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SMK Parit Bunga, Ledang, Johor.

Form 4 Monthly Test Name Form Section A Answer all the questions. For each question, choose only one answer. Please circle your answer in this test sheet. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator. Question 1 and 2 are based on the frequency table below. Class Interval 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 1. The size of the class interval is A 9 B 10 2. C 5 D 6 The frequency table shows the masses of 45 students. The value of x is A 17 B 16 Mass (kg) 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 5. C 20 D 21 Frequency 4 9 6 7 11 Frequency 2 3 8 2 Mass (kg) 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 4. Frequency 10 x 11 8 : .. : 4 .. Time Page : 1 hour : 3 pages

The lower boundary of the class interval 31-40 is A 30 B 41.4 C 40 D 30.5 Frequency 5 11 9

3. Score 95-99 100-104 105-109

Which of the following statement is correct? A B C D The midpoint of class 95-99 is 96. The modal class is 100-104 The size of each class interval is 6 The upper boundary of the class 105109 is 109.5

Based on the frequency table, find the upper boundary of the modal class. A 35.5 B 35 C 40 D 40.5

Question 6 and 7 are based on the frequency table below. Height (cm) 126-130 131-135 136-140 141-145 146-150 Frequency 4 6 5 7 2 10. 6. The modal class is A 140.5-145.5 B 141-145 7. C 141.5-145.5 D 131-136

7-9 10-12 13-15

3 x 2

Calculate the value of x if the mean score is 7.55. A 4 B 6 C 8 D 10

The table below shows the mass distribution of the baggage belonging to 100 passenger of a flight. Mass (kg) 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 Number of passenger 18 30 42 10

Calculate the mean height in cm. A 113.54 B 123.86 Marks 146-150 151-155 156-160 161-165 166-170 C 137.38 D 198.60 Frequency 1 6 2 8 9

Calculate the mean mass in kg of the baggage. A 8.3 B 8.5 11. C 10.2 D 10.0


Based on the frequency table, find the midpoint of the modal class. A 165.5 B 168.5 9. C 171.5 D 168

The modal class of the histogram is A 126.5-129 B 127-129.5 12. C 126.5-129.5 D 127-129

The frequency table shows the scores obtained by a group of students in a quiz. Score 1-3 4-6 Number of students 4 5

Based on the histogram, the total frequency more than 11 is A 16 B 28 C 48 D 50

Section B 1. The data shows the ages of 35 passengers in an aeroplane. 12 59 24 32 42 53 23 32 30 52 35 15 20 66 61 48 65 33 48 45 28 42 42 43 36 16 34 68 41 24 35 24 32 25 63

a) Construct a frequency table for the data using a class interval of 10-19, 20-29, and so on. Class Interval 10-19 20-29 Frequency

b) State i) the size of the class interval. . ii) the modal class. .. iii) the mean age of the passenger.

Mean = Total (Frequency x midpoint) Total Frequency Class Interval 10-19 20-29 Frequency Midpoint Frequency x midpoint

c) Based on the frequency table, draw a histogram on graph given. 2. Duration of phone calls (minutes) 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 a) From the frequency table, find i) the modal class ii) the mean duration of the phone calls. Mean = Total (Frequency x midpoint) Total Frequency Duration of phone calls (minutes) 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 Number of users 4 8 9 5 3 1 Midpoint Frequency x Midpoint Number of users 4 8 9 5 3 1

b) Based on the frequency table, draw a frequency polygon on graph given.

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