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Themodynamics Lab (0904345) Short Lab Report

Faculty of Engineering and Technology The University of Jordan, Amman-Jordan

Flow through a nozzle


It's needed to know the function of each nozzle type so in this experiment the convergent-parallel nozzle is studied by the pressure distribution through a nozzle at different ratios across it study. To do this study three different values of inlet air pressure across the nozzle and the pressure in each position of the nozzle is measured after that the function parameters is calculated. After doing this experiment it's shown that the pressure decreases slowly after the throat and the mass flow rate is the most effected by the pressure difference.

List of symbols

*P Po Vt R Pt Tt mt At

Critical pressure Pressure in the nozzle Chest Velocity at the throat specific heat ratio Gas constant Pressure at the throat Temperature in the nozzle Chest Mass flow rate at the throat Throat area

To understand how a nozzle works by study the pressure distribution through a nozzle .at different ratios across it

1. The back pressure valve (inlet valve) is opened while the probe is being kept in no. 1 position. 2. The inlet pressure is set to 400 KN/m2 (the inlet pressure and the chest pressure are noticed to be equal). 3. Chest pressure is to be observed throughout the experiment and re-adjusted to initial setting if necessary. 4. The probe pressure is recorded at each of the stations shown on the nozzle replica. 5. Procedures are repeated for other back pressure values (pressure in the exit pipe).

Data observed

The data collected by this experiment can be seen in table 1. Table1: change of gage pressure for the probe with position no. probe pressure [ Kpa ] for chest pressure = position no. 400 [Kpa] 300 [Kpa] 200 [Kpa] 1 400 300 200 2 400 300 200 3 400 300 200 4 400 300 200 5 400 300 200 6 400 300 200 7 400 300 200 8 400 300 200 9 399 300 200 10 380 282 190 11 330 242 160 12 290 218 141 13 280 210 136 14 270 202 130 15 260 200 129 16 250 190 123 17 240 185 119 18 240 182 118 19 240 180 115 20 240 178 110 21 240 170 108 22 240 162 101 23 230 160 100 24 224 160 99 25 220 158 92 26 203 150 90 27 200 141 88 28 187 139 80 29 189 129 79 30 165 120 71 31 150 110 61 32 117 78 38 33 0 0 0

Atmospheric pressure = 890 mbar Atmospheric temperature = 20 C ** Throat at position no.11

Sample calculations

For 300 KPa chest pressure Abs Po = 300+89 =389 [KPa] Abs Pt = 242+89 = 331 [KPa] P* = 0.528 Po = 0.528 * 389 = 205.392 [KPa] Vt = (2* * R *To /( -1) *(1- (Pt/Po)^( (-1)/ ))^.5 ( 2*1.4 * 287 *293 /( 1.4-1) *(1-(331/389)^( (1.4-1)/ 1.4))^.5 = 162.905 [m/s] At = / 4( (throat diameter)2 (probe diameter)2 ) / 4( (4.77)2 (3.33)2 ) = 2.453 mm2 mt = At * Po * (Pt/Po)^(1/ ) * ( 2* / (R *To * ( -1) ) * (1- (Pt/Po)^( (-1)/ ))^.5 2.453 *10^-6 389*10^3 * (331/389) ^ (1/1.4) * ( 2*1.4 /( 287 *293 *( 1.4-1) ) * (1(331/389)^( (1.4-1)/ 1.4))^.5 = 0.0016 [Kg/s] Pressure ratio = back pressure / Po 89 / 389 = 0.2288

Results and discussions

After calculate the parameters it can be seen in table 2. Table 2 : change of critical pressure, velocity at the throat, mass flow rate and Pressure ratio with chest pressure.
Gage chest pressure [KPa] Absolute chest pressure [KPa] Critical pressure [KPa] Velocity at the throat [m/s] Mass flow rate [Kg/s] Pressure ratio [KPa/KPa]

200 300 400

289 389 489

152.592 205.392 258.192

156.617 162.905 159.429

0.0012 0.0016 0.0020

0.3080 0.2288 0.1820

*Table 2 show that the critical pressure increases with chest pressure but it still bellow the throat pressure this is important for condition of chocking. *The velocity at the throat is much closed this may happened because it depends in the ratio of the throat pressure to the chest pressure which is closed for each chest pressure. *The mass flow rate is increases with chest pressure because the increase in inlet pressure increases the power to flow ( p*v = energy). *The pressure ratio decreases because the bake pressure is constant and this change can justify the relation in figure1 between pressure ratio and mass flow rate at the throat.

Figure 1:

Pressure ratio versus Mass flow rate at the throat

*Figure 1 show that the mass flow rate decreases with increasing of pressure ratio because the pressure ratio represent the ratio of the bake pressure (a reversed pressure force) to the inlet pressure so when it increase the resistance to flow increase and the mass flow rate decreases. *To focus a little in the collected data figure 2 shows the absolute pressure variation with the distance along the nozzle.

Figure 2:

Position no. Versus Absolute probe pressure for each chest pressure

*Figure 2 shows a sudden drop in the probe pressure at position 11 which the throat position when the area become small so the pressure decreases. After that the decreases in pressure become very slow because the area become constant in the convergent-parallel nozzle, then it sudden go to zero gage because the probe go out the nozzle to the back pressure.

Summary and conclusion

This experiment show that the pressure decreases slowly after the throat and the mass flow rate is the most effected by the pressure difference, this can help to select suitable nozzle for specific function such control mass flow rate or velocity in awater jet, jet engine etc.

Sources of errors
1. Human errors In reading the Pressure Gauges whether in setting chest pressure or in recording probe pressure. 2. Equipments errors Like uncertainty in gauges and ability of leakage and other sources. These errors can be decreased by using more precise equipments and more careful in the work.

Thermodynamics Lab manual: by the Mechanical Engineering Department in the University of Jordan.

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