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Agilent E6474A Analysis Solution

Product Overview

The Agilent Analysis Solution is a post-processing optimization platform that analyzes cellular interface data that was collected using the E6474A Drive-Test Wireless Network Optimization Software. The data streams being analyzed are combined in the collection system and come from two sources: Air Interface - data fields that relate to the users specific radio technology Navigation - a position (or geodetic reference) and time stamp for each data reading This combined data lets you evaluate the characteristics of the cellular system, to determine problem areas, and plan improvements based on time of day and the physical location of the data readings.

Getting to the root of your problems.

Software Overview
The Analysis Solution (also know as G-Station or Gladiator) provides visual representations of collected drive-test data through a variety of tools including tables, maps, graphs and statistical windows, allowing you to: Examine the characteristics of the radio environment based on the data collected for your network. Identify the problems in your current cellular network. Use the current analysis of your system to determine the optimum network configurations needed to meet future demands. Create presentations and reports internal to the software or externally by exporting analyses in formats supported by most common office applications. The wireless information available for analysis depends on the technology and the data collection system used. Data may include: Signal Strength Information data to help evaluate network coverage Call Processing data to help evaluate the handling of calls on the network Quality data to determine the state of a network from a subscribers viewpoint The Analysis Solution processes and analyzes complex attributes of the air interface, such as signaling primitives, RF field strength, bit error rate and audio quality, as measured from RF communication networks. The solution can process numerous measurements to create dynamic map overlays, performance charts, statistical graphs and tables to support confident decision-making. The Analysis Solution software supports all major technologies with appropriate analysis tools for 2G/2.5G (GSM/GPRS/EDGE), 3G (cdma2000/EvDO/UMTS/HSPA) and 4G (WiMAX and LTE) technologies. The platform features include:

Visualization capabilities
Table view view of data in tabular format Graph view charting of the measured data Map view geographical display of the data Decoder window display of the decoded protocol messages Replay view allows replay of the measured data Worksheet display of data in spreadsheet format

Analyses capabilities
The Analysis Solution provides an extensive set of analysis tools for each of the supported technologies. The analyses are streamlined through a six step optimization process that is designed to help you complete the most common engineering post-processing tasks (see Figure 1).
Step 1: Coverage Step 2: Pollution Step 3: Neighbor list Step 4: Events Step 5: Troubleshooting Step 6: KPI Reports

Figure 1. The six step engineering process

Development capabilities
The Analysis Solution offers a set of tools for application development. The application development tools lets you extend the capabilities of the platform. This is known as the Custom Report Generator (CRG). The Custom Report Generator (CRG) is a reporting engine that lets you create custom reports. These reports are created through a simple to use GUI and produces Excel format output.

Analysis Solution Views

The Analysis Solution supports several powerful views for presentation of measured data. They are listed as follows: Table view: The table view (Figure 2) offers presentation of the measured data stored in the Analysis Solution database. Along with data visualization, the table view offers features that allow for detailed data mining. The results of data mining can be exported into several other data formats. The table view is a principle view for presentation of the outputs from the Analysis Solution message decoders and the call flow state machine.

Figure 2. Examples of Analysis Solution table views Features include: Filtering of data - build complex boolean filters to display to data you want to focus on Color coding results - highlight data points Data pivoting - change data layout to explore information relationships Exporting - export tables or sections from tables in a variety of common formats

Graph view: The graph view (Figure 3) shows data in the form of various chart types. The charts are highly customizable and can easily be incorporated into high quality presentations and reports.

Figure 3. Examples of Analysis Solution graph views


Features include: Stacked or overlaid charts Zoom in and out - to see important data change points Synchronization between map and table data Saving graphs - save important graphs and recall them later for more analysis Select data - portions of graphs can be selected and analyzed

Map view: The map view (Figure 4) is used for the presentation of geographically referenced data. The Analysis Solution Map view is based on the Pitney Bowes MapXtreme engine and supports all Mapinfo data types (MIF, TAB, GRD etc.). The Map view provides a comprehensive set of features which include: Replay of data Support for Google Earth and Terra Server Various capabilities for data display: Neighbor analysis Spider (star mode) Spatial filtering Polygon-based filtering, and many others.

Figure 4. Analysis Solution worksheet and map views

Analysis Solution Toolboxes

The Analysis Solution toolboxes provide single-click utilities for troubleshooting problems in cellular network operation. A toolbox is available for each supported cellular technology. The content of a toolbox is divided into the following sections: Area analyses used for troubleshooting network problems occurring over large geographical areas. Problems such as coverage issues (uplink and downlink), interference or pollution problems and missing neighbors. Area analyses can be performed using measured data from a phone, data card or digital RF receivers. Each analysis is thoroughly documented and may be used in either an interactive mode or in a batch automated mode. Event analyses used for troubleshooting call events. Event analyses automatically detect abnormally terminated events like dropped calls and blocked calls, and perform their analysis, automatically diagnosing the problem. As part of the events analyses the Analysis Solution incorporates a sophisticated set of decoders which support protocol analysis of each placed call and accurate call classification algorithms. In many cases a recommendation on how to solve the problem is also provided. Reports used for automatic reporting of the network performance indicators. The reports support statistical evaluation of any measured parameter and polygon filtering. KPI Module used for compliance testing. The Analysis Solution KPI module comes with a large predefined set of commonly used KPIs. New KPIs are easily added. Utilities a set of features used to adjust KPI default settings and evaluation of the primary reuse plan of the network or neighbor list planning.

An example of outputs from an Analysis Solution analysis are shown in Figure 5. Mapping features like site data, star mode and neighbor data help you identify the problems with increased accuracy. The output of the analysis is designed to guide engineers towards the appropriate course of action. To facilitate the workflow, the toolbox analyses are streamlined through the six-step optimization process. Each step is supported by an appropriate set of analyses that are executed with a single click.

Figure 5. Example of the output from the Analysis Solution The optimization process embedded within Analysis Solution toolboxes is standardized, streamlined and easily repeatable. Additionally, through the Analysis Solutions reporting engine (Custom Report Generator), the set of the toolbox analyses can be easily expanded to encompass market specific and non-standard reports.

Computing Platform
Operating system:
Microsoft Windows XP SP3, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP2 or Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 or higher Minimum: CPU: Memory: Disk space for G-Station: Disk space for data: Recommended: CPU: Memory: Disk space for G-Station: Disk space for data: Intel QuadCore 2GHz or equivalent 4GB RAM 1.3GB 50GB Intel Core2Duo 1.6GHz or equivalent 1GB RAM 1.3GB 5GB

Product Conguration
The Analysis Solution software options are shown in Table 1. These options let you create post-processing configurations that are suitable for particular optimization needs. Option
E6474A-910 E6474A-911

Analysis Solution Custom Report Generator for Analysis Solution

Table 1. Analysis Solution configuration options The Analysis Solution needs at least one of these technology-based toolbox license to run (Table 2): Option
E6474A-915 E6474A-916 E6474A-917 E6474A-918 E6474A-919

GSM/GPRS/EDGE Technology Toolbox License UMTS/HSPA Technology Toolbox License CDMA2000/1xEVDO Technology Toolbox License WiMAX Technology Toolbox License LTE Technology Toolbox License

Table 2. Toolbox options These technology-based toolbox licenses provide protocol decoder and pre-defined reports for the chosen technology. The Custom Report Generator option (E6474A-911) lets you create custom reports through a simple to use GUI and produces Excel format output.

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This information is subject to change without notice. Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2010 Printed in UK, 25 January, 2010 5990-4996EN

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