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Performance Comparison of TCP variants over AODV, DSDV, DSR, OLSR in NS-2

Md. Monzur Morshed*, Meftah Ur Rahman, Md. Habibur Rahman, Md. Rafiqul Islam

Presented by:,


Monzur Morshed

TigerHATS - Information is power

The International Research group dedicated to Theories, Simulation and Modeling, New Approaches, Applications, Experiences, Development, Evaluations, Education, Human, Cultural and Industrial Technology

Main Idea of our paper

The main idea of this paper is observing the behavior of 4 (aodv, dsdv, dsr, olsr) routing protocols over TCP variants such as Reno, New-Reno, Tahoe and Vegas in Mobile Ad hoc Networks environment.

In this paper,

An empirical study has been done by simulation and analysis of TCP variations under AODV, DSDR, DSR, OLSR routing protocol We studied multiple variations of TCP, such as Reno, New-Reno, Vegas, and Tahoe We carried out observations for different TCP packets under several QoS metrics such as Drop, Throughput, Delay, and Jitter

Overview of Simulated Routing Protocols

AODV - Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing protocol (AODV) is an on demand routing protocol. To find a route to the destination, the source node floods the network with Route Request packets. DSDV - Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector routing protocol (DSDV) is one of the most well known table-driven routing algorithms for MANETs which is based on the Distributed Bellman-Ford algorithm. DSR - Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) is a kind of source routing based on two procedures: route discovery and route maintenance. OLSR - Optimized Link State Routing protocol (OLSR) is based on link state algorithm and it is proactive in nature.

Overview of TCP variants

Tahoe - Tahoe refers to the TCP congestion control algorithm which was suggested by Van Jacobson in his paper. Reno - It retains the basic principle of Tahoe, such as slow starts and the coarse grain re-transmit timer. However it adds some intelligence over it so that lost packets are detected earlier and the pipeline is not emptied every time a packet is lost. New-Reno - New-Reno is a slight modification over TCP-Reno. It is able to detect multiple packet losses and thus is much more efficient that RENO in the event of multiple packet losses. Vegas - Vegas is a TCP implementation which is a modification of Reno. It builds on the fact that proactive measures to encounter congestion are much more efficient than reactive ones.

Simulation Topology & Parameters


Result Analysis & Graphs

We have carried out our simulation for four types of TCP variants and analyzed TCP variants over AODV, DSDV, DSR, and OLSR where NewReno, Reno, Tahoe and Vegas performance are respectively (NewReno) drop rate = 1.04 %; delivery rate = 97.85 %; total receiving throughput = 49.96 % for DSDV, (Reno) drop rate = 1.49 %; delivery rate = 98.51 %; total receiving throughput = 61.36 % for AODV, (Tahoe) drop rate = 1.59 %; delivery rate = 98.41 %; total receiving throughput = 58.31 % for AODV, (Vegas) drop rate = 0.33 %; delivery rate = 99.67 %; total receiving throughput = 63.09 % for DSR. From our simulation study we have found that Vegas performs better over AODV, DSDV, DSR and OLSR than NewReno, Reno and Tahoe, where drop rate = 0.47 %; delivery rate = 99.53 %; total receiving throughput = 61.26 % for AODV, drop rate = 0.79 %; delivery rate = 99.21 %; total receiving throughput = 51.34 % for DSDV, drop rate = 0.33 %; delivery rate = 99.67 %; total receiving throughput = 63.09 % for DSR, drop rate = 0.91 %; delivery rate = 99.09 %; total receiving throughput = 62.90 % for OLSR. Considering the performance on the variants of TCP, Vegas shows the highest efficiency and performs best. So we can conclude that in terms of drop rates, delivery rates and total receiving throughput, Vegas is clearly best among the four variants.


Thank you
Bangladeshi Scientists and Researchers Network

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