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C us : 1 A r 2 1 ore A p il 0 2 s e lin 1 @ m il.

c m pr g6 g a o

In tr c r S p e M Ga h s u to : te h n c r t

E a m il:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0

Introduction/ 1 Nice to Meet 2 Whats Your Favorite? 3 Time is on My Side 4 What are You Doing 5 Weather and Seasons 6 Red Letter Day 7 Theres Still a Lot Left 8 All in the Family 9 The Future is Bright 10 What Happened? 14 Learning the Ins and Outs 17 Growing Up 11 I can Do It! 12 Nice Suit 13 Not Just Another Pretty 15 Wild Kingdom 16 Would You Rather?
18 That Sounds Fine

Activity 2, Discussion Activity 1, Activity 2, Discussion Activity 1, Activity 2, Discussion Activity 1, Activity 3 Activity 1, Discussion Activity 1, Discussion Activity 1, Activity 2, Discussion Activity 1 (altered with blank family tree), Discussion Activity 1, Activity 2, Discussion Activity 1, Activity 2, Discussion Activity 1, Activity 2, Discussion Activity 2, Discussion Activity 1, Activity 2, Discussion Activity 1, Bonus Game , Discussion Activity 1, Bonus, Discussion Activity 1, Activity 2, Discussion Activity 1, Activity 2, Discussion Activity 1, Discussion Activity 1, Activity 2, Discussion Activity 1, Discussion

S IL S an S R C U E K L d T U T R S
Introducing yourself and others Likes and Dislikes love vs hate doing [something] Time: telling time Present progressive tense Weather vocabulary, talking about weather Day and date (month, day, year) Countable nouns uncountable nouns Family vocabulary, talking about family Future tense Past tense (past simple) Prepositions of location Past tense + time expressions Ability and inability expressing [doing something] Clothing vocabulary - verbs Describing appearance Animals - vocabulary Preferences (to) prefer [something] Expressions about the 5 senses look, sound, smell, feel, taste Questions and expressing certainty probably, definitely, maybe Home - vocabulary - verbs

19 Give Me One Good Reason 20 Home is Where the Heart is

C s R le : la s u s

Turn off or silence your cell phone. Try to be on time. Respect your fellow students at all times by listening to them speak and giving them your full attention. Whenever possible, please explain yourself using English, not Korean. Students are expected to participate, prepare for class and engage in C s R q ir m n s la s e u e e t : conversation activities assigned by the Instructor. Students who have more than three unexcused absences cannot pass the course At n a c : te d ne regardless of their performance. If there are special reasons that you must miss class, contact your

Instructor in advance by email. This syllabus may change as the month progresses.

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