MBA Marketing Comprehensive Exam Questions

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Institute of Business Administration University of Dhaka Comprehensive Exam: June 2007 Major: Marketing Time: 4 hours

CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 1. Explain Green Marketing with an example. 2. Explain Classical Conditioning with an example. 3. Define Brand Equity. MARKETING COMMUNICATION

[25 marks]

[25 marks]

1. Why advertising is called the awareness builder"? Explain with help of an example what it means to say that advertising creates a psychological relationship between a brand and its customers. Why is trust the primary construct in a brand relationship? List and describe the various stakeholders groups. Please elaborate how support of each stake holders group affects brand equity. MARKETING RESEARCH [25 marks]

1. Explain with the help of an example the difference between the four levels of scale. 2. Explain with the help of an example the difference between the various types of probability and non probability sampling. 3. Differentiate between the various types of qualitative research techniques. 4. Relate the various types of hypothesis with the types of scales and statistical analysis. MARKETING MAMAGEMENT [25 marks]

1. Develop a comprehensive marketing plan for the newly introduced Train Service between Dhaka and Kolkata. (Marketing)

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