Thesun 2008-12-24 Page17 Umno Must Rid Itself of Corruption

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theSun | WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 24 2008 17

speak up!
thesun says

Umno must rid itself of corruption

IT IS heartening to hear that Umno To show that there is no let up in they can investigate the hundreds of important component of the ruling important for Umno and its partners
is stepping up its war on “money the effort to root out corruption and complaints it receives, it is, however, coalition. as well as other political parties in the
politics”, the party’s euphemism for discipline those involved in it, party generally agreed that the agency is It should be done quickly before country to cleanse themselves of cor-
vote buying. Vote buying, so the party disciplinary board chairman Tan Sri swamped beyond its capability of in- more people begin to ask about the rul- rupt practices.
has acknowledged, is especially ram- Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen Ismail, vestigating thoroughly. Thus the board ing coalition’s credibility in its professed Surely we do not want to be like a
pant during party elections, whether said the board is being strengthened should be happy that the Anti-Corrup- commitment to root out corruption neighbouring country where its MPs
at branch, division or national levels. with new members so that it could tion Agency is now allowed to help. when its dominant member is riddled top the charts when it comes to corrup-
The dominant partner of the ruling go about its business effectively. He is Already the agency has announced that with corrupt practices and its leaders tion. The media refer to them as kucing
Barisan Nasional coalition has also sad but not discouraged by allegations the outcome of several cases that it is involved in money politics. Questions garong, or tomcats, as their habit is to
acknowledged that money had been that the board is not doing enough to investigating would be known soon. like “how can you rid the country of prowl their constituencies and the
used during elections for a long time confront and investigate those against There is no doubt about it the party corruption when the government country looking for something to steal
even before the landmark elections of whom reports of vote buying have disciplinary board and the ACA or its members are corrupt” and “how can and opportunities to make money.
1981 when Tun Musa Hitam defeated been lodged. Despite the commitment successor, the MACC, must step up you say you want to rid the country We may not have that many tomcats
Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah in the fight and determination of Rithauddeen and efforts to clean up Umno of money of corruption when you are corrupt” of that kind yet but we should reject
for the deputy presidency. other members of the board, who say politics, especially when it is still an should not be asked. It is thus very parties that allow them to breed.

IN “Roots of racism” (Dec 18), K.K. Tan still embedded in the white society. The
packed a powerful case for the prosecu-
tion. Although it is true that colonial pow-
Stand up for the truth letter
statement has no foundation in the truth.
Blacks and other coloured people are
ers often treated natives brutally, this was single stock and homo sapiens originated not out of compassion but because the America, most of whom were unhappy, equally capable of cruelty.
not due to the colonisers being particularly in Africa itself, we may wonder why people Unionists knew that slavery was incom- but none of them thought of doing what Even a cursory look at history will show
cruel but to the fact that the locals were in the West achieved much greater devel- patible with the notions of capitalism and Rosa Parks did. She employed no army, that individuals and nations saw their
weak and unorganised. opment than the descendants of homo free enterprise. nor did she lead a demonstration or carry fortunes soar or plummet according to
When the first freighter from America sapiens who continued to reside in Africa. In 1865, after the Civil War, slavery was out any act of terrorism. What she did how far they were willing to stand for the
landed on the African coast in the seven- If it had been the other way around, the abolished in America, but the blacks were was to present the truth in a manner so truth. The truth is similar to the law only
teenth century, these so called colonists Africans would have colonised Europe and not really free. Their oppression continued clear and evident that it could neither be more complete. There are gaps no law can
had an organised and well-maintained America and the white people would have for almost another hundred years and disputed nor trampled upon. fill and which can only be successfully and
army, and guns which gave them an ended up being oppressed. This possibility specifically until one day in 1955 when a Gandhi achieved independence for effectively closed by the affirmation of the
indisputable advantage. weakens the stand of the proponents of black woman named Rosa Parks refused India because of his ability to stand for the truth.
The occupiers also had a clear strategy, racism. to give up her seat to a white passenger truth, and Tunku Abdul Rahman was also Malaysians have already had all the
they knew what they were looking for and The slave trade had no other motivation on a public bus. This gesture of simply able to free Malaya because he believed necessary tuition on race relations they
they believed that God would help them in than the need for labour, and it succeeded standing up for the truth ignited the spirit in the power of the truth. will ever need. All they need to do now,
their struggle. This faith in God was not the because the oppressed were willing to of the black Civil Rights Movement and If one person, by standing for the truth, if they want to see their country move
same as that implied in the statement by put up with the oppression. Slavery lasted in the relatively short space of fifty years can achieve so much, how infinitely more forward, is to stand, or sit, for the truth.
Tan that “ was also their God given right two hundred years before the advent of made a black the president of the country could be accomplished if everyone else
to force black people to be slaves...”. the Civil War. Although the Union wanted that was once the oppressor of his race. was capable of doing the same? Marisa Demori
Since all humans are derived from a slavery abolished in the South, this was Millions of blacks were living in I strongly disagree that racism is Ipoh

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