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12 theSun | WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 24 2008

Municipal Council
Penang RT to go on beautifying the Esplanade
THE Penang Island Municipal were expected to be completed by

environment watch
by Bernard Cheah The chief minister’s political secretary, Ng
Council (MPPP) is in the midst
of beautifying the Esplanade, a
heritage site in George Town
which was awarded Unesco World
Heritage status.
Council president Datuk Zainal
Rahim Seman said the MPPP had
early January.
Zainal told theSun 33 lamp posts
around the area were replaced
with new and more beautiful ones.
Zainal said the lamp posts that
were replaced were those installed
by Tenaga Nasional Berhad about Wei Aik, who represented State Environment pg 20 over the past two months carried 10 years ago.
Committee chairman Chow Kon Yeow at out works to replace lamp posts, “We will not simply replace
AN ENVIRONMENT awareness the workshop said it was important to act to improve landscaping around the those lamp posts which have
programme for Rukun Tetangga (RT) protect and restore the environment. field, enlarge the stage and beautify historical value,” he said.
neighbourhood watch committees in Penang “The state government hopes community the beach front. The council has identified
will be implemented by February. leaders will take up the challenge and “About RM1.7 million was spent 11 lamp posts, believed to be
The programme is organised by the carry out projects to help raise their by the federal government for this considered old and historical, to be
Penang Environment Committee, Penang neighbourhood’s environment quality,” he beautification process,” he said, preserved as part of maintaining
Neighbourhood Watch Coordinating added. adding that the upgrading works George Town’s heritage status.
Committee and Penang Environment
Working Group (PEWOG).
It will see RTs in the state participating
in the programme to promote environment
awareness to the community and help
conserve the environment.
PEWOG chairman Datuk Dr Ong briefs
Hean Tee said the plan would involve the
Penang community, private sector and state
government to ensure its success. More facilities for the
“We need to instill awareness of the disabled, please
environment among the public, especially MALAYSIAN Animal-Assisted Therapy for
the secondary school children,” he said, Disabled and Elderly president Anthony
adding that the programme was supported Siva Balan has called for more facilities for
by the State Environment Department and the disabled.
the North-East District National Integrity and Speaking at a road safety and aware-
Unity Department. ness campaign for the disabled recently, he
He told reporters this at an environmental emphasised the importance of understand-
workshop attended by over 30 RT members ing the needs of the disabled.
from the north-east district. For example, he said, there should be
facilities for them to make crossing the
road easier.
The campaign was launched by

Congestion in Independent Living and Training Centre

together with the Road Safety Department
and Selayang Municipal Council
front of Selayang MP William Leong Jee Keen
said implementing such facilities should
not be difficult considering Singapore has
Pacific Komtar already established such facilities in many
public places.
THE Penang Island Municipal Council has “Selayang could lead the way in hav-
advised the public to exercise more caution ing such facilities and I hope the federal
and patience when travelling along Jalan Dr government will look into this,” he added.
Lim Chwee Leong. The campaign was held in conjunction
In a press statement, it said the traffic with the International Day for the Disabled
flow along Jalan Dr Lim Chwee Leong had on Dec 3.
increased with the opening of Pacific Komtar
last Wednesday.
“The main cause of the congestion is due Don’t sideline us, MP
to vehicles parked or waiting along the road. tells Sports Ministry
Many road users also slow down along the BUKIT Bendera MP Liew Chin Tong has
road to see the activities in front of Pacific called on the federal government to
Komtar, thus worsening the problem,” said pursue a bipartisan approach towards
the council. youth and sports issues.
He urged the Youth and Sports Min-
istry not to mix politics with sports dur-

When 50 lucky children got their wish ... ing the committee-stage debate of its
ministerial budget. “It is important that
the ministry be professional in handling
THERE’S a Christmas song that goes “All I Ranging from extravagant Nike football shoes Fulfilling 50 wishes from 50 its work and be inclusive in dealing with
want for Christmas is my two front teeth”. and Salabianca gowns to simpler things like underprivileged children from The Pakatan Rakyat-led state governments,”
Suria KLCC can’t give you teeth but they have swimming lessons, reference books, scientific Yellow House Foundation, Suria KLCC’s he said in a press statement.
given more than what the tooth fairy can calculators or just a heart-warming wish for Make-A-Wish charity campaign was a Liew pointed out that there were
afford in their Make-A-Wish charity campaign. a simple dinner with the family, Suria KLCC gratifying success, in line with the spirit of two occasions where officials from the
granted them all. Christmas. Penang state government were not in-
Dec 19 saw the excited faces of the vited to attend meetings relating to the
children lining up to receive their ministry; namely the Sukma supreme
Christmas gifts before being treated council meeting on July 15 and the Pen-
to lunch at Chinoz on the Park and a ang State Youth Consultative Council.
surprise visit to the Skybridge. “I also expressed my disappointment
“We thank Suria KLCC for the effort over the postponement of two previ-
put in to make our children feel extra ously approved projects under the Ninth
loved and appreciated throughout the Malaysia Plan in Penang, which are, the
Make-A-Wish event,” said Yellow House ‘dry gym’ in Penang International Sports
Foundation representative Gin Kaw Law. Arena (PISA) costing RM3.5 million, and
Alongside participating retailers and the upgrading of the Bertam Sports
shoppers, Suria KLCC ran the special Complex, which also costs RM 3.5 mil-
programme between Dec 1 to 18. The 50 lion,” he said.
wishes, predetermined by the children,
were displayed on a board at the Centre
Court to appeal to charitable souls. Student aid money
As an added bonus for the children, stolen
Suria KLCC also sponsored an additional A SCHOOL principal lost financial aid for
gift for every wish fulfilled. poor students amounting to RM12,000 when
“We have been part of the larger he stopped for a drink at a restaurant in Jalan
community for over 10 years and we Beserah, Kuantan, leaving the money in the
hope to continue to serve not only as the glove compartment of his car shortly after
preferred shoppers’ paradise, but also as drawing it from a bank. His car door had been
the venue from where love and the spirit prised open and the money was gone when
of sharing and giving radiates,” said Suria he returned. – Bernama
Brien with children from The KLCC chief executive officer Andrew
Yellow House Foundation Brien.

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