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Rating Scale 4: Expert Excellent

Organization Lab report is properly and neatly formatted and organized with all required sections and contains properly formatted Cardigan heading

Introduction Contains at least three complete sentences describing and explaining all facts and details about investigations topic

Problem Contains one complete sentence defining problem to be tested in a way that will allow for relevant data to be collected

Hypothesis Contains one complete sentence which directly addresses problem statement

Materials Lists all appropriate materials needed to conduct investigation utilizing bullet list format

Procedure Contains numbered list of steps, in complete sentences, needed to accurately complete investigation

Data Contains all relevant observations and collected information in complete sentences or in charts or tables

3: Practitioner Very Good

Lab report is properly formatted and organized with all required sections and contains Cardigan heading

Contains at least two complete sentences describing some facts and details about investigations topic

Contains sentence defining problem to be tested

Contains sentence which addresses problem

Lists materials needed to conduct investigation

Lists steps needed to accurately complete investigation

Contains observations and collected information in sentence or chart form

2: Apprentice Unclear

Lab report contains some of the required sections

Contains at least one complete sentence describing some facts about investigations topic

Contains statement somewhat defining problem to be tested

Contains statement which somewhat addresses problem

Lists some of the materials needed to conduct investigation

Lists some of the steps needed to complete investigation

Contains some observations and collected information

Conclusion Addresses validity of hypothesis, explains and analyses all data collected and observations recorded, and contains suggestions for altering investigation to better address problem statement in at least five complete sentences Addresses validity of hypothesis, explains data collected, and contains suggestions for making investigation better in at least three complete sentences Somewhat addresses hypothesis and data collected and contains suggestions for improving investigation Does not address hypothesis and data collected and does not contain suggestions for improving investigation

1: Novice Lacks Effort

Lab report is not neatly and/or properly formatted and organized and does not contain all required sections

Contains some facts

Contains statement which does not define problem to be tested

Contains statement which does not address problem

Lists a few of the materials needed to conduct investigation

Contains a few of the steps needed to complete investigation

Contains a few observations

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