Leap Summer 2012

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One|atc| ||n|s bone marrow
oonors ano at|ents . ,o
Leap_Summer12_p52-01.indd 3 5/15/12 3:13:46 PM
The Weekend to End Womens Cancers is a trademark of Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation, used under license; Shoppers Drug Mart is a registered trademark of 911979 Alberta Ltd., used under license.
There is still time to make your Weekend matter by registering
for The Shoppers Drug Mart

Weekend to End Womens Cancers

Sign up to walk on July 21-22, 2012, and be part of Canadas
most powerful movement to end all womens cancers.
Join this amazing journey today!
to Walk
877. 394.WALK (9255)
000Leap-WomansCancer-FP.indd 1 5/3/12 4:32:17 PM Leap_Spummer12_p02-03.indd 2 5/14/12 10:42:12 AM
P[ QTa cPRP]RTa U ^d]SPcX ^] RP bd\\Ta!! 3
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The Weekend to End Womens Cancers is a trademark of Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation, used under license; Shoppers Drug Mart is a registered trademark of 911979 Alberta Ltd., used under license.
There is still time to make your Weekend matter by registering
for The Shoppers Drug Mart

Weekend to End Womens Cancers

Sign up to walk on July 21-22, 2012, and be part of Canadas
most powerful movement to end all womens cancers.
Join this amazing journey today!
to Walk
877. 394.WALK (9255)
000Leap-WomansCancer-FP.indd 1 5/3/12 4:32:17 PM
Leap_Spummer12_p02-03.indd 3 5/15/12 3:15:49 PM
\h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP 4 bd\\Ta!!
nessaqe /
Edmonton (ex-offclo)
Sherwood Park
Sherwood Park
Am_UCg]bW\i_ CEO
Atberta Cancer Foundatlon
Chalr of the Board of Trustees
Atberta Cancer Foundatlon
thls provlnce. Neuro-oncotogy putts together a muttldlsclptlnary team
that lnctudes neurosurgeons, baslc researchers, radlatlon oncotoglsts,
psychotoglsts, pharmaclsts and exerclse physlotoglsts, to ptan a
treatment that ls comprehenslve for each patlent.
Braln cancer ls a devastat-
lng dlsease. Years ago, that
dlagnosls was atmost atways
accompanled by poor out-
comes. But we are maklng
progress. In Atberta, we are
prlvlteged to be home to a
wortd-ctass hub of braln
cancer research, ted, ln part, by Or. Gregory Calrncross, the frst reclplent
of the Atberta Cancer Foundatlon Chalr ln Braln Tumour Research.
In the artlcte, 'Bralnlacs," (p. 22) you wltt read about how, more than
2u years ago, he and Or. Oavld Macdonatd dlscovered that otlgodendro-
gtloma, a type of braln tumour, ls sensltlve to chemotherapy. They atso
tater dlscovered a motecutar marker of chemosensltlvlty that meant a
much tonger survlvat wlth thls type of braln cancer. Thelr dlscoverles have
slnce become standard practlce ln otlgodendrogtloma treatment around
the wortd. In the same plece, you wltt meet Or. Jennlfer Chan, recrulted
from Harvard. She tatks about how, 6u years ago, peopte
dlagnosed wlth braln cancer were glven a death sentence. Today, there are
a number of optlons avaltabte that lmprove the tlves of cancer patlents.
We atso tearn about how a pharmacy team embedded ln the neuro-
oncotogy ctlnlc at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre (p. 29) takes a unlque
approach to treatlng the whote patlent, not |ust the cancer. It`s these
lncrementat fndlngs that are addlng up to transformatlve changes, and
as thls concentratlon of brlght mlnds contlnues to work, we know they
wltt push the pace of dlscovery even more.
Thls cottaboratlon attows for the devetopment of transtatlonat research
so that theraples created ln the tab can be brought to the ctlnlcat
settlng - attowlng Atbertans access to new theraples and procedures that
may not be avaltabte etsewhere.
Slnce thls lssue of AZVe ls att about neuro-oncotogy, lt ls the perfect
tlme to announce that evatuators are ln the process of setectlng a
candldate who`tt be the reclplent for the frst 5`mgcbKc`cg\mb7UbWYf
FYgYUfW\7`]b]WU`:Y``ckg\]d. Atyson has been an lnsplrlng communlty
actlvlst, speaklng at our events and ralslng funds for the Atberta Cancer
Foundatlon. As she has sald, lt ls lmportant to glve back to the research
communlty that extended and lmproved her quatlty of tlfe when she was
dlagnosed wlth a rare braln tumour atmost four years ago. We wltt
announce the reclplent of that award ln our next lssue of AZVe.
As we tearn more about thls progress we are maklng, we wltt share lt
wlth you. En|oy readlng about Atberta lnnovatlon.
On Our Mlnds
AcfYUVcih5`mgcb n tne next lssue o AZVe. we'|| te|| ,ou
about tne reclplent o tne ^|,son \o|osn,n Cancer
esearcn C|lnlca| Fe||owsnlp. n tne neantlne read about
tnls lnsplrlnq ,ounq wonan nere. ln tne AZVe arcnlve:
Leap_Summer12_p04-05.indd 4 5/15/12 3:21:01 PM
0[ QTa cP b RP]RTa U aTT \^eT\T]c bd\\Ta!! 5
The Alberta Cancer Foundation
is more than a charityits a
movement for cancer-free lives,
today, tomorrow and forever.
Its a movement of those who know a cancer-free
future is possible and who wont settle for some day.
Its a movement of Albertans who stand with those
who have no choice but to stand up to cancer.
Its a movement of those who know something
can be done and are willing to do it.
For those facing cancer today, in honour of those
lost to cancer, and for generations to come,
we promise progress.
000LP.Manifest_1-2V_nBL.indd 1 7/26/11 3:33:09 PM
HJBB:G VOL 3 No. 1
enlor edlca| Llrector. Cancer Care
^|berta ea|tn ervlces
L. E^1E EY^N1
Vlce-resldent. Cancer Contro|
Canadlan artnersnlp ^qalnst Cancer
Llrector. outnern ^|berta Cancer esearcn nstltute
^ssoclate Llrector. esearcn. ^|berta ea|tn ervlces.
Cancer Care
CEO. lds Cancer Care Foundatlon o ^|berta
:9>IDG: F UV
8DCIG>7JI>C<LG>I:GH/ Co||een Elondl. tace, Careoot. Llnda
Car|son. Janlne Clese-Lavls. Cal| a||. ^|lx enp. ^nna|lse |lnqbel|.
Cal|,nn |lnqbel|. lcne||e Llndstron. Lebble O|sen. Janlce aske,.
Carr, adlson. 1rlcla adlson. obln cnroe|. aro| eku|lk
Erlan Eucnsdruecker. Lustln Le|s. Jonn Caucner. Joe, ud|ubn,.
e||, edlnqer
1ne ^|berta Cancer Foundatlon ls ^|berta's own. estab|lsned to advance
cancer researcn. preventlon and care and serve as tne cnarltab|e
oundatlon or tne Cross Cancer nstltute. 1on Eaker Cancer Centre
and ^|berta's 15 otner cancer centres. ^t tne ^|berta Cancer Foundatlon.
we act on tne know|edqe tnat a cancer-ree uture ls acnlevab|e.
L]Zc we qet tnere depends on tne ocus and enerq, we put to lt toda,.
Leap ls pub|lsned or tne ^|berta Cancer Foundatlon b,
Venture ub|lsnlnq nc.. 1U259-1U5 treet. Ednonton. ^E 15J 1E3
1e|: 73U-99U-U339. Fax: 73U-425-4921. 1o||-ree: 1-355-227-4275
rlnted ln Canada b, 1ranscontlnenta| LC.
AZVe ls prlnted on Forest tewardsnlp Councl| certled paper
ub|lcatlons ^qreenent 4UU2UU55
N 1923-5131
Leap_Summer12_p04-05.indd 5 5/15/12 3:19:42 PM
\h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP 6 bd\\Ta!!
foreront /
In her new column (on page 32) Janine Giese-
Lavls lntroduces readers to tne lssues peop|e ace
ater a cancer dlaqnosls. especla||, ater actlve
treatnent ls over. ^|tnouqn tnere are nan,
resources and proqrans or peop|e just dlaqnosed
wltn cancer." sne sa,s. tnere are ew or peop|e
transltlonlnq to survlvorsnlp." ne neads a nu|tl-
dlsclp|lnar, qroup ca||ed CancerELCE tnat alns
to lnprove survlvorsnlp care b, conductlnq researcn
and deve|oplnq eectlve proqrans based on
survlvors' needs. ubjects sne'|| wrlte about ln
conlnq lssues na, lnc|ude:
E=NH>86A6C9B:9>86A>HHJ:H/ second
cancers. cardlac d,sunctlon. paln. neuropatn,.
|,npnedena. sexua| lnpalrnent. lnertl|lt,
EHN8=DAD<>86A>HHJ:H/depresslon. anxlet,.
uncertalnt,. a|tered bod, lnaqe and coqnltlve
HD8>6A>HHJ:H/cnanqes ln lnterpersona|
re|atlonsnlps. ee|lnq lso|ated. concerns reqardlnq
nea|tn or |le lnsurance. return to work. return to
scnoo|. nancla| burdens
:M>HI:CI>6A6C9HE>G>IJ6A>HHJ:H/ |ooklnq or
a sense o purpose. neanlnq or appreclatlon o |le
,ou are an ^|berta cancer survlvor.
CancerELCE nas sonetnlnq to oer ,ou. Vlslt:
Theres a trio of events that Albertans can get involved in this
summer, either as participants or sponsors. They`re as diferent as they are fun,
and each benefts local cancer research and treatment.
Iundraising gets dirty in Calgary on July zz vith the Mud Hero Mud Run.
At Rafter Six Ranch, mud heroes assemble to run six kilometres. That`s the easy
part. Along the route, there are outrageous obstacles, including rope climbing
valls, an uphill tire run and dash through muddy, vaistdeep vater. The fnal
obstacle is the dirtilicious" mud cravl, vhere competitors get dovn and dirty. A
party called the mud bash" follovs, and proceeds go to the Alberta Cancer
Ioundation. Iind out more at ggg]eTXUb_S_].
Held for the past couple of years at Ldmonton`s Riverbend arenas, Win for
Skin is a street hockey tourney that has raised in excess of $z8,ooo each year for
the Alberta Cancer Ioundation in memory of Oven Schlosser. The funds from
the game are going tovards the PLT Imaging Centre at the Cross Cancer
Institute. Once a nev PLTCT scanner is purchased, the Cross vill have the frst
of this type in Canada, to help and retain top researchers and clinicians and
provide them vith resources to develop better methods of prevention, detection
and treatment for melanoma. This year, Win for Skin is a threeonthree street
hockey tourney in June, targeting a fgure almost four times its previous
accomplishments: $oo,ooo. CUUQ\RUbdQSQ^SUbSQgY^$c[Y^#
In zoo8, the Worlds Longest Soccer Game lasted hours and raised
more than $z8,o for the Alberta Cancer Ioundation. As it turns out, that event
just vasn`t long enough. This year, organizers have targeted 66 hours and
$oo,ooo. If everything goes as planned, the Shervood Park event vill also come
in at six hours longer than the current record holders to nail a Guiness World
Record. Organizer Michelle Chambers reports that Shervood Iord has pledged
$zo,ooo and Strathcona County, $8,ooo, vhich means in just tvo donations, the
event has already met zoo8`s haul. The funds from the game are going tovards a
nev PLTCT scanner at the Cross Cancer Institute. This nev machine vill
provide highresolution images that vill allov medical staf to detect cancers in
their earliest state, and it vill also be able to image four times as many patients
each day. Sponsor a player at Q\RUbdQSQ^SUbSQg_b\Tc\_^WUcdc_SSUbWQ]U.
Raise Fun for Cancer
Leap_Summer12_p06-11.indd 6 5/15/12 3:24:33 PM
0[ QTacP b RP]RTa U aTT \^eT\T]c bd\\Ta!! 7
It hardly seems likely that we should enjoy
cheap tropical fruit by the pallet load in the dead of an
Alberta vinter. While it`s a reality, it`s not particularly
sustainable. The modern industrial food system means
that the kivifruit might be as inexpensive as B.C .apples.
And it also means that it`s cheaper and easier to buy
Nev Zealand lamb than it is Alberta lamb. In her book
6__TQ^TdXU3Ydi (Prometheus Books, zoz), Jennifer
CockrallKing gives readers a quick viev into the
industrialized food system, vhat it`s doing to our diets
and hov it`s turned parts of our cities into food deserts
vhere it`s dim cult to fnd inexpensive, fresh food.
Part of the solution, CockrallKing vrites, is to
revitalize urban agriculture. She travels to nine cities
in North America, Cuba and Lurope, places that are
rising to the challenge of groving food vithin the city
limits. Toronto, Havana, Paris each has its ovn
approach to feeding its citizens. And it turns out that
urban food farming is also a radical social act that can
transform neighbourhoods, a means to grant a
pesticidefree haven for bees, and ofer human
inhabitants a sample of vhat fresh food really tastes
like. Cities have resources like land, vater, labour
and a readymade market for food production," she
vrites. It actually makes a lot of sense to shorten our
food chain by groving food right in the cities vhere
ve 'coproducers` live."
Top 10 Summer Foods
The hot weather brings plenty of garden fresh (and other) goodies to
,our tab|e. atner tnan a s|ab o neat or a nonster patt, a|onqslde sone
q|ue, potato sa|ad. |et ,our taste buds exp|ore sone a|ternatlves.
%" E^Y CEEN: an, t,pes o |ettuce are rlcn ln vltanlns ^. C and and
lron. weet and tender. pl|e sone resn qreens on a sandwlcn or add a ew
|a,ers under neat or veqqles.
&" EOUN1FUL EEE: 1nere ls no sucn tnlnq as a berr, tnat's bad or
,ou. ^|| berrles nave vltanlns C and and nanqanese and |ots o dletar,
bre. ^daptab|e as a savour, neat sauce. tne, a|so nake a terrlc dessert.
cooked or raw. 1ne purp|e and b|ue nue o berrles ls a cue tnat tne,'re
packed wltn antloxldants.
'" UE' ZUCCN: acklnq a vltanln-^ puncn. never nas a veqqle
been nore versatl|e. |lce and qrl|| lt. narlnate ln vlnalqrette. qrate
and reeze lt ln one-cup portlons to nave on nand or addlnq
bod, to soup or nolsture to nuns.
(" EXCELLEN1 ECCL^N1: ^notner qood source o vltanln .
eqqp|ant ls qreat qrl||ed or s|lced super-tnln and narlnated. t wl||
ne|p ,ou sta, u|| or a wnl|e.
)" EE1 EEEF: Loaded wltn lron and nade o pure proteln. steak
ron tne barbecue ls a sunner treat. Crl|| one nedlun rare. and |et lt
stand under a tlnol| tent or a ew nlnutes. |lce lt ne|, aqalnst tne qraln
and serve about tnree or our ounces atop ,our avourlte sa|ad.
*" UE LUE: ^dd to a b|ender two tab|espoons o oranqe or otner
rozen julce concentrate. na| a dozen lce cubes. a cup o water. and two
cups o an, o tne o||owlnq rults: resn or rozen berrles. waterne|on.
banana. rlpe peacn. rlpe pear. nanqo. uree and enjo,. serves our.
+" COOL L: ackaqed dlps are a blq source o nldden at.
suqar and sa|t: nake ,our own lnstead. erve a p|ate o
cnopped veqqles wltn a coo| dlp: nunnus: nasned
roasted eqqp|ant and qar|lc: or tzatzlkl (Creek-st,|e
,oqnurt nlxed wltn qrated cucunber and qrated qar|lc).
," \EE1E ^L^: ^ sweet sunner treat ls cnl||ed sa|sa.
Llce our tonatoes. one avocado. one nanqo and na| a sna|| red onlon.
^dd sone nlnced cl|antro. qar|lc and ja|apeno pepper accordlnq to ,our
taste. Lress lt wltn a soueeze o |enon and a drlzz|e o cano|a ol|. erve
wltn sa|t-ree tortl||a cnlps or top a |ea, sa|ad wltn a coup|e o tab|espoons
o lt. 6aagZX^eZh#Xdb
-" L'E^U \e are b|essed wltn an abundance o c|ean water. wnlcn ows
ree|, ron taps. ^vold tne prlce, stu ron tne vendlnq nacnlne and brlnq
,our own bott|e.
%$" CE CE^: C'non. lt's sunner. Llve a |ltt|e.
Leap_Summer12_p06-11.indd 7 5/14/12 11:20:16 AM
Tofu is a great source of protein and, depending on how it was produced, it can be a great source of calcium, too.
One half-cup serving of the soy bean-based food has about 10 grams of protein. To put it in perspective, a half cup of
milk has about ve grams and an egg, a little over six grams. The same amount of ground beef has a little more than
twice the protein. Rather than try to mask the quality and mild avour of tofu by hiding it in saucy recipes or trying
to substitute minced tofu for ground meat, why not let it stand on its own, with a savoury Korean sauce to comple-
ment its naturally mild avour. Serve this with rice and veggies for a balanced meal, or offer it as an appetizer.
Ingredients (serves 4 to 6)
1 280-gram package of rm tofu
1 Tbsp canola oil
2 cloves garlic, minced nely
1 green onion, minced
1 tsp Korean hot pepper akes
1 tsp honey
4 Tbsp soy sauce
2 tsp sesame oil
Rinse, pat dry and cut in half a package of tofu. Slice the halves into about 20 square, one-centimetre
thick slices. Fry the slices in canola oil over medium heat until golden, about six minutes a side. Arrange
on a plate of red leaf (or other) lettuce. Set aside. Whisk all the other ingredients together and drizzle over
the fried tofu. Serve while still warm or at room temperature.

=77More than 600 Albertans survive cancer
each year who would not have survived had they
developed cancer 25 years ago.
<7More than 50 new cancer research projects
ranging from investigating cancer mechanisms at a
molecular level to increasing pain control for patients were
launched last year, in addition to the hundreds receiving
ongoing funding from the Alberta Cancer Foundation.
9<G777rural Alberta women have access to
digital mammography screening through mobile units
funded by the Alberta Cancer Foundation.
9G>77grants were given to patients and families
in nancial need during treatment.
9G777Albertans are participating in more
than 200 clinical trials across the province, spanning
all cancer types.
<7G777healthy Albertans will teach us
more about cancer by volunteering to participate
in the Tomorrow Project research study funded
by the Alberta Cancer Foundation.
89endowed chairs have been established in Alberta
ranging from research on melanoma to palliative care.

000Leap-ACFThankYous-1_2H.indd 1 5/3/12 4:34:15 PM
Leap_Summer12_p06-11.indd 8 5/14/12 11:22:54 AM
If you are undergoing chemotherapy for cancer,
tnere ls sonetnlnq ,ou snou|d know. 1ne druqs ln
nan, klnds o cneno are toxlc to cancer. Eut tne,
a|so knock back ,our nea|tn, wnlte b|ood ce||s. wnlcn
qnt lnectlon. \ltnout tnen. ,our s,sten ls
vu|nerab|e to bacterla| and vlra| lnectlon and lts
response to tnese lnvaders ls nuted. ^sk ,our nea|tn-
care provlder wnen ,our wnlte b|ood ce|| counts are
|lke|, to be |ow and wnen tne, are |lke|, to nave
bounced back (usua||, rlqnt beore ,our next
treatnent). You can p|an ,our qernler actlvltles. sucn
as vo|unteerlnq at klnderqarten. accordlnq|,. t's
natura| to worr, about lnectlon durlnq treatnent but.
ratner tnan nand wrlnqlnq. ,our best deense ls nand
wasnlnq. \asn ,our nands oten and carr, sanltlzer ln
,our pocket. ^|so. lt's O to renlnd ,our anl|, to
wasn tnelr nands wnen tne, qet none.
Pick up your free copy of My journey,
now available at centres
throughout the province.
Tom Baker Cancer Centre:
New patient information sessions
a t r e b l A Cancer Foundation
Cross Cancer Institute:
New patient clinicis
a t r e b l A Cancer Foundation
Cancer Information Centre
Associate cancer centres:
Grande Prairie Cancer Centre
Central Alberta Cancer Centre (Red Deer)
Margery E. Yuill Cancer Centre (Medicine Hat)
Jack Ady Cancer Centre (Lethbridge)
For those facing
cancer today
Manage your cancer-care and navigate the health
care system with a patient journal from the Alberta
Cancer Foundation.
The more information you can track and communicate with your care team,
the more they can ease your cancer journey.
000LP.Journal_1-2H.indd 1 7/26/11 3:39:18 PM
Leap_Summer12_p06-11.indd 9 5/14/12 11:23:25 AM
\h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP 10 bd\\Ta!!
Cancer Vaccine Update
A new discovery in breast cancer research is a
testanent to tne power o teanwork. ^nd a|so to
tne qrowlnq lnportance o blo banks.
an, peop|e are anl|lar wltn tne notlon tnat
breast cancer ls oten assoclated wltn nornones and
can be c|assed as receptlve or sensltlve to estroqen.
proqesterone and EEE2. ornone suppresslon ls
a connon treatnent or tnese cancers.
Eut tnere ls anotner qroup o breast cancers.
ca||ed trlp|e-neqatlve because tne tunours
assoclated wltn tnen nave no receptors or
estroqen. proqesterone or EEE2. Fanl|lar druqs.
sucn as 1anoxlen. or exanp|e. nave no eect on
tnese oten aqqresslve tunours. 1rlp|e-neqatlve
cancer accounts or nore tnan 15 per cent o breast
cancers and 25 per cent o breast cancer deatns ln
Canada. Eut tnls. sclentlsts a|read, knew.
1nls sprlnq. a qroup o researcn teans |ead b,
Lr. anue| ^parlclo at tne Unlverslt, o Erltlsn
Co|unbla/E.C. Cancer ^qenc, (otner partlclpants
were ron Ednonton's Cross Cancer nstltute and
Cancer esearcn U/Unlverslt, o Canbrldqe)
pub|lsned ndlnqs o a stud, about trlp|e-
neqatlve breast cancer ln tne on|lne edltlon o tne
journa| CVijgZ.
esearcners ln tne stud, seouenced LN^
lso|ated ron nore tnan 1UU tunours to ldentl,
connon and unloue qenone-|eve| slqnatures.
1nelr resu|ts snow tnat. ln terns o subt,pes.
tne breast cancer anl|, ls blqqer tnan an,one
expected. 1ne nessaqe was ver, c|ear." sa,s
Lr. anbaslvarao Lanaraju. nL. Llrector o
^|berta Cancer esearcn Eloreposltor,/CECF
1unour Eank. wnlcn provlded nan, o tne tlssue
sanp|es or stud,. Not a|| tunours - even
anonq trlp|e-neqatlve breast cancers - are a|lke.
neanlnq tnat nove| druqs are needed to tarqet tnese varlous subt,pes. 1nls
researcn paves tne wa, or deve|oplnq new druqs and treatnents." Lanaraju
worked c|ose|, wltn Lr. Jonn acke, ron tne Cross Cancer nstltute. wno |ead
one o tne researcn teans ln tne stud,.
1ne stud, was anbltlous and wlde-ranqlnq. ^nd lt wou|d not nave been
posslb|e wltnout tlssues co||ected ron wl||lnq patlents and banked b, tne ^|berta
Cancer esearcn Eloreposltor,/CECF 1unour Eank. 1nese speclnens are
prlce|ess. qlven tne |onq ,ears o o||ow-up post dlaqnosls." Lanaraju sa,s.
1reatnent lnornatlon and outcones or tne patlents treated wltn standard
tneraples are ke, to drlvlnq researcn projects o tnls nature."
1ne tunour bank tnat Lanaraju oversees ls qrowlnq ln recoqnltlon and lts
contrlbutlons to researcn productlvlt, contlnue to nu|tlp|,. Fundlnq aqencles or
tne tunour bank lnc|ude tne ^|berta Cancer Foundatlon. Lanaraju descrlbes tne
potentla| know|edqe qaln ron tunours banked nore tnan 1U ,ears aqo as
lnva|uab|e. 1ne dlvldends we can accrue." ne sa,s. are just startlnq."
A company called Oncothyreon (formerly Biomira) has granted licence to
pnarnaceutlca| neav,welqnt erck Ca^ to deve|op and narket tlnuvax. a
cancer vacclne orlqlna||, deve|oped b, researcners ln Ednonton. tnat tarqets non-
sna|| ce|| |unq cancer. esearcners tnlnk tnat tne vacclne stlnu|ates a patlent's
lnnune s,sten to recoqnlze and contro| cancer ce|| qrowtn. lncreaslnq tne
survlva| o patlents.
^ pnase trla| o tlnuvax snowed tnat a sna|| qroup o patlents wltn
lnoperab|e staqe non-sna|| ce|| |unq cancer |lved about 17 nontns |onqer tnan
patlents ln tne contro| qroup. nase trla|s started
wltn a |arqer qroups o patlents ln ear|, 2UU7. One trla|
qroup (ca||ed 1^1) lnvo|ves 1.3UU patlents ron
around tne wor|d and tne otner trla| (ca||ed NE)
ocuses on patlents ln ^sla. tne two trla|s produce
resu|ts tnat are statlstlca||, slqnlcant. tne vacclne wl||
becone anotner too| to treat |unq cancer. wnlcn
q|oba||, kl||s nore peop|e tnan an, otner cancer.
Leap_Summer12_p06-11.indd 10 5/15/12 3:25:38 PM
0[ QTacP b RP]RTa U aTT \^eT\T]c bd\\Ta!! 11
Its true. Real men actually do wear pink. At least they will at the sold-out
ea| en \ear lnk Cnarlt, nvltatlona| Co| 1ournanent ne|d on June 3U ln
n lts tnlrd ,ear. 2U12. tne tourne, p|edqed to dlrect lts earnlnqs to tne ^|berta
Cancer Foundatlon ln support o breast cancer researcn. Real Men Wear Pink
ls |ed b, a connlttee neaded b, Lee utcnlnson o Ca|qar,. wno recent|, |ost
nls slster to breast cancer. Otner connlttee nenbers lnc|ude breast cancer
survlvors and anl|, nenbers.
1o nd out nore about tne event. nake a donatlon or |ook at sone qreat past
event pnotos vlslt lll#gZVabZclZVge^c`#XV.
ananaskls lsn't tne on|, p|ace nostlnq a qo| tourne, tnls sunner. 1ne
Ducharme Motors Charity Golf Tournament wl|| be back or lts slxtn annua|
event ln Eonn,vl||e tnls ,ear. t's a conpanlon event to Cross Cancer nstltute Co|
C|asslc." sa,s Cnarlssa pencer. specla| events nanaqer or tne ^|berta Cancer
Foundatlon. t's orqanlzed b, tne Lucnarne anl|,. |onq-tlne donors wno nave
been qreat rlends o tne oundatlon or nan, ,ears." 1nls tourne, nas ralsed nore
tnan 78.UUU or tne Eonn,vl||e Connunlt, Cancer Centre slnce 2UU7.
I Heart
Research underway at the University of
Alberta and other centres should shed some light on
vho gets heart disease as a result of chemotherapy,
vith a goal of treating risk factors for heart disease
earlier and more aggressively. The clinical trial,
supervised by Ir. Ian Paterson, an assistant
professor of cardiology in the Iaculty of Medicine 8
Ientistry at the University of Alberta and Ldith
Pituskin, a registered nurse and PhI candidate in
the Iaculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, is knovn as
The research, funded in part by the Alberta
Cancer Ioundation, is groundbreaking and arises in
response to the fact that nev treatments have
happily created a huge pool of cancer survivors.
Unhappily, it has left some of these vomen vith
damaged hearts. One treatment for hormone
sensitive breast cancer, called Herceptin, improves
outcomes for many patients.
Unfortunately it can also damage the heart in up to
zo per cent of vomen taking this drug," said Paterson
in a press release. We`re hoping ve can prevent heart
disease, not only during cancer treatment itself, but
also after the cancer treatment is done."
Researchers vill screen the vomen for risk factors
associated vith heart disease, such as high blood
pressure and high cholesterol and treat them for
these conditions immediately. The researchers are
actively recruiting patients for the trial.
Leap_Summer12_p06-11.indd 11 5/15/12 3:26:56 PM
bod,b^cY /
ln ro|es and responslbl|ltles tnat na, resu|t ron tne cancer. and careqlvers oten
benet ron one-on-one counse||lnq wltnout tne patlent present. Careqlvers oten
ee| qul|t, or worr,lnq about tnelr own needs ln sucn a dlcu|t tlne. or are struqq|lnq
to cope wltn troub|lnq cnanqes. Eut taklnq care o one's own nenta| and pn,slca|
nea|tn ls not a |uxur,. but ratner a necesslt,. ln tlnes o qreat denand. Careqlvers
na, a|so need a sae p|ace to ta|k about tnelr ears o |oslnq tnelr |oved one: deatn ls
oten a taboo subject ln tne nldst o dea|lnq wltn tne
dlsease. t's natura| to nave tnouqnts about deatn
and tnere ls notnlnq narnu| or wronq ln tnls - lt can
ne|p careqlvers to tnlnk about and process a|| tne
posslb|e outcones.
n anl|, counse||lnq sesslons. patlents na, a|so
benet ron nearlnq about tne cnanqes ln tnelr unctlonlnq tnat tne, na, not be aware
o. and now tnese cnanqes can be nanaqed. Fanl|les a|so nave nucn to qaln ron
resource counse||lnq. wnlcn lntroduces tnen to servlces tnat ne|p wltn nancla| and
otner practlca| concerns. sucn as transportatlon and druq coveraqe.
Flna||,. cnl|dren wno nave a parent wltn cancer na, a|so be struqq|lnq wltn a|| tne
cnanqes. earu| and arald to ask about wnat ls nappenlnq. 1ne 1on Eaker Cancer
Centre nas a slx-week ater-scnoo| qroup proqran or klds wno nave a parent wltn
an, t,pe o cancer. Ca||ed lds/1eens Can Cope. lt runs twlce a ,ear and ne|ps ,ounq
peop|e to express and process tnelr ee|lnqs ln aqe-approprlate and non-tnreatenlnq
wa,s and to see tnat tne, are not a|one ln navlnq a parent wltn cancer.
roqrans are ree o cnarqe and can be accessed b, ca||lnq tne Lepartnent o
s,cnosocla| esources at 4U3-355-32U7 ln Ca|qar, and 78U-543-43U3 ln Ednonton.
For slnl|ar proqrans e|sewnere. contact tne connunlt, cancer centre nearest ,ou.
Lr. Llnda Car|son (`]bXUWUf`gcb"WU) ls tne Enbrldqe Cnalr ln s,cnosocla| Onco|oq, at
tne Unlverslt, o Ca|qar, and a c|lnlca| ps,cno|oqlst at tne 1on Eaker Cancer Centre.
I]Z i]ZbZ d[ i]Z hjbbZg ^hhjZ d[ AZVe ^h
neuro-onco|oq,. treatlnq peop|e wltn braln and otner
centra| nervous s,sten cancers. 1nls nade ne tnlnk
o tne work we do ln s,cnosocla| Onco|oq, to ne|p
peop|e wltn tnese tunours - and tnelr anl|les. Eraln
cancer ls partlcu|ar|, dlcu|t to |lve wltn or a nunber
o reasons. Flrst. lt oten strlkes ,ounqer peop|e. wno
are eltner just beconlnq estab|lsned ln tnelr careers
and anl|, |le. wno nave sna|| cnl|dren or wno are
not as nancla||, stab|e as o|der cancer patlents. ^nd
lt can a|so cause slde-eects tnat are unconnon ln
otner orns o cancer. sucn as cnanqes ln persona|lt,.
apatn,. anqr, outbursts. lnpu|slve benavlor or severe
prob|ens wltn p|annlnq. concentratlon and nenor,.
dependlnq on wnat part o tne braln ls aected. Fanl|,
nenbers are oten ca||ed upon to provlde a nlqner
|eve| o careqlvlnq tnan ln otner t,pes o cancers. and.
ln nan, cases. tne tunours are |lke|, to reappear or
survlva|s rates are |ow.
t adds up to tne potentla| or severe stress on botn
patlents and careqlvers. Lr. Cu, e||etler and nls
students at tne Lepartnent o s,cnosocla| Onco|oq,
at tne 1on Eaker Cancer Centre conducted researcn
snowlnq tnat careqlvers o patlents wltn cancerous
braln tunours nad nlqner
|eve|s o enotlona| dlstress
and worse overa|| oua|lt, o
|le tnan careqlvers o non-
na|lqnant braln tunour
patlents. careqlvers ln otner
pa||latlve cancer settlnqs. and tne qenera| popu|atlon.
esearcners a|so ound prob|enatlc post-dlaqnosls
persona|lt, eatures sucn as apatn,. benavloura|
dlslnnlbltlon (|ack o lnpu|se contro|) and executlve
unctlonlnq dlerences (prob|ens wltn p|annlnq and
conp|ex benavlour) ln nore tnan na| o tne braln
tunour patlents tne, surve,ed. 1nese cnanqes were
nore connon|, reported b, anl|, careqlvers tnan
tne patlents tnense|ves. suqqestlnq a potentla| |ack o
lnslqnt on tne part o tne patlent. 1ne nost troub|lnq
cnanqe to careqlvers was tne lncrease ln apatn, and
|ack o notlvatlon ln tne patlent. 1nls can nappen
l tunours are ln tne ronta| |obes o tne braln wnlcn
contro| nlqner-order tnlnklnq and p|annlnq.
Fortunate|,. tnere's ne|p aval|ab|e. Oten anl|,
counse||lnq ls ne|pu| or processlnq tne cnanqes
\h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP 12 bd\\Ta!!
\no|e-Fanl|, Care
\h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP
Leap_Summer12_p12-13.indd 12 5/14/12 4:03:36 PM
95F@M6=F8.ake tlne or breakast.
BCH5BCJ9@HM.Eat rult or veqetab|es at ever, nea|.
<5@JG=9G. Fl|| na| ,our p|ate wltn veqetab|es.
<CA9A589.repare nea|s at none lnstead o eatlnq out.
EI9B7<9F.Cnoose water to drlnk.
K<C@9GHCFM.Eat wno|e qraln oods. sucn as oatnea| or
breakast. brown rlce lnstead o wnlte.
GB57?H=A9.Cnoose veqetab|es or rult or a snack.
GEI5F9G. Eat tnree nea|s per da,.
ACJ9FG. educe stress b, qolnq or a wa|k. ta|klnq to a rlend
or practlclnq deep breatnlnq.
G@CK@MBCK.1ake tlne to enjo, ,our nea|s.
HIFBC::.lnlnlze dlstractlons sucn as 1V wnen ,ou eat.
cooklnqhbVgi /
\e know nore tnan 5U per cent o ^|bertans carr,
extra welqnt and tnat tnls can be narnu| to our nea|tn.
Obeslt, lncreases tne rlsk o nan, nea|tn prob|ens.
sucn as dlabetes. neart dlsease. nlqn b|ood pressure.
s|eep apnea and certaln t,pes o cancer. to nane a ew.
\ltn so nucn overwne|nlnq evldence tnat obeslt,
causes or exacerbates poor nea|tn. wn, aren't we a||
at a nea|tn, welqnt7
Flrst. lt's lnportant to understand tnat tnere are nan,
actors. be,ond now nucn we eat and exerclse. tnat
aect our welqnt. ow nucn we s|eep. wnere we |lve.
qenetlcs. tne oods tnat we nave access to. our nenta|
and pn,slca| nea|tn. nedlcatlons and stress |eve|s a|so
aect our welqnt. 1nere are actors we can and can't
contro|. ^notner lnportant note ls tnat nan, peop|e's
expectatlons or welqnt are not rea|lstlc.
econd. nan, o us know tnat lnornatlon a|one does
not |ead to benavlour cnanqe. \nat we know ls not a|wa,s
wnat we do. Eeore startlnq an, |lest,|e cnanqe. lt's
lnportant to tnlnk about wn, we want to nake a cnanqe.
t ls a|so lnportant to renenber to ocus on wnat natters
to us. For exanp|e. nan, peop|e cnoose to |ose or
nalntaln tnelr welqnt because tne, want to reduce tnelr
rlsk or dlabetes. lncrease tnelr enerq,. p|a, wltn tnelr klds.
or nalntaln a |lest,|e o work and |elsure. Focuslnq on
nea|tn qaln ratner tnan on welqnt |oss na, lncrease ,our
cnances o success. ^ ocus on nea|tn can ne|p ,ou nake
better cnolces wnen tne |ess nea|tn, cnolce ls easler or
nore attractlve.
o |et's ocus on sone o tne tnlnqs tnat we can
cnanqe. |lke wnat we eat. and start to understand tne
wn,s o wnat we are dolnq.
\nat we eat nas an lnpact on our welqnt. ^ qreat rst
step to a nea|tn, welqnt ls to know wnat ,ou are eatlnq. t
ls ver, nucn |lke qolnq to a nancla| advlsor wnen tr,lnq
to sort out none, lssues. Oten. tne rst tnlnq an advlsor
asks ,ou to do ls record ,our spendlnq. Llkewlse. one o
tne nost lnportant too|s ln welqnt nanaqenent ls a
journa| or record o wnat ,ou eat and drlnk. Your journa|
can be a scratcn pad. note book. an on|lne record or a
nartpnone app. t ls oten cna||enqlnq to start a journa|.
but researcn snows tnat peop|e wno record wnat tne,
eat and drlnk |ose nore welqnt and keep lt o tnan tnose
wno don't. ecord tnlnqs |lke wnat tlne ,ou ate. wnat ,ou
drank. wnat ,ou were dolnq. now nucn ,ou ate and tne enotlons or stress ,ou ee|. t's
an e,e-openlnq experlence. Cenera||,. peop|e start to eat |ess wnen tne, rea|lze wnat
and now nucn tne, are eatlnq.
Once ,ou nave an ldea o wnat ,ou're eatlnq. ,ou can start to |ook or patterns. ow
we cnoose wnat we eat ls aected b, nan, actors |lke tlne and stress. Understandlnq
wn, ,ou are eatlnq |ess nea|tn, ood. ls as lnportant as knowlnq wnat ,ou are eatlnq.
\nen revlewlnq ,our journa| or record. |ook or: l ,ou eat breakast. now nan, servlnqs
o veqetab|es and rult do ,ou eat. l ,ou eat wnl|e uslnq tne conputer or watcnlnq
te|evlslon. or now stressed ,ou ee|.
Next. set sone rea|lstlc qoa|s or cnanqe. ettlnq sna||. rea|lstlc qoa|s sets ,ou up
or success. 1ne sna||er tne qoa|. tne nore |lke|, ,ou are to do lt. ee| successu| and tr,
anotner qoa|. ettlnq a qoa| tnat ls posslb|e or ,ou to t ln ,our |lest,|e neans tnat ,ou
are nore |lke|, to nake lt a pernanent part o ,our |le. nstead o ocuslnq on nunbers
on a sca|e. |ook or tne nea|tn qalns ,ou wl|| nake a|onq tne wa,.
aro| eku|lc ls a reqlstered dletltlan wltn ^|berta ea|tn ervlces wno nas expertlse and lnterest ln
tne areas o welqnt nanaqenent. nutrltlon and connunlcatlons.
0[ QTacP b RP]RTa U aTT \^eT\T]c bd\\Ta!! 13
1ne Calns o Loss \no|e-Fanl|, Care
L]ZcWgV^cXVcXZgVeeZVgh!ZkZgndcZ^hV[[ZXiZY >[ndjlVciidadhZlZ^\]iWjicY^iidj\]![dXjh^chiZVYdcl]Vi
Leap_Summer12_p12-13.indd 13 5/14/12 4:05:17 PM
\h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP 14 bd\\Ta!!
^ ^NL ^N\E
We found some experts and came up with some thoughtful
responses to tough questions about liver health,
maternal smoking and the role of protien in recovery
snoklnq." sa,s Lr. Lavld Elsenstat. dlrector o edlatrlc enato|oq,.
Onco|oq, and a||latlve Care at tne Unlverslt, o ^|berta. 1nere are nan,
t,pes o cancer o tne b|ood and bone narrow. qrouped |oose|, under
tne banner o |eukenla. and tne dlsease accounts or about a tnlrd o
cnl|dnood cancers. ates o cnl|dnood |eukenla nave c|lnbed s|lqnt|,.
but survlva| rates nave junped or over tne |ast 3U ,ears. to tne polnt tnat
nore tnan tnree-ouarters o cnl|dren survlve ve ,ears or |onqer past a
cancer treatnent.
arents oten ee| qul|t, wnen tnelr cnl|d qets cancer." Elsenstat
sa,s. 1ne, wonder l tne, cou|d nave done an,tnlnq dlerent|,. n act.
|eukenla nas never been |lnked conc|uslve|, to an, envlronnenta|
exposure - except radlatlon." e advlses tnat. lnstead o worr,lnq about
wnat caused a cnl|d's cancer. parents snou|d take steps to saequardlnq
tne cnl|d's nea|tn toda,. ^ cnl|d wno's current|, belnq treated or cancer
ls at s|lqnt|, nlqner rlsk o resplrator, l||ness." Elsenstat sa,s. arents
snou|dn't snoke ln tne nouse. or even step outslde or a clqarette."
e exp|alns tnat snokers exna|e second-nand snoke or 15 nlnutes
ater tnelr |ast clqarette. so even l tne, do tnelr snoklnq outslde. tne,
are unwlttlnq|, brlnqlnq tne toxlns back ln. ^nd cnl|dren wno nave nad
cancer are at lncreased rlsk o second cancers |ater ln |le. anotner reason
to nalntaln a snoke-ree none.
1ne lnterace between cancer.
qenetlcs and nunan deve|opnent ls
tne ocus o nan, researcn eorts."
Elsenstat sa,s. 1nese are natters
o deep lnterest to researcners. but
nls takeawa, nessaqe to tne non
wno snoked ls slnp|er: ne snou|dn't
worr, about past snoklnq. but snou|d
take steps toda, to lnprove ner
own nea|tn and tne nea|tn o anl|,
nenber b, oulttlnq snoklnq l sne
nasn't a|read, done so.
I smoked when I was
pregnant. Is it my fault
my son has leukemia?
asktheexpert /
patlents wno nave nad |,npn nodes renoved or treated
wltn radlatlon tnerap,. t's cnaracterlzed b, a swe||lnq
o tne arn." exp|alns rlsta awson. nurse practltloner
at tne Centra| ^|berta Connunlt, Cancer Centre ln ed
Leer. t's caused b, b|ocked or absent |,npn nodes ln
tne arnplt." sne sa,s. \nl|e |,npnedena can aect tne
|eq or otner reasons. sne sa,s tnat treatnent or breast
cancer ls a reouent cause o tne condltlon ln tne arn.
n a nea|tn, person. tne |,npn vesse|s work to
draln uld and enab|e a person's lnnune ce||s to
nove around vla tne bod,'s |,npnatlc s,sten. \nen
tne nodes are en|arqed. b|ocked. renoved as part o
ner surqer, or danaqed ron radlatlon tnerap,. tne
|,npn vesse|s no |onqer draln proper|, and ner arn
swe||s. L,npnedena ls cnronlc. neanlnq lt can recur.
but treatnents lnc|udlnq pn,slotneraplst-prescrlbed
exerclse. conpresslon. and sonetlnes nassaqe can
ne|p nanaqe lt.
1nls condltlon used to be nore connon." awson
sa,s. Eut lnprovenents ln surqlca| tecnnloue nean
tnat we don't see lt as oten." Now. a surqeon lnjects a
d,e lnto tne patlent's |,npnatlc s,sten and nonltors
lts novenent untl| ne sees lt nas reacned ner sentlne|
node or nodes. tne |,npn nodes c|osest to tne breast.
1nat wa, ne can renove and exanlne one node at a
tlne to |ook or cancer. ratner tnan renovlnq nore tnan
ne needs to.
My sister showed me her swollen
arm; her doctor said it was a
side effect from her breast
cancer treatment. What is it?
Leap_Summer12_p14-15.indd 14 5/15/12 3:28:49 PM
0[ QTacP b RP]RTa U aTT \^eT\T]c bd\\Ta!! 15
lnstructlons or carlnq or ,our |lver. be,ond qenera| qood nea|tn advlce tnat
lnc|udes exerclse and eatlnq a nea|tn, dlet |ow ln saturated at. Your |lver.
tne |arqest orqan ln ,our bod,. ls ln cnarqe o nundreds o unctlons. t qnts
lnectlon. neutra|lzes toxlns. nakes protelns and nornones. nalntalns
b|ood suqar and ne|ps qet tne nutrlents ron ,our ood eectlve|,.
Llver ls baslca||, tne c|eanup crew or tne bod,. U|tlnate|,. ,our |lver wl||
process an, toxlns ,ou eat. drlnk. absorb or lnna|e. Your |lver stores enerq,.
ln tne orn o q|ucose. to keep lt at tne read, or wnen ,our braln and bod,
need lt. t a|so stores and clrcu|ates at.
1nere are about 1UU t,pes o |lver dlsease and nan, o tnen are a natter
o qenetlcs. Eut to keep ,our |lver unctlonlnq we||. ,ou need to nalntaln a
nea|tn, bod,welqnt - att, |lver dlsease ls nost connon ln obese peop|e
and lt lnpedes tne norna| |lver unctlon. t neans tnat obeslt, can actua||,
|ead to na|nutrltlon. ost doctors a|so reconnend nlnlna| or noderate
a|cono| use. neanlnq no nore tnan two drlnks on a qlven da, or a nan
(one or a wonan) and not on a dal|, basls. \onen are nore susceptlb|e to
a|cono|-re|ated |lver danaqe tnan nen.
I have heard that if you are healing from
surgery your body needs extra protein.
Why is that?
reoulre extra proteln to nea| oulck|,." sa,s Cne|sea
Ear|ow. reqlstered dletltlan ln onco|oq, at Footnl||s
osplta|. roteln ls a actor ln a nea|tn, lnannator,
response. sne sa,s. wnlcn ls now nea|lnq starts.
nannatlon ls now ,our bod, responds to a wound
(or otner lnjur,). roteln a|so ne|ps create antlbodles
tnat reduce tne lnannatlon aterwards. t junpstarts
a process tnat creates qranu|atlon tlssue tnat acts |lke a
scao|d. over wnlcn ,our wound nea|s. n a proteln-poor
recover,. not on|, wl|| tne wound nea| nore s|ow|,. but
tne co||aqen blndlnq lt won't be as stronq.
1ne nlqnest proteln reoulrenents nappen or up to
two weeks ater surqer,. dependlnq on tne extent o tne
surqer,. For nost peop|e. tnls neans an lntake o 1.5
qrans o proteln per kl|oqran o bod,welqnt. per da,
ater surqer,. 1nls a|nost twlce tne ne reconnended
reoulrenent or nea|tn, adu|ts o U.8 qrans o proteln
per kl|oqran o bod,welqnt. per da,. Eut tnat's not
tne wno|e plcture. Ear|ow sa,s tnat. ln addltlon to tne
added proteln. a person recoverlnq ron surqer, needs
to lncrease nls or ner reoulred ca|orlc lntake ln order to
nake tne proteln do lts work - a|| tnls at a tlne wnen
appetltes are |ow. advlse patlents to qet tne blqqest
banq or tne nutrltlona| buck." sne sa,s. Eunp up tne
crean. butter. peanut butter. uncn on nuts and drlnk
nlqner-at nl|k.
lqn-proteln oods lnc|ude: neat. sn. pou|tr,. nuts.
seeds. |equnes. tou and dalr, products. Ear|ow advlses
peop|e recoverlnq ron surqer, to avold |ow-at. |lqnt"
and otner dlet products.
For a poor appetlte. sne reconnends nutrltlona|
supp|enents. sucn as Eoost or Ensure. ^nd cnoose tne
nlqn proteln and p|us verslons."
I exercise for my heart and lungs;
what can I do for my liver?
cancer preventlon and treatnent. |ease subnlt tnen
vla enal| to `YhhYfg4am`YUdaU[Un]bY"WU. enenber.
tnls advlce ls never a substltute or ta|klnq dlrect|, to
,our anl|, doctor.
Leap_Summer12_p14-15.indd 15 5/14/12 11:40:35 AM
\h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP 16 bd\\Ta!!
Leap_Summer12_p16-18.indd 16 5/14/12 4:06:25 PM
0[ QTacP b RP]RTa U aTT \^eT\T]c bd\\Ta!! 17
a nurse. But she had no idea she`d end up in
oncology, nor did she see a future for herself as an
educator. But she did these things and more, eventually
heading up the vound care program at Ldmonton`s
Cross Cancer Institute.
I thought I`d be an ICU nurse," HoveRiddell says.
And she vorked in ICU for a little under a year, but it
vasn`t a good ft
for her. I ended up
coming to the Cross
and I loved it." Hove
Riddell vorked at the
Cross as a oor nurse
before she became the inpatient educator three years
ago. It vas then she developed a skill and interest in
vound care.
After starting as the inpatient educator, vorking vith
staf to get their chemotherapy certifcation or doing
orientation for nev hires, HoveRiddell became avare
that she vas facing a groving number of questions
related to vound care vith a limited foundation of
knovledge. She set out to learn as much as she could.
Those questions from the nev hires and others vere the
foundation of a robust vound care education program
at the Cross.
Once she found out about vounds and vound care,
she basically just took of. She vas going crazy vith
the possibilities," says Nadia Kloc, HoveRiddell`s
supervisor and the nurse manager of inpatients and
Iespite the seriousness of cancerrelated
vounds, there`s a lack of research into
hov best to care for them.
respiratory at the Cross Cancer Institute.
Once she came into the educator role, she decided
that`s vhere she vanted to focus her energies." All this
in the face of an absence of funding for the initiative.
Cancer patients sometimes develop pressure ulcers,
commonly knovn as bedsores, from long stays in
hospital beds. But more problematic are malignant
or fungating vounds that cancer sometimes causes
vhen tumours break
through a patient`s
skin. These vounds
greatly reduce the
quality of life for
patients, as they drain
a lot of uid, are frequently accompanied by a foul odour
and can require up to three or four dressing changes
per day. And despite the seriousness of these vounds,
there`s a lack of research into hov best to care for them.
We vould just have a cart full of supplies for vound
care, and nobody vould knov vhat to put on," says
HoveRiddell. They vould provide us vith all this
stuf, but ve didn`t knov vhat to do vith it, so ve vere
just slapping anything on. We`ve come a long vay."
After realizing that vounds vere a groving problem
for cancer patients, HoveRiddell and an occupational
therapist she vorks vith, Amy Iriga, set out to educate
themselves, enrolling in relevant courses and trying to
develop a vound care team to better care for patients at
the Cross. With no funding, the pair took their concerns
to management, then started a monthly lunchandlearn
Leap_Summer12_p16-18.indd 17 5/14/12 11:42:18 AM
18 bd\\Ta!! \h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP
program called vound rounds, vhere nurses, physicians
and other staf could come for educational sessions
about caring for vounds. In the past tvo years, they`ve
also held six fullday educational sessions, vith industry
experts coming in to discuss best practices and nev
products for vound care. The educational sessions are
vell attended, vith
betveen o and o
people to date from
across disciplines
coming to lunch and
fullday sessions.
Hove Ri ddel l ` s
role goes beyond just setting up the vound rounds and
fullday educational sessions. She also gives nurses
handson lessons, teaching them to use nev dressings on
patients. And despite not expecting to end up in vound
care, HoveRiddell says she fnds it incredibly satisfying
as it provides her vith more meaningful interaction vith
her patients than she had in the ICU. Wound care has
given me more job satisfaction than any other aspect of
nursing," she says.
She`s passionate about patient care, maximizing
comfort for palliative patients by teaching nurses to
use betterquality dressing that need fever changes and
allov patients more rest. It`s a quality of life issue, she says. If these patients only
have six months left to live, shouldn`t ve be doing everything that ve can to maximize
that time?" Along vith the lack of vound care training her team is trying to address,
there is also a lack of research around palliative vounds. It`s something HoveRiddell
is trying to change.
According to Kloc, that dual role of educatorlearner is part of vhat makes Hove
Riddell such an asset. You have to have some kind
of passion for education and learning, and that
certainly comes into play vith Carolyn," she says.
Kloc points to hov animated and excited Hove
Riddell becomes vhen she talks about the diferent
types of dressings and explaining hov the advanced
vound care products vork.
HoveRiddell`s passion has also made an enormous diference to patients, some
of vhom come in from the community and don`t realize that they have other options
than changing dressings multiple times a day, or that there are better products
available to use. With better care, nurses can control the drainage of vounds, making
it possible to change dressings an uncomfortable, often painful process only
once every other day instead of three or more times per day, and eliminate the odour
emitted by malignant vounds so patients can live a more normal life. It also frees up
time for nursing staf, but for HoveRiddell, this is patient care at its most revarding.
If you`re vorking vith a healable vound, it`s really nice to see that progress," she
says. But vorking vith our palliative patients and the vounds that are not going to
heal the amount of diference that you can make for these people is huge. You can
change a portion of their life."
Along vith the lack of vound care training
her team is trying to address, there is also a
lack of research around palliative vounds. It`s
something HoveRiddell is trying to change.
Leap_Summer12_p16-18.indd 18 5/14/12 11:43:05 AM
0[ QTacP b RP]RTa U aTT \^eT\T]c bd\\Ta!! 19
'% H<96F5=B=57G
CP[T]c P]S bTaT]SX_Xch VX eT 2P[VPah
]Tda^^]R^[^Vh TgRT[[T]RT
in neurooncology, a feld that`s about managing primary and secondary
tumours of the brain and nervous system. Once characterized by poor
outcomes, today many patients are living longer, healthier lives. Meet the team and
fnd out about the latest research.
1aPX] RP]RTa _PcXT]cb QT]TUXc
Ua^\ TgTaRXbT
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BdaVTah ^] [Xcc[T QaPX]b Pc cWT Bc^[[Tah
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X]R[dSTb _WPa\PRXbcb
Leap_Summer12_p19.indd 19 5/15/12 3:30:59 PM
\h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP 20 bd\\Ta!!
Leap_Summer12_p20-23.indd 20 5/14/12 4:07:26 PM
0[ QTa cP b RP]RTa U aTT \^eT\T]c bd\\Ta!! 21
f" >Ybb]ZYf 7\Ub `YZh U dcg]h]cb Ug h\Y dUh\c`c[m `YUXYf
of Harvard and MIT`s Broad Institute to join the researchers at
the University of Calgary. She`s one of several accomplished and
promising researchers vho nov valk the halls of both the Clark H. Smith Brain
Tumour Centre and Ir. Samuel Weiss`s brain tumour stem cell core facility.
The tvo labs are in separate buildings about fve minutes apart on foot at the
University of Calgary`s Ioothills Medical Centre campus. The o or so faculty
investigators, like Chan, and the team of graduate students, research assistants,
technicians and postdoctoral researchers that make up Calgary`s brain cancer
research team, don`t let the fve minutes stop them from being good neighbours.
The close proximity and relationships are part of vhat makes Calgary stand out
as a centre of excellence in neurooncology, or brain cancer, research.
7N FC6=BG7<FC::9@ # E=DIDH7N>C<B;5I7<9F
Leap_Summer12_p20-23.indd 21 5/14/12 11:48:58 AM
\h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP 22 bd\\Ta!!
According to Ir. Gregory Cairncross, head of the
department of clinical neurosciences, team members
valk betveen the labs all the time to see each other, and
check on the vork taking place. He says that over the
past fve or so years, the stars have aligned at the U of C in
terms of facilities, researchers, opportunities and ideas.
The environment is collaborative, open and bursting
vith energy, and it`s given rise to one of the vorld`s most
promising brain cancer research teams. With a long
track record of individual successes from the likes of
Cairncross, Ir. Stephen Robbins, Ir. Ionna Senger and
Ir. Jacob Lasav, along vith a recent endorsement from
the Terry Iox Research Institute in collaboration vith
the Alberta Cancer Ioundation, Alberta Innovates Health
Solutions, Genome Canada and others, the Calgary
team is vorking to better understand brain tumours and
improve the lives of brain cancer patients.
Chan says that Calgary has long been a respected
centre of neuroscience, it`s vhat brought her to the city
in zoo8 to join the U of C as an assistant professor in
the departments of pathology and laboratory medicine,
clinical neurosciences and oncology. According to
Cairncross, it vas Ir. Peter Iorsyth, no longer in Calgary,
vho pioneered brain tumour research in Calgary and laid
the initial foundation for today`s successes, but things
really started to click vith the establishment of the Clark
H. Smith facility in zoo and the recruitment of people
like Chan vith complementary and diverse skill sets.
Cairncross, vho came to Calgary in zooz from Western
University, puts it simply: We vork together because
ve have a common interest, but diferent experiences
and diferent talents and diferent perspectives on the
problem. This mix fuels discovery."
Chan came on board after being recruited by
Cairncross, vho she describes as a demigod" in the
brain tumour vorld. Indeed, the man has earned a bit
of a celebrity in his feld: His self
described obsession" vith a type
of tumour prevalent in young adults
led him, years ago, to make one of
the most signifcant breakthroughs
in brain cancer research to date.
Cairncross discovered that
oligodendroglioma patients vith a certain genetic
change responded extremely vell to chemotherapy in
conjunction vith radiation. Before that, you put a name
on brain tumours, but you didn`t knov any of the basis for
diferences," Chan explains.
Cairncross`s fndings changed everything for patients
vith these particular tumours. With the nev therapy, their
average lifespans doubled from fvetoo years to oto
zo, vith no decrease in the quality of life. His clinical study,
vhich took zo years to complete, is about to be published,
but Cairncross`s combined method of treatment has
already become standard practice in oligodendroglioma
management. Ioctors treating it gambled that he vas
right before the study vas completed, and their bets paid
of. The vork I have done on oligodendrogliomas over
the past zo years had led to the treatment ve use today,
the approach ve use today, the diagnostic assessment of the cancer ve use today. It has
really defned the standard of care of that illness today," Cairncross says.
Tventy years may seem like an eternity, but Chan looks to the recent past to put
things into perspective. In the ,os and earlier, treatments vere limited. You could
try to cut out a cancer perform surgery but there vas little in the vay of medical
therapy. Although some radiation vas used, there vas no chemotherapy. The modern
practice of multiple approaches and combined therapies to target cancers just didn`t
exist," she says. In 6o years there are nov cancers that are very vell treated. Those
people had death sentences before."
Clearly, incremental changes accumulate, and it`s these that add up to transformative
changes. The details are vhat Chan focuses on in her vork at the Clark H. Smith,
bridging the gap betveen basic science and clinical research. One of her major roles
is creating better animal models of
cancer vhether by injecting mice
vith human cancers, or introducing
mutations into genes that are
abnormal in human cancers a vital
step in taking a therapy from the petri
dish to the patient.
Chan`s other major role is directing the Clark H. Smith Neurologic and Pediatric
Tumour Bank, a tissue bank stocked vith highquality tumour samples and
corresponding blood and urine samples from upvards of ,oo patients. Initially
established by Ir. Peter Iorsyth, the tumor bank has grovn to become a critical
component to many research projects vithin the Clark Smith Brain Tumour Group
and beyond. Unlike many tissue banks, vhich simply get a glob of tissue, stuf it in a
tube and throv it in the freezer," the Calgary bank, together vith the closely associated
Stem Cell core, is nov highly curated, qualitycontrolled at every stage, and contains
live cultured or cryogenically preserved tissue samples from many of its malignant
brain tumour donors. Chan advises other investigators on hov human tissue might be
best used to address their scientifc questions in order to bring the relevance of their
fndings to human disease. Where many other tissue banks can be equated to Walmarts,
Chan describes her smaller but highquality and interactive bank as boutique" in the
brain tumour vorld.
A major recent success for Chan`s tissue bank has been the establishment of tvo cell
lines from an extremely rare, ultraaggressive pediatric brain tumor knovn as LTANTR.
Clearly, incremental changes
accumulate, and it`s these that add up
to transformative changes.
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0[ QTa cP b RP]RTa U aTT \^eT\T]c bd\\Ta!! 23
One of these lines came from a tvoyearold Calgary boy,
Alexander Brovn, vhose parents donated his tumour
vhen he died in late zoo. In Chan`s lab, mice injected
vith Alexander`s live cells are currently being used in
research in order to better understand the biology of
LTANTR. His tissue has been sent to labs vorldvide for
study and genetic sequencing, and vork on it continues.
Ior Brovn`s parents, Tara and Jonathan, vho run a
vishgranting foundation called Alexander`s Quest,
the chance to contribute to ongoing research gives
Alexander`s life true meaning. A part of Alexander is
still groving and the cancer hasn`t von yet. Cancer
took Alexander, but nov
the cancer vorks for us
and vorks for all the other
children that have LTANTR,"
Jonathan says. He champions
tumour banking and the vork
being done at the University
of Calgary. You never knov,
vorking on LTANTR, they might discover something that
vorks on other tumours as vell. The battle continues and
a part of Alexander is still alive and still fghting."
But groving brain tumour tissue is no easy matter,
and that`s vhere the collaborative nature of Calgary`s
brain tumour research team really shines. Neuroscientist
Weiss is the director of the Hotchkiss Brain Institute
and a stem cell researcher vhose interest in brain
tumours began fairly recently, explains Cairncross.
But it`s clear vhy Weiss`s curiosity might have been
piqued. It turns out that these stem cells might
actually be the cells that give rise to brain cancers,
and you can grov brain cancers of all types, especially
glioblastomas, if you grov them the vay Sam grev
normal cells from the brain," Cairncross says. Weiss`s
method of groving tumours preserves the genetic structure of the cells in a much
better vay than previous methods have. Nov ve have a much better replica
of the human disease in the laboratory to study on a daily basis."
It`s those glioblastomas the most common brain cancer in adults and, to date, one
of the most resistant to any advances in treatments that make up the focus of the
Calgary team`s latest project. The nev efort a drug discovery development program
for brain cancers funded by $8million in grants from the Terry Iox Research Institute,
the Alberta Cancer Ioundation and others reaches nationvide. Researchers from
the Calgary team vill grov glioblastomas in the stem cell culture method developed
by Weiss; a team at the Genome Sciences Centre at the University of British Columbia
vill sequence the genetic structure of the cancers; and drug screening vill take place in
Toronto against the multithousand compound libraries located there. Team members
vill test promising compounds in mice
vith human cancers in Calgary before
clinical trials commence through the
National Cancer Institute Canada
Clinical Trials Group, based at Queen`s
University in Kingston, Ontario.
Although the Terry Iox project is
in its early days, it`s already yielding
results. We have some interesting drugs that vork in the cells in the laboratory, and
ve`re just trying to fgure out hov vell they vork, and if they`ll vork vhen they`re grovn
in mice, not Petri dishes. We`re vorking on all these steps, and hope that one of these
compounds vill be in human testing in the next fev years," says Cairncross.
As to vhy Calgary`s become such a centre for innovation and excellence in brain
tumour research, Cairncross isn`t quite sure. Perhaps there`s a bit of serendipity
involved. It happens periodically in felds that, for some reason, there`s a cluster of
people vho are in the same place at the same time for their ovn reasons that share the
same interests, and good things happen."
Ior her part, Chan feels there are many more good things to come from the Calgary
brain tumour research team and the collaboration happening betveen scientists,
clinicians and patients. The attitude here is that ve`re going to vork together, and
I like that. Look at the success of some of our recent vork based on that, ve`ve
got an endorsement from larger funding agencies to expand our eforts. I think that`s
very positive."
With the nev therapy, patients vith one
type of brain cancer sav lifespans doubled
from fivetoo years to otozo, vith no
decrease in the quality of life.

Leap_Summer12_p20-23.indd 23 5/15/12 3:32:43 PM
24 bd\\Ta!!
\h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP
Uh][iY ]g dUfh cZ h\Y hYff]hcfm Zcf dYcd`Y
undergoing brain cancer treatments. Happily,
there is a dogged group of health professionals at
the University of Calgary unvilling to accept it at
that. Lxercise is the group`s intervention, and avocation, no
matter hov much fatigue limits a patient.
It`s a revarding population to vork vith," Nicole Culos
Reed says of the cancer patients she sees at the Thrive Centre
(University of Calgary) or in the Health and Wellness space
at the Holy Cross Hospital in Calgary. People are really
motivated to feel better." She is an associate professor of
Kinesiology at the University of Calgary and has researched
the impacts of exercise since zoo. While she`s researched
mall valking, exercise motivation, coaching techniques and
vorked vith adolescents and breast cancer patients, one
group remained out of the loop: people vith brain cancer.
Leap_Summer12_p24-25.indd 24 5/15/12 3:33:57 PM
bd\\Ta!! 25
It`s not as simple as the other populations. There are
physical, cognitive and mental challenges for people vith
brain cancer," she says. Balance is an issue, memory is an
issue, or cognition can be impaired."
Three years ago, she partnered vith Ir. Jay Lasav, the
tumour group lead at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre in
Calgary, and applied for a grant to study ftness changes
over the course of treatment. Preliminary results indicated a
very sharp decline in ftness measures once cancer treat
ments began.
The treatment for brain cancer is really harsh, so the
sooner ve intervene vith exercise the better," says Culos
Reed. Her team measured ftness markers such as Voz
uptake, balance and strength, and is currently analyzing the
full data set.
An additional pilot program is Lxercise for Neuro and Head
0[ QTacP b RP]RTa U aTT \^eT\T]c
and Neck Cancer (LNHANCL), an intervention delivered at the Thrive
Centre and the Holy Cross vellness space. Nurses and oncologists from
the neurooncology clinic referred patients to the Thrive Centre, and
patients attended free of charge, from June to Iecember zo.
Lauren Capozzi took charge of evaluating the data as part of her U of C
graduate vork. She vas struck by the efects of brain cancer treatments,
medication and other factors in some patients. It`s very hard for
someone to experience a zo or opound veight gain in a fev months,"
Capozzi says. She vorked vith the participants to achieve o minutes of
moderate exercise a veek, plus tvo strengthtraining sessions.
In the beginning, people couldn`t get up or dovn stairs. They had
muscle vasting and a lack of confdence." She remembers a patient vho
came in vith his vife, both overveight. He vas unsure if exercise vould
ft into his life." The couple took the program together, exercising once
a veek at U of C, then doing more at home. Capozzi says the patient`s
symptom management increased and he felt better. He increased his
functional ability the ability to do everyday tasks considerably,"
Capozzi says. He lost zo pounds so did his vife."
The LNHANCL group measures progress and is planning to publish
its fndings on items such as sixminute valks, strength, and overall
vellbeing. In an Alberta Cancer Ioundationfunded extension of this
lifestyle program, Capozzi is undertaking doctoral research in a subset
of headandneck cancer patients about vhether it`s better to intervene
during or after cancer treatments. Kathryn Wytsma is continuing the
original program in the neurooncology population (called BONPACL)
and is an exercise physiologist vho vorks vith the patients.
Sometimes you start the day vith Plan A, and by the end, you`re at
Plan B," says Wytsma of the patients. She vorks vithin the parameters
of their limitations to increase their overall ftness levels, including
strength training and light stretching, to see if positive efects improve
overall function.
At the same time, CulosReed began to vonder if yoga vould help
brain cancer patients. She practises regularly and met another researcher
from Wake Iorest University (North Carolina) at a yoga conference.
Together, they ran a tvocity yoga program for brain cancer patients
vho attended yoga sessions vith a support person once a veek. Some
participants questioned vhether they could manage it.
But the beauty of yoga is that it can be adapted to everyone," Culos
Reed says. Yoga has so much to ofer in terms of the psychology, the
mindfulness." She vanted to knov if it vas a feasible option for brain
cancer patients and hov it impacted fatigue. Brain cancer patients
report feeling more energized; ve knov ve can get the acute changes
through yoga." She`s currently analyzing the data for a manuscript
The team`s vork builds on a groving body of studies of the relationship
betveen cancerrelated fatigue and exercise. Once an underserviced
group, people vith brain cancer have nev advocates and exciting nev
fndings that indicate they can feel better vith exercise.
Leap_Summer12_p24-25.indd 25 5/15/12 4:14:29 PM
\h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP 26 bd\\Ta!!
CXQbY^W*;68:86C8:GL>I=HIDG>:H >Ueb__^S_\_Wi*7G6>C<6>CH
<:II>C<7:II:G/1oda,. surqeons |lke (L-) Lr. Vlvek
enta. Lr. eltn ^ron,k and Lr. Je uqn. are co||aboratlnq
to lnprove outcones ln tne |ltt|est patlents.
Leap_Summer12_p26-28.indd 26 5/14/12 11:56:00 AM
0[ QTacP b RP]RTa U aTT \^eT\T]c bd\\Ta!! 27
UbYg gYjYb!mYUf!c`X gcb kc_Y id ]b
the middle of the night and, on his trek to the
bathroom, called out from the top stair, My
leg doesn`t vork:" Jane`s initial sleepy thoughts
vere, Well, don`t pee at the top of the stairs." She
asked him vhat his leg felt like and he said he had pins
and needles in his leg and his arm. She told him to
shake it out and go to the bathroom. He made his vay
dovnstairs and once in the bathroom, yelled, My hand
doesn`t vork:" She and her husband got up and found
that the boy couldn`t apply pressure vith his left hand
or foot. They let him pee, dressed him and Jane took
her son to the Grey Nuns Hospital.
Over the six veeks prior, Jane`s son had throvn
up three or four times exactly at :o a.m. each time.
Ioctors explained later that the vomiting vas due to
intracranial pressure that built up vhile he lay in bed.
Jane says because they vere anal parents," the kids
vent to bed at the same time every night, hence her
son`s clockvork vomiting.
On the vay to the hospital, Jane called her brother,
vho is a doctor, detailing the earlymorning events.
He told her, no matter hov much better his nephev
seemed to get vhile at the hospital Io not leave:"
The doctor examining her son looked into the boy`s
eyes and sav papilledema: optic disc svelling due
to increased intracranial pressure. Nurses, medical
students and other doctors took turns looking into
her son`s eyes. I`m not stupid I knev something vas
going on," Jane says. She found out that papilledema is
a condition many doctors read about in text books but
rarely see.
Because he vas so young, Jane vas alloved to
accompany her son for his CT Scan. The image on the
screen shoved a great big, black circle." It vas a uid
flled cyst that a solid tumour had created and it vas
causing many of her son`s symptoms. The hospital gave
Jane the scans and told her to take them, and the boy, to
Ldmonton`s Stollery Children`s Hospital vhere staf
vas expecting them.
Once at the Stollery, Jane rested on the bed vhile
her son blev up surgical gloves to play vith vhile they
vaited. Jane remembers seeing a doctor in full surgical
gear peek into the room, look around and step out again.
RbY^WcQTY]U^cY_^_VTY Se\didXUCd_\\Ubic
Leap_Summer12_p26-28.indd 27 5/14/12 11:56:24 AM
It vas Ir. Vivek Mehta, lead of the Stollery`s pediatric neurosurgical team. He came back
a fev minutes later a little puzzled. Mehta told Jane much later in the treatment process
that he vas shocked by the boy`s activity level after seeing the serious nature of the scans.
Treatment is about timing. Larly and better detection are goals Ir. Mehta and the rest
of the Stollery`s neurooncology team aim for. You can come into an om ce and say, 'I`ve
got headaches, I`m puking and I`m ofbalance,` and ve`ll send you to a CT Scan," Ir.
Mehta says. A threeyearold vill come in and some vill say it`s the u and then hov
are you going to get them to sit still (for a scan)? So you can imagine all the extra hurdles
that exist to make an accurate and timely diagnosis before they`re sick."
Jane`s son`s treatment began that morning at the Stollery, vith a strong steroid to
reduce the cyst`s side efects. The team scheduled surgery for a fev days later.
She thinks it vas a Tuesday morning in October zoo vhen the surgeons removed
her son`s brain tumour. By the afternoon, he vas resting in intensive care. Jane and her
husband alternated every tvo hours betveen a sleeping area in the Stollery and their
son`s room so he vouldn`t be alone.
It`s alvays a rough road vhen doctors diagnose a child vith a brain tumour, says Ir.
Keith Aronyk, one of the three pediatric neurosurgeons at the Stollery and head of the
neurosciences clinical department at Alberta Health Services. Iamilies should expect to
travel to Ldmonton frequently during a year to 8month period. (The Stollery pediatric
neurosurgeons treat patients from Northern BC, Northern Alberta, the Northvest
Territories and part of Saskatchevan.) The frst step, Ir. Aronyk tells parents, is surgery,
vhich can take tvo of the three pediatric neurosurgeons about six to eight hours. After
surgery, the Stollery`s neurooncology team determines other therapies, such as radiation
and chemotherapy.
Ir. Aronyk says vhen he frst started performing pediatric neurosurgeries for
malignant brain tumours in ,8, the outcomes vere rarely positive. Nov as many as
6o per cent of these patients can expect a fveyear survival rate. Many though, at that
fveyear mark, vill have some brain developmental delay due to the surgery and the
subsequent radiation and chemotherapy treatment.
When you`re vorking on the brain stem of a child, that`s their living and breathing
centre. There is no room for error," says Ir. Mehta.
Jane`s son vas vide avake by a.m. and starving. 'I`m hungry, I`m hungry` he said and
he nagged the nurses so much that they fnally gave him ice chips," she says.
When Ir. Mehta came by around at , a.m. for his morning rounds, he vas impressed
that his spunky patient vas avake, alert and eager to negotiate for food. I`ve already had
ice chips," the patient told him vhen the doctor ofered
them to the boy. They settled on popsicles. Jane says he
ate six or seven over the course the morning. Irench fries
became his next food request. Ir. Mehta said he should be
eased slovly back onto regular food.
When Jane fnally brought him some, she tried to pace
him. He fnished them all.
The third pediatric neurosurgeon at the Stollery is Ir.
Jef Pugh, vho is also an assistant professor in the Iivision
of Neurosurgery. I think it`s important to knov that ve
do not vork in isolation," he says. We have a committed
team of medical oncologists, radiation oncologists,
surgeons, pathologists, neuropsychologsits, social
vorkers, physiotherapists and occupational therapists
vorking closely." The team doesn`t stop at the door of the
Stollery. The pediatric neurooncologists have contacts
throughout North America helping everyone invested
to remain uptodate on nev, ongoing or recent clinical
trials. We don`t hesitate to send patients for treatment
elsevhere if ve believe that another centre has the
technology to provide the best care that ve don`t have
One such treatment is proton beam radiation therapy.
Aronyk is leading the charge to have Ldmonton become
the frst Canadian city to ofer it. He says this treatment
can target a tumour more precisely than existing forms of
radiation therapy.
Jane`s son is 6 nov. He has a learner`s license, he plays
soccer, noncontact hockey, he curls, he teaches golf,"
she says. He`s an honours student." He`s had four more
surgeries and some radiation treatment since his frst
treatment in zooz. His last surgery vas in May zo and he
has follovup MRIs every tvo or three months to monitor
the tumour site. Jane is thankful hov quickly his recovery
has been after each surgery. He`s made brain surgery look
very easy."
\h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP 28 bd\\Ta!!
Eraln tunours ln cnl|dren na, present as
perslstent nausea and vonltlnq. perslstent
neadacne. doub|e vlslon or onqolnq prob|ens
wltn ba|ance. (1nese s,nptons can be
caused b, otner condltlons. too.) atlents are
usua||, reerred to neurosurqeons tnrouqn
tne enerqenc, roon: ron pedlatrlclans wno
be|leve tnere's sonetnlnq nore serlous to
a cnl|d's neadacnes: optnano|oqlsts wno
see sonetnlnq wronq ln tne cnl|d's e,es: and
qastroentero|oqlsts (C) wno revlew a cnl|d's
qastrolntestlna| tract.
1en per cent o klds nave neadacnes. 1ne
lnportant ouestlons doctors wl|| ask are - are
tne neadacnes ln tne nornlnq' ^re tne,
assoclated wltn vonltlnq' Lo tne, nave an aura
(tenporar, vlsua|. sensor,. |anquaqe or notor
dlsturbance to slqna| tne neadacne wl|| soon
occur)' s tnere a anl|, nlstor, o neadacnes'
s tnelr reouenc, lncreaslnq'
A:69>C<8=6G<:/Lr. ^ron,k ls pusnlnq or
proton bean radlatlon tnerap, ln Ednonton.
Leap_Summer12_p26-28.indd 28 5/14/12 11:57:05 AM
0[ QTacP b RP]RTa U aTT \^eT\T]c bd\\Ta!! 29
aU[]bY [c]b[ h\fci[\ aU^cf gif[Yfm UbX
then starting a treatment regimen of as many
as a halfdozen prescription medications per
day, in addition to vhatever pills, vitamins and
supplements you are already taking. The average
patient receiving chemotherapy in neurooncology
takes several diferent medications per day, so it`s
little vonder they sometimes feel overvhelmed,
confused, and stressed about this aspect of their
treatment. Recognizing this, researchers undertook
a feasibility study a fev years ago at Calgary`s Tom
Baker Cancer Centre to determine if the addition
of a pharmacist to the neurooncology team could
be of beneft to patients attending the clinic. The
study demonstrated a defnite need and this
past fall, funding vas obtained to staf tvo part
time pharmacy positions in the neurooncology
department. Presently, these positions are flled
by Nadine Lam and Irances Cusano.
Team members have already noticed a
diference. Having a pharmacist on the team
has greatly improved patient care," says
Catriona Leckie, nurse practitioner in the
Iepartment of NeuroOncology. Patients
have a lot questions about medications and
it`s good to have someone vith expertise in
the area. The pharmacists provide ansvers to
questions during patient training sessions,
help organize individualized medication
schedules, provide advice on alternative
treatments and follov up vith patients to
help them manage side efects."
Leap_Summer12_p29-30.indd 29 5/15/12 3:40:06 PM
\h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP 30 bd\\Ta!!
cancer," explains Vickie Baceda. Lach member of the team has an expertise, but ve`re
all vorking together for one thing our patients."
A team of approximately people vorks in neurooncology (not alvays at the same
time) and Baceda coordinates the clinics, vhich take place tvice each veek. Members
of the neurooncology team include medical oncologists, radiation oncologists,
nurses, nurse practitioners, clinical associates, visiting fellovs, clerical staf,
pharmacists, psychologists, and spiritual advisors. The team can also call on social
vorkers, fnancial advisors, and homecare providers
to assist if necessary. Some people are surprised
at the vide variety of disciplines represented on the
team, but there are many things that our patients
have to deal vith," Baceda explains. Ior example,
most people can`t vork vhen they`re being treated
for a brain tumour and if they are selfemployed
and vithout disability insurance, they often have
concerns about hov they`ll support their families. Those concerns might be eased by
talking vith a social vorker or our team psychologist. "
While pharmacists are the nevest addition to the neurooncology team, the team`s
expertise is broad. Beceda has overseen and coordinated its grovth, and she looks
after business at the clinic like a conductor at an orchestra. She has so much on the go
that, vhen she retires later this year, there are plans to replace her vith tvo people.
There vas a time vhen hospitals only considered the medications and procedures
that vould be used to treat the tumour, but modern medicine is about much more than
just treating the disease. Lvery person on the neurooncology team has an important
role," says Baceda. We all vork together to enhance the care."
One of the most important roles the pharmacists have
taken on is detecting drug interactions before a patient
begins their medication regimen. One of the largest
areas of my practice is responding to questions about
natural health products," Irances Cusano says. We
don`t discourage people from using complementary
medicines, but ve do vant them to understand the risks
and benefts. Some
natural products aren`t
a concern, but some
have side efects such
as an increased risk of
bleeding or seizures
that could be dangerous
vhen combined vith
chemotherapy agents. Other herbs, such as those vith
antioxidant properties, can decrease the efectiveness
of radiation therapy."
The addition of a pharmacist to the team has also
facilitated a proposal for a nev research study the neuro
oncology group hopes to undertake. The team vould
like to see if an herb, 2_cgU\\YQ cUbbQdQ, could beneft the
typical treatment regime for clinic patients. Cusano
has been documenting current scientifc research on
the herb and vill play a key role in the group`s research
proposal. There has been some research done
elsevhere that shovs this herb may decrease svelling in
the brain," explains Cusano. We hope that adding this
complementary medicine to the regular regimen vill
allov us to decrease the steroids patients have to take
after brain surgery and eliminate a lot of side efects."
When it comes to the complicated medications in
neurooncology, the group has discovered that it`s great
to have an expert around. There`s no doubt that the
addition of pharmacists to the neurooncology team
has improved patient care, but the pharmacist`s role
goes deeper than just the technical aspects of the job."
says Vickie Baceda, primary nurse in the Iepartment of
NeuroOncology. It`s been benefcial for our patients to
have a relationship vith a neurooncology pharmacist."
Pharmacists may become regulars in neurooncology
teams throughout Alberta.
H<9 B9IFC!CB7C@C;M H95A. Being told
that you have a brain tumour is frightening nevs that
brings questions and concerns, beyond the treatment
of the disease. That`s vhy neurooncology clinics are
increasingly taking a multidisciplinary approach.
We`re treating the vhole patient, not just the
One of the largest areas of my
practice is responding to questions
about natural health products,"
Irances Cusano says.
Leap_Summer12_p29-30.indd 30 5/15/12 3:42:37 PM
1o partlclpate ln tnls ,ear's lve-kl|onetre run or wa|k. on
eptenber 15 ln Ednonton. vlslt W`]aVcZ\cdYfib"WU and qet ,our
Eon Jovl on.
This September, Chad Murphy expects 500 people
to cnanne| tnelr lnner rock stars - tnlnk blq nalr. e,e-
|lner. neon and even |eatner - and run or wa|k lve
kl|onetres tnrouqn Ednonton's rlver va||e,. c|lnblnq
c|ose to 1.UUU stalrs en route.
t's not an unreasonab|e expectatlon. eltner: at
|ast ,ear's ock 'N o|| C|lnb o ope un. nore
tnan 4UU peop|e dld just tnat. ^s rock nuslc b|ared
on speakers tnrouqnout tne rlver va||e,. partlcl-
pants. nan, ln costunes. wa|ked. ran and ralsed
nore tnan 14U. UUU or tne ^|berta Cancer
Foundatlon. benettlnq tne Cross Cancer nstltute.
urpn, ls noplnq to beat tnat tota| at tnls ,ear's
ourtn annua| event on eptenber 15.
urpn,. race cnalrnan. started tne ock 'N o||
C|lnb o ope un ln 2UU9. |ove runnlnq and want-
ed to nave a un event." ne sa,s. e'd seen slnl|ar
races tnrlve ln tne U.. durlnq tne recesslon. even as
otner events a|tered. urpn, declded to qlve tne
tnene a tr, nere and plcked one o nls avourlte run-
nlnq routes. a tral| tnat c|lnbs our sets o rlver va||e,
stalrs - tne nenesls and qoa| or nan, |oca| runners.
t worked. and tne rst event attracted c|ose to 2UU
peop|e. For tne 2U1U event. urpn,'s new enp|o,er.
udsons Canadlan 1ap ouse. cane on board.
udsons nas been tne presentlnq sponsor ever slnce.
1ne unds ralsed at tne event benelt tne Cross
Cancer nstltute. a cause c|ose to urpn,. wno was
seven ,ears o|d wnen ne |ost nls atner to cancer. t
was slx nontns ron wnen tne, to|d n, notner about
nls dlaqnosls untl| ne passed." urpn, sa,s.
urpn,. now 38. nas slnce seen nan, otner peop|e
experlence tne |oss ne e|t as a cnl|d. tnlnk lt's a |ot
touqner to experlence |oss tne nore ,ears tnat ,ou
nave wltn soneone." ne sa,s. o wnen see otner
peop|e now qolnq tnrouqn wnat dld. eltner tnense|ves or wltn tnelr parents.
tnlnk tnat's even touqner."
urpn, ls natter-o-act wnen dlscusslnq nls own experlences. lnc|udlnq qrowlnq
up wltnout a atner. Ever,tnlnq tnat nappens to ,ou ln |le nakes ,ou stronqer and
,ou |earn ron lt." ne sa,s. You can't dwe|| on lt. but l ,ou can ne|p sonebod,
e|se. tnat's antastlc."
o ne ne|ps. ^s dlrector o store openlnqs at udsons. urpn, trave|s tnrouqnout
^|berta and askatcnewan to open new |ocatlons o tne popu|ar tap-nouse bar.
wnl|e a|so encouraqlnq sta at eacn to orn a tean or tne run. urpn, tnen |eads
captalns' neetlnqs |eadlnq up to tne event. \e do week|, updates wltn cnarts
and nake lt rea| conpetltlve anonqst tne teans." urpn, sa,s.
1nat approacn ne|ped udsons ralse nore tnan 75.UUU or |ast ,ear's run.
wltn tne top tean. udsons ead Olce. ralslnq c|ose to 3U.UUU. \e're a rea|
conpetltlve conpan, at tne best o tlnes and wnen lt cones to cnarlt, lt's no
dlerent." urpn, sa,s.
Eetween orqanlzlnq tne race and openlnq new out|ets o udsons. urpn,'s
scnedu|e ls bus,. ^nd lt nlqnt just qet busler: urpn, nas neard ron peop|e lnterested
ln expandlnq tne rock-tnened event be,ond Ednonton. to Letnbrldqe. Ca|qar,
and askatoon.
For now. tnls eptenber's ourtn annua| ock 'N o|| C|lnb o ope un ls an
lnportant ocus or urpn,. e's exclted or tnls ,ear's event. wnlcn ne nopes wl||
ralse nore tnan 2UU.UUU - a sun tnat wou|d bunp tne tota| ralsed to c|ose to
na|-a-nl||lon do||ars. ne sa,s. , qoa| rlqnt ron da, one nas a|wa,s been tnat
won't nand lt o to an,one e|se untl| qet to a nl||lon bucks."
A fun run incorporates the best
heavy metal and the ashiest
rocker costumes and several
ights of Edmontons storied
river valley stairs
0[ QTacP b RP]RTa U aTT \^eT\T]c bd\\Ta!! 31
GJC!6C<JH one runners dress ln tnelr avourlte rocker
wear. |lke tnls ^nqus Younq (ron ^CLC) |ooka|lke.
Leap_Summer12_p31.indd 31 5/14/12 12:04:18 PM
be,ondXVcXZg /
Lonq-tern eects var, per patlent. one o tne tnlnqs we'|| |ook
at ln uture co|unns na, lnc|ude:
n,slca| lssues
edlca| lssues
s,cno|oqlca| lssues
ocla| lssues
Exlstentla| and splrltua| lssues
Treatments over! Now what? Early detection and
better treatnents nave lncreased tne rate and |enqtn
o survlva| or nan, cancers so tnat tnere are now
near|, 1UU.UUU cancer survlvors ln ^|berta. ore tnan
5U per cent wl|| |lve at |east ve ,ears be,ond dlaqno-
sls. Eut because nost nea|tn-care s,stens ocus on
qettlnq patlents tnrouqn cancer treatnent. we know
|ltt|e about wnat nappens or survlvors once treat-
nent ends. urvlvlnq ls just tne beqlnnlnq.
eop|e can ee| a blt |ost as tne, nake tne transl-
tlon to a new norna|. 1ne, worr, once actlve treat-
nent nas stopped. and about wnlcn new s,nptons
natter. 1ne, want to lncrease tnelr odds o |lvlnq we||
and |onq ater cancer. and sonetlnes tnelr rlends
and anl|, just don't understand tnelr new approacn
to |le. ^|tnouqn tnere are nan, resources and pro-
qrans or peop|e just dlaqnosed wltn cancer. tnere
are ew or peop|e transltlonlnq to survlvorsnlp.
, nane ls Janlne Clese-Lavls and oversee a new
nu|tl-dlsclp|lnar, qroup. ca||ed CancerELCE. tnat
alns to conduct researcn and deve|op eectlve pro-
qrans based on ^|bertan survlvors' needs.
1ne |abe| cancer survlvor" app|les broad|, to an,-
one dlaqnosed wltn cancer ln tne past. and nls or ner
anl|, or careqlvers. urvlvor proqrans ocus on peo-
p|e wno've conp|eted tne treatnent (surqer,. cne-
notnerap, and/or radlatlon) tne, recelved at a cancer
centre. and wno are resunlnq tne nedlca| overslqnt
o tnelr anl|, pn,slclans ln tnelr nonetowns. Oten
survlvors ee| abandoned b, tne nedlca| s,sten.
1ne, don't know wno to turn to l tne, nave troub|e
relnteqratlnq lnto tnelr |lves. 1ne, worr, tnat tnelr
anl|, pn,slclans na, not understand tnelr cancer
journe, and treatnent nlstor,. 1ne, oten ee| tnat
tne, don't t at a cancer centre but. eoua||,. tne, don't
t wltn tnelr norna|. pre-cancer nea|tn-care patn.
^|tnouqn nan, survlvors report posltlve cnanqes
o||owlnq cancer. nost researcn on survlvors o adu|t
cancer conc|udes tnat onqolnq dllcu|tles renaln.
an, survlvors experlence |ate eects. delned as
unrecoqnlzed toxlcltles ron treatnents. absent or
subc|lnlca| at tne end o actlve treatnent. but wnlcn
|ater becone vlslb|e. 1ne, a|so na, experlence |onq-
tern eects. dened as an, conp|lcatlon ron treat-
nent or wnlcn patlents nust conpensate.
Over tne past severa| ,ears. Canada. tne Unlted
tates. ^ustra|la and otner countrles nave prlorltlzed survlvorsnlp researcn and tne
deve|opnent o evldence-based proqrans. Conslstent tnenes lnc|ude: enpow-
erlnq survlvors to assert tnelr needs. acl|ltatlnq transltlons across nedlca| s,s-
tens. advocac, and a person-centered approacn to survlvorsnlp care. 1ne nu|tl-
dlsclp|lnar, qroup oversee. CancerELCE. nas nade substantla| proqress. lnl-
tlatlnq lnteqrated researcn-based care or survlvors ln ^|berta. On survlvors' bena|.
we are conductlnq studles to exanlne wa,s to nake tnls transltlon easler or ever,-
one. For exanp|e. we are stud,lnq now to create eectlve care p|ans tnat nurses
can qlve survlvors at tne end o actlve treatnent. scan lnto tne onco|oq, record.
and cop, to tnelr anl|, pn,slclans so ever,one wl|| be on tne sane nedlca| paqe.
\e've a|so |auncned our proqran arn recent|, on WUbWYfVf]X[Yg"WU. and
lntroduced a survlvor network and educatlona| sesslons ln Ednonton and
Ca|qar,. wnlcn we'|| record and de|lver to rura| |ocatlons. \e want nore survlvors
to becone part o our survlvor network. \e want to near tnelr storles. qood and
bad. and we want to know wno. ln nea|tn care. nas done an exenp|ar, job.
7UbWYfVf]X[Yg"WU nas a ca|endar tnat |lsts educatlona| sesslons and support
opportunltles ^|bertans can access ater cancer. \e nope to be tne one-stop-
snop or survlvorsnlp care and lnornatlon. \ltn tne lnltlatlon o tnls co|unn.
we'|| provlde updates. lndlnqs and takeawa, advlce re|ated to tne journe,.
\e|cone to survlvorsnlp
\nat Cones ^ter
\h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP 32 bd\\Ta!! \h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP
Leap_Summer12_p32.indd 32 5/14/12 4:19:32 PM
0[ QTacP b RP]RTa U aTT \^eT\T]c bd\\Ta!! 33
Leap_Summer12_p33-36.indd 33 5/14/12 12:11:15 PM
\h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP 34 bd\\Ta!!
]hh`Y \]_Yfg hfiX[Y id h\Y \]`` Ujc]X]b[
as best they can, tree branches threatening
to svipe across their faces. Of the path, light
quickly fades and they imagine dangers lying among the
forest shadovs. In single fle, veary and distracted, they
try to avoid stumbling on jutting rocks and exposed tree
roots. Then, vith relief, they top the hill and see belov
them the pond and buildings of their camp, Camp
Kindle, securely nestled in this valley of the foothills.
Camp Kindle (emphasis on kin" as in family) is a
major project of
the Kids Cancer
Care Ioundation
of Alberta (KCC).
Lach year, thanks
largely to corporate
and individual do
nations, more than
o Alberta kids vho have been afected by cancer have
the opportunity to enjoy nature and the playful compan
ionship of other kids (and adults) vho understand the
value of respite, retreat and the need for fun. Lach camp
ing session includes 8o children and, counting staf and
volunteers, almost as many adults under the leadership
of camp program manager Jordan Miller.
The camp is open to children vith cancer and their
siblings," says Mike MacKay, director of Camp and
Community programs. But ve also ofer family camps
and teen camps in the fall and spring. This year, ve`re
ofering our frst veeklong summer family camp and,
in zoo, ve started ofering a nev camp program, called
SunHaven, to children vho have a parent vith cancer.
Iuring the shoulder seasons ve rent the camp to outside
groups, like schools and bands."
The camp is situated in the Rocky Mountain foothills
about 8o kilometres northvest of Calgary near Water
Valley. KCC purchased the 6oacre Silver Creek Guest
Ranch for $z. million. Ior tvo years KCC used the origi
nal ranch buildings, but, vith the success of an $8million
Capital Campaign, Camp Kindle has reinvented itself.
Nov featuring a modern medical facility and improved
vheelchair accessibility, Camp Kindle still retains its rustic
camp charm. The nev facilities are open year round and, to
generate funds, are available to private groups and corpora
Surrounded by hills, the Rocky
Mountains in the distance, nature
does its vork, calming and quieting,
even in the exuberance of play.
Leap_Summer12_p33-36.indd 34 5/14/12 4:20:17 PM
In September of 2005, Elma Spady and 30 friends celebrated a tugboat
launch in Pigeon Lake Alberta.
The day celebrated friendship and the vibrancy of 63-year-old Elma,
a lawyer, who had built the replica of New York Harbour tugs by hand
in her garage.
Elmas friends gathered with her again just three months later as
she died of pancreatic cancer. But her ability to push through challenges
continues. Elma funds cancer research with her legacy. She knew that if
one small woman can build a boat, together, we can build a future without
To learn more about leaving a legacy to a
cancer-free future, please contact:
Derek Michael
780 643 4662, 1 866 412 4222
derek.michael @albertacancerfoundation.ca

Give the gift of a lifetime.
000LP.Legacy_Elma_1-2H.indd 1 10/28/11 10:01:32 AM
tions for recreation and corporate events.
Tvo nev dorms provide six bedrooms on tvo levels.
Lach dorm has four bathrooms that maintain the
integrity and privacy of campers," says MacKay. That`s
so important to children and teenagers." The nev
dining hall and lodge, vith its openbeam design and
oortoceiling rock freplace, are material expressions
of the values of openness and trust the KCC foundation
The environment is not the least of Camp Kindle`s
assets. Here, surrounded by hills, the Rocky Mountains
in the distance, kids and parents let nature do its vork,
calming and quieting, even in the exuberance of games
and play. Both children and adults often experience
quiet moments vhen trust settles in and, perhaps vhile
valking vith a companion, they can express the anxiet
ies that, until nov, they have not permitted themselves
to release.
Irom the medical centre and nursing station a team of
four qualifed nurses handles all medication needs, including
administering oral chemo and hydration products. KCC
vorks closely vith the Alberta Children`s Hospital and the
Stollery Children`s Hospital to ensure the medical safety of
the campers. All facilities are vheelchair accessible.
Camp catering manager, Iacia Lashmore, vife of
maintenance manager Kris, provides homestyle meals
Leap_Summer12_p33-36.indd 35 5/14/12 4:20:40 PM
ranging from a simple grilledcheese sandvich for lunch
to a full roast beef meal for supper, Yorkshire pudding
included. On a lucky day, she`ll bring out her heartshaped
Kindle cookies as a treat.
Just for the fun of it, Camp Kindle nov includes a nev
activity centre, an outdoor svimming pool and hot tub,



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a climbing vall and a high ropes course. Lach morning
(after dorm cleanup) kids can try archery, svimming,
high and lov rope climbing, hiking, mountain biking,
arts and crafts, drama and music in the music hall.
Occasionally volunteers ofer their expertise, enabling
kids to experience photography, yoga and other special
interests. The site also includes a ball diamond and
soccer feld. Ior adventurous teenagers, the Sun Seeker
Cabin (no pover or vater) a kilometre avay is the
base for rock climbing and hiking. At night around the
campfre, campers participate in songs and skits.
A veek culminates in Iriday`s theme activities, a
formal dinner, and Camp Avards. Lveryone gets an
avard because," MacKay says, kids hold the camp in
high regard. And there are almost no violations of the
three simple rules: Respect yourself, respect others,
respect the environment." A dance follovs, IJ duties
performed by IJ Iish Productions, a childhood cancer
survivor. Like IJ Iish, other Camp Alumni, encouraged
by the leadership programs, are giving back to the
community through public speaking, fundraising or as
role models for young campers.
Ior Mike MacKay, communicating and connecting are
essential to the spirit of Camp Kindle. He sums up the
Camp Kindle experience by explaining, Cancer brought
us together, but it`s not going to hold us back."
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UfaYfg aUf_Yhg UWfcgg h\Y dfcj]bWY UfY
in full sving, shoving of their local food
ingredients and products. Ior some, the choice
and abundance can look like a Monet painting. Ior others, it
resembles a Rorschach psychological inkblot test. If you`re
stressed and exhausted, the idea of shopping at a farmers
market might seem like going into battle for your groceries.
My hope is to convince you othervise. Under the auspices
of my business, Seasoned Solutions, I regularly take people
on shopandcook tours of Ldmonton`s Iovntovn
Iarmers Market, so I have seen both the bevilderment
and delight frst hand. The farmers market experience can
be as pleasant and gratifying as gazing at an Impressionist
painting and it`s better for you.
Let`s be realistic. Any form of grocery shopping involves
planning. It`s not magic; it requires you to think about
vhat you`re going to eat over the next veek. Notice, I said
vhat you are going to eat over the next veek, not the next
month. I put a menu together of foods for breakfast, lunch
and dinner. I determine hov many portions I`m going to
prepare and vrite a grocery list based on this list of foods.
My list follovs a logical order of protein, dairy, vegetables,
fruits, etc. I keep that list in hand vhen I`m shopping. It`s
easy for me to get distracted by the colour and array of food
choice at a farmers market and the last thing I vant to do is
to spend my hardearned dollars on items that may become
part of the landfll.
In North America ve have become accustomed to
shopping once or tvice a month, rather than several
times a veek. We usually shop at a grocery store, vhere
ve load up carts vith processed convenience foods.
Just take a look inside your favourite grocery store. As
much as 8o per cent of the food it ofers is processed.
Chances are, if your greatgrandmother valked into
a modern grocery store, most of the foods vould be
unrecognizable to her.
I`ve discovered that it`s better to go grocery shopping
at a farmers market in the morning, rather than the
afternoon. Products are more plentiful and it`s not as
crovded. Take sturdy shopping bags vith you. The plastic
bags provided by merchants are vasteful and can tear at
your fngers as they get heavier. I take an insulated bag
vith me for frozen items and if I am not going home vith
my groceries right avay, I have a cooler and ice in my car.
In the heat of summer, the last thing I vant is my groceries
to fzzle and vilt in an ovenhot car.
I prefer to shop at a farmers market vhere the vendors
are the actual producers of the products I am buying. Not
all farmers markets are set up this vay. At a producer
represented market, I can ask specifc questions about
hov the product is grovn or raised. Io the grovers use
fertilizer or pesticide? What type of feed do they give to
the chickens, ducks and pigs? Is the beef grass and grain
fnished? Io the eggs come from chickens that get to roam
around outside? To me these are important questions as I
believe that vhat I eat can afect my health. As a survivor
of estrogenpositive breast cancer, I`m very avare of foods
that can trigger the production of estrogen. By knoving
vhat`s in my food, I can make educated choices about
vhat I eat.
square every Saturday betveen the May long veekend
and Thanksgiving. It`s the place to be, to do your grocery
shopping and meet friends.
The food you fnd at at the local farmers market is
fresher and has travelled fever kilometres to get there.
That`s very important to me; maybe it is for you, too.
Ior me it means knoving that the food I`m buying is
fresher, picked vhen it`s ripe and therefore has a higher
nutritional value than produce picked veeks ago,
ripening in a cargo hold or on a truck. Produce from
outside of the country has also travelled a long vay to
get here and has a higher carbon footprint. That`s a
concern to me, especially vith the rising monetary and
environmental cost of fuel. I also prefer to support a
local farmer, knoving my dollars are going back into the
local economy.
In most other countries, it`s common to market shop
daily or several times a veek. Whenever I host culinary
tours to other cities or countries, I alvays include the
local market as part of the food experience. Inevitably, the
market is the heart and soul of a country`s food culture.
We are seeing a rise in the number of farmers markets
in this province. In my neighbourhood dovntovn, our
outdoor farmers market has become a kind of tovn
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0[ QTacP b RP]RTa U aTT \^eT\T]c bd\\Ta!! 39
are available throughout the year, as vell as meat (beef,
pork, chicken, duck, bison, elk, and others) and fsh
protein, fresh baked bread and dairy products: pretty
much everything on your grocery list.
So, have I convinced you to at least give shopping at a
farmers market a try? You might be surprised at hov peaceful
and positive the experience vill be and it might just become
part of your regular veekly shopping routine.
Once you develop a relationship vith vendors and
discover hov their food is grovn and harvested, it`s hard
to continue shopping at a grocery store. Most fruits and
vegetables in grocery stores are tagged vith a fourdigit
code or price. The country of origin may not be labelled
and in some cases it can be mislabelled.
This soup can be made any time of the year. If local peppers are not
available, just substitute tomatoes for the same volume.
2 Red peppers, seeded, quartered and cut into 2-inch pieces
4 Medium tomatoes, quartered and cut into 2-inch pieces
1 Small onion, cut in half-inch slices
2 Tbsp Crushed garlic
2 Tbsp Extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp Ground coriander
cup Water
2 tbsp Whipping cream
1 tsp Fresh lemon juice
1 tsp Salt
tsp Sugar
2 tbsp Chopped fresh mint
cup Sour cream or yogurt
Pre-heat oven to 400F. In a large bowl, toss peppers, tomatoes, onion and garlic in olive oil and coriander.
Transfer to a baking pan covered with parchment and bake until the vegetables start to soften and char,
about 30 to 40 minutes. Pure the vegetables and any juices from the pan in a food processor or blender or
transfer to a soup pot and use an immersion blender. Stir in the remaining ingredients except mint. Serve
warm or cold. Stir in chopped mint just before serving and top with a dollop of sour cream or yogurt.
This soup can be served cold or at room temperature and is an excellent soup for a picnic. It also
freezes well. Any hearth-style or rustic bread with cheese would be great alongside this soup.
Lven though ve live in a province that experiences
a long vinter, I am alvays pleasantly surprised at the
availability of locally grovn and raised ingredients
that farmers markets carry throughout the year. Our
greenhouses in central Alberta produce cucumbers,
peppers and tomatoes most of the year. Root vegetables
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\h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP 40 bd\\Ta!!
into efect, Hoves signed up to honour his brother`s memory.
In November of ,,8, BurkeIobie, then in his early os, vas diagnosed vith
chronic myelogenous leukemia and needed a transplant. He and Hoves vere
agged as a match.
As if being a match vasn`t exciting enough, Hoves vas eager vhen he vas told
that the bone marrov transplant process vould be folloved in the media as part of
an avareness campaign. Today, that footage from the
,,, procedure might be a little fuzzy but the memory
of the day and the events that folloved are picture
Normally this procedure vould have been done
under general anesthetic," says Hoves of the bone marrov harvest. I vanted
to make sure I vas avake through the vhole thing and could speak vith the
interviever in the middle of the action," he says.
As the footage rolls, it shovs Hoves lying on a table cracking the odd, bad joke
vhile doctors strategically remove the precious bone marrov from his the back of
his hip bone. After the procedure he admits to feeling a bit stif. But I really didn`t
miss a beat," says Hoves.
A year after the procedure, folloving the mandatory vaiting period and vith
Ionors betveen , and from
ethnically diverse backgrounds are
proving to be strong matches.
Ygd]hY h\Y h]aY h\Uh \Ug `UdgYX g]bWY h\Y]f
last visit, vhen Randy Hoves and George
BurkeIobie meet there`s an exchange of
handshakes, hugs and a fev jovial jabs. Hov have you
been Georgie?" asks Hoves.
Well I`m looking better than you," replies Burke
Iobie, and so it goes. Some
might mistake them for lifelong
friends, cousins or maybe even
brothers. But these tvo vere
brought together by chance,
generosity and hope.
In ,88, Hoves lost his only brother Lorne to
acute myelogenous leukemia. Randy vas tested,
but vas not a match to donate bone marrov that might
save Lorne. Several years vould pass before health
administrators and labs created a public registry for
prospective donors. When vhat vas then referred to
as the NonRelated Bone Marrov Registry fnally came
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0[ QTacP b RP]RTa U aTT \^eT\T]c bd\\Ta!! 41
mutual consent, Hoves and BurkeIobie each indicated that they vanted to meet
the other party. At the time, the registry vas vorldvide and I vas thinking, 'Wov,
vouldn`t it be amazing to travel to Lurope to meet my donor`," says BurkeIobie.
Little did he knov that Hoves also lived in Calgary. In fact, their houses vere only a
fev kilometres apart.
My vife and I thought that this could be our big excuse for travelling across the
vorld," says BurkeIobie vith a laugh. Instead ve drove a fev minutes through the
northeast and arrived right here," he says pointing to the front door. Since receiving
the bone marrov donation, BurkeIobie and his vife have had a couple of kids.
That meeting, though poignant, lacked expressions of dramatic emotion.
What do you do for a guy vho saved your life," asks BurkeIobie.
Wait: I never vanted the sense that you oved me anything," rebuts Hoves.
You did give me this," says BurkeIobie, pointing to the balding patch on the top
of his head, svearing it vasn`t there before the lifesaving bone marrov transplant.
Iid not," says Hoves.
Eurke-Loble's bone narrow natcn. nunerous
nedlca| advancenents nave taken p|ace and tne
reqlstr, nas now becone known as Oneatcn
ten Ce|| and arrow Network.
Fo||owlnq lts lnceptlon ln 2UU7. Oneatcn
nas qalned nonentun. \e've nade nuqe
|eaps and bounds ln lncreaslnq Canadlan
donor nunbers and patlent support." sa,s
O|qa azukna. connunlcatlons specla|lst wltn
Fewer tnan 3U per cent o patlents wno need
sten ce|| transp|ants nd a conpatlb|e donor
wltnln tnelr own anl|,." sa,s azukna. 1oda,.
958 Canadlans are waltlnq or a transp|ant . and
78 o tnen are ron ^|berta.
\nen lt cones to tne reqlstr,. strenqtn lsn't
a|wa,s ln nunbers. \e are snltlnq a ocus ron
ouantlt, o donors to oua|lt, o donors." sne
sa,s. azukna exp|alns tnat pn,slclans and otner
transp|ant partners nave recoqnlzed an optlna|
donor and Oneatcn ls worklnq towards tarqeted
1nose between tne aqes o 17 and 35 wno
cone ron an etnnlca||, dlverse backqround
are provlnq to be stronq natcnes." sa,s azukna.
ne a|so adds tnat ,ounq nen tend to nave nore
sten ce||s and snow |ess conp|lcatlons post-
\nen we reer to sten ce|| and bone narrow
transp|ants. we are not ta|klnq about sonetnlnq
tnat wou|d be nlce to nave." sa,s Lr. ^ndrew La|e,
a Ca|qar, based nenato|oq, specla|lst. \e are
dolnq tnese transp|ants or peop|e wno nave
abso|ute|, no otner optlon."
1o ensure tnat tne reqlstr, ls representatlve o
Canada's qrowlnq etnnlc dlverslt,. Oneatcn nas
been partnerlnq wltn qroups to ralse awareness
and recrult donors on lts own tur. For exanp|e.
tne Cnlnese connunlt, ne|d slnu|taneous
drlves ln Cnlnatowns across Canada tnls sprlnq.
an lnltlatlve tnat was botn successu| and
lnsplratlona| to otner connunltles.
n addltlon to tne cna||enqe o ndlnq creatlve
wa,s to recrult optlna| donors. tnere ls a|so tne
o|d stereot,pe tnat beconlnq a donor ls palnu|
and lnconvenlent.
\nen peop|e tnlnk o bone narrow donatlon
tne, tend to tnlnk back to tne procedures o tne
199Us. 1nese da,s tne najorlt,. 8U per cent. o
transp|ants are done uslnq sten ce||s ron tne
b|oodstrean." sa,s Lr. La|e,.
t's a neartwarnlnq process to o||ow tne
reclplents and snare ln tnelr qratltude wnen
tne,'ve recelved tnls anazlnq qlt." sa,s Lr. La|e,.
1nat's denlte|, tne best part o n, job."
:=B8CIHACF9 For nore lnornatlon vlslt kkk"cbYaUhW\"WU
76A9";68:9=JBDJG/Ceorqe Eurke-Loble
(|et) arrlves at tne none o nls bone narrow donor
and, owes. ^nd no. ,ou can't catcn ba|dness
ron a donor
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\h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP 42 bd\\Ta!!
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\h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP 44 bd\\Ta!!
Z mcijY YjYf VYYb hc h\Y Hca 6U_Yf 7UbWYf
Centre, you may have valked dovn a long hallvay to
the left of the entrance on the main oor. If so, you
valked past large pieces of art adorning the hall, past
the library and elevators. Just behind those elevators
are the Iepartment of Oncology om ces. Through the
department`s doors, past a reception desk, dovn another
hallvay and through a maze of cubicles is the om ce of Ir.
Ion Morris. It`s a small corner om ce, made smaller by
a tall fle cabinet and a large desk, covered in organized
stacks of papers. While the om ce is extremely ordinary,
the man sitting in it, dressed in a vhite lab jacket over a
brovn striped dress shirt, is anything but.
Morris is both a clinical oncologist and a translational
researcher. His time is split betveen laboratories near his
small om ce, and lung and sarcoma patients he sees in the
clinic. I`ve sort of made a hybrid career," Morris says.
Research vas alvays a focus for Morris, from his
undergrad and graduate vork at Queens` University
through his medical school training at the University of
Calgary. He ran a lab through his medicine and oncology
training, but realized he needed to do more than research.
I needed to directly apply research to patients,"
Morris says. That`s hov the medical and clinician
moniker came to be."
Juggling the tvo titles has turned into a career that`s as
busy as it is satisfying. Morris typically spends three half
days seeing patients in the lung and sarcoma area and one
full day doing administration activities. The remainder
of his vorkveek fnds him in the labs running his ovn
lab, and as director of the Translational Laboratories at
the Tom Baker Cancer Centre. If that veren`t enough,
Morris also teaches, and his educational activities are a
part of his vork at the lab, and vith patients. These many
hats have made for a changing, challenging career.
I can honestly say that there have been fev days in
the last years that I haven`t vanted to come to vork,"
Morris says. Lvery day is diferent."
As director of the Translational Laboratories, Morris
oversees investigators vho keep busy examining nev
methodologies for looking at cancer cell behaviour. In
his ovn lab, Morris and his teams` research focuses on
manipulating reovirus, a common respiratory virus, in
the treatment of breast, prostate, renal cell, kidney and
lung cancers.
Morris`s vork is encouraging for lung cancer patients.
I have a strong research interest in lung cancer," he
says. Both the translab and clinic involve these patients.
There are several large research initiatives that I`m
vorking on to help our lung cancer patients." Morris, the
current provincial lung cancer tumour group chair, says
the Alberta Cancer Ioundation is planning to provide
signifcant support for Morris`s lung research.
Over the past fev years, his team in the lab has tried to
capitalize on the virus`s am nity for cancer cells to kill the
tumour. Reoviruses have oncolytic properties, meaning
they like to infect some tumour cells. Once inside a cell,
they replicate, like viruses do, until the cell bursts and
dies, speving out lots more reovirus. If the cells that are
bursting and dying are cancer cells, this is a good thing
uncontrolled cellular grovth is a defning point of cancer.
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0[ QTa cP b RP]RTa U aTT \^eT\T]c bd\\Ta!! 45
The virus is harmless to surrounding tissue and the
therapy holds promise for use in conjunction vith, say,
chemotherapy that veakens the body`s ability to fnd and
destroy the virus. While the research hasn`t yet come to
clinical trials, Morris says his team is getting close.
The research and clinical vork combine to allov Morris
to clearly connect the vork he does in the basement lab
vith the patients he treats upstairs. Lven though I`ve not
had a relative vith cancer, I feel like these |patients| are my
family, if you vill," Morris says. That`s one of the reasons
that motivates me to go to the lab, vhen I see patients that
are running out of viable treatment options."
Morris vas born vith a need to stay busy. I`ve alvays
liked to multitask," he says. I`ve alvays liked to be involved
in multiple things." The softspoken doctor says choosing
to pursue science vas a decision inuenced by a strong
dislike for the humanities. The Toronto native says he`s the
black sheep of his family. His grandfather, uncles and father
vere lavyers and his older sister and younger brother are
in business. After doing vork in McGill, Maryland and
Memphis, Morris moved to Calgary for medical school in
,, and has called the city home ever since.
I didn`t come out here to stay but having said that, I
fell in love vith the mountains," Morris says. It`s a great
place to have kids."
More than a decade ago Morris, his elementary
schoolteacher vife, and their sevenyearold blueeyed
and blondehaired son travelled to an orphanage in
Guangzhou, China, to meet a fouryearold girl vho`d
soon join their family. The Morrises had friends vho had
adopted three girls from China and seeing the process
had inspired the couple to adopt.
It`s probably the best thing ve ever did," Morris says.
Just an absolutely cool process and I can`t think of life
vithout her."
When the family travelled back to Canada, their nev
daughter sav snov for the very frst time. Within a
veek, she vas on skis, an activity the family of four
continues to enjoy. Morris` children are , and and
the family frequents the mountains. Morris is also an
active yfsher. Both activities allov Morris to enjoy
the outdoors and unvind after a busy veek at the Tom
Baker Cancer Centre.
Morris thrives on juggling a career as an oncologist
and researcher. No matter vhat oor he`s on at the Tom
Baker, he`s happy. Helping patients, making progress
in the lab, educating students and publishing papers
motivate him. There`s something nev every day,
vhether it`s a patient issue, a fnding in the lab, or even
something as mundane as an HR issue," says Morris.
There are problems to be solved every day I come
to vork."
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Ior Hvei Ling Cheah, vho vorks at the Penang Adventist Hospital Oncology
Center in Penang, Malaysia, ONILC provided her vith the rationale behind the
treatment, care and education she gives patients. Although she`s been a nurse
for eight years and in oncology for more than three years, the information in the
course gave her more confdence. That has translated into greater confdence on
the part of patients, increasing the efectiveness of care she provides and improving
patient safety.
As a nurse, vhen ve have the knovledge to back up our practice, ve are able to
provide teaching and care vith rationale," she says. When the patient knovs that
the nurse vho takes care of them is knovledgeable, it increases their confdence
level, indirectly increasing their compliance vith treatment."
To accommodate nurses` busy schedules and ofer the course to those health
care professionals vho vould othervise not have
access to it, the Cross Cancer Institute ofers
ONILC in tvo formats. Taylor took the intense,
veek, onsite course vith intake ofered tvice
a year. Students attend class one day a veek and
undertake about z hours per veek of reading and study.
It`s a dual vay of learning. Students complete the distance education course
plus participate in tours of hospital departments and get to hear from experts
vho are treating specifc cancers as vell as people vho have had cancer," says Lori
Weber, clinical nurse educator and ONILC consultant. They have to eat, sleep
and breathe ONILC, but they love it vhen they`re done. It becomes a foundation
of learning for them."
Hvei did not travel to Ldmonton to take the course so, unlike Taylor, she did
not take the immersive version of ONILC. Like many students, she completed the
distanceeducation version of the course, mainly via email. Participants can take
the full course vithin a certain time period, or take individual sections, vorking
at their ovn pace to complete them all or just take sections that interest them
or apply to their vorkplace situations. Lxams take place by studentdesignated
proctor supervision.
Marie Kemp is a program coordinator and tutor for ONILC. She provides
vhatever assistance students require, from helping them better understand
a concept to revieving learning activity ansvers to preparing them for the
examinations at the end of each section. Some people never contact her; others
email her daily. Nurses don`t have to specialize in oncology to beneft from ONILC.
When this course vas frst developed, I believe the vision vas that it vould be
for oncology nurses. But ve are here for cancer patients in a variety of health care
settings including large urban hospitals, smaller rural hospitals and nursing homes,
and the course can be of beneft to healthcare professionals vho vork in any of
these settings," says Kemp.
ONILC is the only course of its kind ofered in North America. It benefts both
nev and experienced nurses. Kemp reports that nurses vho`ve spent more than
tvo decades in oncology have told her hov valuable the information is for them and
their patients.
Students of ONILC are armed vith
nev skills. The course becomes a
foundation of learning.
cf bifgYg WUf]b[ Zcf dUh]Ybhg k\c \UjY
cancer can be very diferent from caring for
patients vith other diseases or conditions.
Training in oncology nursing takes place on the job
and it takes time for nurses to learn the ins and outs,
even vhen they are vorking in a dedicated cancercare
facility. The Oncology Nursing Iistance Lducation
Course (ONILC), ofered by Ldmonton`s Cross
Cancer Institute, is giving nurses across Canada and
around the vorld indepth training in oncology nursing
that`s helping them provide better care and feel more
confdent in their roles.
The novel course provides a
comprehensive and detailed look at
oncology. Iivided into fve sections,
it covers cancer biology and
epidemiology, cancer treatments,
oncologic emergencies, cancer diseases and symptom
management and supportive care. Course designers
created ONILC for nurses, but nov allied health care
professionals such as pharmacists, physiotherapists
and physicians can take the course, too. ONILC
students can be found in Pakistan, Australia, Trinidad
and Tobago, South Africa, Lurope, Malaysia and, of
course, Canada.
Lrin Taylor is a registered nurse vorking in the
medical day care unit at the Cross Cancer Institute vho
graduated from the course in April zoz. Ior me, the
most important topics vere basic cell structure, cell
biology and hov chemo drugs vork in the cell cycle," she
says. She vanted to be better able to address questions
from people receiving outpatient chemotherapy.
Patients are really involved in their ovn care.
Although they take a general orientation to chemo,
the experience is diferent for everyone," says Taylor.
I vanted to be able to ansver specifc questions and
knov vhere to look for information vhen I don`t have
The individual nature of responses to cancer
treatment combined vith the fact that cancer involves
multiple disease processes, make patient care more
Within cancer care there are z diferent tumour
groups and vithin each of these tumour groups there
are various types of cancer that can afect each person,"
explains Scott Iielding, executive director, Cross Cancer
Institute. One of the main concerns for a nurse looking
after patients receiving chemotherapy or radiation
therapy is the interaction of the treatment vith the
patient because, in some cases, the treatment can be as
dangerous to the patients as it is to the cancer cells."
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\h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP 48 bd\\Ta!!
come in all shapes and sizes.
Ir. Carol Cass and her husband, Iave, for
example, have planned to donate zo per cent of their
estate to the charity.
It vasn`t hard for us to make this decision," explains
6,yearold Cass, vho has been a cancer researcher for
more than o years in Ldmonton. I vork in the feld,
but ve`ve also lost family members to prostate cancer
and leukemia, and several have had breast cancer."
This generous donation vill be the culmination
of a lifetime`s commitment to eradicating cancer.
Since ,,o, Cass has studied nucleoside transport,
investigating membrane proteins that are critical for
the delivery of an important class of anticancer drugs
to cancerous cells. A signifcant discovery she and her
colleagues made sheds light on hov nucleosides cross
membranes, potentially enabling better delivery of the
most appropriate nucleosidebased cancer drugs to
cancer cells for a given patient.
l]nI YdcViZ$
Leap_Summer12_p48-49.indd 48 5/14/12 4:22:10 PM
0[ QTacP b RP]RTa U aTT \^eT\T]c bd\\Ta!! 49
She vas the academic chair of the Iepartment of
Oncology at the University of Alberta for years and
has also been director of the Cross Cancer Institute,
vicepresident of the former Alberta Cancer Board
and scientifc director of research for Alberta Health
Services Cancer Care. She has von numerous avards,
including election as a Iellov of the Royal Society of
Canada, and is considered an expert in the feld. Today,
she is Professor Lmeritus of Oncology at the U of A and
continues to vork parttime in research. I am doing
vhat I trained to do," she says.
Cass`s training began early on. She vas raised
in rural Oklahoma, the eldest of fve children. Her
father vas a family physician and her mother vas a
homemaker. The family environment vas stimulating,
vith books everyvhere; for fun the kids vould go
out into the backyard and explore the beauty of the
night sky through their father`s telescope. Iespite the
community being brutally
segregated," Cass` home
vas a progressive, equal
opportunity place. She vas
a bright student and vas
given the message early on that she vould succeed at
vhatever she decided to do.
She took her undergraduate degree at the University
of Oklahoma and her PhI at the University of California
at Berkeley before moving vith her husband a plant
biologist to Alberta.
Life vas moving along vell; they vere enjoying their
vork and colleagues and vere active in the community.
In ,,o, all that vas interrupted by a medical crisis. Cass
developed a brain tumour (called a meningioma), vhich
vas vrapped around the optic nerve and cutting of
blood supply to her left eye. She had successful surgery,
a craniotomy, vhich removed the noncancerous
grovth and she folloved up vith specialists at the Cross
Cancer Institute. But, over time, her vision got vorse.
The eye eventually deteriorated to the point vhere it
had to be removed and, in Iebruary zo, it vas replaced
vith a prosthetic eye.
It`s actually a piece of coral into vhich blood vessels
can grov covered vith human sclera," she explains. It
is attached to the muscles that control movement, so
vhen Cass looks up vith her good eye, the prosthesis
also looks up." The plastic part of the device is painted
hazel and is an almostidentical match to her right eye.
Most people don`t think I have anything vrong vith my
eye," she says. They just think I have a droopy eyelid."
The biggest consequence of losing sight is losing your
binocular vision" or depth perception, vhich is intact
vhen you have tvo functioning eyes. When I`m
pouring vater into a glass I need to have the pitcher
right up against the side of the glass as it`s easy to pour
just beside or in front of it," says Cass. Adjusting to
compromised vision over the years vas easier than if
there`d been a sudden loss of sight, she admits. My
brain vas able to adapt to it over a lengthy period of
Today, Cass is moving into a diferent phase
of her life, but to call it retirement vould be an
overstatement. Her reduced vork schedule has
enabled her to get more rest. She is also hitting the
gym more regularly and even has a personal trainer.
Colleagues say she seems more relaxed; she admits
feeling stronger and healthier.
The musicloving Casses are also nevly addicted
to opera. In zoz, they vill attend performances at
the Nev York Metropolitan
Opera, Los Angeles Opera,
San Irancisco Opera and
Santa Ie Opera. They are
also longterm supporters
of the Ldmonton Symphony Orchestra and attended
its debut performance at Carnegie Hall in May.
Ior the foreseeable future, Cass vill continue to be
involved vith her frst love cancer research. She`s
mentoring the next generation of young researchers
and is vorking vith organizations, such as the Terry
Iox Research Institute, to help shape the future of
applied cancer research in Canada.
Her last hurrah vill be to give that signifcant and
generous fnancial contribution to the foundation.
We are happy to support the Alberta Cancer
Ioundation," Cass says. It has an extraordinary
record of using its resources vell for research and
patient care."
Ior the foreseeable future, Cass
vill continue to be involved vith
cancer research.
Leap_Summer12_p48-49.indd 49 5/15/12 3:48:05 PM
\h[ TP_\PVPiX ]T RP
nlt erspectlves
ta|klnq to a custoner. e was te||lnq ner about tne Enbrldqe lde to Conouer
Cancer. and |ooklnq or peop|e to donate to nls rlde. ^s ne descrlbed tne event. a
two-da, rlde tnrouqn outnern ^|berta's ootnl||s. lckerlnq. tnen 59. tnouqnt 'd
|lke to do tnat." ne went none and reqlstered beore bed. awoke ln tne nldd|e
o tne nlqnt ln a co|d sweat tnlnklnq. la. wnat nave ,ou done7'"
nadn't been on a blke or |onqer tnan 1U nlnutes ln ,ears." sne sa,s. dldn't
even own a blke." t was tne nldd|e o wlnter and sne started tralnlnq at tne q,n.
ne jolned a tean. tne O|d pokes. and started ralslnq none,. 1oqetner. tne, ralsed
nore tnan 53.UUU. (1nls ,ear. ,ounqer rlders nave jolned and tne tean ls now
tne New pokes.) Once tne weatner turned. sne jolned ner Ca|qar,-based tean
occaslona||, on tralnlnq rldes outslde. nad to |earn now to use n, qears. and
tack|e tne blqqer nl||s." sne sa,s.
1ne June rlde was transornatlve or lckerlnq. ne nad been tnrouqn sone
slqnllcant |le events ln tne prevlous ,ears. and
sne took ner approacnlnq 5Utn blrtnda, - and tne
nl|estone rlde - as posslb|e turnlnq polnts. ne
noped sne cou|d nlsn tne rlde.
^t tne beqlnnlnq qot cauqnt ln a knot o
rlders and |ost n, tean." sne sa,s. ntlnldated b,
tne tnronq (2.28U rlders reqlstered ln 2U11). tne
unseasonab|, co|d. wet weatner and tne prospect o
|onq nl||s. sne wondered wnat sne'd qotten nerse|
lnto. Eut ater c|lnbed tnat lrst nl||. tnouqnt.
Erlnq lt on.'" sne sa,s. 1nat nlqnt. ln ner tent. sne
re|ected on tne lrst 1UU kl|onetres. ne knew
sne'd be ab|e to nake lt and tnat sne'd reacned tne
turnlnq polnt sne was |ooklnq or. B^Ejgk^h
50 bd\\Ta!!
n,|eap /
ponsor la lckerlnq and ner tean
at WcbeiYfWUbWYf"WU#g]hY#HF. ead
ner poen reectlnq on tne rlde. Ode to
Euqqer l||. on tne AZVe webslte.
Visit climbofhoperun.ca
for more details!
SEPTEMBER 15, 2012
Victoria Park, Edmonton, AB
}ttst{tt1 L
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Visit climbofhoperun.ca
for more details!
SEPTEMBER 15, 2012
Victoria Park, Edmonton, AB
}ttst{tt1 L
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