Tangled Script

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Mikaela Nueva 7246 Tangled *Magic flower grows* Yasmeen: My my what a beautiful flower!

*sees that its magical* Oh my gosh! Its the rare magical flower! Ill just keep it for myself then. *takes flower and walks away* MEANWHILE IN HOSPITAL Rawan: Im sorry maam we cant let you go through this pregnancy. Youre too sick! Zaira: No! *coughs* I have to! Is there any way? Ill pay anything! Well maybe my insurance will cover it. But whatever, Please! Rawan: Well news on the street, that this lady found this magical flower that will heal you quick but its gonna cost a lot Are you sure? Zaira: Yes! Im at the most successful actress in Hollywood! I could handle it. Now go! Find this flower and get it for me immediately! Rawan: Ok. *Rawan goes finds women with flower*

Rawan: Hi, excuse me. Are you Ms. Gothel? Yasmeen: Yes, how may I help you? Rawan: Well I have this patient that I cant afford to be sued by that is very ill and I need your magical flower to heal her. Yasmeen: Sure! I dont need it anymore. You wouldnt believe me if I told you my real age cause I look years younger thanks to that flower. No skin cream needed! *Rawan receives flower and returns back to hospital* *Zaira is fed flower, healed, and Rapunzel is born* Zaira: Im going to give this baby an exotic name so she could stand out! Oh I know! Rapunzel! Rawan: Wow you have a very special daughter. The docter checked her over and it seems that her hair is almost magical, as if she absorbed the magic from the flower *Yasmeen hears about Rupunzel*

Yasmeen: What?! That Doctor never told me that flower was going to be used to help that movie star! That should have paid me atleast something! That baby rightfully belongs to me! *Yasmeen uses her magic to steal Rapunzel* Zaira: Doctor? Where is my baby? Rawan: Well Hold on. Dont freak but your daughter is sorta missing. Zaira: What? How could you do that? What kind of hospital is this? Are you even a real doctor? I am SO calling my lawyer! *Gothel takes Rapunzel to a tall, secret building* YEARS LATER Mikaela: Mom! I just want to go out for a little while and see the lanterns! Thats all! Zaira: No! Its not safe and thats final! Mikaela: Please! It cant be that harmful Zaira: It is! No more talking about this *Zaira leaves*

MEANWHILE IN FOREST Sergio: Haha! Is this what you want? *showing off tiara* well youre gonna have to catch me! Ben: Come back here you idiot! *Maximus chases Flynn around till Flynn loses Maximus* Sergio: Well that was easy *Alexander surprises Sergio* Alexander: But you still got me to take care of! Sergio: What? Where did you come from? Alexander: It doesnt matter just give me that crown! Sergio: Gosh! Why would I just hand this to you? *Sergio runs away with Alexander chases him, Sergio sees tower, climbs up it and loses Alexander* Sergio to tiara: now I got you all to myself *Rapunzel knocks out Flynn with pan, and hides him in closet, then Gothel comes back*

Zaira: Now what would the birthday girl want on this special occasion? Mikaela: You know what I want Zaira: Yes but you know itll never happen. I was just hoping you would say something else. Mikaela: But its not fair! Im basically an adult now! So I dont really have to listen to you, you know? Zaira: Actually youre not an official adult till youre 21, so you do have to listen to me. Trust me, Rapunzel, the outside world isnt all fun and games. There are some cruel people out there. Just listen, Mother knows best, Mikaela: Fine but I do have another request. I want that magical paint you brought home that day, but a lot of it! Zaira: Its a long trip to get it, but only since its your birthday. Be right back! *Rapunzel takes Flynn out of closet, ties him up, Flynn wakes up* Sergio: Wha? Where am I? Mikaela: Dont move! Sergio: Why am I tied up? *tries to wiggle free* Mikaela: Dont move or ill just knock you out again!

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