The Thug's Tale: Prologue

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Shayla Geaccone Eng IV AP-A Block 03 6-13-11

The Thugs Tale

Prologue Theodore Watson had just gotten clean, All the codine, oxy-contin and heroin had drained from his being. He did it himself, and of himself he was proud; And rightfully so, with a drug of that brow. Now here he sat in a drug rehab center, Trying to convince the courts of his changed cerebral mentor. But we shall speak no more of his woes just yet, Youll have wait and hear my tale, a good one it is I bet. One by one these ex-junkies will make clear The muddy waters of their lives during the last few years. You see, Theodore had a lover, and a child with that dame. But before his bodys detox, he knew not that babys name. To be a father was his goal: taking out the trash and filling the tub, And getting a job to buy his family some grub. Now was his chance to prove himself worthy Of a truly loving family, wife, and baby.

Tale The city of Austin, Texas was dark; a storm was a brew. Theodore Watson was back, and everybody knew. His course dreads had grown long and wild, radical. While hed been on his black mans sabbatical. Recovering from addiction is a lot of hard work, One never finishes the same and theres always a quirk. Like ironing a shirt that just wont release the wrinkles, Two keys will always make a drug addicts eye twinkle. But now makin bills was the only thing on Theodores mind. They needed some money quick, because damn they were in a bind.

Theo walked down 12th, passing some hustlin gangsters who seemed to be rolling in hay. They were dressed in baggy red. Theo begged How do yall make pay?

We sell drugs, lie a little and cheat. Well pay you too if youll take the heat.

This wouldnt be my first fire; see my braised meat? Theo held out his arm, laced with tatts. The red men smiled back and amassed.

Need some bass in your ride, fam? he asked. Theo fancied speakers, and thought he must act fast.

They were excited to install a full system including double twelves, The bang it produced was so bumping it sounded like wrestling elves. The gangsters only requested in return, to deliver a message to a friend of theirs. Theo agreed and was on his way; a beginning to the end of all heirs.

His 92 Lincoln pulled up slow to the Rosetta Projects gates. A bulky man in blue propped his foot on Theos bumper, Youre late. The man shattered his drivers side window with the butt of a pistol. He held it to his head like he was running on crystal. What the **** are you doing comin to my hood droppin meth? Yelled the angry man with the gun, Belt below his knees and hair wrapped in a do-rag bun.

Theo thought, Any man holding a gun deserves no answer, For he is no longer a man but a cancer. What am I to do? My life has taken another overly fatalistic hue. All the while hed been pulled from the car, and thrown face down across the hood.

I know you make this shipment everyday, and I wanna stop it for good!

You got the wrong guy, shawty. Im just here with a message for Scotty.

Man, I heard your stupid bang! And I know you got coke in that thing! He stripped the car of all its speakers, Taking with it 40 killos of blow packed in small tube-like beakers. Call your moms! the man demanded.

I cant, and the story mustnt be expanded.

Then call your girl, cause we need her on the phone To pump out the cash, or your brains will get blown! Theo picked up his cell and started to dial; he was terribly frightened and in denial. His hands were shaking, and in his mind woes began to pile. Brenda picked up after a ring or two. The blue man gabbed it, I got your baby daddy, now what the **** you gonna do? Youd best get me $10,000 by tonight or your boys headll get blew!

Listen, Brenda yapped, Theos not my babys daddy. All my lies are through. I dont have the money, and my dishonesty I rue. Isnt telling Theo before you kill him the least you can do?

The man in blue dropped the phone and aimed his gun. Click-clock! went the gun, and Theo was done. A fire swept his face and body through,

It was the heavy heat of living close to death, a warmth of which he readily knew. The blue man rolled Theo over so he didnt have to look in his eyes While he stole his money and car as a consulary prize. And took his swag too, belt, shirt and shoes. All because Theo was in red, and he in blue.

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