Newsletter 17

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18th May 2012

No. 17

Dear Parents and Children

It has been lovely to see more of the sunshine this week. The children have been enjoying spending their breaks outside. It has been a week of family involvement, which is always something we take pleasure in. Mrs. Kidd welcomed parents and family pets into Year 1 as they explore living things. It was lovely that parents were also able to join us for our sharing assembly on Monday where we enjoyed the Global Rock performance together. Our Parish Church, St Thomas of Canterburys in Newport celebrated on Saturday through its Parish Day with some of our parents leading the childrens sessions and many of our families joining in the fun of the day. On Sunday, the good weather continued and Walk the Wight took place. Well done to all those children and families who took part in this wonderful charitable event. What wonderful ambassadors you were! Any children who wish to show their medal to the whole school can bring them in on Monday 25th May. Continuing the family theme, FOSTA have been hugely busy on our behalf. Please make sure you see their section of the newsletter. FOSTA have recently agreed to help the school purchase visualizers. These are a wonderful technology that allows children to experience the wonder of micro vision as a whole class. They can be used in a variety of ways to really enliven the lessons. FOSTA also bought extra resources for Year 1 and new Hi Viz jackets. We cannot thank the FOSTA team enough for all their efforts on behalf of our children and the parents for supporting all their initiatives. Well done to all our children for the mature manner in which they completed their SATs. We are very proud of your efforts and know that you did your best. Mrs. M Sanderson We thank You Lord, for happy hearts, For rain and sunny weather. Thank You, Lord, for all our friends, And that we are together. Amen.


Stars of the Week:

All of Y6; Tia Y5; Thomas Y4; Jayme Y3; Ruby Y2;

Joshua and Gemma Y1; Cian YR. Well done everyone!

School dinners: Monday: Sausages Tuesday: Roasted Gammon Wednesday: Walk the Wight Congratulations to all who walked the Wight!
Now is the

Bolognaise; Thursday: Roast Turkey; Friday: Fish. time to collect the sponsor money.

School Mass This Thursday we are looking forward to joining the Parish Car Sharing

Mass at St Thomas of Canterbury Church, Pyle Street. Do join us there at 10am for this celebration with our wider community.

This is a good way to save money and the environment. If there are parents who are keen to do this please let the school know so we can put you in touch with other parents from your area that come to St Thomass or maybe just offer then a lift.

Green bins With the Island embracing recycling and in support of the stewardship theme of the

school, the children are trying to recycle as much as possible. If you have any lidded green bins of the new or old design that you are not using that you could give to the school, it would be greatly appreciated.

Jubilee Celebrations The school is looking forward to celebrating the Jubilee on Friday 1


June in a right royal fashion! Parents will be invited to bring a picnic and rugs to join their children for a Jubilee picnic. The afternoon will continue with a fancy dress parade and an afternoon of fun. More details to follow but get your thinking hats on for the fancy dress The theme is Jubilee it might be kings, queens, Union Jack colours or something even more unique. Let your imagination run wild! This Jubilee mufti for the day is 1 for FOSTA. School lunch on this day is Union Jack boxed picnics. These must be ordered before the day and forms have been sent out.

Packed lunches for school trips Emma, our wonderful cook, is always happy to provide a
packed lunch (1.85) for school trips. These must be booked before the day of the trip. Watch this space for some cooking fun with Emma for our children! FOSTA NEWS Phil the Bag You will have received your Phil the Bag notes and bags this week. This is a great way to support the school through collecting all your unwanted items. School Disco - Friday 1st June. Junior Disco (Years Reception, 1, 2 & 3) 5.30pm-7pm. All children attending the Junior Disco must be accompanied by a parent. Senior Disco (Years 4, 5 & 6) 7.30pm-9pm. Entrance will be 1 per pupil and there will be a Tuck Shop available. Saturday 14th July School Fayre 12-2pm. Do come and join us for a wonderful afternoon and be in place to see the torch go past the school on its way around the island. As we get closer to the event there will be Muftis for donations (e.g. chocolate, toiletries etc.). As well as these items, families are being asked to keep good quality bric-a-brac, books etc. for us to sell on the day. Any green fingered gardeners that have spare plants are encouraged to bring them to school on the morning of 13th July. If you or a family member own a business and are able to share voucher for a raffle prize, this is a great fund raiser for us. FOSTA are starting a second hand uniform shop for the school. If you have any unwanted/outgrown school uniform that you are willing to donate please hand in to the office. The shop will be available from the office and at events such as the Summer Fayre. Bag Packing FOSTA have been lucky enough to secure this fund raising opportunity at the Co-op in Cowes on 16th June between 12-4pm. Parents and older children, who have an hour to spare on this day, please let any of the committee know.

Dates for your diary

Friday 1st June 12.30pm 2.30pm Jubilee picnic and Afternoon of fun! Monday 25th June - Sharing worship 5th July - Mass at School 24th May, 21st June - Masses at St Thomass Church Saturday 14th July Summer Fayre 12-2pm Tuesday 12th June Parents drop-in 2-2.30pm (time to meet with Mrs Sanderson)

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