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The Dog Rambler E-diary

To 17
May 2012
Walk Dogs on walk Reservoir Round Length 6 miles

Cyrano, Gustave, Jerry, Lucas, Ozzy, Solo, Tim

A day full of drizzle but the big downpour which half flooded the roads waited until we had finished. Fully waterproofed up we headed up from Bonaly through the Scots Pine wood and onto Bonaly Moor. Here the good solid track cut straight upwards toward the reservoir. Full of gravel we spent much time walking or running on the grassy path beside it. Or wandering off into the heather following interesting scents. The dogs not me. It did not appear to be a day for too much mad running around. Although Gustave had a dash with Tim before Tims over eagerness made him give up. He left it at that for the rest of the walk with only a few sniffs at a safe Solo on the way down from the walk, knowing full well he would get little response. Tim briefly ran with Ozzy as the track began to level out. The reservoir was approaching. We were not stopping on the way up but that did not deter Cyrano and Solo from dashing off a late to respond Tim following them. The rest of us kept on up to the gate leading onto the hillsides. Solo and Tim waited until the last possible second to race back and join us going through the gate. Cyrano did not come and had to eventfully shuffle his way under the now closed gate as we were off along the path beneath Capelaw Hill.

That was Cyrano today. Very cocksure. His fourth day in a row and thinking he was leading the walk. A battle of wills developed between us. Him half doing what was asked of him but really trying to do what he wanted. He would even have chased some sheep given half a chance. And it was a day for sheep. As the path became more muddy and less defined we headed deeper toward the heart of The Pentlands heading down toward Glencorse Reservoir. Into the home of the sheep and their deep bowl of land surrounded by a crown of hilltops. The sheep care little for us and only moved away if we lingered too long. As we did over some photos. It was not the sheep that had Cyrano overstepping the mark it was his insistence on not walking properly to heel near the sheep when he knows he can. all because he wanted to run all the way down to the reservoir. Which he tried to do when I took my eye off him. He was on his lead for the first time in as long as I can remember. Later on he was on his lead again for refusing to leave Bonaly Reservoir on the way back. Tim was relieved that it was not him getting the blame for playing up and took advantage to run and chase with Ozzy again. Ozzy also targeting Jerry who had swept off the path on one of his runs. Having said that Cyrano would have chased the sheep today, it was Jerry who gave them a fright. Springing high above some heather in Springer like fashion he popped up only about ten yards from two sheep. To them he must have looked like some manic jack-in-a-box as they stared in disbelief before beating a retreat. What about Lucas? He was biding his time to make a move. Once he knew clearly we were well on the way back, having reached the shoulder of Capelaw Hill, he fired into life. Tearing after Ozzy and Tim. Solo waiting to come into his own as we stopped off at the reservoir before heading back down into Bonaly. Nick

Photo slideshow from the walk

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