Central Themes For The Blind Side

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Central Themes a) The Right Thing to do The film highlights the poor and the rich divide.

The Touhys, a devout Christian family belongs to the latter. From the way Oher was recruited, from the way the Touhys discuss their hospitality acts, and the way Mrs Leigh Anne Touhy (Sandra Bullock) behaves, this theme is consistent throughout. There is no point claiming to be a Christian in name only. It is more important to show one's faith through action instead. The producers apparently try to teach Christians what is actually the 'right thing to do.' It is like the nonChristian producers in Hollywood, trying to teach to Christians about the 'right' way to practice Christianity. b) Hypocrisy There is a few scenes when Leigh Anne tells off her friends for their cynical and condescending behavior. One scene ends with Leigh Anne telling her friend, 'Shame on you,' when the friend tries to suggest that Leigh Anne's family be at risk because of Oher staying with them under the same roof. The friends may have shared the same faith background as Leigh Anne. The way they practice what they preach are poles apart. c) Protective Instincts Everyone needs protection. This is not limited to the left tackle role to protect the blind side of the quarterback. Michael Oher nobly protected his younger adopted brother from being hurt by the car's air bag using his arm. In the process, Oher got hurt. Another example of being protected is how Leigh Anne tries to assure Oher that it 'could have happened to anybody.' I find this very comforting and encouraging. If the family puts property above family, Oher will be in for a sharp rebuke for failing to take care of the brand new car. However, Leigh Anne behaves extremely calm and composed, showing us that people are more important than things. She protects the self-esteem and reassures the fragile emotions of Oher. Michael Oher, one with a 98% highly protective instinct, himself needs protection. Oher also protects Leigh Anne when they were in a dangerous neighborhood. d) Courage and Love This theme is strongly portrayed by Leigh Anne. She has love for her family, and for her strong Christian beliefs. Such love shines in all situations, showing us that she is not merely a fair-weathered Christian. She is ready to do whatever it takes, to do the right thing. This needs courage. Courage to stand up to the football coach, the neighborhood bullies, her high-heeled high society friends, as well as her strength to ensure Michael Oher receives the best education money can buy. It is touching, to see how Leigh Anne tries her best to bring Oher's academic grades to an acceptable level, so that Oher can attend college. She is generous, and does not think about getting any reimbursement for her investment in Oher. e) Christianity The Touhy family give thanks before meals. The private school is a Christian school. The motto is based on Christian principles. All throughout the movie, the 'ideal' Christianity, and the kind of Christians Hollywood expects is demonstrated in the movie through the Touhy family. I see this message clearly directed at the Republican supporters of American Politics, as well as the highly vocal evangelical conservative right. Better to practice what you preach instead of simply preaching without practicing. Final Comments As a movie that highlights how a young down and out life, can be restored to greatness, this film is inspirational. It teaches the importance of core family values. It suggests that the century old Christian faith is still very applicable in our modern lives. It tells Christians in particular that they can bring hope to a hopeless world, simply by practicing what they preach, instead of preaching down on people, and be hypocrites. I believe that this movie has an important lesson for all Christians. If we want to practice our faith, we need to do the right thing. If we want to do the right thing, we need to practice what we preach. The way to practice what we preach, is not some sensational investment or supernatural acts of miracles. It is a simple act of mercy, that perseveres, that cares, that loves one another, as Christ loves us. through the character of Leigh Anne, we learn that true love is one that gives, and gives, and gives, without expecting anything in return. Even more impressive, noble giving is when we give to those who cannot afford to give anything back to us. For a non-Christian production to teach Christians to behave the right way, is not a shameful thing. It can be humbling. Christians should not feel offended, but should instead be grateful for this movie.

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