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Restoring Gold and Silver Currency against the Fraudulent and false Paper Currency Gold and Silver

Dirham and Dinar; the money with an intrinsic value

It is very unfortunate that many of our Muslims are ignorant about the devilish nature of European-created money in the modern world. A rich elite now rules over the rest of the world. In addition to it, the wealthy ruling elite around the world has successfully paved its way for a new World Order who would rule the world. There are many who cannot recognize Dajjal the false Messiah as the mastermind behind the present world-order who now rules almost the whole of the Muslim world. Allah (SWT) has forbid us to maintain friendly ties with this Judeo-Christian alliance who is clearly working on the system of Dajjal. We as Muslims are consequently disobeying the Quranic prohibition while establishing and maintaining friendly relationship and even alliance with them. This is all because of this Judeo-Christian alliance which Allah (SWT) has forbade us to make collations with but so long our Muslims have disobeyed Allah (SWT) and such people continue to rule over Muslim World. There seems to be little understanding among us of the fact that a European-created moneysystem has been playing in delivering the power to engage in enormous legally recognized stealing of the wealth of mankind to enemies of Islam. We must realize that these enemies have planned an economic system that would sooner or later bring financial dictatorship to them to rule over the whole world. They have succeeded in enslaving millions of Muslims and other human beings with slave wages and permanent deficiency of money, while following a frightening global agenda on behalf of the Euro-Jewish State of Israel. Therefore, it is truly pitiable to listen to those who blame Pakistanis for miserable poverty in Pakistan. This article is an effort to introduce to the reader the subject of money as located in Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu alahi wa sallam. We know that such money which is Islamic money always possesses intrinsic value in it. The real moneys value is always stored within it, regardless of the changes that might occur outside and it is thus immune or unaffected to unaware external manipulation and devaluation. This economic system created by the ruling European Judeo-Christian alliance was specifically and especially designed to remove money with intrinsic value or destroy the money which has an inborn value from the money-system of the world. Instead of that they have

replaced it with money that had no intrinsic value i.e.; Paper Money. Whenever they want, such un-exchangeable paper currencies could then be devalued again and again. Whenever they would like they would devalue the specified currency which would not only result in an unjust legalized robbery of the wealth of those who used this devalued currency but in addition, it would become and more expensive for such countries to pay back loans which were taken on interest from IMF. Eventually these countries get trapped in debts which they could never repay, and thus survive at the mercy of this World Bank whose large loans were suspiciously meant to deliver to them is to get control over them. (See John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man) As money is devalued, the cost of property, labour, goods and services in the countries of the devalued currencies becomes cheaper and cheaper for those who have created this financial system. Ultimately one part of the World lives very comfortably while the rest of the world keeps on suffering, with their constantly devalued money, sweated and labored in a new slavery to keep the robbers permanently rich and the poor permanently poor. As poverty increases in the countries targeted by money devaluation, corruption naturally also increases. Those who have the intellectual insight would then wonder loudly that why the hell do Muslim countries suffer from so much corruption but the West (which had looted Muslims wealth and living off their sweat) remains so free from corruption. So the West is living peacefully while the rest of the World suffers through unvarying pain and poverty. You can see now that how ridiculously the world has adopted the philosophy of Rich becoming richer and poor become poorer. Here we must also explain the exploitive role of IMF who is actually the looting body for the world. Our enemies are not satisfied with simply living off the sweat of others through exploiting a monetary system to their advantage that is unjust and oppressive. Rather they are trying their best to financially enslave the masses and to permit them to force their dictatorship of wealth and power over the whole World. This is also very strange and to be noted that why the scholars of Islam silent on this matter are as these scholars of Islam have never declared the present financial System to be haram. Many secularized Muslims in the modern age strongly believe that religion should have nothing to do with the economic and political life. They thus do not consider that Allah (SWT) himself has firmly grounded the importance of this subject in the Holy Quran. Such Muslims would be

at a loss to explain, or even understand, the following incident in the life of Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu alahi wa sallam: Abu said al-Khudri said that Bilal brought the Prophet some Barni dates, and when he asked him where he had gotten them he replied: I had some inferior quality dates so I exchanged two Sa of them for Sa (of this). The Prophet responded: Ah! This is the very essence of Riba! Do not do so, but when you wish to buy, sell the dates in a separate transaction, then buy with what you get. (Bukhari, Muslim) We can learn from the above Hadith that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) prohibited an unequal exchange of dates for dates. Prophet (PBUH) declared such exchange to be the very essence of Riba. In the present day, there is no distinction of Halaal and Haraam and thus essence of Riba has reached everywhere. Quran clearly tells us that money in Islam is either gold and silver, or other commodities of regular use such as wheat, barley, dates and salt which are commodities of regular consumption. As food but which have a shelf-life when there was a scarcity of gold and silver coins in the market in Madina, commodities such as dates, which were available in the market in abundant supply, and which had a shelf life, were used as money. Consequently, we can now answer the above question. Some scholars of Islam argue that mankind is free to use anything, even grain of sand, as money. Therefore, there is no use of anything, even a grain of sand, as money. Therefore, there is no prohibition to printing paper and assigning any value to the paper. Our response is that grains of sand or shells found on sea shores cannot qualify as money in Islam according to the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) since they are neither precious metals nor they are commodities that are consumed regularly as food. When gold, silver, wheat, barley, dates and salt (rice, sugar, etc.) were used as money, the value of the money was inside the money and not outside. Hence, the Hadith established the money in Islam to possess intrinsic value. Allah (SWT) is the creator of wealth; He is the al-Razzack. Therefore, he has rightly guided the mankind about it. The following Quranic verses explain to us that Allah (SWT) has made Gold and silver as wealth in this world and he is the Creator of this World and knows better than us. He knows that these valuable metals have their intrinsic value and cannot be devalued like paper money.

Therein are brought round for them trays of gold and goblets, and therein is all that souls (i.e., hearts) desire and eyes find sweet. And you will abide therein forever. (Qurn, al-Zukhruf, 43:71)

"Then why are not gold bracelets bestowed on him, or (why) come (not) with him angels accompanying him in procession?" [Hence they recognised gold to be precious and that it can be bestowed from above.] (Qurn, al-Zukhruf, 43:53) Telling us the value of Gold, Allah defines it as wealth and a valuable thing which Allah will give to his loyal followers. Allah will admit those who believe and work righteous deeds, to Gardens wherein rivers flow: they shall be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearls; and their garments there will be of silk. (Qurn, al-Hajj, 22:23) For them will be Gardens of Eternity wherein rivers will flow; they will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold, and they will wear green garments of fine silk and heavy brocade: They will recline therein on raised thrones. How good the recompense! How beautiful a couch on which to recline! (Qurn, al-Kahf, 18:31) The above verses of the Qurn and the above Hadth demonstrate that gold and silver were created by Allah Most High with great value bestowed on them, and that such value would survive this mundane world to be retained in the next world as well. The verses also demonstrate that Allah Most High, in His wisdom, created gold and silver to be used, among other things, as money. Whoever to challenge this clear fact is as blind as should prepare him to defend his view on Judgment Day. Money with intrinsic value has today disappeared from the money-system used around the world. The entire Muslim world is also guilty of having abandoned money that is firmly grounded in the Qurn itself and which is of value even in the hereafter. Muslims have

already paid a horrible price for having abandoned that real money and accepted in its place an unreal fake paper currency. The colonization of the world paved the way for introducing Paper currency in the World and deliberately abandon Gold and silver currency from the world. One can now understand how different traps were made to control the wealth of the world in one hand. The fake paper currency the treacherous role of the World Bank (IMF) is some of the examples of how this Judeo-Christian alliance has woven trap around us. Similarly like other Muslim countries, we can see that Pakistan has become now an IMF slave. It did not happen by accident and until or unless they keep on printing such fake currency or keep on creating wealth out of nothing no country is ever going to get out of this treacherous trap of slave wages because IMF was created with a specific purpose of preventing currency exchange restrictions that would hinder the continuous devaluation of targeted currencies. Thus they have imprisoned masses of mankind including entire Islamic World. Dependency on foreign loan is disease for our economies that has not only shattered our economic life, but has also devastated our self-determination and has forced us to submit to the demands of our creditors impose their own conditions before they advance a loan. These conditions are keeping us under a constant western pressure, often stopping us from pursuing our own objectives and force us to follow the policies dictated by others. These evil consequences of IMF loans are too obvious in our country today that they do not need any further elaboration. We can see it demolishing our economy day by day and making us their slaves. Here we request for restoring the Islamic teachings and Islamic law in Pakistan and the rest of the Muslim World because it is the one and only solution today. Islamic teachings consider Indebtedness as a detectable phenomenon which should not be resorted except in cases of extreme necessity. Islam requires that the Muslims should avoid incurring foreign debts, even if they face hardships. Islam does not allow devalued, fake paper currency at any cost. If we take a look we can realize that the Muslim countries that are in debt are very resource-rich. The Muslims occupy the important strategic positions on the globe. We are joined together by a geographical chain from Morocco to Indonesia, broken only by India and Israel. We produce nearly 50% of oil in the world. We account more than one third of the Worlds export of raw material. The cash we have invested in the western countries alone may be more than sufficient to set off their total liabilities. Allah has given us so much natural wealth that we do not need

anyone else. All we need is to design new economic policies which should be Riba free and free us from this self-imposed dependence on Western Dajjali system of Monetary. The Quran says: All the Muslims are brothers. Quranic and prophetic teachings require that Muslim Ummah should act like a single body. The geographical barriers must not divide them into different nations with conflictive objects. We must be united to face this economic challenge. A great responsibility lies on the shoulders of OIC to join Muslim Ummah under one platform. This tragic situation cannot last forever. If we are not prepared to mend our ways, some natural process of revolution is bound to find its way. If we want to avoid terrible consequences, we will have to restructure our economic system on the basis of clear guidance provided by Quran and Sunnah. Our success in setting an example for implementing the Islamic principles will be our best gift to humanity.

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