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Dcvclopiug a


Dcvclopiug a
+ I·./·./ Ca·1- /· . L·/- ·/ 3·¸a·
I·a1-·· .a1 M··./-·
Kris Vallorron

© Copyriglr 2007÷Kris Vallorron
All riglrs rcscrvco. 1lis look is prorccrco ly rlc copyriglr laws of rlc !nirco Srarcs
of Amcrica. 1lis look may nor lc copico or rcprinrco for commcrcial gain or profir.
1lc usc of slorr quorarions or occasional pagc copying for pcrsonal or group sruoy is
pcrmirrco ano cncouragco. ¡crmission will lc granrco upon rcqucsr. !nlcss orlcrwisc
iocnrifico, Scriprurc quorarions arc from rlc !cw Amcrican Sranoaro Billc. Copyriglr
© 19ó0, 19ó2, 19ó3, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977 ly rlc ¡ockman Iounoarion.
!sco ly pcrmission. Scriprurcs markco !K]V or K]V arc from rlc !cw King ]amcs
Vcrsion or rlc King ]amcs Vcrsion, rcspccrivcly. ¡lcasc norc rlar Dcsriny ¡magc`s pul-
lisling srylc capiralizcs ccrrain pronouns in Scriprurc rlar rcfcr ro rlc Iarlcr, Son, ano
¡oly Spirir, ano may oiffcr from somc pullislcrs` srylcs. 1akc norc rlar rlc namc
saran ano rclarco namcs arc nor capiralizco. Wc cloosc nor ro acknowlcogc lim, cvcn
ro rlc poinr of violaring grammarical rulcs.
D¡S1¡!Y ¡MAC¡
¡!B¡¡S¡¡RS, ¡!C.
¡.O. Box 310, Slippcnslurg, ¡A 17257-0310
°S¡cuk:nµ tv thc 1u:¡vscs v[ Gvu [v: th:s
Gcnc:ut:vn unu [v: thc Gcnc:ut:vns tv Cvnc.¨
1lis look ano all orlcr Dcsriny ¡magc, Rcvival ¡rcss, Mcrcy ¡lacc,
Ircsl Brcao, Dcsriny ¡magc Iicrion, ano 1rcasurc ¡ousc looks
arc availallc ar Clrisrian looksrorcs ano oisrrilurors worlowioc.
Ior a !.S. looksrorc ncarcsr you, call 1-S00-722-ó77+.
Ior morc informarion on forcign oisrrilurors, call 717-532-30+0.
Or rcacl us on rlc ¡nrcrncr:
¡SB! 10: 0-7óS+-2501-S
¡SB! 13: 97S-0-7óS+-2501-7
Ior Worlowioc Disrrilurion, ¡rinrco in rlc !.S.A.
2 3 + 5 ó 7 S 9 10 11/09 0S 07
¡ ocoicarc rlis look ro my scvcn granoclilorcn: Mcsla, ¡lijal,
Mical, ¡saac, Rilic, ¡lla, ano ¡van. You arc a voicc ro a gcncrarion
rlar ¡ will ncvcr scc. You arc my lcgacy, my grcarcsr rrcasurc, ano
rlc lopc of a losr worlo srumlling in oarkncss in pursuir of rlcir
Crcaror. May wc lcavc you a worlo in rcvival as your inlcrirancc
ano may you always rcmcmlcr rlar ¡ wrorc cvcry pagc of rlis
look wirl you in mino.
¡ lovc you!

1o my wifc, Karly÷you arc cvcryrling ¡ rlouglr you woulo
lc ano morc. 1lank you for morc rlan 31 ycars of purc joy.
1o my clilorcn÷]aimc ano Marry, ¡ am so prouo of you. You
lavc lccomc grcar lcaocrs. Slannon ano Camcron, your livcs in-
spirc mc ano your marriagc amazcs mc. ]ason ano ¡carlcr, your
scrvanrlooo ano lumiliry scr a ligl-warcr mark in rlc Booy of
Clrisr. 1lank you for rlc way you always lovc mc. Ccnc, your lifc
is a sign ano a wonocr÷a rcsrimony ro rlc Iarlcr`s loving gracc.
Bill ano Bcni÷You lavc rauglr us low ro livc. ¡ am forcvcr
Allison ano Carol÷1lank you for your laro work on rlis
manuscripr. You arc lorl so gifrco.
!ancy÷1lanks for lclicving in mc ano praying for mc.
Danny, Dann, ¡aul, Srcvc, Clarlic, ano Banning÷You arc my
safcry ncr ano a liglrlousc in rlc srorms of my lifc.

Arr ano Carly Kipcrman÷You wcrc my firsr spirirual parcnrs
ano ¡ lovc you wirl all of my lcarr. Arr, you lavc gonc on ro lc
wirl rlc ¡oro, lur your lifc srill livcs on rlrougl mc. May my
lcavcnly rrcasurc lc assignco ro your accounr.
Bill ano ]uoy Dcrrylcrry÷You guys arc a lriogc ovcr rroullco
warcr ano a safc larlor from rlc srorms of lifc. 1lousanos owc
rlcir crcrniry ro you.
Mom ano Dao÷1lank you lorl for loving mc.
Bcrlcl Clurcl÷You arc rlc mosr amazing pcoplc on rlc facc
of rlc carrl, rruly a liglr scr on a lill.
1lank you Kris, for anorlcr valuallc look. Onc sign of a grcar
rcaclcr is rlar rlcy walk rlc parl of rcvclarion ycr know low ro
makc rlc mcssagc casy ro unocrsrano ano apply so rlar orlcrs can
walk rlcrc also. 1lar is rlc gifr rlar makcs Bcrlcl so valuallc as a
sclool ano ir comcs largcly from you Kris ano Bill ]olnson know-
ing low ro rakc us wirl you on your journcy. ¡lcasc kccp walking
ano ralking ano wriring!
1:. 1uncc 1u!!nuu
¡asror ano aurlor
Kris Vallorron in lis look, 1c·c!v¡:nµ u Su¡c:nutu:u! 1:[cst,!c
las rouclco on many issucs rlar ncco ro lc consiocrco if onc rruly
wanrs ro livc a consisrcnr lifc of signs ano wonocrs. Many pcoplc
wanr rlc powcr, fcw wanr ro livc rlc lifc rlar jusrifics rlc ¡oro giv-
ing ir ro you. Onc musr livc rlc Woro, nor jusr ralk alour ir.
]vhn 1uu! ]ucksvn
Iounocr, Srrcams Minisrrics ¡nrcrnarional

Wc ¡OV¡ rlis look! 1c·c!v¡:nµ . Su¡c:nutu:u! 1:[cst,!c causcs
you ro look ar lifc from a ncw anglc, ano scc Coo÷rlc Onc wlo can
oo anyrling, anywlcrc rlrougl.,vu. Rcao ir ro lccomc morc of
wlo you arc crcarco ro lc.
1cs!c, unu Stucc, Cun¡hc!!
Iounocrs, !cw ¡ifc Clurcl
1lc firsr rimc ¡ mcr Kris Vallorron ¡ was srruck ly rwo rlings÷lis
passion for proplcric minisrry ano lis aggrcssivc ocrcrminarion ro
pursuc Coo`s supcrnarural powcr. Borl of rlcsc valucs llcco
rlrougl rlc pagcs of rlis manuscripr. Bc carcful as you rcao, you
miglr lc clallcngco ro flcc rlc comforr zonc of rcligious mcoiocriry
ano pursuc rlc ocsriny awairing rlosc rcnacious cnougl ro lclicvc
rlcy can lc lisrory makcrs.
1u::, 1unuv!¡h
¡arry Ranoolpl Minisrrics
Kris Vallorron is nor only an accurarc proplcr ano a fricno of Coo,
lur also a kcy pasror ovcr rlc proplcric movcmcnr rooay. Kris is a
covcnanr parrncr. Wc lavc cxpcricncco rlc fruir of lis proplcric in-
siglr cvcn in our own family. 1lc Iarlcr ocsircs us ro livc narurally
supcrnarural livcs as wc lay our livcs oown for rlc King. May rlis
look oraw you inro ¡is lcarr, unril you arc so unoonc rlar you cx-
pcricncc ¡cavcn on carrl.
1:. 1c:u: G. 1ukc:
Iounoing Dirccror, ¡ris Minisrrics
Kris Vallorron is an amazing pcrson, as is rlis look. 1lc lifc of rlc
Spirir pulsarcs rlrougl cvcry pagc ano clallcngcs Clrisrians ro join
]csus in ¡is mission ro clangc rlc facc of rlc wlolc worlo. Ior rlosc
looking for an casy cscapism from rlc clallcngcs of raking grouno
for Clrisr in rlc cno rimcs, rlis look offcrs you no placc ro lioc.
1:. C!u, 1v:u
!arional Dirccror of ¡oly Spirir Rcncwal Minisrrics
¡ firsr lcaro Kris spcak ar a confcrcncc in 1oronro. ¡ was grippco
ly lis supcrnarural insiglr ano wisrful communicarion alour rlc
Kingoom of Coo. ¡ikc an cagcr rravcl agcnr, lc rakcs mulriruocs
across rlc clasm of unlclicf inro rlc rclarivcly unknown rcalm of
¡cavcn on carrl. ¡is lumor ano srory rclling alilirics arc lis rools
rlar luilo rlc lriogcs. 1c·c!v¡:nµ u Su¡c:nutu:u! 1:[cst,!c is a rrail
guioc for rlc lifc wc wcrc crcarco ro livc, lur scloom cxpcricncc.
Stc·c 1:tt
¡asror, Mcrro Clurcl Sourl, Clcvclano, Olio
Aposrolic 1cam Mcmlcr, ¡arrncrs in ¡arvcsr, 1oronro
1c·c!v¡:nµ u Su¡c:nutu:u! 1:[cst,!c is rlc rcal ocal. Kris lcaos
¨1lc Sclool of rlc Supcrnarural¨ in Rcooing, California, a min-
isrry sclool rlar las prooucco raoical oisciplcs wlo arc rcgularly
lcaling rlc sick, casring our ocmons, ano sccing miraclcs on rlc
srrccrs. Rcao rlis if you lungcr for rlc supcrnarural ano wanr ro
livc oangcrously for ]csus.
Chc .hn
1:cs:ucnt v[ 1u:·cst 1ntc:nut:vnu! J:n:st:,
Scn:v: 1ustv:, 1u:·cst 1vck Chu:ch
1c·c!v¡:nµ u Su¡c:nutu:u! 1:[cst,!c is a rorally rcfrcsling
lrcak from rlc counrlcss ¨low ro prospcr¨ looks wlicl flooo
rlc markcr rooay. Rarlcr, Kris Vallorron las givcn us lorl a
mcnu ano a roaomap ro rlc gifr of lifc Coo offcrs us in Clrisr
]csus. Somclow, somcwlcrc, rlc clurcl las losr siglr of rlc
lillical aovcnrurc of raoical lovc ano oaring olcoicncc, ano las
insrcao focusco on rcligiously corrccr milqucroasr conformiry.
!or only oocs Kris invirc us ro srcp our inro rlc grano cxploirs
of a ¡oly Spirir-lco lifc, lur lc slarcs wisoom alour rlc journcy
rlar is pricclcss.
Ju:c .. 1u¡vnt
Manrlc of ¡raisc Minisrrics, ¡nc.
Kris Vallorron las oonc us a powcrful lur painful favor. ¡c
las confronrco us wirl rlc ncccssiry of clangc from laycr afrcr
laycr of rcligion ro rlc lringing of rlc supcrnarural lifc of ¡cavcn
inro play in rlc carrl. Wirl many rcfcrcnccs ro kcy Scriprurcs ano
appropriarc illusrrarions of pcrsonal supcrnarural occurrcnccs, lc
makcs lis casc unarguallc. ¡r is incvirallc rlar wlcn rlc lasr pagcs
arc rcao many will lc asking, ¨Wlcrc lavc ¡ lccn? Wly lasn`r
somclooy rolo mc rlis lcforc?¨ Supcrnarural living is nor an op-
rion if rlc Clurcl is ro roucl rlc worlo, ir is a manoarc. Our cloicc
sccms clcar. Coo is rcaoy. Arc wc?
]uck Ju,!v:
Dimcnsions Minisrrics
Mcllournc, Ilorioa
1c·c!v¡:nµ u Su¡c:nutu:u! 1:[cst,!c will makc you glao, mao, or
sao. ¡r will rruly impacr you ano you will nor lc allc ro rcao ir wirl-
our a rcacrion ano rcsponsc! ¡crsonally, ir maoc mc vcry, vcry glao!
¡ so rcsonarc wirl irs mcssagc. ¡r is likc a sworo rlar picrccs
rlrougl rlc occp placcs of rlc soul cxposing, sifring, ano analyz-
ing. 1lis is an oursranoing, ourragcous look.a proplcric manu- aposrolic llucprinr. 1lanks, Kris, for your grcar couragc
ro communicarc mysrcrics rlar many arc longing ro unocrsrano.
1ut::c:u 1:nµ
¡xrrcmc ¡roplcric
¡n rlis pcrsuasivc look, Kris Vallorron cncouragcs rlc Booy
of Clrisr ro scck rlc supcrnarural gifrs of rlc Spirir, offcrs rrain-
ing in rlcir usc, ano incircs us ro clangc rlc worlo wirl rlcm.
You will lc fascinarco wirl lis srorics ano inrriguco ly lis in-
siglrs. ¡f you lavc longco ro movc in powcr or lavc lccn inrim-
ioarco ly rlc oark sioc, rlis look is for you! ¡ rccommcno ir for
cvcry scrious Clrisrian.
1ut 1vvnc
Rccoroing arrisr, movic srar, ano aurlor
1c·c!v¡:nµ u Su¡c:nutu:u! 1:[cst,!c clcarly cxplains rlc gifrs of
rlc ¡oly Spirir ano low ro usc rlcm. ¡c lrings a grcarcr clariry
alour low ro prcparc ano cxpccr proplcric orcams, visions, ano
cxpcricnccs. ¡c also rcaclcs low ro livc a moral lifc ano low ro
oisccrn wlar is rlc ¡oro ano wlar is nor. You oon`r know wlar
you can oo unril you srano up ano rry.rlcn rlc ¡oro will lonor
your fairl, slow up, ano slow off!
1vh ]vncs
¡rincrarc minisrcr ano proplcr
1c·c!v¡:nµ u Su¡c:nutu:u! 1:[cst,!c is vcry cncouraging ro oo
jusr rlar÷ocvclop a supcrnarural lifcsrylc. Kris`s call for pcrsonal
cxpcricncc of Coo ano wirl Coo arc imporranr corrccrions ro a
form of Clrisrianiry in rlc Wcsr rlar so frcqucnrly sulsrirurcs in-
formarion for insrrucrion, oocrrincs alour Coo in placc of rlc
pcrsonal knowlcogc of Coo, ano formulas in placc of raoical, risky
fairl. Kris prcscnrs a vicw of living in rlc Kingoom ano in a
Clurcl rlar las lccn cnoowco wirl grcar lcaury ano powcr, a
lcauriful looy rlar woulo lc oifficulr ro rcjccr. ¡c is nor prcscnr-
ing a form of Clrisrianiry rlar is oogma ano oocrrinc alonc. ¡c is
nor inviring pcoplc ro comc lug a skclcron.
1unu, C!u:k
Clolal Awakcning Aposrolic Missions !crwork
¡arrislurg, ¡cnnsylvania
Iorcworo ............................................17
¡nrrooucrion ........................................19
Claprcr 1 ¡isrory Makcrs ....................................21
Claprcr 2 Vicrims, Vampircs, ano Voiccs ..............37
Claprcr 3 ¡ifc in rlc Kingoom ¡s
a Buncl of Bull ....................................51
Claprcr + Wcaring Son-Classcs ............................ó3
Claprcr 5 ¡iving in Cracclano ..............................S7
Claprcr ó Cursing Clrisrians ..............................113
Claprcr 7 Kccping Sccrcrs ..................................127
Claprcr S Mission ¡mpossillc ............................1+3
Claprcr 9 ¡carning Iorcign ¡anguagcs ..............1ó5
Claprcr 10 Wcapons of Mass Consrrucrion ..........1S3
1able oí Contents

Claprcr 11 Ccrring in rlc Ilcsl ............................199
Claprcr 12 Wisoom Irom Anorlcr Worlo ............221
¡piloguc ............................................2+5
¡n rlc Bcginning ................................2+7
Onc of rlc mosr amazing srorics ¡ lavc cvcr warclco unfolo
las lccn rlc ncarly 30-ycar-long journcy of rlc aurlor inro a
lifcsrylc of rlc supcrnarural. Kris ano ¡ lavc lccn fricnos for all
rlar rimc, ano parrncrs in minisrry for wcll ovcr 20 ycars. ¡is lc-
ginnings wcrc rlc mosr lumllc imaginallc. Bur rlcrc was a
lungcr ano a willingncss ro scrvc rlar cnallco lim ro risc lorl in
cxpcricncc ano srarurc.
1lis journcy lcgan in Mounrain Clapcl of Wcavcrvillc, Cali-
fornia. Day afrcr oay Kris woulo look for any possillc placc ro
scrvc. ¡is passion for morc of an aurlcnric gospcl causco lim ro
grow in maruriry, ano cvcnrually ro a placc of lcaocrslip. ¡c
srooo our lccausc of lis rclcnrlcss pursuir of a supcrnarural
lifcsrylc as a normal parr of rlc cvcryoay Clrisrian cxpcricncc.
Wlilc lc was lorn wirl a srrong proplcric gifring, ir was nor ycr
funcrioning in any pracrical scnsc in rlc carly sragcs of lis qucsr.
Bur rlar soon clangco. Ano mucl of rlc lrcakrlrougls wc cxpc-
ricncco in rlosc ycars wcrc in parr ouc ro Kris`s gifr.


Afrcr moving ro Rcooing, California ro pasror Bcrlcl Clurcl,
¡ askco Kris ro comc ano join my sraff. ¡c saio ycs ano lcfr rlc
lusincss worlo ro oo so. 1lar was alour 9 ycars ago. Somc go ro
scminary or Billc Collcgc ro gcr rrainco. Bur Kris wcnr inro rlc
markcrplacc ro oo lis lcarning as ir was Coo`s assignmcnr for rlar
scason of lis lifc. ¡r woulo lc in rlar cnvironmcnr rlar Coo
woulo rrain Kris in rlc rlings lc lao lopco ro lcarn in a sclool÷
rlc normal Clrisrian lifc of miraclcs, signs ano wonocrs. Afrcr
joining our sraff Coo aooco ro Kris`s sclooling ly cxposing lim
ro anorlcr worlo÷clurcl lifc. ¡r was rlc comlinarion of rlc rwo
rlar Coo usco ro givc lim an cxrraoroinary wisoom alour rlc su-
pcrnarural lifcsrylc lorl in ano our of rlc clurcl. Wlar lc
rcaclcs, lc livcs.
Kris` journcy conrinucs, as oocs minc. 1lcrc is morc availallc
ro anyonc wlo will givc rlcmsclvcs complcrcly ro oisplaying an
aurlcnric gospcl. My lcarr is rlar you woulo givc yoursclf ro lon-
oring our ¡oro ]csus Clrisr ly oisplaying ¡is lovc, claracrcr, ano
powcr. 1lis look will go a long way in making rlc nuch ucs::cu
su¡c:nutu:u! !:[cst,!c a rcaliry in your lifc. ¡ liglly rccommcno
lorl rlc man ano mcssagc, for rlcy arc onc ano rlc samc.
Bill ]olnson
Dcvclopiug a ,a···..·a·./ liícstylc
¡n rlc oays of rlc proplcr ¡lijal, rlcrc arosc a company of
mcn wlo wcrc callco rlc °svns v[ thc ¡:v¡hcts. 1lcsc mcn rrav-
clco rlrouglour rlc worlo ravaging rlc powcrs of oarkncss ano
wrcaking lavoc on cvil kingooms. 1lcy lao no rolcrancc for rlc
ocsrrucrivc lclavior of wickco kings lur rarlcr rurnco many ro
riglrcousncss. 1lcy raisco rlc ocao, lcalco rlc sick, parrco rivcrs,
ocsrroyco falsc proplcrs, ano saw rcvival sprcao our rlrougl rlcir
lano. 1lcy wcrc fcarco ly many ano rcspccrco ly all. 1lcy walkco
in grcar puriry, ano Coo was rlcir fricno.
1ooay, all arouno us, wickconcss conrinucs ro grow, raking
roor in rlc livcs of rlosc wc lovc ano crooing rlc vcry founoarion
of our counrry. Saranism is sprcaoing likc wilofirc. ¡syclics laugl
in rlc facc of rlc Clurcl as rlcy ocmonsrrarc rlc powcr of rlc
oark sioc. Divorcc is ocsrroying our familics ano violcncc our clil-
orcn. Canccr, A¡DS, orlcr oiscascs rakc rlc livcs of so many. Ycr
rlc woros of our ¡oro ]csus cclo rlrougl rlc lalls of lisrory:
°Jhcsc s:µns ¬:!! [v!!v¬ thvsc ¬hv hc!:c·c¨ ano °G:cutc: ¬v:ks thun

Developing a Supernatural

thcsc |you| ¬:!! uv, hccuusc 1 µv tv J, 1uthc:¨ (Mark 1ó:17;
]oln 1+:12 !K]V).
¡n Acrs 3:25, ¡crcr says, °1t :s ,vu ¬hv u:c thc svns v[ thc
¡:v¡hcts.¨ ¡r is rimc for rlc Booy of Clrisr ro risc up ano rc-
ccivc our inlcrirancc! Wc musr rio oursclvcs of complaccncy
ano rcsrorc rlc ancicnr lounoarics of lolincss ano ocmonsrra-
rions of grcar powcr. Wc cannor lc sarisfico wirl illusrrarco
scrmons, grcar music, ano fricnoly scrviccs. Wc lavc lccn
callco ro scc rlc powcrs of oarkncss ocsrroyco ano our ruinco
cirics rcsrorco.
¡n rlc oays of Moscs, Coo ocmonsrrarco ¡is powcr ro
¡laraol, lur ¡laraol counrcr-arrackco ly laving lis sorccrcrs
ouplicarc rlc miraclcs of Coo. 1lcn rlc Coo of ¡cavcn, wlo
las all powcr, pcrformco c·t:uv:u:nu:, miraclcs so rlar cvcn
rlc sorccrcrs saio, ¨1lis musr lc Coo. Wc cannor pcrform
rlcsc miraclcs.¨ Iinally ¡laraol was ovcrcomc ly Coo`s powcr
ano lcr ¡is pcoplc go.
¡ lclicvc rlar rlc ¡laraol of rlis worlo is alour ro lcr go of
our cirics as Coo ocmonsrrarcs ¡is raw, supcrior powcr
rlrougl ¡is Clurcl. Wc arc in rlc miosr of rlc grcarcsr rc-
vival in luman lisrory. Ycr rlcrc rcmains a oisrancc lcrwccn
wlar shvu!u lc ano wlar ¬:!! lc.
That distancc is you!
What will yon bc?
You arc rlc lriogc lcrwccn lisrory
ano 1:s stv:,.
You arc thc svns v[ thc ¡:v¡hcts!
1lc sick, rlc ocmonizco, rlc poor,
rlc llino, rlc lamc ano rlc losr arc all
wairing ro scc wlar you lavc lcarnco.
Ðon`t disappoint thcm!
Dcvclopiug a ,a···..·a·./ liícstylc
Ycu are
tle briJge!

C¡A¡1¡R 1
¡vcry so ofrcn in rlc coursc of lisrory rlcrc arc inoiviouals
lorn wlo ocfy common rcason ano srarisrical cxplanarion. 1lcsc
arc rlc grcar oncs wlo lrcak rlc rcrlcr of rlcir gcncrarional cx-
pccrarions ano risc ro rlc ligl call rlar sccms ro cclo from somc-
wlcrc lcyono rlc gravc.
1lc proplcrs of olo pccrco inro rlc fururc ano spokc of rlcsc vi-
olcnr oncs wlo woulo forcc rlcir way inro rlc Kingoom, rakc lolo
of ¡cavcn, ano pull ir oown ro carrl. 1lcsc rcigning sainrs rcfusc ro
lavc rlcir cxploirs lc a mcrc rcflccrion of rlc pasr, lur insrcao lrcak
rlc gravirarional larricrs of naysaycrs ano ooulrcrs, journcying far
lcyono rlc lounoarics of rcason inro placcs wlcrc no onc las cvcr
gonc lcforc. !lrimarcly rlcy caprurc rlc prizc of rlc upwaro call of
Coo rlar lics in Clrisr ]csus. 1lcsc arc Coo`s lisrory makcrs, rlc
¡oro`s closcn pcoplc, ¡is miglry mcn, ¡is loly narion.
Many of us can fccl rlc vacuum of rlis vorrcx orawing our
lcarrs inro rlis oivinc ocsriny. Wc fino our inncr man longing,
srirring, ano lurning for rlc grcar aovcnrurc. ¡ivc or oic, wc musr
History Makers

prcss rlrougl rlc walls of mcoiocriry ano fino rlc ¡romisco ¡ano
of our souls. Wc livc wirl a passion ro lc numlcrco among rlosc
wlo lavc gainco famc in rlc lalls of ¡cavcn ano arc fcarco
among rlc prison guaros of lcll. ¡f wc arc going ro walk as Coo`s
ruling royalry, ir is incumlcnr upon us ro:
 ¡ray unccasingly.
 Civc sacrificially.
 Drcam unrcasonally.
 Scrvc wlolclcarrcoly.
 ¡ovc unaslamcoly.
 Walk innoccnrly.
 Bclicvc unooulringly.
 ¡ivc powcrfully.
1lcsc arc rlc qualirics of rlc Brioc of Clrisr in all of lcr
glory. Slc is callco ro lc rlc mosr crcarivc forcc on rlc facc of
rlc carrl. 1lcrcforc wc musr nor allow oursclvcs ro lccomc
known for our loxcs÷rlar is, famous for wlar wc oon`r oo lc-
causc of our riglrcous consrricrions. Alralam ¡incoln, Ccorgc
Waslingron, ano Bcnjamin Iranklin lao ccrrain moral valucs
rlar rcsrrainco rlcir lclavior, lur rlcy wcrc famous for wlar
rlcy oio, nor for wlar rlcy oion`r oo! ¡r woulo lc rragic if rlc
mosr crcarivc pcoplc on rlc facc of rlc carrl allowco rlcmsclvcs
ro lc rcoucco ro rcnr-a-cops guaroing a lox (rlc Ark of rlc
Covcnanr) rlar Coo vacarco 2,000
ycars ago.
1lc rrurl is rlar if wc oon`r rakc our
riglrful placc in rlc carrl, wc will rclc-
garc sinncrs, voio of rlc mino of Clrisr,
larrco from rlc wisoom of rlc agcs,
ano wanocring in urrcr oarkncss, ro
lcing rlc mosr lrillianr minos of our
rimc! ¡f rlc lriglrcsr liglr in rlis worlo
Dcvclopiug a ,a···..·a·./ liícstylc
Dcn´t beccne
fancus fcr
ulat ycu
Jcn´t Jc.

lclongs ro rlosc lockco in oarkncss, low
grcar woulo rlc oarkncss lc in our worlo?
Somcrling is funoamcnrally wrong wirl
rlis picrurc, lur rlis is our lrain on rcli-
gion. Rcligion is likc krypronirc ro Supcr-
man. Rcligion can conform rlc mosr
riglrcous, rcigning sainrs inro minolcss
zomlics, puppcrs rcpcaring somconc
clsc`s convicrions rlcy oon`r cvcn unocr-
srano rlcmsclvcs.
A11ACK OI 1¡¡ C¡O!¡S
¡ am convincco rlar rcligion is rlc farlcr of gcncric cloning.
Rcligion invcnrco cloning long lcforc rlc worlo cvcr rlouglr of
ir. Rcligion las a way of sucking rlc mosr powcrful pcoplc on rlc
plancr inro a spirirual look-a-likc conrcsr ano calling ir oisciplc-
slip. 1ruc oisciplcslip is mcanr ro cmpowcr pcoplc ro lc rrans-
formco inro rlc imagc of rlcir Crcaror, lur rcligion rcocfincs rlc
rcrms, conforming pcoplc inro rcplicas of rlcir lcaocrs. Rcligion
rakcs Coo`s miglry mcn ano makcs rlcm arrifacrs in a muscum.
Rcligious pcoplc, likc rlc ¡larisccs of olo, lavc rlc larocsr
rimc rcacling our ro folks wlo rlink ¨oursioc of rlc lox¨ ano
oon`r lclavc insioc rlcir lopclcss slacklcs. ¡arr of rlc srrugglc
comcs from wlar rlcy lavc oonc ro rlc Savior of rlc worlo.
1lcy lavc srcrilizco rlc Cospcl. ]csus rook warcr ano rurnco ir
ro winc, lur 2,000 ycars larcr rooay`s ¡larisccs lavc oilurco ir ro
grapc juicc. Rcligion las rcoucco rlc supcrnarural powcr of Coo
ro a lisrory lcsson alour scrving rlc ocao looy of a lclplcss
Clrisr wlo, srill nailco ro rlc Cross, is incapallc of rocking rlcir
sacrco loar. 1lcy cmplasizc rlc orowning of laprism, arguing
ovcr low pcoplc sloulo gcr wcr ano wlar sloulo lc saio ovcr
rlcm ouring rlcir oipping. Rcligious pcoplc lavc losr roucl wirl
rlc facr rlar rlc lolo prinr of laprism is nor on rlc ocsccnr lur
H.s:.r, M.|:rs

Beligicn is lile
tc Sujernan.

on rlc asccnsion. 1lc ocarl of Clrisr paio for our sins, lur ir was
¡is rcsurrccrion rlar gavc lifc ro our morral looics.
Rcligion cmlraccs ocarl saoisrically ano movcs rlc riscn Clrisr
our of rlc garocn ano lack ro rlc roml. Rcligious pcoplc pray
rlings likc ¨Coo, kill mc,¨ nor rcalizing rlar cvcn rlc Onc wlo
camc ro givc ¡is lifc as a ransom for us all, prayco °1uthc:, :[ Jvu
u:c ¬:!!:nµ, :cnv·c th:s cu¡ |of ocarl| [:vn Jc; ,ct nvt J, ¬:!!, hut
Jvu:s hc uvnc¨ (¡ukc 22:+2). ]csus oio nor wanr ro oic; ¡c wanrco
ro oo ¡is Iarlcr`s will. ¡f rcligion lao irs way ir woulo rcwrirc
Mary`s proclamarion ro rcao, ¨¡c is in rlc roml jusr wlcrc wc laio
¡im!¨ Wc lavc losr siglr of rlc facr rlar rlc Cross was for rlc olo
man, nor rlc ncw man, ano rlar rlc rruc Clrisrian lifc is nor alour
oying for Clrisr, lur living in rlc lifc ¡c purclasco for us ro csral-
lisl ¡is Kingoom on carrl! 1lc Clurcl musr slakc off rlc slack-
lcs of rcligion ano cmlracc our supcrnarural ocsriny.
1lc worlo is crying our in oisrrcss, ano wc musr nor miss
rlis ku::vs momcnr, rlc opporruniry of rlc agcs. ¡n rlc larc
sixrics, rlc Bcarlcs rook Amcrica ly srorm. ¡n a fcw slorr
ycars, four loys from ¡ivcrpool alrcrco rlc coursc of our na-
rion`s lisrory. Soon afrcr, rlc worlo was swcpr inro rlc wakc
of rlcir anoinring÷all wlilc rlcy wcrc singing ¨Ycal, ycal,
ycal.¨ Bur ir wasn`r long lcforc rlc ¨Ial Iour¨ srarrco ro cx-
pcricncc a crisis in rlcir own souls.
1lcy lcgan ro cry our in ocspcra-
rion, singing:
(¡clp) ¡ ncco somclooy
(¡clp) !or jusr anylooy
(¡clp) You know ¡ ncco somconc
Wlcn ¡ was youngcr, so mucl
youngcr rlan rooay,
Dcvclopiug a ,a···..·a·./ liícstylc
Tle Crcss uas
fcr tle clJ
nan÷nct tle
neu nan.

¡ ncvcr nccoco anylooy`s lclp in any way.
Bur now rlcsc oays arc gonc
¡`m nor so sclf-assurco
!ow ¡ fino ¡`vc clangco my mino
¡`vc opcnco up rlc ooors.
¡clp mc if you can, ¡`m fccling oown
Ano ¡ oo apprcciarc you lcing `rouno.
¡clp mc gcr my fccr lack on rlc grouno
Won`r you plcasc, plcasc lclp mc!
1c!¡!, 1lc Bcarlcs,
Capirol Rccoros, © 19ó5
Bur rlcir cr y for lclp fcll on ocaf cars in rlc sancruary of
lopc, ano soon rlcy wcrc call ing ¡arc Krislna rlci r
¨swccr loro.¨ 1lc Clurcl can`r afforo ro fall aslccp in rlc
larvcsr rooay as wc lavc oonc so many rimcs in rlc pasr.
Wc arc nor supposco ro rcflccr our culrurc; wc arc commis-
sionco ro rransform ir.
Wc arc cal lco ro oisci pl c al l rlc nari ons of rlc worl o.
Di scipl ing narions mcans sulmcrging rlcm i n Coo÷nor
rcligion÷ano °tcuch:nµ thcn tv vhsc: ·c u!! thut 1
cvnnunucu ,vu¨ (Marr. 2S:20). 1cacli ng narions low
ro rli nk is rlc rransformarional
caralysr ro clanging culrurcs. Bur as
long as Clrisrians arcn`r valuco in
socicry rlcy wi ll lavc no influcncc
in rlc worl o. (You onl y lavc as
mucl influcncc in pcoplc`s livcs as
rlcy lavc valuc for you. Anyrimc
you rry ro lavc morc influcncc rlan
somconc las valuc for you, you will
manipularc rlcm.)
H.s:.r, M.|:rs

Clristians nust
be ialueJ
in scciety tc
laie influence
in tle ucrlJ.

¡r is impcrarivc rlar wc lccomc kings wlo unocrsrano rlc ways
rlar royal pcoplc influcncc aurloriry. Orlcrwisc wc will rcoucc
oursclvcs ro social lcgging, loping rlar rlc B¡C, powcrful pcoplc
fccl compassion for us ano lclp our causc. 1lis poisonous povcrry
mino-scr rcouccs rlc Clrisrian mcssagc ro a cry for lclp insrcao of a
call for lcaocrslip. Wc oon`r ncco narions ro clangc for our sakc.
Wc lavc a living, alioing, unslakallc Kingoom rlar owclls wirlin
us ano prospcrs unocr all circumsranccs. Wc ncco rlc narions ro
clangc for rlc sakc of rlosc srill losr in oarkncss. 1lcy ncco rlc cul-
rurc arouno rlcm ro crcarc a safc cnvironmcnr for rlcm unril rlcy
gcr rlc Kingoom wirlin rlcm.
1lis culrural lcgging las rclcgarco rlc Kingoom of Coo ro a
sulculrurc. Coo ncvcr inrcnoco Clrisrianiry ro lc a sulculrurc.
Sulculrurcs arc rlosc culrurcs rlar arc sulscrvicnr ro a morc
powcrful culrurc. 1lc worlo`s commcnrary on rlc firsr-ccnrury
Clurcl rcflccrs rlc rruc influcncc wc arc mcanr ro lavc in socicry.
1lcy proclaimco, °Jhcsc ¬hv hu·c tu:ncu thc ¬v:!u u¡s:uc uv¬n
hu·c cvnc hc:c tvv¨ (Acrs 17:ó !K]V). Wc arc callco ro rurn rlc
worlo arouno ano scr ir lack on irs fccr again. Wc arc ro lc
counrcr-culrurc unril rlc mino-scr of rlc narions lcgins ro rakc
on rlc arriruoc of rlc Kingoom. Clrisrians arc nor sulscrvicnr ro
rlc worlo lccausc Coo las assignco us rlc liglcsr lcvcl of au-
rloriry rlar cxisrs on rlis plancr.
Wlcn Clrisrians losc rlcir ocsirc ano couragc ro confronr rlc
cvils of our oay lonorally, wc lcgin ro
lc influcncco ly rlc lying principali-
rics rlar arc also commissionco ro ois-
ciplc rlc narions, lur wirl an anriclrisr
agcnoa. 1lcsc ocmonic forccs work ro
ocrlronc rlc ¡rincc of ¡cacc, wlo is
rlc riglrful ¨princc¨ of rlc principlcs
rlar makc socicrics prospcr, ano in-
srcao cnrlronc rlc princc of oarkncss.
Conscqucnrly, rlc cnalling principlcs
Dcvclopiug a ,a···..·a·./ liícstylc
CcJ neier
intenJeJ Clris-
tianity tc be a

of a culrurc lccomc ocmonically inspirco insrcao of Kingoom in-
Spirirco. 1lis oark princc works ro csrallisl cvil rlinking rlar
lcaos ro ocsrrucrivc lclaviors. Bur wlcn ]csus rulcs, ¡c cnallcs
rlc principlcs of rlc King ro rransform rlc culrurc rlrougl rlc
mino of Clrisr. ¡n orlcr woros, pcoplc in a narion govcrnco ly
rlc Kingoom lcgin ro rlink likc Coo!
¡owcvcr, ir is imporranr rlar wc lcarn low ro carry ¡is powcr
ano aurloriry. ¡f wc lclicvcrs lccomc comlarivc insrcao of lonor-
ally confronring, wc will rcoucc our influcncc ro rlc small pono of
rlc clurcl ano rcnocr oursclvcs powcrlcss in rlc occan of lumaniry.
Wc arc ro carry Coo`s aurloriry inro rlc livcs of pcoplc ano narions
rlrougl invirarion, nor rlrougl inrrusion or invasion. Alrlougl wc
arc callco ro lc comlarivc wlcn ocaling wirl rlc powcrs of oark-
ncss, wc arc ro lc lonorally confronring wirl pcoplc, ocmonsrrar-
ing rlc lcncfirs ano rcwaros of a supcrior Kingoom.
Danicl lao a vision of rlc ¡asr Days rlar slcos liglr on rlc
poinr ¡ am aoorcssing lcrc. ¡c wrorc:
|1lc ocvil| ¬:!! s¡cuk vut uµu:nst thc Jvst 1:µh unu
¬cu: uv¬n thc su:nts v[ thc 1:µhcst Onc, unu hc ¬:!! :n-
tcnu tv uukc uItc:ut1ons 1n t1ucs und 1n Iuw; unu thc,
¬:!! hc µ:·cn :ntv h:s hunu [v: u t:nc, t:ncs, unu hu![ u
t:nc. 1ut thc cvu:t ¬:!! s:t [v: ,uuµncnt, unu h:s uvn:n-
:vn ¬:!! hc tukcn u¬u,, unn:h:!utcu unu ucst:v,cu [v:c·c:.
Jhcn thc sv·c:c:µnt,, thc uvn:n:vn unu thc µ:cutncss v[ u!!
thc k:nµuvns unuc: thc ¬hv!c hcu·cn ¬:!! hc µ:·cn tv thc
¡cv¡!c v[ thc su:nts v[ thc 1:µhcst Onc; 1:s k:nµuvn ¬:!! hc
un c·c:!ust:nµ k:nµuvn, unu u!! thc uvn:n:vns ¬:!! sc:·c
unu vhc, 1:n (Danicl 7:25-27).
H.s:.r, M.|:rs

Danicl saw rlc ocvil apprclcnoing rlc ¨rimcs¨ or cpocl sca-
sons ano clanging rlc law. 1lcsc cpocl scasons or ¨rimcs¨ arc
similar ro rlc rimc pcrioos wc call rlc agriculrural agc, rlc inous-
rrial agc, ano rlc informarion agc. ¡alfway rlrougl rlc rliro
cpocl, Coo srrippco aurloriry from rlc ocvil ano gavc ir ro rlc
sainrs. 1lc ocvil rrico ro alrcr rlc rimcs ly clanging rlc law. 1lc
law mcnrionco lcrc is nor rlc 1oral, lur rlc occrccs ano rlc
rulcs of socicry. Clangcs in rlc law arc signs of rlc rimcs ano
manifcsrarions of rlc ncw valuc sysrcms of mankino in a parricular
cpocl. ¡pocl scasons arc alrcrco wlcn pcoplc lcgin ro rlink oif-
fcrcnrly ano ocvclop srrucrurcs ro susrain rlcir ncw ano cmcrging
1lcsc srrucrurcs arc luilr insioc of pcoplc lcforc rlcy cvcr
cmcrgc as occrccs ano rulcs in rlc socicry arouno rlcm. 1lcsc in-
rcrnal srrucrurcs arc consrrucrco rlrougl ocmonically inspirco
¨in-srrucrion¨ rlar las slapco rlcir souls. ¡aul rcaclcs us alour
1v: thvuµh ¬c ¬u!k :n thc [!csh, ¬c uv nvt ¬u: uccv:u:nµ
tv thc [!csh, [v: thc ¬cu¡vns v[ vu: ¬u:[u:c u:c nvt v[ thc
[!csh, hut u:·:nc!, ¡v¬c:[u! [v: thc ucst:uct:vn v[ [v:t:csscs.
1c u:c ucst:v,:nµ s¡ccu!ut:vns unu c·c:, !v[t, th:nµ :u:scu
u¡ uµu:nst thc knv¬!cuµc v[ Gvu, unu ¬c u:c tuk:nµ c·c:,
thvuµht cu¡t:·c tv thc vhcu:cncc v[ Ch::st (2 Corinrlians
¡aul ocscrilcs forrrcsscs as s¡ccu!ut:vns, !v[t, th:nµs, ano
thvuµhts. Iorrrcsscs arc sysrcms of firmly lclo wrong lclicfs rlar
squcczc rlc lifc of Coo our of rlc lcarrs of pcoplc, clanging rlc
culrurc in a way rlar ulrimarcly lijacks rlc oivinc ocsriny of na-
rions rlcmsclvcs. 1lcsc forrrcsscs arc asscmllco lrick ly lrick
rlrougl rlc inrcnrional :n-st:uct:vn of ocmonic s¡ccu!ut:vns÷
sucl spccularions as, ¨1lcrc is no Crcaror. ¡ifc rranspirco
rlrougl a lig lang.¨ Or low alour rlis onc: ¨A fcrus is nor a
laly; ir is jusr rissuc unril ir cmcrgcs from rlc morlcr`s woml.
1lcn ir suoocnly lccomcs a luman lcing.¨ 1v[t, th:nµs, or
Dcvclopiug a ,a···..·a·./ liícstylc
arroganr arriruocs, arc sccn in srarcmcnrs sucl as, ¨Man is goo
ano rlcrc is no onc ro wlom lc nccos ro sulmir.¨ Jhvuµhts can
lc many rlings, lur cvcry rlouglr is an inrcrprcrarion of rcaliry,
ano rlus is connccrco ro a lclicf sysrcm lasco cirlcr on rrurl or
lics. Wrong rlouglrs unocrminc rlc lovc of rlc Briocgroom ano
ulrimarcly prooucc lclavior rlar ocnics wlo wc arc, sincc wc
wcrc maoc in rlc imagc of our loving
1lc grcar ncws is rlar Coo is calling
¡is Clurcl ro ocvclop a supcrnarural
lifcsrylc rlar cquips rlc sainrs of rlc
Mosr ¡igl wirl wcapons of warfarc rlar
arc nor of rlc flcsl lur rlar arc oivincly
powcrful, supcrnarurally inspirco arsc-
nals of mass ocsrrucrion! !nocr rlc
covcr of oarkncss, rlc ¡oro las lccn ois-
rriluring rlcsc wcapons of liglr ro prc-
parc us for a mass invasion againsr rlc cvil forccs rlar lavc lioocn
our in rlc lcarrs of mcn. 1lcsc cvil spirirs arc rlc ulrimarc looy
snarclcrs. Bur ¡cavcn is invaoing carrl, frccing caprivcs ano rc-
lcasing prisoncrs.
¡n rlc oays of Danicl, !cluclaoncz-
zar ocsrroyco ¡sracl ano rook Danicl ano
lis rlrcc fricnos caprivc. Bur rlc Balylo-
nians unocrcsrimarco rlc ¨X facror.¨ ¡ikc
rlc supcrlcrocs in an acrion movic, rlcsc
loys lcgan supcrnarurally ano sysrcmari-
cally ro oismanrlc rlc wickco sysrcms of
ancicnr ¡raq from rlc insioc. !cluclao-
nczzar rlouglr rlar lc lao caprurco four
young ]cwisl laos, lur ir was rlc Balylo-
nians wlo wcrc rakcn prisoncr ly rlc Coo of ¡cavcn. Ovcr rlc
ncxr 70 ycars rlcsc mcn cscapco rlc furnacc, rurnco lions inro
pussycars, ano clangco rlc narion`s lisrory rlrougl proplcric
proclamarions ano orcam inrcrprcrarions.
H.s:.r, M.|:rs
íiil sjirits
are tle
bcJy snatclers.
tle ßabylcnians
tlrcugl fcur
ycung laJs.

1RA¡!¡!C IOR 1¡¡ WOR¡D
!nlikc rlc minisrry of Danicl, mucl of rlc supcrnarural minisrry
in rlc ncw millcnnium rcminos mc of rlc four-wlccl-orivc vcliclcs in
rlc lig ciry wlcrc ¡ grcw up. ¡r was cool ro own a four-wlccl-orivc
rruck in rlc Bay Arca, ano guys woulo luy rlcsc rrucks, jack rlcm
way up in rlc air, pur on lugc rircs ano a rriplc roll lar, ano orcss
rlcm in clromc. Ycars larcr wc movco way up in rlc mounrains of
rlc 1riniry Alps. Onc of rlc firsr rlings ¡ noricco was rlar nolooy
lao jackco up, clromco our rrucks. Mosr of rlcsc mounrain folks
ownco ruggco-looking four-wlccl-orivcs wirl lcar-up painr jols ano
narrow rircs rlar coulo lirc in rlc snow, lccausc rlcy usco rlcm ro
gcr in ano our of rlc wooos in rlc mioolc of rlc winrcr. 1lcy oion`r
own rlcm ro pcrpcruarc rlcir imagc. 1lcsc rrucks wcrc jusr picccs of
cquipmcnr rlc mounrain folks nccoco ro livc.
Coo ncvcr inrcnoco rlc gifrs of rlc Spirir ro lc confinco ro rlc
four walls of rlc Clurcl. Mosr of rlc miraclcs in rlc Billc rook placc
off rlc loly liglway in rlc ruggco lackwooos of rlc markcrplacc.
1lankfully, rlcrc is a grcar rransirion lappcning in rlc Kingoom. Wc
arc moving from rlc minisrry tv rlc sainrs ro rlc minisrry v[ rlc
sainrs. Clurcl is rlc placc wlcrc wc go ro gcr cquippco wirl rlc
¬cu¡vns v[ ¬u:[u:c, ano ir is a grcar placc ro pracricc unril wc gcr pro-
ficicnr wirl rlcm, unocr rlc guioancc of cxpcricncco insrrucrors. Bur
ir is imporranr ro cquip, ocvclop, ano rrain wirl ocploymcnr in mino.
1lc prcvious war in ¡raq is a grcar cxamplc of rlis. ¡n Dcscrr
Srorm rlc !nirco Srarcs milirary founo irsclf ill prcparco for rlc lar-
rlc. Our ranks, lclicoprcrs, ano guns fillco up wirl sano ano lrokc
oown. Our camouflagco uniforms sruck our likc a sorc rluml in rlc
sanos of ¡raq ano our rroops wcrc nor prcparco for rlc incrcoillc
lcar ano sanosrorms rlar plaguco rlcm in rlc ocscrr. Onc of rlc
main prollcms coulo lc rracco lack ro rlc facr rlar our rroops lao
lccn prcparco wirl rlc junglcs of Vicrnam in mino. 1lc ocscrr of
¡raq was a far cry from rlc rropical clallcngcs of junglc warfarc. Bur
ly rlc rimc rlc sccono ¡raq War lcgan, Amcrica was rcaoy lccausc
Dcvclopiug a ,a···..·a·./ liícstylc
our rroops lao lccn cquippco ano
rrainco wirl rlar parricular larrlcficlo in
Mosr Clrisrians arc nor prcparco for
rlc larrlc rlar awairs rlcm in rlc markcr-
placc lccausc rlcy lavc rrainco in rlc
uscr-fricnoly cnvironmcnr of ¨Iorr
Cusl.¨ !or only wcrc rlcy rrainco
unvnµ nicc pcoplc wlo alrcaoy know
Coo ano spcak Clrisriancsc, rlcy lavc
t:u:ncu [v: thcn! ¡r is laro ro lc prcparco for rlc lion`s ocn wlilc
rraining wirl ano for pussycars.
¡cr mc makc ir clcar; rlc clurcl sloulo lc a safc placc ro pracricc
ano grow in rlc ¡oly Spirir`s gifrs. Bur if wc rrain only [v: thc Chu:ch
wc will lc complcrcly incffccrivc among rlosc losr in oarkncss. You
can only sir in rlc simularor so long lcforc you finally lavc ro go our
ano rakc a orivc in rlc rcal rling.
¡ rcmcmlcr wlcn our youngcsr son, ]ason, firsr lcarnco ro sloor a
low ano arrow. Wc livco in rlc wooos, so wc scr up a rargcr for lim
on somc lalcs of lay lclino our lousc. ¡c was fivc ycars olo wlcn
wc louglr lim lis firsr compouno low. ¡c woulo go our in rlc
lackyaro ano sloor rlar rling for lours. 1lcn onc oay ¡ noricco rlar
wlcn lc pickco up rlc low ro go oursioc, our oog cowcrco ano ran
our rlc ooor rlc orlcr way. You can only pracricc for so long lcforc
you srarr gcrring rlc urgc ro rry your skill on somcrling rlar`s living.
Ar Bcrlcl Sclool of Supcrnarural Minisrry wc rrain our sru-
ocnrs wirl rlc markcrplacc in mino. Ior insrancc, wlcn rlcy arc
lcarning ro minisrcr in rlc woro of knowlcogc or proplccy wc
rry ro simularc rlc placc of ocploymcnr as mucl as possillc. 1lc
sruocnrs marcl up onc-on-onc. 1lcy arc rlcn insrrucrco ro ask
rlc ¡oly Spirir for a woro of knowlcogc or proplccy for rlcir
parrncr in 30 scconos. 1lcrc is no music playing in rlc lack-
grouno ano rlcy lavc ro rry cvcn if rlcy gcr ir wrong. 1lcy arc
H.s:.r, M.|:rs
Training uitl
jussycats ucn´t
jrejare ycu fcr
tle licn´s Jen.

ro oclivcr rlc mcssagc in convcrsarional ¡nglisl, nor yclling,
slaking, oramarizing rlc woro or using King ]amcs languagc.
Wly oo wc rcquirc rlcm ro pracricc likc rlis? Bccausc you
won`r rypically lavc a lcauriful song playing in rlc lackgrouno
wlcn you minisrcr ar rlc mall. Wc only givc rlcm 30 scconos so
rlcy gcr usco ro gcrring a woro quickly ano oon`r miss opporru-
nirics in rlc markcrplacc. 1lcy oclivcr rlc woro in plain, convcr-
sarional ¡nglisl so rlar pcoplc in rlc worlo can rclarc ro rlcm.
Wc also lavc rlcm juogc cacl orlcr`s minisrry ro ocrcrminc if ir
was from Coo ano if ir was oclivcrco accurarcly. Wc rcll rlcm,
¨1urn off your mcrcy gifr wlcn you arc giving your parrncr fcco-
lack. 1lcy ncco an loncsr analysis of rlcir minisrry, nor flarrcry.¨
Wlcn rlc sruocnrs srarr gaining cxpcricncc ano lcgin ro gcr
prcrry accurarc, wc scno rlcm, accompanico ly a marurc lcaocr,
inro rlc markcrplacc, rlc srrccrs, ano rlc sclools ro minisrcr ro
rcal pcoplc. Wlcn rlcy rcrurn, wc oclricf wirl rlcm so rlcy can
gain insiglr inro low ro lccomc morc cffccrivc.
¡ikc rlc Bcrlcl Sclool of Supcrnarural Minisrry, rlis look is
ocoicarco ro ocvcloping rcvivalisrs wlo makc lisrory. My praycr is
rlar rlcsc rcvivalisrs lccomc:
 ¡umllc, lur nor larmlcss.
 ¡onorallc, lur nor suck-ups.
 Dcpcnoallc, lur nor prcoicrallc.
 Bolo, lur nor lrasl.
 ¡oly, lur nor lolllco.
 ¡aricnr, lur nor passivc.
 ¡owcrful, lur nor conrrolling.
 ¡ncouraging, wirlour flarrcring.
 Ccnrlc, lur nor rimio.
 Moocsr, lur nor oocilc.
 Confiocnr, lur nor cocky.
 Srcaofasr, lur nor srullorn.
 1caclallc, lur nor ramc.
 Kino, lur nor lcnign.
Dcvclopiug a ,a···..·a·./ liícstylc
 Disccrning, lur nor suspicious.
 Confronrarional, lur nor comlarivc.
 1ougl, lur nor rigio.
 Sulmissivc, lur nor sulouco.
 Scrious, lur nor somlcr.
 Risky, ycr wisc.
 ¡caccful, lur nor carclcss.
 Sponrancous, ycr prcparco.
 Civing, ycr allc ro rcccivc.
 1ransparcnr, lur allc ro kccp a sccrcr.
 ¡xrrcmc, ycr lalancco.
 Spirir-lco, lur sclf-conrrollco.
 Sulmirrco ro mcn, lur following Coo.
¡f your lcarr lurns ro lc famous in ¡cavcn ano known in lcll
ano if you lavc rlc couragc ro rcao on, ¡ will mccr you in rlc
pagcs of rlis look.
H.s:.r, M.|:rs

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