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MiniPick Integration Guide MPS1

1 Revision History
Revision 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Date 15/12/05 27/01/06 26/06/06 15/08/06 23/08/06 12/09/06 05/12/06 Version 1.00.00 1.00.02 1.00.05 1.00.06 1.01.01 1.01.02 1.02.00 Initials KCP RTM RTM RTM RTM RTM RTM Details Initial Release File layout updates File name update, order detail message lines Outer quantity and box number fields Goods Receiving Module Stock Take, Stock Location Transfer Modules MiniPick 1.2

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MiniPick Integration Guide MPS1 2 Index

1 2 3 Revision History Index Overview
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Purpose of this Document MiniPick Requirements Host System Data Transfer

2 3 4
4 4 4 5 5

Data Import
4.1 Full Tables 4.1.1 Product 4.1.2 Customer 4.1.3 Warehouse 4.1.4 Freetype Labels 4.1.5 Generic Labels 4.1.6 Generic Tables 4.1.7 Supplier 4.2 Partial Tables 4.2.1 Bin Stock 4.2.2 Sales Order Header 4.2.3 Sales Order Detail 4.2.4 Goods Receiving Header 4.2.5 Goods Receiving Detail

7 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16

Data Export
5.1 Picked Orders 5.1.1 Completed Order Header 5.1.2 Completed Order Detail 5.2 Received Goods 5.2.1 Received Goods Header 5.2.2 Received Goods Detail 5.3 Stock Location Transfer 5.3.1 Stock Location Transfer Detail 5.4 Stock Take 5.4.1 Stock Take Batch Header 5.4.2 Stock Take Batch Detail

18 19 19 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 23

Contacting Aspin Management Systems


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MiniPick Integration Guide MPS1 3 Overview

3.1 Purpose of this Document
This document is intended for technical personnel tasked with writing data exports for MiniPick and data imports from MiniPick. It provides the MiniPick external data transfer specification. This document is designed to be used by the IT department of MiniPick customers or by 3rd party IT suppliers of MiniPick customers.

3.2 MiniPick
MiniPick is a software suite composing of a MiniPick server for Microsoft Windows PC and client software for Microsoft Pocket PC. MiniPick receives sales orders and supporting data ready for warehouse picking. It facilitates the management of those orders through allocation to pickers, the picking process, and return to the host system.

3.3 Requirements
Both the MiniPick server and client software are written for the Microsoft .NET Framework. The MiniPick server requires Windows XP or later. MiniPick client software runs on Pocket PC 2003 or later. The client and server communicate via TCP/IP networking. Therefore a network to which the server and clients can connect is required. The client Pocket PCs may connect to the network via Microsoft ActiveSync.

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3.4 Host System
The term host system refers to the accounting software in use on which sales orders are maintained. The host system must be able to export text files to a directory which can be read by the MiniPick server. It must also be able to detect and read text files returned by the MiniPick server. It is expected that when a sales order has been transferred to MiniPick for picking, it will remain unchanged on the host system pending the return of that order. If the order is modified on the host system while picking is in progress, this may lead to a data conflict when the picked order is returned from MiniPick.

3.5 Data Transfer

Data is transferred between MiniPick and the host system by way of text files. Two dedicated transfer directories must be created which are visible to both the host system and to MiniPick. These transfer directories may exist on the MiniPick server, the host system server or a third machine used as a file server. If the transfer directories are not on the MiniPick server, then a mapped network drive should be used so that the MiniPick server can access the directories. The following documentation describes files in a tilde ~ delimited format. MiniPick also includes standard adaptors to support the following file formats: Csv (comma separated values) Fixed width Tab delimited

Additionally there is an adaptor to support a custom defined field delimiter which can be used if a multiple character delimiter is required. This is useful if the data itself may include tilde ~ characters. For example, fields may be separated by the string #=#=#.

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MiniPick Integration Guide MPS1 4 Data Import

Data to be imported into the MiniPick server is supplied in text files which should be written to a directory specified in the MiniPick implementation. Any file name may be used with a .txt extension. When a file has been fully copied or written into the import directory, then an empty file of the same name with a .ok extension should be written to the same directory. This is to ensure that data files are not imported by the MiniPick server before they are complete. e.g. Order123456.txt Order123456.ok Sections of data within the files should begin with a line to specify the data type. This is in the form mode=. There may be one or more of these sections in each file. It is acceptable to have a different data file for each data type. It is also acceptable to have more than one data type in a data file. An empty file with a .ok extension must be supplied with every data file to be imported. The data fields should be separated by a tilde character (~). No data field may contain a tilde character. The first field cannot be blank. This means that data lines must have one or more characters before the first tilde. Lines beginning with a tilde will not be imported. Also, lines beginning with a hash character (#) will not be imported. Therefore the first data field may not begin with a hash character. A hash as the first character in a line may be used to indicate a remark line. e.g. # Here are todays orders mode=soheader #id~customer~whouse~po ref~name~~~~~~ord date~despatch date~ 11221~CUST002~1~my order~Harry Shop~~~~~~20051010~20051111~X~~~~~~ 11222~CUST001~1~second order~A Customer~~~~~~20050918~20051203~V~~~~ 11223~CUST001~1~third order~A Customer~~~~~~20050918~20051203~V~~ mode=sodetail #id~customer~line~product~qty 11221~CUST002~1~PROD005~10~0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11221~CUST002~2~PROD004~10~0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11221~CUST002~3~PROD003~10~0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11222~CUST001~1~PROD002~220~0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11222~CUST001~2~PROD003~230~0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11223~CUST001~1~PROD003~200~0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each table has a primary key specified. This primary key must be unique. For example, there cannot be two products with the same product code. After importing data, the files will be moved to an archive directory where they will be stored for a specified period of time.

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4.1 Full Tables
The following files must be supplied in full. When the MiniPick server receives any of these new files, all old data from the given table is deleted and repopulated with the newly supplied data.

4.1.1 Product
mode=product Field ProductCode Description Barcode PickQuantity SubstitutionGroup Type 35 alpha 128 alpha 35 alpha decimal 35 alpha Required Y Y Y Y N Notes

The unit quantity included in 1 picked warehouse package The group within which product substitutions may be made in the picking process

Generic1 Generic2 Generic3 Generic4 Generic5 Generic6 Generic7 Generic8 Generic9 Generic10 Freetype1 Freetype2 Freetype3 Freetype4 Freetype5 Freetype6 Freetype7 Freetype8 Freetype9 Freetype10 OuterBarcode

15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 35 alpha




The barcode on the outer carton (must be different from product barcode) The unit quantity included in one outer carton

Primary key = ProductCode

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4.1.2 Customer
mode=customer Field AccountCode Name Address1 Address2 Address3 Address4 Address5 Generic11 Generic12 Generic13 Generic14 Generic15 Generic16 Generic17 Generic18 Generic19 Generic20 Freetype11 Freetype12 Freetype13 Freetype14 Freetype15 Freetype16 Freetype17 Freetype18 Freetype19 Freetype20 Contact Telephone Email WebAddress Type 35 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha Required Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Notes

Primary key = AccountCode

4.1.3 Warehouse
mode=warehouse Field Warehouse Type 15 alpha Required Y Notes If only one picking warehouse is in use, it is recommended that 1 is used in this field


128 alpha

Primary key = Warehouse

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4.1.4 Freetype Labels
Several of the tables include 128 character alpha-numeric freetype fields. These are optional and may be used to display any information associated with the record. Each freetype field has a unique number. In order for MiniPick to display the data supplied in this field, a label must be supplied for that numbered freetype field. If no freetype label is supplied for a numbered freetype field, then the data in that freetype field will not be displayed. mode=freetypelabel Field Type Category Integer Label 128 alpha

Required Y Y

Notes Corresponds to one of the freetype fields on another table The label to be displayed for this freetype field

Primary key = Category

4.1.5 Generic Labels

Several of the tables include 15 character alpha-numeric generic fields. These are optional. They may be populated with codes which can be looked up against values in the generic table. Each generic field has a unique number. In order for MiniPick to display the data supplied in this field, a label must be supplied for that numbered generic field. If no generic label is supplied for a numbered generic field, then it will not be displayed. mode=genericlabel Field Type Category Integer Label 128 alpha

Required Y Y

Notes Corresponds to one of the generic fields on another table The label to be displayed for this generic field

Primary key = Category

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4.1.6 Generic Tables
The generic table holds descriptions for the generic codes supplied in various tables. Where a generic label has been supplied, the description of a generic value will be displayed. If a generic code in any table has no corresponding record in this generic lookup table, then the code will be displayed. mode=generic Field Category Code

Type Integer 15 alpha

Required Y Y

Notes Corresponds to one of the generic fields on another table A unique code within the category. Entries in generic fields on other tables correspond to an entry in this code field for the appropriate category


128 alpha

Primary key = Category, Code

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4.1.7 Supplier
mode=supplier Field SupplierCode Name Address1 Address2 Address3 Address4 Address5 Contact Telephone Email WebAddress Generic41 Generic42 Generic43 Generic44 Generic45 Generic46 Generic47 Generic48 Generic49 Generic50 Freetype41 Freetype42 Freetype43 Freetype44 Freetype45 Freetype46 Freetype47 Freetype48 Freetype49 Freetype50 Type 35 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha Required Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Notes

Primary key = SupplierCode

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4.2 Partial Tables
The following files are to be supplied as data becomes available. When the MiniPick server receives any of these new files, the new data is added to the existing data on the appropriate table. Existing data is not deleted unless the primary key supplied matches an existing record. For example, this means that new orders to be picked can be supplied as they are ready for picking. Also, the stock level data may be supplied for the products whose stock level or location has changed. It is not necessary to supply the full stock list with stock levels.

4.2.1 Bin Stock

mode=binstock Field Warehouse Type 15 alpha Required Y Notes If only one picking warehouse is in use, it is recommended that 1 is used in this field Bin location within warehouse Number of units available Number of units allocated 0 = cleared stock (default) 1 = bonded

ProductCode BinLocation FreeQuantity AllocatedQuantity BondedStatus

35 alpha 15 alpha Decimal Decimal 0/1


Primary key = Warehouse, ProductCode, Bin

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4.2.2 Sales Order Header
mode=soheader Field OrderId AccountCode Warehouse Type 15 alpha 35 alpha 15 alpha Required Y Y Y Notes

If only one picking warehouse is in use, it is recommended that 1 is used in this field

PORef Name Address1 Address2 Address3 Address4 Address5 OrderDate DespatchDate Generic21 Generic22 Generic23 Generic24 Generic25 Generic26 Generic27 Generic28 Generic29 Generic30 Freetype21 Freetype22 Freetype23 Freetype24 Freetype25 Freetype26 Freetype27 Freetype28 Freetype29 Freetype30 Priority

128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 8 alpha 8 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha Integer





Boxes DeliveryNoteCode Primary key = OrderId

Integer 15 alpha


0 to 9. Lower numbers are automatically assigned to pickers first. 0 to 9. Coloured display may be configured on the MiniPick server. The total number of boxes to be used in order despatch.

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4.2.3 Sales Order Detail
mode=sodetail Field OrderId AccountCode LineNumber ProductCode Quantity PickedQuantity Generic31 Generic32 Generic33 Generic34 Generic35 Freetype31 Freetype32 Freetype33 Freetype34 Freetype35 Message Type 15 alpha 35 alpha Integer 35 alpha Decimal Decimal 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha Required Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N Notes

BoxNumber BinLocation

Integer 15 alpha


This may be used for order lines where no product description is available on the product file Only relevant for an order line that is already picked

Primary key = OrderId, LineNumber

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4.2.4 Goods Receiving Header
mode=manifestheader Field Type ManifestId 15 alpha SupplierCode 35 alpha Warehouse 15 alpha Required Y Y Y Notes May be purchase order id If only one picking warehouse is in use, it is recommended that 1 is used in this field

Reference Consignment Courier Name OrderDate DespatchDate Address1 Address2 Address3 Address4 Address5 Contact Telephone Generic51 Generic52 Generic53 Generic54 Generic55 Generic56 Generic57 Generic58 Generic59 Generic60 Freetype51 Freetype52 Freetype53 Freetype54 Freetype55 Freetype56 Freetype57 Freetype58 Freetype59 Freetype60

128 alpha 15 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 8 alpha 8 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 15 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha 128 alpha



Primary key = ManifestId, Consignment

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4.2.5 Goods Receiving Detail
mode=manifestdetail Field Type ManifestId 15 alpha Consignment 15 alpha OrderId 15 alpha SupplierCode 35 alpha LineNumber Integer ProductCode 35 alpha BondedStatus 0/1 ExpectedQuantity Decimal ReceivedQuantity Decimal Generic61 15 alpha Generic62 15 alpha Generic63 15 alpha Generic64 15 alpha Generic65 15 alpha Freetype61 128 alpha Freetype62 128 alpha Freetype63 128 alpha Freetype64 128 alpha Freetype65 128 alpha Required Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N Notes May be purchase order id

0 = clear, 1 = bonded

Primary key = ManifestId, Consignment, LineNumber

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MiniPick Integration Guide MPS1 5 Data Export

Data is exported from the MiniPick server as text files written to an export directory specified in the MiniPick implementation. The export directory must be different from the data import directory. The MiniPick server will not write to a directory that already has files in it. Therefore the process that reads the data files must archive to a different location or delete the exported files after processing so that more data can be exported on the next occasion. Sections of exported data will begin with a line specifying the data type in the format: mode= The final line of the data export file will be: mode=end When the MiniPick server has completed writing to a data file, it will write another empty file of the same name, but with a .ok file extension. This is to indicate that the data file is complete and ready for processing. Data fields will be separated by a tilde character (~). Note: It is possible that with future software upgrades more fields will be added to the data export file specifications. It is therefore highly recommended that any automatic processing of these exported files be written in such a way that fields added to the end of data records will not cause problems. (New fields will not be added at the beginning or in the middle of these specified layouts. Therefore these layout specifications will continue to show an accurate sequence of the fields that they specify.)

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5.1 Picked Orders
Orders will be exported from the MiniPick server in a text file named: picked.txt MiniPick will not export orders if there is already a file in the export directory with a conflicting file name. Therefore an alternative setting will cause text files to be named with the order id in the file name. With this setting, files will be named (for example): picked11221.txt picked11222.txt picked11223.txt The orders being exported from the MiniPick server will have been picked, partially picked, or not picked. This will be reflected in the Return Status of an order. The following order Return Status values may be used: 0 = Not Picked 1 = Partially Picked 2 = Fully Picked If an order is Not Picked, then the order lines will not be returned as they have no additional information. If substitutions are allowed, picked orders may include product substitutions. This will be shown by the value in the field SubstitutedLines. A zero in this field will indicate that no lines have been substituted. The following example of exported data shows a partially picked order, a completely picked order with a substitution, and a returned unpicked order: mode=orderheader 11221~CUST002~1~1~0~JACK~ mode=orderdetail 11221~CUST002~1~PROD005~10~10~ 11221~CUST002~2~PROD004~10~0~ 11221~CUST002~3~PROD003~10~10~ mode=orderheader 11222~CUST001~1~2~1~JACK~ mode=orderdetail 11222~CUST001~1~PROD002~220~230~ 11222~CUST001~2~PROD005~230~230~PROD003 mode=orderheader 11223~CUST001~1~0~0~~ mode=end

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5.1.1 Completed Order Header
Order header sections begin with the line: mode=orderheader These data sections have the following layout: Field Type OrderId 15 alpha AccountCode 35 alpha Warehouse 15 alpha ReturnStatus Integer SubstitutedLines Integer PickerId 15 alpha PickingNotes 128 alpha


0, 1, 2 0 or more

5.1.2 Completed Order Detail

Order detail sections begin with the line: mode=orderdetail These data sections have the following layout: Field Type OrderId 15 alpha AccountCode 35 alpha LineNumber Integer ProductCode 35 alpha Quantity Decimal PickedQuantity Decimal OriginalProduct 35 alpha BinLocation Box AdditionalBoxes 15 alpha Integer Integer


Quantity required Quantity picked Blank if no product substitution is made If the user is entering the box number by order line Count of additional boxes will be 0 unless more boxes are used than the Box number above

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5.2 Received Goods
Received Goods data will be exported from the MiniPick server in a text file named: received.txt MiniPick will not export data if there is already a file in the export directory with a conflicting file name. Therefore an alternative setting will cause text files to be named with the manifest id in the file name. With this setting, files will be named (for example): recieved821.txt received822.txt recieved823.txt The records being exported from the MiniPick server will represent a received goods manifest which may be un-received, partly, fully or over-received. The following Received Status values may be used: 0 = Not Received 1 = Partially Received 2 = Fully Received 3 = Over Received If any goods are received which were not on the expected manifest, then the record will be over-received. If received goods are recorded on a blank manifest without any explicit expected manifest, then the record will have a status of over-received. An un-received manifest will have no following detail records.

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5.2.1 Received Goods Header
Order header sections begin with the line: mode=receivedheader These data sections have the following layout: Field Type ReceivingId 15 alpha Consignment 15 alpha SupplierCode 35 alpha Courier 128 alpha Reference 128 alpha Warehouse 15 alpha ReceivedStatus Integer ReceivedDate 8 alpha ReceiverId 15 alpha Notes 128 alpha


0, 1, 2, 3 YYYYMMDD

5.2.2 Received Goods Detail

Order detail sections begin with the line: mode=receiveddetail These data sections have the following layout: Field Type ReceivingId 15 alpha Consignment 15 alpha OrderId 15 alpha SupplierCode 35 alpha LineNumber Integer ProductCode 35 alpha ExpectedQuantity Decimal ReceivedQuantity Decimal BondedStatus 0/1 BinLocation 15 alpha


Quantity required Quantity picked 0 = clear 1 = bonded

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5.3 Stock Location Transfer
Stock location transfers recorded on in MiniPick will be exported in files named Transfer followed by the transfer id (generated within MiniPick). For example: Transfer00001.txt Transfer00002.txt Transfer00003.txt

5.3.1 Stock Location Transfer Detail

Stock transfer sections begin with the line: mode=stocktransfer These data sections have the following layout: Field Type TransferId 15 alpha TransferDate 8 alpha TransferTime 4 alpha PickerId 15 alpha ProductCode 35 alpha FromWarehouse 15 alpha FromLocation 15 alpha FromBondedStatus 0/1 ToWarehouse 15 alpha ToLocation 15 alpha ToBondedStatus 0/1 Quantity Decimal Message 128 alpha


0 = clear, 1 = bonded

0 = clear, 1 = bonded

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5.4 Stock Take
Recorded stock take data will be exported in files named StockTake followed by the batchid. For example: StockTake12345.txt StockTake12346.txt StockTake12347.txt

5.4.1 Stock Take Batch Header

Stock take batch header sections begin with the line: mode=stocktakeheader These data sections have the following layout: Field Type BatchId 15 alpha CountDate 8 alpha CountTime 4 alpha PickerId 15 alpha Reference 128 alpha Warehouse 15 alpha


5.4.2 Stock Take Batch Detail

Stock take batch detail sections begin with the line: mode=stocktakedetail These data sections have the following layout: Field Type BatchId 15 alpha LineNumber Integer Warehouse 15 alpha Location 15 alpha BondedStatus 0/1 ProductCode 35 alpha ExpectedQuantity Decimal CountedQuantity Decimal


0 = clear, 1 = bonded

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