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Small Group Ministry

Youth Edifications




THEME: The Real Star of Christmas

Matthew 2:1-11, 2 Corinthians 11:3, Colossians 2:8, 2 Peter 1:19

[Now read Hebrews 2:1] In all fairness, theres nothing wrong with gift giving, family time, beautiful decorations, colorful lights, delicious meals, tempting cookies and desserts, Christmas vacation, and all the other things that we enjoy at Christmastime. All these have their place, providing we keep them in their proper perspective. However, once we allow them to outshine Christ, well be letting the most important things slip. This is how the cares of this life distract from the simplicity that is in Christ. To a point, its understandable why those who dont believe in Christ have made food, gifts, decorations, and whatever else the star of their Christmas celebrations. But, we, who follow Jesus, should not be led astray by the traditions and teachings of this world.

Questions: (CS Note: Ask as many or as few questions as time permits.)

1. What danger is there in being distracted by other things at Christmas? (* If other things become too important to us, it gradually will erode our faith.) 2. How can we tell when were putting too much focus on other things besides Christ at Christmastime? (* Consider- how much time do you spend thinking about, talking about, and hearing about Jesus at Christmas?) (* Consider- how much of your entertainment is Christ centered?) 3. What are some of the non-spiritual Christmas trappings in your life that tend to distract you and take your attention off Christ? 4. What can we do to keep the true meaning of Christs birth fresh and alive in our hearts at Christmastime? (* Keep the majority of your entertainment Christ-centered.) (* Discuss this subject with your Christian friends.) (* Pray and think about the true meaning of Christs birth.) (* Ask Jesus to reveal a fresh perspective to you about His birth.) 5. How can we allow the light of Christ, the real star of Christmas, to shine through us more brightly this Christmas season? (* Talk about the real meaning of Christs birth with a non-Christian friend or acquaintance.) (* Invite a non-Christian friend or acquaintance to a spiritual Christmas program.) (* Invite a non-Christian friend or acquaintance to cell.) PLEASE TURN PAGE FOR THE VISION!

When the wise men came from the East, they followed a shining star to the city of Bethlehem in Judaea. Yet, in spite of its brilliance, the star they were following was not the star they were looking for. They sought the newborn King of the Jews, so they might worship Him and present their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrryh. The interesting thing is, the same star that guided them to Bethlehem inadvertently took some of the attention off the Christ-child, who was God manifest in the flesh. Sad to say, the same is true today, for there are many stars that compete with Jesus Christ, the real star of Christmas. One of these is all the gifts and presents that accompany Christmas. Certainly, gift giving is a wonderful tradition, but we must be careful, lest we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of shopping, wrapping, giving, receiving, and returning presents to the point where this becomes a bigger part of Christmas than Christs birth. Another star that can distract us is the wonderful time we spend with our families at Christmas. [Now read Matthew 10:34-37] In a national survey conducted in 1996, George Barna discovered that 88% of Americans claim to be Christians, but only 37% consider Christs birth the most significant part of Christmas. The majority (44%) said that family time was more important to them. To be sure, these figures include many nominal Christians, but we shouldnt ignore this because Jesus warned that some people would put their families ahead of Him. A big part of the problem is that were too familiar with the Christmas story. Each year, it remains unchanged, while dozens of new and exciting products appear on the store shelves each December. One example of this is childrens toys, as any parent can testify. And, although we dont like to admit it, the Christmas story would be more glamorous if Christ was born in a beautiful palace instead of in a lowly stable. Nevertheless, Christs humble entrance into the world symbolizes His willingness to make Himself available to rich and poor alike, as well as His desire to restore His relationship with lost humanity. The poor might have felt excluded if He was born in a palace, so He chose to be born in a stable, instead.

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