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The S.O is empowered to issue change orders which has to has to be confirmed in writing. These changes would not weaken the contract. Variation is defined as: a) Alternation or modification of the design, quality or quantity of work shown in the drawings, BQ and specification. b) Addition, omission or substitution of work. c) Alteration or removal in the kind or standard or any materials or goods to be used in the works for the contract. 47. Payment to contractor and interim certificates. a) Valuation of work done after contractor has executed work, S.O. shall make evaluation of the work so that payment can be made to Contractor. b) Issue of interim certificate within 14 day from valuation, S.O. shall issue Interim Certificate to Contractor. Contractor has returned the Letter Acceptance of Tender duly signed and has deposited with the S.O or the Government the relevant the insurance policies. c) Sum to the be certified in Interim Certificate sum to be certified in Interim Certificate subject to agreement between parties that payment by stages.75% of the value of unfixed material and good delivered might be estimated the cost. Only protected against weather, damage or deterioration. d) Payment of Interim Certificate government shall make interim payment on the amount certified to Contractor within 30days or period stated in the said Certificate (Appendix). 16. Employment of workmen. a) Malaysian Citizens - The contractor shall employ inly Malaysia citizen as workmen - The contractor can only employ non- Malaysia citizen if he can satisfy the S.O. and can prove that Malaysian citizen are not available for some particular trades or skills that required completing the work. - Employment of non-Malaysia citizen is still subject to the approval of the Ministry of Labour and Manpower b) Ratio of workmen - The ratio of Malaysia citizen who shall be employed by the Contractor in the executions of the contract shall reflect the racial ratio of the citizens of the country as prescribed by the Government from time to time. c) Particulars of labour - The contractor shall furnish all particulars in respect of labour employed by him to the Department of Labour on the commencement of the works in accordance with requirement of the Employment Ordinance 1955, employment (Restriction) Act

1968, and Internal Security (Registration of Labour) Regulation 1960 or any subsequent modification or re-enactment. d) Source of labour - All workmen employed in connection with the works shall he employed from the district where the work are situated. - Employment of workmen form other districts only can be done if such workmen are not available in the said district. - The contractor shall immediately arrange with the Local Labour Office, District Officer to effect such employment after receipt of acceptance of tender. e) On-site training programme - The contractor shall employ the works trainees provided by the Manpower Department, Ministry of Labour and Manpower fir the purpose of providing site training to the worker if required by the Government. 36. Insurance of works The contactor shall in the join names of the Government and Contractor insure against loss and damage by fire, lighting, explosion, storm, flood, ground subsidence and other, including material and goods so insured until the completion of the whole Works.

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