Cendrillon Takes Place On The Island of

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Name:_________________#___ Room_______ Language Arts Story Extension Menu Story: Cendrillon Do at least four choices below.

After you have finished reading the story, predict what might happen next. What will happen to Cendrillon and Paul? (1-2 paragraphs, minimum 8 sentences). Find five new words in the story. Use a dictionary to write the definition for each word. Include a picture to go with each word.

This story reminds me of.. Think of anything this story reminds you of. It can be a movie, a book, something that has happened to you. (1-2 paragraphs, minimum 8 sentences, include a picture) *****Does it remind you of any other fairy tales? Cendrillon takes place on the island of Martinique. How would your live be different if you lived on that island? What would you do? How would the climate affect your life on the island? (1-2 paragraphs, minimum 8 sentences)

Pick a character in the story. Who can you relate to most in story? Why? (1-2 paragraphs, minimum 8 sentences)

Read pg. 339 again. What fruit is mentioned in the story? What did the fruit look like? Draw and label 7 other fruits that are round.

Staple this sheet to the top of your work and turn it in on Friday. Due March 9th. Name:_________________#___ Room_______ Language Arts Story Extension Menu Story: Akiak Do at least four choices below. After you have finished reading the story, predict what might happen next. What will happen to Akiak and his team? (1-2 paragraphs, minimum 8 sentences). Find five new words in the story. Use a dictionary to write the definition for each word. Include a picture to go with each word.

Imagine that Akiak has earned an award from a group that gives prizes for amazing feats by animals. Design and color the award and then write a short statement explaining why Akiak earned this award.

Choose any illustration in Akiak. Look at the illustration and make a list of words that describe it. Use these words to write a descriptive paragraph.

What does it take to be a good sled dog leader? First, list the characteristics of a good sled dog leader and then use the list to write a paragraph on the qualities needed to lead sled dogs.

Read pgs again. Imagine that you are one of the participants on another team and you see Akiak traveling through the snow alone. Would you help him or turn him in? Why? Write a paragraph to discuss what you would do and why. (minimum 8 sentences)

Name:_________________#___ Room_______ Language Arts Story Extension Menu Story: Grandfathers Journey Do at least four choices below. Think about how the authors grandmother might have felt. Write a letter from her to her family in Japan. Tell how she felt about living in California. Use some of the vocabulary from the story to help express her feelings. Find five new words in the story. Use a dictionary to write the definition for each word. Include a picture to go with each word.

This story reminds me of.. Think of anything this story reminds you of. It can be a movie, a book, something that has happened to you. (1-2 paragraphs, minimum 8 sentences, include a picture)

Items, as well as people, often travel from one country to another. Find an item, such as a piece of clothing that was made in another country. Have the item tell its story by describing the country where it came from along with the route it traveled to get to you.

Exchange students are boys and girls from other countries who come to the U.S. to go to school for a year. Suppose one is coming to Old River. To prepare for your future guest, write descriptions of what you think are the ten best things about our school and our community. Please write one-two sentences to describe each one.

What do you know about Japan? What did you learn about the country from the story? Create a word web with Japan in the center. In each attached circle, write one fact you already knew about Japan or learned from the story. Use an encyclopedia to check your facts. You may also use it to add any new facts. You should have a minimum of 5 facts on your web.

Name:_________________#___ Room_______ Language Arts Story Extension Menu Story: Grandfathers Journey Do at least four choices below.

Think about how the authors grandmother might have felt. Write a letter from her to her family in Japan. Tell how she felt about living in California. Use some of the vocabulary from the story to help express her feelings.

Find five new words in the story. Use a dictionary to write the definition for each word. Include a picture to go with each word.

This story reminds me of.. Think of anything this story reminds you of. It can be a movie, a book, something that has happened to you. (1-2 paragraphs, minimum 8 sentences, include a picture)

Items, as well as people, often travel from one country to another. Find an item, such as a piece of clothing that was made in another country. Have the item tell its story by describing the country where it came from along with the route it traveled to get to you.

Exchange students are boys and girls from other countries who come to the U.S. to go to school for a year. Suppose one is coming to Old River. To prepare for your future guest, write descriptions of what you think are the ten best things about our school and our community. Please write one-two sentences to describe each one.

What do you know about Japan? What did you learn about the country from the story? Create a word web with Japan in the center. In each attached circle, write one fact you already knew about Japan or learned from the story. Use an encyclopedia to check your facts. You may also use it to add any new facts. You should have a minimum of 5 facts on your web.

Staple this sheet to the top of your work and turn it in on Friday. Due Name:_________________#___ Room_______ Language Arts Story Extension Menu Story: Finding the Titanic

Do at least three choices below. Choose one of the following ocean related careers: Marine geologist, diver, marine biologist, ichthyologist, or oceanographer. Research your chosen career on the internet or in an encyclopedia. Then, list ten facts about that particular job on a sheet of paper. Include a picture of someone performing the job. This story reminds me of.. Think of anything this story reminds you of. It can be a movie, a book, something that has happened to you. (1-2 paragraphs, minimum 8 sentences, include a picture) Find five new words in the story. Use a dictionary to write the definition for each word. Include a picture to go with each word.

Pretend you were able to explore the Titanic. Write a short journal entry about your adventure and the different things you found while exploring the ship. Draw a picture to go along with your journal entry. (1-2 paragraphs, minimum 8 sentences)

Write a song about this story, singing it to the tune of Happy Birthday or another favorite song of yours. Please make sure that it makes sense and be prepared to sing it!

How much do you know about geographic features of the ocean? Make a set of fact cards that include five ocean features. You must include one interesting fact and the location of at least one example of each feature. Write the name of the feature on each card, and your definition, location, and if possible a picture. You must complete a minimum of five cards.

Staple this sheet to the top of your work and turn it in on Friday, October 26th. Staple this sheet to the top of your work and turn it in on Friday. Due March 9th.

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