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Zero Padding Theorem

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Zero Padding Theorem

A fundamental tool in practical spectrum analysis is zero padding. This theorem shows that zero padding in the time domain corresponds to ideal interpolation in the frequency domain: Let and define with frequency index by . . Denote the . Then original

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, where

and the new frequency index by

, where

Definition: The ideal bandlimited interpolation of a spectrum to an arbitrary new frequency is defined as

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Zero Padding Theorem

Note that this is just the definition of the DFT with

replaced by

. That is, the

spectrum is interpolated by projecting onto the new sinusoid exactly as if it were a DFT samples of a sinusoid. This makes the most sense when is assumed to be time-limited signal. That is, if the signal really is zero outside of the time interval , then the inner product between it and any sinusoid will be exactly as in the equation above. Thus, for time limited signals, this kind of interpolation is ideal.

Definition: The interpolation operator interpolates a signal by an integer factor . That is,

Since is defined over bandlimited interpolation.

is initially only defined over the roots of unity, we define

roots of unity, while for by ideal

Theorem: For any

Proof: Let


. Then

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