes your subject in the blank next to the statement if the
characteristic is seen in your class.
M = Math, L = Literacy, S = Science, SS = Social Studies, etc

The student, when compared to same age peers
_____ Reads voraciously
_____ Shows marked facility with language, uses a large number of words easily and accurately
_____ Has keen powers of observation and responds quickly
_____ Uses much common sense and practical knowledge
_____ Asks penetrating questions, and seeks out causes and reasons, is curious
_____ Is a good guesser, with an intuitive sense
_____ Recognizes relationships, comprehends deeper meanings about a concept
_____ Picks up on things of which other students are unaware
_____ Has a longer attention span than same age peers
_____ Seldom needs more than one demonstration or instruction
_____ Retains easily what has been presented and remembers details
_____ Applies knowledge to a variety of situations in multiple or unusual ways
_____ Produces a large number of ideas/solutions
_____ Uses materials in innovative and unusual ways
_____ Invents contrivances, gadgets, new ways of doing things
_____ Creates unusual stories, pictures, examples, or products
_____ Becomes totally absorbed in a task, perseveres on projects or ideas
_____ Prefers difficult subjects and challenging tasks/projects
_____ Prefers to work independently with minimal direction
_____ Prefers to be around older students or adults (mature for age)
_____ Has an advanced or unusual sense of humor
_____ Has many interests and follows them with zeal
_____ Has exhaustive knowledge in passion area
_____ Demonstrates remarkable talent in one or more areas
_____ Tends to be critical of self and/or others
_____ Becomes impatient or overly critical if work is not perfect
_____ Questions accepted ways of doing things/rules (may challenge authority)
_____ Has little patience with routine drill and practice
_____ Is serious minded, intolerant of prolonged foolishness
_____ Withdrawn, yet very capable
_____ Shows much sensitivity toward people and social issues (need for fairness and justice)
_____ Influences other students to do things (positive or negative leadership skills)
_____ Plays around or has poor work habits (fails to complete/turn in work) but may test well
_____ Is a poor test taker, may become anxious when testing
_____ Struggles with task completion, starts a project but before completion, takes off in a new direction
_____ Lack organizational skills (loses things, late work, poor time management, etc)


Standardized Test Scores:

Test Date/Year ____ (Grade)_____
Student Score: Grade Level Mean: Ave: Gifted: National Rank: %ile

Test Date/Year ____ (Grade)_____
Student Score: Grade Level Mean: Ave: Gifted: National Rank: %ile

Test Date/Year ____ (Grade)_____
Student Score: Grade Level Mean: Ave: Gifted: National Rank: %ile

Test Date/Year ____ (Grade)_____
Student Score: Grade Level Mean: Ave: Gifted: National Rank: %ile

5 areas of reading score ranges:
Indentify Text/Locate Information:
Read Comprehension:
Evaluate Validity/Credibility:
Responding to Text:
Relative area(s) of strength:
Relative area(s) of weakness:

Reading Level:
Lexile Range: ______________ Grade Level Equivalency: _____________ (Based on Metametrics Inc.
Correlation Chart)
Based on this lexile range, the students instructional reading level is approximately ________ grade

Reading Fluency Assessment: School Year/Date: __________

Student Peer (Ave)
Rate (wpm):
Accuracy (%):

Reading Common Assessments: School Year/Date: __________

Title of Test: Pre-test scores: Post- test scores:
Student Peer (Ave) Gifted (Ave) Student Peer (Ave) Gifted (Ave)

Reading Formative Assessments: School Year/Date: __________

Title of Test Scores:
Student Peer (Ave) Gifted (Ave)

Kansas State Assessment Reading:

School Year:__________ Grade Level:_____ Student Score: _____ Peer Average Score: _____
School Year:__________ Grade Level:_____ Student Score: _____ Peer Average Score: _____


Writing Sample(s): School Year/Date:________
Student Peer (Ave) Gifted (Ave)
Ideas /Content
Word Choice
Sentence Fluency

Standardized Test Scores:

Test Date/Year ____ (Grade)_____
Student Score: Grade Level Mean: Ave: Gifted: National Rank: %ile

Test Date/Year ____ (Grade)_____
Student Score: Grade Level Mean: Ave: Gifted: National Rank: %ile

Test Date/Year ____ (Grade)_____
Student Score: Grade Level Mean: Ave: Gifted: National Rank: %ile

Test Date/Year ____ (Grade)_____
Student Score: Grade Level Mean: Ave: Gifted: National Rank: %ile

Test Date/Year ____ (Grade)_____
Student Score: Grade Level Mean: Ave: Gifted: National Rank: %ile

The student showed:
Higher growth than a typical student from
Equal growth of a typical student from
Less growth than a typical student from

Four Areas of Math:
In the four areas of math, the students relative area(s) of strength The relative area(s) of weakness

Math Common Assessments: School Year/Date: __________

Title of Test: Pre-test scores: Post- test scores:
Student Peer (Ave) Gifted (Ave) Student Peer (Ave) Gifted (Ave)

Math Formative Assessments: School Year/Date: __________

Title of Test Scores:
Student Peer (Ave) Gifted (Ave)

Kansas State Assessment Math:

School Year:__________ Grade Level:_____ Student Score: _____ Peer Average Score: _____
School Year:__________ Grade Level:_____ Student Score: _____ Peer Average Score: _____

Each entry on this sheet needs to have the name of the person responsible for the information
entered and the date of the entry noted.

Student Interview Questions

Date ______________ Student ____________________ School _________________________ Grade ____


Personal Information
and School
What do you like to do in your free time?
Hobbies, Interests, Collections
What do you like to watch on tv?
What makes you laugh? Do you sometimes
understand adult humor/sarcasm?
Do you use the computer? What do you like to
do with the computer and/or
other technologies? (digital cameras/smart
What do you worry about?
What are you most motivated by in school?
What offers the most challenge?
Would you consider yourself to be a leader? In
what situations?
Use 3 to 5 words or phrases to describe yourself
(or that your friends would use to describe you).
Are you the smartest person in your class?

Advanced vocabulary, rich
imagery, word choice, verbal
Understanding of self and
Advanced knowledge of
Motivation, challenges of
current school environment,
strong interests

Academic Interests
Do you enjoy science? Tell me about your
favorite science or favorite scientific

Depth of interests in a specific

What do you like to read? Vocabulary inventory
- word call and definition (Slosson)
Do you enjoy writing? What do you write about?
Are you good at math computation, puzzles,
Do you enjoy building materials like Legos, etc.?
Tell me about something interesting or
important happening in the world today.
What historical event or person is most
intriguing to you, and why?
What would you most like to research if given
the opportunity?
Advanced comprehension,
mature interests
Concern for human issues

Brainstorming (things that can fly, things you
cant buy at a department store (like Walmart),
alternate uses for a fork, name experiences you
have only once, things that are scarce in school)
Torrence Test/Circle activity
Writing Prompts
(may send to EL teacher after interview) Harris
Burdick (VanAllsburg), name three things -
student writes about these
The answer is round, what are the questions?

Fluency, flexibility, originality,

Critical Thinking
Higher Level Thinking
What if? (Air transportation, settlers landed on

Complex, abstract ideas,

West Coast, Walt Disney had never been born,
the lightbulb/scissors/elevator had never ben
invented, the South had won the Civil War,
people had to sleep standing up, all time pieces
Debate (School uniforms, texting while driving,
same sex classes for kids, etc.
Name two unrelated items:
How are____and____alike?
(classroom/envelope, violin/stapler,
Would you rather (go left or right, be a piano or
a paintbrush)
Interpret Quotes: If I have seen further than
others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of
giants. (Isaac Newton)
A woman is like a teabag. You cant tell how
strong it is until you put it in hot water.
(Eleanor Roosevelt)
connecting ideas together
Good fund of general
information, divergent thinking
Advanced conceptual
Cause and effect
Analysis, synthesis, evaluation
Makes intuitive leaps.
Understanding and awareness
of national, global issues, social
Fund of background knowledge

Problem Solving
Visualization and Spatial Reasoning (popsicle
stick problems, pentominos, tangrams, etc.)
Logical Reasoning (Matrix logic, Perplexors, jug
of water problem)
Patterns (Numerical, pictorial)
Computation (magic squares, domino Math)

Solves complex problems,
advanced reasoning, creative
solutions, persistence
Analysis of tasks
Can generate a variety of
solutions Generates
computational answers in head

Parent Interview

The purpose of this questionnaire is to acquire additional information regarding your childs
educational, social emotional, and/or other needs. The information will help us make informed
decisions to better meet your childs needs at school. Please complete the form, sign, date, and
return to school as soon as possible. Thank you!

Student: _______________________ Birth Date: _______________ Sex: _________
Address: _____________________________ Home Phone: ____________________
School: ____________________ Grade: _______ Teacher: _____________________
Father: ________________________ Cell Phone: ___________ Day Phone: ________
Mother: _______________________ Cell Phone: ___________ Day Phone: ________
Email address:_______________________________________________________
List of family members:
Name Relationship to the

Medical and Developmental Information
Any pertinent health problems: (hearing, vision, allergies, current medications, etc.)

School History/Schools attended
Name Grade Teacher City and State

Has your child been evaluated previously? Yes ____ No ____
If yes, when and where?
Has your child participated in any Special Education Program? Yes ____ No ____ Please list.

Interests and Activities
Amount of time spent in reading for pleasure outside of school: _______________________
Interests, hobbies, collections, special talents or skills:
Activities your child participates in? (clubs, lessons, outside organizations, sports, etc.)
How does your child spend his/her free time?
When alone: _______________________________________________________________
When with others: ___________________________________________________________

Personal and Social
How does your child get along with others? (family, friends, peers, adults)

Describe your child as you see him/her (personality, characteristics, attitudes, etc.)

What is your childs outlook toward school, working with peers, and awareness of own strengths and

Have there been any significant changes in your childs life outside of school that might have directly
affected his/her school performance? Yes _____ No _____ If so, please explain.

Parental Comments/Concerns
Describe specific areas in which you believe your child needs support/enrichment:

Social Emotional:


Are these needs currently being met? Please comment: This does not place blame or reflect negatively on
the teacher/school. Your comments will help us determine your childs needs as you see them.

Additional comments or concerns:

Please check the skills and characteristics you see in your child.



Developed early or advanced reading skills
Possesses advanced vocabulary/language skills.
Exhibits good memory skills.
Displays intense interests.
Demonstrates advanced math/problem solving

Displays finely developed sense of humor.
Learns easily and grasps concepts quickly.
Relates well to older playmates and others.
Displays unusual curiosity; asks advanced

Shows perception and sensitivity.
Displays creative imagination.
Shows strong task commitment and self-direction.
Displays special talent in the arts.
Exhibits leadership skills.
Sees unusual connections/relationships.

Parent Signature: ____________________________ Date: _______________
Checklist Assessment for Gifted Learner Characteristics
please mark the characteristics this child regularly demonstrates

Student name: _____________________________________________

Person filling out checklist: ____________________________________

Date: _______________________________

please x if
please x if
Remembers the answers.
Generates complex, abstract
Performs at the top of the
May not be motivated by
Sees exceptions.
Relishes wild, off-the-wall
s independent and
Grasps the meaning.
s curious.
nfers and connects
Enjoys creating. Makes mental leaps: Aha!
s attentive.
Prefers the company of
intellectual peers.
s selectively mentally
Poses unforeseen
Manipulates information.
nitiates more projects than
will ever be completed.
Generates advanced ideas. s receptive.
Understands complex,
abstract humor.
s intense.
Overflows with ideas, many
of which will never be
s beyond the group.
Works hard to achieve. s accurate and complete.
s highly alert and observant.
s original and continually
Plays with ideas and
s idiosyncratic.
Answer the questions in
Enjoys school often.
Ponders with depth and
multiple perspectives.
Enjoys self-directed
njects new possibilities. Knows without working hard.
s interested. Absorbs information.
Questions: What if...
Daydreams; may seem off
s in own group. mprovises.
nitiates projects and
extensions of assignments.
s a technician with expertise
in a field.
Exhibits feelings and
opinions from multiple
s an expert who abstracts
beyond the field.
Shares bizarre, sometimes
conflicting opinions.
Responds with interest and
Learns with ease. Memorizes well.
Already knows. Guesses and infers well.
Completes assignments on
Creates and brainstorms
s an inventor and idea
s able.
Needs 1 to 3 repetitions to
Anticipates and relates
Questions the need for
s intuitive.
Comprehends at a high level.
s pleased with own
Comprehends in-depth,
complex ideas.
s self-critical.
Overflows with ideas--many
of which will never be
s never finished with
Enjoys the company of age
Gets A's.
Creates complex, abstract
Prefers the company of
creative peers but often
works alone.
Needs 6 to 8 repetitions to
s intellectual. _________ / _________ / _________
adapted from Bertie Kingore's work on gifted, high ability, creative learner characteristics
Please use the rest of this space to add any additional comments you feel are needed.

A minimum of 5 to 7 documented interventions MUST be implemented by the classroom teacher(s) for at
least 9 weeks. Please collect a portfolio of work based on the chosen interventions prior to meeting with
team, and contact gifted teacher or school psychologist with questions about the suggested interventions.

Student: _____________________ Teacher: ______________ Grade: ______ Date:________


Science Inquiry
Teach the scientific method and allow student to design an experiment/science fair project.

Language Arts / Literacy

Vocabulary/root word work in place of spelling

Accelerated Reader at advanced grade level

Use literature circles for texts at advanced grade levels

Allow student to generate advanced questions for Question/Concept board, and/or research concept further

Problem Solving / Spatial

In drill and practice, allow student to complete hardest first, first 5, or odds/events rather than the entire set

Utilize advanced problem-solving opportunities

Encourage visual-spatial learning (pentominoes, tangrams, pattern blocks, Legos/Lego Digital Designer,
toothpick/marshmallow structures, Google Sketchup, etc)

Global Awareness / Current Events
Allow student to gather information on current event(s) of interest and report to the class, or write a blog post response

History / Social Studies
Provide instruction in research skills which are needed to conduct an independent study in the students interest area

Written Expression
Teach 6 Trait Writing and provide opportunities for various writing projects (expository, narrative, technical,
persuasive, blogs, scripts, etc)

Creativity / Innovation

Provide opportunities for the development of creativity (brainstorming, What if scenarios, describe new use of object,
creativity box w/ scraps, beads, etc)

Provide opportunities for creative writing (poem, writing prompts, story-based on photo/object pulled from box)

Critical Thinking

Provide opportunities to solve real life problem in a variety of curriculum areas

Blooms Taxonomy: Reduce the questions of Remembering, Understanding, and Applying; assign work that requires
the students to Analyze, Evaluate, and Create.

Provide opportunities for student to debate/discuss topic(s) of interest

Use advanced technology to research and create a curricular product (Google Applications or other Web 2.0 tools)


Mentorship, shadowing, internship with expert

Plan alternate/independent learning activities/projects with the students input in place of what the rest of the class is
doing (learning contract, extension activities from the teachers edition of the textbook, and other district resources at
advanced grade level)

Provide leadership opportunities within classroom/school/community

General Differentiation Strategies

Compacting: pretest and, if student knows the material at an 85% mastery rate, procedure to the next level or provide
an enrichment assignment.

Tiered assignment: provide a menu/list of projects/products at different skill levels and encourage student to choose
from the advanced options (Think Tac Toe)

Group within the classroom or across the grade level with students of similar academic ability

Cross-grade group (accelerate) for instruction in specific units, and keep data on progress.

Other: (please explain)

CIussroom LeucIers'
DuLe ___________________ SLudenL _________________________________ ScIooI ________________________ Grude ____________
TIe cIussroom LeucIer(s) wIII use LIIs rubrIc Lo synLIesIze cIussroom observuLIons. Numbers 1- cun be used Lo besL score LIe sLudenL. I LIe sLudenL's ubIIILIes uppeur Lo IuII beLween cuLegorIes, murk
u score oI z or q us upproprIuLe. CuIcuIuLe u LoLuI uL LIe boLLom oI LIe scuIe.
1....................... z....................................................q....................... Score
ScIenLIIIc nquIry
TIe sLudenL sIows IILLIe or no InLeresL In
scIence LopIcs.
TIe sLudenL sIows some InLeresL In scIence
TIe sLudenL sIows udvunced InLeresL In scIence
unguuge ArLs J ILerucy
(reudIng, vocubuIury)
TIe sLudenL Is seII-seIecLIng reudIng
muLerIuI LIuL Is ugeJgrude upproprIuLe und
IeJsIe Ius un uge-upproprIuLe vocubuIury.
TIe sLudenL Is seII-seIecLIng reudIng muLerIuI1-
z yeurs ubove grude IeveI und uses some
udvunced vocubuIury words.
TIe sLudenL Is seII-seIecLIng reudIng muLerIuI
-q yeurs ubove grude IeveI und Ius un
udvunced vocubuIury.
ProbIem SoIvIng J SpuLIuI AbIIILIes
(muLIemuLIcs, engIneerIng)
TIe sLudenL sLruggIes wILI mosL probIem
soIvIng und spuLIuI Lusks.
TIe sLudenL sIows some InLeresL In LIe worId
uround IImJIer, buL muy Iuve IImILed
TIe sLudenL demonsLruLes excepLIonuI probIem
soIvIng und spuLIuI skIIIs und Is ubIe Lo do
mosLJuII Lusks wILI euse.
GIobuI Awureness J CurrenL EvenLs
TIe sLudenL Ius un uge upproprIuLe
undersLundIng oI LIe worId uround
TIe sLudenL sIows some InLeresL In LIe LIe
worId uround IImJIer,buL muy Iuve IImILed
TIe sLudenL Ius u weuILI oI generuI knowIedge
und generuI InIormuLIon ubouL LIe worId
uround IImJIer.
HIsLory J SocIuI SLudIes
TIe sLudenL sIow IILLIe or no InLeresL In
IIsLoryJsocIuI sLudIes LopIcs.
TIe sLudenL sIows some InLeresL In
IIsLoryJsocIuI sLudIes LopIcs.
TIe sLudenL sIows udvunced InLeresL In
IIsLoryJsocIuI sLudIes LopIcs.
WrILLen ExpressIon
TIe sLudenL sIows IILLIe InLeresL In
pursuIng wrILIng ucLIvILIes.
TIe sLudenL's wrILIng ubIIILy Is ugeJgrude
TIe sLudenLs wrILIng goes beyond wIuL Is
expecLed, und IeJsIe ucLIveIy seeks ouL wrILIng
CreuLIvILy und nnovuLIon
TIe sLudenL Is u concreLe LIInker unubIe Lo
"LIInk ouLsIde LIe box."
TIe sLudenL Ius some creuLIve responses
undJor producLs.
TIe sLudenL Is ubIe Lo bruInsLorm IIuenLIy.
HIsJIer LIInkIng Is dIvergenL und IeJsIe Is
ubIe Lo eIuboruLe eIIecLIveIy.
TIe sLudenL Ius uge upproprIuLe unswers
Lo crILIcuI LIInkIng quesLIons.
TIe sLudenL Ius some IIgIer-IeveI unswers Lo
crILIcuI LIInkIng quesLIons.
TIe sLudenL demonsLruLes un ubIIILy Lo unuIyze
, synLIesIze und evuIuuLe InIormuLIon wIen
unswerIng crILIcuI LIInkIng quesLIons.
TIe sLudenL Ius ugeJgrude-IeveI
upproprIuLe InLeresL In LecInoIogy.
TIe sLudenL uses compuLer und oLIer
LecInoIogIes us needed.
TIe sLudenL Is comIorLubIe wILI muny
LecInoIogIes und uses LIem upproprIuLeIy Lo
guIn InIormuLIon und produce projecLs.
SeII-Awureness TIe sLudenL does noL sIow seII-uwureness.
TIe sLudenL sIows uge upproprIuLe seII
TIe sLudenL Is uwure oI IIsJIer own sLrengLIs
und weuknesses und Is ubIe Lo urLIcuIuLe LIose
eudersIIp TIe sLudenL sIows IILLIe IeudersIIp. TIe sLudenL sIows sILuuLIonuI IeudersIIp.
TIe sLudenL demonsLruLes IeudersIIp skIIIs In
und ouL oI scIooI.
TIe sLudenL sIows IILLIe InLeresL In scIooI
or IeurnIng und uvoIds cIuIIenges.
TIe sLudenL enjoys cIuIIenges wIen presenLed,
buL doesn'L seek LIem ouL.
TIe sLudenL seems IIgIIy moLIvuLed Lo Ieurn
und uccepLs uII cIuIIenges. Response Lo
InLervenLIon Is IIgI.
(pussIon ureu)
TIe sLudenL Ius ugeJgrude-IeveI
upproprIuLe InLeresLs.
TIe sLudenL Ius some ubove grude IeveI
TIe sLudenL Is un "experL" In one or more ureus
und sIure InIormuLIon IreeIy.
BeIuvIoruI CIurucLerIsLIcs: DomInuLes oLIers,
percepLIve, InLuILIve, InLerrupLs, processes
InIormuLIon quIckIy, generuLes muny Ideus,
curIous, vurIed InLeresLs, LroubIe reIuLIng Lo
peers or preIers uduILs, IdeuIIsLIc, InLense
TIe sLudenL exIIbILs Iew Lo none oI LIese
TIe sLudenL exIIbILs some oI LIese beIuvIors.
TIe sLudenL exIIbILs mosL II noL uII oI LIese
SuLIsIuLIon wILI InsLrucLIonuI envIronmenL
SLudenL mosLIy suLIsIIed wILI InsLrucLIonuI
SLudenL desIres Increused cIuIIenge In one or
more subjecLs.
SLudenL desIres sIgnIIIcunL cIuIIengeJcIunge In
InsLrucLIonuI envIronmenL.
OLIer CommenLs, IncIudIng InIormuLIon on u specIIIc projecLJproducL:
To be completed by each core teacher and at least 2 elective teachers

a general education summary

Student ____________________________________ School ___________________________

Grade Level ________ Teacher ____________________________ Date ___________________

The classroom teacher will use this chart to synthesize information on the students response to at least 2 general education
interventions. Please describe interventions used in each of the skill areas, and students response to those interventions.

Skill Area Interventions Used Students Response to Intervention

Scientific Inquiry

Language Arts /
(reading, vocab)

Problem Solving /
Spatial Abilities

Global Awareness /
Current Events

History /
Social Studies

Written Expression

Creativity and

Critical Thinking





GeneruI EducuLIon nLervenLIon Ior GIILed ReIerruIs
NorLIwesL Kunsus EducuLIonuI ServIce CenLer

Nume __________________________ScIooI _______________________

Grude ___________ BIrLIduLe ________ PurenLs ______________________

HeurIngJVIsIon duLes _________________ Address ______________________

.D. # ___________________________ PI. # ________________________

nILIuI meeLIng duLe __________________ oIIow-up MeeLIng duLe ____________

Teum members _____________________ ____________________________

________________________________ ____________________________

________________________________ ____________________________

Reuson Ior reIerruI _________________________________________________


SLudenL sLrengLIs __________________________________________________



SLudenL needs (Ior gIILed, sIouId be reIuLed Lo sLrengLIs) ________________________


ScIooI grudes (currenL und pusL) ________________________________________


SLundurdIzed LesL resuILs (TBS, KSA`s, DBES, ARJSTAR resuILs) __________________



TeucIer observuLIons ________________________________________________




PurenL commenLs (obLuIned LIrougI InLervIew wILI ___________________________)



Summury oI InLervIew wILI LeucIer (conducLed by ____________________________)



Summury oI InLervIew wILI sLudenL (conducLed by ____________________________)



OLIer Leum commenLs _______________________________________________



Intervention Strutegies tried in the GIN I clussroom

SLruLegy 1 _______________________________________________________



DuLe ImpIemenLed ____________ Person responsIbIe ____________________

DuLe concIuded ______________ ResuILs ____________________________



SLruLegy z _______________________________________________________



DuLe ImpIemenLed ____________ Person responsIbIe ____________________

DuLe concIuded ______________ ResuILs ____________________________



SLruLegy _______________________________________________________



DuLe ImpIemenLed ____________ Person responsIbIe ____________________

DuLe concIuded ______________ ResuILs ____________________________


TIe sLuLe munduLe requIres LIuL LIe GE Leum documenLs InLervenLIon sLruLegIes uLLempLed by
LIe generuI educuLIon LeucIer(s) und LIe correspondIng eIIecLs on LIe sLudenL`s perIormunce
und progress.
Hus LIIs InIormuLIon been IncIuded In LIe sLudenL`s porLIoIIo IIIe? ____ Yes ____ No

Huve uII LIe documenLed InLervenLIon sLruLegIes been cIeurIy ImpIemenLed prIor Lo LIe cIIId`s
reIerruI Ior gIILed servIces? or purenL reIerruIs, LIe unswer cun be no. ____ Yes ____ No


WIII LIe cIIId be reIerred Lo GIILed ServIces? ____ Yes ____ No

WIo wIII conLucL LIe purenLs? _________________________________________

WIen wIII LIe reIerruI sLuIIIng occur? ____________________________________

TIe IoIIowIng GeneruI EducuLIon Teum members ure In ugreemenL wILI LIe ubove
recommenduLIon (CP pg. zo; K.S.A. q1-1z-qo (c); K.A.R. q1-1z-zz).

Teum member sIgnuLure TILIe DuLe


Checklist Assessment for Gifted Learner Characteristics

please mark the characteristics this child regularly demonstrates

Student name: _____________________________________________

Person filling out checklist: ____________________________________

Date: _______________________________

please x if
please x if
Remembers the answers. HA
Generates complex, abstract
Performs at the top of the
May not be motivated by
G / C
Sees exceptions. C
Relishes wild, off-the-wall
s independent and
C Grasps the meaning. HA
s curious. G
nfers and connects
Enjoys creating. C Makes mental leaps: Aha! C
s attentive. HA
Prefers the company of
intellectual peers.
s selectively mentally
Poses unforeseen
Manipulates information. G
nitiates more projects than
will ever be completed.
Generates advanced ideas. HA s receptive. HA
Understands complex,
abstract humor.
HA s intense. G
Overflows with ideas, many
of which will never be
C s beyond the group. G
Works hard to achieve. HA s accurate and complete. HA
s highly alert and observant. HA
s original and continually
G / C
Plays with ideas and
C s idiosyncratic. C
Answer the questions in
HA Enjoys school often. HA
Ponders with depth and
multiple perspectives.
Enjoys self-directed
njects new possibilities. C Knows without working hard. G
s interested. HA Absorbs information. HA
Questions: What if... C
Daydreams; may seem off
s in own group. C mprovises. C
nitiates projects and
extensions of assignments.
s a technician with expertise
in a field.
Exhibits feelings and
opinions from multiple
s an expert who abstracts
beyond the field.
Shares bizarre, sometimes
conflicting opinions.
Responds with interest and
Learns with ease. HA Memorizes well. HA
Already knows. G Guesses and infers well. G
Completes assignments on
Creates and brainstorms
s an inventor and idea
C s able. HA
Needs 1 to 3 repetitions to
Anticipates and relates
Questions the need for
C s intuitive. C
Comprehends at a high level. HA
s pleased with own
Comprehends in-depth,
complex ideas.
G s self-critical. G
Overflows with ideas--many
of which will never be
s never finished with
Enjoys the company of age
HA Gets A's. HA
Wonders. C
Creates complex, abstract
Prefers the company of
creative peers but often
works alone.
Needs 6 to 8 repetitions to
s intellectual. G H ______ G _______ C ______
adapted from Bertie Kingore's work on gifted, high ability, creative learner characteristics
Please use the rest of this space to add any additional comments you feel are needed.

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