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The Albanian Statistical Yearbook 1991-1999 INSTAT

Institutia editoare

The Population of Albania in 2001. Main Results of the Population and Housing Census INSTAT Statistical Yearbook: 1993-2001 L'Andorre en chiffres 2001 L'Andorre en chiffre: 2003 Armenia 2002. Statistical booklet Armenia in figures: 2003 Armenia in figures: 2005 Armenia in figures: 2006 Armenia in figures: 2007 Demographic and Health Survey 2005 + Key findings Demographic outline Southern Caucasus.19581999 Finance Statistics of Armenia: 2006 Income, Expenditure and Food Consumption in Armenia in 1999 and 2001 Income, Expenditures and Food Consmuption in Armenia: in 1999, 2001 and 2002 National Accounts: 2006 Regions of the Republic of Armenia in Figures 1998-2002 INSTAT Govern d'Andorra Ministeri de Finances Servei d'Estudis Ministeri de Finances. Servei d'estudis National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia

Report on the sample survey of financial results of National Statistical Service of the the non-profit institutions activity during 2001 Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Social snapshot and poverty in Armenia. 2006 Republic of Armenia Social Snapshot and Poverty in Armenia. National Statistical Service of the Statistical Analitical Report Republic of Armenia

Social Snapshot and Poverty in Armenia. Statistical Analitical Report :2003 Social snapshot and poverty in Armenia: 2007 Socio-economic situation of the Republic of Armenia for January-December 2003 Statistical Yearbook of Armenia, 2001 Statistical Yearbook of Armenia: 2002 Statistical Yearbook of Armenia: 2003 Statistical Yearbook of Armenia: 2004 Statistical Yearbook of Armenia: 2005 Statistical Yearbook of Armenia: 2006 Statistical Yearbook of Armenia: 2007 The Results of 2001 Census of the Republic of Armenia:2001 Transport and communications. Data 1999-2003 Women and men in Armenia. Statistical Booklet: 2007 Women and men in Armenia. Statistical Booklet: 2007 Women and men in Armenia. Statistical Booklet: 2007 Women and men in Armenia: 2006 Statistical Yearbook of South Caucasus 2002. Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Georgia 2005 Yearbook Australia Agrarstrukturerhebung 1999, Geasamtergebnisse Arbeitskosten: 1996-2006 Arbeitsstattenzahlung 2001. Hauptergebnisse Osterreich Aufkommens und Verwendungstabelle: 2001 Aufkommens und Verwendungstabelle: 2003 Aufkommens und Verwendungstabelle: 2004

National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia

National Statistical Office Australian Bureau of Statistics Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria

Austria. Data, Figures, Facts Betriebliche Weiterbildung:1999 Demografisches Jahrbuch: 2001/02 Demographische Informationen 2001 Demographisches Jahrbuch 1999 Demographisches Jahrbuch 2000 Demographisches Jahrbuch: 2003 Demographisches Jahrbuch: 2004 Demographisches Jahrbuch: 2005 Demographisches Jahrbuch: 2006 Demographisches Jahrbuch: 2007 Der Ausenhandel Osterreichs. 1.Halfjahr 2003 Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs 1. Bis 3.Vierteljahr 2002, Serie 1 - Spesialhandel nach Waren und Landern;teil 1: Kapitel 1 bis 67, teil 2 : Kapitel 68 bis 99 Der aussenhandel Osterreichs 1. Gesamtjahr 2002. Serie 2. Spezialhandel nach SITC-revised 3 Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs 1.Vierteljahr 2001, Serie 1 - Spesialhandel nach Waren und Landern;teil 1: Kapitel 1 bis 67, teil 2 : Kapitel 68 bis 99 Der aussenhandel Osterreichs 2002. 1 bis 4 Vierteljahr. Teil 1: Kapitel 01 bis 67 Der aussenhandel Osterreichs 2002. 1 bis 4 Vierteljahr. Teil 2: Kapitel 68 bis 99 Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs 2003. 1 bis 2 Vierteljahr; teil 1,2 Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs 2003. 1.Vierteljahr; teil 1,2 Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs Teil 1: Kapitel 1 bis 67 Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs Teil 1: Kapitel 1 bis 67 Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs. 1 bis Vierteljahr 2005. Serie 1 - Spezialhandel nach Waren und Landern Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs. 1 Vierteljahr 2004.Teil 1,2 Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs. 1 bis 2 Vierteljahr 2004.Teil 1,2

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Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs. 1 bis 3 Vierteljahr 2003.Teil 1,2 Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs. 1 bis 4 Vierteljahr 2003.Teil 1,2

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Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs. 1. Bis 2. Vierteljahr. Serie 1 - Spezialhandel nach Waren und Landern Statistik Austria Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs. 1. Halbjahr 2004 Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs. 1.Halbjahr 2001. Seie 2 - Spezialhandel nach SITC - revised 3 Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs. 1.Halbjahr 2002 Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs. Gesamtjahr 2001. Serie 2 - Spezialhandel nach SITC - revised 3 Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs. Gesamtjahr 2003. Serie 2. Spezialhandel nach SITC-revised 3 Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs. Gesamtjahr. Serie 2 - Spezialhandel nach SITC -revised 3 Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs. Serie 1 Spezialhandel nach Waren und Landern. 1. bis 2. Vierteljahr 2005. Teil 1-2. Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs. Serie 1 Spezialhandel nach Waren und Landern. 1. bis 3. Vierteljahr 2004. Teil 1-2. Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs. Serie 1 Spezialhandel nach Waren und Landern. 1. bis 4. Vierteljahr 2004. Teil 1-2. Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs. Serie 2 Spezialhandel nach SITC- revised 3. Gesamtjahr 2004 Statistik Austria

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Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs. Serie 2 Spezialhandel nach SITC-revised 3.1 Halbjahr 2005 Statistik Austria Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs. Teil 1: Kapitel 1 bis 67. 1 bis 4 Vierteljahr 2001. Serie 1 - Spezialhandel nach Waren und Landern Statistik Austria Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs. Teil 2: Kapitel 68 bis 99. 1 bis 4 Vierteljahr 2001. Serie 1 Spezialhandel nach Waren und Landern Statistik Austria

Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs.Serie 1 Spezialhandel nach Waren und Landern. Teil 1 : Kapitel 1 bis 67. 1.bis 2.Vierteljahr 2001, 2001;Serie 1 - Spezialhandel nach Waren und Landern. Teil 1 : Kapitel 68 bis 99. 1.bis 2.Vierteljahr 2001 Statistik Austria Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs.Serie 1 Spezialhandel nach Waren und Landern. Teil 1 : Kapitel 1 bis 67. 1.bis 3.Vierteljahr 2001, 2002;Serie 1 - Spezialhandel nach Waren und Landern. Teil 1 : Kapitel 68 bis 99. 1.bis 3.Vierteljahr 2001 Statistik Austria Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs; Gesamtjahr 2000, Serie 2 - Spezialhandel nach SITC - revised 3, 2001 Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs; Teil 1 : Kapitel 1 bis 67; Teil 2 : Kapitel 68 bis 99, 1.bis 3.Vierteljahr 2000, Serie 1 - Spezialhandel nach Waren und Landern Der Aussenhandel Osterreichs; Teil 1 : Kapitel 1 bis 67; Teil 2 : Kapitel 68 bis 99, 1.bis 4.Vierteljahr 2000, Serie 1 - Spezialhandel nach Waren und Landern Erfolgsfaktoren Oseterreichischer Jungunternehmen Erhebung der Erwerbsobstanlagen 2002 Erhebung der Erwerbsobstanlagen 2002

Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria

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Familien - und Haushaltsstatistik: 2004 Statistik Austria Familien und Haushaltsstatistik. 2007. Ergebnisse des Mikrozensus Statistik Austria Familien und Haushaltsstatistik. Ergebnisse des Mikrozensus: 2006 Statistik Austria Familien und Haushaltsstatistik: 2005 Statistik Austria Austrian Federal Ministery for Economic Affairs and Labour

Foreign Direct Investment in Eastern Europe 2001 Gebaude- und Wohnugszahlung. Hauptergebnisse Osterreich.2001 Statistik Austria Gesundheitszustand& Konsum medizinischer Leistungen.Ergebnisse des Mikrozensus September 1999 Statistik Austria Grosszahlung 2001 Input-Output Tabelle: 2000 Input-Output-Tabelle 1995 Jahrbuch der Gesundeitsstatistik: 2002 Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria

Jahrbuch der Gesundheitsstatistik 1999 Jahrbuch der Gesundheitsstatistik 2000 Jahrbuch der Gesundheitsstatistik: 2001 Jahrbuch der Gesundheitsstatistik: 2001 Jahrbuch der Gesundheitsstatistik: 2003 Jahrbuch der Gesundheitsstatistik: 2004 Jahrbuch der Gesundheitsstatistik: 2005 Jahrbuch der Gesundheitsstatistik: 2006 Jahrbuch der Gesundheitsstatistik: 2007 Kindertagesheimstatistik.2006/07 Kindertagesheimstatistik: 2003/2004 Kindertagesheimstatistik: 2004/05 Kindertagesheimstatistik: 2007/08 (+CD-ROM) Kindertageshimstatistik: 2005/06 Konjunkturehebung im Produzierenden Bereich 2000

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Konjunkturerhebung im Produzierenden Bereich 2000. Band 1 - Ergebnisse auf Unternehmens - und Betriebsebene sowie Indizes Statistik Austria Konjunkturerhebung im Produzierenden Bereich, Band 1 - Ergebnisse auf Unternehmensebene sowie Indizes, 1998-1999 Statistik Austria Konjunkturerhebung im Produzierenden Bereich, Band 2 - Ergebnisse auf Betriebsebene, 1998-1999 Statistik Austria Konjunkturerhebung im Produzierenden Bereich, Band 3 - Produktionsergebnisse nach CPA 1996 und OPRODCOM, 1998-1999 Statistik Austria Krebsinzidenz und Krebsmortalitat in Osterreich: 2004 (Incidenta cancerului in Austria) Krippen, Kindergarten & Horte: 2002/03 Krippen, Kindergarten &Horte (Kinderragesheime), 2000/01 Krippen, Kindergarten &Horte (Kindertageheime) 2001/02 Lebenslanges Lernen. Ergebnisse des Mikrozensus Juni 2003 Leistungs und Strukturstatistik. Dienstleistungen.2004

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Leistungs- und Strukturstatistik. Produktion &Dienstleistungen. 2004

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Leistungs- und Strukturstatistik. Produktion. 2004 Statistik Austria ONACE 2008, Band 1-3 Osterreich im europaischen Wirtschaftsvergleich. 1995-2003 Schulwesen in Osterreich 2000/01 Schulwesen in Osterreich 2001/02 Schulwesen in Osterreich 2002/03 Statistik der Zivilluftfahrt: 2006 Statistik der Zivilluftfahrt: 2007 Statistische Jahrbuch Osterreichs: 2001 Statistische Jahrbuch Osterreichs: 2004 Statistische Jahrbuch Osterreichs: 2005 Statistische Nachrichten: 1-12/2001 Statistische Nachrichten: 1-12/2002 Statistische Nachrichten: 1-12/2004 Statistische Nachrichten: 1-12/2005 Statistische Nachrichten: 1-12/2006 Statistische Nachrichten: 1-12/2007 Statistische Nachrichten: 1-12/2008 Statistische Nachrichten: 1-12/2003 Urlaubsreisen der Osterreicher: 2000 Urlaubsreisen der Osterreicher: 2001 Urlaubsreisen der Osterreicher: 2002 Urlaubsreisen der Osterreicher: 2002 Volkswirtschafliche Gesamtrechnungen 1976-2000 Volkswirtschafliche gesamtrechnungen. Hauptergebnisse: 1976-2005 Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnungen 19762004 Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnungen 19772001. Hauptergebnisse Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnungen 19782002. Hauptergebnisse Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnungen 19882003 Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnungen. 19762006 Volkszahlung 2001. Bildungsstand der Bevolkerung Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria

Volkszahlung 2001. Hauptergebnisse I - Karnten Volkszahlung 2001. Hauptergebnisse I - Karnten Volkszahlung 2001. Hauptergebnisse I oberosterreich Volkszahlung 2001. Hauptergebnisse I - Salzburg Volkszahlung 2001. Hauptergebnisse I - Salzburg

Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria

Volkszahlung 2001. Hauptergebnisse I - Steiermark Statistik Austria Volkszahlung 2001. Hauptergebnisse I - Steiermark Statistik Austria Volkszahlung 2001. Hauptergebnisse I - Tirol Volkszahlung 2001. Hauptergebnisse I - Tirol Statistik Austria Statistik Austria

Volkszahlung 2001. Hauptergebnisse I - Vorarlberg Statistik Austria Volkszahlung 2001. Hauptergebnisse I - Wien Volkszahlung 2001. Hauptergebnisse I - Wien Statistik Austria Statistik Austria

Volkszahlung 2001. Hauptergebnisse II - Osterreich Statistik Austria Volkszahlung 2001. Haushalte und Familien Volkszahlung 2001. Schuler und Studenten Volkszahlung 2001. Textband - Die demographische, soziale und wirtschaftliche Struktur der osterreichischen Bevolkerung Volkszahlung 2001 .Erwerbspersonen nach beruflichen unf wirtschaftlichen Merkmalen Volkszahlung. Berufspendler: 2001 Volkszahlung. Hauptergebnisse I - Burgenland 2001 Volkszahlung. Hauptergebnisse I Niederosterreich: 2001 Statistik Austria Statistik Austria

Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria Statistik Austria

Volkszahlung. Hauptergebnisse I - Osterreich 2001 Statistik Austria Volkszahlung. Wohnbevolkerung nach Gemeinden (mit der bevolkerungsentwicklung seit 1869) 2001 Statistik Austria Wanderungsstatiastik: 2002 Statistik Austria

Wanderungsstatistik: 1999 Wanderungsstatistik: 2000 Wanderungsstatistik: 2003 Wanderungsstatistik: 2004 Wanderungsstatistik: 2005 Wanderungsstatistik: 2006 Wanderungsstatistik: 2007 Wohnsituation der Bevolkerung. Ergebnisse der Volks-, Gebaude- und Wohnungszahlung: 2001 Working paper 128. Three lectures on monetery theory and policy: speking notes and background papers

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Statistik Austria

Oesterreichische Nationalbank State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan in figures 2001 Azerbaijan Republic State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan in figures 2005 Azerbaijan Republic State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan in figures. 2003 Azerbaijan Republic State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan in figures: 2006 Azerbaijan Republic State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan in figures: 2007 Azerbaijan Republic State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan in XX Century, Part I, II Azerbaijan Republic State Statistical Committee of Statistical Yearbook of Azerbaijan 2001 Azerbaijan Republic State Statistical Committee of Statistical Yearbook of Azerbaijan 2002 Azerbaijan Republic State Statistical Committee of Statistical Yearbook of Azerbaijan 2004 Azerbaijan Republic State Statistical Committee of Statistical Yearbook of Azerbaijan: 2003 Azerbaijan Republic State Statistical Committee of Statistical Yearbook of Azerbaijan: 2005 Azerbaijan Republic State Statistical Committee of Statistical Yearbook of Azerbaijan: 2006 Azerbaijan Republic State Statistical Committee of Statistical Yearbook of Azerbaijan:2007 Azerbaijan Republic The Population Census of the Azerbaijan Republic State Statistical Committee of 1999 Azerbaijan Republic Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of Belarus in Figures, statistical abstract: 2000 the Republic of Belarus

Statistical Yearbook: 2001 Statistical Yearbook: 2002 Statistical Yearbook: 2003 Statistical Yearbook: 2004 Statistical Yearbook: 2005 Statistical Yearbook: 2006 Statistical Yearbook: 2007 Statistical Yearbook: 2008 Agriculture, Recensement agricole 2000 Agriculture. Recensement agriclole 2005 Agriculture. Recensement agricole 2001 Agriculture. Recensement agricole 2002 Agriculture. Recensement agricole 2003 Agriculture. Recensement agricole 2004 Annuaire de statistiques regionales 1999 Bulletin de statistique: 1-12/2001 Bulletin de statistique: 1-12/2002 Bulletin de statistique: 1-12/2003 Bulletin de statistique: 1-12/2004 Bulletin de statistique: 1-12/2005

Bulletin de statistique: 1-12/2006 Emploi du temps et loisirs. Enquete sur l'emploi du temps 1999. Tome A: selon la region, l'age, le contexte et le sexe Institut National de Statistique Emploi du temps et loisirs. Enquete sur l'emploi du temps 1999. Tome B: selon le niveau d'instruction, la situation au regard de l'emploi, la situation familiale et le sexe Institut National de Statistique Etudes statistiques , Esperance de vie en bonne sante selon le statut socio-economique en Belgique Institut National de Statistique

Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the Republic of Belarus Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the Republic of Belarus Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the Republic of Belarus Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the Republic of Belarus Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the Republic of Belarus Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the Republic of Belarus Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the Republic of Belarus Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the Republic of Belarus Institut National de Statistique Direction generale Statistique et Information economique Direction generale Statistique et Information economique Direction generale Statistique et Information economique Direction generale Statistique et Information economique Direction generale Statistique et Information economique Institut National de Statistique Institut National de Statistique Institut National de Statistique Institut National de Statistique Direction generale Statistique et Information economique Direction generale Statistique et Information economique Direction generale Statistique et Information economique

Etudes statistiques , Sante et mortalite foetoinfantille - evolution des facteurs de risque au niveau regional de 1980 a 1994 Etudes Statistiques no 110 - 2002. 24 heures a la belge. Une analyse dur l'emploi du temps des Belges Etudes statistiques. Mortalite apres la perde du partenaire: nouvelles donnees belges 2002 Etudes statistiques. No.111. Singularite des etrangers sur le marche de l'emploi. A propos des travailleurs allochtones en Belgique Europe's World. Autumn 2005 Industrie et construction. Construction et logement 1999 et 2000 Industrie et construction. Construction et logement 2002 Industrie et construction. Construction et logement 2004 Industrie et construction. Construction et logement 2006 Industrie et construction. Production industrielle en 2000. PRODCOM et NON-PRODCOM (Industrie si constructii. Productia industriala in 2000) Industrie et construction: 1-12/2001 Industrie et construction: 1-12/2002 Industrie et construction: 1-12/2003 Industrie et construction: 1-12/2004 Industrie et construction: 1-12/2005 Industrie et construction: 1-12/2006 Industrie et construction: 1-12/2007 Statistiques agricoles 1-4/2001 Statistiques agricoles 1-4/2002 Statistiques agricoles: 1-4/2003 Statistiques agricoles: 1-4/2004 Statistiques agricoles: 1-4/2005 Statistiques agricoles: 1-3/2006 Statistiques agricoles: 1/2007 Anuario Estatistico do Brasil: 1999

Institut National de Statistique

Institut National de Statistique Institut National de Statistique

Institut National de Statistique Friends of Europe Institut National de Statistique Institut National de Statistique Direction generale Statistique et Information economique Direction generale Statistique et Information economique

Institut National de Statistique Institut National de Statistique Institut National de Statistique Institut National de Statistique Institut National de Statistique Direction generale Statistique et Information economique Direction generale Statistique et Information economique Direction generale Statistique et Information economique Institut National de Statistique Institut National de Statistique Institut National de Statistique Institut National de Statistique Direction generale Statistique et Information economique Direction generale Statistique et Information economique Direction generale Statistique et Information economique Instituto Brasiliero de Geografia e Estatistica - IBGE

Instituto Brasiliero de Geografia e Estatistica - IBGE Instituto Brasiliero de Geografia e Anuario Estatistico do Brasil: 2004 Estatistica - IBGE Instituto Brasiliero de Geografia e Brasil in figures: 2000 Estatistica - IBGE Instituto Brasiliero de Geografia e Brazil in figures: 2001 Estatistica - IBGE Instituto Brasiliero de Geografia e Brazil in figures: 2002 Estatistica - IBGE Instituto Brasiliero de Geografia e Brazil in figures: 2005 Estatistica - IBGE Censo demografico 2000. Primeiros resultados da Instituto Brasiliero de Geografia e amostra. Parte 1,2 Estatistica - IBGE Censo demografico 2000. Caracteristicas da Instituto Brasiliero de Geografia e populacao e dos domicilios Estatistica - IBGE Export and Import: 1-3/2001 National Statistical Institute Foreign Trade 2000 National Statistical Institute Naselenie I demografiski procesi'99 National Statistical Institute Statistical Yearbook 2000 National Statistical Institute Statistics 1/2001 National Statistical Institute Statistics 6/2000 National Statistical Institute Statistics 2/2001 National Statistical Institute Zdraveopazvane (Starea sanatatii) 2000 National Statistical Institute Economic Thought 6/2000 Varna University of Economics Economic Thought 2,3/2001 Varna University of Economics Economic Thought 4/2001 Varna University of Economics An Annual Book 2000 Varna University of Economics An Annual Book, volume 71/ 1999, 2000 Varna University of Economics Izvestia 1, 2/2001 Varna University of Economics Izvestia 2-4/2000 Varna University of Economics Izvestia 1/2000 Varna University of Economics Economic Studies, 1/2001 Varna University of Economics Economic Thought 1/2002 Varna University of Economics Economic Thought 5,6/2001 Varna University of Economics Foreign Trade of the Republic of Bulgaria National Statistical Institute Naselenie i demografiski procesu 2000 National Statistical Institute Statistical Journal: 1-12/2002 National Statistical Institute Statistical News: 3-4/2000 National Statistical Institute Statistical News: 1-2/2001 National Statistical Institute Statistical Reference Book of the Republic of Bulgaria 2001 National Statistical Institute Statistical yearbook of Bulgaria 2001 National Statistical Institute Statistics 3,5/2001 National Statistical Institute Statistics: 4/2001 National Statistical Institute Statistics 1/2002 National Statistical Institute Anuario Estatistco do Brasil: 2001

Statistics 2/2002 National Statistical Institute 120 godini balgarska statistika 1880-2000 (120 de ani de statistica bulgara) National Statistical Institute Foreign Trade of the Republic of Bulgaria: 2002 Ikonomiceski Izsledvania: 1,2/2002 Ikonomiceski Izsledvania: 3/2002 Main Economic Indicators: 2000-2001 Naselenie i demografiski procesi 2001 (Populatia si procesul demografic) Regions and Districts in Bulgaria 1997-2001 Statistical Journal: 1-12/2003 Statistical Reference Book of the Republic of Bulgaria 2002 (pocketbook) Statistical Yearbook: 2002 Statistics: 1/2003 Statistics: 3,4/2002 Statistics:5,6/2002 Statistics:6/2001 Women and men in the Republic of Bulgaria Zdraveopazvane 2002 Zdraveopazvane 2001 Bulgaria: 2004 Export and Import. Bulgaria-Romania Foreign Trade of the Republic of Bulgaria: 2003 Foreign Trade of the Republic of Bulgaria: 2004 Main economic indicators: 2003 Main Macroeconomic Indicators: 2002 Naselenie i demografiski procesi: 2002 Statistical Journal: 1-12/2004 Statistical Reference Book of the Republic of Bulgaria: 2003 Statistical reference book of the Republic of Bulgaria: 2004 Statistical Yearbook: 2003 Statistics: 1,2,3/2004 Tourism: 2002 Tourism: 2003 Zdraveopazvane: 2003 Bulgaria: 2005 Statistical Reference Book of the Republic of Bulgaria: 2005 National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute

Zdraveopazvane (Starea sanatatii): 2004 Population and demographic processes: 2003 Statistical Yearbook: 2004 Statistical Journal: 1-12/2005 Statistics: 2,3,4/2005 Main Macro-Economic Indicators: 2004 Population and demographic processes: 2004 Tourism: 2004 Foreign Trade: 2005 Statistical Journal: 1-12/2006 Statistics: 1-4/2006 Statistical reference book of the Republic of Bulgaria:2006 Bulgaria 2006 Statistical yearbook: 2005 Zdraveopazvane:2005 (Statistica sanatatii) Main economic indicators:2005 Population and demographic processes: 2005 Foreign Trade: 2006 Education in the Republic of Bulgaria: 2006 Statistical Journal: 1-12/2007 Statistics: 1,2/2007 Zdraveopazvane:2006 (Statistica sanatatii) Statistical yearbook: 2006 Tourism: 2006 Statistical yearbook: 2006 Statistical reference book of the Republic of Bulgaria:2007 Bulgaria 2007 Statistical Journal: 1-10/2008 Statistical yearbook: 2007 Bulgaria:2008 Statistical reference book of the Republic of Bulgaria Foreign Trade of the Republic of Bulgaria Population and demographic processes: 2006 Main macro-economic indicators: 2006 Zdraveopazvane: 2007 Foreign Trade of the Republic of Bulgaria Population and demographic processes: 2007 Annual national Accounts 1998 (definitive compilation) Annual National Accounts 1999 (semi-definitive compilation) Annual National Accounts of the Czech Republic 1998 (semi-definitive version)

National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute National Statistical Institute Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office

Annual Report 2001 Czech Statistical Office Annual Report: 2003 Current CZSO News: 1-12/2003 Current CZSO News: 1-12/2004 Current CZSO News: 1-12/2005 Current CZSO News: 1-12/2006 Current CZSO News: 1-12/2007 Current CZSO News: 1-12/2008 Czech construction in Figures: 2003 Czech Construction in Figures: 2004 Czech Construction in Figures: 2006 Czech construction in Figures: 2007 Czech construction in Figures: 2007 Czech Health Statistics Yearbook 2005 Czech Republic in figures: 2001 Czech Republic in figures: 2002 Czech Republic in figures: 2003 Czech Republic in figures: 2005 Czech Republic in figures: 2006 Czech Republic in figures: 2007 Czech Republic in figures: 2008 Czech Republic in International Comparison (selected indicators) Demografie: 1-4/2001 Demografie: 1-4/2002 Demografie: 1-4/2003 Demografie: 1-4/2004 Demografie: 1-4/2005 Demografie: 1-4/2006 Demografie: 1-4/2007 Demografie: 1-4/2008 Facts on Foreign Trade of the Czech Republic: 2001 Facts on Foreign Trade of the Czech Republic: 2005 Facts on Foreign Trade of the Czech Republic: 2006 Final figures on harvest of farm crops 2006 Focus on international comparisons Focus on the Czech Republic Focus on the Czech Statistical Office

Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office

Focus on women, on men: 2006 Focus on women, on men: 2007 Food Consumption in 2005 Food consumption in 2007 Foreigners in the Czech Republic: 2001 Foreigners in the Czech Republic: 2002 Foreigners in the Czech Republic: 2003 Foreigners in the Czech Republic: 2005 Generation, recovery and Disposal of Wastes in 2006

Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office

Government Budget Appropriations or Outlays for R&D (GBAORD) in the Czech Republic in 2005 Czech Statistical Office Gross Agricultural Ouput in 2005 ICT in Public Administration of the Czech Republic in 2005 Industry of the Czech republic. Revised Figures 2007 Information Economy in figures: 2008 Information society in figures.Czech Republic and World: 2008 Manufacture of selected Industrial Products 2006 Regional Accounts 1997 Regional Accounts 2007 Statistical Environmental Yearbook of the Czech Republic: 2001 Statistical Environmental Yearbook of the Czech Republic: 2004 Statistical Environmental Yearbook of the Czech Republic: 2005 Statistical Environmental Yearbook of the Czech Republic: 2006 Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic: 2001 Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic: 2003 Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic: 2004 Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic: 2005 Statistical yearbook of the Czech Republic: 2006 Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office

Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic: 2007 Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic: 2008 Statistics.From history to present Statistics: " Do we belong to Europe?" Statistika 1-12/2001 Statistika 1-12/2002 Statistika: 1-4/2003 Statistika: 1-6/2004 Statistika: 1-6/2005 Statistika: 1-6/2006 Statistika: 1-7/2007 Statistika: 1-8/2008 Tendencies and factors of macroeconomic development 2007 China Statistical Yearbook: 2001 China Statistical Yearbook: 2002 China Statistical Yearbook: 2003 China Statistical Yearbook: 2004 China Statistical Yearbook: 2005 China Statistical Yearbook: 2006 China Statistical Yearbook: 2007 China Statistical Yearbook: 2008 Cyprus in Figures: 2006 Cyprus in Figures: 2007 Cyprus in the EU Scale Statistical Abstract: 2005 Statistical Abstract: 2006 Explore Korea through Statistics Korea Statistical Yearbook 2000 Monthly Statistic of Korea 12/2000

Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office Czech Statistical Office National Bureau of Statistics of China/China Statistics Press National Bureau of Statistics of China/China Statistics Press National Bureau of Statistics of China/China Statistics Press National Bureau of Statistics of China/China Statistics Press National Bureau of Statistics of China/China Statistics Press National Bureau of Statistics of China/China Statistics Press National Bureau of Statistics of China/China Statistics Press National Bureau of Statistics of China/China Statistics Press Statistical Service of Cyprus Statistical Service of Cyprus Statistical Service of Cyprus Statistical Service of Cyprus Statistical Service of Cyprus National Statistical Office Republic of Korea National Statistical Office Republic of Korea National Statistical Office Republic of Korea

Statistical Handbook of Korea 2000 The 53rd Session of the International Statistical Institute, August 22-29, 2001, Seoul, Korea.Participants by Country Monthly Statistical Report 1/2001 Monthly Statistical Report 12/2000 Monthly Statistical Report 5/2001 Monthly Statistical Report 8/2001 Statistical Yearbook 2000 Zagreb Journal of Economics, vol.5, no 7/2001 Zagreb Journal of Economics, vol.5, no 8/2001 Agricultural Statistics: 2000 Agricultural Statistics: 2001 Agricultural Statistics: 2002 Agricultural Statistics: 2003 Agricultural statistics: 2005 Agricultural Statistics: 2006 Befolkningens bevaegelser (Vital statistics): 2003 Chart manual. How to create charts for Statistics Denmark's publications Criminality: 2000 Criminality: 2001 Criminality: 2003 Criminality: 2005 Danish Input-Output tables and analyses 2006. Imports, employment and environment Danish Input-Output Tables and Analyses: 2002 Danish Input-Output. Tables and analyses 2004. Imports, Employments Danish Input-Output. Tables and Analyses 2005 Danmarks vareimport og-eksport: 2004 External Trade of Denmark 2000 External Trade of Denmark 2001 External Trade of Denmark 2002 External Trade of Denmark 2003 External Trade of Denmark 2005 External Trade of Denmark 2006 External Trade of Denmark 2007 Fiskeristatistisk Arborg: 2007

National Statistical Office Republic of Korea National Statistical Office Republic of Korea Central Bureau of Statistics Central Bureau of Statistics Central Bureau of Statistics Central Bureau of Statistics Central Bureau of Statistics Croatian Institute for Banking and Insurance, Zagreb Croatian Institute for Banking and Insurance, Zagreb Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmark Statistics Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistick Ministeriet for Fodevarer, landbrug og Fiskeri

Good Dissemination Practice in Statistics New Zealand and Statistics Denmark - 2003 Income 1999 Income 2002 Income 2003 Indkomer 2005 Indkomster 2001 Indkomster 2004 Indkomster 2006 Input-output tables and analyses 2001 Input-output tables and analyses 1999 Input-output tables and analyses 2000 Kriminalitet 2002 Kriminalitet 2004 Kriminalitet 2006 Kriminalitet 2007 Landbrug 2004 Landbrug 2007 National Accounts 1999 National Accounts 2000 National Accounts 2001 National Accounts 2002 National Accounts 2003 National Accounts 2004 National Accounts 2005 National Accounts 2006 Population in municipalities 1 january 2001 Presenting Statistics Denmark Skater og Afgifter (Taxes and duties): 2004 Statistical ten-year review 2003 Statistical ten-year review 2004 Statistical ten-year review 2004 Statistical ten-year review 2006 Statistical ten-year review 2007 Statistical ten-year review 2008 Statistical Yearbook 2001 Statistical Yearbook 2002 Statistical Yearbook 2003 Statistical Yearbook 2004 Statistical Yearbook 2005 Statistical Yearbook 2006 Statistical Yearbook 2007 Statistics on Environmental and Transport Issues. Manual on the TERM indicators

Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistick Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistick Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistick Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistick Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistick Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik

Statistisk Arborg: 2008 Statistisk Tiarsoversigt 2001 Statistisk Tiarsoversigt 2002. Tema om skatetter og skattetryk Strategy 2006. The Objectives and Corporate Framework of Statistics Denmark Sustainable development of food safety. New bearings in the Nordic countries Taxes and duties 2001 Taxes and duties 2002 Taxes and Duties 2003 Taxes and duties 2005 Taxes and duties 2006 Taxes and duties 2007 Taxes and duties 2008 TERM 2001, Indicators tracking transport and environment integration in the European Union Vital Statistics 2000 Vital Statistics 2001 Vital Statistics 2002 Vital Statistics 2004 Vital Statistics 2005 Vital Statistics 2006 Yearbook of Fishery Statistics 2001 Yearbook of Fishery Statistics 2002 Yearbook of Fishery Statistics 2004 Yearbook of Fishery Statistics 2005 Yearbook of Fishery Statistics 2006 Yearbook of Fishery Statistics.2003 Ecuador Endemain-99, Encuesta Demografica Y de Salud Materna E Infantil ENDEMAIN-99, Informe General, Enero del 2001 Annual Report 1999/2000 Annual Report 2002/ 2003 Annual Report 2000/2001 Annual Report 2001/2002 Annual Report 2003/2004 Economic Review no.1 2001/2002 Economic Review no.1 2003/2004 Economic Review no.2 2001/2002 Economic Review no.3 1999/2000 Economic Review no.3, 2000/2001 Economic Review no.3, 2002/2003

Danmarks Statistick Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Nordic Council of Ministers Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistick

European Environment Agency Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Danmarks Statistik Ministeriet for Fodevarer Landbrug og Fiskeri Danmarks Statistik Fiskeridirektoratet Danmarks Statistik Ministeriet for Fodevarer, landbrug of Fiskeri Danmarks Statistik

CEPAR, Ecuador; Central Bank of Egypt Central Bank of Egypt Central Bank of Egypt Central Bank of Egipt Central Bank of Egypt Central Bank of Egypt Central Bank of Egypt Central Bank of Egypt Central Bank of Egypt Central Bank of Egypt Central Bank of Egypt


Economic Review no.4 1999/2000 Economic Review no.4, 2000/2001 Economic Review no.4. 2001/2002 Accidents de la circulation en Suisse en 2001

Central Bank of Egypt Central Bank of Egypt Central Bank of Egipt Office federal de la statistique

Accidents de la circulation routiere en Suisse 2002 Office federal de la statistique Accidents de la circulation routiere en Suisse 2002 Accidents de la circulation routiere en Suisse en 2000 Accidents de la circulation routiere en Suisse en 2003 Accidents de la circulation routiere en Suisse. Statistique 2004 Actualites OFS. Octobre 2001.Les transports routiers de marchandises. Series chronologiques 1985/93-2000 Annuaire statistique de la Suisse 2001 Annuaire statistique de la Suisse 2002 Annuaire statistique de la Suisse 2003 Annuaire statistique de la Suisse 2004 Annuaire statistique de la Suisse 2005 Annuaire statistique de la Suisse 2006 Annuaire statistique de la Suisse 2007 Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique

Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique

Branchenprofil der Wald-und Holzwirtschaft: 2001 BUWAL Charge fiscale en Suisse, 2001 Office federal de la statistique Charge fiscale en Suisse, Chef-lieux des cantons, Nombres cantonaux 2000 Office federal de la statistique Charge fiscale en Suisse, Pesonnes physiques par commune 2000 Office federal de la statistique Charge fiscale en Suisse. Chef-lieux des cantons Nombres cantonaux 2006 Office federal de la statistique Charge fiscale en Suisse. Chef-lieux des cantons. Nombres cantonaux: 2002 Office federal de la statistique Charge fiscale en Suisse. Chefs-lieux des cantonaux. Nombres cantonaux: 2003 Office federal de la statistique Charge fiscale en Suisse. Chefs-lieux des cantons Nombres cantonaux 2007 Office federal de la statistique Charge fiscale en Suisse. Chefs-lieux des cantons. Nombres cantonaux 2005 Office federal de la statistique Charge fiscale en Suisse. Chefs-lieux des cantons. Nombres cantonaux. 2004 Office federal de la statistique

Charge fiscale en Suisse. Personnes physique par commune 2001 Charge fiscale en Suisse. Personnes physiques par commune 2002 Charge fiscale en Suisse. Personnes physiques par commune 2006 Charge fiscale en Suisse. Personnes physiques par commune 2007 Charge fiscale en Suisse. Personnes physiques par commune. 2004 Charge fiscale en Suisse. Personnes physiques par commune. 2005 Charge fiscale en Suisse. Personnes physiques par commune: 2003 Comptage suisse de la circulation routiere 2000 Comptage suisse de la circulation routiere 2005 Ein Strich an Stelle einer Zahl Elections au Conseil national de 1999. Aprecu et analyse Elections au Conseil national de 2003. Apercu et analyse Elections au Conseil national de 2007. L'evolution du paysage politique depuis 1971 Finances publiques en Suisse: 2004 Finances publiques en Suisse: 1999 Finances publiques en Suisse: 2000 Finances publiques en Suisse: 2001 Finances publiques en Suisse: 2002 Finances publiques en Suisse: 2003 Finances publiques en Suisse: 2005 Finances publiques en Suisse: 2006 Finanzierungsrechnung der Schweiz (Les comptes financiers de la Suisse): 1999-2003 La foret et le bois, Annuaire 2000 La foret et le bois. Annuaire 2002 La foret et le bois. Annuaire 2003 La foret et le bois. Annuaire 2004 La foret et le bois. Annuaire 2005 La foret et le bois. Annuaire 2007 La foret et le bois.Annuaire 2001 La prevoyance professionnelle en Suisse, 2006 (+CD-ROM)

Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Statistik Stadt Zurich Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Swiss National Bank Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de l'environnement des forets et du paysage (OFEFP) OFE (Office federal de l'environnement) Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique

La prevoyance professionnelle en Suisse. Statistique des caisses de pensions, 2005 La prevoyance professionnelle en Suisse:2002 Le foret et le bois. Annuaire 2006 Le systeme de compatibilite nationale, Productivite du travail en Suisse 1998 Le systeme de comptabilite nationale, Compte de production de la Suisse 1998 Le systeme de comptabilite nationale, Resultats 1993-1998, premieres estimations 1999 Le systeme de comptabilite nationale. Resulats 1994-1999, premieres estimations 2000 Le systeme de comptabilite nationale. Resulats 1995-2000, premieres estimations 2001 Le systeme de comptabilite nationale. Resultats 1997-2002 Le systeme de comptabilite nationale. Resultats 1998-2003 Le systeme de comptabilite nationale. Resultats 1999-2004 Le tourisme en Suisse 2000.L'evolution de l'offre et de la demande Le tourisme en Suisse 2001 Le trourisme en Suisse. L'evolution de l'offre et de la demande: 2002 L'economie suisse des annees 90 a nos jours Les elections au Conseil national de 2003 Les executifs et les legislatifs des villes suisses Les hotels et les etablisements de cure en Suisse. L'offre et la demande 2001 Les hotels et les etablissements de cure en Suisse, Loffre et la demande 2000 Les hotels et les etablissements de cure en suisse. L'offre et la demande 2002 Les resultats compatables des entreprises suisses: Annees comptables 2003-2004 Les resultats compatables des entreprises suisses: Annees comptables 2004-2005 Les resultats comptables des entreprises suisses. Annees comptables 1998-99

Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de l'environnement Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique

Office federal de la statistique

Office federal de la statistique

Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique

Les resultats comptables des entreprises suisses. Annees comptables 1999-2000 Les resultats comptables des entreprises suisses. Annees comptables 2000-2001 Les resultats comptables des entreprises suisses. Annees comptables 2001-2002 Les resultats comptables des entreprises suisses. Annees comptables 2002-2003 Les transports routiers de marchandises. Enquete de 1998 Productivite du travail. Comparaisons internationales: Le role des donnees dans l'interpretation des resultats Productivite du travail. Methodologie et analyse des principaux resulats de 1991 a 2006 Statistique des caisses de pensions, 2000. La prevoyance professionnelle en Suisse Statistique des caisses de pensions, 2004. La prevoyance professionnelle en Suisse Statistique suisse des transports de 1996/2000 Statistisches Jahrbuch 2001 Statistisches Jahrbuch 2002 Statistisches Jahrbuch der Schweiz: 2008 Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Zurich Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Zurich: 2003 Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Zurich: 2004 Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Zurich: 2005/2006 Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Zurich: 2008 The changing face of land use. Land use statistics of Switzerland Vehicules a moteur en Suisse, Effectif au 30 septembre 2000 Vehicules a moteur en Suisse, Vehicules a moteur importes 2000 Vehicules a moteurs en Suisse, Mises en circulation de vehicules neufs,2000 Vehicules routieres en Suisse. Effectif au 30 septembre 2001 Vehicules routieres en Suisse.Mises en circulation de bvehicules routiers neufs 2001 Vehicules routiers en Suise. Mises en circulation de vehicules routiers neufs: 2003

Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique

Office federal de la statistique

Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Statistisches Amt der Stadt Zurich Statistik Stadt Zurich Office federal de la statistique Statistik Stadt Zurich Statistik Stadt Zurich Statistik Stadt Zurich Statistik Stadt Zurich Stadt Zurich Statistik Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique

Vehicules routiers en Suisse. Mises en circulation de vehicules routiers neufs. 2004 Vehicules routiers en Suisse. Mises en circulation de vehicules routiers neufs:2002 Vehicules routiers en Suisse. Parc au 30 septembre 2002 Vehicules routiers en Suisse. Parc au 30 septembre 2002 Vehicules routiers en Suisse. Parc au 30 septembre 2003 Vehicules routiers en Suisse. Parc au 30 septembre 2004 Vehicules routiers en Suisse. Vehicules routiers importes 2001 Vehicules routiers en Suisse. Vehicules routiers importes 2002 Vehicules routiers en Suisse. Vehicules routiers importes: 2003 Vehicules routiers importes: 2004 Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung: Eine Einfuhrung in Theorie und Praxis. Methoden und Konzepte des ESVG Zurcher Statistische Nachrichten, 2,3,4/2001 Zurcher Statistische Nachrichten, 7,6/2001 Agriculture 2000 Agriculture 2001 Agriculture: 2003 Agriculture: 2004 Agriculture: 2005 Agriculture: 2006 Agriculture:2002 Annual Report: 2000 Annual Report: 2001 Annual Report: 2002 Annual Report: 2003 Annual Report: 2006 Estonia in Figures: 2003 (pocketbook) Estonian familiy and fertility survey. Secound round - Standard tabulations Foreign Trade: 2000 Foreign Trade: 2001 Foreign Trade: 2002 Foreign Trade: 2003 Foreign Trade: 2004 Foreign Trade: 2005

Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique Office federal de la statistique

Office federal de la statistique Statistisches Amt der Stadt Zurich Statistisches Amt der Stadt Zurich Statistical Office of Estonia Statistical Office of Estonia Statistical Office of Estonia Statistical Office of Estonia Statistics Estonia Statistics Estonia Statistical Office of Estonia Statistical Office of Estonia Statistical Office of Estonia Statistical Office of Estonia Statistical Office of Estonia Statistics Estonia Statistical Office of Estonia Estonian Internunivertisty Population Research Centre Statistical Office of Estonia Statistical Office of Estonia Statistical Office of Estonia Statistical Office Statistical Office of Estonia Statistics Estonia

Foreign Trade: 2006 National Accounts of Estonia: 1999 National Accounts of Estonia: 2000 National Accounts of Estonia: 2001 National Accounts of Estonia: 2002 National Accounts of Estonia: 2003 National Accounts of Estonia: 2005 National Accounts of Estonia: 2006 Population Age Structure 1.01.2002 Population Age Structure, Cities and Rural Municipalities 2000-2001 Statistical Yearbook of Estonia : 2003 Statistical Yearbook of Estonia: 2001 Statistical Yearbook of Estonia: 2002 Statistical Yearbook of Estonia: 2004 Statistical Yearbook of Estonia: 2005 Statistical Yearbook of Estonia: 2006 Statistical Yearbook of Estonia: 2007 Statistical yearbook of Estonia: 2008 Annual Report: 2004 Annual Report: 2005 Annual Report: 2006 Annual Report: 2006 Annual Report: 2007 Health in Finlanda National Greenhouse Gas. Inventory System in Finland Quality Guidelines for Official Statistics Statistical Yearbook of Finland: 2000 Statistical Yearbook of Finland: 2001 Statistical Yearbook of Finland: 2002 Statistical Yearbook of Finland: 2003 Statistical Yearbook of Finland: 2004 Statistical Yearbook of Finland: 2005 Statistical yearbook of Finland: 2006 Statistical Yearbook of Finland: 2007 Statistical Yearbook of Finland: 2008 Statistics Finland.Guidelines on Professional Ethics

Statistics Estonia Statistical Office of Estonia Statistical Office of Estonia Statistical office of Estonia Statistical Office Statistical Office of Estonia Statistics Estonia Statistics Estonia Statistical Office of Estonia Statistical Office of Estonia Statistical Office of Estonia Statistical Office of Estonia Statistical Office of Estonia Statistical Office of Estonia Statistical Office of Estonia Statistics Estonia Statistics Estonia Statistics Estonia Statistics Finland Statistics Finland Statistics Finland Statistics Finland Statistics Finland Ministry of Social Affairs and Health Statistics Finland Statistics Finland Statistics Finland Statistics Finland Statistics Finland Statistics Finland Statistics Finland Statistics Finland Statistics Finland Statistics Finland Statistics Finland Statistics Finland

Statistics Finland's Social Statistics Strategy Treatment of production and consumption waste in Murmansk area enterprises in the Federation of Russia. Food industry and housing and municipal economy. Pilot survey Use of Registers and Adminstrative Data Sources for Statistical Purposes 2005 Annual Report Agreste GraphAgri, L'agriculture, la foret et les industries agroalimentaires Agreste. GraphAgri. L'agriculture et l'agroalimentaire dans les regions. 2002 Agreste. Recensement agricole 2000. Principaux resultats en Rhone-Alpes et dans les departements Agreste.Graphagri. La foret et les industries du bois. 2006 Agreste.Graphagri. L'agricluture, la foret et les industries agroalimentaires: 2005

Statistics Finland

Statistics Finlands/Goskomstat of Russia Statistics Finland INSEE Service Central des Enquetes et Etudes Statistiques Ministere de l'agriculture, d'alimentation, de la peche et des affaires rurales

Annuaire statistique de la France: 2003 Annuaire statistique de la France: 2004 Annuaire statistique de la France: 2005 Annuaire statistique de la France: 2005 Annual Report: 2006 Annual Report: 2007 ATLAS du Bassin Genevois. L'espace franco-valdogenevois INSEE Rhone-Alpes Atlas economique et social de la region RhoneAlpes INSEE Rhone-Alpes Bilan 1999, Direction Regionale Rhone-Alpes Cataloque des produits du recensement de la population 1999, cederom joint, 2000 Colloque international de Byblos-Jbeil (Liban, 1013 octobre 2000). No 10. Vivre plus longtemps, avoir moins d'enfants, quelles implications ? Colloque international de La Rochelle. 22-26 septembre 1998. No 9. Regimes demographiques et territoires: les frontieres en question INSEE INSEE

INSEE Rhone-Alpes Ministere de l'Agriculture et de la Peche MAAPR/Service Central des Enquetes et Etudes Statistiques Ministere de l'economie des finances et de l'industrie INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE

Association Internationale des Demographes de langue francaise

Association Internationale des Demographes de langue francaise

Colloque international de Sinaia (2-6 septembre 1996). No 8. Morbidite, Mortalite: problemes de mesure, facteurs d'evolution, essai de prospective Courrier des statistiques. English series, no 12, 2006 annual issue Courrier des statistiques. English series, no.13/2007. Annual issue Courrier des statistiques. English series, no.6/2000. Annual issue Courrier des statistiques. English series. No 8. 2002 annual issue. The French system of official statistics. Community statistics at the dawn of the twenty-first century Courrier des statistiques. No 120. Janvier-avril 2007 Donnees sociales. La societe francaise. 2002-2003 Economie et Statistique: no 332-333/2000 Economie et Statistique: no 335/2000 Economie et Statistique: no 336/2000 Economie et statistique: no 337-338/2000 Economie et Statistique: no 341-342/2001 Economie et statistique: no 343/2001 Economie et statistique: no 344/2001 Economie et statistique: no 345/2001 Economie et statistique: no 346-347/2001 Economie et statistique: no 348/2001 Economie et statistique: no 349-350/2001 Economie et statistique: no 351/2002 Economie et statistique: no 352-353/2002 Economie et statistique: no 354/2002 Economie et statistique: no 355-356/2002 Economie et statistique: no 357-358/2002 Economie et statistique: no 359-360/2002 Economie et statistique: no 361/2003 Economie et statistique: no 362/2003 Economie et statistique: no 363-365-365/2003 Economie et statistique: no 366/2003 Economie et statistique: no 369-370/2003 Economie et statistique: no 371/2004 Economie et statistique: no 372/2004 Economie et statistique: no 374-375/2004 Economie et statistique: no 376-377/2004 Economie et statistique: no 378-379/2004 Economie et statistique: no 380/2004

Association Internationale des Demographes de langue francaise INSEE INSEE INSEE


Economie et statistique: no 381-382/2005 Economie et statistique: no 383-384-385/2005 Economie et statistique: no 386/2005 Economie et statistique: no 387/2005 Economie et statistique: no 390/2005 Economie et statistique: no 395-396/2006 Economie et statistique: no 397/2006 Economie et statistique: no 400/2006 Economie et statistique: no 401/2007 Economie et statistique: no 402/2007 Economie et statistique: no 403-404/2007 Economie et statistique: no 405-406/2007 Economie et statistique: no 407/2007 Economie et statistique: no 408-409/2007 Economie et statistique: no 410/2007 Economie et statistique: no 411/2008 Economie et statistique: no 412/2008 France in the European Union: 2008 France, portrait social 2001-2002 France, portrait social 2004-2005 Graphagri 2003. L'agriculture, la foret et les industries agroalimentaires Graphagri 2004. L'agriculture, la foret et les industries agroalimentaires Information technology and the information society 1999, . A Statistical survey, 1999 INSEE Conjoncture. Series longues. Edition 2002 INSEE Conjoncture. Series longues. Edition 2003 INSEE Methodes no 100. Actes des journees de methodologie statistique. 4 et 5 decembre 2000, tome 1 INSEE Methodes no 101. Actes des journees de methodologie statistique. 4 et 5 decembre 2000, tome 2 INSEE Methodes no 102. Actes des journees de methodologie statistique. 4 et 5 decembre 2000, tome 3 INSEE Methodes no 103. Les indices de chiffre d'affaires INSEE Methodes no 104. L'Indice de la production industrielle

INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE Ministere de l'agriculture, de l'alimentation, de la peche et des affaires rurales Ministere de l'agriculture, de l'alimentation, de la peche et des affaires rurales Ministere de l'Economie des Finances et de l'Industrie INSEE INSEE




INSEE Methodes no 105. Innovation: De l'idee a la performance. 8e seminaire de la Direction des Statistiques d'Entreprises. 11 decembre 2002 INSEE Methodes No 105. Innovation: De l'idee a la performance. 8e seminnaire de la Direction des Statistiques d'Entreprises INSEE Methodes No 106. Les comptes de patrimoine et de variation de patrimoine en base 1995 INSEE Methodes No 108. Methodologie des comptes trimestriels INSEE Methodes no 97. E-commerce.Quels faits? Quels effets? 6-e seminaire de la direction des Statistiques d'entreprises. 6 decembre 2000 INSEE Methodes no 98. Les indices de prix des logements anciens INSEE Methodes No.107. Au coeur des echanges: le commerce de gros. 9e seminaire de la direction des Statistiques d'entreprise. 3 decembre 2003 INSEE Methodes, Environnement Economie, Actes du Colloque Paris, 15 et 16 Fevrier 1993 INSEE Methodes. No.106. Les comptes de patrimoine et de variations de patrimoine en base 1995. INSEE Methodes. No.99. La creation d'entreprise.Projets et realisations. 7-eme seminaire de la Direction des Statistiques d'Entreprise, 6 decembre 2001 La France des services. 2004 - 2005. Services aux particuliers et activites immobilieres La France en bref 2000, edition 2000 La France et ses regions La sante en France: 2002 La statistique au Royaume-Uni (auteur Veronique Alexandre), Division Methodes comparees La Statistique en Allemagne La statistique en Italie (auteur Rene Hallu), Division methodes comparees, janvier 2000 L'Agriculture, la foret et les industries agroalimentaires 2002







INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE Haut Comite de la Sante Publique

INSEE INSEE INSEE Ministere de l'Agriculture et de la Peche

L'annee economique et sociale 2002 Le Gers: L'economie de la tradition Le secret statistique. Le systeme francais de statistique publique L'economie sociale et solidaire Les comptes de l'agriculture en 2002. Rapports presentes a la Commission des comptes de l'agriculture de la Nation. Session du 13 juin 2003 Les personnes agees dans les departements du Rhone Les zonages en Rhone-Alpes L'Institut national de la statistique et des etudes economiques pour la metropole et la France d'Outre-Mer L'IPAMPA (Indice des prix d'achat des moyens de production agricole) - Methodologie Maine-et-Loire.Atlas demographique departemental 2001. Recensement 1999 Note de conjoncture, decembre 2000 Note de conjoncture, decembre 2001 Note de conjoncture, juin 2002 Note de conjoncture, mars 2000 Note de conjoncture, mars 2001 Note de conjoncture, mars 2002 Note de conjoncture: decembre 2002 Note de conjoncture: decembre 2003 Note de conjoncture: juin 2003 Note de conjoncture: mars 2004 Note de conjuncture, juin 2001 PANORAMA des relations internationales et des actions de cooperation 2000 Population 1,2/2002 Population 1-2, 3, 4, 5, 6/2001 Population, no 1,2,3/2000 Population, no 6/2000 Population: 1/2003 Population: 1/2004

INSEE Rhone-Alpes INSEE Midi-Pyrenees INSEE INSEE INSEE Rhone-Alpes

INSEE INSEE Rhone-Alpes INSEE Rhone-Alpes

INSEE INSEE INSEE Pays de la Loire INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INSEE INED INED Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques INED

Population: 1-2/2005 Population: 2/2003 Population: 3/2003 Population: 3/2005 Population: 4/2005 Population: 4-5/2003 Population: 5/2004 Population: 5-6/2005 Population: 6/2002 Population: 6/2003 Population: no 3-4/2004 Portrait de la France. Le recensement de 1999 Rapport d'activite 2005 RECMA, Revue internationale de l'economie sociale, no 279/janvier 2001 RECMA, Revue internationale de l'economie sociale, no 281/2001 RECMA. Revue internationale de l'economie sociale no 282 RECMA. Revue Internationale de l'Economie Sociale. no 284 RECMA. Revue internationale de l'economie sociale: no 285 RECMA. Revue internationale de l'economie sociale: no 286 Registres de population et traitement des donnees personnelles en Italie (auteur Rene Hallu), Division Methodes comparees Resultas de l'Enquete permanente sur les accidents de la vie courrante. Annees 1999-2001 Resultas de l'Enquete permanente sur les accidents de la vie courrante. Annees 1999-2001. Syntese Results of the Permanent Study on Home and Leisure Injuries (EPAC). Years 1999-2001. Synthesis

INED Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques INED Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques INED Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques INED INED INSEE INSEE Institut de l'Economie Sociale Institut de l'Economie Sociale Institut de l'Economie Sociale Institut de l'Economie Sociale Institut de l'Economie Sociale Institut de l'Economie Sociale


Institut de Veille Sanitaire

Institut de Veille Sanitaire

Institut de Veille Sanitaire

Seminaire international d'Aranjuez (27-30 septembre 1994), No 7. Menages, familles, parenteles et solidarites dans les populations Association Internationale des mediterraneennes Demographes de langue francaise STATECO no 94/1999. Methodes statistiques pour le developpement et la transition INSEE STATECO, No 95-96-97/2000, Revue Methodologique, Methodes statistiques et economique pour le developpement et la transition INSEE/DIAL STATECO, no 98/2004. Methodes statistiques et economiques pour le developpement et la transition INSEE STATECO, no.101/2007 INSEE STATECO. Methodes statistiques et economiques pour le developpement et la transition. Revue methodologique. No 100/2006 INSEE STATECO: no.102/2008 INSEE STATECO: no.99/2005. Methodes statistiques et economiques pour le developpement et la transition INSEE Tableaux de l'economie francaise 2000/2001 Tableaux de l'economie francaise 2001-2002 Tableaux de l'economie Rhone-Alpes 2001-2002 Tableaux de l'economie Rhone-Alpes, 1999-2000 Tableaux economiques de l'Aquitaine 2000/2001 World Mining and Metals Yearbook 1999 World Mining and Metals Yearbook 2001 Entrepreneurship in Georgia, Facts Figures Comments 2000 INSEE INSEE INSEE Rhone-Alpes INSEE INSEE Aquitaine Societe de l'Industrie Minerale Societe de l'Industrie Minerale State Department for Statistics of Georgia Ministry of Economic Development of Georgia. Department for Statistics State Department for Statistics of Georgia Ministry of Economic Development of Georgia. Department for Statistics Hamburg Institute of International Economics Statistisches Bundesamt

Social trends in Georgia: 2004 Statistical Yearbook of Georgia 2001

Statistical yearbook of Georgia: 2004 Analysis of EU-CEEC Migration with Special Reference to Agricultural Labour by Andreas Schneider Annual Report 2006

Annual Report 2007 Aussenhadel. 1.Halbjahrm 2002 Datenreport 2002. Zahlen und Fakten uber die Bundesrepublik Deutschland Deutschland in der EU 2006 Facts and Trends. Latest figures for Germany edition 2004 Facts and Trends. Latest figures for Germany Edition 2006 Federal Statistical Office. First-hand data Intereconomics . Review of European Economic Policy. No 1. January/February 2004 ISI-Weltkongress 2003, vom 13.bis 20.Asugust 2003 in Berlin Mitteilgungsblatt der Bundesanstalt fur Waserbau. Nr.89, Mai 2006 Mitteilungen der Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau: nr.85. Dezember 2002 Mitteilungen, nr.82, Dezember 2000 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesansalt fur Wasserbau, no.91/Decezmber 2007 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau. Nr.90.Juli 2007 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau, nr.84 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau: nr.86/2003 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau: nr.87/2004 Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstlat fur Wasserbau, nr.88 Multi-Period Emissions Trading in the Electricity Sector - Winners and Losers by Sven Bode Pilot study on statistics on the import and export of waste in Germany

Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Bundesamt Hamburg Institute of International Economics Statistisches Bundesamt Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau (BAW) Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau (BAW) Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau (BAW) Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau (BAW) Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau (BAW) Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau (BAW) Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau (BAW) Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau (BAW) Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau (BAW) Hamburg Institute of International Economics Federal Environmental Agency (UBA)

Statistical Yearbook 2002. For Foreign Countries Statistisches Bundesamt Statistical Yearbook 2002. For the Federal Republic of Germany + CD Statistisches Bundesamt Statistical Yearbook 2007 for the Federal Republic of Germany Statistisches Bundesamt

Statistics Acros Borders.Statistical Co-operation with Transition and Developing Countries

Statistisches Bundesamt

Statistics Across Borders. Statistical Co-operation with Transition and Developing Countries: 1/2006 Statistisches Bundesamt Statistics Across Borders.Statistical Co-operation with Transition and Developing Countries: 2/2004 Statistics Across Borders: 1/2007 Statistics Across Borders: 2/2003 Statistics across borders: 2/2007 Statistics across Borders:1/2003 Statistik ohne Grenzen 1/2003 Statistisches Jahrbuch 2001. Fur das Ausland Statistisches Jahrbuch 2001. Fur die Bundesrepublik Deutschland Statistisches Jahrbuch 2005. Fur das Ausland Statistisches Jahrbuch 2005. Fur die Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Bundesamt

Statistisches Jahrbuch fur das Ausland: 2004 Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Jahrbuch fur die Bundesrepublik Deutschland: 2004 Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Jahrbuch: 2003. Fur Bundesrepublik Deutschland Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Jahrbuch: 2003. Fur Bundesrepublik Deutschland und fur das Ausland Statistisches Jahrbuch: 2003. Fur das Ausland Statistisches Jahrbuch: 2006. Fur das Ausland Statistisches Jahrbuch: 2006. Fur die Bundesrepublik Deutschland Statistisches Jahrbuch: 2008 Strategy and Programme Plan 2010 Tatigkeiten der Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau: 2003

Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Bundesamt Statistisches Bundesamt Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau (BAW)

Tatigkeitsbericht der Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau (BAW) Tatigkeitsbericht der Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau 2001 Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau (BAW) Tatigkeitsbericht der Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau 2002 Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau (BAW)

Tatigkeitsbericht der Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau 2004 Tatigkeitsbericht der Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau 2005 Tatigkeitsbericht der Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau: 2006 Tatigkeitsbericht der Bundessanstalt fur Wasserbau: 2007 Uncertainty, Wage setting and Decision Making in a Monetary Union by Carsten Hefeker Wirtschaft und Statistik: 1-12/2001 Wirtschaft und Statistik: 1-12/2002 Wirtschaft und Statistik: 1-12/2003 Wirtschaft und Statistik: 1-12/2004 Wirtschaft und Statistik: 1-12/2005 Wirtschaft und Statistik: 1-12/2006 Wirtschaft und Statistik: 1/2006 + CD-ROM retro 2005 + sumare 2005 + sumare 1949-2005 Wirtschaft und Statistik: 1-12/2007 Wirtschaft und Statistik: 1-12/2008 Wirtschaft und Statistik. Systematisches Inhaltsverzeichnis. Ausgewahlte Textbeitrage aus den Jahrgangen 1949 bis 2002

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Statistisches Bundesamt

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Demographie des Balkans, Le vieillessement demographique en Bulgarie

Demographie des Balkans, Les mariages interethniques en ex-Yougoslavie

Glossaire demographique multilingue des Balkans Universite de Thessalie Universtite de Thessalie - Univeriste de Macedonie/Laboratoire d'Analyses Demographiques et Sociales

La demographie des Balkans, Composantes de l'evolution demographique

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Istituto Nationale di Statistica Istituto Nationale di Statistica Istituto Nationale di Statistica Istituto Nationale di Statistica Istituto Nationale di Statistica Istituto Nationale di Statistica

Istituto Nationale di Statistica Istituto Nationale di Statistica Istituto Nationale di Statistica Istituto Nationale di Statistica Istituto Nationale di Statistica Istituto Nationale di Statistica Istituto Nationale di Statistica Istituto Nationale di Statistica Istituto Nationale di Statistica Istituto Nationale di Statistica Istituto Nationale di Statistica

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Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano Universita di Bologna Universita di Bologna Universita di Bologna Universita di Bologna Universita di Bologna Universita di Bologna Universita di Bologna Universita di Bologna

Istituto Nationale di Statistica Istituto Nationale di Statistica Istituto Nationale di Statistica Istituto Nationale di Statistica Banca Commerciale Italiana Banca Commerciale Italiana Banca Commerciale Italiana Banca Commerciale Italiana Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Istituto Nationale di Statistica

European University Institute Federal Statistical Office Federal Statistical Office Federal Statistical Office Federal Statistical Office Federal Statistical Office Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Kobe University Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Statistics and Information Department. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Government of Japan Economic and Social Research Institute Cabinet Office Economic Planning Agency Government of Japan The Hitotsubashi Academy, Hitotsubashi University, Kunitachi, Tokyo Hitotsubashi University Hitotsubashi University Statistics Bureau. Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs Posts and Telecommunications Statistics Bureau. Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs Posts and Telecommunications Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications Statistics Bureau. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Statistics Bureau

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Japan Statistical Yearbook 2002

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Japan Statistical Yearbook 2004

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Japan Statistical Yearbook 2007

Statistics Bureau Statistics Bureau/ Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Kobe University Government of Japan Government of Japan Statistics Bureau. Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications Statistis Bureau, Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications Statistics Bureau. Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications Statistics Bureau, Management and Coordination Agency, Government of Japan Statistics Bureau Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Public management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications Statistics Bureau. Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications Statistics Bureau, Management and Coordination Agency, Government of Japan

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Monthly Statistics of Japan, June 2002

Monthly Statistics of Japan, March 2001

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Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications Statistics Bureau. Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs Posts and Telecommunications Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications Statistics Bureau. Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs Posts and Telecommunications Statistics Bureau Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications/Statistics Bureau Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Statistics and Information Department. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Government of Japan Statistics Department. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fishery Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Kyoto University Agency on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia

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Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania

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Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania Statistics Lithuania STATEC STATEC Statistics and Census Service Government of Macao. Special Administrative Region. Statistics and Census Services Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) State Statistical Office of Macedonia

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6o years of Macedonian Statistics State Statistical Office of Macedonia Commodity International Exchange of the Republic of macedonia 1996-1998 State Statistical Office of Macedonia Commodity International Exchange of the Republic of Macedonia 1999 (Schimbul international de marfuri) State Statistical Office of Macedonia

Editions, 2000 Emigrated and immigrated persons in the republic of macedonia, 2000 - By municipalities, 2001 Employees and Net-Pay in the Republic of Macedonia - condition March 2001 Energy Balances of the Republic of Macedonia, 1998 Enrolled Students at Higher Schools and Faculties in the Republic of Macedonia in the 2000/2001 School Year Fields Crops, Orchards and Vineyards in the Republic of Macedonia, 2000 Forestry in Republic of Macedonia 1993-2000

State Statistical Office of Macedonia

State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia

State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia

Graduated students at the higher schools and faculties in the Republic of Macedonia in 2000 year State Statistical Office of Macedonia Graduated students, 2003 Gross Domestic Product of the Republic of Macedonia in 1997-1999 Labour Force Survey, April 2000 Lokalnii Izborii bo Republika Makedoniija Macedonia in figures 2002 Macedonia in figures 2003 Macedonia in figures: 2007 Monthly Statistical Bulletin of the Republic of Macedonia: 1-12/2000 Monthly Statistical Bulletin of the Republic of Macedonia: 1-12/2002 Monthly Statistical Bulletin of the Republic of Macedonia: 1-12/2003 Monthly Statistical Bulletin of the Republic of Macedonia: 1/2004 Monthly Statistical Bulletin of the Republic of Macedonia: 1-10,12/2005 Monthly Statistical Bulletin of the Republic of Macedonia: 1-12/2006 Monthly Statistical Bulletin of the Republic of Macedonia: 1,2,3/2007 State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia

Pre-school Institution and Infant School at Primary School for children Care and Education in the Republic of Macedonia in 2000 State Statistical Office of Macedonia Primary, Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary Schools in theRepublic of Macedonia at the Beginning of the School Year 2000/2001

State Statistical Office of Macedonia

Primary, Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary Schools in theRepublic of Macedonia at the End of 1999/2000 School year, 2001 State Statistical Office of Macedonia Reported, Accused and Convicted Perpetrators of Criminal Offence in 2000 - adult and juvenilesStatistical Review, Employees and Net-Pay in the Republic of Macedonia - condition September 2000 Statistical Review. Census of catering capacities in the Republic of Macedonia: 2003 Statistical Review. Population and Social Statistics. Migrations, 2003 Statistical Review. Primary, lower secundary and upper secondary school at the end of 2002/2003 Statistical Review: Census of retail trade sale capacities in the Republic of Macedonia: 2003 Statistical Review: Population and Social Statistics. Pre-school organizations and infant schools at primary schools for children care and upbringing in the Republic of Macedonia in 2003 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Macedonia 2000 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Macedonia: 2005 Statistical yearbook of the Republic of Macedonia: 2006 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Macedonia: 2007 Tourism in the Republic of Macedonia: 1999-2003 Abstract of Statistics 1999 Annual Report 2003 Annual Report 2007 Annual Report. 2004 Annual Report: 2005

State Statistical Office of Macedonia

State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia

State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia

State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia State Statistical Office of Macedonia National Statistics Office National Statistics Office National Statistics Office National Statistical Office National Statistics Office

Annual Report: 2006 Children Kultura 2000. A survey on cultural participation Malta in Figures 2001 Transport Statistics 2001 Business Plan 2002/03 - 2004/05 Central and Eastern Europe Textile Business Review. 1st edition, September 2005

National Statistics Office National Statistics Office National Statistics Office National Statistics Office National Statistics Office National Statistics Textile Media Services Ltd

Discussion Paper Series. No 3594. Unemployment Dynamics of the ' ' 'Mezzogiornos of Europe': Lessons for the Mezzogiorno of Italy Centre for Economic Policy Research Framework for National Statistics International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion: Volume 13, issue 1 March 2006 International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion: Volume 13, issue 2 June 2006 International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion: Volume 13, issue 3 September 2006 International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion: Volume 13, issue 4 December 2006 National Statisistics Work Programme 2002/032004/05 National Statistics. Annual Report 2001/02 National Statistics.Code of Principles. Statement of Principles National Statistics




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Official statistics serving the public good. Consultation on the code of practice. July 2008 UK Statistics Authority/Crown Public Service Review. Accession States. Summer 2003 PSCA International Public Service Review. International Development 2005 PSCA International Public Service Review. International Development icorporating Emerging Markets. Issue 3/2006 Public Service Review. Winter 2004. International Development

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Statistical Methodology . Official Journal of the International Indian Statistical Association, vol.1, issues 1-2, December 2004 Elsevier B.V. Sustainable development indicators in your pocket 2006 National Statistics The environment in your pocket 2007 Transactions 2001-2002 Transactions 2002-2003 Transactions. 2003-2004 Transport Trends. 2004 Wilmott. January 2005 World Mineral Product. 2001-2005 World Mineral Production: 1999-2003 World Mineral Production: 2000-04 World Mineral Statistics 1995-1998 World Mineral Statistics 1996-2000 World Mineral Statistics 1997-2001 World Mineral Statistics: 1998-2002 Anuario Estatistico de los Estaos Unidos Mexicanos 1995 Anuario Estatistico de los Estatos Unidos Mexicanos 1997 National Statistics Manchester Statistical Society Manchester Statistical Society Manchester Statistical Society National Statistics Wilmott Magazine Ltd c/o John Wiley & Sons British Geological Survey British Geological Survey British Geological Survey British Geological Survey British Geological Survey British Geological Survey British Geological Survey Instituto Nacional de Estatistica, Geografia e Informatica Instituto Nacional de Estatistica Geografia e Informatica

Departamentul Analize Statistice si Sociologice al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Anuarul statistic al Republicii Moldova: 2000 Sociologie al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Anuarul statistic al Republicii Moldova: 2002 Sociologie al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Anuarul statistic al Republicii Moldova: 2003 Sociologie Departamentul Statistica si Anuarul statistic al Republicii Moldova: 2004 Sociologie al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Anuarul statistic al Republicii Moldova: 2005 Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Anuarul statistic al Republicii Moldova: 2006 Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Anuarul statistic al Republicii Moldova: 2007 Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Aspecte privind nivelul de trai al populatiei in 2005 Republicii Moldova Anuarul statistic al Republicii Moldova: 1999

Biroul National de Statistica al Aspecte privind nivelul de trai al populatiei in 2006 Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Balanta eneregetica a Republicii Moldova Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Breviar statistic: 2004 Sociologie Departamentul Analize Statistice si Sociologice al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Analize Statistice si Sociologice al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie al Republicii Moldova

Buletin statistic de preturi: 1-12/2001 Buletin statistic de preturi: 1-7,9-12/2002 Buletin statistic de preturi: 1-3,5,7-12/2003 Buletin statistic de preturi: 1-4,6-12/2004 Buletin statistic de preturi: 1-12/2005 Buletin statistic de preturi: 1-8,11,12/2006 Buletin statistic de preturi: 1,3-11/2007 Clasificarea programelor educationale din Republica Moldova (MoldCED) Comertul exterior al Republicii Moldova: 1996-2000 Comertul exterior al Republicii Moldova: 1999 Comertul exterior al Republicii Moldova: 2001-2002 Comertul exterior al Republicii Moldova: 2001-2006 Comertul exterior al Republicii Moldova: 2001-2003 Comertul exterior al Republicii Moldova: 2005 Copiii Moldovei Cultura in Republica Moldova: 2005 Dezvoltarea social-economica a Republicii Moldova in 2007

Dinamica preturilor si a tarifelor: 2000 Dinamica preurilor i a tarifelor: 2001 Dinamica preturilor si a tarifelor: 2003

Educatia in Republica Moldova: 2002/2003 Educatia in Republica Moldova: 2005/2006 Forta de munca in Republica Moldova. Ocupare si somaj, 2006 Forta de munca in Republica Moldova. Ocupare si somaj, 2008 Forta de munca in Republica Moldova. Ocupare si somaj. 2007 Masurarea economiei neobsevate in Republica Moldova Modova in cifre. Culegere succinta de informatii statistice: 2005 Moldova in cifre Moldova in cifre 2004. Culegere succinta de informatii statistice Moldova in cifre. Culegere succinta de informatii statistice. 2003 Moldova in cifre: 2005 Moldova in figures: 2007 Moldova in figures: 2008 Ocuparea in economia informala in Republica Moldova Piata fortei de munca in Republica Moldova: 2001 Piata fortei de munca in Republica Moldova: 2002 Piata fortei de munca in Republica Moldova: 2003 Piata fortei de munca in Republica Moldova: 2005 Piata fortei de munca in Republica Moldova: 2006 Piata fortei de munca in Republica Moldova: 2008 Populatia economic activa, ocupata si somajul Populatia economic activa, ocupata si somajul. 2002 Populatia economic activa, ocupata si somajul: 2003 Preturile in Republica Moldova. 2000-2005

Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova

Preturile in Republica Moldova. 2001-2006 Preturile in Republica Moldova: 1994-2004 Preturile in Republica Moldova: 2004 Raport anual de activitate: 2003 Raport anual. 2006 Raport anual: 2005 Raport anulal 2007 Recensamantul populatiei 2004, vol.I, II Republica Moldova in cifre. Culegere succinta de informatii statistice 2000 Republica Moldova in cifre. Culegere succinta de informatii statistice 2002

Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Analize Statistice si Sociologice al Republicii Moldova Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova Biroul National de Statistica al Republicii Moldova

Republica Moldova, Breviar statistic 2000 Republica Moldova. Breviar statistic 2003 Republica Moldova. Breviar statistic 2005 Women and men on the labor market of the Republic of Moldova. Analytical Report Inquerito nacional sobre saude reprodutiva e comportamento sexual dos jovens e adolescentes. INJAD - 2001. Relatorio preliminar Inquerito nacional sobre saude reprodutiva e comportamento sexual dos jovens e adolescentes. INJAD - 2001. Relatorio final Accounts Statistics 1998. Accounts Statistics 1999 Agricultural Statistics: 1999 Agricultural Statistics: 2000 Agricultural Statistics: 2001 Agricultural Statistics: 2002 Agricultural Statistics: 2003 Agricultural statistics: 2004 Building Statistics: 2000 Building Statistics: 2001 Buliding Statistics: 2004

Instituto Nacional de Estatistica

Instituto Nacional de Estatistica Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway

Causes of Death 1989-1998 Causes of death 1991-2000 Causes of Death 1997 Construction Statistics: 1998 Construction Statistics: 1999 Construction Statistics: 2000 Construction Statistics: 2001 Construction Statistics: 2002 Crime Statistics: 1998 Crime Statistics: 1999 Crime Statistics: 2000 Crime Statistics: 2001 Culture Statistic: 2000 Culture Statistics: 1999 Culture Statistics: 2001 Culture Statistics: 2002 Culture Statistics: 2003 Domestic Transport Performances 1946-2001 Eelectricty Statistics 1999 Energy Statistics 2000 External Trade 2000 External trade 2001 Fish Farming 1999 Fish Farming 2000 Fish Farming 2001 Fish Farming 2002 Fish Farming 2003 Fishery Statistics 1997-1998 Fishery Statistics 1998-1999 Fishery Statistics 1999-2000 Fishery statistics 2000-2001 Fishery Statistics 2001-2002 Fishery statistics 2003-2004 Fishery statistics. 2002-2003 Fishery Statistics 2004 Forestry Statistics 1999 Forestry Statistics 2000 Forestry Statistics 2001 Forestry Statistics 2002 Forestry Statistics 2003 Forestry statistics 2004 Health Statistics 1992-2000 Hunting Statistics 2000

Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistivcs Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway

Hunting Statistics 2001 Hunting Statistics 2002 Hunting Statistics 2003 Innvandrernes bosettingsmonster i Oslo Jordbruksteljing 1999 Kindergardens 1999, 2001 Kindergardens 2000 Kindergartens 2003 Manufacturing Statistics 1998, Industrial Figures Manufacturing Statistics 1999 Manufacturing Statistics. Industrial figures: 2000 Maritime Statistics 1999 National Accounts 1992-1999, Production, Uses and Employment National Accounts 1995-2002 Nursing and care Statistics 1994-2000 Nursing and care Statistics 1999 Population Projections 2002-2050 Real Estate, Renting and Business Activities 1998 Real Estate, Renting and Business Activities 1999 Real Estate, Renting and Business Activities 2000 Real Estate, Renting and Business Activities 2001 Real estate, renting and Business activities. 2002 Road Goods Transport. National 1993-2001. International 1996-2001 Road Traffic Accidents 1999 Road Traffic Accidents 2000 Salmon and Sea Trout Fisheries 2000 Salmon and Sea Trout Fisheries: 2003 Salmon and Sea Trout. Fisheries 2001 Salmon and SeaTrout Fisheries: 2004

Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway

Social and Economic Studies no 104, Harald DaleOlsen og Dag Ronningen Job and worker flows in Norway and OECD, A comparative analysis of job and worker flows.Facts and explanations Statistics Norway Social Assistance and Child Welfare Statistics 1999 Statistics Norway

Statistical Yearbook of Norway 2001 Statistical Yearbook of Norway 2002 Statistical Yearbook of Norway: 2003 Statistical yearbook of Norway: 2004 Statistical Yearbook of Norway: 2005 Statistical yearbook of Norway: 2006 Statistical Yearbook of Norway: 2007 Statistical Yearbook of Norway: 2008 Storting Election 2001 Survey of Consumer Expenditure 1997-1999 Tallenes fortellinger, 1876-2001 The Population and Housing Census 2001. Preliminary Figures - Main Results Transport and Communication Statistics 1999 Wage Statistics 1999 Wage Statistics 2001 Wage Statistics: 2002 Wage Statistics:2004 Waste Statistics, Municipal Waste 1998 Wholesale and Retail trade Statistics 1998 Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 1999 Wholesale and Retail trade Statistics 2000 Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 2001 Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 2002 Statistics New Zealand's Strategic Directions A century of statistics. Counting, accounting and recounting in the Netherlands Annual Report: 2006 Directory 1993 Directory 1997 Education, Culture and Science in the Netherlands, Facts and Figures 2001 Key Figures. 2002-2006. Education, Culture and Science in the Netherlands National Accounts of the Netherlands: 2000 National Accounts of the Netherlands: 2001 National Accounts of the Netherlands: 2003 National Accounts of the Netherlands: 2004 National Accounts of the Netherlands: 2005 National Accounts of the Netherlands: 2006 National Accounts of the Netherlands: 2007 National Accounts of the Netherlands: 2007(Revised edition)

Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics Norway Statistics New Zealand Statistics Netherlands Statistics Netherlands International Statistical Institute International Statistical Institute Minister of Education, Culture and Science Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science Statistics Netherlands Statistics Netherlands Statistics Netherlands Statistics Netherlands Statistics Netherlands Statistics Netherlands Statistics Netherlands Statistics Netherlands

Netherlands Official Statistics, Autumn 2000 Netherlands Official Statistics, Winter 2000 Statistical Yearbook of the Netherlands: 2001 Statistical Yearbook of the Netherlands: 2003 Statistical Yearbook of the Netherlands: 2004 Statistical Yearbook of the Netherlands: 2005 Statistical Yearbook of the Netherlands: 2006 Statistical Yearbook of the Netherlands: 2007 Statistical Yearbook of the Netherlands: 2008 The Digital Economy The Digital economy 2006 The Netherlands on the European scale The year in figures 2002 The year in figures: 2003 Woman and Man in Sultanate of Oman in figures Final Results of the Census 2003 Raport de convergenta. Mai 2008 Triennial Central Bank Survey. December 2007. Foreign exchange and derivatives market activity in 2007 Real estate indicators and financial stability. Proceedings of a joint conference organised by the BIS and the IMF in Washington DC, 27-28 October 2003 Annual Report 2002. Annual Review Annual Report 2002. Financial Report Annual Report 2004. Annual Review Annual Report 2005. Annual Review Annual Report 2005. Financial Report Annual Report 2006. Financial Report Annual Report 2006: Annual Review Annual Report 2007. Annual Review (+CD) Annual Report 2007. Financial Statements

Statistics Netherlands Statistics Netherlands Statistics Netherlands Statistics Netherlands Statistics Netherlands Statistics Netherlands Statistics Netherlands Statistics Netherlands Statistics Netherlands Statistics Netherlands Statistics Netherlands Statistics Netherlands Statistics Netherlands Statistics Netherlands Ministry of National Economy Ministry of National Economy Banca Centrala Europeana

Bank for International Settlements

Bank for International Settlements and International Monetary Fund BERD BERD BERD BERD BERD BERD BERD BERD BERD

Social and economic indicators of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Countries. 1996-2001 Turkey's Foreign Trade with The Black Sea Economic Cooperation Countries 2001 Turkey's foreign Trade with the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Countries, 2000 Turkey's foreign Trade with the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Countries, second quarter of 2000 Turkey's foreign Trade with the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Countries, third quarter of 2000 Turkey's Foreign Trade with The Black Sea Economic Cooperation Countries. 2005 Turkey's Foreign Trade with The Black Sea Economic Cooperation Countries. First Quarter 2002 Turkey's Foreign Trade with the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Countries. First Quarter of 2004 Turkey's foreign trade with The Black Sea Economic Cooperation Countries. Third Quarter of 2001 Turkey's Foreign Trade with The Black Sea Economic Cooperation Countries. Third Quarter of 2002 Turkey's Foreign Trade with The Black Sea Economic Cooperation Countries. Third quarter of 2005 Turkey's Foreign Trade with the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Countries: 2002 Turkey's Foreign Trade with the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Countries: 2003 Turkey's Foreign Trade with the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Countries: Second quarter of 2003

Black Sea Economic Cooperation Black Sea Economic Cooperation Black Sea Economic Cooperation

Black Sea Economic Cooperation

Black Sea Economic Cooperation Black Sea Economic Cooperation

Black Sea Economic Cooperation

Black Sea Economic Cooperation

Black Sea Economic Cooperation

Black Sea Economic Cooperation

Black Sea Economic Cooperation Black Sea Economic Cooperation Black Sea Economic Cooperation

Black Sea Economic Cooperation

Turkey's foreign trade with Black Sea Economic Cooperation Countries: first quarter of 2005 Black Sea Economic Cooperation Turkey's foreign trade with Black Sea Economic Cooperation Countries: second and third quarters of 2004 Black Sea Economic Cooperation Turkey's foreign trade with Black Sea Economic Cooperation Countries: second quarter of 2005

Black Sea Economic Cooperation

Turkey's Foreign Trade with the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Countries. Third Quarter of 2003 Black Sea Economic Cooperation Black Sea Economic Cooperation/Black Sea Trade Annual Report 2000 &Development Bank Quantifying energy BP Statistical Review of World Energy

Egalite entre hommes et femmes et travail decent. Conventions et recommandations cles pour la promotion de l'egalite entre hommes et femmes Bureau International du Travail CERN. European Organization for LHC Design Report. Volume I The LHC Main Ring Nuclear Research Commission des Communautes Europeennes; OCDE; Organisation Mondiale du Tourisme; ONU

Compte satellite du tourisme: recommandations concernant le cadre conceptuel L'Agenda social 2005-2010. Une Europe sociale dans l'economie mondiale. Des emplois et des nouvelles chances pour tous Lignes directrices pour la croissance et l'emploi (2005-2008)

Commission Europeenne

Commission Europeenne Commission of the European Te EU Economy : 2002 Review Communities Committee for International Needs and Capabilities of Demographic Centres in Cooperation in National Research in the World Demography (CICRED) Committee for International Cooperation in National Research in Policy Implications of Age-Structural Changes Demography (CICRED) Council Regulation (EC, EURATOM) no 58/97 of 20 December 1996 concerning structural business statistics Council of Europe European Population Conference 2005. Demographic Challenges for Social Cohesion, Proceedings, Strasbourg, 7-8 April 2005. Council of Europe Evolution demographique recente en Europe: 2003 Population Studies no 36. Trends in mortality and differential mortality Population studies no.33, Europe's population and labour market beyond 2000, volume 1 Population studies no.33, Europe's population and labour market beyond 2000, volume 2 : Country case studies Council of Europe Council of Europe Council of Europe

Council of Europe

Population Studies, no 39. Demografic consequences of economic transition in countries of central and eastern Europe Council of Europe Population Studies, no 40. The economically active population in Europe Council of Europe Population Studies, no 41. Active ageing in Europe Population Studies, no 42. Reproductive health behaviour of young Europeans Population Studies, no 43. Demografic and social implications of low fertility for family structures in Europe by Nico Keilman Population studies, no.43.Demographic and social implications of low fertility for family structures in Europe Population Studies, no.44. International labour migration Population Studies, no.45. Reproductive health behaviour of young Europeans Population Studies, no.46. Demographic implications of social exclusion in central and eastern Europe Population Studies, no.47. Active ageing in Europe. Volume 2 Council of Europe Council of Europe

Council of Europe

Council of Europe Council of Europe Council of Europe

Council of Europe Council of Europe

Population studies, No.48. Demografic challenges for social cohesion: a review and analysis of the work of the European Population Committee 20012004 (author: Charlotte Hohn) Council of Europe Population studies, No.49. Policy implications of changing family formation by Linda Hantrais, Dimiter Philipov and Francesco C.Billari Population studies, No.50. Population ageing and its challenges to social policy Populations studies No.37.People, demography and social exclusion Populations studies No.38. The demographic characteristics of immigrant populations

Council of Europe Council of Europe Council of Europe Council of Europe

Recent demografic developments in Europe: 2004 Council of Europe Recent demografic developments in Europe: 2005 Council of Europe Recent demographic developments in Europe, 2000 Council of Europe Recent demographic developments in Europe: 2002 Council of Europe

Recent demographic developments in Europe: 2003 Statistical Yearbook 1994-1995. Cinema, Television, Video and New Media in Europe The demographic characteristics of immigrant populations Economic Survey of Europe no 1/2001 Transition to a Aduldhood in Europe, edited by Martine Corjin and Erik Klijzing, Klwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 2000 Annual Report 2003 Annual Report 2000 Annual Report 2001 Financial Statistics for a Global Economy. Third ECB Conference on statistics, 4 and 5 May 2006 Monthly Bulletin:1-11/2001

Council of Europe Council of Europe Council of Europe Economic Commission for Europe

European Association for Population Studies (EAPS) European Bank for Reconstruction and Development European Central Bank European Central Bank

European Central Bank European Central Bank

Monthly Bulletin:1-10, 12/2002 European Central Bank The Eurosystem. The European System of Central Banks European Central Bank The Monetary Policy of the ECB 2000 - Annual Energy Review. January 2001 Choosing to grow: Knowledge, innovation and jobs in a cohesive society. Commission Staff Working Paper Choosing to grow: Knowledge, innovation and jobs in a cohesive society. Report to the Spring European Council Employment in Europe 2003 Employment in Europe 2005 EU Energy and transport in figures. Statistical pocketbook 2004 European statistics on accidents at work (ESAW) First Report on the implementation of the International Market Strategy 2003-2006 European Central Bank European Commission

European Commission

European Commission European Commission European Commission European Commission European Commission European Commission

GLOSSAIRE. Institutions, politiques et elargissement de l'Union Europeenne Growth and Jobs.Working together for Europe's future. Integrated guidelines for growth and jobs (2005-08) Human capital in a global and knowledge-based economy International Market Strategy priorities 2003-2006 Joint Research Centre. Annual Report 2002 Key facts and figures about Europe and the Europeans

European Commission

European Commission European Commission European Commission European Commission European Commission

La participation des Europeens aux activites culturelles. Presentation synthetique des resultats European Commission La situation sociale dans l'Union europeenne. 20052006. Vue d'ensemble European Commission Le capital humain dans une economie mondiale fondee sur la connaissance European Commission NC 2003. Mise a jour des codes de la NC/Update of CN Codes European Commission Official Journal of the European Communities. 1952-2002 European Commission She Figures 2003. Women and Science. Statistics and Indicators European Commission She Figures 2006. Women and Science. Statistics Indicators European Commission Statistical portrait of the European Union 2007 Statistiques europeennes sur les accidents du travail (SEAT). Methodologie - edition 2001 The Enlargement Address Book The EU Economy 1999 Review The EU Economy 2001 Review The EU Economy 2004 Review The EU Economy 2005 Review. Rising international economic integration. Opportunities and challenges The new actors of employment The social situation in the European Union. 20052006 European Commission European Commission European Commission European Commission European Commission European Commission

European Commission European Commission European Commission

Third European report on Science & Technologiy Indicators 2003 Towards a European Research Area Science, Technology and Innovation. Key Figures 20032004 Towards a European Research Area Science, Technology and Innovation. Key Figures 2005 Towards a European Research Area. Science, Technology and Innovation. Key Figures 2002 Unite F72 - Commerce international. Section Nomenclature et classifications. NC 2005. Mise a jour des codes de la NC Women and science: Making change happen. Proceedings of the conference. Brussels, April 3 to 4 2000 Women in industrial research. Speeding up changes in Europe. International Conference, Berlin, October 10-11, 2003 European Economy, Supplement B, Businnes and Consumer, Survey Results, 7/2001 Manual for drawing up the satellite accounts of companies in the social economy: co-operatives and mutual societies

European Commission

European Commission European Commission European Commission

European Commission

European Commission

European Commission European Commission

European Commission/ CIRIEC

European Trend Chart on Innovation. Methodology European Commission/European Report on European Innovation Scoreboard 2005 Innovation Scoreboard 2005 Europen Trend Chart on Innovation. Comparative analysis of innovation performance TAIEX Activity Report 2005 Employment in Europe 2002. Recent trends and prospects EU Energy and transport in figures Jobs, Jobs, Jobs. Creating more employment in Europe. Report of the Employment Taskforce chaired by Wim Kok Journal officiel de l'Union Europeenne. 49-e annee. 31 octobre 2006 L'emploi, l'emploi, l'emploi. Creer plus d'emplois en Europe. Rapport de la Task-force pour l'emploi presidee par M.Wim Kok Official Journal of the European Union. Legislation.Volume 49. 31 October 2006. Politica de concurenta in Europa si cetateanul European Commission/European Innovation Scoreboard 2005 European Commisson European Commisson European Communities

European Communities European Communities

European Communities European Communities European Communities

European Communities/European Annual report on the state of the drugs problem in Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug the European Union 2000 Addiction European Fundation for the First European Quality of Life Survey: Urban-rural Improvement of Living and Working differences Conditions European Fundation for the First European Quality of Life Survey: Quality of Improvement of Living and Working life in Bulgaria and Romania Conditions European Institute of Public Eipascope 25th Anniversary Special Issue Administration Annual Report: 2006 14th CEIES seminar Measuring lifelong learning. Parma, Italy, 25 and 25 June 2001 15th CEIES seminar. Inflation in Europe - Different measures and their users. Berlin, 4 and 5 october 2001 16th CEIES seminar. Agricultural statistics and consumer information - Meeting new needs. Luxembourg, 19 and 20 November 2001 17th CEIES seminar. The New Economy - Key measurement issues. Rome, 4 and 5 March 2002 18th CEIES seminar. Active ageing statistics. The Hague, 23 and 24 may 2002 19th CEIES semniar. Innovative solutions in providing acces to microdata. Lisbon, 26 and 27 september 2002 European Investment Fund EUROSTAT





20th CEIES seminar. "Labour statistics - towards enlargement". Budapest, 14 and 15 November 2002 EUROSTAT 21st CEIES seminar. Innovation statistics - more than R&D indicators, Athens, 10 and 11 April 2003 22nd CEIES seminar. Statistics and economic globalisation, Copenhagen, 2 and 3 June 2003 23rd CEIES seminar, Social protection statistics. Lisbon, 2 and 3 October 2003 24th CEIES seminar. The size of the government sector - houw to measures. Vienna, Thursday 23 and Friday 24 october 2003 25th CEIES seminar. Gender statistics Occupational segregation: extent, causes and consequences. Stockholm, Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 June 2004




26th CEIES Seminar. European agricultural statistics - Europe first, Europe only?


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AGRIS.Agricultural Information System. June 2001 EUROSTAT Alberto de Michelis and Alain Chantraine /Memoirs of Eurostat. Fifty years serving Europe EUROSTAT Annuaire Eurostat 2001. Le guide statistique de l'Europe. Donnees 1989-1999 EUROSTAT Annuaire regional d'Eurostat 2008 Area under Vines.Second basic Community survey .Main results, 1994 Aviation and maritime statistics in the candidate countries. Data 1995-2000 Business in candidate countries. Facts and figures. Data 1995-1999 Cinema, TV and radio in the EU. Statistics on audiovisual services. Data 1980-2002 EUROSTAT EUROSTAT EUROSTAT EUROSTAT EUROSTAT

Commission Regulation (EC) no 1726/1999 of 27 July 1999 Implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 530/1999(1) concerning structural statistics on earnings an labour costs as regards the definition and transmission of information on labour costs EUROSTAT Commission Regulation (EC) no 1916/200 8 September 2000 Implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 530/1999 concerning structural statistics on earnings an labour costs as regards the definition and transmission of information on structure of earnings EUROSTAT Comparative EU statistics on Income and Living Conditions: isues and Challenges. Proceedings of the EU-SILC (Helsinki, 6-8 November 2006) Eurostat

Compendium of HICP (Harmonization of Consumer Price Indices) Reference Documents, (2/2001/B/5) EUROSTAT Compendium of HICP (Harmonization of Consumer Price Indices) Reference Documents, March 2001 Competition indicators in the electricity market. EU and Norway. Data 1999-2000 Competition indicators in the electricity market. EU, Norway and candidate countries. Data 19992001 Consumers in Europe. Facts and figures on services of general interest Consumers in Europe. Facts and figures. Data 1996-2000 Consumers in Europe. Facts and Figures. Data 1999-2004 Council Regulation (EC) No 530/1999 of 9 March 1999 concerning structural stastistics on earnings and on labour costs Cultural statistics Definitions and Methods for the 1985 Energy InputOutput Table Definitions and Methods of Collecting Demographic Statistics in the European Community Countries Demographic Outlook. National reports on the demographic developments in 2006 Distributive Trades in Europe Pocketbook 2001 Economic aspects of cereal production in the EU





Economic Portrait of the European Union 2002 EUROSTAT Economy-wide material flow accounts and derived indicators. A methodological guide EUROSTAT Education across Europe 2003 Energy balance sheets. Data 2001-2002 Energy consumption in the services sector. Surveys of EU Member States. Data 1995-1999 Energy efficiency indicators. Data 1990-1999 Energy yearly statistics 2005 EUROSTAT EUROSTAT EUROSTAT EUROSTAT EUROSTAT

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Environmental protection expenditure and revenue joint questionnaire/ SERIEE Environmental protection expenditure account EUROSTAT Environmental protection expenditure in accession countries. Data 1996-2000 EUROSTAT Environmental statistics in the Mediteranean countries. Compendium 2005 EUROSTAT Environmental taxes - A statistical guide, 2001 ESSPROS Manual 1996 EUROSTAT EUROSTAT

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Set of Documents for the Working Party on the Implementation of the STS Regulation. 13th and 14 th of december 2001 in Luxembourg EUROSTAT Short-term indicators. Priority assessment, quality, revisions and timeliness. 90th DGINS Conference, Paris, 13-14 september 2004 EUROSTAT Short-term statistics. Improving timeliness and cooperation EUROSTAT SIGMA, The Bulletin of European Statistics, 1/2001 EUROSTAT SIGMA, The Bulletin of European Statistics, 3/2000 EUROSTAT SIGMA. The Bulletin of European Statistics. 01/2005. An injection of statistics into health policy EUROSTAT Stastical yearbook on candidate and South-East European countries 2000 EUROSTAT Statistical portrait of the European Union 2008 Statistical regions for the EFTA countries and the Candidate countries 2008 Statistical regions in the EFTA countries and the candidate countries Statistical requirement compendium Statistical Requirements Compendium 2002 Statistical Requirements Compendium 2005 EUROSTAT EUROSTAT EUROSTAT EUROSTAT EUROSTAT EUROSTAT

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FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO Friends of Europe/ Gallup Hungarian Central Statistical Office/Eurostat International Civil Aviation Organization International Civil Aviation Organization IMD International Foundation International Association of Survey Statisticians International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

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International Cotton Advisory Committee International Cotton Advisory Committee International Fertilizer Industry Association

International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA) International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA) International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA) International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA) International Labour Office International Labour Office International Labour Office International Labour Office

International Labour Office

International Labour Office

International Labour Office International Labour Office International Labour Office International Labour Office International Labour Office International Labour Office International Labour Office

Yearbook of Labour Statistics: 2007. Time series. Sources and methods Key Indicators of the Labour Market 2001-2002 Yearbook of Labour Statistics 2000; Sources and Methods (Companion to Yearbook of Labour Statistics)

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International Labour Office

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International Monetary Fund

International Monetary Fund

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International Monetary Fund

International Monetary Fund International Monetary Fund

International Monetary Fund

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Recent developments and current initiatives Regional Economic Outlook. Europe Dealing with Shocks.Oct.2008 Supplement to the Government Finance Statistics Yearbook Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 54th Session, Berlin 2003

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International Statistical Review: 3/2003 International Statistical Institute International Statistical Review: vol.70, no 1, 2, 3/2002 International Statistical Institute ISI 2007. Book of Abstracts. 56th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Lisboa, Portugal, 22-29 August 2007 International Statistical Institute ISI Directory 2003 International Statistical Institute

Membership directory: 2002 Report of the ISI Executive Committee 2003-2005 to the General Assembly Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, vol.49, no 1, 15 April 2005 54e Session 2003. Berlin, Allemagne 13-20 Aout 2003, Le Bulletin Information No 1 Cities and Regions Cities and Regions: June 2002 A System of Health Accounts Basic Science and Technology Statistics 2001 Central Government Debt. Statistical yearbook 1997-2006

International Statistical Institute International Statistical Institute International Statistical Institute/International Association for Statistical Computing International Statistical Institute/Statistisches Bundesamt ISI/IAOS/SCORUS ISI/IAOS/SCORUS OECD OECD OECD

Insurance Statistics Yearbook 1996-2005 OECD International Direct Investment Statistics Yearbook 2000 OECD International migration outlook Main economic indicators July 2002 OECD OECD

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OECD OECD/ PARIS21 (Partenership in National Strategy for the Development of Statistics Statistics for Development in the 21th (NSDS) Documention Century) Purchasing power parities and real expenditures. 2005 Benchmark year OECD/Eurostat Annual Statistical Supplement for 2001 and Users'Guide OECD/IEA Coal Information: 2001 Coal Information: 2006 Electricity Information: 2001 Electricity Information: 2002 Electricity Information: 2003 Electricity Information: 2004 Electricity Information: 2005 Electricity Information: 2006 Electricity Information: 2007 OECD/IEA OECD/IEA OECD/iEA OECD/IEA OECD/IEA OECD/IEA OECD/IEA OECD/IEA OECD/IEA

Electricity Information: 2007 Energy Balances of Non-OECD Countries 19992000 Energy Balances of Non-OECD Countries: 20002001 Energy Balance of Non-OECD Countries. 20012002 Energy Balances of non-OECD Countries: 20022003 Energy balances of Non-OECD Countries. 20032004 Energy balances of non-OECD countries: 20042005 Energy balances of Non-OECD Countries: 20052006 Energy Balances of OECD Countries, 1998-1999 Energy Balances of OECD Countries: 1999-2000 Energy Balances of OECD Countries: 2000-2001 Energy Balances of OECD Countries: 2001-2002 Energy Balances of OECD Countries: 2002-2003 Energy Balances of OECD Countries. 2003-2004 Energy Balances of OECD Countries: 2004-2005 Energy Balances of OECD Countries: 2008 Energy Prices & Taxes. Quarterly Statistics: 1-4/2001 Energy Prices & Taxes. Quarterly Statistics: 1-4/2002 Energy Prices & Taxes. Quarterly Statistics : 1-4/2004 Energy Prices & Taxes. Quarterly Statistics : 1-4/2005 Energy Prices & Taxes. Quarterly Statistics : 1-4/2006 Energy Prices & Taxes. Quarterly Statistics : 1-4/2007 Energy Prices & Taxes. Quarterly Statistics : 1-2/2008 Energy Statistics of Non-OECD Countries: 1999-2000


Energy Statistics of Non-OECD Countries: 2000-2001 Energy Statistics of Non-OECD Countries. 2002-2003 Energy Statistics of Non-OECD Countries: 2003-2004 Energy Statistics of Non-OECD Countries: 2004-2005 Energy Statistics of OECD Countries: 1999-2000 Energy Statistics of OECD Countries: 2000-2001 Energy Statistics of OECD Countries: 2001-2002 Energy Statistics of OECD Countries. 2002-2003 Energy Statistics of OECD Countries. 2003-2004 Energy Statistics of OECD Countries: 2004-2005 Energy Statistics of OECD Countries: 2008 Key World Energy Statistics from IEA: 2002 Natural Gas Information: 2001 Natural Gas Information: 2002 Natural Gas Information: 2004 Natural Gas Information: 2005 Natural Gas Information: 2006 Natural Gas Information: 2007 Natural Gas Information: 2008 Oil Information: 2001 Oil Information: 2002 Oil Information: 2003 Oil Information: 2004 Oil Information: 2005


Oil information: 2006 Oil Information: 2007 Oil Information: 2008 Oil, Gas, Coal & Electricity: 1-4/2001 Oil, Gas, Coal & Electricity: 1-4/2002 Oil, Gas, Coal & Electricity: 3-4/2003 Oil, Gas, Coal & Electricity: 2-4/2004 Oil, Gas, Coal & Electricity: 2-4/2005 Oil, Gas, Coal & Electricity: 1-4/2006 Oil, Gas, Coal & Electricity: 1-4/2007 Renewables information 2002 with 2000 data Renewables information: 2006, with 2005 data 1998 Energy Balances and Electricity Profiles 1999 International Trade Statistics Yearbook, vol.I,II 2000 Demographic Yearbook 2000 Energy Balances and Electricity Profiles 50 Years of the Conference of European Statisticians Abortion Policies. A Global Review. Volume I. Afghanistan to France, 2001 Abortion Policies. A Global Review. Volume III. Oman to Zimbabwe Annual Bulletin of Transport Statistics for Europe and North America, 2000 Annual Bulletin of Transport Statistics for Europe and North America, 2001 Annual Bulletin of Transport Statistics for Europe and North America: 2004 Annual Bulletin of Transport Statistics for Europe and North America: 2004


Assesment of capacity for countries of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, Caucasus Central Asia to produce MDG relevant statistics Assessment of capacity of CIS and South-East Europe countries to produce MDG - relevant statistics Bulletin demographique des Nations Unies. Numero special 42/43/2001. Modalites de residence des personnes agees Commission de statistique. Rapport sur la trentequatrieme session ( 4-7 mars 2003) Comptabilite environnementale et economique integree.Manuel des operations Conference des statisticiens europeens. Raport sur la 53-eme reunion pleniere (Geneve, 13-15 juin 2005) Conference des statisticiens europeens. Rapport sur la cinquantieme reuninon pleniere. Paris, 10-12 juin 2002 Conference of European Statisticians, Statistical Standards and Studies - no 52, Guidelines for Statistical Metadata on the INTERNET, 2000, 6 p Conference of European Statisticians, Statistical Standards and Studies - no 53, Terminology on Statistical Metadata








Conference of European Statisticians. Report of the fiftieth plenary session. Paris, 10-12 June 2002 ONU Conference of European Statisticians. Report of the fifty-first plenary session (Geneva, 10-12 June 2003) ONU Conference of European Statisticians. Report of the fifty-third plenary session (Geneva, 13-15 June 2005) ONU Demographic Yearbook: 1998 Demographic Yearbook: 1999 Demographic Yearbook: 2001 Demographic Yearbook: 2003 Demographic Yearbook: 2004 ONU ONU ONU ONU ONU

Documente de lucru ale reuniunilor Comisiei de statistica din cadrul Comisiei Economice a ONU pentru Europa Energy Statistics Yearbook: 1997 Energy Statistics Yearbook: 1998 Energy Statistics Yearbook: 1999 Energy Statistics Yearbook: 2000 Energy Statistics Yearbook: 2001 Energy Statistics Yearbook: 2003 Energy Statistics Yearbook: 2004 Etudes methodologiques, serie F, no 82, Manuel de verification des recensements de la population et de l'habitation Etudes methodologiques, Series M, no 30, Rev.3, Les territoires statistiques du monde a utiliser dans les statistiques du commerce international des marchandises Etudes methodologiques. Serie F, no 61. Comptabilite economique et environnementale integree Etudes methodologiques. Serie F, no 75, (vol 1) Manuel de comptabilite nationale. Les comptes du secteur des menages: concepts et calcul Etudes Methodologiques. Serie F, no 77, Manuel de comptabilite nationale. Approche systematique des comptabilites nationales. Rapport technique , 2001 Etudes methodologiques. Serie F, no 83. Manuel d'organisation des recensements de la population et de l'habitation Etudes methodologiques. Serie F, no 89. Manuel pour l'elaboration d'un systeme de statistiques de la justice penale Etudes methodologiques. Serie F/2/Rev.4, Addif .Revisions et modifications du Systeme de Comptabilite nationale 1993










Etudes statistiques, serie M, no 84, Nomenclatures des depenses par fonction: Classsification des fonctions des administrations publiques(COFOG); Nomenclature des fonctions de la consommation individuelle (COICOP); Nomenclature des fonctions des institutions sans but lucratif au service des menages (COPNI); Nomenclature des depenses des producteurs par fonction (COPP) ONU Glossaire des statistiques de transport. Troisieme edition ONU Glossary of Terms for the Standardization of Geographical Names ONU Glossary of Transport Statistics. Third Edition Handbook of Census Management for Population and Housing Cenuses, Series F, no 83/Rev.1 Handbook of National Accounting, Household Accounting: Experience in Concepts and Compilation, vol.1: Household Sector Accounts; vol.2: Household Satellite Extensions Handbook of Statistical Organization, Thrid Edition. The Operation and Organization of a Statistical Agency Handbook on Geographic Information Systems and Digital Mapping in Studies in Methods, Series F, No.79 Handbook on Population and Housing Census Editing, 2001 Indicators for Monitoring the Millenium Development Goals Industrial Commodity Statistics Yearbook: 1998 Industrial Commodity Statistics Yearbook: 2000 Industrial Commodity Statistics Yearbook: 2001 Industrial Commodity Statistics Yearbook: 2002 Industrial Commodity Statistics Yearbook: 2003 Industrial Commodity Statistics Yearbook: 2004 ONU





International Trade Statistics Yearbook: 1998 , vol.I -Trade by Country; vol.II - Trade by Commodity International Trade Statistics Yearbook: 2000, Volume II, Trade by Commodity International Trade Statistics Yearbook: 2004. Vol.I: Trade by country International Trade Statistics Yearbook: 2004. Vol.II: Trade by commodity Les comptes du secteur des menages: concepts et calcul. Serie F75 Levels and Trends of Contraceptive Use as Assessed in 1998 Making Data Meaningful. A guide to writing stories about numbers Manuel de collecte de donnee sur la fecondite et la mortalite Manuel de comptabilite nationale, Manuel de construction et d'interpretation des tableaux d'entrees-sorties Manuel d'organisation des recensements de la population et de l'habitation Measuring population and housing. Practices of UNECE countries in the 2000 round of censuses Monthly Bulletin of Statistics: 1-12/2001 Monthly Bulletin of Statistics: 1-9/2002 Monthly Bulletin of Statistics: 1, 3-12/2003 Monthly Bulletin of Statistics: 1-5, 8-10/2004 Monthly Bulletin of Statistics: 2-9, 11,12/2005 Monthly Bulletin of Statistics: 1,2, 4-12/2006 Monthly Bulletin of Statistics: 1-12/2007 Monthly Bulletin of Statistics: 1-10/2008 National Accounts Statistics: Analysis of main aggregates: 2006 National Accounts Statistics: Analysis of Main Aggregates, 1998-1999 National Accounts Statistics: Analysis of main Aggregates, 2003-2004




National Accounts Statistics: Analysis of Main Aggregates, 2004-2005 National Accounts Statistics: Main Aggregates and Detailed Tables , 1998 National Accounts Statistics: Main Aggregates and Detailed Tables , 1999 National Accounts Statistics: Main Aggregates and Detailed Tables 2000 National Accounts Statistics: Main Aggregates and Detailed Tables, 1996-1997, Part I National Accounts Statistics: Main Aggregates and Detailed Tables, 1996-1997, Part II National Accounts Statistics: Main Aggregates and Detailed Tables, 2004. Parts I, II National Accounts Statistics: Main Aggregates and Detailed Tables, 2005. Parts I, II, III No 10, Guidelines and Principles for the Development of Disability Statistics Non-Observed economy in national accounts. Survey of Country Practices Non-observed Economy in national accounts. Survey of national practices Partnership and Reproductive Behaviour in LowFertility Countries Population Ageing and Socio-Economic Status of Older Persons in Estonia Population Ageing and Socio-Economic Status of Older Persons in Estonia Population an Housing Censuses. 2000 Round. Collection of questionnaires and instructions. Material received (original documents). Volume 1. Albania to Estonia Population an Housing Censuses. 2000 Round. Collection of questionnaires and instructions. Material received (original documents). Volume 3. Latvia to Uzbekistan Population an Housing Censuses. 2000 Round. Collection of questionnaires and instructions. Material received (original documents).Volume 2. Finland to Kyrgyzstan Population and Vital Statistics Report: 1-4/2001 Population and Vital Statistics Report: 1-4/2002 Population and Vital Statistics Report: 1-2/2003 Population and Vital Statistics Report: 1-2/2006





Population and Vital Statistical Report: 1/2007 Population and Vital Statistical Report: 1-2/2008 Population Bulletin of the United Nations. Living Arrangements of Older Persons: Critical Issues and Policy Responses. Special Issues Nos.42/43 2001 Population, Education and Development. The Concise Report



Principes et recommandation pour un systeme de statistiques de l'etat civil. Deuxieme revision ONU Principles and Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System. Revision 2 ONU Rapport sur la 55-e reunion pleniere de la Conference des statisticiens europeens (Geneve, 11-13 juin 2007) ONU Rapport sur la cinquante et unieme reunion pleniere (Geneve, 10-12 juin 2003) ONU Register-based statistics in the Nordic countries. Review of best practices with focus on population and social statistics ONU Replacement Migration. Is it a solution to declining and ageinng population? ONU Report of the 55th plenary session of the Conference of European Statisticians (Geneva, 1113 June 2007) ONU Report of the fifty-first plenary session (Geneva, 1012 June 2003) ONU Results of the Eighth United Nations Inquiry among Governments on Population and Development ONU Serie F/93. Guide des statistiques du budgettemps: mesure du travail remunere et non remunere ONU Serie K, no 16. Les femmes dans le monde, 2000. Des chiffres et des idees ONU Serie M. no 53. Rev.4. Classification par grandes categories economiques ONU Series M. No.77.Ver.I.I. Central Product Classification (CPC) ONU Series Y, no 10. Directives et principes pour l'etablissement de statistiques sur les incapacites Socio-Economic Status and Living Arrangements of Older Persons in Latvia


Socio-Economic Status and Living Arrangements of Older Persons in Latvia Socio-Economic Status and Living Arrangements of Older Persons in Lithuania Standard International Trade Classification. Series M, No 34/rev.4 Statistical Commission. Report on the thirty-fourth session (4-7 March 2003) Statistical Commission. Thirty-fourth session, New York, 4-7 March 2003 Statistical data eding. Volume No 3. Impact on data quality Statistical data eding. Volume No 3. Impact on data quality Statistical Journal of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, 3-4/2000 Statistical Papers. Series A, vol.LVII, no.2/ 2005. Population and Vital statistics Report Statistical Yearbook: 1997 Statistical Yearbook: 1998 Statistical Yearbook: 2001 Statistical Yearbook: 2000 Statistics of Road Traffic Accidents 2001 Statistics of Road Traffic Accidents in Europe and North America Statistics of Road Traffic Accidents in Europe and North America 2002 Statistiques du commerce international de marchandises, Concepts et definitions, Serie m, no 52, Rev.2 Studies in Methods. Series F, No 81. Handbook of National Accounting. Use of Macro Accounts in Policy Analysis Studies in Methods. Series F, No 84. Handbook on Training in Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems





Studies in Methods. Series F, No.92. Handbook on the Collection of Fertility and Mortality Data ONU Studies in Methods. Series M, No 30, Rev.3. Statistical Territories of the World for Use in International Merchandise Trade Statistics ONU

Technical reference manual for the standardization of geographical names ONU The Wye Group Handbook Rural Households' Livelihood and Well-Being . Statistics on Rural development and Agriculture Household Income ONU Trends in Europe and North America 2001, The Statistical Yearbook of the Economic Commission for Europe ONU Trends in Europe and North America: 2003 ONU

Trends in Europe and North America: 2005 ONU Trends in International Distribution of Gross World Product ONU UNECE Countries in figures: 2007 World Fertility Report 2003 World Population Ageing 1950-2050 World Population Monitoring 1999, Population growth, structure and distribution World Population Monitoring 2000, Population , Gender and Development World Population Monitoring 2001, Population, environment and development World Population Prospects. The 2000 Revision. Volume I: Comprehensive Tables World Population Prospects. The 2000 Revision. Volume III: Analytical Report World Population Prospects. The 2002 Revision. Volume I: Comprehensive Tables World Population Prospects. The 2002 Revision. Volume II; Sex and Age World Statistical Pocketbook. Data 2006 World Statistics Pocketbook World Statistics Pocketbook 2002 World Statistics Pocketbook, Data available as 30 November 2000 World Statistics Pocketbook. Landlocked Developing States.2003 World Statistics Pocketbook. Small Island. Developing States.2003 ONU ONU ONU ONU ONU ONU ONU ONU ONU ONU ONU ONU ONU ONU ONU ONU

World Statistics Pocketbook: 2004 World Statistics Pocketbook: 2007 World Urbanization Prospects. The 2001 Revision Through the Looking Glass, 2000-2001, A Handbook for Investors in CEI Regions An evaluation of the Fertility and family Surveys Project 2002 Generations and Gender Programme, Exploring future research an data collection options Compendium of Human Settlements Statistics 2001

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ONU/ECE/UNPF ONU/Economic and Social Affairs;Centre for Human Settlments

Conference of European Statisticians. Meeting on Population and Housing Censuses, Geneva, 12-16 December 2005, Draft Confererence of European Statisticians Recommendations for the 2010 Censuses of Population and Housing ONU/Eurostat Recommandations de la conference des statisticiens europeens pour les recensements de la population et des logements de 2010 Dynamics of fertility and partnership in Europe, Volume I Dynamics of fertility and partnership in Europe, Volume II Au-dela des nombres. Examiner les morts maternelles et les complications pour reduire les risques lies a la grossesse Training and support of developing-country population scientists. A panel report Conference des statisticiens europeens. Rapport sur la quarante-neuvieme reunion pleniere (Geneve, 11-13 juin 2001) Conference of European Statisticians, Report of the forty-ninth plenary session (Geneva, 11-13 june 2001) Annual Report 2005 The European Ombudsman Annual Report 2004 Priorities in Health


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European Papers on the New Welfare. The counterageing society, no 6, October 2006 The Risk Institute Statistical data on Romania 2000 Enhancing Science policy and management in South Eastern Europe Global Education Digest 2004 Global Education Digest: 2004. Comparing Education Statistics Across the World Rapport mondial sur l'education 2000, Le droit a l'education Recueil de donnees mondiales sur l'education: 2004. Statistiques comparees sur l'education dans le monde Science, technology economic development in South Eastern Europe Global Education Digest 2003. Comparing Education Statistics Across the World Global Education Digest 2003. Comparing Education Statistics Across the World Recueil de donnees mondiales sur l'education 2003. Statistiques comparees sur l'education dans le monde Recueil de donnees mondiales sur l'education 2003. Statistiques comparees sur l'education dans le monde Statistics and indicators on education, 1998/99. Latin America and the Caribbean regional report Statistics and indicators on education, 1998/99. Sub-Saharian Africa regional report Statistics and indicators on education, 1998/99. The Caribbean and latin America. English, Dutch and French-speaking countries Children out of school: Measuring exclusion from primary education Global Education Digest 2006. Comparing education statistics across the World Recueil de donnees mondiales sur l'education 2006 Teachers and educational quality: Monitoring Global Needs for 2015 Participation in formal technical and vocational education and training programmes worldwide. An Initial Statistical Study 2003-2004 Annual Report UNDP- Country Office Romania UNESCO Institute for Statistics UNESCO Institute for Statistics UNESCO Institute for Statistics UNESCO Institute for Statistics

UNESCO Institute for Statistics UNESCO Institute for Statistics UNESCO Institute for Statistics UNESCO Institute for Statistics

UNESCO Institute for Statistics

UNESCO Institute for Statistics

UNESCO Institute for Statistics UNESCO Institute for Statistics

UNESCO Institute for Statistics UNESCO Institute for Statistics UNESCO Institute for Statistics UNESCO Institute for Statistics UNESCO Institute for Statistics

UNESCO Institute for Statistics UNESCO Institute for Statistics

Education Trends in Perpective. Analysis of the World Education Indicators. 2005 Edition Global Education Digest 2005. Comparing Education Statistics Across the World Guide to the Analysis and Use of Household Survey and Census Education Data Recueil de donnees mondiales sur l'education 2005. Statistiques comparees sur l'education dans le monde Etat de la population mondiale 2007

UNESCO Institute for Statistics UNESCO Institute for Statistics UNESCO Institute for Statistics

UNESCO Institute for Statistics UNFPA

State of world population 2008. Reaching Common Ground: Culture, Gender and Human Rights UNFPA Statistical yearbook: 2006 Innocenti Social Monitor 2006. Understanding Child Poverty in South-Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States Regional MDG Info 2008 Social Monitor 2003 . Economic growth and poverty. External public debt. Refugees and displaced persons. Intercountry adoption. HIV/AIDS The Monee Project. CEE/CIS/Baltics. SOCIAL MONITOR 2002: Social trends in Transition; HIV/AIDS and Young People: Quality of Learning in Schools Un deceniu de tranzitie. Situatia copilului si a familiei in Romania UNICEF Annual Report 1999 International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics: 2005 UNHCR ( The UN Refugee Agency)




UNICEF United Nation Industrial Development Organization United Nation Industrial Development International yearbook of Industrial statistics: 2007 Organization United Nations Development Human Development Report 2001 Programme (UNDP) Summary Human Development Report 2005. International cooperation at a crossroads: Aid, United Nations Development trade and security in an unequal world. Programme (UNDP) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

E-commerce and development report 2004

UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics

World Investment Report:2001. Promoting Linkages Information Economy Report 2006. The Development Perpective Information Economy Report 2005. E-commerce and development Manual for the Production of Statistics on the Information Economy Background Papers. Human Development report 1995 Human Development Report :2003 Statistical Yearbook:2005

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) United Nations Development Programme United Nations Development Programme United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Statistical Yearbook

Statistical Yearbook: 2003

United Nations Industrial International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics 2003 Development Organization (UNIDO) International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics: 2006 Fertility and Family Surveys in Countries of the ECE Region, Standard Country Report, Estonia Fertility and Family Surveys in Countries of the ECE Region, Standard Country Report, Italy Fertility and Family Surveys in Countries of the ECE Region, Standard Country Report, Lithuania Fertility and Family Surveys in Countries of the ECE Region, Standard Country Report, New Zealand Fertility and Family Surveys in Countries of the ECE Region. Standard Country Report, Bulgaria Fertility and Family Surveys in Countries of the ECE Region. Standard Country Report,Greece United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

United Nations Population Fund

United Nations Population Fund

United Nations Population Fund

United Nations Population Fund

United Nations Population Fund

United Nations Population Fund

Fertility and Family Surveys in Countries of the ECE Region.Country Report Czech Republic Fertility and Family Surveys in Countries of the ECE Region.Country Report. Denmark 2001 Human Development Report 1994 Human Development Report 1996 Human Development Report 1997 Human Development Report 1998 Human Development Report 1999 Human Development Report 2002 Population in Europe and North America on the Eve of the Millenium: Dynamics and Policy Responses, Regional population meeting, 7-9 December 1998, Budapest, Hungary Rapport mondial sur le development humain 1992 Rapport mondial sur le development humain 1995 Rapport mondial sur le developpement humain 1991 The New Demographic Regime. Population Challenges and Policy Responses Un deceniu de tranzitie in Romania. Raportul national al dezvoltarii umane Romania 2001-2002

United Nations Population Fund

United Nations Population Fund United Nations Population Fund United Nations Population Fund United Nations Population Fund United Nations Population Fund United Nations Population Fund United Nations Population Fund

United Nations Population Fund United Nations Population Fund United Nations Population Fund United Nations Population Fund United Nations Population Fund

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International Symposium. Population Census XXIst Century: Experience - Problems Perspectives, 27-28 November 2001, Moscow, Russian Federation Charting a Way Ahead/ Paul Wolfowitz, President Millenium Development Goals. Progress and Prospects in Europe and Central Asia

The Prototype Carbon Fund. Adressing Challenges of Globalization: An Independent Evaluation of the World Bank's Approach to Global Programs. Case Study by L.Kelly and J.Jordan World Bank The World Bank Annual Report 2005 ECSSD Sectorul de Dezvoltare Durabila Sociala si de Mediu. Studiul nr.39 . Sectorul agroalimentar din Romania intr-o perspectiva europeana Entering the 21st Century. World development report 1999/2000 Global Purchasing Power Parities and Real Expenditures. 2005 International Comparison Program Assessing the National Health Information System. An assessement tool. Version 4.00 Beyond the numbers. Reviewing maternal deaths and complications to make pregnancy safer. Bulletin of the World Health Organization: 1-12/2001 Bulletin of the World Health Organization: 1-12/2002 Bulletin of the World Health Organization: 1-12/2003 Bulletin of the World Health Organization: 1-12/2004 Bulletin of the World Health Organization: 1-12/2005 Bulletin of the World Health Organization: 1-12/2006 Bulletin of the World Health Organization: 1-12/2007 Bulletin of the World Health Organization: 1-12/2008 Cardiovascular Survey Methods CIF. Classification internationale du fonctionnement, du handicap et de sante Comparative quantification of Health risks. Vol.1. Global and Regional Burden of Disease; vol.2 Attributable to Selected Major Risk Factors Description of the National Health Information System in Romania. Results of a participative evaluation conducted in June 2003 World Bank

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World Health Organization

World Health Organization

Framework and standards for country Health Information Systems Health and the Millennium Development Goals Injury. A Leading Cause of the Global Burden of Disease 2000 International Classification of Diseases for Oncology International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Children&Youth Version Lutte contre les helminthiases chez les enfants d'age scolaire Making a Difference: Indicators to Improve Children's Environmental Health Making a Difference: Indicators to Improve Children's Environmental Health. Summary Maternal Mortality in 2000. Estimates develo[ed by WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA

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Maternal Mortality in 2005. Estimates developed by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and the World Bank World Health Organization Mental Health Information Systems World Health Organization

MONICA. Monograph and Multimedia Sourcebook. World's largest study of heart disease, stroke, risk factors and population trends 1979-2002 World Health Organization Mortalite maternelle en 2005. Estimations de l'OMS, L'UNICEF, l'UNFPA et la Banque mondiale World Health Organization Neonatal and Perinatal Mortality. Country, regional and Global Estimates World Health Organization Neonatal and perinatal mortality. Country, regional and global estimates 2004 World Health Organization Putting people and health needs on the map Rapport mondial sur la prevention des traumatismes dus aux accidents de la circulation Rapport mondial sur la violence et la sante Rapport mondial sur la violence et la sante: resume Rapport mondial sur les connaissances pour une meilleure sante World Health Organization

World Health Organization World Health Organization World Health Organization World Health Organization

Reproductive Health Indicators. Guidelines for their generation, interpretation and analysis for global monitoring Summary Measures of Population Health The Injury Chartbook. A graphical overview of the global burden of injuries The World Health Report: 2002. Statistical Annex World Health Statistics: 2005 World Health Statistics: 2006 World Health Statistics: 2007 World Mortality in 2000. Life tables for 191 Countries World Report on Knowledge for better health. Strengtheneing Health Systems Seminar on Frontier Statistics in European Countries (Survey on inbound &outbound tourism), WTO Headquarters, Madrid, 17-18th March 1998 Croatia. The impact of travel&tourism on jobs and the economy Sustainable Use of Natural Resources: Concepts, issues, and criteria

World Health Organization World Health Organization World Health Organization World Health Organization World Health Organization World Health Organization World Health Organization World Health Organization World Health Organization

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Paraguay. Encuesta Nacional de Demografia y Centro Paraguayo de Estudios de Salud Sexual y Reporoductiva. 2004. Informe Final Poblacion Argumenta Oeconomica 1(10)/2001 Argumenta Oeconomica 1-2(9)/2000 Central European initiative in figures. Polish CEI Presidency 2003 Concise Statistical Yearbook of Poland 2001 Concise Statistical Yearbook of Poland 2002 Concise Statistical Yearbook of Poland: 2003 Concise Statistical Yearbook of Poland: 2006 Concise Statistical Yearbook of Poland: 2007 Concise statistical yearbook of Poland: 2008 Economic Transformation in the Carpathian Euroregion Report Wroclaw University of Economics Wroclaw University of Economics Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Carpathian Foundation Poland/ Rzeszow Regional Development Agengy

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Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Polish Demographic Society/Central Statistical Office Statistical Office in Rzeszow Central Statistical Office (GUS)

Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS) Central Statistical Office (GUS)

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Banco de Portugal Instituto Nacional de Estatistica Instituto Nacional de Estatistica Instituto Nacional de Estatistica

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Federal State Statistical Service

Regionii Rossi. 2003 Regionii Rossii. Osnovnie Harakteteristiki Subektov Rossiiskoi Federatii 2002. Statisticeskii sbornik Regionii Rossii. Socialno Ekonomiceskie Pokazateli. 2003 Regionii Rossii. Socialno-economiceskie pokazateli 2002. Statisticeskii sbornik Rossiiskii statisticeskii ejegodnik 2002. Statisticeskii sbornik Rossiiskii statisticeskii ejegodnik: 2003 Rossiiskii Statisticeskii Ejegodnik: 2004 Russia in Figures: 2000 Russia in Figures: 2001 Russia in Figures: 2002

Goskomstat Rossii State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics Goskomstat Rossii State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics Goskomstat Rossii Rosstat State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics Goskomstat Rossii Federal State Statistical Service Federal State Statistical Service Federal State Statistics Service Federal State Statistics Service State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics

Russia in Figures: 2003 Russia in Figures: 2004 Russia in Figures: 2005 Russia in Figures: 2006 Russia in Figures: 2007 Russia in Figures: 2008 Russian Science and Technology at a Glance: 2001. Data book Science and Technology Indicators in Russia and the European Union CSRS/EUROSTAT State Committee of the Russian Statistical Yearbook of Russia, 2001 Federation on Statistics The Demographic Yearbook of Russia, 2000 Goskomstat of Russia State Committee of the Russian The Demographic Yearbook of Russia, 2001 Federation on Statistics State Committee of the Russian The Demographic Yearbook of Russia, 2002 Federation on Statistics State Committee of the Russian Zdravoohranenie v Rossii Federation on Statistics Statistical Office of the Republic of Trends: March, June, September 2004 Serbia 2002 Census of Population, Household and Dwellings. Educational attainment and literacy. Statistical Office of the Republic of Data by localities Serbia 2002 Census of Population, Household and Dwelllings. Religion, mother tongue and national or ethnic affiliation by age and sex. Data by Statistical Office of the Republic of municipalities Serbia

2002 Census of Population, Household and Dwelllings.National or ethnic affiliation. Data by municipalities 2002 Census of Population, Households and Dwellings. Population. Vol.10. Compatrative Survey. Households - 1948, 1953, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991 and 2002. Dwellings - 1971, 1981, 1991 ans 2002. Data by localities 2002 Census of Population, Households and Dwellings. Population. Vol.9. Compatrative Survey of Population 1948, 1953, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991 and 2002. Data by localities 2002 Census of Population, Households and Dwellings. Vol.2. Sex and Age. Data by localities Demographic yearbook: 2006 Monthly Statistical Review:1,2,3,5-8, 11,12/2005 Monthly Statistical Review : 1-12/2006 Monthly Statistical Review : 1-12/2007 Monthly Statistical Review: 1-11/2008 Municipalities of Serbia 2005 Municipalities of Serbia: 2007 Municipalities of Serbia:2006 Serbia and Montenegro in Graphs Statistical Pocket Book: 2005 Statistical Pocketbook: 2003 Statistical Yearbook of Serbia and Montenegro: 2004 Statistical Yearbook of Serbia and Montenegro: 2005 Statistical Yearbook of Serbia and Muntenegro: 2003 Statistical Yearbook of Serbia: 2004 Statistical Yearbook of Serbia: 2005

Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia

Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia

Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia Statistical Office Statistical Office Statistical Office Statistical Office Statistical Office Statistical Office Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia

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Statistical Office of the Republicof Slovenia Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Ajuntament de Barcelona Ajuntament de Barcelona Ajuntament de Barcelona Instituto de Estatistica de Castilla La Mancha Instituto Nacional de Estadistica INE/INE Instituto Nacional de Estadistica

Insituto Nacional del Consumo

Instituto Nacional del Consumo Instituto Nacional de Estadistica Instituto Nacional de Estadistica Instituto Nacional de Estadistica Instituto Nacional de Estatistica Communidad de Madrid. Consejeria de Empleo y Mujer. Direccion general de la Mujer Department of Census and Statistics

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National Statistical Office State Institute of Statistics Prime Ministry Republic of Turkey State Institute of Statistics Prime Ministry Republic of Turkey State Institute of Statistics Prime Ministry Republic of Turkey State Institute of Statistics Prime Ministry Republik of Turkey State Institute of Statistcs Prime Ministry Republic of Turkey State Institute of Statistcs Prime Ministry Republic of Turkey Turkish News Agency State Institute of Statistics Prime Ministry Republic of Turkey State Institute of Statistics Prime Ministry Republic of Turkey Turkish Statistical Institute Kiev Intenational Insitute of Sociology/ CDC/USAID Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office/Eurostat Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office

Introducing Hungary.2004 Introducing Hungary: 2004 La Hongrie se presente: 2004 Labour cost in Hungary 2000 Pocket-book of Hungarian Regions 2007 Statistical Pocket-Book of Hungary 2007 Statistical Yearbook of Hungary 2000 Statistical Yearbook of Hungary 2001 Statistical Yearbook of Hungary 2002 Statistical Yearbook of Hungary 2003 Statistical Yearbook of Hungary 2004 Statistical Yearbook of Hungary 2005 Statistical Yearbook of Hungary 2006 Statistical Yearbook of Hungary 2007 Statistical yearbook of tourism: 2003 Statistics of centuries (Statistical curios in the Hungarian history) Statisztikai Adatforrasok. Bibliografia 1998-2000 Way of Life - Time Use . Time use changes in Hungary 1986/1987, 1999/2000 Yearbook of Health Statistics 1999 Yearbook of Health Statistics 2000 Yearbook of Health Statistics 2001 Yearbook of Health Statistics 2002 Yearbook of Health Statistics 2003 Yearbook of Health Statistics 2004

Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office

Yearbook of Health statistics 2005 Yearbook of Health statistics 2006 Yearbook of Welfare Statistics 1999 Yearbook of Welfare Statistics 2000 Yearbook of Welfare Statistics 2001 Yearbook of Welfare Statistics 2002 Yearbook of Welfare Statistics 2003 Yearbook of Welfare Statistics 2004 Yearbook of Welfare Statistics 2005 Yearbook of Welfare Statistics 2006

Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office


Locul editarii (tar/organism international)


Anul aparitiei

Nr. pagini


Albania Albania Andora Andora Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia

2002 2003 2001 2003 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2006 2002 2006 2002 2004 2006 2003

87 425 64 72 103 83 90 118 104 386+15 167 78 80 132 221 279

anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta anual periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta anual

Armenia Armenia Armenia

2002 2006 2002

52 119 192

fara periodicitate anual fara periodicitate

Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Georgia Australia Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria

2004 2007 2004 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2003 2006 2005 2004 2007 2006

192 140 194 537 582 581 582 574 579 549 541 40 96 72 96 98

anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual anual anual

2002 2005 2001 2008 2004 2005 2007 2008

378 CD-ROM 237 254+CD-ROM 267 + CDROM 101 + CDROM 92 + CD-ROM 106+CD-ROM

anual anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual

Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria

2007 2003 2003 2001 2001 2001 2005 2005 2006 2007 2008 2003

140+CD-ROM 97 452+CD-ROM 127 380 360 + CD 398 + CDROM 418 + CDROM 396 + CDROM 403+CD-ROM 425+CD-ROM 177

periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual 2/an









Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria

2001 2003 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002

339 410 383 745 700 361 362

anual trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial anual anual

Austria Austria Austria

2006 2004 2004

799 704 744

trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial

Austria Austria

2003 2004

776 797

trimestrial trimestrial

Austria Austria

2002 2004

745 178

trimestrial 2/an

Austria Austria

2001 2002

182 175

2/an 2/an





Austria Austria

2004 2006

197 200

2/an anual











































419 + 393


Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria

2001 2007 2003 2003 2005 2008 2007 2006 2002 2004

830 183+CD-ROM 78 CD - ROM 82 + CD-ROM 91+CD-ROM 88+CD-ROM 88 + CD-ROM 45 96 + CD-ROM

trimestrial periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual fara periodicitate

Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria

2002 2005 2004 2001 2004

194 184 + CD -ROM 177 195 + CD 437

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual anual

Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria

2001 2002 2003 2003 2005 2005 2006 2007 2008 2007 2004 2005 2008 2006 2001

426 + CD 394 + CD-ROM 395 CD - ROM 433 + CDROM 447 + CD_ROM 477 + CD-ROM 497+CD-ROM 461+CD-ROM 88 93 95 89 95 185

anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual

















Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria

2004 2003 2001 2002 2004 2006

103 194 182 184 399 207 + CD-ROM

fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual

Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria

2006 2006 2008 2005 2001 2002 2003 2007 2008 2000 2003 2004 2001 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2003 2001 2002 2003 2003 2001 2006 2005 2002 2003 2004 2007 2005

275 + CD-ROM 411 + CD-ROM 1036+CD-ROM 77 + CD-ROM 260 274 265 170+CD-ROM 174+CD-ROM 653 620+CD-ROM 636 + CD-ROM 936 780 1236 1332 1092 1428 1440 960 332 + CD-ROM 338 338 CD - ROM 153 + CD 184 + CDROM 175 + CD-ROM 163 163 + CD-ROM 163 + CDROM 192+CD-ROM 264 + CD-ROM

periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate

Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria

2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2002 2003 2003 2004 2005 2005

91 CD - ROM 151 83 CD - ROM 172 CD - ROM 114 CD - ROM 73 110 CD - ROM 160 166 + CDROM 202 + CD-ROM

anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria

2007 2005 2004 2002 2003 2002

496 + CD-ROM 226 + CD-ROM 664 97 176 85 104 + CD-ROM 296 + CDRM

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual fara periodicitate anual fara periodicitate

Austria Austria

2002 2005

anual anual

Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria

2000 2001 2005 2006 2007 2007 2008

282 291 + CD 298 + CD-ROM 312 + CD-ROM 310 + CD-ROM 284+CD-ROM 289+CD-ROM 165 + CDROM

anual anual anual anual anual anual anual



fara periodicitate

Austria Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Belarus

2006 2001 2005 2003 2006 2007 2001 2001 2002 2004 2003 2005 2006 2007 2001 2001

125 123 249 131 250 262 355 + 698 + CD-ROM 694 765 801+ CD-ROM 773 868 867 + CD-ROM 720+CD-ROM 480 96

fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual

Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belarus Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2001 2006 2005 2005 2005 2005 2001 2001 2002 2003 2005 2005 2006

606 611 606 606 608 614 617 598 265 237 219 214 245 215 288 1152 1452 1404 1188 1284 1140

anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar




fara periodicitate




fara periodicitate




fara periodicitate




anual periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta 3/an anual anual anual anual

Belgia Belgia

2002 2002

76 30

Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia

2004 2005 2002 2003 2005 2008

43 180 191 175 179 179

Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Belgia Brazilia

2001 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2000

140 1812 1896 1992 1932 1956 1764 1668 536 556 408 412 684 525 181 944

anual lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar anual lunar trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial anual

Brazilia Brazilia Brazilia Brazilia Brazilia Brazilia Brazilia Brazilia Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria

2001 2005 2001 2001 2002 2005 2002 2002 2001 2001 fa 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2000 2001 2000 2000 2001 2002 2001 2002 2002 2002 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002

473+CD-ROM 480 366 346 376 329 432+970+ CDROM 519 + CD-ROM 92 311 198 646 86 88 90 204 128 124 + 124 132 420 371 261 375 87 160 132 132 + 138 284 240 720 214 91 + 96 165 710 88 + 76 96 90

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Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria

2002 2001 2003 2002 2001 2002 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 2003 2002 2003 2001 2002 2003 2002 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 fa 2004 2004 2003 2004 2004 2004 2003 2004 2004 2005 2005

94 95 336 334 173 261 252 268 756 188 688 96 192 82+72 112 88 178 165 60 103 480 280 151 191 241 852 199 191 675 261 119 120 162 60 191

6/an fara periodicitate anual 3/an 3/an anual anual anual lunar anual anual 6/an 6/an 6/an 6/an fara periodicitate anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual lunar anual anual anual 6/an anual anual anual anual anual

Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria Cehia Cehia Cehia

2005 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2002 2001 2001

161 305 673 660 335 185 315 135 310 864 437 194 60 677 171 165 303 246 121 864 230 197 CD-ROM 143 693 195 60 740 651+CD-ROM 60 193 264 305 193 205 294 305 174 172 169

anual anual anual lunar 6/an anual anual anual anual lunar trimestrial anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual lunar trimestrial anual anual anual anual anual anual lunar anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia

2002 2004 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2004 2005 2007 2008 2008 2006 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2007 2001 2002 2003 2004 2006 2007 2008 2003 2001 2005 2006 2007 2004 2004 2004

52 27 504 504 504 504 504 504 42 47 55 47 47 262 39 39 35 39 39 38 38 205 336 300 304 304 304 304 304 304 255 268 266 35 58 20 31

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Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia

2006 2007 2006 2008 2001 2002 2004 2005 2007

239 245 19 18 183 221 229 217 44

fara periodicitate anual periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual anual anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

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2006 2006 2007 2008 2008 2008 2007 2000 2008 2001 2004 2005 2006 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006

21 14 111 65 65 99 82 89 66 551 579 473 637 773 739 783 814 799

Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia Cehia China China China China China China China China Cipru Cipru Cipru Cipru Cipru Coreea Coreea Coreea

2007 2008 2006 2003 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2006 2007 2006 2006 2007 2007 2000 2000

CD-ROM 765+CD-ROM 42 48 624 480 464 474 552 564 528 582 43 900 935 977 + CD-ROM 1011 + CD-ROM 915 + CD-ROM 1031 + CD-ROM 1028+CD-ROM 1026+CD-ROM 44 52 32 377 381 147 777 274

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Coreea Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca

2002 2001 2000 2001 2001 2000 2001 2001 2000 2002 2003 2004 2006 2007 2004 2003 2001 2002 2004 2006 2008 2004 2006 2007 2005 2001 2002 2003 2004 2006 2007 2008 2008

221 167 171 167 173 665 128 112 287 274 275 261 248 251 265 79 149 159 157 159 175 183 183 185 343 329 353 372 337 353 340 354 282

fara periodicitate lunar lunar lunar lunar anual 2/an 2/an anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca

2003 2001 2004 2005 2007 2003 2006 2008 2003 2001 2002 2003 2005 2007 2008 2005 2008 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2001 2000 2004 2003 2003 2004 2006 2007 2008 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2002

41 229 235 235 132 235 130 133 189 183 189 157 157 159 135 251 199 212 224 229 240 226 221 280 280 164 29 212 208 CD - ROM 208 + CD-ROM 211 215 216 603 599 600 600 599 599 599 50

fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate

Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca

2008 2001 2002 2002 2004 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008

599 199 208 47 51 212 210 212 203 209 219 203

anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca Danemarca

2001 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2004

59 245 253 261 261 127 127 225 244 251 247 250 246

fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Ecuador Egipt Egipt Egipt Egipt Egipt Egipt Egipt Egipt Egipt Egipt Egipt

2001 2001 2004 2002 2003 2005 2002 2004 2003 2000 2001 2004

258 112 154 112 137 128 170 197 170 145 150 223

anual anual anual anual anual anual trimestrial 2/an trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial

Egipt Egipt Egipt Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia

2000 2001 2003 2002 2003 2003 2001 2004 2005

184 195 208 193 150 CD - ROM 188 138 + CD-ROM 63 + CD-ROM

trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial anual anual anual anual anual anual

Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia

2001 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2004 2002 2001 2001 2007 2003 2004 2008 2006 2005

19 867 894 912 901+ CD-ROM 872 + CDROM 552 + CD-ROM 552+ CD-ROM 192 103 100 56 96 103 102 68 96 103

lunar anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia/Zurich Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia

2002 2003 2007 2008 2005 2006 2004 2001 2006 2005 2002 2007 2007 2006 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2007 2008 2005 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2008 2001 2008

56 65 65 63 65 65 65 492 52 + CD-ROM 144 155 147 92+CD-ROM 166 158 157 166 166 166 166 166 57 169 166 178 144 164 175 168 43

anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate lunar anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia

2007 2004 2006 2001 2000

47+CD-ROM 174 113 28 27

anual anual anual anual anual









Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia

2002 2004 2005 2006 2001 2003 2004 2005 2003 2006 2002 2001 2003 2006 2007 2002

97 101 31 31 + CD-ROM 193 193 189 71 90 103 71 73 69 63 63 125

anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual

Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia

2002 2003 2005 2005 2001

128 110 74 68 194

anual anual anual anual anual




fara periodicitate

Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia/Zurich Elvetia/Zurich Elvetia Elvetia/Zurich Elvetia/Zurich Elvetia/Zurich Elvetia/Zurich Elvetia/Zurich Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia

2008 2002 2006 2000 2001 2002 2008 2006 2003 2004 2005 2007 2001 2000 2001 2001 2001 2002 2004

60 167 62 195 386 391 552+CD-ROM 712 + CD-ROM 512 552+ CD-ROM 544 + CD-ROM 552+CD-ROM 30 129 23 113 155 113 117

fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual

Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia Elvetia

2005 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004 2005

115 117 113 CD - ROM 115 + CD-ROM 97 + CD-ROM 25 26 26 26

anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Elvetia Elvetia/Zurich Elvetia/Zurich Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia

2003 2001 2001 2001 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 2003 2000 2002 2003 2003 2007 2003 2008 2001 2002 2002 2004 2005 2006

54 24 + 19 33 27 + 13 91 70 79 79 64 68 83 60 64 59 59 47 36 393 253 287 243 231 179 139

fara periodicitate + lunar lunar anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual

Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Estonia Finlanda Finlanda Finlanda Finlanda Finlanda Finlanda Finlanda Finlanda Finlanda Finlanda Finlanda Finlanda Finlanda Finlanda Finlanda Finlanda Finlanda Finlanda

2007 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2007 2006 2002 2001 2003 2001 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2005 2006 2007 2006 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2002

119 127 129 133 131 131 120 128 79 117 463 463 463 463 464 480 + CDROM 496+CD-ROM 496+CD-ROM 24 26 26 26 26 176 40 132 685 699 + CD 703 704 718 + CDROM 702 + CD-ROM 712 + CD-ROM 714+CD-ROM 720+CD-ROM 22

anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate




fara periodicitate

Finlanda/Rusia Finlanda Franta Franta

2004 2004 2006 2001

173 65 72 157

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual





Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta

2001 2006 2005 2003 2004 2005 2005 2007 2008 1994 1996 2000 2000

44 180 169 625 CD-ROM CD-ROM 570 71 84 24 64 30 35

fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate




fara periodicitate




fara periodicitate

Franta Franta Franta Franta

1998 2006 2007 2000

737 52 60 56

fara periodicitate anual anual anual

Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta

2002 2007 2002 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2002 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005

48 107 654 180 102 100 194 184 94 138 98 216 114 184 114 244 110 168 200 110 98 112 319 124 262 116 127 178 226 177 116

fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta anual 10/an lunar 10/an 10/an 10/an 10/an 10/an lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar 6/an lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar

Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta

2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2001 2005

217 325 94 62 102 172 72 75 64 82 190 170 79 160 74 72 88 83 226 272

lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual





Franta Franta Franta Franta

2004 1999 2002 2003

163 194 50 49

anual fara periodicitate anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta







Franta Franta Franta

2002 2002 2003

363 117 216




periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta




Franta Franta

2004 2005

176 115

Franta Franta

2001 2002

146 119

periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta

Franta Franta

2004 1993

115 294

periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta




Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta

2002 2005 2000 1997 2002

157 127 26 226 410

periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Franta Franta Franta Franta

fa 1998 2000 2002

76 161 139 160

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual

Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta

2003 1997 fa 2001 2003

51 39 27 92 49

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Franta Franta Franta

2003 2003 1997

232 89 73 + CD-ROM

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta

1951 2000 2001 2000 2001 2002 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2004 2001 2001 2002 2001 2000 2000 2003 2004

25 157 26 93 109 107 105 99 97 105 138 117 119 101 59 223 + 178 1122 653 177 161 193

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate 3/an 3/an 3/an trimestrial 3/an 3/an 3/an 2/an 3/an trimestrial trimestrial anual 6/an 6/an 6/an 6/an 6/an trimestrial

Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta

2005 2003 2003 2005 2005 2002 2004 2005 2002 2003 2004 fa 2006 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002

211 138 145 170 192 181 179 265 155 185 245 30 72 96 192 96 96 94 95

lunar 6/an 6/an 6/an 6/an 6/an 6/an 6/an 6/an 6/an trimestrial fara periodicitate anual trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial




fara periodicitate




fara periodicitate




fara periodicitate




fara periodicitate

Franta Franta

1996 1999

693 146

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate




fara periodicitate

Franta Franta

2004 2007

93 137

fara periodicitate anual

Franta Franta

2006 2008

179 + CD-ROM 113

anual anual

Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Franta Georgia

2005 2000 2001 2002 1999 2001 1999 2002 2000

195 199 199 202 216 212 257 200 151

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual anual

Georgia Georgia

2004 2002

92 310

fara periodicitate lunar





Germania Germania

2004 2007

25 86

fara periodicitate anual

Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania

2008 2002 2002 2006 2004 2006 2004 2004 2003 2006 2002 2000 2007 2007 2002 2003 2004 2005

86 603 639 92 19 19 48 56 132 124 158 156 110 162 214 128 152 154

anual 2/an anual fara periodicitate anual anual fara periodicitate lunar fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania

2004 2004 2002 2002 2007

25 100 368 714 742

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual anual




periodicitate necunoscuta




2/an periodicitate necunoscuta 2/an periodicitate necunoscuta 2/an periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania

2005 2007 2004 2007 2003 2003 2001 2001 2005 2005 2004 2004 2003

18 37 25 18 22 23 411 + CD 762 + CD 425 671 + CD-ROM 419 + CD-ROM 775 738

Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania

2003 2003 2006 2006 2008 2006 2004 2000 2002 2003

CD - ROM 368 425 688 734 208 148 142 146 154

anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual

Germania Germania Germania Germania

2005 2006 2007 2008

156 172 166 148

anual anual anual anual

Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania Germania

2004 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2006 2007 2008

20 1812 2520 2184 2424 2160 2436 249 + CD-ROM 2592 2040

fara periodicitate lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar




fara periodicitate

Grecia/Eurostat Grecia

2003 2006

464 17

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate




fara periodicitate

Grecia Grecia

fa 2005

12 185

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate




fara periodicitate

Grecia Grecia Grecia

fa 2006 2003

213 47 102

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Grecia/Franta Grup international

2006 2008

367 44

fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta




fara periodicitate

Honduras Hong Kong

2001 2004

58 44

anual anual

India India

2000 2005

55 61

fara periodicitate anual





Irak Irak

2006 2005

73 159+176+40

periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate




periodicitate necunoscuta

Irak Irak Iran

2005 2006 2001


periodicitate necunoscuta

28+204+56+104 fara periodicitate 30 trimestrial

Irlanda Irlanda Irlanda Irlanda Irlanda Irlanda Irlanda Irlanda

2003 2005 2003 2005 2006 2003 2006 2003

34 14 127 66 74 47 70 38

anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta anual

Irlanda Irlanda Irlanda

2000 2005 2004

117 57 51

anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Irlanda Irlanda Irlanda Irlanda

2003 2006 2004 2008

119 21 56 140

fara periodicitate anual fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Irlanda Irlanda Irlanda Irlanda Irlanda Irlanda Irlanda Irlanda Irlanda Irlanda Islanda Islanda Islanda Islanda

2005 2007 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2002 2003 2001 2002

127 97 378 423 449 455 466 474 391 403 165 500 212 232

Islanda Islanda Islanda Islanda Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia

2007 2003 2006 2008 2002 2001 2001 2002 2001 2001 2001 2002 2003 2002 2001

392 346 + CDROM 367 + CDROM 392 69 96 23 24 26 27 19 28 24 268 271

anual anual anual anual trimestrial trimestrial lunar trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial anual anual





Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia

2002 2007 2003 2004 2005 2006 2002 2002

CD - ROM 844+CD-ROM 1632 800 1568 474 249 266

anual anual lunar lunar lunar lunar anual anual





Italia/Elvetia Italia

2006 2001

143 24

trimestrial trimestrial

Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia

2001 2005 2005 2004 2004 2004

24 40 77 24 28 24

3/an 3/an 3/an 3/an trimestrial 3/an

Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia

2007 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007

24+48 28 24 100 43 24

3/an 3/an trimestrial 3/an 3/an 3/an

Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia

2006 2007 2006 2007 2000 2005 2007 2008 2002 fa 2002

246 32 327 370 40 31 32 31 32 32 230

fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate 2/an fara periodicitate

Italia Italia Italia

2002 2003 2001

1069 419 518

fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate

Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia

2001 2000 2001 2005 2005 2004 2002 2003 2003 2002 2003 2001 2002 2001 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

87 87 124 135 227 250 124 200 129 120 136 708 788 460 748 864 488 480 224

trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial fara periodicitate trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial

Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia

2000 2000 2005 2001 2001 2001 2000 2001 2002

187 427 344 230 38 25 38 38 62

fara periodicitate anual anual anual lunar fara periodicitate lunar lunar anual





Italia Iugoslavia Iugoslavia Iugoslavia Iugoslavia Iugoslavia Japonia Japonia Japonia

2004 2002 1999 2000 2001 2002 2005 fa 2003

67+20 76 144 528 518 501 636 60 99

anual anual anual anual anual anual 1/5ani fara periodicitate anual

Japonia Japonia Japonia Japonia

2001 2001 2000 2000

104 113 111 381

anual trimestrial trimestrial anual periodicitate necunoscuta 2/an 2/an

Japonia Japonia Japonia

2000 2001 2001

54 95 74













Japonia Japonia

2004 2005

931 935

anual anual





Japonia Japonia Japonia Japonia

2007 2000 2001 2001

935 135 13 13

anual anual lunar lunar





































































Japonia Japonia Japonia Japonia Japonia Japonia

2002 2007 2006 2008 2002 2003

203 209 211 205 797 851

anual anual anual anual anual anual





Japonia Japonia Japonia Japonia Japonia Kazahstan Letonia Letonia Letonia

2004 2005 2006 2007 2000 2006 2003 2005 2001

829 820 806 828 76 487 31 27 31

anual anual anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual anual anual

Letonia Letonia Letonia Letonia Letonia Letonia Letonia Letonia Letonia Letonia Letonia Letonia Letonia Letonia Letonia Letonia Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania

2004 2007 2008 2007 2002 2002 2003 2002 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2003 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2002 2003 2005

27 35 64 59 1740 1764 1540 288 + CD-ROM 259 269 272 270 + CD-ROM 302 + mini CDROM 408 564+mini CDROM 14 1397 1584 1364 1560 1908 1925 51 51 55

anual anual anual anual lunar lunar lunar fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar anual anual anual

Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Lituania Luxembourg Luxemburg Macao

2006 2007 2008 2001 2004 2001 2003 2001 2002 2003 2005 2005 2006 2007 2008 2002 2005 2006 2007 2008 2002 2007 2000 2006 2002

56 59 46 117 99 36 36 636 684 655 661 648 + CDROM 717 + CD-ROM 695+CD-ROM 738+CD-ROM 39 32 47 51 37 30 47 598 223 644

anual anual anual anual anual trimestrial trimestrial anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta anual periodicitate necunoscuta anual

Macao Macao Macao Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia

2001 2002 2003 2001 2005 2001

423 421 423 124 66 291

anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual









Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia

2001 2001 2001

189 43 36

anual fara periodicitate anual

Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia

2001 2001 2001

54 80 20

anual anual anual

Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia

2001 2004 2001 2001 2001 2003 2003 2008 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

39 40 124 68 170 82 82 45 528 540 888 888 825 900 222

anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar

















Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia

2001 2004 2004

45 61 179

fara periodicitate anual anual

Macedonia Macedonia

2004 2004

50 45

fara periodicitate anual

Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Macedonia Malta Malta Malta Malta Malta

2004 2000 2005 2006 2007 2004 2002 2003 2007 2004 2005

35 607 CD-ROM CD-ROM CD-ROM 43 249 83 51 88 78

anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Malta Malta Malta Malta Malta Marea Britanie Marea Britanie

2006 2002 2002 2001 2001 2002 2005

54 145 79 58 32 48 72

anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Marea Britanie Marea Britanie

2002 2000

40 36

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Marea Britanie




Marea Britanie




Marea Britanie




Marea Britanie Marea Britanie Marea Britanie Marea Britanie

2006 2002 2002 2002

60 199 138 36

trimestrial anual anual fara periodicitate

Marea Britanie Marea Britanie Marea Britanie

2008 2003 2005

62 130 134

fara periodicitate anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta trimestrial

Marea Britanie Marea Britanie

2006 2004

114 118

Marea Britanie Marea Britanie Marea Britanie Marea Britanie Marea Britanie Marea Britanie Marea Britanie Marea Britanie Marea Britanie Marea Britanie Marea Britanie Marea Britanie Marea Britanie Marea Britanie Marea Britanie Mexic Mexic

2004 2006 2007 2004 2004 2005 2004 2005 2007 2005 2006 2001 2002 2003 2004 1995 1998

144 106 73 46 54 150 113 96 81 81 81 306 318 312 312 790 654

periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova

2001 2002 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2006

526 501 524 704 738 559 560 + CD-ROM 557+CD-ROM 172

anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate

Moldova Moldova Moldova

2008 2005 2004

115 117 123

anual periodicitate necunoscuta anual

Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2006 2003 2001 2003 2007 2004 2006 2008 2005 2008

156 121 130 121 132 121 121 72 845 356 568 CD-ROM 728 CD-ROM 186 87 152

lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta anual periodicitate necunoscuta

Moldova Moldova Moldova

2001 2002 2003

109 106 111

anual anual anual

Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova

2003 2006 2006 2008 2007 2003 2005 2008 2004 2003 2005 2007 2008 2003 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2008 2003 2003 2004 2006

85 95 121 317 130 125 217 92 223 300 217 85 92 152 127 121 134 183 119 124 169 179 199 252

anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta

Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova

2007 2005 2004 2004 2007 2006 2008 2006 2001 2002

234 351 113 20 52 52 31 492+ 296 306 136

anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual

Moldova Moldova Moldova Moldova

2001 2003 2005 2008

91 122 126 100

anual anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta





Mozambic Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia

2003 2002 2002 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2001 2002 2005

263 63 50 122 137 127 132 123 113 55 39 43

fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia

2001 2003 2001 2001 2001 2002 2003 2004 2001 2002 2003 2005 2001 2000 2003 2004 2004 2002 2001 2002 2001 2003 2002 2002 2003 2005 2005 2001 2002 2002 2004 2004 2005 2005 2006 2001 2002 2002 2003 2005 2006 2002 2001

76 76 96 70 67 62 81 78 116 116 62 122 125 124 131 132 145 35 68 138 150 153 76 76 76 77 79 107 106 106 106 106 105 106 105 71 83 61 60 66 65 78 58

anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia

2002 2003 2004 2002 2002 2001 2001 2005 2001 2002 2003 2000 2001 2003 2002 2001 2004 2001 2001 2002 2003 2004 2003 2001 2002 2001 2004 2002 2005

60 50 52 192 197 56 56 41 138 122 125 109 153 129 53 67 63 64 59 57 87 89 38 87 27 39 31 39 31

anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Norvegia Norvegia

2000 2001

186 60

fara periodicitate anual

Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Norvegia Noua Zeelanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2002 2002 2001 2002 2001 2001 2002 2003 2005 2000 2001 2001 2002 2003 2004 2002 1999 2007 1998 1997 2000 2007 2001 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008

539 539 537 533 387 387 389 395 35 148 200 56 144 103 117 146 140 109 94 91 91 132 111 23 558 66 347 208 139 186 246 290 278 234 248 260 293 293

anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Olanda Oman Oman Organism international Organism international

2000 2000 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 2007 2003 2002 2003 2006 fa 2008

40 37 575 551 520 226 (pocketbook) 224 222 228 254 247 59 27 27 60 24 58

trimestrial trimestrial anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta



Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2005 2003 2003 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008

384 104 41 104 108 + CD-ROM 60 58 100+CD-ROM 96 62

fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2003 2002 2000

86 86 100

fara periodicitate anual anual




2000 2006

223 71

trimestrial anual





105+ discheta








2005 fa 2004

121 101 67

trimestrial anual anual











117 + discheta


Organism international Organism international Organism international




2001 2006

87 44

anual periodicitate necunoscuta

Organism international Organism international

2006 2004

CD-ROM 584

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international



fara periodicitate

2005 2005 2002

29 38 282

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual periodicitate necunoscuta





fara periodicitate



fara periodicitate

2006 2003 2001 2000

120 123 + CD-ROM 332 130

fara periodicitate anual periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta



Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2003 2003 2003 2003

205 126 149 140

periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta



2003 2004 2004

62 104 98

2004 2004

113 96

Organism international



periodicitate necunoscuta

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2006 2005 2002 2002 2005 2006 2000 2002

187 173 304 598 128 + CDRM 150 + CD-ROM 695 + CD 121+ CD-ROM

periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual anual anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2003 1994 2002 2001

121 + CD-ROM 279 598 270

anual anual fara periodicitate 2/an

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2000 2004 2001 2002

340 104 216 237

fara periodicitate anual anual anual

2007 2001 2002 2006 2001 2001

154 946 1760 34 149 223

fara periodicitate lunar lunar fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual



fara periodicitate

2003 2003 2005 2004 2001 2004

45 244 301 220 209 28

fara periodicitate anual anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international



fara periodicitate

2005 2003 2004 2003 2007

35 114 52 40 79

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual fara periodicitate

2002 2007 2003 2002 fa 2003 2006 2006 2002 2003 1999 2001 2004

12 55 118 195 53 118 114 100 210 195 249 258 293

fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual anual

2005 2003 2007

300 34 169

anual fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international




2003 2005 2002

94 84 84

anual anual anual



fara periodicitate



fara periodicitate

2005 2001

67 16

fara periodicitate lunar periodicitate necunoscuta





fara periodicitate

2005 2006 2002 2007

107 38 206 203

fara periodicitate anual anual anual

2003 2006

93 880

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

2004 2006 2002

93 880 43

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international



fara periodicitate



fara periodicitate

2006 2006 2007 2002

92 101 94 203

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta





2002 2002

125 184





2003 2003 2003

214 96 220

Organism international



periodicitate necunoscuta

Organism international



periodicitate necunoscuta

Organism international



periodicitate necunoscuta

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international



periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta



2005 1998

167 17

2005 2006

250 97





fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

1999 2000 2001 2005 2006 2007 2005 2008 2005 2005

210 67 CD - ROM 101 + CD -ROM 83 78 105 147 200 + CD-ROM 105+CD-ROM

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate trimestrial anual anual anual anual trimestrial trimestrial

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2004 2005 2004 2005 2002 2007 2001

148 + CD-ROM 84 + CD-ROM 206 + CD -ROM 83 + CD-ROM 210 137 CD - ROM

trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

2003 2001 2008 1994 2002 2002 2003

221 535 201 405 200 143 163

fara periodicitate anual anual fara periodicitate anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Organism international



fara periodicitate

Organism international



fara periodicitate

Organism international



fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international



fara periodicitate

2001 2002

342 91

fara periodicitate anual

2003 2007 2001 2005

122 182 290 309

anual periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual

1999 2007 1986

6 123 14

fara periodicitate anual fara periodicitate

1994 2007 2001 1999 2003 2000 2003 2004 2002 2002 2007

250 65 141 104 167 92 193 475 55 59 469

fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2008 2006 2007 2005 2004 2005 2006 1994 2003

483 185 195 183 385 469 489 37 132

anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2002 2001 2001 2005

160 232 80 155

fara periodicitate anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2005 2002 2006 2001 1996

54 97 111 + CD-ROM 44 113

periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta anual fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international

2001 2008

364 212

fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international


107 1 set de 6 CDROM-uri 203 215 310 373+CD-ROM 566+CD-ROM 425 431 404 + CD-ROM 421 + CD-ROM

fara periodicitate

2005 2006 2007 2005 2007 2008 2006 2007 2005 2004

fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

1996 2008

199 224

fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual

2007 2008 2007 2008 2002 2002 2004 2001 2000

205 114 252 261 179 179 182 101 297

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2002 2003 2001 2003 2002 2002 2001 2005 2006 2007 2008 2006 2 2005

160 227 279 284 171 CD - ROM 135 143 140 145 121 267

fara periodicitate anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual

fara periodicitate CDROM -uri fara periodicitate



fara periodicitate

fa 2007

132 162

fara periodicitate anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2006 2002 2004 2004 2004 2005

160 455 280 + CD-ROM 280 + CD- ROM 1086 2172

fara periodicitate anual anual anual lunar lunar

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2006 2007 2008 2004 2005 1996 2003 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2006 2008 2007 2007 2005 2006 fa 2002

2892 2892 2651 DVD-ROM 96 167 238 CD - ROM 55 55 55 61 121 190 97 73+CD-ROM 73 + CD-ROM 73 + CD-ROM 21 97

lunar lunar lunar fara periodicitate anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta anual periodicitate necunoscuta anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

1994 1994 2002


fara periodicitate fara periodicitate


fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international




1997 fa 2002 2001

198 504 201 110

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2001 2001 2005 2005 2006 fa 2002 2007 2004 2006

291 202 DVD-ROM DVD-ROM 540 505 544 487 200 540

fara periodicitate anual lunar lunar anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2007 2008 2006

894 238 209

periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta anual







Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

1998 2007 2000 2007 2007 1996 2000 fa

80 173 33 183 107 87 179 97

fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Organism international



fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international



periodicitate necunoscuta

2001 2005

167 28

fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta



Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international


91 + 137 + 255

fara periodicitate

2000 fa 2002

73 180 190

fara periodicitate anual fara periodicitate

Organism international



fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2004 2008


fara periodicitate fara periodicitate



fara periodicitate

2006 2002 2001 2001 2001 2001

428 69 113 + 113 113 113 + 113 231

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate lunar lunar lunar fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

fa 1998 2003 2007 2007 61 + 2006 2008 2007 2007

273 66 51 66 173 CDROM 81 166+CD-ROM 73+CD-ROM

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta anual periodicitate necunoscuta anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2000 2007 2008 2006

232 149 149 142

fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2000 2004 2006 1993 1993 1993 2005 2004

83 171 + CD-ROM 181 + CDROM 290 306 333 55 29

fara periodicitate anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international

2001 2000

150 359

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Organism international



fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international

2001 2008

158 380

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

1996 2003 2005 2005 2005

67 119 132 132 132

fara periodicitate trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial



fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

1998 2001

212 169

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

1995 1996 1999

27 25 50

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

2007 2008 2001 2003 2003 2004 2005 2006 2001 115

153 53 + CD 169 CD - ROM 135 + CDROM 151 + CD-ROM 165 + CDROM 180

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2006 2002 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 2002

122 112 153 224 139 233 125 170

anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international



fara periodicitate

2005 2001 2001 2000

170 427 52 51

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate trimestrial trimestrial periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate anual periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta

2005 2000 2007 2007 2001 2006 2002 2005

63 228 108 43 54 239 227 341

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2002 2003 2003 2001 2000 2001 2003 2000 2000 2001

257 219 219 120 131 174 180 42 32 42

anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate 2/an 2/an 2/an

2004 2005 2006 2007 2007 2008 2007 2008 2005

251 417 417 127 447 440 29 30 183

fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta anual periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta anual periodicitate necunoscuta anual fara periodicitate

1996 2000 2007

77 30 211

fara periodicitate anual fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international




2003 2008 2007 2002 2006 2008 2007

160 243 222 132 113 127 121

fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual anual anual anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2001 2007

203 CD-ROM

anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta









Organism international Organism international Organism international

2005 fa 2008

241 365 370

anual fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta

Organism international



fara periodicitate

Organism international



fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international

1991 2001

159 138

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Organism international



fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international



fara periodicitate

2001 fa

405 58

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate



fara periodicitate

2001 1996 2001 2003

200 132 28 27

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual







2001 2000

191 162

6/an trimestrial

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2000 2002 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2004 2003 2005 2006 2004 2002 2005 2002 2004 2003 2002 2003 2004 2002 2004 2002

176 466 120 162 115 115 163 166 211 320 + mini CD-ROM 320 + mini CDROM 318 + CDROM 338 347 261 260 261 333 338 348 212 214 178

fara periodicitate anual 2/an 2/an anual 2/an 2/an 2/an anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2002 1998

617 427

anual anual

2002 2002 2001 2002 2004 2002 2000 2001 2000 2001 2001 2002

140 114 251 180 110 224 21 95 48 64 37 124

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual fara periodicitate anual 6/an 6/an anual 6/an anual 6/an 6/an

2001 2005 2001 2000 2001 2003 2003

46 123 185 25 21 21 123

6/an 6/an 6/an 6/an 6/an 6/an 6/an




Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2003 2002 2004 2001 2002 2001 2008 2007 2001 2004 2003 2003 2003 2005

46 47 95 20 18 20 216 456 193 187 66 78 181 104

6/an 6/an 6/an anual anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate anual anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international


91 + CD-ROM

fara periodicitate

2003 2005 2008 2002 2007 2004

132 218 36 85 46 95

fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international

2005 2006 2005

87 91 11

anual anual anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2002 2003 2006

73 11 11

fara periodicitate anual anual

2002 2005 2006 2007 2007

73 246 + CD-ROM 252 + CDROM 260 CD-ROM

anual anual anual anual anual



fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international



fara periodicitate

2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2007 2007

97 1769 1547 CD-ROM 1555 + CDROM 509 1589

fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2007 2002

CD-ROM 887

anual anual

2000 2002

1459 + 564 1659 55+80+ CD-ROM 214 211 214 216 243 1006

anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual anual anual anual anual

2004 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2003

Organism international



Organism international Organism international

2005 2006

1059 + 507 1006

anual anual

Organism international




Organism international


953 + 358


Organism international


983 + 374


Organism international




Organism international Organism international

2002 2007

386 1087

anual anual

Organism international




Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2004 2003 2002 2003 2005 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2004 2006 2006 2001 2000

1523 282 500 952 544 1100 1116 1556 1524 1584 1632 1200 540 538 290 199 493

anual trimestrial anual anual anual trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2001 2002 2004 2005 2006 2002 2002 2002 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2002 2002 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

508 516 539 557 584 927 927 928 1114 1122 624 682 625 +198 634+201 624 958 929 10836 10527 11676 13080 12828 12744 10970

anual anual anual anual anual lunar lunar lunar anual anual anual anual anual anual anual lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2008 2001 1977 2000 2008 2006 2008 2002 2003

10953 236 229 157 44 41 86 71 CD-ROM 403 + CD-ROM

lunar anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta anual periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta 3/an 3/an fara periodicitate 3/an 3/an trimestrial periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate






2007 1999 2004 2003 2006 2003 2002

CD-ROM 133 140 297 157 200 435

2007 2003

689 367

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2002 2005

170 35

anual fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate 2/an fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar anual 2/an fara periodicitate 2/an anual 2/an

2005 2002 2003 2002 2000 2002 2007 2007 2001 2008 2002 2002 2000 2001 2002 2002 2001 2003 2006 2007 2006

281 114 42 48 205 491 360 502 480 394 304 299 284 288 304 93 91 96 98 100 98

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2008 2002 2008 2002 2008

100 249 881 130 373

periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta anual periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta trimestrial anual fara periodicitate anual lunar

2007 2001 2001 2003 2005 2002

274 110 77 372 388 304

2004 2008 2002 2001 2006 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

37 161 70 788 480 767 807 772 758 700 690 710

fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2008 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2001 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2002

720 578 444 742 541 445 451 466 371 451 340 316 325 325 316 315 5676 1964 1772 1892 1924 1932 970 808

anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2003 2005 2006 2007 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2002 2001 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

745 739 747 751 424 301 372 385 381 371 404 74 561 584 551 668 573 539 547 726 727 728 725 729

anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2006 2007 2008 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2002 2006 2001 2000 2002 2004 2003 2001 2002 2000 2001 2004 2004

728 724 723 2136 2136 1072 1638 1638 2152 2152 166 238 472 1125 674 472 179 183 241 235 277 244 244

anual anual anual trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international



fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta



2002 2003 2001

416 32 273

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta





Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international


periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual anual anual anual







2005 2000 2001 2003 2006 2007

18 610 609 748 815 855

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2003 2000 2001 2002 2002 2004 2006 2007

193 514 516 512 510 509 539 569

fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta



Organism international Organism international



periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta



Organism international



periodicitate necunoscuta

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international



periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta







Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2000 2003 2002 2003

144 125 261 131

periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate



fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international


327 + 449

fara periodicitate



fara periodicitate

2000 2001 2003 2000 2003 2003 2004 2006 2007

197 124 106 889 829 831 835 841 308

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

1999 2001 2006 2006 2004 2000 2006 2006

234 619 1337 667 402 196 21 114

anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

2000 2002

230 252

fara periodicitate anual periodicitate necunoscuta lunar lunar lunar lunar anual lunar lunar lunar anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta

2008 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 2002 2006

198 3480 2367 2849 2200 2790 2790 3252 2870 286 207 265

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2007 2001 2002 2002 2000 2000 2006 2007 2001 2008 2003 2002 2003 2003

276 957 990 1374 1249 1207 1370+1400 970+984+982 181 340 256 119 161 161

anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Organism international



fara periodicitate

Organism international



fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2003 2001 2002 2003 2006

656 76 76 36 42

fara periodicitate trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial 2/an

Organism international Organism international

2007 2008

22 46

trimestrial 2/an

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2001 2003

392 56

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

2003 2001

190 175

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate

2007 2003

18 26

2007 2001

51 151

2007 2003

18 21

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate



fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate

2008 2002 2003 2004

424 207 82 767

2003 2003

151 97

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2003 2003 2006 2003 2003 2006 2006 2000 2005 2000 2001 2004 2003 2001 2003 2002

97 111 271 32 512 365 366 110 20 878 889 894 852 139 141 137

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate fara periodicitate trimestrial trimestrial anual anual anual anual anual anual anual



fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta









Organism international



fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international



fara periodicitate

2001 2003 2005 1993 2007 2004 2002 2000 2001 2001 2001 2002 2003 2003 2007 fa 2002 2001 2003 2003

253 323 126 336 137 504 484 141 195 79 745 269 781 939 242 238 238 238 54 72

anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2004 2008 2002 2000 2002

238 244 321 147 69

anual anual anual anual anual



fara periodicitate




Organism international



fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2006 2002 2002

222 158 237 154 + CD-ROM 104

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

2004 2002

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual fara periodicitate



2001 2006 2005 2006

27 28 27 217

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2006 2001 2007 2004 2004 2000

131 31 86 153+ CD-ROM 153 + CD-ROM 181 155 + CD-ROM 79 125 CD - ROM

periodicitate necunoscuta anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual

2004 2005 2003 2003

anual fara periodicitate anual anual



fara periodicitate



fara periodicitate

2001 2001

72 119

anual anual

2001 2005 2006 2006 2006

40 115 192 192 215

anual periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual fara periodicitate

2006 2004

105 64

fara periodicitate anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2005 2005 2004

228 157 104

anual anual fara periodicitate

2005 2007

159 99

anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta anual periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta

2008 2007

99 151

2007 2008

126 CD-ROM

Organism international



fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2002 2000 1999 2005 2007 2001

120 177 32 566 686 264

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual






fara periodicitate



fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international










2007 1996 2003 2007

171 155 367 553

fara periodicitate anual anual anual















fara periodicitate



fara periodicitate



fara periodicitate



fara periodicitate



fara periodicitate




Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international




2001 1994 1996 1997 1998 1999 2002

65 226 229 245 228 262 277

fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

1998 1992 1995 1991 2005

198 229 251 221 301

fara periodicitate anual anual anual fara periodicitate




Organism international Organism international Organism international

2002 2005 2005

204 15 60

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international

2004 2005

41 64 + CD-ROM

fara periodicitate anual

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2005 2000

149 300

fara periodicitate anual periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta

2008 2008

213 73 142 + CD -ROM 1032 924 936 1104 960 960 1008 960 185+ CD-ROM CD-ROM multilingue

2004 2001 2002 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2004 2003

anual lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international



fara periodicitate




Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2008 2005 2002 2000 2001 2007 2004 2003 2003 2004

63 81 50 240 299 322 70 46 13 30

periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta

2008 2005

40 100

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international



fara periodicitate

2008 2006 2007 2007

46 69 14 56

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate

2004 2002 2002 2004

236 376 44 37

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international Organism international

2006 2002 2002 fa 2005 2006 2007 2002 2004

62 770 75 61 95 80 85 239 104

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate

Organism international Organism international Organism international

1999 2003 1993

117 47 32

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Paraguay Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia

2005 2001 2000 2003 2001 2002 2003 2006 2007 2008

420 172 255 89 652 +CD 670 + CD-ROM 687 687 + CDROM 710+CD-ROM 711+CD-ROM

fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual




fara periodicitate

Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia

2003 2006 2007 2008 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2001 2006 2003

106 35 35 39 168 177 208 216 252 248 232 132 127 95 170

fara periodicitate anual anual anual trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial lunar trimestrial trimestrial fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate

Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia

2003 2006 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2007 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

214 242 2004 1932 1815 1650 2148 2244 2604 2652 CD-ROM CD-ROM 313 724 761 790 + CD-ROM 876 892 + CD-ROM

fara periodicitate 3/an lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Polonia Polonia Polonia

2006 2007 2000

888+ CD-ROM 902 150

anual anual 2/an

Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia Polonia

2001 2001 2002 2003 2005 2008

362 151 200 153 242 192

2/an 2/an 2/an 2/an fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta

Polonia Polonia Polonia Portugalia

2002 2003 2003 2001

175+226 182 149 86

3/an 3/an 3/an anual

Portugalia Portugalia Portugalia Portugalia Portugalia Portugalia

2005 2002 2003 2005 2003 2002

20 468 472 444 + CD -ROM 403 538

fara periodicitate anual anual anual lunar fara periodicitate

Portugalia Portugalia Portugalia Portugalia Portugalia Portugalia Portugalia

2005 2002 1999 2008 fa 2001 2002

36 CD - ROM 155 42 16 78 137

fara periodicitate anual fara periodicitate anual fara periodicitate anual trimestrial

Portugalia Portugalia Portugalia Portugalia Portugalia Portugalia Portugalia Portugalia Portugalia Portugalia Portugalia

2005 2005 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2008 2008 2008

98 78 136 93 81 80 188 82 97 100 113

2/an 2/an 2-3/an 3/an 3/an 3/an 3/an 3/an trimestrial 3/an trimestrial periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual anual

Portugalia Portugalia Portugalia Portugalia

2005 2001 2006 2007

35 358 258+ 304 439+CD-ROM

Portugalia Portugalia Rusia Rusia Rusia Rusia Rusia Rusia Rusia Rusia

2005 2008 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

53 34 348 432 416 504 500 584 584 438

periodicitate necunoscuta anual trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial




fara periodicitate




fara periodicitate





Rusia Rusia Rusia Rusia Rusia Rusia Rusia Rusia Rusia Rusia Rusia Rusia Rusia Rusia Rusia Rusia Rusia/EUROSTAT Rusia Rusia Rusia Rusia Rusia Serbia

2002 2003 2002 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2002 2002 2001 2000 2001 2002 2001 2004

620 895 863 690 705 725 396 397 398 398 431 477 462 494 510 139 111 679 405 403 397 356 36

anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate




fara periodicitate




fara periodicitate




fara periodicitate




fara periodicitate




fara periodicitate

Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia si Muntenegru Serbia si Muntenegru Serbia si Muntenegru Serbia si Muntenegru Serbia si Muntenegru Serbia si Muntenegru Serbia Serbia

2003 2008 2005 2006 2007 2008 2006 2008 2007 2005 2005 2003 2004 2005 2004 2004 2005

581 393 829 1032 1032 935 357 324 338 50 67 75 310 287 498 464 487

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate lunar lunar lunar lunar periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Slovacia Slovacia Slovacia Slovacia Slovacia Slovacia Slovacia Slovacia Slovacia Slovacia Slovacia Slovacia Slovacia Slovacia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia

2006 2007 2008 2005 2006 2007 2008 2000 2001 2001 2006 2007 2004 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2001 2004 2001 2008

465 460 452 148 404 152 132 719 155 89 246 CD-ROM 34 685 + CD 727 726 734 + CD-ROM 702 + CD-ROM 680 + CD-ROM 688+CD-ROM 139 76 69 69

anual anual anual trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual

Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia

2004 2004 2006 2006 2005 2005 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

48 48 62 60 51 63 1111 1010 1000 1450 1529 973

anual periodicitate necunoscuta anual 2/an periodicitate necunoscuta periodicitate necunoscuta lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar

Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia

2007 2007 2006 2007 2008 2001 2002 2003 2006 2007 2008

66 53 56 56 56 CD - ROM 69 69 76 76 76

fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate anual anual fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual

Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia

2008 2006 2008 2007

72 28 28 28

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual

Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

687 661 659 666 650 611

anual anual anual anual anual anual

Slovenia Spania/Barcelona Spania/Barcelona Spania/Barcelona Spania Spania Spania/Portugalia Spania

2003 2002 2002 2003 2003 2004 2005 2003

544 195 573 573 294 64 36 208

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual trimestrial fara periodicitate anual fara periodicitate




fara periodicitate

Spania Spania Spania Spania Spania

2001 2000 2004 2005 1994

181 47 43 53 109

fara periodicitate anual anual anual fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate

Spania Sri Lanka

2006 2003

133 177

Sri Lanka




Sri Lanka



fara periodicitate

Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

2001 2002 2004 2006

84 90 101 107

anual anual anual anual


2003 2003

591+1137 36

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate


2001 2000 2001 2002 2001 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2005 2007 2008 2001 2004 2003 2003

184 236 271 38 38 + 38 + 38 418 418 228 342 418 418 342 266 145 34 21 28

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar lunar fara periodicitate periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate fara periodicitate


2005 2004 2005

21 69 78

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual


2006 2002 2001 2001

29 + CD-ROM 103 107 193

periodicitate necunoscuta fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual


2001 2002 2004 2002 2003 2001 2003 2000 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2007

248 27 141 35 33 308 999 999 987 1030 1006 1023 CD-ROM 999 994

anual anual fara periodicitate anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual


2003 2001 2002 2003

31 1800 1560 2265

fara periodicitate lunar lunar lunar


2004 2004 2006 2007 2002

900 864 1700 792 10

lunar lunar lunar lunar fara periodicitate

SUA SUA SUA SUA Suedia Suedia Suedia Suedia Suedia Suedia Suedia Suedia Suedia Suedia Suedia Suedia Suedia Suedia Suedia Suedia Suedia Suedia Suedia Suedia Thailanda

fa 2002 2002 2000 2002 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2005 2003 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2007 2007 2005 2000

195 12 12 125 31 546 531 457 570 759 768 602 493 186 45 659 697 718 725+ CD-ROM 782 + CD-ROM 784 + CD-ROM 809 809 122 135

fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial trimestrial periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta anual

Thailanda Turcia Turcia Turcia Turcia Turcia Turcia Turcia Turcia Turcia Turcia Ukraina Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria

2001 2002 2003 2003 2002 2003 2004 2004 2001 2005 2007 2001 2003 2005 2002 2002 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008

134 3481 2723 389 733 721 374 523 184 CD-ROM 382 232 57 91 170 176 84 91 72 CD-ROM 99 101 103 40

anual lunar lunar lunar anual anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual periodicitate necunoscuta anual

Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria

2004 2004 2004 2002 2008 2008 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2004 2002 2002 2002 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

51 51 51 170 92 227 591 647 617 610 626 416+CD-ROM 493+CD-ROM 512+CD-ROM 140+CD-ROM CD-ROM 194 140 444 448 468 464+CD-ROM 480 469

periodicitate necunoscuta anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual fara periodicitate fara periodicitate fara periodicitate anual anual anual anual anual anual

Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria Ungaria

2006 2007 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

467 214+CD-ROM 230 235 261 180+CD-ROM 183+CD-ROM 184+CD-ROM 194+CD-ROM 138+CD-ROM

anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual anual

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