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Three main AIMS of Bharat Swabhiman: To bring back 400 lakh crores of Black Money Stashed in Foreign banks and markets, to eradicate corruption FROM THE COUNTRY, to bring transformation in the society based on the principles of Economic Independence, thereby imparting social justice to all the citizens of our mother-land Main Argument of Economic Independence and Change in Society. 01. Economic Independence: It is a well know fact that our country has attained religious and political Independence from Britishers, but we are lagging behind in Socio Economical Independence. As a result of this 99% of Indian population is facing social and economical injustice. Citizens are betrayed through High Tax - Burdens, Dumping Up Foreign Companies On Our Land and thus killing Indian markets, Theft in Natural Resources by Unscrupulous Affluent Individuals(totally un challenged), Improper Education and Medical Systems, Uncontrolled _ Price Rise as well as Partiality in Budget allocation . A huge amount of nation's money to the tune of Rupees 400 lakh crores has been stolen and stashed in foreign markets and Foreign Banks in the form of Black Money and the process still continues unabated. By adopting socio economic principle we have to withdraw forthwith the 64 types of levied on us and collect 2% transaction tax only As a result of this the Government can raise Rupees 30 lakh crores of fund for spending towards all - round development of the country as well as for the Defense of our Nation. This will transform as as one time and permanent solution for rooting out the Corruption, Black Money ,Black Market practices and Fake currency problem . This will enable India to emerge as a powerful economic power, standing exemplary to others. Ours would be a Strong Nation. This theory of Economic Independence itself will pave the way for social transformation. Our countrymen will receive social justice. This also relieves the citizens of India 99% from the interference of political leaders and Government Machinery. Today India and China are being considered as fastest developing economies, but in these two nations the one which implements the policy of, single transaction tax, would become world super power. It is a known fact that the Black money belonging to our nation has been stashed in the U S and UK markets and currently these markets are under recession and highly debt ridden. So it implies that Indian property stashed in US and European Markets in the form of black money has to be brought back to India forthwith on war foot basis lest the late decisions if any should cost huge losses to our countrys interests. Four main advantages of the new policy of taxation (2% Transaction Tax), Judicious Economic system or Economic Independence. Primary Benefit: The reason for inflationary tendencies uncontrolable in India is 01. Heavy Tax Burdens, 02. Fall in Production 03. High Capital Investments / expenditure, 04. Black Marketing (Or) Share Market fluctuations Etc. If these factors of reformations in the system are implemented with keen interest, the price -hike will be totally redressed. Taxes to the tune of 50% on Gas, Diesel, Petrol, whereas by 30 to 50% on other consumables are levied. Once these taxes are withdrawn there will be a direct

reduction of cost on fuel by 50% and on other daily consumables (Tooth Brush, Paste, body soaps, washing soaps, Shoes) by 25 to 50%. Secondary Benefit: By rolling back all unnecessary taxes and by implementing the Single Transaction Tax Policy (2% Transaction Tax), prices will be lowered, this will result in savings and proportionately increase the Income source. By such taxation policy and relieving the citizens from tax burdens, all our citizens will become prosperous Third Benefit: Most of the Black Money stashed away into in the foreign Banks and foreign markets, or the one that is stationed with in the country, are secured in the form of higher denomination currency. If such high denomination currency greater than 50 Rupee value are recalled by the central finance ministry in concurrence with Reserve bank of India and adopting the policy of levying only 2% Transaction Tax ,will lead to eradication of parallel economy of Black Money while reductions take place in the tax burdens on common man. When such positive steps take place, the citizens will be free from the corrupt and unethical practices, consequently the developed countries will be attracted to pour their investments and also the Non resident Indians return to invest their monies in India. In such situation we will consider the F.D.I investments according to the interests of our own country.. Still this will lead to increase in FDI and pay route for flow of investments to our Country. The black money stashed in the foreign markets has to be declared as Nation's Wealth and to be brought back to Nation's Treasury. By this India will emerge as powerful economic centre in the entire world? This will result in increase in the value of Indian Rupee compared to the US Dollar or UK Pound. .As a result of this, the dignity of our country, our citizens as well as our currency will be highly appreciated. Within a very few years the head - offices of IMF , World Bank , UNO,WTO , WHO will be opened in our country, and under the leadership of Bharat a new world order will be arisen. Based on the principles equality, justice oriented development, peace and tranquility will be established in the world. By recalling the higher denomination currency, which has its presence in 93% of cash transactions, it will lead to the closure of all paths for corruption as well as black -money and will enable India to emerge as the Super Economic - Power in the entire world. Fourth Benefit: Bharat Swabhimans aim for bringing a transformation in the society by implementing 7 policy formulae namely 01. Gramoddharana (up lifting the villages) 02. Imparting Equal Education 03. Best Medical Practices 04. Irrigation 05. Drinking Water 06. Hygienity and 07. Raising State Funds for Elections.

For implementing these formulae there is a necessity of funds. Where does Bharat Swabhiman get these funds for implementing the above formulae? This is a common doubt which rises in every citizens mind. Bharat Swabhiman has a solution for the above doubt. As per the information furnished by Reserve Bank of India, it is projected that in India Bank transactions worth Rs. 2.5 lakh crore takes place every day. So the transactions estimated per year amounts to 750 Lakh Crore. If a transaction tax @ the rate of 2% is levied on the above said value the

revenue generated is estimated at a value of 15 Lakh Crore. In the subsequent years if assumed that currency above the value of Rs. 50/- is called back this results as a check for the un accounted money and all the transactions are routed through banks only. This will result in doubling the tax collection valued at 30 Lakh Crore Rupees. This helps the country in coming out of fiscal deficit and leads to the developing path. By calling back the higher currency notes the unethical monitory transactions can be avoided and higher currency notes can be abolished. There is a saying that One can hide a Pin but not an Elephant .Similarly transactions with lower denomination notes cannot be hided. I Main Principle of Economic Independence: 01. By abolishing all types of taxes (excluding Export - Import and Excise duty) and levying only 2% Bank Transaction Tax (BTT), the revenue thus generated from such BTT can be distributed among the Central (0.7%) State (0.6%) Local governing bodies (0.35%) and Banks (0.35%) in a sequence. 02. Currency notes of higher denominations above Rs.50 can be withdrawn from circulation, and no taxes should be levied on rural common man's transactions which will be naturally in small denomination (cash). 03. Government has to formulate an act stating that Cash Transactions ranging above 2-5 thousand Rupees are illegal; this result in all the transactions in shops, manufacturing companies should going through Cheques, Drafts, Debit and Credit Cards of the Banks. Few Questions and Answers relevant to Economic Independence. 01. Question: In the process of expanded Supply Chain for any trade and manufacturing company what would be the Tax component involved? Answer: In the process of trade the final product to reach the consumer passes through 3 to 4 persons (C & F, Wholesaler & Retailer) this involves in a tax component of 6 to 8% in the initial years of trade and the subsequent years it will come down to 3 to 4 % as some of the mediators can be eliminated. 02. Question: Currently there is no tax for income holders having income less than or equal to 2.00 lakh rupees per year as well as on Farmers. If transaction Tax is implemented will it impact this segment? Answer: It should be understood that for any product consumed by the consumer there will be a saving of 50% and the tax component is only 2%. The present situation is when farmers sell their produce (Wheat, Rice, Sugar cane) etc. There will be no tax on such sale. But the consumer has to bear a tax component of 2%. The reason is the transaction tax is levied only on purchase but not sale. When all other existing taxes are eliminated there will be a saving of 30-50% on fertilizers, Seeds, Agricultural implements like Tractors , fuel , cooking gas. 03. Question: What would be the Tax Component to be paid annually by Traders, Employees Artisans? Answer: As per the current Tax Policy, The Indian Citizen is burdened with VAT component ranging from 4-12% , Excise approximately 16% , Service Tax 10% , Income Tax 30%, Stamp

Duty 10% similarly Road Tax, property Tax, Water Tax, Education cess and others. If Transaction Tax is implemented the Indian citizen has to pay only 2% of Transaction Tax, and in the coming years this can be brought down to 1%. By this all sections of people in India (Poor, Rich) are benefited. 04. Question: What will be the Tax Collection in G.D.P in current Tax Policy?

Answer: In America approximately 29% of GDP, In UK nearly 39%, in Sweeden 54% and in India Lakhs crore Rupees are invested on the Taxation authorities. 32 types of tax policies are formulated in India and Rs. 12 lakh Crores of Revenues are generated in India by way of Taxes. This tax revenue contributes 18% to our GDP. If new Tax reforms (2% Transaction Tax) are implemented, the revenue generation for the 1st Year will be 15 Lakh Crores and subsequent years revenue generation is estimated to be 30 lakh Crore Rupees. Similarly if Corruption and Black Money are eliminated from our economy, FDI shows a growth, our economy will emerge as super power in the entire world paving for full employment opportunities. In the new proposed tax reform the revenue generated vide transaction tax in the villages will be reinvested in villages only. The reason is in new tax reform the movement of revenue will be from bottom to top unlike the movement of revenue is from top to bottom in the current existing Taxation Policy. Also when the revenue is moving from top to bottom moving several hands the substantial amount of revenue is misutilized at various levels.


Question: Will there be any Tax Theft in the New proposed Taxation Policy?

Answer: In this new tax policy BTT the possibility of Tax Theft is almost 99% nil. The reason the collection of Tax happens before the Money is deposited to the bank accounts. Beginning with the Idea of Economic Independence up to the total revolution, the arguments we made are neither illusions nor day dreams. These arguments are based on logical calculations and mere facts. It is an Open challenge to any Economist, Leader, Logical interpreter in the world who dares to prove these issues as false; such person will be rewarded with gifts worth his choice. II. Imparting Justice to Indian Villages and Eradication of Poverty Power and budget allocations should be made proportionately in accordance with the population of the Villages, poor people, workers and farmers. Discrimination and partiality in the evaluation of their labor value should be eliminated and thus they should be provided with economic and social justice. The land acquisition act pushing the farmers into the unskilled labor segment, designed and implemented by the British rule is still continuing in India. This is a fact to be felt ashamed. All our ancestors once upon a time hail from rural villages only. The soul of India has its roots in villages. We should put our efforts to remove the barrier between Shining India and Poor India. III. Equal Education System Free Education comprising of rich spiritual values and cultures to be equally imparted to all the students of the Nation. By this the Indian youth grow with good character and become the protectors of Nation rather than becoming anti social. In Germany , France , China, Japan the higher education is taught in their national language Similarly even in India if the higher education is imparted in the our own language, it enables the

rural population also to get such education and compete with the Urban population. By such education system the students from the rural areas can also emerge as Engineers, Doctors, Scientists, IAS and IPS officers. We are not opposing the existing modernization, technology, development and knowledge, but at the same time looking for education in our own languages parallel to that of English. IV. Equal Medical System: 84 Crores of Indian population is not benefited with the primary medical facilities in the process of ongoing national development. All these people should be provided with equal medical facilities in similar type of hospital free of cost. Does the right to receive good medical facilities and living conditions ends only with the rich? As per the figures given by the Government 65 to 70% of the population approximately are unable to get costly allopathic medicine. Similarly with in the 30 to 35 % of Indian population who are attempting for treatment, 50% of such populations are forced to borrow money or liquidate their properties for the expenses of treatment. 70% of Indian population can easily get through the traditional treatment. Indian medical science can cure 90 to 99% of diseases of the patients. This requires an elaborate study and coordination. V Election Reforms: State Funding Election, Compulsory Voting, Conducting elections in single point of time and the election of country's Prime Minister directly by voters. If qualified and eligible person without any criminal and anti social background enters the Parliament and State Assemblies, then only the democracy of the country flourishes. Such person can effectively formulate good laws in the interest of the nation strengthening the national development. Revenues generated through taxes will be judiciously and safely spent by them for Nation's development. VI Administrative Process and Central Level: a new governance should be administered for the purpose of the Irrigation, Drinking water system, Sanitary and Hygiene systems with a national policy. . Also a policy for national property, resources, administration and protection, as well as adequate and accurate methods for population control should be formulated forth with, which enables the nation to reach the developmental heights. VII. Abolish THE Black - Laws The Government should take immediate steps to abolish the Land acquisition Act, similarly law for prohibition of drugs and alcohol to be formulated and protect the country from such addictions. Similarly as per the wish of our Father of the Nation , Mahatma Gandhi ji, the enactments made by Britishers to suit their interests, which are 34,785 in number should be partially or completely abolished or suitably amended. There will be no room for violence and anti social activities in a country where social justice , proper economic planning does exist . NEED FOR THE REFORMATIONS IN THE SYSTEM: Taking advantage of the loop - holes in the administrative system of initiated during foreign slavery and the same system still prevailing in our country, the capitalists numbering at 1% of the Indian population as well as some corrupt people are restlessly looting the nation, national resources, as well as the citizens of the country. 10% of the Indian Population are benefited by the present order of the system where as 90% of the people are subjected to gross injustice and repression.

Question: How can the 3 proposals of Bharat Swabhiman, economic independence and transformation of the system can be implemented? How a total revolutionary change takes place in the system? Answer: 01. Existing Government at Center: In a democratic country like India, the power to implement all this vests solely with the Parliament. Hence it is the responsibility of the government at the Centre to initiate its action in this regard. 02. Opposition in Parliament: If the Government at the center fails in implementing the right policy, it is the duty of the opposition to come together and raise the issue in parliament for implementation. Pressure should be put up on the Government from street to Parliament. The Parliament session should not be allowed until the Government does not take decision to implement these issues and policies. Still if the present Government does not act rightly on these issues, the same points should be projected before the electorate in the forth coming elections so that people's verdict would be in favor of those who will implement them soon. 03. PUBLIC In democracy there exist a common feature, "Public Support Decides the Victory" Dictatorship should not to allow in a democracy. All the people, villages, poor, workers, farmers irrespective of caste and religion (Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian) should stay at their respective places and debate on the reforms in the System. People of old ages sitting at discussion center in village, people of new generation through Facebook, Blog, SMS, email should carry the message of the reforms in System. People at their workplaces, houses, schools, colleges should go - on discussing the reforms in the system and keep the revolution alive. All the political parties may be compelled to include these issues in their election - manifestos, and Parliament may have to enact such laws and policies, which will be implemented accordingly. We are not dwelling in ignominious poverty not because of our religion, caste & creed (being a Hindu or Muslim) nor because of the sins carried forward from our previous births, but it is happening mainly because of wrong economical policies and laws of ante people's nature. We are subjected to gross injustice and exploitation which cannot be ignored by us. Some corrupt and ante - national elements in our country have looted nearly 400 Lakh crores of rupees till today, kept it in the form of black money and the robbery is still going on. On the rear side, 84 crore people of our population are suffering with poverty and hunger. If not now when shall we wake up? Every year 10 lakh crore rupees are looted in the form of medical expenditure, , 10 lakh crore rupees are robbed in the form of vices and 10 lakh crore of rupees in the form of trading activities of foreign companies. If we do not realize even at this late movement, stand up unitedly for protecting ourselves as well as our interests, wouldnt you feel that the entire country is going to be robbed forever? Role of Bharat Swabhiman Karya Kartha 01. Yoga Service. By the practice of Yoga, we can become free from disease and addictions. We can protect ourselves from the lootings resorted to by foreign companies, and with the intention of building character , personality and nation building, one can cater 1 to 2 hours for

yoga practice in the daily life. Else please join yourself as Permanent working member (Poornakalika karyakartha) and devote your rest of life for this Nobel cause .While standing for reinforcing happiness in the lives of 121 crores of Indians through their upliftment ,encourage others also to join as active workers of our movement. 02. Inculcate the habit of implementing three Vows Yog, Swadeshi, and Swabhiman vows. The person who practice yoga becomes free from disease, vices, ignorance and will lead a superior life. By implementing the vow of Swadeshi the Indian companies would flourish and the revenue generated in Indian markets would be circulated in Indian markets only and this will pave the way for nation's development. When a person takes up the vow of Swabhiman , the person mingling with various people where ever he goes spreads the message and three main objectives of Bharat Swabhiman as well as Economic reforms and thereby creates an atmosphere for such reforms. Top most priority will be given by him for this. 03. Meditation and Realization early in the morning: Wake up early in the morning, pray God Almighty, mother-land, parents, our ancestors, saints, preachers and your teachers (Gurus) and feel their physical presence in your own soul. This prompts you to become real son of God, true son of Mother - India, a patriot, devotee of parents, and real son of sages, and having emancipation from sluggishness, ignorance, doubting nature and confusion etc. lead a life filled with full of vigor, enthusiasm, happiness, peace ,satisfaction and delight every minute and every day. Even if 1% of people adapt themselves for this noble cause on high priority and will work with burning desire, then the task of character building as well as national building would be completed soon. I am not finding any other task or aim greater than this. I pray God Almighty to light the incessant fire in the hearts of all our Indians, for the transformation of the system.

OUR FATE: After attaining independence for the past 64 Years, out of the following 9 factors for our growth, namely Food, Cloth, Shelter, Education, Medicine, Security, Electricity, Water and Roads, the leaders who led us till date did not allow the 84 crore people to think beyond the first one i.e. Food.

Your Role Expected in the National Service of Divine Transformation: Please cater your valuable time of 1 hour per day or I day per week for this transformation. Else you become an active or a full-time worker and contribute yourself to this National holy fire. Some of the burning issues debatable across the country! 01. Should we not get back the Nations money Rupees 400 Lakh Crore stashed in foreign Banks and Markets? 02. Should the corruption not to be rooted out?

03. When we can generate substantial revenue for the all round development of the country as well as control price rise, poverty, corruption and black - money, just by collecting 2% BTT ;why the robbery in the guise tax shouldn't be put -off forth with ? 04. Shouldn't all the citizen of India enjoy equal rights in the fields of education and medicine? 05. Can't we frame up an integrated national strategy for the Irrigation, Drinking Water, Pollution control, National Resources Management and Population control? 06. Should we not stop the gross injustice resorted to on the farmers taking advantage of the Land Acquisition Act? 07. Shouldnt the villages, poor, workers, artisans, suppressed, and peasants be given share in the power as well as the budget allocations in proportionate to their population? Should we not remove the partiality exhibited while their labor value is being determined? 08. Political leaders should be questioned by people as to why they are being burdened with additional taxes of 32 types whereas, collecting just 2% Transaction tax would be sufficient for undertaking all the developmental activities. 09. If we bring back the black money stashed in the foreign markets amounting to Rs.400 lakh crore which enables India to emerge as super power, why the looted money is not brought back?

From one corner few dishonest ante- national elements are looting the nation's wealth mercilessly, they are joined by the drug mafia ,the foreign companies and also those countries where the black money is deposited by these corrupt persons , similarly those odd persons in the world who do not taste the fact as to one renounced saint or Indian culture to be established with dignity in the world scenario ; - all these evil forces with a treacherous plot made a futile attempt to tarnish the image of the dignified personality of Indian sanyaasa tradition , culture so also this greatest movement. Is this forming only because of the fact that this yogi is born in a middle class Indian agricultural family? Or does this infer to presume that a normal person or a yogi has no right to be vocal on the happenings and hard realities in the society?

If at all you have a strong desire to put an end to this injustice, iniquity and sin you extend your full support and join with the main stream of this movement instantly today itself and put up all your might in the advancement of this great movement and come forward for defending the Mother -Land .

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