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2 theSun | WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 24 2008

news without borders

Ungku Aziz shows some

documents during the
press conference. Ungku Aziz wants swift action
on Angkasa ‘irregularities’
by Faith Labunda the CCM on Oct 23 and Nov 18. However, to signatures to remove him as Angkasa date, no apparent action has been taken. president. He was later declared the
Ungku Aziz attributed five events to the legitimate president by CCM on May 5.
KUALA LUMPUR: National Cooperative continuing “saga of indifference”. They are: The signatures were originally given
Organisation of Malaysia (Angkasa) presi- » The secret Concorde Conspiracy (a in a bid to revoke the suspension of two
dent Royal Professor Ungku Aziz Ungku meeting by a group of Angkasa manage- office bearers, pending investigations.
Abdul Hamid yesterday demanded swift ment members); “Why was the list of signatures used
action from Cooperative Commission of » The unjust suspension of the general for the removal of the president when it
Malaysia (CCM) in the probe on alleged manager from his post on March 24; was initially stated that it was to be used
irregularities within Angkasa. » The improper restructuring of two for a letter of appeal to the president to
“I am upset with the lack of enthu- departments in Angkasa – the finance revoke the suspension of the two office
siastic response and the avoidance of manager had his responsibilities dimin- bearers? These questions can only be
any reasonable reactions on the matter ished, the Angkasa Service Bureau (ASB) answered by a prompt and thorough
by CCM. The observance of financial chairman replaced and a new post of investigation,” Ungku Aziz said.
and administrative irregularities in the ASB acting manager created; “The relevant authorities concerned
processing of loan approvals and repay- » The erosion of duties by the head of should conduct a thorough investigation
ment deductions in Angkasa, highlighted security assurance; and into the Concorde Conspiracy and the
in an internal investigation report sub- » The approval of allowances amount- investigation reports dated Oct 23 and
mitted to CCM, is serious. ing to between RM15,000 and RM25,000 Nov 18. If offences or irregularities had
“About RM20 million is at stake daily,” each to core management members be- taken place, then action must be taken
Ungku Aziz said at a press conference. tween March 24 and May 5 when Ungku promptly and without fear or favour.
The internal probe was carried out by Aziz was removed from office. “It is of paramount importance that
an Angkasa administrative committee on Ungku Aziz said the Concorde Con- the interest of Angkasa and its members
Jan 25 and its findings were presented to spiracy involved the misuse of member be protected at all times,” he said.

Low says MB has other plans for her

» From Front Page she completes this task and proving the delivery system and
ends her service in PKNS, Low providing value added services to
Ibrahim in protest. PAS assem- said: “I believe the MB has other the public and increasing the ben-
blymen also took up the issue, plans for me.” efits to stakeholders and staff.
saying the post should be held However, she scoffed at the Othman has 25 years of ex-
by a Malay. idea that this involved her taking perience in the construction and
When met after the press con- charge of another state GLC, say- property industry in Malaysia,
ference, Low, whose services in ing: “I had already created one Australia and United Kingdom.
the company has been extended issue and I don’t want to start He received his secondary
for a year starting November, said another one.” education at Maktab Rendah
the issue had been resolved as At the press conference to an- Sains Mara, Seremban where he
the six associations later issued nounce the appointment, Abdul was later awarded a scholarship
an apology to the mentri besar. Khalid said: “Othman was chosen to study at Hobart Matriculation
Low said she received full based on his vast experience in College, Tasmania. He received
cooperation from the staff of the property development and his Bachelor in Civil Engineering
PKNS at all levels and had no real estate sector. These range from the University of Tasmania.
problems whatsoever over the from low-cost housing to mega He worked on a few property
two-month period she served as projects and the state feels his developments in Perak and was
acting general manager. experience will be useful to new awarded a scholarship to study
“Now it is my duty to show PKNS housing projects in Petaling and work with Geroge Wimpey
Othman the ropes and to famil- Jaya, Kajang and Klang.” PLC on building and property de-
iarise him with the culture and Othman, meanwhile, said he velopment projects in England.
workings of the company when has many plans for PKNS includ- Upon his return, he joined En-
he joins in February.” ing the inculcation of a corporate ergoprojekt which worked on the
Asked about her plans after culture in the organisation, im- Shah Alam main outdoor stadium.
Najib shakes hands
with Perak Mentri Besar
Datuk Seri Mohammad
Nizar Jamaluddin after
the National Land
Council meeting.

State has right to decide: Guan Eng

» From Front Page the local government are directly under the
purview of state governments.
all states, he added. “If the state government is not given the space
In IPOH, senior state executive councillor to decide on land matters, this will limit or may
Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham told reporters the issuance even end up with the federal government taking
of freehold land titles for such villages would be over the state government’s right to decide on
implemented in compliance with the NLP. any land matter in the state,” he said.
“I agree with Najib that the issuing of perma- On another state land matter, Lim said the gov-
nent titles under the NLP was only for purpose ernment had yet to decide on two new policies to
of land use by the federal government for public allow conversion of the leasehold titles of low-cost
interests and certain limited specific purposes. and low-medium cost flats to freehold without
“But we also have a criteria called keadaan needing the owners to pay a land premium, and
khas (special circumstances) to approve land to allow owners of residential landed properties to
for such a titles. The new and planned villages convert leasehold properties to freehold.
programmes meet the conditions under the He said under Article 91 of the Federal Con-
special circumstances purpose because the stitution, whatever policies the NLC wanted to
previous government had denied the rights of implement will need to be done through discus-
some residents to obtain permanent titles, while sions with the respective state governments.
residents in other areas got it.” Lim, who attended the NLC’s annual general
He said the Barisan Nasional government had meeting in Putrajaya before flying back to Penang,
denied residents in the affected villages of their said he will hold a meeting with the state land
rights for more than 50 years, adding that it was committee to make a final decision on this issue.
an injustice which the current Pakatan Rakyat “We have not decided whether to go ahead
state government was hoping to rectify. with the two new policies. We have noted the
In GEORGE TOWN, Chief Minister Lim Guan statement made by Najib and we will look into
Eng told a press conference that state govern- it before deciding. We have decided to come up
ments still have the right to decide on policies with a report or presentation for the next NLC
regarding state land. He said land matters and meeting. I will announce a decision soon.”

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